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Summary Studies have been performed on the precipitation of a cell wall protein, isolated from the marine green algaAcetabularia, from dilute aqueous solutions over the pH range where the -helical conformation is maintained. The major purpose of this study was to establish the molecular conformation of a naturally occurring polypeptide of a molecular weight of 14,000 in the precipitate and to outline the mechanism of the precipitation. Since the precipitation behaviour from homogeneous protein solutions is important in relation to solution properties of the cognate polysaccharide chain from this alga, it was necessary to investigate the different conformations of the cell wall protein, including the possible aggregational states. Utilizing molecular weight fractions it can be shown that there are two distinctly different precipitation regions that depend on temperature, concentration of the protein, and pH. In one of these regions, the so-called -region, precipitation occurs only in the -helical conformation, without any conformational change if the physical conditions are varied. The temperature coefficient of the precipitation process in this -region indicates that it must be nucleation controlled.  相似文献   

Summary An autolysin produced by young colonies ofPediastrum frees them from the vesicle in which they are formed within 12 hours of release of zoospores from the parent cell. The polysaccharide vesicle is derived from the inner wall layer of the parent cell. Refrigeration delays vesicle disintegration; boiling stops it completely. A purified, lyophilized extract of the vesicle fluid added to boiled vesicled colonies removes the vesicle in 2 hours with the release of reducing sugars and polysaccharides.Biogel P2 and P10 chromatography of the products following incubation of the enzyme preparation and wall showed no more than 1% oligosaccharides; the remaining carbohydrates had a molecular weight of several thousand daltons. Analyses of isolated vesicle wall material (70–85% of the dry weight) showed mannose accounting for approximately 50% of the dry weight, with none of the other neutral sugars present (fucose, xylose, galactose and glucose) representing more than 3%. Uronic acids account for 20–25% of the wall weight, and proteins less than 2%. Pediastrum colonies are thus freed from the vesicles in which they are formed by the action of an autolysin they produce. The autolysin acts on the vesicle wall material to generate reducing sugars and cause it to disintegrate into its constituent polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Summary Cysts of the green algaAcetabularia develop a unique lid structure to enable the release of gametes. This lid is separated from the rest of the thick cellulose cell wall by a circular fault line formed within the fibrillar texture of the wall. By immunofluorescence microscopy, we show that, prior to the first division of the single cyst nucleus, the radially symmetrical, perinuclear microtubule system which is a remnant carried over from previous developmental stages of cyst morphogenesis transforms into a circular microtubule band (CMB) around the nucleus. This band consisting of only a few bundled microtubules beneath the plasma membrane encircles the cyst nucleus at a distance of 75 to 100m. In a previous fine structural study, a lid-forming apparatus (LFA) was described as a circular band of rod-like structures in the plane of the plasma membrane, demarcating the contour of the future lid. Both the CMB and the LFA are superimposed on the rim of the lid. We therefore propose that the microtubule band is a component of the LFA identical with the rod-like structures. Formation of the CMB and, hence, lid formation are blocked by the microtubule-specific herbicide Oryzalin but not by the actin filament-disrupting inhibitor cytochalasin D. Upon recovery from Oryzalin treatment, the nuclei but not the prospective sites of the CMBs serve as nucleation centers, indicating that the CMB is not formed by a pre-existing template in the plasma membrane. This suggests that the dynamic behavior of the microtubules within the perinuclear microtubule cytoskeleton gives rise to the CMB. Since the stage of CMB assembly marks the beginning of cell wall formation, it is proposed that the CMB determines the position of the lid by spatially controlling cell wall deposition. On the basis of current hypotheses, two scenarios for the role of the LFA/CMB in lid formation are discussed.Abbreviations CMB circular microtubule band - EGTA ethylene glycol bis-(-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - LFA lid-forming-apparatus - MAP microtubule-associated protein - MT microtubule - MTOC microtubuleorganizing center Dedicated to the memory of Professor Oswald Kiermayer  相似文献   

Eckhard Loos  Doris Meindl 《Planta》1982,156(3):270-273
Isolated cell walls of mature Chlorella fusca consisted of about 80% carbohydrate, 7% protein, and 13% unidentified material. Mannose and glucose were present in a ratio of about 2.7:1 and accounted for most of the carbohydrate. Minor components were glucuronic acid, rhamnose, and traces of other sugars; galactose was absent. After treatment with 2 M trifluoroacetic acid or with 80% acetic acid/HNO3 (10/1, v/v), a residue with a mannose/glucose ratio of 0.3:1 was obtained, probably representing a structural polysaccharide. An X-ray diffraction diagram of the walls showed one diffuse reflection at 0.44 nm and no reflections characteristic of cellulose. Walls from young cells contained about 51% carbohydrate, 12% protein, and 37% unidentified material. Mannose and glucose were also the main sugars; their absolute amounts per wall increased 6–7 fold during cell growth. Walls isolated with omission of a dodecylsulphate/mercaptoethanol/urea extraction step had a higher protein content and, with young walls, a significantly higher glucose and fucose content. These data and other published cell wall analyses show a wide variability in cell wall composition of the members of the genus Chlorella.Abbreviations GLC gas liquid chromatography - TFA trifluoroacetic acid  相似文献   

Summary The large unicellular flagellate,Gloeomonas kupfferi, has recently been used as an important tool in chlamydomonad cell biology research, especially in studies dealing with the structure and function of the endomembrane system. However, little is known about the main secretory product, the cell wall. This study presents structural, chemical and immunological information about this wall. This 850–900 nm thick matrix is highly elaborate and consists of three distinct layers: an inner stratum (325 nm thick) consisting of tightly interwoven fibers, a medial crystalline layer consisting of 22–23 nm subunits and an outer wall layer (500 nm thick) of outwardlyradiating fibrils. Rapid freeze-deep etch analysis reveals that the 35–40 nm fibers of the outer layer form a quasi-lattice of 160 nm subunits. The outer wall can be removed from whole pellets using the chelator, CDTA. The medial wall complex can be solubilized by perchlorate. SDS-gel electrophoresis reveals that the perchlorate soluble-material consists of five high molecular weight glycoproteins and five major low molecular weight glycoproteins. The electrophoretic profile is roughly similar to that ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii. Antibodies were successfully raised against the outer wall component and were shown to label the outer wall layer.  相似文献   

A novel glycine-rich cell wall protein gene in rice   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Edwin Kapaun  Werner Reisser 《Planta》1995,197(4):577-582
The stable amino-sugar fraction of the cell wall of the symbiotic Chlorella strain Pbi (Chlorophyceae) was isolated and investigated by sugar analysis, infra-red spectroscopy, lectin binding, enzymatic degradation, X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. The results indicate the existence of a glycosaminoglycan which can be regarded as a chitin-like glycan. This carbohydrate structure is unusual for algae and reported here for the first time in unicellular chlorophycean algae.Abbreviations FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - IR infra-red - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - TFA trifluoroacetic acid - WGA wheat germ agglutinin We thank Peter Zugenmaier, Institut für Physikalische Chemie der Technischen Universität Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, for valuable advice on X-ray diffraction techniques and for taking the Debye-Scherrer images. Wilfried Diekmann and David G. Robinson, Pflanzenphysiologisches Institut der Universität Göttingen, Germany, kindly carried out the freeze-etching. This work was supported by a fellowship from the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung to the first author and a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to the second author.  相似文献   

P. Bachmann  K. Zetsche 《Planta》1979,145(4):331-337
The synthesis of cell wall mannan and the activities of guanosine-diphosphate-mannose-pyrophosphorylase (EC2.7.7.13) and mannan synthetase were studied during the development of nucleate and enucleated cells of the alga Acetabularia mediterranea. The activities of both enzymes are relatively high as long as the cells grow and synthesize mannans. With termination of growth and mannan synthesis, the activities of both enzymes, but especially of mannan synthetase, drop to a low value. Furthermore, the activities of both enzymes are distributed in the cell along an apical-basal gradient. High activities are present in the apical regions of the cell where growth and mannan synthesis mainly occur, whereas in the basal region, growth, mannan synthesis and the activity of the two enzymes are slight. Since the in vitro activity of GDP-Man-pyr is at least 100 times higher than that of mannan synthetase, it was concluded that mannan synthetase activity is the limiting factor in mannan synthesis. This conclusion is supported by the determined pool sizes of Fru 6-P, Man 6-P, Man 1-P and GDP-Man during the development of the cells. The control of mannan synthesis and with it cell wall formation and growth through the regulation of mannan synthetase activity is discussed.Abbreviations DD dark-dark regime - Fru 6-P fructose-6-phosphate - GDP-Man guanosine-diphosphate-mannose - GDP-Manpyr GDP-diphosphate-mannose-pyrophosphorylase - GTP guanosine-triphosphate - LD light-dark regime - Man 1-P mannose-1-phosphate - Man 6-P mannose-6-phosphate - TCA trichloracetic acid  相似文献   

We investigated the function of the auxin-regulated cell wall gene DC 2.15, a member of a small gene family, present in Daucus carota (L.) and other plants. Cultured cells derived from carrot hypocotyls transformed by the DC 2.15 cDNA in antisense direction were ten-fold longer than wild-type cells, indicating a function of the corresponding protein in suppression of cell expansion. The analysis of carrot plants expressing the DC 2.15 gene in antisense direction showed that the corresponding protein and/or related proteins probably are involved in leaf and vascular bundle development. The antisense plants generally displayed a retarded growth phenotype and delayed greening in comparison to wild-type plants. The asymmetric architecture of the wild-type leaves was degenerated in the DC 2.15 antisense plants and the leaves showed a torsion within and along their major vein. The vascular bundles showed a lowered ratio of the phloem/xylem area in cross sections of the leaf middle vein whereas the bundle sheath and the cambium showed no obvious phenotype. Expression of a promoter-GUS construct was found primarily in vascular bundles of stems, leaves and in the nectar-producing flower discs. The observed pleiotropic antisense phenotype indicates, by loss of function, that one or several related cell wall proteins of this gene family are necessary to realize several complex developmental processes.  相似文献   

Summary In order to compare cell wall formation in gymnosperm pollen with that in angiosperm pollen, the distribution of cell wall constituents in the pollen grain and pollen tube ofPinus densiflora was studied immunocytochemically with monoclonal antibodies JIM 5 (against non- or poorly esterified pectin), JIM 7 (against highly esterified pectin), JIM 13 (against arabinogalactan proteins, AGPs), and LM 2 (against AGPs containing glucuronic acid). In the pollen grain wall, only the outer layer of the intine was labeled with JIM 5 and weakly with JIM 7. The tube wall was scarcely labeled with JIM 5 and very weakly labeled with JIM 7. In contrast, the whole of both the intine and the tube wall was strongly labeled with JIM 13 and LM 2, and the generative-cell wall was also labeled only with LM 2. The hemicellulose B fraction, which is the main polysaccharide fraction from the pollen tube wall, reacted strongly with JIM 13 and especially LM 2, but not with antipectin antibodies. These results demonstrate that the wall constituents and their localization inP. densiflora pollen are considerably different from those reported in angiosperm pollen and suggest that the main components of the cell wall ofP. densiflora pollen are arabinogalactan and AGPs containing glucuronic acid.Abbreviations AGPs arabinogalactan proteins - ELISA enzymelinked immunosorbent assay - MAbs monoclonal antibodies  相似文献   

Filaments ofPhymatodocis nordstedtiana Wolle were isolated from a sample of a Texan lake. Cultures were established and examined by light and scanning electron (SEM) as well as transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It is shown that the pores apparent on light microscopical examination are not of the cosmaroid type as expected. TEM examination disclosed that they are similar to those found in the generaClosterium Ralfs andPenium Bréb. Furthermore, it could be demonstrated by light and SEM microscopy that the primary cell wall is shed during cell division. The remaining secondary cell wall of the mature cell consists of interwoven bands of parallel microfibrils. A conspicuous overlap of the semicell walls clearly denotes the isthmus region. The significance of these deviations unusual for desmids is discussed. Suggestions are made that the taxonomic position ofPh. nordstedtiana should be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

The dinitrophenyl-derivative of N-glycylglucosamine was isolated from partially hydrolyzed dinitrophenylated cell walls of Halococcus morrhuae CCM 859. To increase the yield of amino-terminal glycine residues, halococcal cell walls were treated with alkali or acid prior to dinitrophenylation. Authentic N-glycyl-glucosamine was used as a reference substance. A substitution of the amino group of glucosamine by an amino acid has so far not been found in any other wall of a pro- or eucaryotic cell. Since only 5% of the glycine residues reveal an unsubstituted carboxyl group within intact cell walls, glycine may play a role in connecting glycan strands through peptidic linkages between the amino group of glucosamine and the carboxyl group of an uronic acid or gulosaminuronic acid.Abbreviations DNP dinitrophenyl  相似文献   

When the ectomycorrhizal fungus Cenococcum geophilum changes from a saprophytic to a symbiotic stage, its cell wall structure becomes simplified. The external hyphal wall layer which, in the saprophytic stage, is highly reactive to the Gomori-Swift test becomes poorly reactive and can no longer be distinguished from the internal wall layer in the Hartig net hyphae. The intensely stained external wall layer was also absent from pure cultures of Cenococcum geophilum grown on a medium with a low sugar content. This cell wall alteration could be due to a decrease in the amount of melanin or of melanin plus cystine-containing proteins. This change may be necessary for increased nutrient exchange between symbionts through hyphal walls.  相似文献   

In surface view, the cell wall complex ofMethylomonas albus possesses a hexagonal pattern of ridges. Thin sections reveal a continuous layer of goblet-shaped elements attached to the outermost surface of the lipopolysaccharide membrane. A possible interpretation of the cell wall complex ofM. albus, based on the fine-structural data is presented.  相似文献   

From the cell wall of a strain of Chlorella vulgaris a sugar was isolated after acid hydrolysis and was identified as 4-O-methyl-D-xylose by the following criteria: (i) mass spectroscopy of its alditol acetate revealed characteristic primary fragments with m/e 117 and m/e 261, and, when one deuterium atom was substituted at C-1, with m/e 262 instead of m/e 261; (ii) after demethylation with BCl3, xylose was identified as its parent sugar by chromatographic methods; (iii) L-iditol: NAD 5-oxidoreductase (sorbitol dehydrogenase) catalyzed the oxidation of its alditol, but not of 4-O-methyl-L-xylitol. 4-O-Methyl-D-xylose amounted to approx. 10% of the cell walls' dry weight or 1.6% of the cells' dry weight.  相似文献   

Open reading frames in the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were screened for potential glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-attached proteins. The identification of putative GPI-attached proteins was based on three criteria: the presence of a GPI-attachment signal sequence, a signal sequence for secretion and a serine- or threonine-rich sequence. In all, 53 ORFs met these three criteria and 38 were further analyzed as follows. The sequence encoding the 40 C-terminal amino acids of each was fused with the structural gene for a reporter protein consisting of a secretion signal, α-galactosidase and a hemagglutinin (HA) epitope, and examined for the ability to become incorporated into the cell wall. On this basis, 14 of fusion proteins were classified as GPI-dependent cell wall proteins because cells expressing these fusion proteins: (i) had high levels of α-galactosidase activity on their surface; (ii) released significant amounts of the fusion proteins from the membrane on treatment with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC); and (iii) released fusion proteins from the cell wall following treatment with laminarinase. Of the 14 identified putative GPI-dependent cell wall proteins, 12 had novel ORFs adjacent to their GPI-attachment signal sequence. Amino acid sequence alignment of the C-terminal sequences of the 12 ORFs, together with those of known cell wall proteins, reveals some sequence similarities among them. Received: 1 September 1997 / Accepted: 20 November 1997  相似文献   

Closterium acerosum (Schrank) Ehrenberg cells cultured on cycles of 16 h light and 8 h dark, undergo cell division synchronously in the dark period. After cell division, the symmetry of the daughter semicells is restored by controlled expansion, the time required for this restoration, 3.5–4 h, being relatively constant. The restoration of the symmetry is achieved by highly oriented surface expansion occurring along the entire length of the new semicell. During early semicell expansion, for about 2.5 h, microfibrils are deposited parallel to one another and transversely to the cell axis on the inner surface of the new wall. Wall microtubules running parallel to the transversely oriented microfibrils are observed during this period. About 2.5 h after septum formation, preceding the cessation of cell elongation, bundles of 7–11 microfibrils running in various directions begin to overlay the parallel-arranged microfibrils already deposited. In the fully elongated cells, no wall microtubules are observed.  相似文献   

Cell morphogenesis in Closterium acerosum (Schrank) Ehrenberg was greatly influenced by colchicine. Addition of colchicine to the medium led to production of tadpole-shaped cells, by decreasing the length and increasing the thickness of the new semicells. Transversely oriented wall microtubules and microfibrils, characteristic of normally elongating semicells, were not observed in colchicine-treated semicells, randomly oriented microfibrils being present instead. About 3.5 h after septum formation, the randomly oriented microfibrils began to be overlaid by bundles of microfibrils as seen in normal semicells at the later stage of elongation. When colchicine treatment was terminated 1 h after septum formation, cell elongation was partially restored and microfibrils were deposited parallel to each other and transversely to the cell axis, indicating that the effect of colchicine on microfibril arrangement in growing semicells is reversible.  相似文献   

The filamentous red alga Anotrichium tenue C. Aghard (Naegeli) (formerly Griffithsia tenuis C. Aghard; Baldock, 1976, Aust. T. Bot. 24, 509–593) has large (1–2 mm long), cylindrical, multinucleate cells that exhibit a daily, cyclic redistribution of chloroplasts. Chloroplasts accumulate in the mid-region of each growing cell during the day; consequently, filaments appear banded with a light apical end-band, a dark mid-band and a light basal end-band in each growing cell. Chloroplasts disperse at night so that the bands are no longer visible and the cells appear evenly pigmented. Anotrichium tenue also has a type of cell elongation, known as bipolar band growth, in which new material is added to the microfibrillar part of the wall in bands located at the apical and basal poles of elongating cells. This site of wall growth corresponds to the position of the light-colored end-bands present during the day. Here we examine the structural relationship between the cytoplasmic bands and the wall-growth bands. Our results show that, in addition to the previously described bipolar wall bands, there is a non-microfibrillar wall band in the mid-region of the cell. This wall component apparently branches from near the top of the microfibrillar outer wall and terminates near but not at the bottom of the cell. It contains nodules of sulphated polysaccharide material secreted from a band of vesicles, which co-localize with the chloroplasts in the mid-band. The outer wall appears to enclose the entire cell. Nuclei do not redistribute with the chloroplasts or wall vesicles into the mid-band but remain evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm. Each wall component grows by a different mechanism. We show that two types of wall growth, diffuse and the bipolar-type of tip growth, occur in the same cell and we propose that the observed segregation of the cytoplasm supports localized growth of the unique inner wall component. Additionally, we show that A. tenue is an excellent model for study of the role and mechanism of cytoplasmic compartmentalization and cell polarity during plant cell growth.We wish to thank Dr. Richard Cloney (University of Washington and Dr. Tom Schroeder (Friday Harbor Laboratories, Friday Harbor, Wash.) for helpful discussions and critical review of this work. We also thank Dr. Susan Waaland (University of Washington) for sharing her original observations on the chloroplast banding phenomenon in Anotrichium tenue. We are grateful to the Friday Harbor Laboratories for the use of their space and facilities. This research was supported by funds from the Washington Sea Grant Program (awarded to J.R.W.) and by the Developmental Biology Training Grant, predoctoral fellowship, National Institutes of Health, No. HD07183 to A.W.S.  相似文献   

Keith Roberts 《Planta》1979,146(3):275-279
The main structural glycoprotein of the cell wall of Chlamydomonas reinhardii has been cleaved by thermolysin into glycopeptides which have been separated into three fractions, T1, T2 and T3. These correspond to three distinct domains within the glycoprotein, characterized by the asymmetric distribution of both sugars and amino acids, in particular hydroxyproline. T2 is very rich in hydroxyproline (43 mol %) and is highly glycosylated, while T3 is poor in hydroxyproline and contains very little carbohydrate. The results are discussed in terms of cell wall glycoproteins and their function.Abbreviations PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - Tris Tris(hydroxymethyl)-methylamine - SDS Sodium dodecyl sulphate - PAS periodic acid-Schiff This is the seventh paper in a series entitled Structure, composition and morphogenesis of the cell wall of Chlamydomonas reinhardii. The last paper in this series was Catt et al. (1978)  相似文献   

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