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Evolution was introduced into the senior secondary school Life Sciences curriculum in South Africa for the first time in 2008. Research in other countries shows that evolution is an extremely controversial topic to teach, raising serious concerns for teachers. Curriculum change theory dealing with ‘stages of concern’ suggests that teachers implementing a new curriculum move through a predictable series of types of concerns, and that if their initial concerns are not addressed then teachers are slow to move on to more important task-related matters. This has serious implications for both professional development programmes and the development of support materials for teachers: information about teachers' concerns is needed so that those having to support teachers can do so on an informed basis. This article identifies the concerns of 125 secondary school teachers having to teach evolution for the first time. Data was gathered using an activity-based questionnaire administered in a workshop setting to four different groups of biology teachers attending inservice workshops on the teaching of evolution, at stages progressively closer to the implementation date. The majority of concerns identified were early-stage ‘self-concerns’, dealing with personal worries and a need for information. Implications of the findings for providing support for teachers with concerns about teaching evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

The following article, published online on 31 October 2021 in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ), has been retracted by agreement between the authors, the journal Editor in Chief, Hari Bhat, and Wiley Periodicals, LLC. Following publication, concerns were raised by authors regarding Figure 2. The retraction has been agreed because of concerns that the figures were duplicated and/or manipulated, affecting the interpretation of the data and results presented.  相似文献   

For decades vaccine program managers and governments have devoted many resources to addressing public vaccine concerns, vaccine risk perception, risk management and safety assessment. Despite ever growing evidence that vaccines are safe and effective, public concerns continue. Education and evidence based scientific messages have not ended concerns. How can governments and programs more effectively address the public’s vaccine concerns and increase confidence in the vaccine safety system? Vaccination hesitation has been attributed to concerns about vaccine safety, perceptions of high vaccine risks and low disease risk and consequences. Even when the public believes vaccines are important for protection many still have concerns about vaccine safety. This overview explores how heuristics affect public perception of vaccines and vaccine safety, how the public finds and uses vaccine information, and then proposes strategies for changes in the approach to vaccine safety communications. Facts and evidence confirming the safety of vaccines are not enough. Vaccine beliefs and behaviours must be shaped. This will require a shift in the what, when, how and why of vaccine risk and benefit communication content and practice. A change to a behavioural change strategy such as the WHO COMBI program that has been applied to disease eradication efforts is suggested.  相似文献   

There has been a recent explosion in research on Niemann–Pick type C disease. Much of the work has used mouse models or cells in culture to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms resulting in the phenotype of the disease. This work has generated several contrasting views on the mechanism, which are labeled ‘controversies’ here. In this review, two of these controversies are explored. The first concerns which stored materials are causative in the disease: cholesterol, gangliosides and sphingolipids, or something else? The second concerns which cells in the body require Npc1 in order to function properly: somatic cells, neurons only, or neurons and glia? For the first controversy, a clear answer has emerged. More research will be needed in order to definitively solve the second controversy.  相似文献   

吴秀杰 《人类学学报》2003,22(3):249-255
脑演化是人类演化的一个重要组成部分,其研究可以为人类起源、演化、人群关系及语言、智力等方面提供重要的信息。脑演化的主要证据是通过研究颅内模(endocast)及颅骨的形态得到的。颅内模是从颅骨内表面得到的脑的外部形态。有时颅骨的内腔充满泥沙,并且为钙质所结固,可以自然形成颅内模。也可以人工制作颅内模。颅内模和颅骨的内表面能够提供人类脑髓及神经进化方面的直接证据。对化石人类脑演化的研究主要包括以下几个方面的内容:测量或估计脑量的大小及其和身体大小之间的关系;研究脑量随时间的变化过程;通过对早期人类颅内模表面沟回形态特征的研究,探索脑功能区在早期人类和猿类的区别及在演化上的变化;左右大脑不对称性与一侧优势关系,探讨语言的起源和惯用手的脑功能基础等;脑膜中动脉系统、静脉窦系统及与血液循环相关的排泄孔的变化,探讨大脑各部分比例的变化和功能的日益复杂对供血需求的影响;通过对人类脑演化的研究,探讨人类进化的原因。本文通过对以上几个方面及其中国化石脑演化研究的介绍,对化石人类脑演化的研究概况作综合论述和简单回顾。  相似文献   

While doctors generally enjoy considerable status, some believe that this is increasingly threatened by consumerism, managerialism, and competition from other health professions. Research into doctors’ perceptions of the changes occurring in medicine has provided some insights into how they perceive and respond to these changes but has generally failed to distinguish clearly between concerns about “status,” related to the entitlements associated with one’s position in a social hierarchy, and concerns about “respect,” related to being held in high regard for one’s moral qualities. In this article we explore doctors’ perceptions of the degree to which they are respected and their explanations for, and responses to, instances of perceived lack of respect. We conclude that doctors’ concerns about loss of respect need to be clearly distinguished from concerns about loss of status and that medical students need to be prepared for a changing social field in which others’ respect cannot be taken for granted.  相似文献   

Whereas past wolf management in the United States was restricted to recovery, managers must now contend with publicly contentious post-recovery issues including regulated hunting seasons. Understanding stakeholder concerns associated with hunting can inform stakeholder engagement, communication, and policy development and evaluation. Social identity theory (SIT) has been used to understand how groups interact, why they conflict, and how collaboration may be achieved. Applying SIT to stakeholder conflicts about wolf hunting may help delineate groups according to their concern about, support for or opposition to the policy choice of hunting wolves. Our objective was to assess concerns about hunting as a tool to resolve conflict in Michigan, using SIT as a framework. We used a mixed-modal sampling approach (e.g., paper, Internet) with wolf hunting-related public meeting participants in March 2013. Survey questions focused on 12 concerns previously identified as associated with hunting as a management tool to resolve conflict. Respondents (n  =  666) cared greatly about wolves but were divided over hunting wolves. Wolf conflicts, use of science in policy decisions, and maintaining a wolf population were the highest ranked concerns. Principle components analysis reduced concerns into three factors that explained 50.7% of total variance; concerns crystallized over justifications for hunting. General linear models revealed a lack of geographic influence on care, fear and support for hunting related to wolves. These findings challenge assumptions about regional differences and suggest a strong role for social identity in driving dichotomized public perceptions in wildlife management.  相似文献   

The recent development of superconducting magnets has resulted in a huge increase in human exposure to very large static magnetic fields of up to several teslas (T). Considering the rapid advances in applications and the great increases in the strength of magnetic fields used, especially in magnetic resonance imaging, safety concerns about magnetic field exposure have become a key issue. This paper points out some of these safety concerns and gives an overview of the findings about this theme, focusing mainly on mechanisms of magnetic field interaction with living organisms and the consequent effects.  相似文献   

Because the number of organs available for transplantation does not meet the needs of potential recipients, some have proposed that a potentially effective way to increase registration is to offer a self-benefit incentive that grants a 'preferred status' or some degree of prioritization to those who register as potential donors, in case they might need organs. This proposal has elicited an ethical debate on the appropriateness of such a benefit in the context of a life-saving medical procedure. In this paper we review arguments and ethical concerns raised by scholars, and studies of views of members of the public regarding the prioritization incentive system. We also report on our study of the views of those involved in organ transplant and of other medical professionals in Israel, as over half a decade ago Israel implemented a prioritization incentive system. Bioethicists propose that key stakeholders' views can provide additional arguments and perspectives on controversial issues. Proponents justify the prioritization incentive drawing mainly on arguments related to its potential effectiveness, reciprocity and fairness. Opponents point to the fact that registering is not binding and not an actual donation, and raise concerns regarding equity, autonomy and gaming the system. Ethical concerns raised by the practitioners in the study were examined in light of scholars' arguments and actual registration and donation data. Practitioners involved in transplantation raised ethical concerns corresponding to those raised by scholars as well as additional concerns. They also challenged proponents' assumptions regarding the utility of the incentive system from their own experience and argued that proponents obscure the meaning of reciprocity.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - The recent large-scale hydropower development in the Amazon basin has raised concerns about the impacts on the movements of migratory fishes such as goliath catfish...  相似文献   

Pandolfi  Gary S.  Mays  Jason W.  Gangloff  Michael M. 《Hydrobiologia》2022,849(8):1763-1776
Hydrobiologia - Recent human population growth in North America’s southern Appalachian Mountains has raised concerns about the effects of ex-urban development on its streams and their at-risk...  相似文献   

Doukas DJ 《Genetic testing》2003,7(4):315-321
As genetic testing becomes more commonplace, medicine will likely face both family and individual demands for access to, and control of, test result information. Past research has emphasized confidentiality concerns of the individual and contrasted these claims with the "need to know" by others to avoid harm. These confidentiality concerns, based on individual self-interest, are challenged by a singularly important aspect of genetic testing-familial responsibility. As patients are often motivated to obtain genetic testing by an array of "other-directed" considerations toward their own family (such as love, fiduciary responsibility, gratitude, etc.), an accounting of these concerns is warranted. Understanding the relevance of family relationships and obligations facilitates a fuller informed consent for genetic testing. Genetic counselors and geneticists engaging in genetic counseling can account for the concerns of both individuals and their families using the family covenant-a helpful, innovative model to address proactively boundaries of privacy and information sharing within the family. This model focuses on two areas of discussion: (1) the demarcation of the boundaries of confidentiality; and (2) the definition of "family." The family covenant helps genetics providers consider what information "should" be confidential, and with respect to whom.  相似文献   

The ethical issues raised by the Human Genome Project (HGP) and by human genetics in general are not entirely novel. In fact, the ethical issues surrounding genetic research and the provision of genetic services fit into the evolution of bioethics, a field of inquiry which has its roots in concerns of the 1970s, concerns about the dignity and self-determination of individuals and about the development of medical technologies. Although bioethics has been largely occupied with patient-centered concerns, attention is currently shifting toward socially oriented issues, such as the justice of the existing health-care system. Genetic counseling has already incorporated many of the lessons of early bioethics and, as a profession, adheres to a consultand-centered ethic which reflects the values incorporated into the doctrine of informed consent, which is a cornerstone of bioethics. The mandate of the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Program of the HGP--to anticipate ethical problems arising from advances in genetics and to educate the public about genetics--reflects not only the nonpaternalistic approach of early bioethics but also bioethics' increasing attention to the ethical import of systemic and institutional factors, as well as an anticipatory and preventive approach to dealing with ethical concerns. Because bioethics has so much to contribute to current consideration of ethical issues in human genetics, it is important to provide training in ethics to those working in the field. Guidelines for using a case-oriented approach are suggested.  相似文献   

Michael Strevens has produced an ambitious and comprehensive new account of scientific explanation. This review discusses its main themes, focusing on regularity explanation and a number of methodological concerns.  相似文献   

Naomi Jacobs 《Bioethics》2020,34(5):519-526
Persuasive technologies for health-related behaviour change give rise to ethical concerns. As of yet, no study has explicitly attended to ethical concerns arising with the design and use of these technologies for vulnerable people. This is striking because these technologies are designed to help people change their attitudes or behaviours, which is particularly valuable for vulnerable people. Vulnerability is a complex concept that is both an ontological condition of our humanity and highly context-specific. Using the Mackenzie, Rogers and Dodds’ taxonomy of vulnerability, this paper identifies (a) the wrongs or harms to which a person is vulnerable, (b) the source of this vulnerability, and (c) the safeguards needed in response. Two ethical concerns with the design of persuasive technology for vulnerable people are discussed: the concerns of taking into account users' interests and their autonomy.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology has advanced to the point where some pathogens can be manufactured from scratch. This technical leap has beneficent implications for medical research and vaccine design, but it also raises concerns that the technology could be used to produce a deadly pathogen for nefarious use. Addressing these concerns, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released their Screening Framework Guidance for Providers of Synthetic Double-Stranded DNA on October 13, 2010. They took the right approach: The oversight framework for gene synthesis companies included in this guidance is adaptable to new technical developments and changing risks, it can be implemented immediately, it can be readily adopted by other countries, and it will cost little. Though there have been some calls to increase the regulatory controls on synthetic biology, these should be resisted. For now, at least, the oversight is appropriate to the risks.  相似文献   

Hu  Yanting  Schäfer  Karina V. R.  Zhu  Liwei  Zhao  Ping  Zhao  Xiuhua  Ni  Guangyan  Zhang  Yaxing  Ye  Huiying  Zhao  Wanli  Shen  Weijun  Fu  Shenglei 《Ecosystems》2021,24(6):1468-1484
Ecosystems - Excess N deposition has aroused concerns about its negative impacts on forest ecosystems. A two-year study was conducted to assess the responses of stomatal conductance (Gc) and carbon...  相似文献   

One of the concerns surrounding the import (for food and feed uses or processing) of genetically modified herbicide tolerant (GMHT) oilseed rape is that, through seed spillage, the herbicide tolerance (HT) trait will escape into agricultural or semi-natural habitats, causing environmental or economic problems. Based on these concerns, three EU countries have invoked national safeguard clauses to ban the marketing of specific GMHT oilseed rape events on their territory. However, the scientific basis for the environmental and economic concerns posed by feral GMHT oilseed rape resulting from seed import spills is debatable. While oilseed rape has characteristics such as secondary dormancy and small seed size that enable it to persist and be redistributed in the landscape, the presence of ferals is not in itself an environmental or economic problem. Crucially, feral oilseed rape has not become invasive outside cultivated and ruderal habitats, and HT traits are not likely to result in increased invasiveness. Feral GMHT oilseed rape has the potential to introduce HT traits to volunteer weeds in agricultural fields, but would only be amplified if the herbicides to which HT volunteers are tolerant were used routinely in the field. However, this worst-case scenario is most unlikely, as seed import spills are mostly confined to port areas. Economic concerns revolve around the potential for feral GMHT oilseed rape to contribute to GM admixtures in non-GM crops. Since feral plants derived from cultivation (as distinct from import) occur at too low a frequency to affect the coexistence threshold of 0.9% in the EU, it can be concluded that feral GMHT plants resulting from seed import spills will have little relevance as a potential source of pollen or seed for GM admixture. This paper concludes that feral oilseed rape in Europe should not be routinely managed, and certainly not in semi-natural habitats, as the benefits of such action would not outweigh the negative effects of management.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, the introduction of microarray technology has had a profound impact on gene expression research. The publication of studies with dissimilar or altogether contradictory results, obtained using different microarray platforms to analyze identical RNA samples, has raised concerns about the reliability of this technology. The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project was initiated to address these concerns, as well as other performance and data analysis issues. Expression data on four titration pools from two distinct reference RNA samples were generated at multiple test sites using a variety of microarray-based and alternative technology platforms. Here we describe the experimental design and probe mapping efforts behind the MAQC project. We show intraplatform consistency across test sites as well as a high level of interplatform concordance in terms of genes identified as differentially expressed. This study provides a resource that represents an important first step toward establishing a framework for the use of microarrays in clinical and regulatory settings.  相似文献   

Duncan MW 《Amino acids》2003,25(3-4):351-361
Summary. Our understanding of in vivo tyrosine nitration has been confounded by problems associated with the analytical approaches that have been employed to quantify 3-nitroyrosine (3-NT). Trace analysis is a demanding task under the best of circumstances, but 3-NT offers some special concerns. This review examines some of these concerns and discusses approaches to ensuring that carefully validated analytical data are generated.  相似文献   

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