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When excised second leaves from 2-week-old barley (Hordeum vulgare var Larker) plants were incubated in a wilted condition, abscisic acid (ABA) levels increased to 0.6 nanomole per gram fresh weight at 4 hours then declined to about 0.3 nanomole per gram fresh weight and remained at that level until rehydrated. Proline levels began to increase at about 4 hours and continued to increase as long as the ABA levels were 0.3 nanomole per gram fresh weight or greater. Upon rehydration, proline levels declined when the ABA levels fell below 0.3 nanomole per gram fresh weight.

Proline accumulation was induced in turgid barley leaves by ABA addition. When the amount of ABA added to leaves was varied, it was observed that a level of 0.3 nanomole ABA per gram fresh weight for a period of about 2 hours was required before proline accumulation was induced. However, the rate of proline accumulation was slower in ABA-treated leaves than in wilted leaves at comparable ABA levels. Thus, the threshold level of ABA for proline accumulation appeared to be similar for wilted leaves where ABA increased endogenously and for turgid leaves where ABA was added exogenously. However, the rate of proline accumulation was more dependent on ABA levels in turgid leaves to which ABA was added exogenously than in wilted leaves.

Salt-induced proline accumulation was not preceded by increases in ABA levels comparable to those observed in wilted leaves. Levels of less than 0.2 nanomole ABA per gram fresh weight were measured 1 hour after exposure to salt and they declined rapidly to the control level by 3 hours. Proline accumulation commenced at about 9 hours. Thus, ABA accumulation did not appear to be involved in salt-induced proline accumulation.


Leaf segments prepared from the first leaves of barley (Hordeumvulgare) exhibit a rapid loss of protein when given a matricstress with polyethylene glycol. Protein synthesis was reducedby the stress but a greater effect of stress was seen on proteindegradation. Growing leaves were exposed to 3H2O for 4 d ormore to label total protein, and the half-life of protein 2-3H,in the isolated segments prepared from such leaves, was shownto be c. 140 h in the absence of stress. Stress reduced thisto c. 62 h. A short pulse with 3H2O preferentially labels rapidlyturning-over protein and a 24 h pulse given to isolated leafsegments labelled proteins with a half-life of c. 64 h in thepresence or absence of stress. Degradation of the 24 h pulse-labelledproteins was inhibited by cycloheximide. Proline accumulationoccurred in the stressed segments and was inhibited by cycloheximide.The results are discussed in the light of current views concerningprotein degradation and possible relationships between proteolysisand proline accumulation.  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaf segments unroll and green when illuminated. Illuminated segments also have an increased capacity for RNA synthesis. Part of this increased RNA synthesis may be attributed to an increased RNA polymerase activity. In addition, following illumination there is an increased formation of polysomes.  相似文献   

Li  Sijia  Liu  Ruixian  Wang  Xiaojing  Zhao  Liang  Chen  Jian  Yang  Changqin  Zhang  Guowei  Ni  Wanchao  Zhang  Li 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2021,40(4):1667-1673
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Thidiazuron (TDZ) has been extensively applied as chemical defoliant in cotton production, but the physiological mechanisms for its defoliating activity are...  相似文献   

Riazi, A., Matsuda, K. and Arslan, A. 1985. Water-stress inducedchanges in concentrations of proline and other solutes in growingregions of young barley leaves.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1716–1725. Young, intact barley Hordeum vulgare L. cv. ‘Arivat’seedlings stressed with PEG or NaCl were measured for waterstatus and levels of proline, sugars and inorganic cations ingrowing (basal 1.0 cm) and other areas of leaves. In growingregions, reductions in n were found within 1 h in seedlingsstressed with PEG (–0.8 M Pa) but 4 h were required beforeproline increased and proline accounted for less than 5% ofthe osmotic adjustment after 24 h. Increases in proline occurredto a lesser extent in expanded mid-blade regions where osmoticadjustment was less. After one or more days stress, prolinelevels in basal tissues were 10 x higher than in mid-blade tissues,and proline increases in these and intervening tissues occurredwithout loss of turgor. When seedlings were stressed for extendedperiods with mild to moderate concentrations of PEG, prolineelevations in basal to mid-blade areas were proportional toreductions in tissue and n NaCl-stress led to similar responsesexcept prohne increases per unit decrease in x, were 2–3x greater than in PEG-stressed tissues. Time-course studiesshowed levels of inorganic cations were not altered in the growingareas during the first few h of PEG-induced stress, but glucoseincreased as x, decreased. The results showed that proline increaseis not the cause but could be a consequence of osmotic adjustment,and its increase is not due to cell death. They also providedindependent evidence that stress responses of growing tissuesdiffer substantially from expanded areas in young barley leaves. Key words: Proline, water stress, growing regions  相似文献   

Absorption of Fluoride and Chloride by Barley Roots   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

Fresh and dry weight changes in barley leaf segments were measuredafter the segments had been floated on a 5 per cent glucosesolution at the light compensation point (3.I W m-2) or on distilledwater at a higher illuminance. The accumulation of dry matterhad a small inhibiting effect on photosynthesis when it hadresulted from previous photosynthesis, but when a similar accumulationresulted from a previous absorption of glucose, marked inhibitionof photosynthesis was found which increased with the weightof glucose absorbed. Both the quantitative determination ofstarch in the segments and an examination of the distributionof radioactivity among water-soluble, alcohol-soluble, and insolublefractions after segments had either absorbed 14C-glucose orused 14CO2 in photosynthesis, showed that in the case of photosynthesisa greater proportion of the dry weight accumulation was in theform of starch. However, this starch fraction constituted onlyabout 10 per cent of the total increase in dry weight so thatan explanation of the differential inhibition is unlikely tobe in these terms.  相似文献   

大麦无菌苗的苗高。苗干重和单位长度、叶片切段的干重均依胚培养时所带胚乳的增多而递增。但叶片切段培养时的愈伤组织诱导率和再分化率并不与胚乳多少正相关。成熟胚培养时蔗糖的供应明显影响叶片切段培养时的愈伤组织诱导率。培养带1/2胚乳的胚,用萌发率高的新鲜种子培养无菌苗时,以不供给蔗糖的有较高的叶段愈伤组织诱导率,用萌发率显著降低的陈种子时,则以育苗时供给6%蔗糖为好。  相似文献   

Epidermal strips were taken from plants of Commelina communisat opposite phases of an entrained circadian rhythm, at timeswhich corresponded to the middle of the day phase and the middleof the night phase. Earlier observations of much reduced openingin response to external stimuli in the night phase were confirmed. Evidence is now presented that uptake or retention of specificions by the guard cells is affected by the phase of the rhythm.The overt expression of the rhythm was reduced if the epidermiswas presented with potassium iminodiacetate instead of potassiumchloride. Iminodiacetate is a non-absorbable anion, and thisresult suggested that chloride uptake is important for the fullexpression of the rhythm. The use of an anion channel inhibitor(DIDS) gave strong support for this conclusion. Reduced uptakeof chloride would explain an earlier observation that formationof malate is greater during the night phase. When the guard cells were presented with sodium chloride insteadof potassium chloride there was still an overt expression ofthe rhythm, but this was of reduced magnitude. This suggeststhat potassium movements might contribute to the rhythm, andstudies of ionic fluxes using 86Rb as a tracer showed greatereffluxes during the night phase. It is concluded that the circadian rhythm in stomatal openingmay be the result of a varying ability of the guard cells toaccumulate or retain both chloride and potassium ions. Key words: Circadian rhythm, stomatal opening, Commelina communis, potassium and chloride fluxes  相似文献   

Absorption of Chloride by Barley Roots: Kinetics and Selectivity   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0  

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Alfa) seedlings were treated for 4 d before UV-B irradiation with 0.05 mM proline or 150 mM NaCl. UV-B exposure induced synthesis of yellow coloured compounds with maximum absorbance at 438 nm. The content of these compounds was increased in proline-treated and decreased in NaCl-treated plants. UV-B radiation reduced chlorophyll/carotenoids ratio, oxygen evolution rate and photochemical efficiency of PS 2 as estimated by chlorophyll fluorescence and increased proline accumulation, H2O2 generation and lipid peroxidation. Exogenous proline had no effect on the parameters studied and did not change the response of plants to UV-B radiation. NaCl inhibited photochemical efficiency of PS 2, reduced oxygen evolution and increased H2O2 concentration and lipid peroxidation. The combination of NaCl and proline treatment led to lowering the inhibitory effect of NaCl in non UV-B irradiated seedlings. There was not relationship between the level of UV-B-induced compounds and UV-B tolerance of barley seedlings.  相似文献   

Young seedlings of two cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (cv.Cacahuate-72 and Michoacan-12A3) were subjected to a soil dryingtreatment. Stomata started to close before any leaf water deficitcould be detected. Soil drying promoted a small degree of ABAaccumulation in roots, but, at the time stomatal closure wasinitiated, at least in one cultivar, xylem ABA and bulk leafABA concentration were not enhanced. The mechanism of the stomatalresponse is discussed in terms of an as-yet unidentified regulatorof stomatal behaviour, redistribution of existing ABA in plants,and a high sensitivity of stomata to small changes in ABA concentration.  相似文献   

Electron probe microanalysis for K and Cl and enzymic determination of malate were performed on epidermal strips of Vicia faba L. which had been incubated with 0.1 equivalent of K+ per liter in the absence or presence of Cl. In the absence of Cl, iminodiacetate, a presumed impermeant zwitterion, served as anion. With no Cl in the medium, 91% of the K+ imported into the guard cells during stomatal opening was neutralized by malate production; import of Cl (presumably from the rest of the epidermal tissue) contributed 6%. In the presence of Cl, 50% of the necessary negative charges were provided by malate synthesis, 45% by Cl import. Stomatal opening was not obviously affected by the chloride concentration in the incubation medium, but malate production declined roughly linearly with the logarithm of [Cl] between 10−5 and 10−1 equivalent per liter.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an organelle in the cell where proteins are created and folded. Folding is a very elaborate process that is often interrupted by various biotic and abiotic stresses, leading to the formation of unfolded and misfolded proteins called ER stress. Dithiothreitol (DTT)-induced unfolded protein response (UPR) in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has been recently reported in plants. Also, previous studies demonstrated that treatment with polyethylene glycol (PEG6000) could stimulate water deficit in crops. However, further researches should be conducted to elucidate the molecular mechanism of ER stress response and the relationship between water deficiency and ER. In this study, we examined the expressions of sucrose synthase (SuS) gene, proline metabolic genes and abscisic aldehyde oxidase (AAO3) gene in maize seedlings that were subjected to DTT and PEG induced combined stresses by using quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Three weeks old detached maize seedlings were treated with or without DTT and PEG6000 for 12 h. The treatment with DTT increased about 2-fold the expression of gene encoding proline synthesis enzyme, pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (P5CS) but no statistically affected the proline catabolism enzyme, proline dehydrogenase (ProDH) in comparison with un-treated seedlings. PEG treatment was also up-regulated P5CS while it was down-regulated ProDH. The relative expression levels of SuSand AAO3 genes statistically enhanced about 2.5 fold under the DTT-induced ER stress. Likewise, the expression levels of SuS and AAO3 genes were up-regulated in the detached seedlings exposed to PEG-induced water deficit. Conversely, the induced gene expressions were down-regulated under the combined stress, the DTT-induced ER stress and PEG-induced water deficit in comparison with the singular stress responses (DTT or PEG). The results indicated that the expressions of genes, related to the synthesis of some signal osmolyte compounds such as proline and sucrose can be suppressed when ER stress occurred under water deficiency in maize seedlings. The changes in the expressions of genes involved in osmolyte and ABA metabolism can be related to ER stress response as well as variations in water status.  相似文献   

Proline accumulation in NaCl-treated excised barley (Hordeum vulgare var Larker) leaves was studied. Leaves were treated by placing the cut end in NaCl solutions and allowing the salt to enter the leaf via the transpiration stream. Leaves treated this way maintained turgor while the sodium content increased and the osmotic potential decreased. Proline began accumulating after 12 hours and continued accumulating over the subsequent 12-hour period at an average rate of 0.6 micromoles per hour per gram fresh weight.

During the time proline was accumulating, [14C]glutamate was added to measure the effects of salt on proline synthesis from glutamate and [14C] proline was added in separate experiments to determine the effect of salt on proline utilization. Salt treatment dramatically increased proline synthesis from glutamate. Proline utilization by oxidation and for protein synthesis was decreased by 50 and 60%, respectively, by the salt treatment.

These effects are similar to the effects of drought and abscisic acid in barley leaves. The results indicate that common mechanisms cause proline to accumulate under these different stresses.


Mobilization of N from leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) during water stress, and the role of proline as a mobilized species, were examined in plants at the three-leaf stage. The plants responded to water stress by withdrawing about 25% of the total reduced N from the leaf blades via phloem translocation. Most of this N loss was during the first 2 days while translocation of 14C-photosynthate out of the stressed blade still remained active. Free proline accumulation in the blade was initially slow, and became more rapid during the 2nd day of stress. Although a major free amino acid, proline accounted for only about 5% of the total N (soluble + insoluble) retained in severely stressed blades. When the translocation pathway in water-stressed leaves was interrupted just below the blade by a heat girdle, a cold jacket, or by blade excision, N loss from the blade was prevented and proline began to accumulate rapidly on 1st day of stress. Little free proline accumulated in the blades until after the ability to translocate was lost. Proline was, however, probably not a major species of N translocated during stress, because proline N accumulation in heat-girdled stressed leaves was five times slower than the rate of total N export from intact blades.  相似文献   

Earlier work has established that the saturable component ofuptake of RS-[214C]ABA by bean (Phaseolus coccineus L. cv. Prizewinner)root segments can be attributed to the action of a carrier.We now show that the carrier-mediated uptake is unaffected byRS-2-trans-ABA and lunularic acid and the unnatural R-ABA alsoappears to be ineffective. The specificity for S-ABA requiresthe halving of the Km value for ABA determined previously (2.6mmol m-3 for RS-; 1.3 mmol m-3 for S-ABA). The RS-1', 4'-cis-dioland RS-1'-deoxy ABA reduce the uptake of RS-[2-14C]ABA aboutas strongly as does unlabelled ABA, the K1 for 1'-deoxy ABAwas similar to the Km for ABA. The K1 for RS-1', 4'-trans-diolwas 15.7 mmol m-3. Consideration of the stereochemistry of thesecompounds suggests that the face of the ring of ABA away fromthe 1'-hydroxyl group interacts with the carrier site. Labelled material diffused out of undamaged root surfaces whichhad absorbed RS-[3H]ABA through an apical cut, suggesting thatABA is present in the apoplast. A simplified hypothesis is presented that can account for polartransport of ABA based on a gradient of a carrier in a tissuebut where the carrier is distributed uniformly on the apicaland basal ends of each cell. Key words: Uptake carrier, Abscisic acid, 1', 4'-Diol, Lunularic acid, Phaseolus coccineus, Polar-transport, Deoxyabscisic acid  相似文献   

Potassium, sodium and Chloride in the protoplasm of characeae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using vacuolar perfusion, which enabled us to replace the cellsap with a solution containing no k+, Na+ and Cl, theconcentrations of these ions in the protoplasm of three speciesof fresh water Characeae were determined. They were respectively,78, 2 and 27 mM in Nitella flexilis, 101, 9 and 31 mM in Nitellapulchella, and 112, 3 and 21 mM in Chara australis. Our previouslyreported results (3) indicating that the chloroplast layer containedmuch more Na+ and Cl than the endoplasm has been questionedin the light of the present results. 1Present address: Department of Biology, College of GeneralEducation, Osaka University. (Received September 5, 1973; )  相似文献   

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