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Achieving sufficient functional properties prior to implantation remains a significant challenge for the development of tissue engineered cartilage. Many studies have shown chondrocytes respond well to various mechanical stimuli, resulting in the development of bioreactors capable of transmitting forces to articular cartilage in vitro. In this study, we describe the production of sizeable, tissue engineered cartilage using a novel scaffold-free approach, and determine the effect of perfusion and mechanical stimulation from a C9-x Cartigen bioreactor on the properties of the tissue engineered cartilage. We created sizable tissue engineered cartilage from porcine chondrocytes using a scaffold-free approach by centrifuging a high-density chondrocyte cell-suspension onto an agarose layer in a 50 mL tube. The gross and histological appearances, biochemical content, and mechanical properties of constructs cultured in the bioreactor for 4 weeks were compared to constructs cultured statically. Mechanical properties were determined from unconfined uniaxial compression tests. Constructs cultured in the bioreactor exhibited an increase in total GAG content, equilibrium compressive modulus, and dynamic modulus versus static constructs. Our study demonstrates the C9-x CartiGen bioreactor is able to enhance the biomechanical and biochemical properties of scaffold-free tissue engineered cartilage; however, no additional enhancement was seen between loaded and perfused groups.  相似文献   

One approach to functional tissue engineering of cartilage is to utilize bioreactors to provide environmental conditions that stimulate chondrogenesis in cells cultured on biomaterial scaffolds. We report the combined use of a three-dimensional in vitro model and a novel bioreactor with perfusion of culture medium and mechanical stimulation in long-term studies of cartilage development and function. To engineer cartilage, scaffolds made of a non-woven mesh of polyglycolic acid (PGA) were seeded with bovine calf articular chondrocytes, cultured for an initial 30-day period under free swelling conditions, and cultured for an additional 37 day period in one of the three groups: (1) free-swelling, (2) static compression (on 24 h/day, strain control, static offset 10%), and (3) dynamic compression (on 1 h/day; off 23 h/day; strain control, static offset 2%, dynamic strain amplitude 5%; frequency 0.3 Hz). Constructs were sampled at timed intervals and assessed with respect to structure, biochemical composition, and mechanical function. Mechanical simulation had little effect on the compositions, morphologies and on mechanical properties of construct interiors discs, but it resulted in distincly different properties of the peripheral rings and face sides. Contructs cultured with mechanical loading maintained their cylindrical shape with flat and parallel top and bottom surfaces, and retained larger amounts of GAG. The modular bioreactor system with medium perfusion and mechanical loading can be utilized to define the conditions of cultivation for functional tissue engineering of cartilage.  相似文献   

Bioreactor studies of native and tissue engineered cartilage   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Functional tissue engineering of cartilage involves the use of bioreactors designed to provide a controlled in vitro environment that embodies some of the biochemical and physical signals known to regulate chondrogenesis. Hydrodynamic conditions can affect in vitro tissue formation in at least two ways: by direct effects of hydrodynamic forces on cell morphology and function, and by indirect flow-induced changes in mass transfer of nutrients and metabolites. In the present work, we discuss the effects of three different in vitro environments: static flasks (tissues fixed in place, static medium), mixed flasks (tissues fixed in place, unidirectional turbulent flow) and rotating bioreactors (tissues dynamically suspended in laminar flow) on engineered cartilage constructs and native cartilage explants. As compared to static and mixed flasks, dynamic laminar flow in rotating bioreactors resulted in the most rapid tissue growth and the highest final fractions of glycosaminoglycans and total collagen in both tissues. Mechanical properties (equilibrium modulus, dynamic stiffness, hydraulic permeability) of engineered constructs and explanted cartilage correlated with the wet weight fractions of glycosaminoglycans and collagen. Current research needs in the area of cartilage tissue engineering include the utilization of additional physiologically relevant regulatory signals, and the development of predictive mathematical models that enable optimization of the conditions and duration of tissue culture.  相似文献   

In the preparation of bioengineered reparative strategies for damaged or diseased tissues, the processes of biomaterial degradation and neotissue synthesis combine to affect the developing mechanical state of multiphase, composite engineered tissues. Here, cell-polymer constructs for engineered cartilage have been fabricated by seeding chondrocytes within three-dimensional scaffolds of biodegradable polymers. During culture, synthetic scaffolds degraded passively as the cells assembled an extracellular matrix (ECM) composed primarily of glycosaminoglycan and collagen. Biochemical and biomechanical assessment of the composite (cells, ECM, and polymer scaffold) were modeled at a unit-cell level to mathematically solve stress-strain relationships and thus construct elastic properties (n=4 samples per seven time points). This approach employed a composite spheres, micromechanical analysis to determine bulk moduli of: (1) the cellular-ECM inclusion within the supporting scaffold structure; and (2) the cellular inclusion within its ECM. Results indicate a dependence of constituent volume fractions with culture time (p<0.05). Overall mean bulk moduli were variably influenced by culture, as noted for the cell-ECM inclusion (K(c-m)=29.7 kPa, p=0.1439), the cellular inclusion (K(c)=5.5 kPa, p=0.0067), and its surrounding ECM (K(m)=373.9 kPa, p=0.0748), as well as the overall engineered construct (K=165.0 kPa, p=0.6899). This analytical technique provides a framework to describe the time-dependent contribution of cells, accumulating ECM, and a degrading scaffold affecting bioengineered construct mechanical properties.  相似文献   

A major challenge in cartilage tissue engineering is the need to recreate the native tissue's anisotropic extracellular matrix structure. This anisotropy has important mechanical and biological consequences and could be crucial for integrative repair. Here, we report that hydrodynamic conditions that mimic the motion‐induced flow fields in between the articular surfaces in the synovial joint induce the formation of a distinct superficial layer in tissue engineered cartilage hydrogels, with enhanced production of cartilage matrix proteoglycan and Type II collagen. Moreover, the flow stimulation at the surface induces the production of the surface zone protein Proteoglycan 4 (aka PRG4 or lubricin). Analysis of second harmonic generation signature of collagen in this superficial layer reveals a highly aligned fibrillar matrix that resembles the alignment pattern in native tissue's surface zone, suggesting that mimicking synovial fluid flow at the cartilage surface in hydrodynamic bioreactors could be key to creating engineered cartilage with superficial zone features. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1476–1486. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Lumican is a glycoprotein that is found in the extracellular matrix of many connective tissues, including cartilage. It is a member of the small leucine-rich repeat proteoglycans family and along with two others, decorin and fibromodulin, has the capacity to bind to fibrillar collagens and limit their growth. Cartilage tissue engineering provides a potential method for the production of three-dimensional tissue for implantation into eroded joints. Many studies have demonstrated the growth of cartilage in vitro. However in all cases, biochemical analysis of the tissue revealed a significant deficit in the collagen content. We have now tested the hypothesis that the reduced collagen accumulation in engineered cartilage is a result of over-expression of decorin, fibromodulin or lumican. We have found that the lumican gene and protein are both over-expressed in engineered compared to natural cartilage whereas this is not the case for decorin or fibromodulin. Using a small hairpin lumican antisense sequence we were able to knockdown the lumican gene and protein expression in chondrocytes being used for tissue engineering. This resulted in increased accumulation of type II collagen (the major collagen of cartilage) whilst there was no significant alteration in the proteoglycan content. Furthermore, the antisense knockdown of lumican resulted in an increase in the average collagen fibril diameter measured by transmission electron microscopy. These results suggest that lumican plays a pivotal role in the development of tissue engineered cartilage and that regulation of this protein may be important for the production of high-quality implants.  相似文献   

There is a current need for a small diameter vascular graft due to the limited supply of autogenous grafts and the failure of synthetic grafts due to thrombosis and/or intimal hyperplasia. The use of living cells and tissues to fabricate a small diameter graft (i.e., tissue engineered blood vessel, TEBV) could be useful given the endothelialization potential and biocompatibility benefits of such a graft. However, while sufficient strength has been attained in a TEBV, coordinate compliance has yet to be fine-tuned. In this study we investigate the effects of biological response modifiers, retinoic acid (RA) and ascorbic acid (AA) on TEBV biomechanics as a function of time and subsequently correlate observed RA/AA induced changes in TEBV mechanics with alterations in smooth muscle cell (SMC) biochemistry. TEBVs were constructed using a fibrillar type I collagen network populated by human aortic smooth muscle cells (AoSMC). Following construction this TEBV was treated with 0.3 mM AA and 0.1 mM RA (concentrations found to induce changes in VSMC phenotype). Ultimate tensile stress (UTS), rate of relaxation (RR) and elastic efficiency (EE) of RA/AA treated and untreated TEBVs were measured following 1, 7, 15, 30, 45, and 60 days of treatment. At corresponding time points, the effect of these treatments on collagen and elastin protein synthesis and mRNA expression was examined. RA/AA treated TEBV strength increased and stiffness decreased compared to controls as a function of time. Relative collagen synthesis in treated TEBVs exceeded control levels by nearly two-fold at 15 and 30 days of incubation. RA/AA treated collagen gene expression followed a similar trend. Relative elastin synthesis was also greater in treated TEBVs as compared to untreated TEBVs at 15 and 30 days of incubation and correspondingly elastin mRNA expression was significantly elevated at 15 days of incubation. These data provide evidence that RA/AA treated TEBVs exhibit mechanical properties which more closely mimic those of a native vessel than their untreated counterparts and that changes in extracellular matrix composition and matrix gene expression in the presence of RA/AA treatment may play an important role in the development of said mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Bovine calf articular chondrocytes were seeded onto biodegradable polyglycolic acid scaffolds and cultured for four weeks using in vitro systems providing different mechanical environments (static and mixed Petri dishes, static and mixed flasks, and rotating vessels) and different biochemical environments (medium with and without supplemental insulin-like growth factor I, IGF-I). Under all conditions, the resulting engineered tissue histologically resembled cartilage and contained its major constituents: glycosaminoglycans, collagen, and cells. The mechanical environment and supplemental IGF-I (a) independently modulated tissue morphology, growth, biochemical composition, and mechanical properties (equilibrium modulus) of engineered cartilage as previously reported; (b) interacted additively or in some cases nonadditively producing results not suggested by the independent responses, and (c) in combination produced tissue superior to that obtained by modifying these factors individually.  相似文献   

Many studies have measured the global compressive properties of tissue engineered (TE) cartilage grown on porous scaffolds. Such scaffolds are known to exhibit strain softening due to local buckling under loading. As matrix is deposited onto these scaffolds, the global compressive properties increase. However the relationship between the amount and distribution of matrix in the scaffold and local buckling is unknown. To address this knowledge gap, we studied how local strain and construct buckling in human TE constructs changes over culture times and GAG content. Confocal elastography techniques and digital image correlation (DIC) were used to measure and record buckling modes and local strains. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used to quantify construct buckling. The results from the ROC analysis were placed into Kaplan-Meier survival function curves to establish the probability that any point in a construct buckled. These analysis techniques revealed the presence of buckling at early time points, but bending at later time points. An inverse correlation was observed between the probability of buckling and the total GAG content of each construct. This data suggests that increased GAG content prevents the onset of construct buckling and improves the microscale compressive tissue properties. This increase in GAG deposition leads to enhanced global compressive properties by prevention of microscale buckling.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering is a promising option for cartilage repair. However, several hurdles still need to be overcome to develop functional tissue constructs suitable for implantation. One of the most common challenges is the general low capacity of chondrocytes to synthesize cartilage-specific extracellular matrix (ECM). While different approaches have been explored to improve the biosynthetic response of chondrocytes, several studies have demonstrated that the nutritional environment (e.g., glucose concentration and media volume) can have a profound effect on ECM synthesis. Thus, the purpose of this study was to optimize the formulation of cell culture media to upregulate the accumulation of cartilaginous ECM constituents (i.e., proteoglycans and collagen) by chondrocytes in 3D culture. Using response surface methodology, four different media factors (basal media, media volume, glucose, and glutamine) were first screened to determine optimal media formulations. Constructs were then cultured under candidate optimal media formulations for 4 weeks and analyzed for their biochemical and structural properties. Interestingly, the maximal accumulation of proteoglycans and collagen appeared to be elicited by different media formulations. Most notably, proteoglycan accumulation was favored by high volume, low glucose-containing DMEM/F12 (1:1) media whereas collagen accumulation was favored by high volume, high glucose-containing F12 media. While high glutamine-containing media elicited increased DNA content, glutamine concentration had no apparent effect on ECM accumulation. Therefore, optimizing the nutritional environment during chondrocyte culture appears to be a promising, straight-forward approach to improve cartilaginous tissue formation. Future work will investigate the combined effects of the nutritional environment and external stimuli.  相似文献   

Tissue engineered cartilage can be grown in vitro if the necessary physical and biochemical factors are present in the tissue culture environment. Cell metabolism and tissue composition were studied for engineered cartilage cultured for 5 weeks using bovine articular chondrocytes, polymer scaffolds (5 mm diameter x 2 mm thick fibrous discs), and rotating bioreactors. Medium pH and concentrations of oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose, lactate, ammonia, and glycosoaminoglycan (GAG) were varied by altering the exchange rates of gas and medium in the bioreactors. Cell-polymer constructs were assessed with respect to histomorphology, biochemical composition and metabolic activity. Low oxygen tension ( approximately 40 mmHg) and low pH ( approximately 6.7) were associated with anaerobic cell metabolism (yield of lactate on glucose, YL/G, of 2.2 mol/mol) while higher oxygen tension ( approximately 80 mmHg) and higher pH ( approximately 7.0) were associated with more aerobic cell metabolism (YL/G of 1.65-1.79 mol/mol). Under conditions of infrequent medium replacement (50% once per week), cells utilized more economical pathways such that glucose consumption and lactate production both decreased, cell metabolism remained relatively aerobic (YL/G of 1.67 mol/mol) and the resulting constructs were cartilaginous. More aerobic conditions generally resulted in larger constructs containing higher amounts of cartilaginous tissue components, while anaerobic conditions suppressed chondrogenesis in 3D tissue constructs.  相似文献   

Effective tissue engineering requires appropriate selection of cells and scaffold, where the latter serves as a mechanical and biological support for cell growth and functionality. The optimal combination of cell source and scaffold properties can vary for each desired application. Such preconditions necessitate enhanced understanding of the interactions between cells and scaffold within engineered tissue. Several studies have examined the deforming effects cells induce in scaffolds via exertion of contractile forces. In contrast, other studies focus on the scaffold's biochemical and mechanical properties and their effects on cell behavior.This review summarizes the mechanical interplay between cells and scaffold within engineered tissue. We present evidence for contractile forces exerted by cells on three-dimensional (3D) scaffolds and discuss existing methods for their quantification. In addition, we address some theories related to the effects of scaffold stiffness and mechanical stimulation on cell behavior. Further understanding of the reciprocal effects between cells and scaffold will provide both enhanced knowledge regarding the expected properties of engineered tissue and more competent tissue regeneration techniques.  相似文献   

We show that the appropriate combinations of mechanical stimuli and polymeric scaffolds can enhance the mechanical properties of engineered tissues. The mechanical properties of tissues engineered from cells and polymer scaffolds are significantly lower than the native tissues they replace. We hypothesized that application of mechanical stimuli to engineered tissues would alter their mechanical properties. Smooth muscle tissue was engineered on two different polymeric scaffolds and subjected to cyclic mechanical strain. Short-term application of strain increased proliferation of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and expression of collagen and elastin, but only when SMCs were adherent to specific scaffolds. Long-term application of cyclic strain upregulated elastin and collagen gene expression and led to increased organization in tissues. This resulted in more than an order of magnitude increase in the mechanical properties of the tissues.  相似文献   

Cartilage tissue‐engineering strategies aim to produce a functional extracellular matrix similar to that of the native tissue. However, none of the myriad approaches taken have successfully generated a construct possessing the structure, composition, and mechanical properties of healthy articular cartilage. One possible approach to modulating the matrix composition and mechanical properties of engineered tissues is through the use of bioreactor‐driven mechanical stimulation. In this study, we hypothesized that exposing scaffold‐free cartilaginous tissue constructs to 7 days of continuous shear stress at 0.001 or 0.1 Pa would increase collagen deposition and tensile mechanical properties compared to that of static controls. Histologically, type II collagen staining was evident in all construct groups, while a surface layer of type I collagen increased in thickness with increasing shear stress magnitude. The areal fraction of type I collagen was higher in the 0.1‐Pa group (25.2 ± 2.2%) than either the 0.001‐Pa (13.6 ± 3.8%) or the static (7.9 ± 1.5%) group. Type II collagen content, as assessed by ELISA, was also higher in the 0.1‐Pa group (7.5 ± 2.1%) compared to the 0.001‐Pa (3.0 ± 2.25%) or static groups (3.7 ± 3.2%). Temporal gene expression analysis showed a flow‐induced increase in type I and type II collagen expression within 24 h of exposure. Interestingly, while the 0.1‐Pa group showed higher collagen content, this group retained less sulfated glycosaminoglycans in the matrix over time in bioreactor culture. Increases in both tensile Young's modulus and ultimate strength were observed with increasing shear stress, yielding constructs possessing a modulus of nearly 5 MPa and strength of 1.3 MPa. This study demonstrates that shear stress is a potent modulator of both the amount and type of synthesized extracellular matrix constituents in engineered cartilaginous tissue with corresponding effects on mechanical function. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 809–820 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mechano-acoustic and elastographic techniques may provide quantitative means for the in vivo diagnostics of articular cartilage. These techniques assume that sound speed does not change during tissue loading. As articular cartilage shows volumetric changes during compression, acoustic properties of cartilage may change affecting the validity of mechano-acoustic measurements. In this study, we examined the ultrasound propagation through human, bovine and porcine articular cartilage during stress-relaxation in unconfined compression. The time of flight (TOF) technique with known cartilage thickness (true sound speed) as well as in situ calibration method [Suh, Youn, Fu, J. Biomech. 34 (2001), 1347-1353] were used for the determination of sound speed. Ultrasound speed and attenuation decreased in articular cartilage during ramp compression, but returned towards the level of original values during relaxation. Variations in ultrasound speed induced an error in strain and compressive moduli provided that constant ultrasound speed and time-of-flight data was used to determine the tissue thickness. Highest errors in strain (-11.8 +/- 12.0%) and dynamic modulus (15.4 +/- 17.9%) were recorded in bovine cartilage. TOF and in situ calibration methods yielded different results for changes in sound speed during compression. We speculate that the variations in acoustic properties in loaded cartilage are related to rearrangement of the interstitial matrix, especially to that of collagen fibers. In human cartilage the changes, are, however relatively small and, according to the numerical simulations, mechano-acoustic techniques that assume constant acoustic properties for the cartilage will not be significantly impaired by this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Mathematical models to describe extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition and scaffold degradation in cell-polymer constructs for the design of engineered cartilage were developed and validated. The ECM deposition model characterized a product-inhibition mechanism in the concentration of cartilage molecules, collagen and glycosaminoglycans (GAG). The scaffold degradation model used first-order kinetics to describe hydrolysis (not limited by diffusion) of biodegradable polyesters, polyglycolic acid and polylactic acid. Each model was fit to published accumulation and degradation data. As experimental validation, cell-polymer constructs (n=24) and unseeded scaffolds (n=24) were cultured in vitro. Biochemical assays for ECM content and measurements of scaffold mass were performed at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 weeks (n=8 per time point). The models demonstrated a strong fit with published data and experimental results (R(2)=0.75 to 0.99) and predicted the temporal total construct mass with reasonable accuracy (30% RMS error). This approach can elucidate mechanisms governing accumulation/degradation and may be coupled with structure-function relationships to describe time-dependent changes in construct elastic properties.  相似文献   

In the repair of cartilage defects, autologous tissue offers the advantage of lasting biocompatibility. The ability of bovine chondrocytes isolated from hyaline cartilage to generate tissue-engineered cartilage in a predetermined shape, such as a human ear, has been demonstrated; however, the potential of chondrocytes isolated from human elastic cartilage remains unknown. In this study, the authors examined the multiplication characteristics of human auricular chondrocytes and the ability of these cells to generate new elastic cartilage as a function of the length of time they are maintained in vitro. Human auricular cartilage, harvested from patients 5 to 17 years of age, was digested in collagenase, and the chondrocytes were isolated and cultured in vitro for up to 12 weeks. Cells were trypsinized, counted, and passaged every 2 weeks. Chondrocyte-polymer (polyglycolic acid) constructs were created at each passage and then implanted into athymic mice for 8 weeks. The ability of the cells to multiply in vitro and their ability to generate new cartilage as a function of the time they had been maintained in vitro were studied. A total of 31 experimental constructs from 12 patients were implanted and compared with a control group of constructs without chondrocytes. In parallel, a representative sample of cells was evaluated to determine the presence of collagen. The doubling rate of human auricular chondrocytes in vitro remained constant within the population studied. New tissue developed in 22 of 31 experimental implants. This tissue demonstrated the physical characteristics of auricular cartilage on gross inspection. Histologically, specimens exhibited dense cellularity and lacunae-containing cells embedded in a basophilic matrix. The specimens resembled immature cartilage and were partially devoid of the synthetic material of which the construct had been composed. Analyses for collagen, proteoglycans, and elastin were consistent with elastic cartilage. No cartilage was detected in the control implants. Human auricular chondrocytes multiply well in vitro and possess the ability to form new cartilage when seeded onto a three-dimensional scaffold. These growth characteristics might some day enable chondrocytes isolated from a small auricular biopsy to be expanded in vitro to generate a large, custom-shaped, autologous graft for clinical reconstruction of a cartilage defect, such as for congenital microtia.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the torsional moment depending on the angle of torsion of the compact bone in laboratory animals and humans. Based on the data from laboratory animals, obtained by measurement, the data on dependence of the torsional moment and the angle of torsion were assumed for humans. Measurements were carried out on four groups of compact bone in laboratory animals. One was the control group, and three other groups were treated by various vitamin D3 metabolites. Equal measurements were performed in only one group of compact bone in humans, due to the impossibility to treat humans with vitamin D3 metabolites. Functional relations between the angle of torsion and the torsional moment for all groups of animal body tissue were determined by measurements, and the results were used to assume the reaction of human compact bone tissue if treated by vitamin D3 metabolites.  相似文献   

The cyanogen bromide‐resistant proteins of lamprey cartilage are biochemically related to the mammalian elastic protein, elastin. This study investigates their mechanical properties and enquires whether, like elastin, long‐range elasticity arises in them from a combination of entropic and hydrophobic mechanisms. Branchial and pericardial proteins resembled elastin mechanically, with elastic moduli of 0.13–0.35 MPa, breaking strains of 50%, and low hysteresis. Annular and piston proteins had higher elastic moduli (0.27–0.75 MPa) and larger hysteresis. Exchanging solvent water for trifluoroethanol increased the elastic moduli, whereas increasing temperature lowered the elastic moduli. Raman microspectrometry showed small differences in side‐chain modes consistent with reported biochemical differences. Decomposition of the amide I band indicated that the secondary structures were like those of elastin, preponderantly unordered, which probably confer the conformational flexibility necessary for entropy elasticity. Piston and annular proteins showed the strongest interactions with water, suggesting, together with the mechanical testing data, a greater role of hydrophobic interactions in their mechanics. Two‐photon imaging of intrinsic fluorescence and dye injection experiments showed that annular and piston proteins formed closed‐cell honeycomb structures, whereas the branchial and pericardial proteins formed open‐cell structures, which may account for the differences in mechanical properties. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 103: 187–202, 2015.  相似文献   

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