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The majority of Mycosphaerella species from eucalypts (Eucalyptus, Corymbia and Angophora) in Australia have been recorded only from trees growing in plantations. This illustrates a bias in research in the past two decades toward commercial enterprise, and it emphasises a lack of understanding of the occurrence of these important fungi under natural conditions. Surveys of foliar fungi in native forests in eastern Australia, as well as adjacent plantations, thus have been initiated in recent years. In this study we describe four new species of Mycosphaerella from Eucalyptus spp. as well as other Myrtaceae. Mycosphaerella tumulosa sp. nov. (anamorph: Pseudocercospora sp.) was found on more than seven species of Eucalyptus and Corymbia in native forests and plantations in northeastern New South Wales and southeastern Queensland and appears to be relatively common, although not damaging to these trees. Mycosphaerella multiseptata sp. nov. was recorded from several locations on species of Angophora in native forests and amenity plantings. Mycosphaerella pseudovespa sp. nov. was found in one location in native forest on E. biturbinata. The first species of Mycosphaerella to be described from Syncarpia, M. syncarpiae sp. nov., was found in native forests in numerous locations from Sydney through to northeastern New South Wales and appears to be relatively common.  相似文献   

Serum samples collected from 224 tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii) in two captive populations in urban areas in eastern New South Wales Australia, between December 1999 and May 2004, were tested for antibodies to Ross River virus (RRV). In one population in northwest Sydney, 21 animals (11%) tested positive, and in another population in Newcastle, New South Wales, thirteen (33%) of the animals were positive. Antibodies were detected in four of 11 wallaroos (Macropus robustus) (36%) but not in parma wallabies (Macropus parma) (n=5), koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) (n=12) and southern hairy-nosed wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons) (n=2) from the Sydney area. These data support the possible role of marsupials as urban amplifying hosts for RRV.  相似文献   

Differences in breeding, population structure, dispersion and habitat are described between various species and subspecies of wallaroo (Macropus robustus robustus; M. r. cervinus; M. r. alligatoris; M. r. erubescens; Macropus antilopinus; Macropus bernardus).
Pouch young of Macropus robustus erubescens in western New South Wales were born throughout the year, while in both M. r. alligatoris and M. antilopinus then Northern Territory, most pouch young found were born during March and April.
In the populations of wallaroos in western New South Wales and the Northern Territory where there had been no systematic shooting of wallaroos for many years, 11|X% of the animals were immature. In the New England district of New South Wales where regular shooting occurs, 46|X% of the animals were immature.
The habitat of M. r. alligatoris of the Northern Territory was very similar to that of M. erubescens in inland Australia, amongst rocky hills and gullies. M. antilopinus , which is sympatric with M. r. alligatoris in the Northern Territory, also occurred in the rocky hills, but it was also found in open savannah woodland in flat and gently undulating country.
M. r. erubescens and M. r. alligatoris were almost always seen alone or in pairs, while M. antilopinus often formed larger groups.  相似文献   

Aim Phylogeography provides a framework to explain and integrate patterns of marine biodiversity at infra‐ and supra‐specific levels. As originally expounded, the phylogeographic hypotheses are generalities that have limited discriminatory power; the goal of this study is to generate and test specific instances of the hypotheses, thereby better elucidating both local patterns of evolution and the conditions under which the generalities do or do not apply. Location Coastal south‐east Australia (New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria), and south‐west North America (California and Baja California). Methods Phylogeographic hypotheses specific to coastal south‐east Australia were generated a priori, principally from existing detailed distributional analyses of echinoderms and decapods. The hypotheses are tested using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and nuclear internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) DNA sequence data describing population variation in the jellyfish Catostylus mosaicus, integrated with comparable data from the literature. Results Mitochondrial COI distinguished two reciprocally monophyletic clades of C. mosaicus (mean ± SD: 3.61 ± 0.40% pairwise sequence divergence) that were also differentiated by ITS1 haplotype frequency differences; the boundary between the clades was geographically proximate to a provincial zoogeographic boundary in the vicinity of Bass Strait. There was also limited evidence of another genetic inhomogeneity, of considerably smaller magnitude, in close proximity to a second hypothesized zoogeographic discontinuity near Sydney. Other coastal marine species also show genetic divergences in the vicinity of Bass Strait, although they are not closely concordant with each other or with reported biogeographic discontinuities in the region, being up to several hundreds of kilometres apart. None of the species studied to date show a strong phylogeographic discontinuity across the biogeographic transition zone near Sydney. Main conclusions Patterns of evolution in the Bass Strait and coastal New South Wales regions differ fundamentally because of long‐term differences in extrinsic factors. Since the late Pliocene, periods of cold climate and low sea‐level segregated warm temperate organisms east or west of an emergent Bassian Isthmus resulting in population divergence and speciation; during subsequent periods of warmer and higher seas, sister taxa expanded into the Bass Strait region leading to weakly correlated phylogeographic and biogeographic patterns. The Sydney region, by contrast, has been more consistently favourable to shifts in species’ ranges and long‐distance movement, resulting in a lack of intra‐specific and species‐level diversification. Comparisons between the Sydney and Bass Strait regions and prior studies in North America suggest that vicariance plays a key role in generating coastal biodiversity and that dispersal explains many of the deviations from the phylogeographic hypotheses.  相似文献   

Abstract  The braconid parasitoid Microctonus aethiopoides Loan has been released in Australia and New Zealand for biological control of the lucerne pest Sitona discoideus Gyllenhal. In New Zealand, the parasitoid attacks a number of endemic weevil species. A survey of Curculionoidea found in and near lucerne in south-eastern Australia was carried out to investigate whether similar non-target parasitism was occurring, and to relate this to levels of parasitism found in the target host, S. discoideus . Some of the original M. aethiopoides release sites were particularly targeted in the survey of 25 sites in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia. Almost 2500 weevils were collected, of which over 90% were S. discoideus , with the remaining 197 other weevils comprising 29 species found at 15 of the 25 sites. Parasitism of S. discoideus by M. aethiopoides occurred at 12 lucerne sites, with levels ranging from 0 to 25%. A single incidence of parasitism of a species of an Australian native weevil Prosayleus sp. by M. aethiopoides was recorded. No parasitism of any other weevil species was observed. The taxonomic affinities between Sitona and native Australian and New Zealand weevils are discussed, concluding that non-target host range in M. aethiopoides may be determined more by ecological factors than by taxonomic affinities among its hosts.  相似文献   

African olive (Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata) is a small evergreen tree which has become highly invasive at a landscape scale in the western Sydney and Hunter Valley regions of New South Wales, Australia. African olive invasion results in the formation of a dense and permanent mid‐canopy in grassy woodland vegetation. We investigated the relationship between African olive and native species establishment, abundance and diversity, using field surveys and a manipulative shading experiment. There were 78% fewer native species beneath African olive canopy in the field compared to uninvaded woodland sites. The shading experiment showed that simulated dense African olive shade levels produced the lowest dry weight for the three native species studied, with simulated canopy edge light providing optimal conditions for the native shrub Bursaria spinosa and African olive. Dense African olive shade levels produced the highest mortality rate for native species; however, African olive was able to maintain an 88% survival rate under dense canopy shade. This study confirms the adaptability of African olive and its capacity to decrease native plant diversity and substantially modify native vegetation at the community level.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidiosis is one of the most common waterborne diseases reported worldwide. Outbreaks of this gastrointestinal disease, which is caused by the Cryptosporidium parasite, are often attributed to public swimming pools and municipal water supplies. Between the months of January and April in 2009, New South Wales, Australia, experienced the largest waterborne cryptosporidiosis outbreak reported in Australia to date. Through the course of the contamination event, 1,141 individuals became infected with Cryptosporidium. Health authorities in New South Wales indicated that public swimming pool use was a contributing factor in the outbreak. To identify the Cryptosporidium species responsible for the outbreak, fecal samples from infected patients were collected from hospitals and pathology companies throughout New South Wales for genetic analyses. Genetic characterization of Cryptosporidium oocysts from the fecal samples identified the anthroponotic Cryptosporidium hominis IbA10G2 subtype as the causative parasite. Equal proportions of infections were found in males and females, and an increased susceptibility was observed in the 0- to 4-year age group. Spatiotemporal analysis indicated that the outbreak was primarily confined to the densely populated coastal cities of Sydney and Newcastle.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Female monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus (L.) were collected from clusters in the Sydney region at weekly intervals after cluster formation. They were neck-ligated and injected with juvenile hormone (JH) in order to test for any period of lowered JH sensitivity during the non-reproductive clustering phase. Response was assessed by production of mature oocytes. In all weekly samples, the mean response was equal to or greater than that of newly emerged females reared and maintained in optimal conditions, and was substantially higher than that reported for diapausing monarchs in North American clusters. The result is further evidence for the absence of a true reproductive diapause in New South Wales populations.  相似文献   

Summary   Widespread exotic species provide one of the greatest challenges to biodiversity conservation because they often have devastating impacts on native biota but are near impossible to eradicate. The Red Fox ( Vulpes vulpes ) is established across most of mainland Australia, where it has been linked to severe declines and extinctions of a broad suite of native fauna. A targeted approach to reducing the impacts of Foxes on biodiversity was instigated in New South Wales in 2001 under the New South Wales Fox Threat Abatement Plan. It is based on three simple steps. First, explicit priorities for Fox control are established by identifying which native species are at greatest risk from Fox predation and at which sites Fox control for these species is most critical. Second, high-frequency broad-area Fox-control programmes are established across all land tenures at these priority sites. Third, monitoring programmes are established to measure the response of targeted native fauna and Foxes to Fox control. Monitoring helps refine the priorities for control and the methods used over time. This approach provides a model for the strategic control of widespread exotic pests which threaten biodiversity.  相似文献   

Headland Zieria (Zieria prostrata) is an endangered species restricted to four headlands with a potential population of 1000 individuals. The species also occurs within the endangered ecological community Themeda grassland on sea cliffs and coastal headlands in the New South Wales North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bioregions. Shrub encroachment of native species is perceived as a threatening process within these grasslands, and also to the unique species within them, such as Headland Zieria. Suggested management actions for the community and Headland Zieria include the removal of other shrubs by frequent fire or mechanical means. We conducted a survey and correlative analyses to test the validity of these proposed actions. We provide evidence that Headland Zieria is facilitated by a higher density of nearby shrubs which may provide protection from the elements and decrease competition from other understorey species but is eventually out competed by them when the grassland fully transitions to a Banksia shrubland. We suggest that Headland Zieria is an ecotonal specialist that may require an invasion front of shrubs and/or isolated patches. The implementation of fire and/or overstorey shrub removal may be detrimental where populations of Headland Zieria occur. Our study highlights the need to look more closely at interactions before management actions changing vegetation structure and composition are implemented.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to collect data on population dynamics and life history for White's seahorse Hippocampus whitei, a geographically restricted species that is listed as data deficient under the IUCN Red List. Data from H. whitei populations were collected from two regions, Port Stephens (north) and Sydney Harbour (south) in New South Wales, Australia, covering most of the known range of H. whitei, from 2005 to 2010. Over 1000 individuals were tagged using fluorescent elastomer and on subsequent recaptures were re-measured for growth data that were used in a forced Gulland-Holt plot to develop growth parameters for use in a specialized von Bertalanffy growth-function model. Growth parameters for Port Stephens were: females L(∞) = 149·2 mm and K = 2·034 per year and males L(∞) = 147·9 mm and K = 2·520 per year compared with estimates from Sydney Harbour: females L(∞) = 139·8 mm and K = 1·285 per year and males L(∞) = 141·6 mm and K = 1·223 per year. Whilst there was no significant difference in growth between sexes for each region, H. whitei in Port Stephens grew significantly quicker and larger and matured and reproduced at a younger age than those from Sydney Harbour. The life span of H. whitei is at least 5 years in the wild with six individuals recorded reaching this age. Data collected on breeding pairs found that H. whitei displays life-long monogamy with three pairs observed remaining pair bonded over three consecutive breeding years. Baseline population densities were derived for two Port Stephens' sites (0·035 and 0·110 m(-2) ) and for Manly in Sydney Harbour (1·050 m(-2) ). Even though the life-history parameters of H. whitei suggest it may be reasonably resilient, precaution should be taken in its future management as a result of its limited geographical distribution and increasing pressures from anthropogenic sources on its habitats.  相似文献   

The presence of the South American pasture beetle Plectris aliena Chapin in Australia near Casino, New South Wales, is reported.
Characters of use in distinguishing the adult and larval stages from those of native scarabaeids are described. The bionomics, ecology, and potential importance of the species are discussed.
It is concluded that P. aliena is a species of humid-temperate climates where it appears to be restricted to light sandy soils. The larvae may damage the roots of grasses and crops.  相似文献   

New records of marine benthic algae from New South Wales, eastern Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Twenty‐four species of marine macroalgae are recorded from the mainland coast of New South Wales for the first time. One species, Laurencia platyclada Boergesen, represents a new record for Australia and the Pacific Ocean. Included in these new records is the introduced, invasive and cold‐tolerant strain of the green alga Caulerpa taxifolia, which was formerly known only as native, non‐invasive populations from Lord Howe Island. Based on published accounts, the composition of the marine benthic algae for the state of New South Wales now stands at 131 green, 140 brown and 449 red macroalgae. This baseline information adds significantly to our knowledge of the overall marine biodiversity of the state, as well as to the phycogeography of the southwestern Pacific region.  相似文献   

The Pilliga forest in northern inland New South Wales, Australia, is one of the largest surviving remnants of native forest on the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range. The Pilliga landscape is a challenging environment for molluscs, dominated by dry sclerophyll forest and with limited and largely ephemeral aquatic habitats. A field survey of the area in 2006–2012 identified a surprisingly rich and relatively intact aquatic native molluscan fauna with five species of bivalves in three families and nine species of freshwater gastropods (four families), including some rare species and range extensions. The native land snail fauna comprised 18 species (six families), including an unusually rich pupillid fauna with nine species. Some range extensions are recorded and some species are narrow-range endemics. The distributions of many aquatic and terrestrial species were correlated with geology or soil type. Introduced molluscs were predominantly found in anthropogenic habitats and include two freshwater gastropods (two families) and nine terrestrial snails and slugs (eight families). This study provides insight into the original molluscan fauna of the western slopes prior to landscape-scale agricultural development and provides a benchmark for future reference.  相似文献   

Abstract Aphis clerodendri Matsumura is newly recorded from Australia and is known from the Northern Territory, on islands in Torres Strait, and in rainforest in northern Queensland and New South Wales. It induces the formation of leaf pseudogalls on native species of Clerodendrum and is commonly attended by ants, which penetrate and may polydomously nest in the galls. Previously known only from eastern Asia, A. clerodendri can now be classified as native to Australia and Australasian in natural distribution. The species is also newly recorded from Papua New Guinea and Vietnam.  相似文献   

Poorly studied species are potentially under-prioritised by conservation programmes due to knowledge gaps presenting barriers to informing effective management strategies. The Botany Bay Bearded Greenhood, Pterostylis sp. Botany Bay, is an example of a poorly studied plant that is listed as endangered under both Commonwealth and New South Wales legislation. This study reports on archival surveys from 1998 to 2005 conducted at up to eight sites known to contain the Botany Bay Bearded Greenhood and follow-up surveys in 2022. The archival surveys found that the total population count ranged from 83 to 341 individuals. Mean numbers (± standard error) of seedlings, flowering individuals and individuals exhibiting capsule development recorded in the population were 43 ± 14, 33 ± 9 and 2 ± 1 respectively. The 2022 surveys did not detect the species. An area of potential habitat was derived from records in biodiversity databases, which determined a total historical extent of 1.38 ha restricted to the Kurnell Peninsula in Sydney, New South Wales. The priority next step is to gather contemporary data to confirm whether the Botany Bay Bearded Greenhood remains extant, which can be done by applied researchers, students, landholders and land managers, botanical practitioners and/or volunteers. For optimal species detection, we recommend undertaking formal surveys or opportunistic searches in historically known sites and replicating detection efforts across July–September periods to exploit seasonal flowering.  相似文献   

The development of commercial cephalopod fisheries is a relatively recent phenomenon in Australia. Multiple commercial fisheries land cephalopods in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, yet few useful data exist for the sustainable management of these resources. This paper presents results of the first study to quantitatively document cephalopod diversity in commercial fisheries landings of NSW. A total of 21 cephalopod taxa were observed in randomly selected market samples from the three major regions of landings. Few species comprised the majority of landings in each market category, but several species constituted the remaining proportions. Sepia rozella and S. hedleyi comprised the largest proportion by numbers and weight in cuttlefish samples. Octopus australis and O. tetricus were most abundant in octopus samples, while Sepioteuthis australis, Nototodarus gouldi, and Uroteuthis (Photololigo) sp. comprised the largest proportion of squid samples. The proportion each species contributes to commercial cephalopod landings reported at the Sydney Fish Market was estimated. Cephalopod diversity in the present study was generally consistent with that observed in previous years during fishery independent surveys of prawn trawl grounds. Quantifying cephalopod diversity in New South Wales commercial fisheries provides the necessary first step toward the sustainable management of these valuable resources.  相似文献   

Taxidiotisoma portabile gen. n., sp. n. is described from scattered populations in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania, Australia. Populations of Taxidiotisoma portabile in Victoria, Tasmania and parts of New South Wales occur in urban, suburban and agricultural areas, with no collections of the species in natural habitats in the same district. Taxidiotisoma portabile is likely to be a native exotic species whose home range is in eastern New South Wales.  相似文献   

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