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在14-34℃范围内研究了温度对孟氏隐唇瓢虫实验种群生长发育的影响,结果表明,在14-29℃范围内,温度愈低,发育历期愈长,当温度达到32℃后,发育历期又略有延长。孟氏隐唇瓢虫世代发育起点温度为11.9℃,有效积温为452.3日度。孟氏隐唇瓢虫世代存活率为26℃最高,以34℃最低。在20-32℃范围内,孟氏隐唇瓢虫内禀增长率(rm)、周限增长率(λ)和世代净增长率(R0)均以26℃为最高,分别为0  相似文献   

茶椰圆蚧的重要天敌——日本方头甲及其捕食作用的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究了日本方头甲的种群动态,捕食习性、功能反应、干扰反应与农药毒性,结果表明,日本方头甲在福安社口茶园一年有4个发生高峰,与茶椰圆蚧二龄若虫的发生期跟随现象明显,对第二代茶椰圆蚧控制作用强。成虫和幼虫均或捕食各个虫态的茶椰圆蚧,成虫捕食具有日节律;雌成虫的捕食最大于雄成虫,雌、雄成虫捕食茶椰圆蚧的功能反应均为HollingⅡ型反应。雌成虫在10℃下捕食率最低,15℃次之,35℃最高,在10-3  相似文献   

邹建掬  周程爱 《昆虫知识》1993,30(3):174-176
闪蓝红点唇瓢虫是猕猴桃考氏白盾蚧的主要天敌,在湖南一年发生1代,以幼虫在猕猴桃树干及枝条上的考氏白盾蚧下或以蛹在立架铁丝和猕猴桃小枝上越冬,该瓢虫成虫对考氏白盾蚧卵的功能反应属于Hassell &Comins Ⅲ型,对雌成蚧和雄蛹的功能反应属于Holling Ⅱ型;取食卵的“S”型曲线方程为Na=0.06339N/1+0.06339N+7.16307×10~(-5)·N~2,取食雌成蚧和雄蛹的圆盘方程分别为Na=1.0211N/1+0.008443N和Na=0.7315N/1+0.002394N;一昼夜对卵、雌成蚧、雄蛹的最大捕获量分别为885粒、121头和308头。  相似文献   

在室内对孟氏隐唇瓢虫成虫自残幼虫的行为以及雌虫取食幼虫后的生殖力进行了研究,结果表明,雌成虫在48h内残杀幼虫造成的死亡率为60%,显著高于雄成虫;与其他部位相比幼虫的腹部遭受更多地攻击,幼虫体表覆盖的蜡丝在一定程度上抵御了成虫的攻击。与取食粉蚧的雌虫相比,取食瓢虫幼虫的雌虫产卵率和平均产卵量均显著降低。  相似文献   

本文使用场发射扫描电子显微镜对孟氏隐唇瓢虫Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant雌雄成虫的触角和触角感受器进行了观察和研究,并对触角形态,感受器形态、类型、数量及分布进行了统计和分析。孟氏隐唇瓢虫雌雄成虫触角均由柄节,梗节及8个鞭小节组成。观察到7种触角感受器:四种锥形感受器(sba),四种刺形感受器(sch),四种毛形感受器(str),一种腔锥形感受器(sco),一种耳形感受器(sau),一种腔形感受器(scl),一种Bhm氏鬃毛(sbm)。毛形感受器和刺形感受器数量最多,其他类型感受器数量都较少。Bhm氏鬃毛只存在于柄节和梗节。第八鞭小节的顶端感受器种类最丰富,被六种感受器稠密覆盖。雌雄触角大小、感受器类型都没有明显差异。根据感受器的分布和以前的相关报道,推测孟氏隐唇瓢虫的毛形感受器可能是信息素接收者,刺形感受器可能是机械性刺激感受器和化学感受器,锥形感受器和腔锥形感受器可能都是植物挥发物接受者,化学和温湿度感受器,耳形感受器或许承担物理或者嗅觉器官的功能,而Bhm氏鬃毛或许能感知触角的位置和活动。  相似文献   

【目的】孟氏隐唇瓢虫Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant生殖系统结构和卵细胞发生将为昆虫的系统进化关系及瓢虫分类提供依据,同时可作为瓢虫人工饲料研究开发的参考。【方法】利用组织石蜡切片技术和光学显微镜,观察孟氏隐唇瓢虫生殖系统结构,以及自成虫羽化后不同发育阶段卵巢发育状况和成熟卵巢管卵子发生过程。【结果】孟氏隐唇瓢虫雄性生殖系统包括2对附腺、1对精巢、1对输精管、1对贮精囊、射精管、弯管和阳基。雌性生殖系统包括2片生殖板、生殖腔、受精囊、中输卵管、1对侧输卵管和1对卵巢。单侧卵巢管数量在11~14根之间,卵巢管端部延伸出细长的端丝。卵巢管属于端滋式,分为原卵区和生长区。滋养细胞分散且细胞核几乎充满整个细胞,未见合胞体。卵细胞稀疏地集中在原卵区下端,并且可见营养索向卵巢管顶端延伸。根据卵细胞位置和形态,卵黄积累情况,滤泡细胞形态变化,将卵细胞发生分为前期,中期,中后期和后期。卵细胞发育后期,营养索消失,滤泡细胞排列疏松,细胞间隙增大。【结论】孟氏隐唇瓢虫卵巢管的滋养细胞是端滋式卵巢管滋养细胞中的原始类型,且推测瓢虫科昆虫卵巢管滋养细胞均属于此类。卵细胞早期发育过程中,卵细胞通过营养索从滋养细胞获取营养物质。  相似文献   

孟氏隐唇瓢虫对产卵基质的颜色选择行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在室内26±2℃,RH=50±10%,L:D=16h:8h环境下,使用白色、红色、蓝色、紫色、黑色5种棉花作为孟氏隐唇瓢虫Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant的产卵基质供其产卵,研究该瓢虫对产卵基质的颜色偏好性.结果表明连续10日内该瓢虫在红色棉花上的产卵次数和总产卵量最多,产卵次数与总产...  相似文献   

孟氏隐唇瓢虫研究现状及其种质资源描述规范的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟氏隐唇瓢虫Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant原产于澳大利亚,是粉蚧的重要捕食性天敌,作为生物防治重要的天敌资源被广泛引进世界各地.本文介绍了国内外近几十年来对孟氏隐唇瓢虫在生活史、行为、抗药性以及生物防治等方面的研究概况,并提出建立孟氏隐唇瓢虫种质资源描述规范的必要性,为充分发挥其控害潜能提供理论依据.  相似文献   

在室内试验条件下,研究了圆斑弯叶毛瓢虫Nephus ryuguus(Kamiya)对湿地松粉蚧Oracella acuta(Lobdell)的捕食功能反应和干扰反应,结果表明瓢虫的捕食功能反应符合Holling-Ⅱ型模型,捕食量随猎物密度的增加而增大;1~4龄幼虫和成虫理论最大捕食量分别为13.63头/d、21.57头/d、55.07头/d、66.39头/d和93.40头/d;对猎物的寻找效应随自身密度的增大而下降.在猎物密度不变的情况下,捕食率随自身密度的增加而减少,成虫个体之间的干扰反应经检验,符合Hassell-Varley干扰反应模型.  相似文献   

选择合适的内参基因是qRT-PCR研究的关键。本文以孟氏隐唇瓢虫Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant为研究材料,利用qRT-PCR技术,对孟氏隐唇瓢虫4个候选内参基因Actin、RPS23、GAPDH和β-tubulin的mRNA的表达量进行了分析,并用Ge Norm、Norm Finder和Best Keeper软件分析它们在孟氏隐唇瓢虫不同发育阶段及成虫不同组织中的表达稳定性。结果表明,以成虫不同组织为材料时,综合三种软件分析结果显示4个候选基因表达稳定性平均等级值排名为RPS23(rank=1)β-tubulin(rank=2.3)GAPDH(rank=3)Actin(rank=3.7),以不同发育时期虫体为材料时,综合分析结果显示4个候选内参基因表达稳定性平均等级值排名为RPS23(rank=1.7)Actin(rank=2)GAPDH(rank=2.7)β-tubulin(rank=3.7)。综合分析在瓢虫不同发育阶段及成虫不同组织两种处理下,三种软件的评价效果,4个候选基因表达稳定性等级值的总平均排名为RPS23(rank=1.3)Actin(rank=2.8)=GAPDH(rank=2.8)β-tubulin(rank=3)。RPS23在瓢虫不同发育阶段及成虫不同组织中均显示出较高的表达稳定性及与其它基因之间极大的相关性,可以确定为孟氏隐唇虫不同发育阶段及成虫不同组织基因表达分析中一个稳定表达的基因,可作为单个内参基因或者其它内参基因的协同基因,本实验为开展孟氏隐唇瓢虫功能基因表达分析奠定了方法学基础。  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR和RACE技术,从孟氏隐唇瓢虫Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant中成功克隆出气味结合蛋白(Com OBP1)基因的全序列(Genbank登陆号:KU170686)。Com OBP1基因全长922 bp,包括5'端长为40 bp的非编码区域(UTR),及3'端长为462 bp的UTR,开放阅读框ORF长为420 bp,编码139个氨基酸,预测的分子量为15.516 k Da,等电点p I为6.57,存在AATAAA加尾信号。N-末端疏水区包含由20个氨基酸构成的信号肽,无跨膜结构,有4个保守的半胱氨酸,属于Minus-C OBP,也是在孟氏隐唇瓢虫中发现的第一个Minus-C OBP。氨基酸序列中有且仅有一个N-糖基化位点为62 NLSA,并存在2个潜在的磷酸化位点。与其它昆虫的Minus-C OBPs进行同源性比较并构建系统发育树,发现与同为鞘翅目Coleoptera昆虫的同源性较高。利用Real-time PCR、RT-PCR技术对Cmon OBP1基因在孟氏隐唇瓢虫不同发育阶段,不同组织,不同营养条件及不同食性下的表达水平进行了测定,结果显示,Cmon OBP1基因在整个发育阶段均有表达,雄性成虫期具有最高表达量,且多在成虫的头部及翅部表达。当营养条件发生变化时,表达丰度不会发生变化,当猎物由天然猎物柑橘粉蚧Planococcus citri Risso变成碗豆修尾蚜Megoura japonica Matsumura时,表达量会明显下降。该结果表明,孟氏隐唇瓢虫的不同发育阶段、不同组织及猎物种类会影响Cmon OBP1基因的表达,从而进一步影响其嗅觉行为。同时,Cmon OBP1基因可能在雄虫相关的信息素感受过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   


Dactylopius opuntiae, is known as specific Opuntia cochineal in many countries around the world. This sap-sucking insect was first detected in Morocco in 2014. To address the problem, the feeding potential of different development stages of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant, a biological control agent against mealybugs, was investigated on different development stages of D. opuntiae. Fourth instar larvae and adults of C. montrouzieri were the most voracious feeders on different instars of the mealybug. The numbers of mealybug eggs consumed by first, second, third and fourth instar larva and adults of C. montrouzieri were 36.18?±?1.84, 68.08?±?4.17, 280.55?±?5.41, 540.55?±?5.35, 6514.13?±?64.28, respectively. The numbers of mealybug nymphs consumed by the same stages of C. montrouzieri were 35.43?±?1.75, 67.73?±?3.88, 279.85?±?5.58, 539.63?±?5.08 and 6501.7?±?81.94 (first instars) and 34.83?±?1.20, 57.45?±?1.22, 83.80?±?1.92, 213.65?±?3.46 and 6013.23?±?35.46 (second instars), respectively. The corresponding figures for adult female mealybugs were 1.40?±?0.78, 10.65?±?1.83, 18.58?±?1.24, 25.23?±?1.10 and 197.15?±?3.29, respectively. The egg, larval, prepupal, pupal and adult stages occupied 3.36–3.69, 20.21–27.59, 1.31–1.59, 10.62–10.72 and 96.10–102.51?days, respectively when the coccinellid was reared on different stages of D. opuntiae. The results indicate that C. montrouzieri has the potential to be used as a biocontrol agent in Morocco.  相似文献   

The oviposition responses of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to the soft scale Eupulvinaria hydrangeae (Steinweden) (Homoptera: Coccidae) and to the mealybug Planococcus citri (Risso) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) have been compared in the laboratory. The females delay oviposition and withhold mature eggs in their lateral oviducts in the absence of wax filaments produced by the prey (only present in the ovisac of E. hydrangeae, present in all stages of P. citri). Contact chemical cues perceived by females when probing the wax filaments with their mouthparts are the signals inducing the search for oviposition sites. The second step is under the control of the ovipositor by which females locate confined sites to lay eggs. This oviposition behaviour could have a considerable impact on the prey exploitation strategy of this important biocontrol agent and might help to understand its apparent ineffectiveness in situations of low prey density.  相似文献   

Cryptognatha nodiceps Marshall is an important natural enemy used in biological control programmes against Aspidiotus destructor (Signoret), an introduced pest of coconut in many countries. In order to increase our understanding of C. nodiceps, the present study to quantify aspects of the developmental, reproductive and feeding biology under constant environmental conditions (26±2°C, 55-65% RH) was carried out. In addition, methods for culturing the scale and the beetle were developed. The average duration of development was 19.2±0.1 days for males and 19.6±0.2 days for females. Female longevity and lifetime fecundity was 35.6±5.1 days and 141.0±35.6 eggs, respectively. Life table statistics were as follows: reproductive rate, 9.99, intrinsic rate of increase, 0.09, finite rate of increase, 1.1, doubling time, 7.8 days and generation time, 41.1 days. Studies on feeding biology showed that C. nodiceps was oligophagous. The coccinellid fed and reproduced on prey species in two families, Diaspididae and Coccidae. Adults also fed on the coconut whitefly Aleurodicus cocois (Curtis) (Aleyrodidae) but no reproduction occurred on this prey. Aphididae, Psyllidae and Pseudococcidae were not fed upon.  相似文献   

The contact toxicity of various chemical and biological pesticides for the first and second instar nymphs and adults of the Opuntia cochineal scale insect Dactylopius opuntiae and the predator ladybird Cryptolaemus montrouzieri was determined under Morocco semi field conditions. d-limonene (60?g/l) at 100 and 150?cc/hl, mineral oil (780?g/l) at 2400?cc/hl and malathion (500?g/l) at 300?cc/hl caused the highest mortality (99–100%) among first instar nymphs of D. opuntiae 24?h after treatment. d-limonene (60?g/l) at 150?cc/hl caused greatest mortality (99%) in second instar nymphs. The highest mortality (99%) among adult female D. opuntiae was observed 120?h after treatment with d-limonene (60?g/l) at 150?cc/hl and mineral oil (780?g/l) at 2400?cc/hl. For the predator C. montrouzieri the highest mortality (92–97%) among adults 24?h after treatment was caused by malathion (500?g/l) at 100, 200 and 300?cc/hl and alpha-cypermethrin (100?g/l) at 75, 150 and 225?cc/hl. The most harmful pesticides to C. montrouzieri larvae 24?h after treatment were malathion and alpha-cypermethrin with mortality rates of 89–95%. Mortality in larvae ranged from 87 to 100% 120?h after treatment with chlorpyriphos-methyl (480?g/l) at 75, 150 and 225?cc/hl and spinosad (480?g/l) at 100, 200 and 300?cc/hl. d-limonene (60?g/l) at 50?cc/hl and mineral oil (780?g/l) at 1000?cc/hl had the least impact on C. montrouzieri adults and larvae, causing mortality of 11 and 15%, respectively, 120?h after treatment. d-limonene (60?g/l) and mineral oil (780?g/l) may therefore be viable alternatives to others high-risk chemical pesticides. These two biological insecticides are effective in controlling the Opuntia cochineal scale insect but have little adverse impact on the predator C. montrouzieri.  相似文献   

The lady beetle Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is an important predator of mealybugs. The development, survivorship, longevity and reproduction of C. montrouzieri feeding on three different mealybug species [Dysmicoccus neobrevipes Beardsley, Ferrisia virgata Cockerell and Planococcus minor (Maskell)] were investigated in the laboratory at 26 ± 1°C, 75-–90% RH and 14:10 (L:D) h photoperiod. Results indicated that, when feeding on different mealybugs, no significant differences were observed between developmental periods and survivorship of C. montrouzieri (from egg to adult), but differences were recorded between the sex ratios, preovipositional periods, adult longevities and reproduction of the differently treated lady beetle populations. The highest sex ratio (0.56), the longest preovipositional period (6.6 days) and adult longevity (84.8 days for females and 93.9 days for males), and the maximum fecundity (659.0 eggs/female) of C. montrouzieri were recorded when feeding on F. virgata. Moreover, C. montrouzieri had a high net reproductive rate (313.66), intrinsic rate of increase (0.0816) and finite rate of increase (1.085) when feeding on F. virgata. Results indicated that the population growth of C. montrouzieri may increase faster when feeding on F. virgata than feeding on either of the other two mealybugs.  相似文献   

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