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Zooplankton of turbid and hydrologically dynamic prairie rivers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. Compared with rivers in more humid, forested ecoregions of eastern and midwestern U.S.A., rivers in semi‐arid grassland of the U.S. Great Plains tend to be relatively shallow, more variable in discharge, and characterised by high suspended sediment loads. Although critical life stages of fish in prairie rivers probably depend at least partially on zooplanktonic food, data on community and distributional patterns of potamoplankton in these widespread ecosystems are almost entirely absent. 2. We examined summer zooplankton distribution in five prairie rivers (Arkansas, Kansas, Platte, Elkhorn, and Niobrara Rivers) spread over six degrees of latitude during 2003–2004. We compared our results from 126 samples with previously collected data from the Ohio and St Lawrence Rivers in forested ecoregions and correlated differences with abiotic environmental conditions. 3. The importance of hydrological retention zones to stream biota has been recently demonstrated for rivers with quasi‐permanent islands and slackwater regions, but the importance of slackwaters formed by ephemeral sandbar islands in prairie rivers is unknown. We evaluated the role of hydrological retention for planktonic rotifers, cladocera, and copepods in the Kansas River during the summer of 2004. 4. Zooplankton assemblages were extremely similar among prairie rivers (Sorensen Dissimilarity Index: mean = 0.07) but moderately disparate for comparisons of prairie versus forested‐basin rivers (mean = 0.50). 5. Total zooplankton densities in prairie rivers (approximately 81 L?1) were intermediate between the Ohio (approximately 92 L?1) and St Lawrence Rivers (approximately 43 L?1), but relative abundances were significantly different. Rotifers represented >99% of zooplankton individuals in grassland rivers, but only approximately 37–68% in other rivers. Rotifer species richness was lower in prairie rivers, but relative abundances of common genera were much less skewed compared with eastern rivers where Polyarthra dominated rotifer assemblages (41–73%). 6. For comparisons among rivers, rotifers were significantly more abundant in turbid rivers, while microcrustaceans were less dense. However, for comparisons within the Kansas River over time, rotifer densities were inversely related to turbidity. We hypothesise that rotifers indirectly benefit from river turbidity because their food competitors (cladocera) and predators (e.g. cyclopoid copepods and visually feeding fish) are relatively more susceptible to suspended sediments. 7. Crustacean densities were positively related to the degree of hydrological retention (negatively to current velocities) throughout the study, but rotifer densities were significantly depressed by current velocities only when river discharge was high, making slackwaters that much more valuable. Ephemeral sandbars may not provide sufficient hydrological retention in time and space to sustain viable crustacean populations, but they are adequate to help sustain growth of rotifer populations.  相似文献   

Patterns of migration and habitat use in diadromous fishes can be highly variable among individuals. Most investigations into diadromous movement patterns have been restricted to populations in regulated rivers, and little information exists for those in unregulated catchments. We quantified movements of migratory barramundi Lates calcarifer (Bloch) in two large unregulated rivers in northern Australia using both elemental (Sr/Ba) and isotope ((87)Sr/(86)Sr) ratios in aragonitic ear stones, or otoliths. Chemical life history profiles indicated significant individual variation in habitat use, particularly among chemically distinct freshwater habitats within a catchment. A global zoning algorithm was used to quantify distinct changes in chemical signatures across profiles. This algorithm identified between 2 and 6 distinct chemical habitats in individual profiles, indicating variable movement among habitats. Profiles of (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratios were notably distinct among individuals, with highly radiogenic values recorded in some otoliths. This variation suggested that fish made full use of habitats across the entire catchment basin. Our results show that unrestricted movement among freshwater habitats is an important component of diadromous life histories for populations in unregulated systems.  相似文献   

Saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) in the Northern Territory of Australia were protected in 1971, after a severe population decline resulting from 26 yr of intense commercial hunting. By that time wild saltwater crocodiles were rarely sighted anywhere and they were commercially extinct in areas where they had once been abundant. Standardized monitoring by spotlight surveys started in 1975 and provided relative density indices over time (1975–2009) as a unique record of the post-protection recovery of a wild crocodilian population. We examined the survey data for populations at 12 major tidal rivers, individually and as a single subpopulation. The pattern of recovery in the subpopulation in both abundance and biomass was approximated by logistic curves, predicting 5.26 non-hatchling crocodiles weighing 387.64 kg sighted per kilometer of river in 2010. We predicted potential carrying capacity as 5.58 non-hatchling crocodiles (5.73% higher than 2010) weighing 519.0 kg (25.31% higher than 2010). Individual rivers showed largely different abundance and biomass among rivers. The statistical model that best described the recovery in individual rivers was not always logistic. However, where it was logistic, expected carrying capacity of different rivers showed considerable variation in abundance and biomass. The variation indicates different habitat quality among the rivers. Recovery occurred despite various consumptive uses, particularly a widespread egg-harvest program, which has been an integral part of the incentive-driven conservation program for saltwater crocodiles in the Northern Territory since 1983. We suggest that the saltwater crocodile population of the Northern Territory is achieving full recovery from uncontrolled hunting in 1945–1971. Although saltwater crocodiles are considered an important natural resource, their increase in number, size, and distribution is posing management issues for public safety. Continuation of human–crocodile conflict management through public education and strategic removal of problem crocodiles will be essential. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Zooplankton abundance, composition and environmental parameters were monitored in two tropical rivers over a twenty month period. The data was subjected to cluster, factor and correlation analysis to determine the grouping pattern of zooplankton and their relationship to environmental parameters. Environmental factors in Ogunpa and Ona rivers--included buffering capacity, trace metal ions, pH-temperature/transparency--were primarily influenced by rainfall. The dominance of the Rotifera in both rivers was attributed to their short developmental rate and fish predation on larger zooplankton. Two groups of associations were identified in each river--a commonly occurring species group exhibiting strong homogenous correlation with environmental factors and a predominant group exhibiting weak correlation with environmental factors and whose abundance/composition may be defined by biotic factors.  相似文献   

The zooplankton of ephemeral waterbodies of Saratov oblast is represented by 68 species of crustaceans: 9 fairy shrimps, 25 cladocerans, 10 calanoids, and 24 cyclopoids. Regional and local patterns of high species diversity in the zooplankton of ephemeral waterbodies are discussed. The specificity of crustacean species composition in ephemeral waterbodies of intrazonal forest-steppe landscapes of the valley river basin of the Don River and of the steppes and desert steppes of Zavolzhye is shown. The number of crustacean species in the zooplankton increases from the northwest to southeast in all ephemeral waterbodies of forest-steppe (33 species), steppe (39), and desert steppe (52) zones. The impact of irrigation systems on the formation of zooplankton species composition in ephemeral waterbodies was established.  相似文献   

Viroux  L. 《Journal of plankton research》1997,19(11):1743-1762
Zooplankton population dynamics were studied along a 120 kmsection of the River Moselle, in France, and at one locationalong the Belgian course of the River Meuse. Community compositionand population densities were assessed on fresh material. Rotifersoverwhelmingly dominated the zooplankton of both rivers, especiallyin the Meuse where microcrustaceans were abundant only seasonally.The maximal densities recorded lie in the range of values commonlyreported for large European rivers. Zooplankton dynamics inthese two rivers are discussed in relation to their hydrologicalcharacteristics, differing morphologies and degree of regulation.  相似文献   

Medial confluence of the breast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The species composition of plankton invertebrates was studied in the middle Vychegda River (the main tributary of the Northern Dvina River) in 2003–2005. A list of planktonic rotifers and lower crustaceans was made. The dominating complexes of zooplankton organisms were found. The quantitative characteristics of plankton communities in the river were described.  相似文献   

Summary Water types of the North Sea with different plankton are the thermally stratified northern and central regions with a relatively nutrient rich inflow of Atlantic water, a mixed region in the southern North Sea with a poor inflow of Channel water, and turbid narrow coastal zones with inflow of nutrient rich river water. Plankton studies reveal that the primary production starts early, in February, in the southern region, but is delayed in the coastal zones by turbidity. In stratified areas the algal spring bloom is delayed by mixing towards the greater depth and usually starts with the onset of thermal stratification. The spring bloom soon declines and the algae remain on a low density level in summer, presumably due to depletion of nutrients in the euphotic zone. The coastal zones and the frontal zones between mixed and stratified water have a relatively high summer primary production.The herbivores (mainly planktonic copepodes and the tunicateOikopleura dioica) grow and increase in number when the temperature rises and food is available. There is a considerable mismatch with the algal spring bloom, which comes too early and is too short in most regions. The best coincidence occurs in the coastal zones and maybe the frontal zones. Carnivores build high biomasses in late summer and fall in the coastal regions and compete with fish larvae for food and also kill many fish larvae. The large scyphomedusae are most important in this respect.The overall yearly primary production of the North Sea is estimated to be about 100 mg C.m–2. The estimates for herbivores and fish are 20 and 1 mg C.m–2. Considering a growth efficiency of 20%, the herbivores must consume all algae produced. The indication of a low consumption due to bad phenological coincidence in most regions leads to the assumption, that either primary production is underestimated or there is a considerable influx of organic matter from the Atlantic Ocean. During June–July 1979 the carnivore consumption was estimated in the coastal zone of the Southern Bight to be 39 mg C.m–2.d–1 at a copepod production of 20 mg C.m–2.d–1. Consumption by fish larvae and large jellyfish (Cyanea lamarckii) was 15% and 74%, respectively.It seems clear that the productivity of the North Sea depends highly on coastal and frontal zones, where herbivores find sufficient food at optimal growth conditions. Most organic matter will at the end be consumed by invertebrate carnivores, which urge fish populations to reproduce early in spring or to recruit at remote places.  相似文献   

Zooplankton associations in Zimbabwe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J. GREEN 《Journal of Zoology》1990,222(2):259-283
The specific composition and diversity of the zooplankton in 18 impoundments in Zimbabwe were analysed on the basis of samples taken in July and August 1983. All the lakes lay at altitudes over 1200 m, with the highest at 2270 m.
Thirty species of Rotifera and 20 species of Crustacea were identified, but the mean numbers of species per lake were 5·7 rotifers and 4·5 crustaceans. Some records represent considerable extensions of known ranges. Daphnia laevis was the most widespread and frequently dominant crustacean, while among the rotifers Keratella cochlearis was most frequently dominant, particularly in the lakes at the upper part of the altitudinal range.
Ordination and cluster analysis of the associations revealed a group of lakes with closely interrelated similarities which could be attributed to their lying on tributaries of the same river system and receiving trout from the same hatchery. These analyses also picked out the lowest locality as the most divergent and the one showing the most typically tropical zooplankton association. Although all the lakes were well within the tropics, their altitudes seem to have excluded some of the widespread tropical African zooplankters.
The possibility that these associations could be formed by random colonization is discussed and dismissed.
The momentary species composition of these Zimbabwean zooplankton associations was similar to that given by Pennak (1957) for the world average, although the mean number of species of Copepoda was significantly lower than the world average. Comparisons with data from Brazil and Lake Maggiore indicate the need for a further geographical analysis.
A comparative study of the species diversity in impoundments of different sizes indicates that, over several orders of magnitude of area, the number of species of Ciadocera and Copepoda shows a small increase, but the number of species of Rotifera shows a much larger and more variable increase.  相似文献   

The freshwater phase of the first seaward migration of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is relatively well understood when compared with our understanding of the marine phase of their migration. In 2021, 1008 wild and 60 ranched Atlantic salmon smolts were tagged with acoustic transmitters in 12 rivers in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland. Large marine receiver arrays were deployed in the Irish Sea at two locations: at the transition of the Irish Sea into the North Atlantic between Ireland and Scotland, and between southern Scotland and Northern Ireland, to examine the early phase of the marine migration of Atlantic salmon smolts. After leaving their natal rivers' post-smolt migration through the Irish Sea was rapid with minimum speeds ranging from 14.03 to 38.56 km.day−1 for Atlantic salmon smolts that entered the Irish Sea directly from their natal river, to 9.69–39.94 km.day−1 for Atlantic salmon smolts that entered the Irish Sea directly from their natal estuary. Population minimum migration success through the study area was strongly correlated with the distance of travel, populations further away from the point of entry to the open North Atlantic exhibited lower migration success. Post-smolts from different populations experienced different water temperatures on entering the North Atlantic. This was largely driven by the timing of their migration and may have significant consequences for feeding and ultimately survivorship. The influence of water currents on post-smolt movement was investigated using data from previously constructed numerical hydrodynamic models. Modeled water current data in the northern Irish Sea showed that post-smolts had a strong preference for migrating when the current direction was at around 283° (west-north-west) but did not migrate when exposed to strong currents in other directions. This is the most favorable direction for onward passage from the Irish Sea to the continental shelf edge current, a known accumulation point for migrating post-smolts. These results strongly indicate that post-smolts migrating through the coastal marine environment are: (1) not simply migrating by current following (2) engage in active directional swimming (3) have an intrinsic sense of their migration direction and (4) can use cues other than water current direction to orientate during this part of their migration.  相似文献   

Zooplankton associations in the swamps of southern Sudan   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
J. Green 《Hydrobiologia》1984,113(1):93-98
Samples from the main Nile channel yield a poor zooplankton, deficient in species and heavily laden with organic debris. Samples from side arms and floodplain lakes yield a richer zooplankton, often containing 15–20 species of rotifers and ten or more species of Crustacea. When the floodplain lakes are heavily vegetated the number of species increases. For the Crustacea the index of diversity () normally varies between 0.6 and 2.4, but in a side arm of the Bahr el Zeraf it reaches 6.1 and in Lake Ambadi on the Bahr el Ghazal it reaches 8.4. The diversity of the rotifers is somewhat higher, normally ranging between 2 and 4.5, but reaching 23 in Lake Ambadi. The zooplankton of Lake Ambadi is the most distinctive and contains several species not found at other stations. The reasons for the peculiar zooplankton of Lake Ambadi are discussed.  相似文献   

By means of selective injection of blood vessels with water suspension of red lead and subsequent angiography, topography of the aortal bifurcation in the area of the vena cava formation has been studied in corpses of persons of both sex at the age 25-102 years and in 100 corpses of fetuses (the second half of pregnancy). Position, diameters of the arteries and veins situating in these areas, as well as branching or connection angles of the vessels are directly dependent on age. The data obtained on topography of the blood vessels and on their interrelations with position of the ureters and between themselves are of essential importance for operative approaches to the pelvic organs.  相似文献   

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