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The interaction of sanguinarine with right-handed (B-form), left-handed (Z-form) and left-handed (HL-form) structures of poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) has been investigated by measuring the circular dichroism (CD) and UV-absorption spectral analysis. Sanguinarine binds strongly to the B-form DNA and does not bind to Z-form or HL-form, but it converts the Z-form and the HL-form back to the bound right handed form as evidenced from CD spectroscopy. Sanguinarine inhibits the rate of B to Z transition under ionic conditions that otherwise favour the left-handed conformation of the polynucleotides. UV absorption kinetic studies show that the Z-form reverses back to B-form to B-form on binding to sanguinarine. Binding isotherms obtained from spectrophotometric data show that sanguinarine binds strongly to the B-form polymer in a non-cooperative manner, in sharp contrast to the highly cooperative interaction under Z-form and HL-form polynucleotides. These studies reveal that the alternating GC sequence undergoes defined conformational changes and interacts with sanguinarine which may be an important aspect in understanding its extensive biological activities.  相似文献   

Nascent DNA in nucleosome like structures from chromatin   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
A Levy  K M Jakob 《Cell》1978,14(2):259-267
We have used chromatin sensitivity to cleavage by micrococcal nuclease as a probe for differences between chromatin containing nascent DNA and that containing bulk DNA. Micrococcal nuclease digested the nascent DNA in chromatin of swimming blastulae of sea urchins more rapidly to acid-soluble nucleotides than the DNA of bulk chromatin. A part of the nascent DNA occurred in micrococcal nuclease-resistant structures which were either different from, or temporary modifications of, the bulk nucleosomes. This was inferred from the size differences between bulk and nascent DNA fragments in 10% polyacrylamide gels after micrococcal nuclease digestion of nuclei from a mixture of 14C-thymidine long- and 3H-thymidine pulse-labeled embryos. Bulk monomer and dimer DNA fragments contained about 170 and 410 base pairs (bp), respectively, when 18% of the bulk DNA had been rendered acid-soluble. At this level of digestion, “nascent monomer DNA” fragments of about 150 bp as well as 305 bp “large nascent DNA fragments” were observed. Increasing levels of digestion indicated that the large nascent DNA fragment was derived from a chromatin structure which was more resistant to micrococcal nuclease cleavage than bulk dimer chromatin subunits. Peaks of 3H-thymidine-labeled DNA fragments from embryos which had been pulse-labeled and then chased or labeled for several minutes overlapped those of 14C-thymidine long-labeled monomer, dimer and trimer fragments. This indicated that the chromatin organization at or near the replication fork which had temporarily changed during replication had returned to the organization of its nonreplicating state.  相似文献   

Apurinic sites were excised from phi X174 RF DNA with two enzymes isolated from rat liver chromatin: an apurinic/apyrimidinic endodeoxyribonuclease and a 5'-3'-exonuclease; the resulting gap was filled with DNA polymerase beta also prepared from rat liver chromatin and the repair was fully terminated with T4 ligase.  相似文献   

A specific fraction of avian oviduct chromosomal proteins can be reannealed to pure avian DNA to reconstitute nativelike specific nuclear binding sites (acceptor sites) for the oviduct progesterone receptor (PR). These specific nuclear binding sites represent the difference between the binding to the reconstituted NAP and that to pure DNA. The specific fraction of chromatin protein which contains the acceptor activity, fraction CP-3, is very tightly bound to hen DNA in a complex termed nucleoacidic protein (NAP). Removal of the CP-3 fraction from NAP results in a loss of specific PR binding sites. Resins containing chromatin adsorbed to hydroxylapatite are used as a rapid method to isolate the CP-3 fraction. Reconstitution of the CP-3 fraction to DNA by the described method involving a regressing gradient of 6-0 M guanidine hydrochloride (Gdn-HCl) results in a reconstituted NAP which displays specific PR binding sites identical with those in native (undissociated) NAP and whole chromatin. Optimal conditions and potential problems for reconstituting these nucleoproteins are described. Only partially purified receptor preparations were used in these cell-free binding analyses since they have been shown to bind with similar properties and patterns as the nuclear binding in vivo. Therefore, the binding of PR to the reconstituted NAPs was demonstrated to be receptor dependent, saturable, and of high affinity. Further, the pattern of binding to the reconstituted sites mimics those which are observed in vivo. Thus, nonfunctional receptors that cannot translocate and bind to the nuclear acceptor sites in vivo also failed to bind to the acceptor sites on the reconstituted NAPs generated by the acceptor proteins. In contrast, the binding to pure DNA does not reflect these receptor differences in receptor bindings. Specific binding of PR to reconstituted NAP can be reversed by again removing the protein fraction. Moreover, the specific binding can be destroyed by proteases and protected by protease inhibitors, indicating that acceptor activity is proteinaceous in nature. The reconstitution of the activity is both a concentration-dependent and time-dependent process. During the reconstitution, acceptor activity appears to reconstitute on the DNA when the Gdn-HCl concentration reaches 2.0 M. By use of the reconstitution method as an assay for acceptor activity, the activity in the CP-3 fraction was shown by molecular sieve chromatography to elute in a relatively broad molecular weight range between 13 000 and 25 000. The activity also focuses in isoelectric focusing resins with apparent pI's of 5.2 and 6.4.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Data are presented for sequence-specific chromatin-loop organization in histone-depleted nuclei from Drosophila melanogaster Kc cells. We find one loop for each of the tandemly repeated histone gene clusters. The attachment site is localized in the A + T rich H1-H3 spacer on a 657 bp fragment. In the cluster of the hsp70 heat-shock genes, in both control and heat-shocked cells, we find two attachment sites in close proximity upstream of regulatory elements. The transcribed sequences are not associated with the nuclear scaffold in control or in heat-shocked cells. A family of attachment sites related by hybridization to those of the hsp70 genes was discovered.  相似文献   

Three new proteins which selectively bind to UV-damaged DNA were identified and purified to near homogeneity from UV-irradiated Drosophila melanogaster embryos through several column chromatographies. These proteins, tentatively designated as D-DDB P1, P2 and P3, can be identified as different complex bands in a gel shift assay by using UV-irradiated TC-31 probe DNA. Analysis of the purified D-DDB P1 fraction by native or SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and FPLC-Superose 6 gel filtration demonstrated that it is a monomer protein which is a 30 kDa polypeptide. The D-DDB P2 protein is a monopolypeptide with a molecular mass of 14 kDa. Both D-DDB P1 and P2 highly prefer binding to UV-irradiated DNA, and have almost no affinity for non-irradiated DNA. Gel shift assays with either UV-irradiated DNA probes demonstrated that D-DDB P1 may show a preference for binding to (6-4) photoproducts, while D-DDB P2 may prefer binding to pyrimidine dimers. Both these proteins require magnesium ions for binding. D-DDB P1 is an ATP-preferent protein. These findings are discussed in relation to two recently described [Todo and Ryo (1991) Mutat. Res., 273, 85-93; Todo et al. (1993) Nature, 361, 371-374] DNA-binding factors from Drosophila cell extracts. A possible role for these DNA-binding proteins in lesion recognition and DNA-binding proteins in lesion recognition and DNA repair of UV-induced photo-products is discussed.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 chromatin interaction with the capsid proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
It has been established that both in virions and in infected cells, the cellular core histones fold the SV40 DNA into nucleosomes to form the SV40 chromosome or chromatin. We and others have begun to examine how the capsid proteins assemble the SV40 chromatin into virions and to investigate whether these proteins interact with the encapsidated chromatin. To follow the pathway of virus assembly, we have analyzed the nucleoproteins which accumulate in cells infected with the SV40 mutants temperature-sensitive in assembly: tsC, tsBC, and tsB. (The temperature-sensitivity of these mutants result from alterations in the amino acid sequence of the major capsid protein VP1). We have found that mutants belonging to the same class accumulate similar types of nucleoproteins at the nonpermissive temperature (40 degrees C) and thus, share characteristics in common. For example, the tsC mutants accumulate only the 75 S chromatin. Both tsBC and tsB mutants produce in addition to chromatin, nucleoprotein complexes which sediment broadly from 100-160 S and contain all the three capsid proteins VP1, VP2, and VP3. These nucleoproteins can be distinguished morphologically, however. Under the electron microscope, the tsBC 100-160 S nucleoproteins appear as chromatin to which a small cluster of the capsid proteins is attached; the tsB nucleoproteins appear as partially assembled virions. In addition, we find that the 220 S virions are assembled in cells coinfected with tsB and tsC mutants at 40 degrees C, in agreement with genetic analysis. Our observations favor the hypothesis that the VP1 protein contains three discrete domains. We speculate that each domain may play a specific function in SV40 assembly. To gain more insight into VP1-VP1 interactions, we have examined the nucleoproteins which result from treatment of the mature wild-type virions with increasing concentrations of the reducing agent DTT. In the presence of as low a concentration of DTT as 0.1 mM, the virion shell can be penetrated by micrococcal nuclease, which then cleaves the viral DNA. This result indicates that some of the disulfide bonds bridging the VP1 proteins are on the virion surface.  相似文献   

It is known since the early days of molecular biology that proteins locate their specific targets on DNA up to two orders-of-magnitude faster than the Smoluchowski three-dimensional diffusion rate. An accepted explanation of this fact is that proteins are nonspecifically adsorbed on DNA, and sliding along DNA provides for the faster one-dimensional search. Surprisingly, the role of DNA conformation was never considered in this context. In this article, we explicitly address the relative role of three-dimensional diffusion and one-dimensional sliding along coiled or globular DNA and the possibility of correlated readsorption of desorbed proteins. We have identified a wealth of new different scaling regimes. We also found the maximal possible acceleration of the reaction due to sliding. We found that the maximum on the rate-versus-ionic strength curve is asymmetric, and that sliding can lead not only to acceleration, but also in some regimes to dramatic deceleration of the reaction.  相似文献   

A purification scheme for satellite DNA containing chromatin from mouse liver has been developed. It is based on the highly condensed state of the satellite chromatin and also takes advantage of its resistance to digestion by certain restriction nucleases. Nuclei are first treated with micrococcal nuclease and the satellite chromatin enriched 3-5 fold by extraction of the digested nuclei under appropriate conditions. Further purification is achieved by digestion of the chromatin with a restriction nuclease that leaves satellite DNA largely intact but degrades non-satellite DNA extensively. In subsequent sucrose gradient centrifugation the rapidly sedimenting chromatin contains more than 70% satellite DNA. This material has the same histone composition as bulk chromatin. No significant differences were detected in an analysis of minor histone variants. Nonhistone proteins are present only in very low amounts in the satellite chromatin fraction, notably the HMG proteins are strongly depleted.  相似文献   



Methods are now available for the prediction of interaction sites in protein 3D structures. While many of these methods report high success rates for site prediction, often these predictions are not very selective and have low precision. Precision in site prediction is addressed using Theoretical Microscopic Titration Curves (THEMATICS), a simple computational method for the identification of active sites in enzymes. Recall and precision are measured and compared with other methods for the prediction of catalytic sites.  相似文献   

The interaction of various platinum coordination complexes with nucleosomes and chromatin has been investigated by ultraviolet absorption spectrophotometry, circular and electric linear dichroism, and thermal denaturation, at low binding ratios (r < 0.1–0.2). The general trend of the changes in these physicochemical properties is similar to that observed for the DNA-platinum complexes, which indicates that the same binding sites are involved in the platinum interaction with DNA and with its nucleoprotein complex. The cis-bidentate ligands, cis-dichlorodiammine, diaminocyclohexane and ethylenediamine platinum(II), showed a distinct behavior, with a more important destabilization of the DNA structure in the nucleoprotein than the trans-bidentate ligand, trans-dichlorodiammine-Pt(II), and monodentate ligand, diethylenetriamine-Pt(II). The drastic decrease of the negative electric dichroism in the 260 nm absorption band of the bases, observed with the five ligands, indicates a profound alteration of the DNA arrangement in chromatin and nucleosomes, attributed to a condensation of its superhelical structure. Some differences with previous observations on DNA complexes with the same platinum compounds indicate the possible formation of protein-DNA crosslinks in chromatin and nucleosomes. These could have some importance for the biological effects.  相似文献   

Cross-linked crystalline and amorphous films of different proteins and cross-linked DNA gels were found to change their mechanical properties when soaked in solutions of specific ligands at nearly physiological concentrations. This chemomechanical effect may be used to rapidly (within a few minutes) detect the ability of macromolecules to bind small (less than 1 kDa) ligand molecules, to measure concentrations of ligands (higher than 10 nM), and to estimate binding constants (lower than 10(7) M-1). Only 0.1-1 mg of protein or DNA is needed to prepare more than 10 samples sufficient for a large number of tests, provided binding is reversible. The method is recommended for rapid primary screening in search of new drugs, in biochemical studies, and as a basis for designing biosensors and other analytical instruments.  相似文献   

The influence of chromatin structure on cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cisplatin) DNA damage was investigated in a reconstituted nucleosome system. Nucleosomes were reconstituted on the somatic 5S rRNA gene from Xenopus borealis using the octamer transfer method of reconstitution. Footprinting techniques, utilising bleomycin and DNase I as the damaging agents, were employed to establish the precise location of positioned nucleosomes with respect to the DNA sequence. Reconstituted nucleosomal DNA was treated with cisplatin and drug-induced DNA adduct formation was quantitatively analysed with a polymerase stop assay using Taq DNA polymerase. A densitometric comparison of the relative damage band intensities between purified and reconstituted DNA revealed regions of relative protection corresponding to the sites of the positioned nucleosome cores. This indicated that the preferred site of cisplatin DNA binding was in the linker region of the nucleosome. Statistical analysis showed significant protection from cisplatin DNA damage in the core region of the nucleosome. Three cisplatin analogues were also investigated in this reconstituted nucleosome system. These analogues, cis-diammine(1,1-cyclobutanedicarboxylato)platinum(II) (carboplatin), cis-dichlorobis(cyclohexylamine)platinum(II) (cis-[PtCl(2)(C(6)H(11)NH(2))(2)]) and dichloro(N-[3-[(2-aminoethyl)-amino]propyl]acridine-4-carboxamide)platinum(II) (ac-PtenCl(2)(n3)), were also found to target the linker region of the nucleosome. The latter DNA-targeted acridine-platinum complex gave rise to the most predominant footprints of all the Pt compounds tested.  相似文献   

Felsenstein's maximum-likelihood approach for inferring phylogeny from DNA sequences assumes that the rate of nucleotide substitution is constant over different nucleotide sites. This assumption is sometimes unrealistic, as has been revealed by analysis of real sequence data. In the present paper Felsenstein's method is extended to the case where substitution rates over sites are described by the gamma distribution. A numerical example is presented to show that the method fits the data better than do previous models.   相似文献   

The intranuclear distribution of [3H]-estradiol binding sites was studied in highly purified nuclei isolated from calf endometrial tissue pre-incubated with the labeled hormone. The major part (approximately 85%) of the receptor bound estradiol was found associated with the extranucleolar chromatin; only a negligible amount of [3H]-estradiol (approximately 8%) sedimented with the nucleolar fraction. [3H]-estradiol labeled chromatin was then fragmented by sonication and fractionated by sucrose density gradient sedimentation under different conditions of centrifugation. The vast majority of the [3H]-estradiol was invariably found to be associated with a fast sedimenting fraction which contained only 5 to 10% of the nuclear DNA. The concentration of estradiol receptors (per weight of DNA) in this fraction was 25- to 50-fold higher than that found in the slow sedimenting major chromatin component. Chemical analysis showed this fraction to have a high protein/DNA ratio but no phospholipids were detected.  相似文献   

Zona-free hamster eggs have been fertilized in vitro with boar spermatozoa in a medium enriched by arginine-3H and the sites of localization of newly synthesized arginine-3H–labeled proteins have been investigated using fine-structure autoradiography. It was confirmed that such proteins are synthesized during fertilization and that they accumulate to a notable degree in decondensing sperm chromatin as well as in the chromatin of the female pronucleus and also of the second polar body. A similar process did evidently take place also in defective pronuclei, characterized by a core of a still condensed chromatin and by remaining nuclear membrane. In such male pronuclei the highest concentration of the label was seen just on the border of the condensed chromatin, on the expected site of nuclear protein exchange. It is supposed that, at least in this experimental system, any morphologically detectable sperm decondensation is accompanied immediately by a shift from sperm basic nuclear proteins to other nuclear proteins.  相似文献   

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