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A. Schulz 《Protoplasma》1986,130(1):12-26
Summary 48 hours after interrupting the root stele ofPisum, wound phloem initiated (proximally or distally to the wound) to reconnect the vascular stumps was found to contain some nucleate wound-sieve elements. At the elongating end of an incomplete wound-sieve tube these elements exhibit a sequence of ultrastructural changes as known from protophloem-sieve tubes. Elongation occurs by the addition of newly divided (wound-) sieve-element/companion-cell complexes. In order to dedifferentiate and assume a new specialization formerly quiescent stelar or cortical cells require at least one (mostly more) preliminary division. Companion cells are consequently obligatory sister cells to wound-sieve elements.By reconstruction using serial sections it could be shown that wound-sieve tubes elongate bidirectionally, starting in an early activated procambial cell of the stele. The elongation is directed by the existence of plasmodesmata, preferably when lying in primary pit fields, and by the plane of preceding divisions. Thus, the developing wound-sieve tube can deviate from the damaged bundle and radiate into the cortex as soon as the plane of the preceding divisions is favourable. In the opposite direction, elongating wound-sieve tubes run parallel to pre-existing phloem traces, thus broading their base at the bundle for the deviating part of the wound-sieve tube. Frequently an individual wound-sieve tube is supplemented at the bundle by a further wound-sieve tube which is partly running parallel to it. Both sieve tubes are interlinked with sieve plates by three-poled sieve elements.Ultrastructurally, the developmental changes of nucleate wound-sieve elements follow the known pattern. In spite of its contrasting origin and odd shape a mature wound-sieve element eventually has the same contents as regular sieve elements: sieve-element plastids, mitochondria, stacked ER and small amounts of P-protein within an electronlucent cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Earlier theoretical analyses of the rate of propagation of pressure-concentration waves in the phloem were performed without adequate attention to the elastic expansion of sieve tube walls. Here, it is shown that the rate of propagation of pressure-concentration waves in phloem sieve tubes is not significantly impeded by wall elasticity, but rather, as previously implicated, by the ratio of sap osmotic pressure to the axial drop in sap hydrostatic pressure. It is also shown that pressure-concentration waves move equally well in both the upstream and downstream directions. These results permit future models to ignore elastic effects, and lend additional theoretical support to the "osmoregulatory flow" hypothesis, which argues that efficient molecular control of the phloem is permitted by maintaining sieve sap hydrostatic pressure at a value that is spatially nearly constant, which in turn permits changes in sieve tube state to be rapidly transmitted throughout the sieve tube via pressure-concentration waves.  相似文献   

Large, intermediate, and small bundles and contiguous tissues of the leaf blade of Hordeum tvulgare L. ‘Morex’ were examined with the transmission electron microscope to determine their cellular composition and the distribution and frequency of the plasmodesmata between the various cell combinations. Plasmodesmata are abundant at the mesophyll/parenchymatous bundle sheath, parenchymatous bundle sheath/mestome sheath, and mestome sheath/vascular parenchyma cell interfaces. Within the bundles, plasmodesmata are also abundant between vascular parenchyma cells, which occupy most of the interface between the sieve tube-companion cell complexes and the mestome sheath. Other vascular parenchyma cells commonly separate the thick-walled sieve tubes from the sieve tube-companion cell complexes. Plasmodesmatal frequencies between all remaining cell combinations of the vascular tissues are very low, even between the thin-walled sieve tubes and their associated companion cells. Both the sieve tube-companion cell complexes and the thick-walled sieve tubes, which lack companion cells, are virtually isolated symplastically from the rest of the leaf. Data on plamodesmatal frequency between protophloem sieve tubes and other cell types in intermediate and large bundles indicate that they (and their associated companion cells, when present) are also isolated symplastically from the rest of the leaf. Collectively, these data indicate that both phloem loading and unloading in the barley leaf involve apoplastic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Exudate was collected fromRicinus communis L. cotyledons after cutting the hypocotyl. It contained high levels of sucrose and potassium, a low level of calcium, and a pH of approx. 7.5. After application of [14C] sucrose to the cotyledons, radioactivity could be recovered from the exudate, indicating that the exudate was derived from the phloem. Using data from a number of individual seedlings, correlations between loading rates of sucrose, translocation rates, and sucrose and potassium contents were analyzed. A positive correlation was found between the rate of sucrose loading and the rate of sucrose exudation, whereas a negative correlation existed between the contents of sucrose and potassium in the phloem.  相似文献   

Sucrose (2,5–1000 mmol l–1), labeled with [14C]sucrose, was taken up by the xylem when supplied to one end of a 30-cm-long leaf strip of Zea mays L. cv. Prior. The sugar was loaded into the phloem and transported to the opposite end, which was immersed in diluted Hoagland's nutrient solution. When the Hoagland's solution at the opposite end was replaced by unlabeled sucrose solution of the same molarity as the labeled one, the two solutions met near the middle of the leaf strip, as indicated by radioautographs. In the dark, translocation of 14C-labeled assimilates was always directed away from the site of sucrose application, its distance depending on sugar concentration and translocation time. When sucrose was applied to both ends of the leaf strip, translocation of 14C-labeled assimilates was directed toward the lower sugar concentration. In the light, transport of 14-C-labeled assimilates can be directed (1) toward the morphological base of the leaf strip only (light effect), (2) toward the base and away from the site of sucrose application (light and sucrose effect), or (3) away from the site of sucrose application independent of the (basipetal or acropetal) direction (sucrose effect). The strength of a sink, represented by the darkened half of a leaf strip, can be reduced by applying sucrose (at least 25 mmol l–1) to the darkened end of the leaf strip. However, equimolar sucrose solutions applied to both ends do not affect the strength of the dark sink. Only above 75 mmol l–1 sucrose was the sink effect of the darnened part of the leaf strip reduced. Presumably, increasing the sucrose concentration replenishes the leaf tissue more rapidly, and photosynthates from the illuminated part of the leaf strip are imported to a lesser extent by the dark sink.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Microautoradiographs showed that [14C]sucrose taken up in the xylem of small and intermediate (longitudinal) vascular bundles of Zea mays leaf strips was quickly accumulated by vascular parenchyma cells abutting the vessels. The first sieve tubes to exhibit 14C-labeling during the [14C]sucrose experiments were thick-walled sieve tubes contiguous to the more heavily labeled vascular parenchyma cells. (These two cell types typically have numerous plasmodesmatal connections.) With increasing [14C]sucrose feeding periods, greater proportions of thick- and thin-walled sieve tubes became labeled, but few of the labeled thin-walled sieve tubes were associated with labeled companion cells. (Only the thin-walled sieve tubes are associated with companion cells.) When portions of leaf strips were exposed to 14CO2 for 5 min, the vascular parenchyma cells-regardless of their location in relation to the vessels or sieve tubes-were the most consistently labeled cells of small and intermediate bundles, and label (14C-photosynthate) appeared in a greater proportion of thin-walled sieve tubes than thick-walled sieve tubes. After a 5-min chase with 12CO2, the thin-walled sieve tubes were more heavily labeled than any other cell type of the leaf. After a 10-min chase with 12CO2, the thin-walled sieve tubes were even more heavily labeled. The companion cells generally were less heavily labeled than their associated thin-walled sieve tubes. Although all of the thick-walled sieve tubes were labeled in portions of leaf strips fed 14CO2 for 5 min and given a 10-min 12CO2 chase, only five of 72 vascular bundles below the 14CO2-exposed portions contained labeled thick-walled sieve tubes. Moreover, the few labeled thick-walledsieve tubes of the transport region always abutted 14C-labeled vascular parenchyma cells. The results of this study indicate that (1) the vascular parenchyma cells are able to retrieve at least sucrose from the vessels and transfer it to the thick-walled sieve tubes, (2) the thick-walled sieve tubes are not involved in long-distance transport, and (3) the thin-walled sieve tubes are capable themselves of accumulating sucrose and photosynthates from the apoplast, without the companion cells serving as intermediary cells.  相似文献   

H.-D. Behnke  A. Schulz 《Planta》1980,150(5):357-365
The wound phloem bridges which have developed six days after interrupting an internodal vascular bundle contain wound sieve-elements, companion cells, and phloem parenchyma cells. An analysis of the meristematic activity responding to the wounding clearly demonstrates that three consecutive divisions are prerequisite to the formation of phloem mother-cells. Companion cells are obligatory sister cells of wound sieve-elements, connected to the latter by specific plasmatic strands and provided with a dense protoplast. Six days after wounding most of the wound sieve-elements are still at a nucleate state of development, but already have characteristic P-protein bodies and plastids containing sieve-element starch. Their cytoplasmic differentiation corresponds to the changes recorded during maturation of ordinary sieve elements. Sieve-plate pores penetrate through preexisting parenchyma cell walls, only, and develop from primary pitfield-plasmodesmata. Wound sieve-elements do not connect to preexisting bundle sieve-elements, they open a new tier of young sieve elements produced by cambial activity.  相似文献   

Antibodies were raised against lectin purified from the sieve-tube exudate of Cucurbita maxima. Immunocytochemistry, using peroxidase-labelled antibodies and Protein A-colloidal gold, was employed to determine the location of the lectin within the tissues and cells of C. maxima and other cucurbit species. The anti-lectin antibodies bound to P-protein aggregates in sieve elements and companion cells, predominantly in the extrafascicular phloem of C. maxima. This may reflect the low rate of translocation in these cells. Under the electron microscope, the lectin was shown to be a component of P-protein filaments and was also found in association with the sieve-tube reticulum which lines the plasmalemma. The anti-lectin antibodies reacted with sieve-tube proteins from other species of the genus Cucurbita but showed only limited reaction with other genera. We suggest that the lectin serves to anchor P-protein filaments and associated proteins to the parietal layer of sieve elements.Abbreviation SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

During growth of Ricinus communis seedlings, magnesium ions are mobilized in the endosperm, taken up by and accumulated to very high levels (150 μmol·g FW?1) in the cotyledons, and translocated to hypocotyl and roots. The magnesium gain from days 6 to 7 in the cotyledons and the seedling axis necessitates a total up-take rate of 600 nmol·h?1-seedling?1 and the phloem translocation rate must amount to 200 nmol·h?1. seedling?1. The phloem loading of magnesium and the regulatory properties of this process were investigated, making specific use of the ability to collect pure phloem sap from the cut hypocotyl of 6-d-old Ricinus seedlings. The concentration of magnesium in sieve-tube sap (5 mM) was fairly constant under many incubation conditions, e.g. incubation in magnesium-free buffer, incubation with different cations (K+, Na+, NH 4 + ) or anions (Cl?, NO 4 - , SO 4 2- ), or incubation with sucrose and amino acids. Even addition of magnesium chloride to the cotyledons did not enhance phloem loading of magnesium ions. Therefore the high magnesium content of the cotyledons was sufficient for continuous phloem loading of magnesium, irrespective of external ionic conditions. Also, the flow rate of sieve-tube sap did not influence the magnesium concentration in the sap. Only the incubation with sulfate and phosphate ions increased the magnesium-ion concentration in the phloem. Magnesium sulfate offered to the cotyledons caused a threefold increase of magnesium ions in the sieve-tube sap, which was inhibited by Na+, NH 4 + and Ca2+ in rising order, but not by K+. Incubation with phosphate for a prolonged period (8 h) led to an increased mobilization of intra-cotyle-donary magnesium and an enhanced phloem loading of mobilized magnesium. It is concluded that phosphate availability is a decisive factor for mobilization and translocation of magnesium ions within the plant.  相似文献   

Summary After chemical fixation following two different preparation procedures, the ultrastructure of mature sieve elements (SEs) was systematically compared in the transport phloem ofVicia faba leaves andLycopersicon esculentum internodes. The SEs in samples obtained by gentle preparation were well preserved, while those in conventionally prepared samples were generally injured. (1) In well-preserved SEs, parietal P-proteins were associated with cisternae of the SE endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Additionally, theV. faba SEs had crystalline P-proteins, and a homogeneous network of filamentous P-proteins occurred in the lumen of theL. esculentum SEs. In injured SEs, all P-proteins were dispersed. (2) In well-preserved SEs, stacked ER cisternae associated with P-proteins lay also on the sieve-plate walls, but passages were kept free in front of the sieve pores. Injured SEs lacked these orderly arranged deposits. Instead, irregular filamentous and membranous materials occluded the sieve pores. (3) In well-preserved SEs, the sieve-pore lumen was free of obstructions, apart from small, lateral coatings of P-proteins. Sieve pores in injured SEs were always occluded. (4) The SE organelles and, in tomato SEs, also the parietal ER located at the longitudinal walls were firmly attached in the SE periphery and stayed in place after injury. The stable parietal attachment is likely exerted by minute, clamplike structures which link the outer membranes of the SE components with one another or to the SE plasma membrane. Single, straight clamps with a length of about 7 nm anchored the SE components directly to the SE plasma membrane. The connections between adjacent SE organelles and/or parietal ER cisternae were mostly twice as long (about 15 nm) and often were branched. Presumably, the long, branched clamps were constituted by the interaction of opposite short clamps. The ultrastructural results are discussed with respect to SE functioning.  相似文献   

van Bel  Aart J. E.  van Rijen  Harold V. M. 《Planta》1994,192(2):165-175
From the cambial stage onwards, the symplasmic autonomy of sieve element/companion cell complexes (SE/CC-complexes) was followed in stems of Lupinus luteus L. by microinjection techniques. The membrane potential and the symplasmic autonomy of the mature SE/CC-complex was measured in successive internodes. A microelectrode was inserted into SE/CC-complexes or phloem parenchyma cells (PPs) and, after stabilization of the membrane potential, the membrane-impermeant fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow CH (LYCH) was injected intracellullary. The plasmodesmata of the cambial SE/ CC precursor were gradually shut off at all interfaces beginning at the walls to be transformed into sieve plates. In the course of maturation, symplasmic discontinuity was maintained at the longitudinal walls of the complex. In the transverse walls of the SE, wide sieve pores were formed giving rise to longitudinal multicellular symplasmic domains of SE/CC-complexes. Symplasmic isolation of the files of mature SE/CC-complexes was demonstrated in several ways: (i) the membrane potential of the SE/CC-complexes (between -100 mV and -130 mV) was consistently more negative than that of the PPs (between-50 and -100 mV), (ii) No exchange of LYCH was observed between SE/CC-complexes and the PPs. Lucifer Yellow CH injected into the SEs exclusively moved to the associated CCs and to other SE/CC-complexes whereas LYCH injected into the PPs was only displaced to other PPs. (iii) The electrical coupling ratio between adjacent PPs was ten times higher than that between SE/CC-complex and PP. A gradient in the membrane potential of the SE/CC-complexes along the stem was not conclusively demonstrated.Abbreviations LYCH Lucifer Yellow CH - membrane potential - PMF proton-motive force - PP phloem parenchyma cell - SE/CC-complex sieve element/companion cell complex - SR-G sulphorhodamine G  相似文献   

Roni Aloni  Carol A. Peterson 《Planta》1990,182(4):583-590
The role of phloem anastomoses in translocation was studied experimentally in intact and wounded internodes ofDahlia pinnata Cav. Translocation was visualized with fluorescein, a fluorescent dye capable of movement in the phloem. Translocation was analyzed in large areas of living phloem tissue which were peeled from the xylem at the cambium region. Under normal conditions, fluorescein was observed in sieve tubes of the longitudinal phloem strands but very rarely in the sieve tubes of the anastomoses. However, when a few longitudinal strands were severed, fluorescein was translocated through the anastomoses located around the wound within 24 h. It is suggested that the phloem anastomoses in mature internodes ofDahlia serve mainly as an emergency system which enable a fast response to damage by providing alternative pathways for assimilates around the stem. A possible regulatory mechanism based on differences in resistance to flow in longitudinal versus lateral sieve tubes is discussed. This study was supported by an International Scientific Exchange award and an operating grant to C.A.P. from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Gas exchange characteristics of droughted and rewatered Portulacaria afra were studied during the seasonal shift from CAM to C3 photosynthesis. 14CO2 uptake, stomatal conductance, and total titratable acidity were determined for both irrigated and 2, 4, and 7.5 month waterstressed plants from summer 1984 to summer 1985. Irrigated P. afra plants were utilizing the CAM pathway throughout the summer and shifted to C3 during the winter and spring. Beginning in September, P. afra plants shifted from CAM to CAM-idling after 2 months of water-stress. When water-stress was initiated later in the fall, exogenous CO2 uptake was still measurable after 4 months of drought. After 7.5 months of stress, exogenous CO2 uptake was absent. The shift from CAM to CAM-idling or C3 in the fall and winter was related to when water stress was initiated and not to the duration of the stress. Gas exchange resumed within 24 h of rewatering regardless of the duration of the drought. In the winter and spring, rewatering resulted in a full resumption of daytime CO2 uptake. Whereas during the summer, rewatering quickly resulted in early morning CO2 uptake, but nocturnal CO2 uptake through the CAM pathway was observed after 7 days. Gas exchange measurements, rewatering characteristics, and transpirational water loss support the hypothesis that the C3 pathway was favored during the winter and spring. The CAM pathway was functional during the summer when potential for water loss was greater. Our investigations indicate that P. afra has a flexible photosynthetic system that can withstand long-term drought and has a rapid response to rewatering.  相似文献   

J. P. Arsanto 《Protoplasma》1986,132(3):160-171
Summary In stem ofCicer arietinum, the loss of ribosomes attached to the rough ER cisternae during sieve element ontogeny results in the formation of sieve element reticulum (SER). By enhancing contrast of the SER, the OsFeCN postfixation/staining of material prefixed in glutaraldehyde in presence of calcium enables a good visualization of this membrane system. The pattern of staining in the SER is slightly lower when Mg2+ is substituted for Ca2+. These results support the view that the OsFeCN staining requires divalent cations and that the SER can accumulate Ca2+. The detection of Ca2+ by means of the pyroantimonate method in conjunction with X-ray microanalysis and the cytochemical localization of Ca2+ -ATPase in the SER cisternae provides evidence for Ca2+ sequestration by the SER. On the other hand, Ca2+-binding sites and ATPase activity are localized in P-protein. The ability to bind Ca2+ seems to enable the SER to function as an effective Ca2+ sink which may participate—with the sieve tube plasma membrane and mitochondria—in the maintenance of low Ca2+ concentration in phloem sap. In addition, the close association between P-protein and SER membranes exhibiting Ca2+-binding capabilities suggests that a Ca2+-mediated functional relationship may exist between the two structures. It is postulated that the SER may play a role in putative Ca2+ control of P-protein organization.Abbreviations SER sieve element reticulum - ER endoplasmic reticulum - P protein, phloem protein - OsFeCN method, osmium tetroxide-ferricyanide method - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-(-aminoethyl ether) N,N-tetraacetic acid - ATP adenosine 5-triphosphoric acid - ATPase adenosine triphosphatase - PCMB p chloromercuribenzoate - IDP inosine diphosphate  相似文献   

David G. Fisher  Ray F. Evert 《Planta》1982,155(5):377-387
Both the mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells associated with the minor veins in the leaf of Amaranthus retroflexus L. contain abundant tubular endoplasmic reticulum, which is continuous between the two cell types via numerous plasmodesmata in their common walls. In bundle-sheath cells, the tubular endoplasmic reticulum forms an extensive network that permeates the cytoplasm, and is closely associated, if not continuous, with the delimiting membranes of the chloroplasts, mitochondria, and microbodies. Both the number and frequency of plasmodesmata between various cell types decrease markedly from the bundle-sheath — vascular-parenchyma cell interface to the sicve-tube member — companion-cell interface. For plants taken directly from lighted growth chambers, a stronger mannitol solution (1.4 M) was required to plasmolyze the companion cells and sieve-tube members than that (0.6 M) necessary to plasmolyze the mesophyll, bundle-sheath, and vascular-parenchyma cells. Placing plants in the dark for 48 h reduced the solute concentration in all cell types. Judging from the frequency of plasmodesmata between the various cell types of the vascular bundles, and from the solute concentrations of the various cell types, it appears that assimilates are actively accumulated by the sieve-tube — companion-cell complex from the apoplast.  相似文献   

R. F. Evert  W. Eschrich  W. Heyser 《Planta》1978,138(3):279-294
Small and intermediate (longitudinal) vascular bundles of the Zea mays leaf are surrounded by chlorenchymatous bundle sheaths and consist of one or two vessels, variable numbers of vascular parenchyma cells, and two or more sieve tubes some of which are associated with companion cells. Sieve tubes not associated with companion cells have relatively thick walls and commonly are in direct contact with the vessels. The thick-walled sieve tubes have abundant cytoplasmic connections with contiguous vascular parenchyma cells; in contrast, connections between vascular parenchyma cells and thin-walled sieve tubes are rare. Connections are abundant, however, between the thin-walled sieve tubes and their companion cells; the latter have few connections with the vascular parenchyma cells. Plasmolytic studies on leaves of plants taken directly from lighted growth chambers gave osmotic potential values of about-18 bars for the companion cells and thin-walled sieve tubes (the companion cell-sieve tube complexes) and about-11 bars for the vascular parenchyma cells. Judging from the distribution of connections between various cell types of the vascular bundles and from the osmotic potential values of those cell types, it appears that sugar is actively accumulated from the apoplast by the companion cell-sieve tube complex, probably across the plasmalemma of the companion cell. The thick-walled sieve tubes, with their close spatial association with the vessels and possession of plasmalemma tubules, may play a role in retrieval of solutes entering the leaf apoplast in the transpiration stream. The transverse veins have chlorenchymatous bundle sheaths and commonly contain a single vessel and sieve tube. Parenchymatic elements may or may not be present. Like the thick-walled sieve tubes of the longitudinal bundles, the sieve tubes of the transverse veins have plasmalemma tubules, indicating that they too may play a role in retrieval of solutes entering the leaf apoplast in the transpiration stream.  相似文献   

The anatomical and physiological isolation of the sieve element-companion cell complex (se-cc complex) was investigated in stems of Ricinus communis L. and Salix alba L. In Ricinus, the plasmodesmatal frequencies were in the proportions 8∶1∶2∶30, in the order given, at the interfaces between sieve tube-companion cell, sieve tube-phloem parenchyma cell, companion cellphloem parenchyma cell, and phloem parenchyma cellphloem parenchyma cell. The membrane potentials of the se-cc complex and the surrounding phloem-parenchyma cells sharply contrasted: the membrane potential of the se-cc complex was about twice as negative as that of the phloem parenchyma. Lucifer Yellow CH injected into the sieve element or into the companion cell remained within the se-cc complex. Dye introduced into phloem parenchyma only moved (mostly poorly) to other phloem-parenchyma cells. The distribution of the plasmodesmatal frequencies, the differential dye-coupling and the sharp discontinuities in membrane potentials indicate that the se-cc complexes constitute symplast domains in the stem phloem. Symplastic autonomy is discussed as a basic necessity for the functioning of the se-cc complex in the stem.  相似文献   

Summary Autoradiographic and microautoradiographic studies of 2-year-old Picea abies plants show that in summer leaf assimilates from the second-year shoot are translocated basipetally. Leaf assimilates are first transported to the stem via leaf trace phloem, then to the base of the stem in the sieve cells of the latest increment of secondary phloem. On the way down leaf assimilates move radially from sieve cells into cells of the phloem parenchyma, the vascular cambium, the rays, the inner periderm and certain cells of pith and cortex, including the epithelial cells surrounding the resin ducts. Other cells of pith and cortex remain nearly free of label, despite the long translocation time (20 h). With the exception of the vascular cambial cells, the stem cells that gain leaf assimilates by radial distribution coincide with those that contain chlorophyll and starch.  相似文献   

Summary The stem ofPotamogeton natans is characterized by a central stelar vascular system with reduced xylem and abundant phloem. Wide sieve tubes composed of short sieve-tube members joined by simple sieve plates and associated with companion cells establish an effective conduit for assimilates. At each node the phloem forms a network of parallel sieve elements connecting the stem phloem to leaf and bud traces. InP. natans an axillary bud rarely develops into a side branch, its procambial vascular bundles are each connected to the nodal complex via separate anastomoses. Their most unusual components are the anastomosai sieve elements (ANSE), characterized by thin cell walls pitted all over by tiny callose-lined pores resembling plasmodesmata, which can be detected as bright areas by fluorescence microscopy after staining with aniline blue. Several layers of ANSE make up the centre of an anastomosis and link to both the nodal and bud stelar sieve tubes via mediating (MSE) and connecting sieve elements (CSE). The ultrastructural differentiation of ANSE, MSE, and CSE corresponds to that of normal sieve elements, i.e., in the mature stage they are enucleate, evacuolate, and have lost most of their cytoplasm. Their plastids are of form-P2c, containing many cuneate protein crystals, typical of monocotyledonous sieve elements. Quantitative aspects of the pore areas are discussed in relation to the functional significance of bud anastomoses.Abbreviations ANSE anastomosai sieve elements - CSE connecting sieve elements - FM fluorescence microscopy - LM light microscopy - MSE mediating sieve elements - TEM transmission electron microscopy Dedicated to Professor Dr. Rainer Kollmann on the occasion of his retirement  相似文献   

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