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Several muscle spindles of the cat tenuissimus muscle were cut in serial, 1-micron thick transverse sections and stained with toluidine blue in search for long nuclear chain intrafusal muscle fibers. Five complete poles of the long chain fibers were located. Each fiber pole displayed one plate-type motor ending situated in the extracapsular fiber region. The endings were supplied by myelinated motor axons that originated from intramuscular nerve fascicles containing motor axons to extrafusal muscle fibers. One of the endings was innervated by a collateral from a motor axon that supplied an extrafusal end-plate. Ultrastructurally, the long chain endings resembled extrafusal end-plates. They were more complex, in terms of prominence of sole-plate and degree of post-junctional folding, than any other intrafusal ending present in the spindles. The motor endings of the long chain fibers were assumed to be the terminals of static (fast) skeletofusimotor axons, which preferentially innervate the longest nuclear chain fibers of cat muscle spindles.  相似文献   

The form of terminations of fusimotor (gamma) and skeletofusimotor (beta) axons on intrafusal fibers was analyzed in serial sections of 20 spindles of the cat tenuissimus muscle. Seven synaptic features were assessed either qualitatively or quantitatively from electron micrographs of transverse sections of 184 intrafusal and 30 extrafusal endings. Features were compared among endings that were terminations of gamma or beta axons on different types of intrafusal fiber at different distances from the spindle equator. These comparisons indicated that interactions of several factors, and not the motor axon alone, determine the form of motor endings. Intrafusal muscle fiber type is dominant to the motor axon in regulation of the number and depth of postsynaptic folds. Separation of the influence of the motor axon from the muscle fiber was less clear with respect to the size of ending. Complete expression of the muscle fiber-motor axon interaction reflected by the form of motor endings is dependent upon location of the ending relative to the sensory region. Both depth of the primary synaptic cleft and size of the soleplate of motor endings increased with increasing distance of the ending from the spindle equator. A system of classification of cat intrafusal motor endings that reflects the multiplicity of factors that determine the form of endings, and one that simplifies the current terminology, is proposed.  相似文献   

The chronology of development of spindle neural elements was examined by electron microscopy in fetal and neonatal rats. The three types of intrafusal muscle fiber of spindles from the soleus muscle acquired sensory and motor innervation in the same sequence as they formed--bag2, bag1, and chain. Both the primary and secondary afferents contacted developing spindles before day 20 of gestation. Sensory endings were present on myoblasts, myotubes, and myofibers in all intrafusal bundles regardless of age. The basic features of the sensory innervation--first-order branching of the parent axon, separation of the primary and secondary sensory regions, and location of both primary and secondary endings beneath the basal lamina of the intrafusal fibers--were all established by the fourth postnatal day. Cross-terminals, sensory terminals shared by more than one intrafusal fiber, were more numerous at all developmental stages than in mature spindles. No afferents to immature spindles were supernumerary, and no sensory axons appeared to retract from terminations on intrafusal fibers. The earliest motor axons contacted spindles on the 20th day of gestation or shortly afterward. More motor axons supplied the immature spindles, and a greater number of axon terminals were visible at immature intrafusal motor endings than in adult spindles; hence, retraction of supernumerary motor axons accompanies maturation of the fusimotor system analogous to that observed during the maturation of the skeletomotor system. Motor endings were observed only on the relatively mature myofibers; intrafusal myoblasts and myotubes lacked motor innervation in all age groups. This independence of the early stages of intrafusal fiber assembly from motor innervation may reflect a special inherent myogenic potential of intrafusal myotubes or may stem from the innervation of spindles by sensory axons.  相似文献   

J Kucera 《Histochemistry》1983,79(3):457-476
Over 300 complete and incomplete cat muscle spindles were examined in serial transverse sections of tenuissimus muscles in search of spindles with more than two nuclear bag intrafusal muscle fibers. Several histochemical and histological stains were used to identify the intrafusal fibers and assess their motor and sensory innervation. About 13% of the spindles contained either three or four bag fibers rather than the usual two. Every multiple-bag-fiber spindle possessed at least one nuclear bag1 and one nuclear bag2 fiber. The supernumerary bag fibers were either another bag1 and/or bag2 fiber, or a mixed bag fiber. The extra bag fibers had the usual morphologic and histochemical properties of cat nuclear bag fibers. All multiple-bag spindles received primary sensory innervation, and most had secondary sensory endings in addition. Their motor pattern was similar in the number, appearance and disposition of intrafusal motor endings to that of the usual two-bag-fiber spindles. Bag fibers of the same kind shared motor nerve supply in three multiple-bag spindles in which tracings of individual motor axons were obtained histologically. It is unclear whether any functional advantage is conveyed to a muscle spindle by its having more than one bag1 and one bag2 fiber.  相似文献   

Summary Cat muscle spindles were studied histochemically in serial transverse sections of the tenuissimus muscle stained for myofibrillar ATPase, cholinesterase or NADH-tetrazolium reductase. The terminal sites of the primary and secondary sensory axons on intrafusal muscle fibers could be demonstrated due to their high NADH-TR activity. This sensory NADH-TR reactivity at the equator and in the juxtaequatorial regions disappeared following spindle chronic de-afferentation, but not after de-efferentation. Spindle poles that carried both primary and secondary sensory endings had a longer periaxial fluid space than poles with primary endings only, and their motor innervation, as determined by staining for ChE, was positioned at a greater distance from the equator. Some of the secondary endings occurred in intrafusal regions that displayed surface fiber ChE activity. The histochemical reaction for NADH-TR represents a simple, rapid and reliable method for studies of the distribution of sensory nerve terminals in the spindle.  相似文献   

J Kucera 《Histochemistry》1982,74(4):493-503
Cat muscle spindles were studied histochemically in serial transverse sections of the tenuissimus muscle stained for myofibrillar ATPase, cholinesterase or NADH-tetrazolium reductase. The terminal sites of the primary and secondary axons on intrafusal muscle fibers could be demonstrated due to their high NADH-TR activity. This sensory NADH-TR reactivity at the equator and in the juxtaequatorial regions disappeared following spindle chronic de-afferentation, but not after de-efferentation. Spindle poles that carried both primary and secondary sensory endings had a longer periaxial fluid space than poles with primary endings only, and their motor innervation, as determined by staining for ChE, was positioned at the greater distance from the equator. Some of the secondary endings occurred in intrafusal regions that displayed surface fiber ChE activity. The histochemical reaction for NADH-TR represents a simple, rapid and reliable method for studies of the distribution of sensory nerve terminals in the spindle.  相似文献   

Three tandem spindles and their nerve supplies, reconstructed by light microscopy of serial transverse sections of the cat tenuissimus muscle, were compared to single spindle units. Each tandem spindle consisted of one large unit containing a dynamic bag1, a static bag2, and several static chain fibers (b1b2c unit) linked by the bag2 fiber to a small unit containing only a bag2 and chain fibers (b2c unit). Most features of primary afferents, secondary afferents, and motor neurons were qualitatively and quantitatively similar in both single and tandem b1b2c units. However, b1b2c units of tandem spindles had a lower density of skeletofusimotor innervation than did single b1b2c spindles. The b2c spindle units differed greatly from single or tandem b1b2c units. The b2c spindle units had fewer intrafusal fibers and incoming axons than either the tandem or single b1b2c units. The motor innervation of b2c units was typified by nonselective gamma axons that coinnervated both bag2 and chain fibers, in contrast to the regular occurrence of both selective and nonselective motor axons in b1b2c spindle units. The afferent located at the equator of b2c units differed in size, branching pattern, and intrafusal distribution of its ending from both the primary and secondary sensory axons of b1b2c units and, therefore, might represent a third category of spindle afferent. Thus, cat tenuissimus muscles contain three types of spindle units that differ in the number and organization of muscular and neural elements. These differences in structure and neural organization among tenuissimus spindle units may be a source for generation of different sensory signals in response to common mechanical or fusimotor stimuli.  相似文献   

Summary Endings of four skeletofusimotor axons in a spindle of the cat tenuissimus muscle were examined in semithin (1-m thick) and ultrathin transverse serial sections. Two (dynamic) axons terminated on the nuclear bag1 intrafusal muscle fiber and on extrafusal fibers of the dark type. Two (static) axons terminated on the nuclear chain intrafusal fibers and extrafusal fibers of the intermediate type. The degree of indentation of axon terminals into the muscle surface, thickness of the sole plate and extent of folding of subjunctional membranes differed among intrafusal and extrafusal terminations of the same axon. Endings of axons on the bag1 and chain fibers were also morphologically dissimilar. Motor axons may not determine ending morphology. Rather the form and structure of a bag1 or chain ending may be determined by the type of intrafusal fiber on which the ending lies and the ending's distance from the primary sensory axon.  相似文献   

Histochemistry of rat intrafusal muscle fibers and their motor innervation.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Muscle spindles were followed in serial transverse sections of freshly frozen rat soleus muscles. Adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) histochemical staining reaction was used to identify nuclear bag1, nuclear bag2 and nuclear chain intrafusal muscle fibers. Regional differences in ATPase staining occurred along bag1 and bag2 fibers but not along chain fibers. Bag1 fibers displayed ultrastructural heterogenity when their intra- and extracapsular regions were compared. Simple "diffuse" and more elaborate "plate" motor nerve terminals were demonstrated histochemically along the poles of bag1 and bag2 fibers by staining for cholinesterase. One motor terminal of the "plate" appearance was present on a chain fiber pole. There was no consistent spatial correlation between the intensity of regional ATPase staining along the nuclear bag fibers and the location, number and type of motor endings. Other factors, such as intrafusal fiber sensory innervation and regional differences in active and passive functional recruitment of nuclear bag fibers during muscle activity, may contribute to the ATPase staining variability along the intrafusal fibers.  相似文献   

Innervation of regenerated spindles in muscle grafts of the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Features of the nerve supply and the encapsulated fibers of muscle spindles were assessed in grafted and normal extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles of rats by analysis of serial 10-m frozen transverse sections stained for enzymes which delineated motor and sensory endings, oxidative capacity and muscle fiber type.The number of fibers was significantly more variable, and branched fibers were more frequently observed in regenerated spindles than in control spindles. Forty-eight percent of regenerated spindles received sensory innervation. Spindles reinnervated by afferents had a larger periaxial space than did spindles which were not reinnervated by afferents. Regenerated fibers innervated by afferents had small cross-sectional areas, equatorial regions with myofi-brils restricted to the periphery of fibers, unpredictable patterns of nonuniform and nonreversible staining along the length of the fiber for myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (mATPase) after acid and alkaline preincubation. In contrast, regenerated fibers devoid of sensory innervation resembled extrafusal fibers in that they usually exhibited myofibrils throughout the length of the fiber, no central aggregations of myonuclei, uniform staining for mATPase and a reversal of staining for mATPase after preincubation in an acid or alkaline medium. Approximately thirty percent of encapsulated fibers devoid of sensory innervation stained analogous to a type I extrafusal fiber, a pattern of staining never observed in intrafusal fibers of normal spindles. Groups of encapsulated fibers all exhibiting this pattern of staining reflect that either these fibers may have been innervated by collaterals of skeletomotor axons that originally innervated type I extrafusal fibers or that fibers innervated by only fusimotor neurons express patterns of staining for mATPase similar to extrafusal fibers in the absence of sensory innervation. Sensory innervation may also influence the reestablishment, of multiple sites of motor endings on regenerated intrafusal fibers. Those regenerated fibers innervated by afferents had more motor endings than did regenerated fibers devoid of sensory innervation.Differences in size, morphology, and patterns of staining for mATPase and numbers of motor endings between fibers innervated by afferents and fibers devoid of sensory innervation reflect that afferents can influence the differentiation of muscle cells and the reestablishment of motor innervation other than during the late prenatal/early postnatal period when muscle spindles form and differentiate in rats.  相似文献   

The first sign of developing intrafusal fibers in chicken leg muscles appeared on embryonic day (E) 13 when sensory axons contacted undifferentiated myotubes. In sections incubated with monoclonal antibodies against myosin heavy chains (MHC) diverse immunostaining was observed within the developing intrafusal fiber bundle. Large primary intrafusal myotubes immunostained moderately to strongly for embryonic and neonatal MHC, but they were unreactive or reacted only weakly with antibodies against slow MHC. Smaller, secondary intrafusal myotubes reacted only weakly to moderately for embryonic and neonatal MHC, but 1–2 days after their formation they reacted strongly for slow and slow-tonic MHC. In contrast to mammals, slow-tonic MHC was also observed in extrafusal fibers. Intrafusal fibers derived from primary myotubes acquired fast MHC and retained at least a moderate level of embryonic MHC. On the other hand, intrafusal fibers developing from secondary myotubes lost the embryonic and neonatal isoforms prior to hatching and became slow. Based on relative amounts of embryonic, neonatal and slow MHC future fast and slow intrafusal fibers could be first identified at E14. At the polar regions of intrafusal fibers positions of nerve endings and acetylcholinesterase activity were seen to match as early as E16. Approximately equal numbers of slow and fast intrafusal fibers formed prenatally; however, in postnatal muscle spindles fast fibers were usually in the majority, suggesting that some fibers transformed from slow to fast.  相似文献   

Summary The sensory innervation of 46 poles of long chain intrafusal muscle fibers was studied histochemically by staining for NADH-TR in periodic, 8 m thick transverse sections of cat muscle spindles. Each long chain fiber carried terminals of the primary sensory axon, and 23 of the fiber poles also displayed secondary sensory endings. With the NADH-TR reaction there was no apparent difference in the cross-sectional appearance of sensory endings on the long chain and on other nuclear chain fibers. However, the contact area between the secondary endings and the muscle fiber tended to be shorter on the long chain than on the neighboring chain fibers of shorter polar length. This was also the case for one long chain fiber in which the sensory innervation was examined in serial, 1 m thick sections stained with toluidine blue. Discharges of the secondary sensory axons in cat spindles may be affected more by contraction of the shorter nuclear chain fibers than by activation of the long chain fibers.  相似文献   

Role of nerve and muscle factors in the development of rat muscle spindles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The soleus muscles of fetal rats were examined by electron microscopy to determine whether the early differentiation of muscle spindles is dependent upon sensory innervation, motor innervation, or both. Simple unencapsulated afferent-muscle contacts were observed on the primary myotubes at 17 and 18 days of gestation. Spindles, encapsulations of muscle fibers innervated by afferents, could be recognized early on day 18 of gestation. The full complement of spindles in the soleus muscle was present at day 19, in the region of the neuromuscular hilum. More afferents innervated spindles at days 18 and 19 of gestation than at subsequent developmental stages, or in adult rats; hence, competition for available myotubes may exist among afferents early in development. Some of the myotubes that gave rise to the first intrafusal (bag2) fiber had been innervated by skeletomotor (alpha) axons prior to their incorporation into spindles. However, encapsulated intrafusal fibers received no motor innervation until fusimotor (gamma) axons innervated spindles 3 days after the arrival of afferents and formation of spindles, at day 20. The second (bag1) intrafusal fiber was already formed when gamma axons arrived. Thus, the assembly of bag1 and bag2 intrafusal fibers occurs in the presence of sensory but not gamma motor innervation. However, transient innervation of future bag2 fibers by alpha axons suggests that both sensory and alpha motor neurons may influence the initial stages of bag2 fiber assembly. The confinement of nascent spindles to a localized region of the developing muscle and the limited number of spindles in developing muscles in spite of an abundance of afferents raise the possibility that afferents interact with a special population of undifferentiated myotubes to form intrafusal fibers.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In einer Muskelspindel der Ratte, die an einer Serie alternierender Semidünn- und Ultradünnquerschnitte untersucht wurde, wurden zwei benachbart an nuclear chain-Fasern gelegene Nervenendformationen unterschiedlicher Bauweise festgestellt. Die beiden Endformationen sind mit ein und derselben Nervenfaser der Gruppe II verbunden und daher als Bestandteile einer sekundären sensorischen Endigung zu betrachten.Die Nervenendformation an einer der beiden nuclear chain-Fasern hat anulo-spirale Form.Die Nervenendformation an der anderen nuclear chain-Faser weist am Querschnittsbild eine Anzahl von Axonen auf, die zwischen Plasmalemm und Basalmembran der intrafusalen Muskelfaser eng aneinanderliegen. Nicht alle Axonquerschnitte stehen in direktem Kontakt mit der intrafusalen Faser. Das terminale Axon scheint sieh nach Eintritt unter die Basalmembran der intrafusalen Faser mehrfach in relativ dünne Äste unregelmäßigen Verlaufs zu teilen. Diese Form der Endigung könnte ein Korrelat der sog. flower spray-Endigung im Sinne Ruffinis (1898) darstellen.Die beiden morphologisch unterschiedlichen Endformationen innerhalb der sekundären Endigung gleichen einander und den Endformationen der primären Endigung bezüglich folgender Ultrastrukturmerkmale: 1. Es besteht synaptischer Kontakt zwischen Axon und intrafusaler Muskelfaser (synaptischer Spalt durchschnittlich 200 Å) ohne Zwischenlagerung von Basalmembranmaterial; 2. die terminalen Axonabschnitte liegen direkt unter der Basalmembran der intrafusalen Muskelfaser und sind nicht von Schwannschen Zellen bedeckt; 3. Mangel an synaptischen Bläschen; 4. desmosomenartige Verhaftungen zwischen Zellmembranen von Axon und intrafusaler Faser; 5. dyadenartige Anlagerungen des sarkoplasmatischen Retikulums an die Zellmembran der intrafusalen Faser im Bereich des synaptischen Spaltes.Nach unseren derzeitigen Vorstellungen sprechen diese Ultrastrukturmerkmale für eine rezeptorische Natur der beschriebenen Nervenendigungen.
Two electron-microscopically different forms of secondary sensory endings in a muscle spindle of the rat
Summary In a rat muscle spindle transversally cut into a series of alternating semithin and ultrathin sections, two different forms of nerve terminations were found on two neighbouring nuclear chain fibres. The two nerve terminations were connected to the same group II nerve fibre and are consequently constituents of one particular secondary sensory ending.The nerve termination on one of the two nuclear chain fibres is of the anulo-spiral type.The nerve termination on the second nuclear chain fibre shows a number of axons lying closely together between plasma membrane and basement membrane of the intrafusal muscle fibre. Not all of these axons are in direct contact with the intrafusal fibre. The terminating nerve fibre seems to be divided into several branches of rather small diameters and irregular courses. It is suggested that this kind of termination could be a correlate of the so-called flower spray type of sensory endings in muscle spindles.The two morphologically different nerve terminations in the secondary ending have the following ultrastructural characteristics in common with those of the primary ending: 1) Synaptic contact between axon and intrafusal muscle fibre (synaptic gap about 200 Å) without interposition of basement membrane material; 2) terminal axons located beneath the basement membrane layer of intrafusal muscle fibres without covering by Schwann cells; 3) lack of synaptic vesicles; 4) desmosome-like structures between plasma membranes of axon and intrafusal muscle fibre, and 5) dyads of the sarcoplasmic reticulum adjacent to the synaptic cleft. According to present knowledge these features indicate that all of these endings are sensory ones.
Derzeit am 2. Anatomischen Institut der Universität Wien (Prof. Dr. W. Zenker).  相似文献   

Summary Muscle spindles were either deafferented or deefferented by selectively severing the sensory or motor nerve supply to neonatal soleus muscles of rats at a time when spindles are formed but when intrafusal muscle fibers are structurally and immunocytochemically immature. Experimental muscles wereexcised two months after nerve section. Control and experimental spindles were examined using monoclonal antibodies specific for myosin heavy chains of slow-tonic (ALD58) and fast-twitch (MF30) chicken muscles. Only intrafusal fibers bound these antibodies in intact soleus muscles. The deefferented spindles exhibited a pattern of ALD58 and MF30 binding similar to that of normal adult intrafusal fibers, whereas deafferented intrafusal fibers were unreactive with the two antibodies. Thus intact sensory innervation is essential for myosin heavy chain expression in intrafusal muscle fibers during postnatal development of rat spindles.  相似文献   

J Kucera  J M Walro 《Histochemistry》1988,90(2):151-160
Muscle spindles were either deafferented or deefferented by selectively severing the sensory or motor nerve supply to neonatal soleus muscles of rats at a time when spindles are formed but when intrafusal muscle fibers are structurally and immunocytochemically immature. Experimental muscles were excised two months after nerve section. Control and experimental spindles were examined using monoclonal antibodies specific for myosin heavy chains of slow-tonic (ALD58) and fast-twitch (MF30) chicken muscles. Only intrafusal fibers bound these antibodies in intact soleus muscles. The deefferented spindles exhibited a pattern of ALD58 and MF30 binding similar to that of normal adult intrafusal fibers, whereas deafferented intrafusal fibers were unreactive with the two antibodies. Thus intact sensory innervation is essential for myosin heavy chain expression in intrafusal muscle fibers during postnatal development of rat spindles.  相似文献   

Summary Cat tenuissmus muscles were deprived of motor nerve supply for three months by sectioning of the appropriate ventral spinal roots. Muscle spindles were located in the chronically de-efferented muscles and examined histochemically in serial transverse sections. Staining for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase showed that the spindle sensory innervation was preserved. The de-efferented intrafusal muscle fibers retained their differential staining with the reaction for myosin adenosine triphosphatase. However, all cholinesterase-active areas that are normally found along nuclear bag and nuclear chain intrafusal fibers demonstrated loss of the enzyme activity in the chronically de-efferented spindles. It is concluded that all histochemically demonstrable cholinesterase activity within the cat muscle spindle is dependent upon the continuous presence of motor innervation.  相似文献   

Distributions of 53 motor axons to different types of intrafusal fibers were reconstructed from serial 1-micron-thick transverse sections of 13 poles of spindles in the rat soleus muscle. The mean number of motor axons that innervated a spindle pole was 4.1. Approximately 60% of motor axons lost their myelination prior to or shortly after entry into the periaxial fluid space of spindles. Motor innervation to the juxtaequatorial portion of nuclear bag fibers (particularly the bag1) consisted of groups of short, synaptic contacts that were terminations of thin, unmyelinated axons. In contrast, motor endings on both the bag1 and bag2 fibers were platelike in the polar intracapsular region. Chain fibers had a single midpolar platelike ending. The ratio of motor axons that innervated the bag1 fiber exclusively to axons that innervated bag2 and/or chain fibers was 1:1. However, one-fourth of motor axons coinnervated the dynamic bag1 fiber in conjunction with static bag2 and/or chain fibers. Thus the complete separation of motor control of the dynamic bag1 and static bag2 intrafusal systems observed in cat tenuissimus spindles is neither representative of the pattern of motor innervation in all other species of mammals nor essential to normal spindle function.  相似文献   

Summary The arrangement of preterminal and terminal axon branches in the primary sensory endings of cat tenuissimus muscle spindles was studied using whole-mount and serial-section techniques. Although in every case one firstorder preterminal branch was supplied exclusively to the bag1 type of intrafusal muscle fibre, the preterminal branching patterns differed considerably in detail.Terminals varied widely in size and location. Their precise form varied according to their position on the intrafusal muscle fibres rather than their relationship to preterminal branches. Terminals derived from separate preterminal branches remained separate and did not fuse with themselves or each other. Individually bag1 fibres had most terminals, chain fibres least. The surface of the muscle fibres were differentially indented by the terminals, least in bag1 fibres and most in chain fibres.The results are discussed in relation to mechanosensory transduction and to the factors involved in determining the form of the primary ending.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the preterminal nerve fibers of the rabbit myometrial smooth muscle was studied using potassium permanganate fixation or glutaraldehyde fixation with postosmification. The preterminal fibers were mostly formed by 2–10 axons enveloped by Schwann cells. Two kinds of axons and axon terminals were found. (1) Adrenergic axons, which contained many small, granular vesicles (diameter 300–600 Å) and large granular vesicles (diameter 700–1200 Å) which represented ca. 2% of the total count of the vesicles. (2) Nonadrenergic axons, which contained small agranular vesicles (diameter 300–600 Å) and large granular vesicles (diameter 700–1200 Å). Both types of axons formed preterminal varicosities along their course. The real terminal varicosities, representing the anatomical end of the axons, were usually larger than the preterminal ones and showed close contact to the plasma membranes of the smooth muscle cells. Both adrenergic and nonadrenergic terminals were found close to the smooth muscle cells, but a gap of at least 2000 Å was always present between the two cell membranes. The axons and preterminal varicosities of both types of nerves were in intimate contact with each other within the preterminal nerve fiber. Axo-axonal interactions between the two types of axons are possible in the rabbit myometrium. The relative proportion of the nonadrenergic axons from the total was about one fourth.  相似文献   

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