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Isolating the relative effects of episodic disturbances and chronic stressors on long-term community change is challenging. We assessed the impact of an episodic disturbance associated with human visitation (boat anchoring) relative to other drivers of long-term change on coral reefs. A one-time anchoring event at Crab Cove, British Virgin Islands, in 2004 caused rapid losses of coral and reef structural complexity that were equal to the cumulative decline over 23 years observed at an adjacent site. The abundance of small site-attached reef fishes dropped by approximately one quarter after the anchoring event, but this drop was not immediate and only fully apparent two years after the anchoring event. There was no obvious recovery from the impact, and no evidence that this episodic impact accelerated or retarded subsequent declines from other causes. This apparent lack of synergism between the effect of this episodic human impact and other chronic stressors is consistent with the few other long-term studies of episodic impacts, and suggests that action to mitigate anchor damage should yield predictable benefits.  相似文献   

Understanding the movement of invading organisms is critical to predicting invasion dynamics. The Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), is an invasive species on multiple spatial and temporal scales, and can serve as a model for studies of invasion dynamics. It is the major insect defoliator of potato in North America, and successful management requires an understanding of CPB invasions of individual fields. Its origin, spread, and biology, especially the cycle of annual invasions of agricultural potato fields, are described. Approaches to reducing the size of colonizing populations include rotation, delay of planting, and treatments of field margins. Rotation and sub-lethal insecticide treatments can slow the establishment of invasions within fields. These approaches interact with a late season diapause switch away from reproduction to reduce the impact of CPB. The refuge approach to delaying the fixation of resistance alleles is designed to encourage alleles for susceptibility to invade treated areas. We present data from an experimental refuge crop planted adjacent to a field treated with imidacloprid, an insecticide for which there is high variation in resistance. The treated field was four times as resistant as the untreated side, and a cline in resistance was formed from the untreated to the treated portion of the field. The cline width of about 100m provides an empirical basis for designing refuges to enhance the spread of alleles for susceptibility into treated areas and prevent fixation of resistance in the summer generation.  相似文献   

Genomic diversity and past population histories are key considerations in the fields of conservation and evolutionary biology. In this issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, Prasad et al. (Mol. Ecol. Resour., 2021) examine how the quality and phylogenetic divergence of reference genomes influences the outcomes of downstream analyses such as diversity and demographic history inference. Using the beluga whale and rowi kiwi as examples (Figure 1), they systematically estimate heterozygosity, runs of homozygosity (ROH), and demographic history (PSMC) using reference genomes of varying quality and phylogenetic divergence from the target species. They show that demographic history analyses are impacted by phylogenetic distance, although this is not pronounced until divergence exceeds 3% from the target species. Similarly, their results imply that heterozygosity estimates are dependent on phylogenetic distance and the method used to perform the estimates, and ROHs are potentially undetectable when a nonconspecific reference is used. This investigation into the role of divergence and quality of reference genomes highlights the impact and potential biases generated by genome selection on downstream analyses, and provides a possible alternative in cross-species scaffolding in instances where a conspecific reference genome is not available.  相似文献   

The rice pathogenic fungus Fusarium fujikuroi is well known for the production of a broad spectrum of secondary metabolites (SMs) such as gibberellic acids (GAs), mycotoxins and pigments. The biosynthesis of most of these SMs strictly depends on nitrogen availability and of the activity of permeases of nitrogen sources, e.g. the ammonium and amino acid permeases. One of the three ammonium permeases, MepB, was recently shown to act not only as a transporter but also as a nitrogen sensor affecting the production of nitrogen-repressed SMs. Here we describe the identification of a general amino acid permease, FfGap1, among the 99 putative amino acid permeases (AAPs) in the genome of F. fujikuroi. FfGap1 is able to fully restore growth of the yeast gap1∆ mutant on several amino acids including citrulline and tryptophane. In S. cerevisiae, Gap1 activity is regulated by shuttling between the plasma membrane (nitrogen limiting conditions) and the vacuole (nitrogen sufficiency), which we also show for FfGap1. In yeast, the Npr1 serine/threonine kinase stabilizes the Gap1 position at the plasma membrane. Here, we identified and characterized three NPR1-homologous genes, encoding the putative protein kinases FfNpr1-1, FfNpr1-2 and FfNpr1-3 with significant similarity to yeast Npr1. Complementation of the yeast npr1Δ mutant with each of the three F. fujikuroi NPR1 homologues, resulted in partial restoration of ammonium, arginine and proline uptake by FfNPR1-1 while none of the three kinases affect growth on different nitrogen sources and nitrogen-dependent sorting of FfGap1 in F. fujikuroi. However, exchange of the putative ubiquitin-target lysine 9 (K9A) and 15 (K15A) residues of FfGap1 resulted in extended localization to the plasma membrane and increased protein stability independently of nitrogen availability. These data suggest a similar regulation of FfGap1 by nitrogen-dependent ubiquitination, but differences regarding the role of Fusarium Npr1 homologues compared to yeast.  相似文献   

In this article, we report findings from an original survey experiment investigating the effects of different framings of disease threats on individual risk perceptions and policy priorities. We analyze responses from 1,946 white and African-American participants in a self-administered, web-based survey in the United States. We sought to investigate the effects of: 1) frames emphasizing disparities in the racial prevalence of disease and 2) frames emphasizing non-normative (blameworthy or stigmatized) behavioral risk factors. We find some evidence that when treated with the first frame, African-Americans are more likely to report higher risk of infection (compared to an African-American control group and to whites receiving the same treatment); and that whites are more likely to report trust in government data (compared to a White control group and to African-Americans receiving the same treatment). Notwithstanding, we find no support for our hypotheses concerning the interactive effects of providing both frames, which was a central motivation for our study. We argue that this may be due to very large differences in risk perception at baseline (which generate limits on possible treatment effects) and the fact that in the context of American race relations, it may not be possible to fully differentiate racialized and stigmatized frames.  相似文献   

Nilsen IW  Myrnes B 《Gene》2001,269(1-2):27-32
In a recent publication we reported the protein purification, characterization, and the gene isolation of a cDNA encoding the antibacterial cold-active lysozyme-like protein chlamysin from the marine bivalve Chlamys islandica. A 4.2 kb genomic chlamysin gene has now been amplified and sequence-analyzed. By comparison to the cDNA sequence and its translation product, the coding region was found separated in four exons of 38-252 bp. The introns range in size from 0.8 to 1.5 kb, and have traditional spliceosomal intron 5'-GT donor and 3'-AG acceptor sites for splicing. Two of the introns contain multiple copies of three sequence motifs not found repeated in other published genes. The over-all gene organization of chlamysin resembles chicken-type (c-type) lysozyme genes in vertebrates, but is different from the three-exon structure in invertebrate c-type lysozyme genes. A phylogenetic analysis of invertebrate-type (i-type) and c-type lysozyme proteins demonstrated a large evolutionary distance between the i-type and the c-type enzyme classes. Exons of the i-type genes are not equally organized according to their homolog protein domains.  相似文献   

The relationship between DNA methylation and histone acetylation at the imprinted mouse genes U2af1-rs1 and Snrpn is explored by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and resolution of parental alleles using single-strand conformational polymorphisms. The U2af1-rs1 gene lies within a differentially methylated region (DMR), while Snrpn has a 5' DMR (DMR1) with sequences homologous to the imprinting control center of the Prader-Willi/Angelman region. For both DMR1 of Snrpn and the 5' untranslated region (5'-UTR) and 3'-UTR of U2af1-rs1, the methylated and nonexpressed maternal allele was underacetylated, relative to the paternal allele, at all H3 lysines tested (K14, K9, and K18). For H4, underacetylation of the maternal allele was exclusively (U2af1-rs1) or predominantly (Snrpn) at lysine 5. Essentially the same patterns of differential acetylation were found in embryonic stem (ES) cells, embryo fibroblasts, and adult liver from F1 mice and in ES cells from mice that were dipaternal or dimaternal for U2af1-rs1. In contrast, in a region within Snrpn that has biallelic methylation in the cells and tissues analyzed, the paternal (expressed) allele showed relatively increased acetylation of H4 but not of H3. The methyl-CpG-binding-domain (MBD) protein MeCP2 was found, by ChIP, to be associated exclusively with the maternal U2af1-rs1 allele. To ask whether DNA methylation is associated with histone deacetylation, we produced mice with transgene-induced methylation at the paternal allele of U2af1-rs1. In these mice, H3 was underacetylated across both the parental U2af1-rs1 alleles whereas H4 acetylation was unaltered. Collectively, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that CpG methylation leads to deacetylation of histone H3, but not H4, through a process that involves selective binding of MBD proteins.  相似文献   

ResT is a member of the telomere resolvases, a newly discovered class of DNA breakage and reunion enzymes. These enzymes are involved in the formation of co-valently closed hairpin DNA ends that are found in linear prokaryotic chromosomes and plasmids. The hairpins are generated by telomere resolution, where the replicated linear DNA ends are processed by DNA breakage followed by joining of DNA free ends to the complementary strand of the same molecule. Previous studies have shown that ResT catalyzes hairpin formation through a two-step transesterification similar to tyrosine recombinases and type IB topoisomerases. In the present study we have probed the reaction mechanism of ResT. The enzyme was found to efficiently utilize a substrate with a 5'-bridging phosphorothiolate at each cleavage site, similar to tyrosine recombinases/type IB topoisomerases. Using such a substrate to trap the covalent protein-DNA intermediate, coupled with affinity purification and mass spectroscopy, we report a new, non-radioactive approach to directly determine the position of the amino acid in the protein, which is linked to the DNA. We report that tyrosine 335 is the active site nucleophile in ResT, strengthening the link between ResT and tyrosine recombinases/type IB topoisomerases. However, a distinct pattern of catalytic residues with similarities, but distinct differences from the above enzymes was suggested. The differences include the apparent absence of a general acid catalyst, as well as the dispensability of the final histidine in the RKHRHY hexad. Finally, two signature motifs (GRR(2X)E(6X)F and LGH(4-6X)T(3X)Y) near the catalytic residues of aligned telomere resolvases are noted.  相似文献   

Direct field emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) may determine whether biodiesel from oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) fulfills the EU requirement of at least 50% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as compared to fossil diesel. However, only few studies have documented fertilizer N emission factors (EF) and mitigation options for N2O emissions from oilseed rape cropping systems. We conducted a field experiment with three N levels (0, 171, and 217 kg/ha), where the N fertilizer was applied as ammonium sulfate nitrate with or without the nitrification inhibitor 3,4‐dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP). N2O fluxes were measured using static chambers technique and soil samples were analyzed for water and mineral N content during a monitoring period of 368 days. The DMPP treatments showed a significantly increased level of ammonium () for up to 18 weeks after spring fertilization as compared to the treatments without DMPP. However, this difference did not result in a corresponding decrease in soil content, and no differences in cumulative N2O emissions were found between any fertilized treatments with or without DMPP (mean, 1.26 kg N2O‐N ha?1 year?1). More field experiments are needed to clarify whether DMPP‐coated mineral fertilizers could mitigate N2O emissions under different weather conditions, for example, under conditions where fertilization events concurred with rainfall events increasing water‐filled pore space to the assumed 60% threshold for denitrification. Emission factors for mineral N fertilizer were 0.28%–0.36% with a mean of 0.32% across the fertilized treatments. These data concur with recent European studies suggesting that the EF for mineral N fertilizers in oilseed rape cropping systems may typically be lower than the default IPCC value of 1%. Further studies are needed to consolidate an EF for oilseed rape under temperate conditions, which will be determining for the sustainability of Northern European oilseed rape cultivation for biodiesel.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of glutamate dehydrogenase from the thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus has been determined. The sequence was reconstructed by automated sequence analysis of peptides obtained after cleavage by trypsin, cyanogen bromide, Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease and pepsin. The enzyme subunit is composed of 421 amino acid residues yielding a molecular mass of 46.078 kDa. The presence of N-epsilon-methyllysine in six positions of the sequence was observed. Comparison of the sequence of glutamate dehydrogenase from S. solfataricus with the other known primary structures of the corresponding enzyme from different sources, gives an overall identity of 9.2% and shows a symmetrical evolutionary distance of this archaebacterial protein from the two groups of vertebrate on one side and eubacterial and low eucaryote enzymes on the other side. The occurrence of specific substitutions and a possible role for N-epsilon-methylation of lysine residues are discussed in view of current hypotheses on the molecular basis of thermal adaptation of proteins.  相似文献   

H Kondo  K Abe  Y Emori  S Arai 《FEBS letters》1991,278(1):87-90
The gene structure of oryzacystatin-II, a new cystatin superfamily member of rice seed origin, was determined. It spans approximately 2.5 kbp and comprises 3 exons. The number of exons and the intron-breakpoints coincide with those of oryzacystatin-I, the first well-defined plant cystatin. However, no similar sequences were observed between the two oryzacystatin genes in 5'-upstream regulatory regions, even though both are expressed specifically during the ripening stage of rice seeds. The gene organization of these two plant cystatins is generally different from that of animal cystatins.  相似文献   

Changes in reef assemblages of corals and fishes following a tropical cyclone were assessed using data sets from (1) manta tow surveys of entire reef perimeters and (2) intensive surveys of specific sites, across 11 reefs lying close to the cyclone's track. Only one of the reefs experienced an obvious and immediate decline in mean coral cover (from 24 to 8%) due to the cyclone. The abundance and species richness of adult damselfish assemblages on intensive survey sites at this reef were not affected in the short term (6-8 weeks), despite the removal of 48% of living hard coral. Assemblages of adult fishes showed a similar lack of response at three other reefs where no significant habitat changes had occurred. Eleven to twelve months later, the total abundance of damselfishes had decreased substantially at eight of the sampled reefs, while the abundance of larger mobile fishes remained stable. We infer that the effects on coral assemblages reflect the short duration and orientation of the cyclone, the history of exposure to wave energy (influencing life-form structure and therefore degree of fragility), and the degree of consolidation of the reef matrix. The lack of short-term effects of the cyclone on adult fishes shows that these fishes can endure periods of intense underwater turbulence. The lack of change in damselfish assemblages weeks after loss of coral cover implies that this resource was not limiting adult fish densities. The reasons for widespread decreases in damselfish numbers 11-12 months after the cyclone are unknown.  相似文献   



Palawan, where health care facilities are still limited, is one of the most malaria endemic provinces in the Philippines. Since 1999, microscopists (community health workers) have been trained in malaria diagnosis and feasibility of early diagnosis and treatments have been enhanced throughout the province. To accelerate the universal access of malaria patients to diagnostic testing in Palawan, positive health seeking behavior should be encouraged when malaria infection is suspected.


In this cross-sectional study, structured interviews were carried out with residents (N = 218) of 20 remote malaria-endemic villages throughout Palawan with a history of suspected malaria from January to February in 2012. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted to determine factors associated with appropriate treatment, which included: (1) socio-demographic characteristics; (2) proximity to a health facility; (3) health seeking behavior; (4) knowledge on malaria; (5) participation in community awareness-raising activities.


Three factors independently associated with appropriate treatment were identified by SEM (CMIN = 10.5, df = 11, CFI = 1.000, RMSEA = .000): “living near microscopist” (p < 0.001), “not living near private pharmacy” (p < 0.01), and “having severe symptoms” (p < 0.01). “Severe symptoms” were positively correlated with more “knowledge on malaria symptoms” (p < 0.001). This knowledge was significantly increased by attending “community awareness-raising activities by microscopists” (p < 0.001).


In the resource-limited settings, microscopists played a significant role in providing appropriate treatment to all participants with severe malaria symptoms. However, it was considered that knowledge on malaria symptoms made participants more aware of their symptoms, and further progressed self-triage. Strengthening this recognition sensitivity and making residents aware of nearby microscopists may be the keys to accelerating universal access to effective malaria treatment in Palawan.  相似文献   

The production of reactive oxygen species is a regular feature of life in the presence of oxygen. Some reactive oxygen species possess sufficient energy to initiate lipid peroxidation in biological membranes, self-propagating reactions with the potential to damage membranes by altering their physical properties and ultimately their function. Two of the most prominent patterns of lipid restructuring in membranes of ectotherms involve contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids and ratios of the abundant phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. Since polyunsaturated fatty acids and phosphatidylethanolamine are particularly vulnerable to oxidation, it is likely that higher contents of these lipids at low body temperature elevate the inherent susceptibility of membranes to lipid peroxidation. Although membranes from animals living at low body temperatures may be more prone to oxidation, the generation of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation are sensitive to temperature. These scenarios raise the possibility that membrane susceptibility to lipid peroxidation is conserved at physiological temperatures. Reduced levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids and phosphatidylethanolamine may protect membranes at warm temperatures from deleterious oxidations when rates of reactive oxygen species production and lipid peroxidation are relatively high. At low temperatures, enhanced susceptibility may ensure sufficient lipid peroxidation for cellular processes that require lipid oxidation products.  相似文献   

The Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis cytolytic protein Cyt1Aa was found to be toxic to an insecticide-susceptible laboratory population of Plutella xylostella. Cry1Ac-resistant populations of P. xylostella showed various degrees of resistance to Cyt1Aa. Cyt1Aa/Cry1Ac mixtures showed a marked level of synergism in the Cry1Ac-resistant populations.  相似文献   

Larsen syndrome (LS) is a skeletal dysplasia (osteochondrodysplasia) in which multiple dislocations of the large joints are the major feature. Nosology in this group of diseases, which constitutes 8% of Mendelian disorders in man, is primarily based on clinical and radiographic features. Hopes for more accurate classification grounds are currently being met by progress in elucidation of underlying genetic defects. We have performed linkage analysis in a large Swedish kindred with autosomal dominant LS and found the gene (LAR1) to be strongly linked to chromosome 3p markers (Zmax = 13.4 at (theta = .00). Recombination analysis indicates that the LAR1 locus is located in a region defined distally by D3S1581 and proximally by D3S1600, which cytogenetically maps to chromosome region 3p21.1-14.1. Linkage and recombination analysis of a COL7A1 PvuII intragenic polymorphism versus LS and chromosome 3 markers indicate that COL7A1 is located close to, but distinct from, the LAR1 locus.  相似文献   

Benzyladenine promoted rapid accumulation of mRNAs that encodedthe small subunit of ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase(RuBisCO) and light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein in etiolatedcucumber cotyledons, but only after prior incubation of thecotyledons in water. However, benzyladenine hardly affectedthe level of mRNA for the large subunit of RuBisCO. 1 Present address: Shonan Junior College, Yokosuka, Kanagawa238, Japan (Received September 3, 1990; Accepted March 4, 1991)  相似文献   

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