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The role of calcium signaling in cytokinesis has long remained ambiguous. Past studies of embryonic cell division discovered that calcium concentration increases transiently at the division plane just before cleavage furrow ingression, suggesting that these calcium transients could trigger contractile ring constriction. However, such calcium transients have only been found in animal embryos and their function remains controversial. We explored cytokinetic calcium transients in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe by adopting GCaMP, a genetically encoded calcium indicator, to determine the intracellular calcium level of this model organism. We validated GCaMP as a highly sensitive calcium reporter in fission yeast, allowing us to capture calcium transients triggered by osmotic shocks. We identified a correlation between the intracellular calcium level and cell division, consistent with the existence of calcium transients during cytokinesis. Using time-lapse microscopy and quantitative image analysis, we discovered calcium spikes both at the start of cleavage furrow ingression and the end of cell separation. Inhibition of these calcium spikes slowed the furrow ingression and led to frequent lysis of daughter cells. We conclude that like the larger animal embryos, fission yeast triggers calcium transients that may play an important role in cytokinesis (197).  相似文献   

Myosin V motors are believed to contribute to cell polarization by carrying cargoes along actin tracks. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Myosin Vs transport secretory vesicles along actin cables, which are dynamic actin bundles assembled by the formin For3 at cell poles. How these flexible structures are able to extend longitudinally in the cell through the dense cytoplasm is unknown. Here we show that in myosin V (myo52 myo51) null cells, actin cables are curled, bundled, and fail to extend into the cell interior. They also exhibit reduced retrograde flow, suggesting that formin-mediated actin assembly is impaired. Myo52 may contribute to actin cable organization by delivering actin regulators to cell poles, as myoV∆ defects are partially suppressed by diverting cargoes toward cell tips onto microtubules with a kinesin 7–Myo52 tail chimera. In addition, Myo52 motor activity may pull on cables to provide the tension necessary for their extension and efficient assembly, as artificially tethering actin cables to the nuclear envelope via a Myo52 motor domain restores actin cable extension and retrograde flow in myoV mutants. Together these in vivo data reveal elements of a self-organizing system in which the motors shape their own tracks by transporting cargoes and exerting physical pulling forces.  相似文献   

Cell cycle progression is coupled to cell growth, but the mechanisms that generate growth-dependent cell cycle progression remain unclear. Fission yeast cells enter into mitosis at a defined size due to the conserved cell cycle kinases Cdr1 and Cdr2, which localize to a set of cortical nodes in the cell middle. Cdr2 is regulated by the cell polarity kinase Pom1, suggesting that interactions between cell polarity proteins and the Cdr1-Cdr2 module might underlie the coordination of cell growth and division. To identify the molecular connections between Cdr1/2 and cell polarity, we performed a comprehensive pairwise yeast two-hybrid screen. From the resulting interaction network, we found that the protein Skb1 interacted with both Cdr1 and the Cdr1 inhibitory target Wee1. Skb1 inhibited mitotic entry through negative regulation of Cdr1 and localized to both the cytoplasm and a novel set of cortical nodes. Skb1 nodes were distinct structures from Cdr1/2 nodes, and artificial targeting of Skb1 to Cdr1/2 nodes delayed entry into mitosis. We propose that the formation of distinct node structures in the cell cortex controls signaling pathways to link cell growth and division.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases, activated by Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), are conserved molecular switches for signal transductions that regulate diverse cellular processes, including cell polarization and cytokinesis. The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has six Rho GTPases (Cdc42 and Rho1–Rho5) and seven Rho GEFs (Scd1, Rgf1–Rgf3, and Gef1–Gef3). The GEFs for Rho2–Rho5 have not been unequivocally assigned. In particular, Gef3, the smallest Rho GEF, was barely studied. Here we show that Gef3 colocalizes with septins at the cell equator. Gef3 physically interacts with septins and anillin Mid2 and depends on them to localize. Gef3 coprecipitates with GDP-bound Rho4 in vitro and accelerates nucleotide exchange of Rho4, suggesting that Gef3 is a GEF for Rho4. Consistently, Gef3 and Rho4 are in the same genetic pathways to regulate septum formation and/or cell separation. In gef3∆ cells, the localizations of two potential Rho4 effectors—glucanases Eng1 and Agn1—are abnormal, and active Rho4 level is reduced, indicating that Gef3 is involved in Rho4 activation in vivo. Moreover, overexpression of active Rho4 or Eng1 rescues the septation defects of mutants containing gef3∆. Together our data support that Gef3 interacts with the septin complex and activates Rho4 GTPase as a Rho GEF for septation in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Macroendocytic vacuoles formed by phagocytosis, or the live-cell engulfment program entosis, undergo sequential steps of maturation, leading to the fusion of lysosomes that digest internalized cargo. After cargo digestion, nutrients must be exported to the cytosol, and vacuole membranes must be processed by mechanisms that remain poorly defined. Here we find that phagosomes and entotic vacuoles undergo a late maturation step characterized by fission, which redistributes vacuolar contents into lysosomal networks. Vacuole fission is regulated by the serine/threonine protein kinase mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), which localizes to vacuole membranes surrounding engulfed cells. Degrading engulfed cells supply engulfing cells with amino acids that are used in translation, and rescue cell survival and mTORC1 activity in starved macrophages and tumor cells. These data identify a late stage of phagocytosis and entosis that involves processing of large vacuoles by mTOR-regulated membrane fission.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells assemble actomyosin rings during cytokinesis to function as force-generating machines to drive membrane invagination and to counteract the intracellular pressure and the cell surface tension. How the extracellular matrix affects actomyosin ring contraction has not been fully explored. While studying the Schizosaccharomyces pombe 1,3-β-glucan-synthase mutant cps1-191, which is defective in division septum synthesis and arrests with a stable actomyosin ring, we found that weakening of the extracellular glycan matrix caused the generated spheroplasts to divide under the nonpermissive condition. This nonmedial slow division was dependent on a functional actomyosin ring and vesicular trafficking, but independent of normal septum synthesis. Interestingly, the high intracellular turgor pressure appears to play a minimal role in inhibiting ring contraction in the absence of cell wall remodeling in cps1-191 mutants, as decreasing the turgor pressure alone did not enable spheroplast division. We propose that during cytokinesis, the extracellular glycan matrix restricts actomyosin ring contraction and membrane ingression, and remodeling of the extracellular components through division septum synthesis relieves the inhibition and facilitates actomyosin ring contraction.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved small actin-monomer binding protein profilin is believed to be a housekeeping factor that maintains a general pool of unassembled actin. However, despite similar primary sequences, structural folds, and affinities for G-actin and poly-l-proline, budding yeast profilin ScPFY fails to complement fission yeast profilin SpPRF temperature-sensitive mutant cdc3-124 cells. To identify profilin''s essential properties, we built a combinatorial library of ScPFY variants containing either WT or SpPRF residues at multiple positions and carried out a genetic selection to isolate variants that support life in fission yeast. We subsequently engineered ScPFY(9-Mut), a variant containing nine substitutions in the actin-binding region, which complements cdc3-124 cells. ScPFY(9-Mut), but not WT ScPFY, suppresses severe cytokinesis defects in cdc3-124 cells. Furthermore, the major activity rescued by ScPFY(9-Mut) is the ability to enhance cytokinesis formin Cdc12-mediated actin assembly in vitro, which allows cells to assemble functional contractile rings. Therefore an essential role of profilin is to specifically facilitate formin-mediated actin assembly for cytokinesis in fission yeast.  相似文献   

The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe undergoes “closed” mitosis in which the nuclear envelope (NE) stays intact throughout chromosome segregation. Here we show that Tts1, the fission yeast TMEM33 protein that was previously implicated in organizing the peripheral endoplasmic reticulum (ER), also functions in remodeling the NE during mitosis. Tts1 promotes insertion of spindle pole bodies (SPBs) in the NE at the onset of mitosis and modulates distribution of the nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) during mitotic NE expansion. Structural features that drive partitioning of Tts1 to the high-curvature ER domains are crucial for both aspects of its function. An amphipathic helix located at the C-terminus of Tts1 is important for ER shaping and modulating the mitotic NPC distribution. Of interest, the evolutionarily conserved residues at the luminal interface of the third transmembrane region function specifically in promoting SPB-NE insertion. Our data illuminate cellular requirements for remodeling the NE during “closed” nuclear division and provide insight into the structure and functions of the eukaryotic TMEM33 family.  相似文献   

DNA replication stress causes genome mutations, rearrangements, and chromosome missegregation, which are implicated in cancer. We analyze a fission yeast mutant that is unable to complete S phase due to a defective subunit of the MCM helicase. Despite underreplicated and damaged DNA, these cells evade the G2 damage checkpoint to form ultrafine bridges, fragmented centromeres, and uneven chromosome segregations that resembles micronuclei. These micronuclei retain DNA damage markers and frequently rejoin with the parent nucleus. Surviving cells show an increased rate of mutation and chromosome rearrangement. This first report of micronucleus-like segregation in a yeast replication mutant establishes underreplication as an important factor contributing to checkpoint escape, abnormal chromosome segregation, and chromosome instability.  相似文献   

The Cdc14 phosphatase family antagonizes Cdk1 phosphorylation and is important for mitotic exit. To access their substrates, Cdc14 phosphatases are released from nucleolar sequestration during mitosis. Clp1/Flp1, the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Cdc14 orthologue, and Cdc14B, a mammalian orthologue, also exit the nucleolus during interphase upon DNA replication stress or damage, respectively, implicating Cdc14 phosphatases in the response to genotoxic insults. However, a mechanistic understanding of Cdc14 phosphatase nucleolar release under these conditions is incomplete. We show here that relocalization of Clp1 during genotoxic stress is governed by complex phosphoregulation. Specifically, the Rad3 checkpoint effector kinases Cds1 and/or Chk1, the cell wall integrity mitogen-activated protein kinase Pmk1, and the cell cycle kinase Cdk1 directly phosphorylate Clp1 to promote genotoxic stress–induced nucleoplasmic accumulation. However, Cds1 and/or Chk1 phosphorylate RxxS sites preferentially upon hydroxyurea treatment, whereas Pmk1 and Cdk1 preferentially phosphorylate Clp1 TP sites upon H2O2 treatment. Abolishing both Clp1 RxxS and TP phosphosites eliminates any genotoxic stress–induced redistribution. Reciprocally, preventing dephosphorylation of Clp1 TP sites shifts the distribution of the enzyme to the nucleoplasm constitutively. This work advances our understanding of pathways influencing Clp1 localization and may provide insight into mechanisms controlling Cdc14B phosphatases in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Sorting of plasma membrane proteins into exocytic vesicles at the yeast trans-Golgi network (TGN) is believed to be mediated by their coalescence with specific lipids, but how these membrane-remodeling events are regulated is poorly understood. Here we show that the ATP-dependent phospholipid flippase Drs2 is required for efficient segregation of cargo into exocytic vesicles. The plasma membrane proteins Pma1 and Can1 are missorted from the TGN to the vacuole in drs2∆ cells. We also used a combination of flippase mutants that either gain or lose the ability to flip phosphatidylserine (PS) to determine that PS flip by Drs2 is its critical function in this sorting event. The primary role of PS flip at the TGN appears to be to control the oxysterol-binding protein homologue Kes1/Osh4 and regulate ergosterol subcellular distribution. Deletion of KES1 suppresses plasma membrane–missorting defects and the accumulation of intracellular ergosterol in drs2 mutants. We propose that PS flip is part of a homeostatic mechanism that controls sterol loading and lateral segregation of protein and lipid domains at the TGN.  相似文献   

The GTPase dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) catalyzes mitochondrial division, but the mechanisms remain poorly understood. Much of what is attributed to Drp1’s mechanism of action in mitochondrial membrane fission parallels that of prototypical dynamin in endocytic vesicle scission. Unlike the case for dynamin, however, no lipid target for Drp1 activation at the mitochondria has been identified. In addition, the oligomerization properties of Drp1 have not been well established. We show that the mitochondria-specific lipid cardiolipin is a potent stimulator of Drp1 GTPase activity, as well as of membrane tubulation. We establish further that under physiological conditions, Drp1 coexists as two morphologically distinct polymeric species, one nucleotide bound in solution and the other membrane associated, which equilibrate via a dimeric assembly intermediate. With two mutations, C300A and C505A, that shift Drp1 polymerization equilibria in opposite directions, we demonstrate that dimers, and not multimers, potentiate the reassembly and reorganization of Drp1 for mitochondrial membrane remodeling both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Integrin activation is required to facilitate multiple adhesion-dependent functions of neutrophils, such as chemotaxis, which is critical for inflammatory responses to injury and pathogens. However, little is known about the mechanisms that mediate integrin activation in neutrophils. We show that Radil, a novel Rap1 effector, regulates β1- and β2-integrin activation and controls neutrophil chemotaxis. On activation and chemotactic migration of neutrophils, Radil quickly translocates from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane in a Rap1a-GTP–dependent manner. Cells overexpressing Radil show a substantial increase in cell adhesion, as well as in integrin/focal adhesion kinase (FAK) activation, and exhibit an elongated morphology, with severe tail retraction defects. This phenotype is effectively rescued by treatment with either β2-integrin inhibitory antibodies or FAK inhibitors. Conversely, knockdown of Radil causes severe inhibition of cell adhesion, β2-integrin activation, and chemotaxis. Furthermore, we found that inhibition of Rap activity by RapGAP coexpression inhibits Radil-mediated integrin and FAK activation, decreases cell adhesion, and abrogates the long-tail phenotype of Radil cells. Overall, these studies establish that Radil regulates neutrophil adhesion and motility by linking Rap1 to β2-integrin activation.  相似文献   

Active Cdc42 is essential for the establishment of polarized growth. This GTPase is negatively regulated by the GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), which are important for the spatial specificity of Cdc42 function. Rga4 is the only GAP described as negative regulator of fission yeast Cdc42. We report here that Rga6, another fission yeast Cdc42 GAP, shares some functions with Rga4. Cells lacking Rga6 are viable but slightly shorter and broader than wild type, and cells lacking Rga6 and Rga4 simultaneously are rounded. In these cells, active Cdc42 is observed all around the membrane. These additive effects indicate that both GAPs collaborate in the spatial regulation of active Cdc42. Rga6 localizes to the plasma membrane, forming clusters different from those formed by Rga4. A polybasic region at the Rga6 C-terminus is responsible for its membrane localization. Rga6-GFP fluorescence decreases considerably at the growing tips, and this decrease is dependent on the actin cables. Of note, in the absence of Rga6, the amplitude of active Cdc42 oscillations at the tips decreases, and less GTP-Cdc42 accumulates at the new end of the cells. We propose that Rga6 collaborates with Rga4 to spatially restrict active Cdc42 at the cell tips and maintain cell dimensions.  相似文献   

At the onset of mitosis, the Golgi complex undergoes a multistep fragmentation process that is required for its correct partitioning into the daughter cells. Inhibition of this Golgi fragmentation results in cell cycle arrest at the G2 stage, suggesting that correct inheritance of the Golgi complex is monitored by a “Golgi mitotic checkpoint.” However, the molecular basis of this G2 block is not known. Here, we show that the G2-specific Golgi fragmentation stage is concomitant with centrosome recruitment and activation of the mitotic kinase Aurora-A, an essential regulator for entry into mitosis. We show that a block of Golgi partitioning impairs centrosome recruitment and activation of Aurora-A, which results in the G2 block of cell cycle progression. Overexpression of Aurora-A overrides this cell cycle block, indicating that Aurora-A is a major effector of the Golgi checkpoint. Our findings provide the basis for further understanding of the signaling pathways that coordinate organelle inheritance and cell duplication.  相似文献   

Multiple Rabs are associated with secretory granules/vesicles, but how these GTPases are coordinated to promote regulated exocytosis is not well understood. In bladder umbrella cells a subapical pool of discoidal/fusiform-shaped vesicles (DFVs) undergoes Rab11a-dependent regulated exocytosis in response to bladder filling. We show that Rab11a-associated vesicles are enmeshed in an apical cytokeratin meshwork and that Rab11a likely acts upstream of Rab8a to promote exocytosis. Surprisingly, expression of Rabin8, a previously described Rab11a effector and guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab8, stimulates stretch-induced exocytosis in a manner that is independent of its catalytic activity. Additional studies demonstrate that the unconventional motor protein myosin5B motor (Myo5B) works in association with the Rab8a–Rab11a module to promote exocytosis, possibly by ensuring transit of DFVs through a subapical, cortical actin cytoskeleton before fusion. Our results indicate that Rab11a, Rab8a, and Myo5B function as part of a network to promote stretch-induced exocytosis, and we predict that similarly organized Rab networks will be common to other regulated secretory pathways.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic β- and γ-actin proteins are 99% identical but support unique organismal functions. The cytoplasmic actin nucleotide sequences Actb and Actg1, respectively, are more divergent but still 89% similar. Actb–/– mice are embryonic lethal and Actb–/– cells fail to proliferate, but editing the Actb gene to express γ-actin (Actbc–g) resulted in none of the overt phenotypes of the knockout revealing protein-independent functions for Actb. To determine if Actg1 has a protein-independent function, we crossed Actbc–g and Actg1–/– mice to generate the bG/0 line, where the only cytoplasmic actin expressed is γ-actin from Actbc–g. The bG/0 mice were viable but showed a survival defect despite expressing γ-actin protein at levels no different from bG/gG with normal survival. A unique myopathy phenotype was also observed in bG/0 mice. We conclude that impaired survival and myopathy in bG/0 mice are due to loss of Actg1 nucleotide-dependent function(s). On the other hand, the bG/0 genotype rescued functions impaired by Actg1–/–, including cell proliferation and auditory function, suggesting a role for γ-actin protein in both fibroblasts and hearing. Together, these results identify nucleotide-dependent functions for Actg1 while implicating γ-actin protein in more cell-/tissue-specific functions.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans RAB-10 functions in endocytic recycling in polarized cells, regulating basolateral cargo transport in the intestinal epithelia and postsynaptic cargo transport in interneurons. A similar role was found for mammalian Rab10 in MDCK cells, suggesting that a conserved mechanism regulates these related pathways in metazoans. In a yeast two-hybrid screen for binding partners of RAB-10 we identified EHBP-1, a calponin homology domain (CH) protein, whose mammalian homolog Ehbp1 was previously shown to function during endocytic transport of GLUT4 in adipocytes. In vivo we find that EHBP-1-GFP colocalizes with RFP-RAB-10 on endosomal structures of the intestine and interneurons and that ehbp-1 loss-of-function mutants share with rab-10 mutants specific endosome morphology and cargo localization defects. We also show that loss of EHBP-1 disrupts transport of membrane proteins to the plasma membrane of the nonpolarized germline cells, a defect that can be phenocopied by codepletion of RAB-10 and its closest paralog RAB-8. These results indicate that RAB-10 and EHBP-1 function together in many cell types and suggests that there are differences in the level of redundancy among Rab family members in polarized versus nonpolarized cells.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of cyclin B and securin initiates sister chromatid segregation and anaphase. The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome and its coactivator CDC20 (APC/CCDC20) form the main ubiquitin E3 ligase for these two proteins. APC/CCDC20 is regulated by CDK1-cyclin B and counteracting PP1 and PP2A family phosphatases through modulation of both activating and inhibitory phosphorylation. Here, we report that PP1 promotes cyclin B destruction at the onset of anaphase by removing specific inhibitory phosphorylation in the N-terminus of CDC20. Depletion or chemical inhibition of PP1 stabilizes cyclin B and results in a pronounced delay at the metaphase-to-anaphase transition after chromosome alignment. This requirement for PP1 is lost in cells expressing CDK1 phosphorylation–defective CDC206A mutants. These CDC206A cells show a normal spindle checkpoint response and rapidly destroy cyclin B once all chromosomes have aligned and enter into anaphase in the absence of PP1 activity. PP1 therefore facilitates the metaphase-to-anaphase transition by promoting APC/CCDC20-dependent destruction of cyclin B in human cells.  相似文献   

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