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The anaphase-promoting complex (APC) is an essential E3 ubiquitin ligase responsible for catalyzing proteolysis of key regulatory proteins in the cell cycle. Cdh1 is a co-activator of the APC aiding in the onset and maintenance of G(1) phase, whereas phosphorylation of Cdh1 at the end of G(1) phase by cyclin-dependent kinases assists in the inactivation of APC(Cdh1). Here, we suggest additional components are involved in the inactivation of APC(Cdh1) independent of Cdh1 phosphorylation. We have identified proteins known as Acm1 and Bmh1, which bind and form a ternary complex with Cdh1. The presence of phosphorylated Acm1 is critical for the ternary complex formation, and Acm1 is predominantly expressed in S phase when APC(Cdh1) is inactive. The assembly of the ternary complex inhibits ubiquitination of Clb2 in vitro by blocking the interaction of Cdh1 with Clb2. In vivo, lethality caused by overexpression of constitutively active Cdh1 is rescued by overexpression of Acm1. Partially phosphorylated Cdh1 in the absence of ACM1 still binds to and activates the APC. However, the addition of Acm1 decreases Clb2 ubiquitination when using either phosphorylated or nonphosphorylated Cdh1. Taken together, our results suggest an additional inactivation mechanism exists for APC(Cdh1) that is independent of Cdh1 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

W. Li  A. P. Mitchell 《Genetics》1997,145(1):63-73
In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, rim1, 8, 9, or 13 mutations cause four phenotypes: poor growth at low temperature, altered colony morphology, inefficient sporulation due to reduced expression of the meiotic activator IME1, and, as shown here, defective invasive growth. In this report, we have determined the relationship between RIM1 and the other genes, RIM8, 9, and 13, in this group. We have analyzed production of epitope-tagged Rim1p derivatives with HA epitopes at the N-terminus or in the middle of the protein. These Rim1p derivatives exist primarily as a small form (90 kD for Rim1-HA2p) in wild-type cells and as a large form (98 kD for Rim1-HA2p) in rim8, 9, and 13 mutants. We have also analyzed production of β-galactosidase in strains that express a RIM1-lacZ fusion gene. β-galactosidase exists primarily as a ~130 kD form in wild-type cells and as a ~190 kD form in rim9 mutants. These results indicate that Rim1p undergoes C-terminal proteolytic cleavage, and that rim8, 9, and 13 mutations block cleavage. Expression of a Rim1p C-terminal deletion derivative suppresses rim8, 9, and 13 mutations. Thus the phenotypes of rim8, 9, and 13 mutants arise from the defect in Rim1p C-terminal cleavage. Cleavage of Rim1p, like that of its Aspergillus nidulans homologue PacC, is stimulated under alkaline growth conditions. Therefore, Rim1p, PacC and their respective processing pathways may represent a conserved signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Functional integrity of mitochondria is critical for optimal cellular physiology. A suite of conserved mitochondrial proteases known as intramitochondrial quality control represents one of the mechanisms assuring normal mitochondrial function. We previously demonstrated that ATP-independent metalloprotease Oma1 mediates degradation of hypohemylated Cox1 subunit of cytochrome c oxidase and is active in cytochrome c oxidase-deficient mitochondria. Here we show that Oma1 is important for adaptive responses to various homeostatic insults and preservation of normal mitochondrial function under damage-eliciting conditions. Changes in membrane potential, oxidative stress, or chronic hyperpolarization lead to increased Oma1-mediated proteolysis. The stress-triggered induction of Oma1 proteolytic activity appears to be associated with conformational changes within the Oma1 homo-oligomeric complex, and these alterations likely involve C-terminal residues of the protease. Substitutions in the conserved C-terminal region of Oma1 impair its ability to form a labile proteolytically active complex in response to stress stimuli. We demonstrate that Oma1 genetically interacts with other inner membrane-bound quality control proteases. These findings indicate that yeast Oma1 is an important player in IM protein homeostasis and integrity by acting in concert with other intramitochondrial quality control components.  相似文献   

The cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor Sic1 and the cyclin Clb5 are essential regulators of the cyclindependent kinase Cdc28 during the G1 to S transition in budding yeast. Yeast enters S phase afterubiquitin-mediated degradation of Sic1, an event triggered by Cln1,2-Cdc28 mediated phosphorylation. We recently showed that Sic1 is involved in carbon source modulation of the critical cell sizerequired to enter S phase. Here we show that the amount and sub-cellular localization of Sic1 are alsocarbon source-modulated. We identify a bipartite nuclear localization sequence responsible for nuclearlocalization of Sic1 and for correct cell cycle progression in a carbon-source dependent manner.Similarly to Cip/Kip proteins ? Sic1 mammalian counterparts ? Sic1 facilitates nuclear accumulation ofits cognate cyclin, since cytoplasmic building-up of Clb5 is observed upon switching off expression ofthe SIC1 gene. Our data indicate a previously unrecognized inhibitor/activator dual role for Sic1 andput it among key molecules whose activity is regulated by their nuclear-cytoplasmic localization.  相似文献   

The highly orchestrated progression of the cell cycle depends on the degradation of many regulatory proteins at different cell cycle stages. One of the key cell cycle ubiquitin ligases is the Skp1-cullin-F-box (SCF) complex. Acting in concert with the substrate-binding F-box protein Grr1, SCFGrr1 promotes the degradation of cell cycle regulators as well as various metabolic enzymes. Using a yeast two-hybrid assay with a Grr1 derivative as the bait, we identified She3, which is an adaptor protein in the asymmetric mRNA transport system, as a novel Grr1 substrate. We generated stabilized She3 mutants, which no longer bound to Grr1, and found that the degradation of She3 is not required for regulating asymmetric mRNA transport. However, She3 stabilization leads to slower growth compared to wild-type cells in a co-culture assay, demonstrating that the degradation of She3 by Grr1 is required for optimal cell growth.  相似文献   

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a highly pathogenic member of the Paramyxoviridae that causes severe respiratory tract infections. Reports in the literature have indicated that to infect cells the incoming viruses either fuse their envelope directly with the plasma membrane or exploit clathrin-mediated endocytosis. To study the entry process in human tissue culture cells (HeLa, A549), we used fluorescence microscopy and developed quantitative, FACS-based assays to follow virus binding to cells, endocytosis, intracellular trafficking, membrane fusion, and infection. A variety of perturbants were employed to characterize the cellular processes involved. We found that immediately after binding to cells RSV activated a signaling cascade involving the EGF receptor, Cdc42, PAK1, and downstream effectors. This led to a series of dramatic actin rearrangements; the cells rounded up, plasma membrane blebs were formed, and there was a significant increase in fluid uptake. If these effects were inhibited using compounds targeting Na+/H+ exchangers, myosin II, PAK1, and other factors, no infection was observed. The RSV was rapidly and efficiently internalized by an actin-dependent process that had all hallmarks of macropinocytosis. Rather than fusing with the plasma membrane, the viruses thus entered Rab5-positive, fluid-filled macropinosomes, and fused with the membranes of these on the average 50 min after internalization. Rab5 was required for infection. To find an explanation for the endocytosis requirement, which is unusual among paramyxoviruses, we analyzed the fusion protein, F, and could show that, although already cleaved by a furin family protease once, it underwent a second, critical proteolytic cleavage after internalization. This cleavage by a furin-like protease removed a small peptide from the F1 subunits, and made the virus infectious.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) are master regulators of the cell cycle in eukaryotes. CDK activity is regulated by the presence, post-translational modification and spatial localization of its regulatory subunit cyclin. In budding yeast, the B-cyclin Clb1 is phosphorylated and localizes to the nucleus during meiosis I. However the functional significance of Clb1''s phosphorylation and nuclear localization and their mutual dependency is unknown. In this paper, we demonstrate that meiosis-specific phosphorylation of Clb1 requires its import to the nucleus but not vice versa. While Clb1 phosphorylation is dependent on activity of both CDK and polo-like kinase Cdc5, its nuclear localization requires CDK but not Cdc5 activity. Furthermore we show that increased nuclear localization of Clb1 during meiosis enhances activation of FEAR (Cdc Fourteen Early Anaphase Release) pathway. We discuss the significance of our results in relation to regulation of exit from meiosis I.  相似文献   


The significance of the “conformational-catalytic” mechanism of metal ion activation is not known. It is still at the state of being established for some enzymes. Right now, only speculations can be offered. All the enzymes mentioned have subunits and all have strongly negatively charged phosphate-containing substrates.

As a preliminary hypothesis, it may be suggested that one of the 2 mol of metal ion involved functions to “lock” one of the substrates into a configuration so that when the second one attacks that or another substrate, electrons are withdrawn from crucial bonds and catalysis occurs. Either metal ion or both or neither may do this by interacting directly with a substrate.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activation is a unique feature of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). However, the underlying molecular mechanisms and the physiologically relevant proteases remain to be identified. The serine protease trypsin I can activate ENaC in vitro but is unlikely to be the physiologically relevant activating protease in ENaC-expressing tissues in vivo. Herein, we investigated whether human trypsin IV, a form of trypsin that is co-expressed in several extrapancreatic epithelial cells with ENaC, can activate human ENaC. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, we monitored proteolytic activation of ENaC currents and the appearance of γENaC cleavage products at the cell surface. We demonstrated that trypsin IV and trypsin I can stimulate ENaC heterologously expressed in oocytes. ENaC cleavage and activation by trypsin IV but not by trypsin I required a critical cleavage site (Lys-189) in the extracellular domain of the γ-subunit. In contrast, channel activation by trypsin I was prevented by mutating three putative cleavage sites (Lys-168, Lys-170, and Arg-172) in addition to mutating previously described prostasin (RKRK178), plasmin (Lys-189), and neutrophil elastase (Val-182 and Val-193) sites. Moreover, we found that trypsin IV is expressed in human renal epithelial cells and can increase ENaC-mediated sodium transport in cultured human airway epithelial cells. Thus, trypsin IV may regulate ENaC function in epithelial tissues. Our results show, for the first time, that trypsin IV can stimulate ENaC and that trypsin IV and trypsin I activate ENaC by cleavage at distinct sites. The presence of distinct cleavage sites may be important for ENaC regulation by tissue-specific proteases.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants deficient in degradation of alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor Z (A1PiZ) have been isolated and genetically characterized. Wild-type yeast expressing A1PiZ synthesize an ER form of this protein that is rapidly degraded by an intracellular proteolytic process known as ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). The mutant strains were identified after treatment with EMS using a colony blot immunoassay to detect colonies that accumulated high levels of A1PiZ. A total of 120,000 colonies were screened and 30 putative mutants were identified. The level of A1PiZ accumulation in these mutants, measured by ELISA, ranged from two to 11 times that of A1PiZ in the parent strain. Further studies demonstrated that the increased levels of A1PiZ in most of the mutant strains was not the result of defective secretion or elevated A1PiZ mRNA. Pulse chase experiments indicated that A1PiZ was stabilized in several strains, evidence that these mutants are defective in ER-associated protein degradation. Genetic analyses revealed that most of the mutations were recessive, ~30% of the mutants characterized conformed to simple Mendelian inheritance, and at least seven complementation groups were identified.  相似文献   

Heparin allosterically activates antithrombin as an inhibitor of factors Xa and IXa by enhancing the initial Michaelis complex interaction of inhibitor with protease through exosites. Here, we investigate the mechanism of this enhancement by analyzing the effects of alanine mutations of six putative antithrombin exosite residues and three complementary protease exosite residues on antithrombin reactivity with these proteases in unactivated and heparin-activated states. Mutations of antithrombin Tyr253 and His319 exosite residues produced massive 10–200-fold losses in reactivity with factors Xa and IXa in both unactivated and heparin-activated states, indicating that these residues made critical attractive interactions with protease independent of heparin activation. By contrast, mutations of Asn233, Arg235, Glu237, and Glu255 exosite residues showed that these residues made both repulsive and attractive interactions with protease that depended on the activation state and whether the critical Tyr253/His319 residues were mutated. Mutation of factor Xa Arg143, Lys148, and Arg150 residues that interact with the exosite in the x-ray structure of the Michaelis complex confirmed the importance of all residues for heparin-activated antithrombin reactivity and Arg150 for native serpin reactivity. These results demonstrate that the exosite is a key determinant of antithrombin reactivity with factors Xa and IXa in the native as well as the heparin-activated state and support a new model of allosteric activation we recently proposed in which a balance between attractive and repulsive exosite interactions in the native state is shifted to favor the attractive interactions in the activated state through core conformational changes induced by heparin binding.  相似文献   

A Mycobacterium strain (RP1) was isolated from a contaminated activated sludge collected in a wastewater treatment unit of a chemical plant. It was capable of utilizing morpholine and other heterocyclic compounds, such as pyrrolidine and piperidine, as the sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy. The use of in situ 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy allowed the determination of two intermediates in the biodegradative pathway, 2-(2-aminoethoxy)acetate and glycolate. The inhibitory effects of metyrapone on the degradative abilities of strain RP1 indicated the involvement of a cytochrome P-450 in the biodegradation of morpholine. This observation was confirmed by spectrophotometric analysis and 1H NMR. Reduced cell extracts from morpholine-grown cultures, but not succinate-grown cultures, gave rise to a carbon monoxide difference spectrum with a peak near 450 nm, which indicated the presence of a soluble cytochrome P-450. 1H NMR allowed the direct analysis of the incubation medium containing metyrapone, a specific inhibitor of cytochrome P-450. The inhibition of morpholine degradation was dependent on the morpholine/metyrapone ratio. The heme-containing monooxygenase was also detected in pyrrolidine- and piperidine-grown cultures. The abilities of different compounds to support strain growth or the induction of a soluble cytochrome P-450 were assayed. The results suggest that this enzyme catalyzes the cleavage of the C—N bond of the morpholine ring.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, G2/M transition is induced by the activation of cyclin B-bound Cdk1, which is held in check by the protein kinase, Wee1. Recent advances in our understanding of mitotic entry in budding yeast has revealed that these cells utilize the level of Swe1 (Wee1 ortholog) phosphorylation as a means of monitoring cell cycle progression and of coordinating morphogenetic events with mitotic entry. Swe1 is phosphorylated by at least three distinct kinases at different stages of the cell cycle. This cumulative phosphorylation leads to the hyperphosphorylation and degradation of Swe1 through ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis. Thus, Swe1 functions as an important cell cycle modulator that integrates multiple upstream signals from prior cell cycle events before its ultimate degradation permits passage into mitosis.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a facultative intracellular bacterial pathogen that spreads cell to cell without exposure to the extracellular environment. Bacterial cell-to-cell spread is mediated in part by two secreted bacterial phospholipases C (PLC), a broad spectrum PLC (PC-PLC) and a phosphatidylinositolspecific PLC (PI-PLC). PI-PLC is secreted in an active state, whereas PC-PLC is secreted as an inactive proenzyme (proPC-PLC) whose activation is mediated in vitro by an L. monocytogenes metalloprotease (Mpl). Analysis of PI-PLC, PC-PLC, and Mpl single and double mutants revealed that Mpl also plays a role in the spread of an infection, but suggested that proPC-PLC has an Mpl-independent activation pathway. Using biochemical and microscopic approaches, we describe three intracellular proteolytic pathways regulating PCPLC activity. Initially, proPC-PLC secreted in the cytosol of infected cells was rapidly degraded in a proteasome-dependent manner. Later during infection, PCPLC colocalized with bacteria in lysosome-associated membrane protein 1–positive vacuoles. Activation of proPC-PLC in vacuoles was mediated by Mpl and an Mpl-independent pathway, the latter being sensitive to inhibitors of cysteine proteases. Lastly, proPC-PLC activation by either pathway was sensitive to bafilomycin A1, a specific inhibitor of vacuolar ATPase, suggesting that activation was dependent on acidification of the vacuolar compartment. These results are consistent with a model in which proPC-PLC activation is compartment specific and controlled by a combination of bacterial and host factors.  相似文献   

A COOH-terminally truncated recombinant form of prostromelysin-1 (MMP-3; EC was activated by incubation at elevated temperature or by the addition of aminophenylmercuric acetate (APMA). By using an inhibitor of mature stromelysin to trap intermediates, it was found that the two methods of activation occurred by different mechanisms. Heat activation was achieved by a single-step bimolecular cleavage which was dependent on the presence of a small amount of mature enzyme. In contrast, APMA activation occurred by a complex multistep mechanism which consisted of intramolecular cleavages within the NH2-terminal pro portion of the molecule followed by a bimolecular cleavage at the NH2-terminus of the mature stromelysin. In spite of the different mechanisms of activation, both methods generate indistinguishable active enzymes.  相似文献   

Recombination and synapsis of homologous chromosomes are hallmarks of meiosis in many organisms. Meiotic recombination is initiated by Spo11-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), whereas chromosome synapsis is mediated by a tripartite structure named the synaptonemal complex (SC). Previously, we proposed that budding yeast SC is assembled via noncovalent interactions between the axial SC protein Red1, SUMO chains or conjugates, and the central SC protein Zip1. Incomplete synapsis and unrepaired DNA are monitored by Mec1/Tel1-dependent checkpoint responses that prevent exit from the pachytene stage. Here, our results distinguished three distinct modes of Mec1/Tec1 activation during early meiosis that led to phosphorylation of three targets, histone H2A at S129 (γH2A), Hop1, and Zip1, which are involved, respectively, in DNA replication, the interhomolog recombination and chromosome synapsis checkpoint, and destabilization of homology-independent centromere pairing. γH2A phosphorylation is Red1 independent and occurs prior to Spo11-induced DSBs. DSB- and Red1-dependent Hop1 phosphorylation is activated via interaction of the Red1-SUMO chain/conjugate ensemble with the Ddc1-Rad17-Mec3 (9-1-1) checkpoint complex and the Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 complex. During SC assembly, Zip1 outcompetes 9-1-1 from the Red1-SUMO chain ensemble to attenuate Hop1 phosphorylation. In contrast, chromosome synapsis cannot attenuate DSB-dependent and Red1-independent Zip1 phosphorylation. These results reveal how DNA replication, DSB repair, and chromosome synapsis are differentially monitored by the meiotic checkpoint network.  相似文献   

Rheb G-protein plays critical roles in the TSC/Rheb/mTOR signaling pathway by activating mTORC1. The activation of mTORC1 by Rheb can be faithfully reproduced in vitro by using mTORC1 immunoprecipitated by the use of anti-raptor antibody from mammalian cells starved for nutrients. The low in vitro kinase activity against 4E-BP1 of this mTORC1 preparation is dramatically increased by the addition of recombinant Rheb. On the other hand, the addition of Rheb does not activate mTORC2 immunoprecipitated from mammalian cells by the use of anti-rictor antibody. The activation of mTORC1 is specific to Rheb, because other G-proteins such as KRas, RalA/B, and Cdc42 did not activate mTORC1. Both Rheb1 and Rheb2 activate mTORC1. In addition, the activation is dependent on the presence of bound GTP. We also find that the effector domain of Rheb is required for the mTORC1 activation. FKBP38, a recently proposed mediator of Rheb action, appears not to be involved in the Rheb-dependent activation of mTORC1 in vitro, because the preparation of mTORC1 that is devoid of FKBP38 is still activated by Rheb. The addition of Rheb results in a significant increase of binding of the substrate protein 4E-BP1 to mTORC1. PRAS40, a TOR signaling (TOS) motif-containing protein that competes with the binding of 4EBP1 to mTORC1, inhibits Rheb-induced activation of mTORC1. A preparation of mTORC1 that is devoid of raptor is not activated by Rheb. Rheb does not induce autophosphorylation of mTOR. These results suggest that Rheb induces alteration in the binding of 4E-BP1 with mTORC1 to regulate mTORC1 activation.Rheb defines a unique member of the Ras superfamily G-proteins (1). We have shown that Rheb proteins are conserved and are found from yeast to human (2). Although yeast and fruit fly have one Rheb, mouse and human have two Rheb proteins termed Rheb1 (or simply Rheb) and Rheb2 (RhebL1) (2). Structurally, these proteins contain G1-G5 boxes, short stretches of amino acids that define the function of the Ras superfamily G-proteins including guanine nucleotide binding (1, 3, 4). Rheb proteins have a conserved arginine at residue 15 that corresponds to residue 12 of Ras (1). The effector domain required for the binding with downstream effectors encompasses the G2 box and its adjacent sequences (1, 5). Structural analysis by x-ray crystallography further shows that the effector domain is exposed to solvent, is located close to the phosphates of GTP especially at residues 35–38, and undergoes conformational change during GTP/GDP exchange (6). In addition, all Rheb proteins end with the CAAX (C is cysteine, A is an aliphatic amino acid, and X is the C-terminal amino acid) motif that signals farnesylation. In fact, we as well as others have shown that these proteins are farnesylated (79).Rheb plays critical roles in the TSC/Rheb/mTOR signaling, a signaling pathway that plays central roles in regulating protein synthesis and growth in response to nutrient, energy, and growth conditions (1014). Rheb is down-regulated by a TSC1·TSC2 complex that acts as a GTPase-activating protein for Rheb (1519). Recent studies established that the GAP domain of TSC2 defines the functional domain for the down-regulation of Rheb (20). Mutations in the Tsc1 or Tsc2 gene lead to tuberous sclerosis whose symptoms include the appearance of benign tumors called hamartomas at different parts of the body as well as neurological symptoms (21, 22). Overexpression of Rheb results in constitutive activation of mTOR even in the absence of nutrients (15, 16). Two mTOR complexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2, have been identified (23, 24). Whereas mTORC1 is involved in protein synthesis activation mediated by S6K and 4EBP1, mTORC2 is involved in the phosphorylation of Akt in response to insulin. It has been suggested that Rheb is involved in the activation of mTORC1 but not mTORC2 (25).Although Rheb is clearly involved in the activation of mTOR, the mechanism of activation has not been established. We as well as others have suggested a model that involves the interaction of Rheb with the TOR complex (2628). Rheb activation of mTOR kinase activity using immunoprecipitated mTORC1 was reported (29). Rheb has been shown to interact with mTOR (27, 30), and this may involve direct interaction of Rheb with the kinase domain of mTOR (27). However, this Rheb/mTOR interaction is a weak interaction and is not dependent on the presence of GTP bound to Rheb (27, 28). Recently, a different model proposing that FKBP38 (FK506-binding protein 38) mediates the activation of mTORC1 by Rheb was proposed (31, 32). In this model, FKBP38 binds mTOR and negatively regulates mTOR activity, and this negative regulation is blocked by the binding of Rheb to FKBP38. However, recent reports dispute this idea (33).To further characterize Rheb activation of mTOR, we have utilized an in vitro system that reproduces activation of mTORC1 by the addition of recombinant Rheb. We used mTORC1 immunoprecipitated from nutrient-starved cells using anti-raptor antibody and have shown that its kinase activity against 4E-BP1 is dramatically increased by the addition of recombinant Rheb. Importantly, the activation of mTORC1 is specific to Rheb and is dependent on the presence of bound GTP as well as an intact effector domain. FKBP38 is not detected in our preparation and further investigation suggests that FKBP38 is not an essential component for the activation of mTORC1 by Rheb. Our study revealed that Rheb enhances the binding of a substrate 4E-BP1 with mTORC1 rather than increasing the kinase activity of mTOR.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are introduced into the genome to initiate meiotic recombination. Their accurate repair is monitored by the meiotic recombination checkpoint that prevents nuclear division until completion of meiotic DSB repair. We show that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sae2 protein, known to be involved in processing meiotic DSBs, is phosphorylated periodically during the meiotic cycle. Sae2 phosphorylation occurs at the onset of premeiotic S phase, is maximal at the time of meiotic DSB generation and decreases when DSBs are repaired by homologous recombination. Hyperactivation of the meiotic recombination checkpoint caused by the failure to repair DSBs results in accumulation and persistence of phosphorylated Sae2, indicating a possible link between checkpoint activation and meiosis-induced Sae2 phosphorylation. Accordingly, Sae2 phosphorylation depends on the checkpoint kinases Mec1 and Tel1, whose simultaneous deletion also impairs meiotic DSB repair. Moreover, replacing with alanines the Sae2 serine and threonine residues belonging to Mec1/Tel1-dependent putative phosphorylation sites impairs not only Sae2 phosphorylation during meiosis, but also meiotic DSB repair. Thus,checkpoint-mediated phosphorylation of Sae2 is important to support its meiotic recombinationfunctions.  相似文献   

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