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松嫩草原不同时间火烧后群落特征的变化   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
松嫩草原早春火烧后,种类密度、物种多样性和丰富度增高,均匀度降低;晚春火烧后则相反.无论是早春火烧还是晚春火烧.群落高度降低,但晚烧更低.火烧能刺激羊草生长活力,晚烧作用更明显.火烧后,羊草叶产量增高,叶茎比例以晚烧地为最高.早烧后,群落地下现存量增多,晚烧相反.  相似文献   

Abstract. Through an experiment in three prairie vegetation types in western Oregon, USA the effect of prescribed fire on the timing and rates of seedling emergence and mortality was examined. Seeds of common exotic and native prairie species were sown into burned and unburned plots in late September, 1995. Emerged seedlings were censussed the following winter, early spring and late spring. Results indicated that spring population levels could not be forecast by fall seedling flushes, as winter survival was important in seedling establishment. The bulk of emergence for all grass and annual forb species occurred in the fall, followed by low to severe winter mortality. Perennial forbs were more variable in emergence times but, once emerged, perennial forb seedlings were likely to become established. Burning caused a statistically significant increase in seedling accumulation through emergence and survival in 11 of 23 cases. Burning improved seedling winter survival for most grass and short‐lived forb species and increased emergence of perennial forb species. These patterns were most conspicuous on the two sites dominated by exotic species, where burning significantly improved the accumulation of seedlings from most native species tested. Thus, prescribed burning might be a useful restoration tool in these communities. In contrast, two of the three species increased by burning in the native bunchgrass site were exotic pest plants, suggesting that fire should be prescribed with caution.  相似文献   

Grasslands can be diverse assemblages of grasses and forbs but not much is known how perennial grass species management affects native plant diversity except in a few instances. We studied the use of late-spring prescribed burns over a span of 11 years where the perennial grass Poa secunda was the foundation species, with four additional years of measurements after the final burn. We evaluated burn effects on P. secunda, the rare native annual forb Amsinckia grandiflora and local native and exotic species. Annual burning maintained P. secunda number, resulted in significant expansion, the lowest thatch and exotic grass cover, the highest percentage of bare ground, but also the lowest native forb and highest exotic forb cover. Burning approximately every 3 years maintained a lower number of P. secunda plants, allowed for expansion, and resulted in the highest native forb cover with a low exotic grass cover. Burning approximately every 5 years and the control (burned once from a wildfire) resulted in a decline in P. secunda number, the highest exotic grass and thatch cover and the lowest percentage of bare ground. P. secunda numbers were maintained up to 4 years after the final burn. While local native forbs benefited from burning approximately every 3 years, planted A. grandiflora performed best in the control treatment. A. grandiflora did not occur naturally at the site; therefore, no seed bank was present to provide across-year protection from the effects of the burns. Thus, perennial grass species management must also consider other native species life history and phenology to enhance native flora diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract Spring burning of sedge‐grass meadows in the Slave River Lowlands (SRL), Northwest Territories, Canada was applied between 1992 and 1998 to reduce shrub encroachment and enhance Bison bison (bison) habitat, although the impact of fire on preferred bison forage was unknown before management. In the summer of 1998 we conducted a study in the Hook Lake area of the SRL to test the effect of burn frequency (unburned, burned once, or burned three times since 1992) on herbaceous plant community composition and Salix spp. L. (willow) shrub vigor. Plant species abundance, litter biomass, soil pH, and depth of the organic soil horizon were measured in 300 1‐m2 quadrats nested within 30 1,000‐m2 plots in both burned and unburned dry meadows. To test the relationship between frequency and willow vigor, all willow shrubs within the plots were assigned a vigor score from I (dead) to IV (flourishing). The spring burns appear to have reduced willow vigor; however, shrub survival remained high (76%) on the most frequently burned meadows. Ordination plots resulting from canonical correspondence analysis suggest that multiple spring burns influenced plant community composition in dry meadow areas and that less palatable bison forage species (e.g., Carex aenea Fern. and Juncus balticus L.) were correlated with a regime of three spring burns. Our results suggest that frequent spring fires in the Hook Lake area have only a small negative effect on willow cover but may reduce the abundance of primary bison forage plants compared with less frequently burned meadows.  相似文献   

Grasshopper assemblages were sampled in 44 plots in each of three adjacent sites in a 40-year-old southern tall grassland experimental area in South Africa. Specific plots received particular mowing and/or burning treatments over the 40-year period. Grasshopper responses to vegetation type, and to different burning and mowing practices, were site-specific, despite the close proximity of sites. This suggests that grasshopper assemblage composition is not entirely deterministic and depends on the trajectory of plant succession. Grasshopper species richness and abundance decreased from annually to triennially burnt plots, and increased in plots mown once per year to plots mown three times per year. Burning in the first week of August (winter) was more favourable for grasshopper assemblages than burning in autumn or after the first spring rains. Mean grasshopper species richness was highest in plots mown after the first spring rains, and the mean number of individuals was highest i n plots mown early in summer. When annually burnt plots were compared with annually mown plots, grasshopper abundance and species richness were highest in the burnt plots. A rotational winter burning programme, which is practical under African conditions, is recommended for the conservation of grasshoppers and other invertebrates.  相似文献   

Prescribed burning is an important tool for managing and restoring prairies and other ecosystems. One effect of fire is plant litter removal, which can influence seedling establishment. Four experimental treatments (burned, clipped and raked to remove litter, burned with litter reapplied, and unmanipulated) were applied to 2 × 2.5–m plots in three western Oregon, United States, upland prairies to determine how burning affects seedling establishment. Seeds of common exotic and native prairie species were sowed into the experimental plots after treatments. Seedlings were censused the following spring. The experiment was repeated on each of the three sites, representing three common types of prairie vegetation: an Annual Exotic Grass site, a Perennial Exotic Grass site, and a Native Bunchgrass site. In both the Annual Exotic Grass and the Perennial Exotic Grass sites, burning significantly improved native, but not exotic, seedling establishment over those on unburned plots. Litter removal was a significant component of this burn effect, particularly on the Perennial Exotic Grass site. In these winter‐moist systems, the net effect of litter is to inhibit seedling establishment. Burning treatments on the Native Bunchgrass site significantly increased seedling establishment only of short‐lived exotic species. These results suggest that in prairie ecosystems similar to the Annual and Perennial Exotic Grass sites, prescribed burning followed by sowing native seeds can be an effective restoration technique. Burning alone or sowing alone would be counter‐productive, in the first case because increased establishment would come from exotic species and in the second case because establishment rates are low in unburned plots.  相似文献   

The effects of six burning treatments combined with two insecticide treatments of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) stubble on alfalfa plant bug, Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze) and Lygus spp. populations were evaluated over an 8-yr period (1982–1989). The burn treatments were: burning every spring and autumn, burning in alternate springs, burning at 50–100 mm and 150–200 mm of spring growth, and an unburned control. Alfalfa plant bug, which overwinters in the egg stage in alfalfa stems, were reduced by the spring burns. First generation populations of Lygus spp., were enhanced by the burn treatments before spring growth appeared, but were reduced when alfalfa was burned over 50 mm of spring growth. Counts of the minute pirate bug, Onus tristicolor White, were enhanced in 1983 by all burn treatments, and in 1985 by some of the burn treatments. Of all the predators, only spiders were significantly reduced and only in 1986 by the burned every autumn and spring treatments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   No other group of North American birds has declined as precipitously and over so large an area as has the grassland assemblage. In the Flint Hills of Kansas, the largest extant region of tallgrass prairie, annual spring burning of rangeland has largely replaced traditional regimes and natural patterns with longer intervals between burns. I examined effects of burning and low-intensity cattle grazing on abundances of seven bird species at Konza Prairie Research Natural Area in June 2002 and 2003. Every species was affected by fire, with Upland Sandpipers ( Bartramia longicauda ) more abundant, and six species—Grasshopper Sparrow ( Ammodramus savannarum ), Henslow's Sparrow ( A. henslowii ), Dickcissel ( Spiza americana ), Eastern Meadowlark ( Sturnella magna ), Brown-headed Cowbird ( Molothrus ater ), and Bell's Vireo ( Vireo bellii )—either less abundant or absent at sites in the breeding season following a fire. These results demonstrate that annual burning limits the potential of much of the Flint Hills prairie to harbor high breeding densities of many grassland birds. On the other hand, I found a trade-off between immediate and longer-term effects of burning for several grass-dependent species. Grasshopper Sparrows, Henslow's Sparrows, and Eastern Meadowlarks, although more numerous in areas that were not burned the preceding spring, were less abundant at sites burned every 4 yrs than those burned at shorter intervals. In contrast, shrub-dependent Bell's Vireos were more abundant at sites burned every 4 yrs. Upland Sandpipers, Grasshopper Sparrows, and Eastern Meadowlarks were more abundant in grazed areas. Use of alternatives to annual burning could increase habitat heterogeneity by transforming the Flint Hills into a mosaic of regularly, but asynchronously, burned pastures that would better meet the diverse habitat needs of the region's grassland birds.  相似文献   

Summary The ELM ecosystem-level grassland model simulates the flow of water, heat, nitrogen, and phosphorus through the ecosystem and the biomass dynamics of plants, consumers, and the decomposers. This model was adapted to a tallgrass prairie site in northeastern Oklahoma, USA, the Osage Site of the U.S. International Biological Program Grassland Biome. Several range management manipulations were simulated by the model and the results compared to field data and literature information: (1) altering the grazing intensity, grazing system, and grazing time period; (2) adding nitrogen and phosphorus to the grassland; (3) adding water during the growing season; and (4) spring burning of the prairie.The model showed that cattle weight gain per head, above-ground and belowground plant production, transpiration water loss, standing dead biomass, and the net nitrogen balance decrease with increasing grazing intensity, while soil water content and bare soil water loss increase. A moderately stocked year-round cow-calf grazing system is more beneficial to the grassland than a more highly stocked seasonal steer grazing system because the former increases the aboveground and belowground primary production and the plant nutrient uptake rates. Range manipulations, such as fire, which stimulate uniform grazing of a pasture, increase primary production, cattle weight gains, and nutrient uptake of plants and animals. Model results indicated that adding fertilizer was the best strategy for increasing cattle weight gains per head, while adding water would produce the greatest increase in primary production. Simulation of yearly and triennial spring burns suggests that these treatments increase primary production, plant nutrient uptake, and cattle weight gain per head. Burning increases the nitrogen losses from the systems; however, these losses are greater with annual burns. The model results also suggest the spatial grazing pattern of cattle must be considered to correctly represent the impact of grazing on the prairie.The model is used to describe the behavior of the tallgrass prairie ecosystem, evaluate alternative management strategies, and identify future scientific research and management studies.  相似文献   

The post-fire development of herbaceous understoreys of Tnodia/mallee burnt in different seasons was studied over a 3 year period in south-western New South Wales, Australia. Near Pooncarie, NSW, a 3 year sequence of above-average rainfall immediately following burning in either the spring, autumn or winter resulted in a substantial increase in species richness and herbage dry matter production. Plots burnt in the spring produced significantly more dry matter than either the autumn or the winter-burnt plots but only in the first growing season after burning. Some species such as Haloragis odontocarpa behaved as ephemerals, being abundant in the first post-fire season, particularly after spring fire, before becoming inconspicuous. Short-lived grasses, such as Stipa species, then became relatively abundant except during drought. Other experiments confirmed the potential of fire to increase herbage diversity and productivity when there was adequate rainfall. During drought, post-fire herbage production was low and the dominant perennials, viz. mallee Eucalyptus and Triodia irritans, regenerated at the expense of the herbs. There was a strong negative correlation between combined mallee and Triodia cover and total herbage cover over time. Seedling recruitment of Triodia irritans was significantly higher on plots burnt in the spring at Pooncarie.  相似文献   

Although it is widely accepted that elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N) deposition, and climate change will alter ecosystem productivity and function in the coming decades, the combined effects of these environmental changes may be nonadditive, and their interactions may be altered by disturbances, such as fire. We examined the influence of a summer wildfire on the interactive effects of elevated CO2, N deposition, and increased precipitation in a full-factorial experiment conducted in a California annual grassland. In unburned plots, primary production was suppressed under elevated CO2. Burning alone did not significantly affect production, but it increased total production in combination with nitrate additions and removed the suppressive effect of elevated CO2. Increased production in response to nitrate in burned plots occurred as a result of the enhanced aboveground production of annual grasses and forbs, whereas the removal of the suppressive effect of elevated CO2 occurred as a result of increased aboveground forb production in burned, CO2-treated plots and decreased root production in burned plots under ambient CO2.The tissue nitrogen–phosphorus ratio, which was assessed for annual grass shoots, decreased with burning and increased with nitrate addition. Burning removed surface litter from plots, resulting in an increase in maximum daily soil temperatures and a decrease in soil moisture both early and late in the growing season. Measures of vegetation greenness, based on canopy spectral reflectance, showed that plants in burned plots grew rapidly early in the season but senesced early. Overall, these results indicate that fire can alter the effects of elevated CO2 and N addition on productivity in the short term, possibly by promoting increased phosphorus availability.  相似文献   

Abstract The influence of factors associated with fire on seed germination of Australian native species is generally well documented, but examples involving the use of smoke as a fire analogue for ecological research remain limited. The role of season of treatment in the efficacy of smoke as a promotive germination agent was investigated over two growing seasons using natural soil stored seedbanks in Banksia woodland near Perth, Western Australia. Smoke was applied to unburnt sites in the autumn, winter and spring of 1994. Germinant emergence and seedling survival of 37 species representing 18 families was monitored in both unburnt sites and in adjacent, recently burnt sites until the second spring after treatment (October 1995). Recruitment from seed was found to be profoundly affected by the season in which dormancy breaking treatment had been applied. The promotive effect extended beyond the initial year of application. For the majority of the species investigated, application of smoke to unburnt sites in autumn promoted a significantly greater germination response than treatment in winter or spring. In only three cases (introduced annuals, the Fabaceae and Hibbenia amplexicaulis) did autumn smoke treatment not yield better germination than in summer-burnt counterparts. However, in almost half of the cases examined, proportions of seedlings surviving past their first summer after emergence in burnt areas were consistently greater than those in smoked or untreated sites. Most notably, no seedlings emerging during the spring of the first year of study survived into the following summer. Implications of the results with respect to future seed bank research and management of native vegetation are discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in structural and compositional attributes of shinnery oak (Quercus havardii Rydb.) plant communities have occurred in the twentieth century. These changes may in part relate to altered fire regimes. Our objective was to document effects of prescribed fire in fall (October), winter (February), and spring (April) on plant composition. Three study sites were located in western Oklahoma; each contained 12, 60 × 30‐m plots that were designated, within site, to be seasonally burned, annually burned, or left unburned. Growing season canopy cover for herbaceous and woody species was estimated in 1997–1998 (post‐treatment). At one year post‐fire, burning in any season reduced shrub cover, and spring burns reduced cover most. Winter and annual fires increased cover of rhizomatous tallgrasses, whereas burning in any season decreased little bluestem cover. Perennial forbs increased with fall and winter fire. Shrub stem density increased with fire in any season. Communities returned rapidly to pre‐burn composition with increasing time since fire. Fire effects on herbaceous vegetation appear to be manifested through increases in bare ground and reduction of overstory shrub dominance. Prescribed fire can be used as a tool in restoration efforts to increase or maintain within and between community plant diversity. Our data suggest that some plant species may require or benefit from fire in specific seasons. Additional research is needed to determine the long‐term effects of repeated fire over time.  相似文献   

Abstract Research in Mediterranean‐climate shrublands in both South Africa and Australia shows that recruitment of proteoid shrubs (non‐sprouting, serotinous Proteaceae) is best after warm‐season (summer and autumn) fires and worst after cool‐season (winter and spring) ones. This pattern has been attributed to post‐dispersal seed attrition as well as size of pre‐dispersal seed reserves. Here we investigate patterns of post‐fire recruitment for four proteoid species in the eastern part of South Africa's fynbos biome, which has a bimodal (spring and autumn) rainfall regime. Despite the lack of significant differences in recruitment between cool‐ and warm‐season burns, we find some evidence for favourable recruitment periods following fires in spring and autumn, immediately before, and coinciding with, the bimodal rainfall peaks. This suggests that enhanced recruitment is associated with conditions of high soil moisture immediately after the fire, and that rapid germination may minimize post‐dispersal seed attrition. In two of the species, we also find a shift from peak flowering in winter and spring in the Mediterranean‐climate part of the fynbos biome, to summer and autumn flowering in the eastern part. Because these two species are only weakly serotinous, warm‐season flowering would result in maximal seed banks in spring, which could explain the spring recruitment peak, but not the autumn one. We conclude that eastern recruitment patterns differ significantly from those observed in the western and central parts of the biome, and that fire management protocols for the east, which are currently based on data and experience from the winter‐rainfall fynbos biome, need to be adjusted accordingly. Fire managers in the eastern fynbos biome should be less constrained by requirements to burn within a narrow seasonal range, and should therefore be in a better position to apply the required management burns.  相似文献   

Abstract: Researchers have ascribed use of areas by grazers after burning to changes in plant community structure, community composition, nutritional quality, and seasonal availability. Researchers can better evaluate these alternatives if they monitor changes in plant communities following burning concurrently with changes in animal use. We examined responses of elk (Cervus elaphus) to prescribed burning of areas dominated by sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) in south-central Montana, USA, within which we monitored changes in plant production, nutritional quality, and community composition and diversity from 1989 to 1999. Elk increased use of burned sites 1–2 years after burning, then reduced use to levels associated with preburn conditions over the next 3–10 years. Burning transformed low-diversity, sagebrush-dominated communities into relatively high-diversity, grass- and forb-dominated communities that persisted for 10 years, but forage biomass and protein content declined on burned sites after initial short-term increases. Changes in elk use closely tracked changes in production and nutritional quality of plants. Therefore, we concluded that increases in quantity and quality of forage were the primary cause for increased use of burned sites by elk. Managers may observe only short-term responses from elk following burning but can expect longer-term increases in plant diversity and persistence of grass—forb communities on burned sites for >10 years that may be important to elk or other grazing ungulates.  相似文献   

To control shrubs, which are increasing in dominance in wetlands worldwide, winter burning may be an important tool, especially from the perspective of minimizing urban hazards. The goal of this project was to determine if winter burning was successful in reducing the dominance (mean percentage cover and maximum height) of Cornus sericea in sedge meadows in southern Wisconsin, where shrubs proliferated after cattle were excluded. Experimental burn and control plots were set up within sedge meadows, including an ungrazed “reference” site that had been little, if ever, grazed and a “historically grazed” site, a recovery site that had not been grazed by cattle since 1973. None of the dominant species including C. sericea was significantly affected by burning for either mean percentage cover or maximum height (analysis of variance: no burning × species interaction). Both mean percentage cover and maximum height were only weakly related to burning (28.1 and 14.3% of the variability contributed to the cumulative percentage of the coefficient of determination, respectively) at both sites based on non‐metric multidimensional scaling analysis. Although species richness increased in burned plots in 1999 and 2000, no differences were apparent between pre‐burned and unburned plots in 1997 and unburned plots in 1999 and 2000 (analysis of variance: year × burning interaction). After burning in the ungrazed site, herbaceous species appeared that had not been detected for decades, including Chelone glabra and Lathyrus palustris. Exotic species were present in both the ungrazed reference and recovery site. Although winter burning treatments did not reduce the dominance of woody shrub species in the site recovering from cattle grazing, burning was useful in stimulating the maintenance of species richness in the ungrazed sedge meadow.  相似文献   

刘勇  张雅雯  南志标  段廷玉 《生态学报》2016,36(14):4211-4220
放牧、围封、刈割和焚烧是天然草地管理的最主要方式,植物病害是草地生产力的主要限制因素之一,综合考虑生态和经济效益,探讨利用方式对天然草地植物病害的影响,进而采取合理的管理措施,有效降低草地病害危害、提高草地生产力和生态服务功能。分析了放牧、围封和焚烧等草原管理措施对植物病害的影响。放牧对草地植物病害的发生有双重影响,对多数病害而言,放牧可清除草地植被中的病株,减少初侵染源而降低植物病害的发生;但对物理传播的病害,放牧通过家畜传播病原侵染植物,导致病害大面积发生。刈割阻止真菌的进一步侵入与定殖,从而减少草地病害的发生机会;另一方面,刈割形成有利于病原真菌孢子传播的条件,病原真菌通过刈割工具传播到刈割造成的叶片伤口上,为侵入植物体内提供了方便。草地围封增加了植物物种的多度同时降低植物多样性,有利于病害发生。冬末春初植被返青前,焚烧草地可清除枯枝落叶,减少越冬的病原物,降低病害的发生。同时对该领域的研究进行了展望,对今后研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

Recent models suggest that herbivores optimize nutrient intake by selecting patches of low to intermediate vegetation biomass. We assessed the application of this hypothesis to plains bison (Bison bison) in an experimental grassland managed with fire by estimating daily rates of nutrient intake in relation to grass biomass and by measuring patch selection in experimental watersheds in which grass biomass was manipulated by prescribed burning. Digestible crude protein content of grass declined linearly with increasing biomass, and the mean digestible protein content relative to grass biomass was greater in burned watersheds than watersheds not burned that spring (intercept; F1,251 = 50.57, P < 0.0001). Linking these values to published functional response parameters, ad libitum protein intake, and protein expenditure parameters, Fryxell's (Am. Nat., 1991, 138 , 478) model predicted that the daily rate of protein intake should be highest when bison feed in grasslands with 400–600 kg/ha. In burned grassland sites, where bison spend most of their time, availability of grass biomass ranged between 40 and 3650 kg/ha, bison selected foraging areas of roughly 690 kg/ha, close to the value for protein intake maximization predicted by the model. The seasonal net protein intake predicted for large grazers in this study suggest feeding in burned grassland can be more beneficial for nutrient uptake relative to unburned grassland as long as grass regrowth is possible. Foraging site selection for grass patches of low to intermediate biomass help explain patterns of uniform space use reported previously for large grazers in fire‐prone systems.  相似文献   

Many woodland understories are managed with prescribed fire. While prescribed burns intended to manipulate understory vegetation and fuels usually do not cause excessive tree mortality, sublethal canopy damage may occur and can affect tree vigor and reproductive output. We monitored Quercus garryana trees in western Washington, USA with multiple canopy thermocouples during three prescribed burns. Peak temperatures recorded in tree canopies ranged from 36 to 649°C. We assessed leaf damage immediately after burning, and flower, leaf and acorn production in the following year in the vicinity of each thermocouple. Leaf scorch first occurred with peak thermocouple temperatures around 45°C, was variable up to 75°C, but above 75°C all leaves were killed. Buds, including their reproductive and leaf organs were more resistant to heat damage than leaves, but leaf scorch had predictive value in forecasting bud organ damage. Staminate and pistillate inflorescences and acorn production per bud decreased and bud mortality increased with maximum thermocouple temperature. In two burns where the highest peak temperatures reached 137°C, there was no difference in leaf production between burned and control plots in the spring following burning. However, no staminate or pistillate inflorescences were produced when thermocouple peak temperatures went above 55 or 68°C, respectively. While heat damage to bud organs was detected, production of reproductive organs was also curtailed at temperatures lower than could reasonably be attributed to heat damage. Thus, it is probable that some other fire-related factor, possibly smoke, was also involved.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Mus minutoides and Steatomys pratensis are virtually unknown. These two species were live-trapped over a 12-month period in a subtropical grassland in Swaziland. Numbers of M. minutoides were relatively high in winter, declined in spring and the population disappeared in summer and autumn. By contrast, numbers of S. pratensis increased gradually from winter to summer and reached a peak in autumn. There were no differences between the mean weights of male and female M. minutoides and S. pratensis. There were, however, seasonal differences in the mean weight of male S. pratensis, with highest weights recorded in summer. Individuals of both species came into breeding condition in spring (October–November). Reproduction had ceased by the end of autumn (April–May). Monthly survival rates of M. minutoides were highest in winter, but did not vary seasonally in S. pratensis. Burning had a pronounced effect on the distribution of S. pratensis. Steatomys pratensis individuals selected recently burnt but revegetated areas over unburnt areas. The effect of burning on the M. minutoides population is difficult to assess, as this species disappeared shortly after the fire.  相似文献   

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