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Wind turbine noise exposure and suspected health-related effects thereof have attracted substantial attention. Various symptoms such as sleep-related problems, headache, tinnitus and vertigo have been described by subjects suspected of having been exposed to wind turbine noise.


This review was conducted systematically with the purpose of identifying any reported associations between wind turbine noise exposure and suspected health-related effects.

Data Sources

A search of the scientific literature concerning the health-related effects of wind turbine noise was conducted on PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar and various other Internet sources.

Study Eligibility Criteria

All studies investigating suspected health-related outcomes associated with wind turbine noise exposure were included.


Wind turbines emit noise, including low-frequency noise, which decreases incrementally with increases in distance from the wind turbines. Likewise, evidence of a dose-response relationship between wind turbine noise linked to noise annoyance, sleep disturbance and possibly even psychological distress was present in the literature. Currently, there is no further existing statistically-significant evidence indicating any association between wind turbine noise exposure and tinnitus, hearing loss, vertigo or headache.


Selection bias and information bias of differing magnitudes were found to be present in all current studies investigating wind turbine noise exposure and adverse health effects. Only articles published in English, German or Scandinavian languages were reviewed.


Exposure to wind turbines does seem to increase the risk of annoyance and self-reported sleep disturbance in a dose-response relationship. There appears, though, to be a tolerable level of around LAeq of 35 dB. Of the many other claimed health effects of wind turbine noise exposure reported in the literature, however, no conclusive evidence could be found. Future studies should focus on investigations aimed at objectively demonstrating whether or not measureable health-related outcomes can be proven to fluctuate depending on exposure to wind turbines.  相似文献   

Sensory systems have mechanisms to respond to the external environment and adapt to them. Such adaptive responses are effective for a wide dynamic range of sensing and perception of temporal change in stimulus. However, noise generated by the adaptation system itself as well as extrinsic noise in sensory inputs may impose a limit on the ability of adaptation systems. The relation between response and noise is well understood for equilibrium systems in the form of fluctuation response relation. However, the relation for nonequilibrium systems, including adaptive systems, are poorly understood. Here, we systematically explore such a relation between response and fluctuation in adaptation systems. We study the two network motifs, incoherent feedforward loops (iFFL) and negative feedback loops (nFBL), that can achieve perfect adaptation. We find that the response magnitude in adaption systems is limited by its intrinsic noise, implying that higher response would have higher noise component as well. Comparing the relation of response and noise in iFFL and nFBL, we show that whereas iFFL exhibits adaptation over a wider parameter range, nFBL offers higher response to noise ratio than iFFL. We also identify the condition that yields the upper limit of response for both network motifs. These results may explain the reason of why nFBL seems to be more abundant in nature for the implementation of adaption systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Research to determine noise impacts on animals benefits from methodology that adequately describes the acoustical stimulus as well as the resulting biological responses. We present acoustical considerations and research techniques that we have found to be useful. These include acoustical definitions and noise measurement techniques that conform to standardized acoustical practice and advice for controlled experimentation to supplement behavioral observation. Specific considerations include characteristics of noise stimulus, selection of noise metrics, use of frequency-weighting algorithms tailored to a specific animal species, selection and placement of noise measurement equipment, and methods for documenting animal responses. We also present arguments for measuring the noise stimulus at the location and time of each response observation. Our purpose is to recommend some baseline terminology, metrics, and techniques prerequisite to effective assessment of noise impacts on terrestrial wildlife whenever and wherever potential conflicts arise.  相似文献   

Psychological Assessment can be defined as a complex procedure of information collection, analysis and processing. Formal Psychological Assessment (FPA) tries to improve this procedure by providing a formal framework to build assessment tools. In this paper, FPA is applied to depression. Seven questionnaires widely used for the self-evaluation of depression were selected. Diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder were derived from the DSM-5, literature and Seligman’s and Beck’s theories. A Boolean matrix was built, including 266 items from the questionnaires in the rows and 20 selected attributes, obtained through diagnostic criteria decomposition, in the columns. In the matrix, a 1 in a cell meant that the corresponding item investigated the specific attribute. It was thus possible to analyze the relationships between items and attributes and among items. While none of the considered questionnaires could alone cover all the criteria for the evaluation of depressive symptoms, we observed that a set of 30 items contained the same information that was obtained redundantly with 266 items. Another result highlighted by the matrix regards the relations among items. FPA allows in-depth analysis of currently used questionnaires based on the presence/absence of clinical elements. FPA allows for going beyond the mere score by differentiating the patients according to symptomatology. Furthermore, it allows for computerized-adaptive assessment.  相似文献   

This work presents an experimental analysis on the tunable localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR), obtained from deposited silver (Ag) thin films of various thicknesses. Silver thin films are prepared using electron beam deposition and undergo an annealing process at different temperatures to produce distinctive sizes of Ag metal nanoparticles (MNPs). The variability of structure sizes and shapes provides an effective means of tuning the position of the LSPR within a wide wavelength range. This paper provides an estimation of LSPR over a broad wavelength range by a process in which the resonance spectra of silver nanoparticles differing in thickness are simulated using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) method. The ANFIS methodology allows for estimation of sizes of granular structures formed on top of a wafer at certain temperatures, whereupon these intelligent estimators are implemented using MATLAB and their subsequent performances are investigated. The results presented in this paper show the effectiveness of the method of simulation.  相似文献   



The use of both upper extremities (UE) is necessary for the completion of many everyday tasks. Few clinical assessments measure the abilities of the UEs to work together; rather, they assess unilateral function and compare it between affected and unaffected UEs. Furthermore, clinical assessments are unable to measure function that occurs in the real-world, outside the clinic. This study examines the validity of an innovative approach to assess real-world bilateral UE activity using accelerometry.


Seventy-four neurologically intact adults completed ten tasks (donning/doffing shoes, grooming, stacking boxes, cutting playdough, folding towels, writing, unilateral sorting, bilateral sorting, unilateral typing, and bilateral typing) while wearing accelerometers on both wrists. Two variables, the Bilateral Magnitude and Magnitude Ratio, were derived from accelerometry data to distinguish between high- and low-intensity tasks, and between bilateral and unilateral tasks. Estimated energy expenditure and time spent in simultaneous UE activity for each task were also calculated.


The Bilateral Magnitude distinguished between high- and low-intensity tasks, and the Magnitude Ratio distinguished between unilateral and bilateral UE tasks. The Bilateral Magnitude was strongly correlated with estimated energy expenditure (ρ = 0.74, p<0.02), and the Magnitude Ratio was strongly correlated with time spent in simultaneous UE activity (ρ = 0.93, p<0.01) across tasks.


These results demonstrate face validity and construct validity of this methodology to quantify bilateral UE activity during the performance of everyday tasks performed in a laboratory setting, and can now be used to assess bilateral UE activity in real-world environments.  相似文献   

Bird and bat fatalities increase with wind energy expansion and the only effective fatality-reduction measure has been operational curtailment, which has been documented for bats but not for birds. We performed opportune before-after, control-impact (BACI) experiments of curtailment effects on bird and bat fatalities and nocturnal passage rates during fall migration at 2 wind projects, where 1 continued operating and the other shut down from peak migration to the study's end (study 1). We also performed BACI experiments during a 3-year study of curtailment and operational effects on bird fatalities among wind turbines of varying operational status (study 2). In study 1, wind turbine curtailment significantly reduced near-misses and rotor-disrupted flights of bats, and it significantly reduced fatalities of bats but not of birds. In study 2, converting wind turbines from inoperable to operable status did not significantly increase bird fatalities, and bird species of hole or sheltered-ledge nesters or roosters on human-made structures died in substantial numbers at vacant towers. Of bird species represented by fatalities in study 2, 79% were found at inoperable wind turbines. Because the migration season is relatively brief, seasonal curtailment would greatly reduce bat fatalities for a slight loss in annual energy generation, but it might not benefit many bird species. © 2020 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Previous studies on Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) of produced water relied on the use of deterministic hydrodynamic models. The assessment was usually carried out in the North Sea context using a model such as the Chemical Hazard Assessment and Risk Management (CHARM), or in the North American context based on the output of a hydrodynamic model such as the Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX). In both these cases, however, probabilistic analysis has not been employed, particularly, to account for uncertainty associated with hydrodynamic models in the ERA study. In fact, it is the hydrodynamic model that has a direct linkage to the selection of the discharge alternatives. Apart from the monitoring purposes, in this article, it is suggested that criteria for evaluating discharge alternatives of produced water in a marine environment might incorporate an awareness of ecological risks by incorporating engineering and toxicological aspects. An ERA methodology consisting of problem formulation, analysis, and risk characterization is discussed in light of evaluating the discharge alternatives. A probabilistic analysis using Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS)–based Monte Carlo (MC) simulations was employed. A depiction of associated risks for an area comparable to a regulatory mixing zone of typical effluent discharges is presented.  相似文献   

This paper describes an approach for measuring navigation accuracy relative to cognitive skills. The methodology behind the assessment will thus be clearly outlined in a step-by-step manner. Navigational skills are important when trying to find symbols within a speech-generating device (SGD) that has a dynamic screen and taxonomical organization. The following skills have been found to impact children’s ability to find symbols when navigating within the levels of an SGD: sustained attention, categorization, cognitive flexibility, and fluid reasoning1,2. According to past studies, working memory was not correlated with navigation1,2.The materials needed for this method include a computerized tablet, an augmentative and alternative communication application, a booklet of symbols, and the Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised (Leiter-R)3. This method has been used in two previous studies. Robillard, Mayer-Crittenden, Roy-Charland, Minor-Corriveau and Bélanger1 assessed typically developing children, while Rondeau, Robillard and Roy-Charland2 assessed children and adolescents with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. The direct observation of this method will facilitate the replication of this study for researchers. It will also help clinicians that work with children who have complex communication needs to determine the children’s ability to navigate an SGD with taxonomical categorization.  相似文献   

Sharks detect their prey using an extremely sensitive electrosensory system that is capable of distinguishing weak external stimuli from a relatively strong background noise generated by the animal itself. Experiments indicate that part of the shark’s hindbrain, the dorsal octavolateralis nucleus (DON), is responsible for extracting the external stimulus using an adaptive filter mechanism to suppress signals correlated with the shark’s breathing motion. The DON’s principal neuron integrates input from afferents as well as many thousands of parallel fibres transmitting, inter alia, breathing-correlated motor command signals. There are a number of models in the literature, studying how this adaptive filtering mechanisms occurs, but most of them are based on a spike-train model approach. This paper presents a biophysically based computational simulation which demonstrates a mechanism for adaptive noise filtering in the DON. A spatial model of the neuron uses the Hodgkin–Huxley equations to simulate the propagation of action potentials along the dendrites. Synaptic inputs are modelled by applied currents at various positions along the dendrites, whose input conductances are varied according to a simple learning rule. Simulation results show that the model is able to demonstrate adaptive filtering in agreement with previous experimental and modelling studies. Furthermore, the spatial nature of the model does not greatly affect its learning properties, and in its present form is effectively equivalent to an isopotential model which does not incorporate a spatial element.  相似文献   

At present, the radius of wind turbine rotors ranges from several meters to one hundred meters, or even more, which extends Reynolds number of the airfoil profile from the order of 105 to 107. Taking the blade for 3MW wind turbines as an example, the influence of Reynolds number on the aerodynamic design of a wind turbine blade is studied. To make the study more general, two kinds of multi-objective optimization are involved: one is based on the maximum power coefficient (CPopt) and the ultimate load, and the other is based on the ultimate load and the annual energy production (AEP). It is found that under the same configuration, the optimal design has a larger CPopt or AEP (CPopt//AEP) for the same ultimate load, or a smaller load for the same CPopt//AEP at higher Reynolds number. At a certain tip-speed ratio or ultimate load, the blade operating at higher Reynolds number should have a larger chord length and twist angle for the maximum Cpopt//AEP. If a wind turbine blade is designed by using an airfoil database with a mismatched Reynolds number from the actual one, both the load and Cpopt//AEP will be incorrectly estimated to some extent. In some cases, the assessment error attributed to Reynolds number is quite significant, which may bring unexpected risks to the earnings and safety of a wind power project.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT For comparing impacts of bird and bat collisions with wind turbines, investigators estimate fatalities/megawatt (MW) of rated capacity/year, based on periodic carcass searches and trials used to estimate carcasses not found due to scavenger removal and searcher error. However, scavenger trials typically place ≥10 carcasses at once within small areas already supplying scavengers with carcasses deposited by wind turbines, so scavengers may be unable to process and remove all placed carcasses. To avoid scavenger swamping, which might bias fatality estimates low, we placed only 1–5 bird carcasses at a time amongst 52 wind turbines in our 249.7-ha study area, each carcass monitored by a motion-activated camera. Scavengers removed 50 of 63 carcasses, averaging 4.45 days to the first scavenging event. By 15 days, which corresponded with most of our search intervals, scavengers removed 0% and 67% of large-bodied raptors placed in winter and summer, respectively, and 15% and 71% of small birds placed in winter and summer, respectively. By 15 days, scavengers removed 42% of large raptors as compared to 15% removed in conventional trials, and scavengers removed 62% of small birds as compared to 52% removed in conventional trials. Based on our methodology, we estimated mean annual fatalities caused by 21.9 MW of wind turbines in Vasco Caves Regional Preserve (within Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, California, USA) were 13 red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), 12 barn owls (Tyto alba), 18 burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia), 48 total raptors, and 99 total birds. Compared to fatality rates estimated from conventional scavenger trials, our estimates were nearly 3 times higher for red-tailed hawk and barn owl, 68% higher for all raptors, and 67% higher for all birds. We also found that deaths/gigawatt-hour of power generation declined quickly with increasing capacity factor among wind turbines, indicating collision hazard increased with greater intermittency in turbine operations. Fatality monitoring at wind turbines might improve by using scavenger removal trials free of scavenger swamping and by relating fatality rates to power output data in addition to rated capacity (i.e., turbine size). The resulting greater precision in mortality estimates will assist wildlife managers to assess wind farm impacts and to more accurately measure the effects of mitigation measures implemented to lessen those impacts.  相似文献   

Mathematical techniques have provided tools to quantify the stability of rhythmic movements of humans and machines as well as mathematical models. One archetypal example is the use of Floquet multipliers: assuming periodic motion to be a limit-cycle of a nonlinear oscillator, local stability has been assessed by evaluating the rate of convergence to the limit-cycle. However, the accuracy of the assessment in experiments is questionable: Floquet multipliers provide a measure of orbital stability for deterministic systems, but various components of biological systems and machines involve inevitable noise. In this study, we show that the conventional estimate of orbital stability, which depends on regression, has bias in the presence of noise. We quantify the bias, and devise a new method to estimate orbital stability more accurately. Compared with previous methods, our method substantially reduces the bias, providing acceptable estimates of orbital stability with an order-of-magnitude fewer cycles.  相似文献   

Background, Aims and Scope Noise impacts are rarely assessed in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), probably due to lack of data, to the difficulty of setting up an appropriate assessment method including relevant uncertainties and vagueness and to their site-dependent nature. The evaluation, as well as for odour, cultural and aesthetic impacts, seems to be closely related to human judgements and perception based. Although fuzzy-sets have been developed for this purpose since the late '60s and their usefulness has been proven by successful applications, noise impact assessment approaches have been essentially crisp so far. The aim of this paper is to present a method for noise impact assessment based on fuzzy sets with an application to a simple example. Methods The fuzzy noise impact assessment involves: 1) the quality assessment of the site concerned by the noise impact before the occurrence of noise emissions; quality is expressed by a crisp (i.e. non-fuzzy) function depending on variables (the so-called 'primitives'), which are relevant for the evaluation (e.g. the population density, the type of land use,...); 2) the fuzzy representation of the primitives, e.g. their evaluation by means of linguistic variables (such as 'the population density is high') and by fuzzy numbers; 3) the fuzzy representation of the quality, by fuzzifying the crisp function defined in 1) and 4) the fuzzy representation of the noise impact. In the example, the noise impacts of three processes of coal mining and combustion are assessed. Results and Discussion The application example proved the operationability of the method. Primitives and noise impact assessment results are represented by fuzzy numbers and intervals that are more informative than crisp numbers for the interpretation of results The quality and impact assessment results obtained seem to be coherent with the nature of the processes involved and of the variables characterizing them. Conclusion and Outlook Fuzzy intervals and numbers could be more informative and closer to human judgements and perceptions than crisp numbers are, thus improving the pertinence and the interpretation of the results. Despite the increase in sophistication and the fact that the representation of the variables involved in calculations should be developed further (e.g. on the basis of consensus gained in an expert panel), the fuzzy approach seems to be promising for the assessment of noise impacts in LCA.  相似文献   

Exposure of children to lead in the environment was assessed at the Murray Smelter Superfund site using both a deterministic risk assessment approach, the Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic (IEUBK) model, and a probabilistic approach, the Integrated Stochastic Exposure (ISE) model. When site-specific data on lead in environmental media were input as point estimates into the IEUBK model, unacceptable risks were predicted for children living within five of eight study zones. The predicted soil cleanup goal was 550?ppm. Concentration and exposure data were then input into the ISE model as probability distribution functions and a one-dimensional Monte Carlo analysis (ID MCA) was run to predict the expected distribution of exposures and blood lead values. Uncertainty surrounding these predictions was examined in a two-dimensional Monte Carlo analysis (2-D MCA). The ISE model predicted risks that were in the same rank order as those predicted by the IEUBK model, although the probability estimates of exceeding a blood lead level of 10?µg/dl (referred to as the P10) from the ISE model were uniformly lower than those predicted by the IEUBK model. The 2-D MCA allowed evaluation of the confidence around each P10 level, and identified the main sources of both uncertainty and variability in exposure estimates. The ISE model suggested cleanup goals ranging from 1300 to 1500 ppm might be protective at this site.  相似文献   

适配子筛选技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
适配子的筛选技术近年来不断改良与发展.结合核酸与游离核酸的分离技术的改良,使适配子筛选效率得到提高;无引物结合部位适配子的筛选技术的建立和短寡核苷酸文库的应用,使适配子的应用范围更加广泛;适配子筛选技术在功能上的拓展,满足了更多的研究要求.一系列新方法的建立和应用,使适配子在基础研究和临床应用方面更具潜在价值.  相似文献   

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