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Five families of gynogenetic diploid Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) were induced by inhibiting the second polar body in meiotic cell division of eggs fertilized with UV-irradiated sperm. Segregation patterns of eight microsatellite loci were investigated in the gynogenetic diploid offspring; the proportion of heterozygous progeny was used to estimate microsatellite-centromere (M-C) distances. Mendelian inheritance was confirmed for the eight loci by examining the genotypic segregation in the control crosses. Three of the eight microsatellite loci showed the existence of null alleles in four control crosses. All gynogenetic offspring only possessed the alleles of the mother, indicating 100% success level for the five families. The M-C recombination frequency estimates ranged from 0.62 to 0.77 (0.72 mean), comparable to those in the oyster based on allozyme markers and suggesting that meiotic gynogenesis does not appear to be a very efficient inbreeding method in the oyster. Recombination frequencies observed were often higher than the theoretical maximum of 0.67, indicating the existence of positive interference after a single chiasma formation in some chromosomes. Information on the positions of centromeres in relation to the microsatellite loci will represent a contribution toward assembly of genetic maps in C. gigas.  相似文献   



Studies of DNA methylomes in a wide range of eukaryotes have revealed both conserved and divergent characteristics of DNA methylation among phylogenetic groups. However, data on invertebrates particularly molluscs are limited, which hinders our understanding of the evolution of DNA methylation in metazoa. The sequencing of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas genome provides an opportunity for genome-wide profiling of DNA methylation in this model mollusc.


Homologous searches against the C. gigas genome identified functional orthologs for key genes involved in DNA methylation: DNMT1, DNMT2, DNMT3, MBD2/3 and UHRF1. Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (BS-seq) of the oyster’s mantle tissues revealed that more than 99% methylation modification was restricted to cytosines in CpG context and methylated CpGs accumulated in the bodies of genes that were moderately expressed. Young repeat elements were another major targets of CpG methylation in oysters. Comparison with other invertebrate methylomes suggested that the 5’-end bias of gene body methylation and the negative correlation between gene body methylation and gene length were the derived features probably limited to the insect lineage. Interestingly, phylostratigraphic analysis showed that CpG methylation preferentially targeted genes originating in the common ancestor of eukaryotes rather than the oldest genes originating in the common ancestor of cellular organisms.


Comparative analysis of the oyster DNA methylomes and that of other animal species revealed that the characteristics of DNA methylation were generally conserved during invertebrate evolution, while some unique features were derived in the insect lineage. The preference of methylation modification on genes originating in the eukaryotic ancestor rather than the oldest genes is unexpected, probably implying that the emergence of methylation regulation in these ''relatively young’ genes was critical for the origin and radiation of eukaryotes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1119) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In order to assess changes in the activity of immunecompetency present in Crassostrea gigas infected with Marteilioides chungmuensis (Protozoa), the total hemocyte counts (THC), hemocyte populations, hemocyte viability, and phagocytosis rate were measured in oysters using flow cytometry. THC were increased significantly in oysters infected with M. chungmuensis relative to the healthy appearing oysters (HAO) (P<0.05). Among the total hemocyte composition, granulocyte levels were significantly increased in infected oysters as compared with HAO (P<0.05). In addition, the hyalinocyte was reduced significantly (P<0.05). The hemocyte viability did not differ between infected oysters and HAO. However, the phagocytosis rate was significantly higher in infected oysters relative to HAO (P<0.05). The measurement of alterations in the activity of immunecompetency in oysters, which was conducted via flow cytometry in this study, might be a useful biomarker of the defense system for evaluating the effects of ovarian parasites of C. gigas.  相似文献   

The effect of IIF in Pacific oyster oocytes was studied using cryo and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The viability of oocytes at each step of a published cryopreservation protocol was assessed in an initial experiment. Two major viability losses were identified; one when oocytes were cooled to −35 °C and the other when oocytes were plunged in liquid nitrogen. Although the cryomicroscope showed no evidence of IIF in oocytes cooled with this protocol, TEM revealed that these oocytes contained ice crystals and were at two developmental stages when frozen, prophase and metaphase I. To reduce IIF, the effect of seven cooling programmes involving cooling to −35 or −60 °C at 0.1 or 0.3 °C min−1 and holding for 0 or 30 min at −35 or −60 °C was evaluated on post-thaw fertilization rate of oocytes. Regardless of the cooling rate or holding time, the fertilization rate of oocytes cooled to −60 °C was significantly lower than that of oocytes cooled to −35 °C. The overall results indicated that observations of IIF obtained from cryomicroscopy are limited to detection of larger amounts of ice within the cells. Although the amount of cellular ice may have been reduced by one of the programmes, fertilization was reduced significantly; suggesting that there is no correlation between the presence of intracellular ice and post-thaw fertilization rate. Therefore, oyster oocytes may be more susceptible to the effect of high solute concentrations and cell shrinkage than intracellular ice under the studied conditions.  相似文献   

Oysters and mussels are among the most farmed species in aquaculture industry around the world. The aim of this study was to test the toxicity of cryoprotective agents to trochophore larvae from two different species of bivalves and develop an improved cryopreservation protocol to ensure greater efficiency in the development of cryopreserved trochophores (14 h old oyster larvae and 20 h old mussel larvae) to normal D-larvae for future developments of hatchery spat production. The cryopreservation protocol producing the best results for oyster trochophores (60.0 ± 6.7% normal D-larvae) was obtained by holding at 0 °C for 5 min then cooling at 1 °C min−1 to −10 °C and holding for 5 min before cooling at 0.5 °C to −35 °C, holding 5 min and then plunging into liquid nitrogen (LN), using 10% ethylene glycol. For mussel experiments, no significant differences were found when cooling at 0.5 °C min−1 or at 1 °C min−1 for CPA combinations with 10% ethylene glycol and at 0.5 °C min−1. Using these combinations, around half of trochophores were able to develop to normal D-larvae post-thawing (48.9 ± 7.6% normal D-larvae).  相似文献   

In genomic selection (GS), genome-wide SNP markers are used to generate genomic estimated breeding values for selection candidates. The application of GS in shellfish looks promising and has the potential to help in dealing with one of the main issues currently affecting Pacific oyster production worldwide, which is the ‘summer mortality syndrome’. This causes periodic mass mortality in farms worldwide and has mainly been attributed to a specific variant of the ostreid herpesvirus (OsHV-1). In the current study, we evaluated the potential of genomic selection for host resistance to OsHV-1 in Pacific oysters, and compared it with pedigree-based approaches. An OsHV-1 disease challenge was performed using an immersion-based virus exposure treatment for oysters for 7 days. A total of 768 samples were genotyped using the medium-density SNP array for oysters. A GWAS was performed for the survival trait using a GBLUP approach in blupf 90 software. Heritability ranged from 0.25 ± 0.05 to 0.37 ± 0.05 (mean ± SE) based on pedigree and genomic information respectively. Genomic prediction was more accurate than pedigree prediction, and SNP density reduction had little impact on prediction accuracy until marker densities dropped below approximately 500 SNPs. This demonstrates the potential for GS in Pacific oyster breeding programmes, and importantly, demonstrates that a low number of SNPs might suffice to obtain accurate genomic estimated breeding values, thus potentially making the implementation of GS more cost effective.  相似文献   

Recent mass mortality outbreaks around the world in Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, have seriously affected the aquaculture economy. Although the causes for these mortality outbreaks appear complex, infectious agents are involved. Two pathogens are associated with mass mortality outbreaks, the virus ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) and the bacterium Vibrio aestuarianus. Here we describe the interactions between these 2 pathogens and autophagy, a conserved intracellular pathway playing a key role in innate immunity. We show for the first time that autophagy pathway is present and functional in Pacific oysters and plays an important role to protect animals from infections. This study contributes to better understand the innate immune system of Pacific oysters.  相似文献   

Parameters used to assess the survival of larvae after cryopreservation generally misestimate the damages that prevent larval development. The objectives of the present study were to 1) define the reliability of the survival rate, assessed at 2 and 7 days post fertilization, to estimate Pacific oyster larval quality after thawing, and 2) select complementary tools allowing an early and reliable estimation of their quality. Oyster larvae were reared for 25 h after fertilization at 19 °C and cryopreserved at early D-stage. Then, thawed larvae were incubated in 2-L beakers. At 2 days post fertilization, the survival rate of thawed Pacific oyster larvae was lower than that of fresh larvae for only one experiment (Experiment 3) among the four identical experiments carried out in this work (Experiments 1-4). By contrast, the survival of thawed larvae, as assessed 7 days after fertilization, was lower than that of fresh larvae for the four experiments. These results confirm that the quality of thawed larvae is lower than that of fresh larvae and that the survival rate, estimated 2 days post fertilization, is not adapted to a reliable estimation of the subsequent development ability of thawed larvae. Then, complementary parameters were tested at 2 days: the movement characteristics (Experiments 1 and 2) and the morphologic features (Experiments 3 and 4) of thawed larvae. Compared to values observed on fresh larvae, the percentage of thawed motile larvae was different for only one experiment (Experiment 2) of the two. Compared to control, a reduced Average Path Velocity (VAP) of larvae (determined at the D-larval stage using a CASA-Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis-system) was observed after thawing for both experiments (Experiments 1 and 2), suggesting the ability of larval movement velocity to assess the decrease of the quality of thawed oyster larvae. Using an ASMA (Automated Sperm Morphology Analysis) device, a lower area of thawed larvae was observed, compared to control and for the two experiments (Experiments 3 and 4). By contrast, the Crofton perimeter of thawed larvae was lower than that of control larvae for only one experiment (Experiment 3) and no significant difference of circularity between fresh and thawed larvae was recorded for Experiments 3 and 4. In conclusion, changes in the movement velocity (assessed by CASA) and in the area (measured by ASMA) of D-larvae allow an early and reliable estimation of the quality of thawed Pacific oyster larvae.  相似文献   

Marteilioides chungmuensis is an ovarian parasite that causes nodule-like structures to appear on the gonads of female Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas. It is known that the prevalence of infection increases in summer and decreases from autumn to spring. To investigate the decrease in prevalence of infection and pathogenicity of the parasite, a biopsy method was developed to detect infected oysters, which were then monitored to calculate the mortality rate. Mortality of infected oysters was recorded monthly and changes in reproductive development observed histologically. Compared with control groups, a significant difference in mortality was observed in infected oysters in September and October. Histological observations showed that infected oysters produced oocytes continuously, even in autumn when healthy oysters were reproductively inactive. This prolonged spawning activity of infected oysters resulted in nutritional wasting and mortality. From December onwards, however, almost all infected oysters survived, though the infection persisted. Infection intensity decreased gradually from December. Histological observations revealed that, in winter, infected oysters released infected and uninfected oocytes through the genital canal. The gonad subsequently degenerated and was replaced with connective tissue, as in normal, healthy spent oysters. The results revealed that prevalence of infection decreased from September to May. It is hypothesised that the decline in prevalence within the epizootic area in autumn occurred because infected oysters died and that the winter decrease was due to recovery from infection.  相似文献   

In order for cryopreservation to become a practical tool for aquaculture, optimized protocols must be developed for each species and cell type. Knowledge of a cell’s osmotic tolerance and membrane permeability characteristics can assist in optimized protocol development. In this study, these characteristics were determined for Pacific oyster oocytes and modified methods for loading and unloading ethylene glycol (EG) were tested. Oocytes were found to behave as ideal osmometers and their osmotically inactive fraction (Vb) was calculated to be 0.48. Oocytes exposed to NaCl solutions of 0.6 to 2.3 Osm fertilized at rates equivalent to oocytes left in seawater. This corresponds to volume changes of +27.3 and −38.1 ± 1.2%. The permeability of the oocytes to water (Lp) was determined to be 3.8 ± 0.4 × 10−2, 5.7 ± 0.8 × 10−2, and 13.2 ± 1.3 × 10−2 μm min−1 atm−1, when measured at temperatures of 5, 10 and 20 °C. The respective EG permeability values (Ps) were 9.5 ± 0.1 × 10−5, 14.6 ± 1.2 × 10−5, and 41.7 ± 2.4 × 10−5 cm min−1. The activation energies for Lp and Ps were determined to be 14.5 and 17.5 kcal mol−1, respectively. Different models for EG loading and unloading from oocytes were developed and tested. Post-thaw fertilization did not differ significantly between a published step addition method and single step addition at 20 °C. This represents a considerable reduction in handling. The results of this study demonstrate that the cryobiological characteristics of a given cell type should be taken into account when developing cryopreservation methods.  相似文献   

Protocols for cryopreservation of sperm and oocytes would provide the ultimate control over parental crosses in selective breeding programmes. Sperm freezing is routine for many species, but oocyte freezing remains problematic, with virtually zero success in aquatic species to date. This paper describes the development of a successful protocol for cryopreserving high concentrations of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) oocytes. Ethylene glycol (10%) and dimethyl sulfoxide (15%) were found to be the most effective cryoprotectants resulting in post-thaw fertilization rates of 51.0+/-8.0 and 45.1+/-8.3%, respectively. Propylene glycol was less effective and methanol resulted in zero fertilization post-thaw. The use of Milli-Q water rather than seawater as a base medium significantly improved fertilization (20.4+/-3.0 and 8.7+/-2.2%, respectively) as did the inclusion of a 5 min isothermal hold at -10 or -12 degrees C (35.9+/-5.0 and 31.9+/-4.6%, respectively). The optimal cooling rate post-hold was 0.3 degrees C min(-1), with virtually zero post-thaw fertilization with cooling rates of 3 and 6 degrees C min(-1). Using an optimized protocol, post-thaw fertilization rates for oocytes from eight individual females ranged from 0.8 to 74.5% and D-larval yields from 0.1 to 30.1%. For three individuals, larvae were reared through to spat. Development of D-larvae to eyed larvae and spat was similar for larvae produced from unfrozen (24.8+/-4.1% developed to eyed larvae and 16.5+/-3.2% to spat) and cryopreserved (28.4+/-0.6 and 18.7+/-0.5%, respectively) oocytes. The ability to cryopreserve large quantities of oyster oocytes represents a major advance in cryobiology and selective breeding.  相似文献   

The life histories of oysters in the genus Crassostrea, like those of most marine bivalves, are typified by high fecundity and low survival in nature. Rearing conditions in hatcheries however ensure optimized density, diet, and temperature. Hatcheries are becoming increasingly important for the production of juveniles in aquaculture, and their culture practices often include culling of slow growing larvae to reduce and synchronize the time taken to reach settlement. Because previous studies have found substantial genetic variation for early life developmental traits in Crassostrea gigas, these culling practices are likely to cause highly different selective pressures in hatcheries from those in the natural environment. We studied the phenotypic and genetic impact of such culling practices in a factorial cross between 10 males and 3 females subjected to progressive culling of the smallest 50% of larvae, compared with a non-culled control. Measurements were made on larval growth, survival, time taken to attain pediveliger stage and settlement success. Culling had a larger effect on the variance of these larval traits than on their means. The larvae in culled cultures were approximately 10% larger than those in controls, whereas the coefficient of variation was reduced by 30-40%. Culling also reduced the mean time to settlement by 12% and its variance by 55%. Using a multiplexed set of microsatellite markers to trace parentage, we also estimated the variance in reproductive success in a controlled experiment to quantify the consequences of intensive hatchery rearing practices. We also focused on changes in effective population size and genetic structure over time (and developmental stages). Our results show a loss of genetic diversity following removal of the smallest larvae by culling, as well as temporally varying genetic structure of the larval population. This supports the existence of genetic variability in early life developmental traits in C. gigas. Culling in hatcheries, like size-related selective pressures in the wild, are likely to have a significant genetic impact, through their effects on the timing of settlement.  相似文献   

Cell electrofusion has been widely used in the induction of tetraploidy in mammals, but little attention has been paid in molluscs. This work pursued the establishment of fusion medium (ionic vs. non-ionic) and electric parameters in the electrofusion of Pacific oyster zygotes (prior to the completion of the first mitotic division), minimizing all deleterious effects possible to D-larval stage. The tested combinations of electric field intensity (Vcm−1) and number of square DC pulses applied (for 50 μs each) were (Voltage × N° pulses): 400 × 1, 400 × 2, 400 × 3 and 600 × 1, 600 × 2, 600 × 3.When pulses were applied for first time, it was determined that an ionic fusion medium (microfiltered seawater) offered better conditions than the non-ionic fusion media previously used (0.6 M sucrose or 0.6 M mannitol) in terms of embryo survival and lysis rates. In this fusion medium, two different combinations of electric parameters (3 square DC pulses of 400 Vcm−1 for 50 μs each at 26 °C and 1 square DC pulse of 600 Vcm−1 for 50 μs at 26 °C) offered the best technical results of fusion (57 and 79% respectively) and survival until D-larva (44 and 41% respectively). In conclusion, these electric parameters could be established, using seawater as electrofusion medium, for further approaches to evaluate individual ploidy and survival beyond spat.  相似文献   

Oysters Crassostrea gigas were placed at water supply canals of three shrimp farms in Guasave, Mexico where WSSV outbreaks occur. Animals were sampled through April-August and September-December to detect WSSV DNA.By using three different PCR protocols, only oysters from a farm undergoing a WSSV outbreak were found WSSV-positive in gills and digestive gland. Two WSSV amplicons were sequenced and they corresponded over 99% to WSSV genome segments. Results showed that oysters can capture WSSV particles suspended in water. Susceptibility of oysters to WSSV infection and their role as a carrier remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Changes in sperm features during the movement phase are especially interesting to study in external fertilization species whose sperm duration movement is long because this implies a significant adaptation of moving cells to the external medium. This study describes the changes in tetraploid Pacific oyster sperm characteristics in relation to time post activation.Sperm individually collected on three tetraploid males were activated in seawater. Their features were analysed over a 24 h period and compared to a sperm pool collected on three diploid males as a reference. The percentage of motile spermatozoa, the intracellular ATP content, and the fine structure of spermatozoa were studied in relation to time post activation. Furthermore, the fertilisation capacity of sperm individually collected on five diploid males was assessed after 1 and 24 h post activation.A forward progressive movement was maintained for at least a 20 h duration. Compared to diploid males, the percentage of motile spermatozoa was lower in tetraploid males. The intracellular ATP concentration was higher in spermatozoa from tetraploid males than in spermatozoa from diploid males. A decrease in ATP content was observed in the first 6 h post activation and severe alterations were observed in sperm morphology after 24 h. Then, a lower fertilisation capacity of sperm from diploid males was observed at the end of the movement phase.The cessation of Pacific oyster sperm motility was unlikely caused by ATP consumption as ATP concentration was still high at the end of sperm movement but rather caused by drastic changes in sperm morphology. Compared to sperm collected on diploid males, the lower quality of sperm from tetraploid males was emphasized by a shorter movement duration and deeper morphological alterations at the end of the movement phase.  相似文献   

Bivalve molluscs, in common with consumers in general, use behavioral and physiological mechanisms to balance metabolic requirements with available nutrients. This study considered how the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, meets the demands of growth and maintenance, measured in terms of carbon and nitrogen, in a variable food environment. Stoichiometry theory helped to evaluate: a) whether feeding behaviour modifies the intake of C and N given seasonal variability in food quality: b) how rates of metabolism and excretion, and C and N growth efficiencies, respond to mismatch between nutrient intake and the oysters' needs. Two field experiments in the Port Stephens estuary, near Sydney, Australia, measured feeding behaviour, metabolic and growth rates relative to seasonal changes in food supply. In a laboratory experiment, relationships between physiological rates and growth were measured to test a model of growth as a function of absorption of C and N. Potential metabolic targets for compensation were the C/N ratios of body tissues, maintenance and/or of soft tissue added as growth. C/N of whole soft issues varied little during the year (mean 5.4). In July (a time of low food availability of poor quality) growth was negligible and the C/N (maintenance) target was 6.7. In March (abundant food of high quality) growth was rapid with a high N-demand; the C/N of growth was 3.9. In November (medium food quality) there was an enhanced C-demand for glycogen storage; the C/N of growth was 7.9. Feeding behaviour changed the balance between C and N intake across months, primarily due to changes in the selection efficiency for nitrogen, which was highest at low filtration rates on particles of high C/N ratio. Nitrogen intake was favoured over C in July. In November, C-intake increased relative to N. In March, when abundant food nitrogen coincided with a high demand for growth, feeding behaviour was neutral with respect to C/N ratios. In all cases C/N of absorbed matter was greater than the C/N of growth. Growth efficiencies for carbon declined with increased C/N of ingested matter due to higher metabolic increments (SDA) when feeding on lower food quality; the metabolic costs of growth did not vary. In contrast, growth efficiencies for nitrogen did not alter with C/N for ingested matter, due in part to increased nitrogen losses, relative to tissue nitrogen content, when feeding on low C/N food. Nitrogen was therefore conserved metabolically relative to C. Both feeding and metabolic processes contributed to compensation for the mismatch between seasonally variable food quality and the demands of growth.  相似文献   

A paramyxea, Marteilioides chungmuensis, causes the irregular enlargement of the ovary in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas in Korea and Japan. The knowledge about the life cycle of the parasite has been limited to the sporulation stages within the oocyte of oysters. In this study, we used the parasite-specific DNA probes and electron microscopy to experimentally infected oysters in a field and successfully clarified early developmental stages of the parasite. The parasite invaded the oysters through the epithelial tissues of the gills, mantle and labial palps. Extrasporogony repeatedly occurred in the connective tissues by binary fusion. The inner cell of the extrasporogonic stage migrated into the gonadal epithelium, invaded the oocyte to start sporulation.  相似文献   

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