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A huge amount of information is stored in genomic DNA and this stored information resides inside the nucleus with the aid of chromosomal condensation factors. It has been reported that the repeat nucleosome core particle (NCP) consists of 147-bp of DNA and two copies of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4. Regulation of chromosomal structure is important to many processes inside the cell. In vivo, a group of histone chaperones facilitate and regulate nucleosome assembly. How NCPs are constructed with the aid of histone chaperones remains unclear. In this study, the histone chaperone-mediated nucleosome assembly process was investigated using single-molecule tethered particle motion (TPM) experiments. It was found that Asf1 is able to exert more influence than Nap1 and poly glutamate acid (PGA) on the nucleosome formation process, which highlights Asf1’s specific role in tetrasome formation. Thermodynamic parameters supported a model whereby energetically favored nucleosomal complexes compete with non-nucleosomal complexes. In addition, our kinetic findings propose the model that histone chaperones mediate nucleosome assembly along a path that leads to enthalpy-favored products with free histones as reaction substrates.  相似文献   

纺锤体极体(spindle pole body,SPB)是酵母细胞的微管组织中心,它在细胞分裂及细胞遗传稳定性的维持过程中起着极其重要的作用,是细胞生物学领域热门的研究方向.Sfi1p是酿酒酵母SPB的必需蛋白并且横跨整个半桥,该蛋白与SPB的复制有关,它的缺失或突变会导致SPB复制失败,在哺乳动物的中心体也存在酵母Sfi1p的同源蛋白.本文系统的介绍了酵母Sfi1p及其在人类中心体中的同源蛋白hSfi1p的结构特征,并且阐明了Sfi1p在SPB复制与分离、核配及生孢等细胞周期过程中的作用.对Sfi1p的功能研究,将有助于解决SPB研究过程中重要的科学问题,同时为中心体中Sfi1p同源蛋白的功能研究提供良好的借鉴.  相似文献   

To gain a better understanding of the function of the yeast histone H1, its role in nucleosome positioning was studied. With this objective in mind, we analyzed a chromatin region of the yeast Chromosome (Chr) IX, in which there are two closely packed open reading frames (ORFs), POT1 and YIL161w. This locus shows a regular ladder of 13 stochastically positioned nucleosomes, which is unaffected by the absence of the HHO1 gene. This suggests that histone H1 has no effect on nucleosome positioning in yeast. Received: 30 December 1998 / Accepted: 6 May 1999  相似文献   

Plants express many calmodulin (CaM) isoforms. These proteins regulate the growth, development and environmental stress responses of plants by modulating targets. Herein, the Arabidopsis CaM2 isoform was found to be crucial for cold adaptation in prokaryotic cells, similar to the Escherichia coli cold shock protein CspA. Expressing CaM2 or CspA in the cold-sensitive E. coli BX04 mutant complemented the cold-sensitive phenotype under cold stress, but expression of CaM1, CaM7 or CML8 (CaM8) did not. Similar to RNA chaperones such as CspA, CaM2 strongly interacted with nucleic acids and its nucleic acid-binding capacity was much higher than that of CaM7, despite there being only a single amino acid difference between these two isoforms. Microscopic observation of CaM2-GFP revealed that CaM2 plays roles in both the nucleus and cytosol where RNA molecules are abundant. These results suggest that CaM2 can positively modulate cold stress responses by interacting with nucleic acid targets. Furthermore, CaM2 has both nucleic acid targets, similar to CaM7, and protein targets such as CAMTA3.  相似文献   

核小体是构成真核生物染色质的基本结构单位,组蛋白变体H2A.Z及H3.3对染色质结构及基因转录过程发挥着重要的调控作用。体内研究核小体及染色质结构受到诸多因素限制,体外重构含有H2A.Z及H3.3的核小体结构是研究与组蛋白变体相关基因表达调控的重要方法之一。实验表达纯化了6种组蛋白,在复性的过程中装配了含有H2A.Z和H3.3的组蛋白八聚体。基于DNA序列10bp周期性及序列模体设计了3条易于形成核小体的DNA序列,通过PCR大量扩增的方法,回收了标记Cy3荧光分子的目的DNA序列。采用盐透析法体外组装了含有H2A.Z和H3.3的核小体结构,利用荧光标记、EB染色及考马斯亮蓝染色检测了含有组蛋白变体的核小体形成效率及形成过程的吉布斯自由能变化。结果发现,设计的3条DNA序列可以有效地组装形成含有组蛋白电梯的核小体结构,而且随着组蛋白八聚体与DNA比例的增加,核小体的形成效率显著提高;采用Cy3荧光标记可以灵敏且定量地计算组装过程的吉布斯自由能。该方法的建立对研究组蛋白变体相关的结构生物学及转录调控等具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

Cer1p/Lhs1p/Ssi1p is a novel Hsp70-related protein that is important for the translocation of a subset of proteins into the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae endoplasmic reticulum. Cer1p has very limited amino acid identity to the hsp70 chaperone family in the N-terminal ATPase domain but lacks homology to the highly conserved hsp70 peptide binding domain. The role of Cer1p in protein folding and translocation was assessed. Deletion of CER1 slowed the folding of reduced pro-carboxypeptidase Y (pro-CPY) approximately twofold in yeast. In wild-type yeast under reducing conditions, pro-CPY can be found in a complex with Cer1p, while partially purified Cer1p is able to bind directly to peptides. Together, this suggests that Cer1p has a chaperoning activity required for proper refolding of denatured pro-CPY which is mediated by direct interaction with the unfolded polypeptide. Cer1p peptide binding and oligomerization could be disrupted by addition of ATP, confirming that Cer1p possesses a functional ATP binding site, much like Kar2p and other members of the hsp70 family. Interestingly, replacing the signal sequence of a CER1-dependent protein with that of a CER1-independent protein did not relieve the requirement of CER1 for import. This result suggests that an interaction with the mature portion of the protein also is important for the translocation role of Cer1p. The CER1 RNA levels increase at lower temperatures. In addition, the effects of deletion on folding and translocation are more severe at lower temperatures. Therefore, these results suggest that Cer1p provides an additional chaperoning activity in processes known to require Kar2p. However, there appears to be a greater requirement for Cer1p chaperone activity at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

Pre-replicative complex (pre-RC) assembly is a critical part of the mechanism that controls the initiation of DNA replication, and ATP binding and hydrolysis by multiple pre-RC proteins are essential for pre-RC assembly and activation. Here, we demonstrate that Adk1p (adenylate kinase 1 protein) plays an important role in pre-RC assembly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Isolated from a genetic screen, adk1G20S cells with a mutation within the nucleotide-binding site were defective in replication initiation. adk1Δ cells were viable at 25 °C but not at 37°C. Flow cytometry indicated that both the adk1-td (temperature-inducible degron) and adk1G20S mutants were defective in S phase entry. Furthermore, Adk1p bound to chromatin throughout the cell cycle and physically interacted with Orc3p, whereas the Adk1G20S protein had a reduced ability to bind chromatin and Orc3p without affecting the cellular ATP level. In addition, Adk1p associated with replication origins by ChIP assay. Finally, Adk1-td protein depletion prevented pre-RC assembly during the M-to-G1 transition. We suggest that Adk1p regulates ATP metabolism on pre-RC proteins to promote pre-RC assembly and activation.  相似文献   

在白细胞介素-2(interleukin-2,IL-2)的信号转导过程中,酪氨酸激酶Jak3起着至关重要的作用。它不但参与Jak-Stat通路的传递,而且通过与一些未知的信号分子相互作用调节一些原癌基因的表达,如c-fos,c-myc等。由于目前越来越多的证据表明在信号转导过程中两个蛋白质之间的相互作用需要磷酸酪氨酸的存在,为此构建了酪氨酸磷酸化相关原酵母双杂交系统,以进一步阐释Jak3在IL-2  相似文献   

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