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The pigmentation pattern of ventral skin of the frog Rana esculenta consists mainly of melanophores and iridophores, rather than the three pigment cells (xanthophores, iridophores, and melanophores) which form typical dermal chromatophore units in dorsal skin. The present study deals with the precise localization and identification of the types of pigment cells in relation to their position in the dermal tracts of uncultured or cultured frog skins. Iridophores were observed by dark-field microscopy; both melanophores and iridophores were observed by transmission electron microscopy. In uncultured skins, three levels were distinguished in the dermal tracts connecting the subcutaneous tissue to the upper dermis. Melanophores and iridophores were localized in the upper openings of the tracts directed towards the superficial dermis (level 1). The tracts themselves formed level 2 and contained melanophores and a few iridophores. The inner openings of the tracts made up level 3 in which mainly iridophores were present. These latter openings faced the subcutaneous tissue In cultured skins, such pigment-cell distribution remained unchanged, except at level 2 of the tracts, where pigment cells were statistically more numerous; among these, mosaic pigment cells were sometimes observed.  相似文献   

Kinesin, a microtubule-based force-generating molecule, is thought to translocate organelles along microtubules. To examine the function of kinesin in neurons, we sought to suppress kinesin heavy chain (KHC) expression in cultured hippocampal neurons using antisense oligonucleotides and study the phenotype of these KHC "null" cells. Two different antisense oligonucleotides complementary to the KHC sequence reduced the protein levels of the heavy chain by greater than 95% within 24 h after application and produced identical phenotypes. After inhibition of KHC expression for 24 or 48 h, neurons extended an array of neurites often with one neurite longer than the others; however, the length of all these neurites was significantly reduced. Inhibition of KHC expression also altered the distribution of GAP-43 and synapsin I, two proteins thought to be transported in association with membranous organelles. These proteins, which are normally localized at the tips of growing neurites, were confined to the cell body in antisense-treated cells. Treatment of the cells with the corresponding sense oligonucleotides affected neither the distribution of GAP-43 and synapsin I, nor the length of neurites. A full recovery of neurite length occurred after removal of the antisense oligonucleotides from the medium. These data indicate that KHC plays a role in the anterograde translocation of vesicles containing GAP-43 and synapsin I. A deficiency in vesicle delivery may also explain the inhibition of neurite outgrowth. Despite the inhibition of KHC and the failure of GAP-43 and synapsin I to move out of the cell body, hippocampal neurons can extend processes and acquire as asymmetric morphology.  相似文献   

Protoplasts were prepared from cells of a tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Lukullus) suspension culture and purified to eliminate the highly active exogenous RNase present in the enzyme mixture used for cell wall digestion. The purified protoplasts were used to determine the location of the endogenous RNase activity (measured at pH 5 with yeast RNA as the substrate). Vacuoles were released by shaking the purified protoplasts in alkaline buffer containing EDTA. RNase was unambiguously shown to be located within the vacuoles by (i) its co-purification with the vacuoles in a discontinuous gradient and by (ii) the co-migration of RNase and α-mannosidase (EC, a vacuolar marker, during repeated centrifugation of the vacuoles. Vacuolar RNase was insensitive to EDTA, Mg2+, Mn2+ and Ca2+ but was stimulated by citrate or KH2PO4. It exhibited a pH-optimum in the range of pH 5–6. Gel electrophoretic analysis revealed one single band for RNase of isolated vacuoles. This activity co-migrated with an RNase from cells extracted under mild conditions. Thus, it was possible to distinguish the vacuolar RNase from the RNase of extracellular origin. RNA-degrading activity was present in vacuoles throughout the growth of the culture. The activity in vacuoles gradually increased during exponential growth followed by a dramatic increase in the stationary phase.  相似文献   

A parallel is shown between the distribution of neutral sphingomyelinase and plasma membrane enzymes (5′-nucleotidase and (Na+ + K+)-activated ATPase) in cultured neuroblastoma cells. In contrast there is no evidence of localization in lysosomes (β-hexosaminidase and acid sphingomyelinase), mitochondria (carnitine palmitoyltransferase), or cytosol. Activity in the microsomal fraction is attributed primarily to plasma membrane contamination.  相似文献   

Mammalian IQGAP1 is considered to modulate organization of the actin cytoskeleton under regulation of signaling proteins Cdc42 or Rac and calmodulin [Bashour et al., 1997: J Cell Biol 137:1555-1566; Hart et al., 1996: EMBO J 15:2997-3005] and also to be involved in cadherin-based cell adhesion [Kuroda et al., 1998: Science 281:832-835]. However, its function in the cell has not been clear. In order to clarify the function of IQGAP, we investigated IQGAP in Xenopus laevis cells. We isolated two Xenopus cDNAs encoding homologues of mammalian IQGAP, XIQGAP1, and XIQGAP2, which show high homology with human IQGAP1 and IQGAP2, respectively. Immunofluorescent localization of XIQGAPs in Xenopus tissue cultured cells (XTC cells) and in developing embryos was examined. In XTC cells, XIQGAP1 was colocalized with F-actin at cell-to-cell contact sites, membrane ruffles in lamellipodia, and filopodia. During development of embryos, XIQGAP1 was concentrated in the borders of all embryonic cells. An intense staining for XIQGAP1 was found in regions undergoing active morphogenetic movements, such as the blastopore lip of gastrulae, and the neural plate, the notochord, and the somite of neurulae. These results suggest that XIQGAP1 is involved in both cell-to-cell adhesion and cell migration during Xenopus embryogenesis and in cultured cells. On the other hand, the localization of XIQGAP2 in XTC cells was distinct from that of XIQGAP1 although it was also seen in lamellipodia, filopodia, and borders between cells. In addition to these regions, strong nuclear staining was observed in both XTC cells and embryonic cells.  相似文献   

The intracellular localization of two families of neurotropic drugs: flunitrazepam and flurazepam (benzodiazepine), triflupromazine and trifluoperazine (phenothiazine) has been studied by ion microscopy. The molecules have been incubated with C6 glioblastoma cells from rat origin and with astroglial primary cultures. The images of the intracellular distributions of the two drugs are easily obtained by selecting the fluorine atom of the molecules. The images obtained show that flunitrazepam and flurazepam, two drugs of the benzodiazepine group are mainly located to the nuclei, whereas triflupromazine and trifluoperazine, two phenothiazines are exclusively located inside the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Nine glycosidase activities were detected in isolated cell walls of cultured Convolvulus arvensis L. cells. Seven were also found in the cytoplasmic fraction. Optimal pH values were all in the acid region. The in vivo localization of some of these glycosidases was studied by assaying whole cells. Suspended cells hydrolysed the externally supplied substrates for -galactosidase (EC, -galactosidase (EC, -glucosidase (EC, -mannosidase (EC and -xylosidase (EC Since intracellular enzymes were latent or showed little leakage, the cells were regarded to be relatively intact. In the cases investigated, the apparent glycosidase activity values of whole cells corresponded to those of isolated cell walls. The pH-activity profiles were similar. The Km values were identical indicating equal accessibility to substrate. The enzymes could be partially removed from the cells by strong salt solutions. The data are consistent with an in vivo cell wall localization of a number of glycosidases.Abbreviation PNP p-nitrophenyl  相似文献   

Tubulin, the dimeric structural protein of microtubules, is a heterodimer of alpha and beta subunits; both alpha and beta exist as numerous isotypes encoded by different genes. In vertebrates the sequence differences among the beta(I), beta(II), beta(III), beta(IV) and beta(V) isotypes are highly conserved in evolution, implying that the isotypes may have functional significance. Isotype-specific monoclonal antibodies have been useful in determining the cellular and sub-cellular distributions and possible functions of the beta(I), beta(II), beta(III), and beta(IV) isotypes; however, little is known about the beta(V) isotype. We here report the creation and purification of a monoclonal antibody (SHM.12G11) specific for beta(V). The antibody was designed to be specific for the C-terminal sequence EEEINE, which is unique to rodent and chicken beta(V). The antibody was found to bind specifically to the C-terminal peptide EEEINE, and does not cross-react with the carboxy-termini of either alpha-tubulin or the other beta-tubulin isotypes. However, the antibody also binds to the peptide EEEVNE, but not to the peptide EEEIDG, corresponding respectively to the C-terminal peptides of bovine and human beta(V). Immunofluorescence analysis indicates that beta(V) is found in microtubules of both the interphase network and the mitotic spindle. In gerbils, beta(V) also occurs in the cochlea where it is found largely in the specialized cells that are unique in containing bundled microtubules with 15 protofilaments.  相似文献   

Kinesin, a microtubule-activated ATPase and putative motor protein for the transport of membrane-bounded organelles along microtubules, was purified from bovine brain and used as an immunogen for the production of murine monoclonal antibodies. Hybridoma lines that secreted five distinct antikinesin IgGs were cloned. Three of the antibodies reacted on immunoblots with the 124-kD heavy chain of kinesin, while the other two antibodies recognized the 64-kD light chain. When used for immunofluorescence microscopy, the antibodies stained punctate, cytoplasmic structures in a variety of cultured mammalian cell types. Consistent with the identification of these structures as membrane-bounded organelles was the observation that cells which had been extracted with Triton X-100 before fixation contained little or no immunoreactive material. Staining of microtubules in the interphase cytoplasm or mitotic spindle was never observed, nor were associated structures, such as centrosomes and primary cilia, labeled by any of the antibodies. Nevertheless, in double-labeling experiments using antibodies to kinesin and tubulin, kinesin-containing particles were most abundant in regions where microtubules were most highly concentrated and the particles often appeared to be aligned on microtubules. These results constitute the first direct evidence for the association of kinesin with membrane-bounded organelles, and suggest a molecular mechanism for organelle motility based on transient interactions of organelle-bound kinesin with the microtubule surface.  相似文献   

KIF1A is a kinesin motor known to transport synaptic vesicle precursors in neuronal axons, but little is known about whether KIF1A mediates fast and processive axonal transport in vivo. By monitoring movements of EGFP-labeled KIF1A in living cultured hippocampal neurons, we determined the characteristics of KIF1A movements. KIF1A particles moved anterogradely along the neurites with an average velocity of 1.0 microm/s. The movements of KIF1A were highly processive, with an average duration of persistent anterograde movement of 11 s. Some KIF1A particles (17%) exhibited retrograde movements of 0.72 microm/s, although overall particle movement was in the anterograde direction. The anterograde movement of KIF1A, however, did not lead to a detectable accumulation of KIF1A in the periphery of neurons, suggesting that there are mechanisms inhibiting the peripheral accumulation of KIF1A. These results suggest that KIF1A mediates neuronal transport at a high velocity and processivity in vivo.  相似文献   

To determine the cellular localization of nervous tissue peptidases, 7 peptidases and 2 lysosomal marker enzyme activities were measured in cultured mouse and rat cells. Neuronal cells of both species exhibited higher activities of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and prolyl endopeptidase (Pro-EP) than glial cells did. In contrast, arginyl endopeptidase and lysosomal enzymes (acid phosphatase, β-glucuronidase) in the neuronal cell lines were lower than those in the glial cell lines. Other peptidases (alanyl aminopeptidase, arginyl aminopeptidase, leucyl aminopeptidase, dipeptidyl aminopeptidase) activities were not specifically localized in either cell lines. The effects of cellular differentiation on these peptidase activities in the PC 12h cell line and rat glioblasts were also examined using nerve growth factor (NGF) and glia maturation factor (GMF), respectively. Neuron specific peptidase (ACE and Pro-EP) activities were decreased in PC12h cells cultured with NGF, and Pro-EP activity was increased in the glioblast cells cultured with GMF. These results support the idea that some of the peptidases are differentially localized in neuronal or glial cells, and play physiological roles in central or peripheral neural tissues.  相似文献   

I Pastan  M Willingham  W Anderson  M Gallo 《Cell》1977,12(3):609-617
NRK cells and many other cultured fibroblasts were found to contain the protease inhibitor, alpha 2 macroglobulin (alpha 2M). This alpha 2M is present as a result of uptake of alpha 2M from the calf serum in the culture medium. Some of this alpha 2M is released back into the medium. In radiolabeling experiments with 14C-amino acids, no radioactivity was detected in intracellular or extracellular alpha 2M. Fluorescence microscopy of fixed cells using rhodamine-labeled antibodies indicated that alpha 2M is present in vesicular organelles different from primary lysosomes. Fluorescence microscopy of living cells shows that rhodamine-labeled alpha 2M (rhodamine-alpha 2M) is taken up into similar structures. Of the many cell lines examined, Moloney sarcoma virus-transformed cells had the lowest amounts of alpha 2M. Some of the effects of serum on the behavior of cultured cells could be a consequence of inhibition of cellular proteases by alpha 2M.  相似文献   

The Kar3 protein (Kar3p), a protein related to kinesin heavy chain, and the Cik1 protein (Cik1p) appear to participate in the same cellular processes in S. cerevisiae. Phenotypic analysis of mutants indicates that both CIK1 and KAR3 participate in spindle formation and karyogamy. In addition, the expression of both genes is induced by pheromone treatment. In vegetatively growing cells, both Cik1::beta-gal and Kar3::beta-gal fusions localize to the spindle pole body (SPB), and after pheromone treatment both fusion proteins localize to the spindle pole body and cytoplasmic microtubules. The dependence of Cik1p and Kar3p localization upon one another was investigated by indirect immunofluorescence of fusion proteins in pheromone-treated cells. The Cik1p::beta-gal fusion does not localize to the SPB or microtubules in a kar3 delta strain, and the Kar3p::beta-gal fusion protein does not localize to microtubule-associated structures in a cik1 delta strain. Thus, these proteins appear to be interdependent for localization to the SPB and microtubules. Analysis by both the two-hybrid system and co- immunoprecipitation experiments indicates that Cik1p and kar3p interact, suggesting that they are part of the same protein complex. These data indicate that interaction between a putative kinesin heavy chain-related protein and another protein can determine the localization of motor activity and thereby affect the functional specificity of the motor complex.  相似文献   

We developed a specific antibody to the catalytic subunit (C-subunit) of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and used it to localize C- subunit in cultured cells. C-subunit antigen was purified from bovine cardiac muscle and cross-linked to hemocyanin with glutaraldehyde. Immunized goat serum showed a low titer of antibody after boosting; it was enriched 100-fold by affinity chromatography on catalytic subunit- Sepharose. The antibody immunoprecipitated C-subunit from type I and type II holoenzyme and depleted enzymatic activity from solution. At 12.5 nM antigen, 1 microgram antibody immunoprecipitated 10 ng of C- subunit. Immunoprecipitation of 35S-labeled cell extracts and 125I- antibody detection on nitrocellulose paper revealed that the antibody specifically reacts with C-subunit in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) whole cell extracts. Using indirect immunofluorescence to localize C-subunit, we found a pattern of diffuse staining in the cytoplasm of CHO cells with little or no nuclear staining. A similar distribution of the enzyme was observed in Swiss 3T3 cells, bovine endothelial tracheal cells, human lung fibroblasts and NRK cells. Treatment of CHO cells with 8-bromo-cyclic AMP produced no change in the pattern or intensity of immunofluorescence. We conclude that the majority of C-subunit is localized in cytoplasm and that in cultured fibroblasts exposure to cyclic AMP analogues causes no apparent redistribution of catalytic subunit.  相似文献   

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