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The dependence of the landing response on the direction of moving stimuli (periodic gratings, single or double stripes) was studied in blowflies, Calliphora erythrocephala, of both sexes. Directions of motion eliciting maximally strong responses (preference direction) vary with the eye region stimulated: they are distributed radially from a common origin forming a flow-field. This origin lies at the intersection of the eye equators with the median plane of the animal. By changing its body posture relative to the direction of flight, the fly may align the pole of this flow field-with its direction of flight thus maximizing signal flow for the landing approach. Sex-specific differences were found for dorsal eye regions in which the shift of preference directions from vertical to obliquely inclined directions of motion (against the median plane) could only be determined for male flies.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular electrode recording techniques were used to measure the responses of single visual cells in the locust to various intensities of monochromatic lights of wavelength 350 to 600 m. Response-energy curves, found for ten cells to be parallel at all wavelengths, were used to deduce the relative number of quanta required to evoke a constant response. The average response-energy curve from these ten cells was used in obtaining spectral sensitivity data for another ten short-lived cells, where only one response at each wavelength could be obtained.Spectral sensitivity curves for all twenty cells showed a peak in the blue-violet (maximum about 430 m) region of the spectrum. In addition, all cells showed some green sensitivity (maximum about 515 m) but in different cells this varied from 15% to 100% of the blue-violet maximum for the cell. The magnitude of the errors is discussed.The results are consistent with the hypothesis that two visual pigments which fit a Dartnall nomogram for rhodopsin are contributing, in various ratios, to the spectral sensitivity of every cell.  相似文献   

When an animal is moving relative to its surroundings it can nevertheless stabilize the image on the retina, at least partially, by means of the large-field optomotor response. In the animal species investigated so far, this response has been found to be colour-blind as indicated by grey-matching tests, and to involve only photoreceptors sensitive in the long-wavelength region of the spectrum. Here we show that this rule also applies to pigeons, i.e. birds, a group not previously studied in this regard. Accepted: 4 February 1998  相似文献   

Spectral sensitivity in a sponge larva   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cilia at the posterior pole of demosponge larvae are known to cause directional swimming, sometimes in response to light gradients, but so far neither the spectral sensitivity of, nor the molecular basis for, this response has been investigated. We exploited the fact that the larval cilia respond to sudden changes in light intensity, a shadow response, in order to determine the action spectrum of photosensitivity. Our results show that larvae of the haplosclerid sponge Reniera sp. respond most to blue light (440 nm), and have a smaller, secondary response peak to orange-red light (600 nm). These data suggest that the photoreceptive pigment in sponge larvae may be a flavin or carotenoid.  相似文献   

Properties of spectral components of the system matrix of linear time-invariant discrete or continuous models are investigated. It is shown that the entries in these matrices have the interpretation of being the sensitivity of the system matrix eigenvalues with respect to the model parameters. The spectral resolution formula for linear operators is used to get explicit results about component matrices and eigenvalue sensitivity. In biological modeling, particular interest is in the real maximal or minimal roots of the system matrix. Exact formulation of the related spectral components is made in important system matrix cases such as companion, Leslie, ecosystem, compartmental, and stochastic matrices.  相似文献   

Vision plays a paramount role in some spider families such as the Salticidae, Lycosidae and Thomisidae, as it is involved in prey hunting, orientation or choice of substrate. In the thomisid Misumena vatia, for which the substrate colour affects the body colour, vision seems to mediate morphological colour changes. However, nothing is known about which component of visual signals from the substrate might be perceived, nor whether M. vatia possesses the physiological basis for colour vision. The aim of this study is thus to investigate the vision of this spider species by measuring the spectral sensitivities of the different pairs of eyes using electrophysiological methods. Extra- and intracellular electrophysiological recordings combined with selective adaptation revealed the presence of two classes of photoreceptor cells, one sensitive in the UV region of the spectrum (around 340 nm) and one sensitive in the green (around 520 nm) regions in the four pairs of eyes. We conclude that M. vatia possesses the physiological potential to perceive both chromatic and achromatic components of the environment.  相似文献   

Summary Response spectra for positive phototaxis of the planktonic first stage larvae of 7 species of estuarine intertidal crabs were measured. Species living highest intertidally as adults generally have larvae with good ultraviolet (UV) and blue/green sensitivity, while those from adults living lower intertidally lack the UV sensitivity. Comparison of the measured spectra with previous studies of adults indicates that there is probably no change in spectral sensitivity throughout development. This sensitivity is well adapted to the adult intertidal environment, but is not adapted for a planktonic existence in estuarine areas.This material is based on research supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OCE 77-26838. One of us (R. Forward) thanks Dr. James Enright for graciously providing laboratory space during a sabbatical leave during which much of the data were analyzed.  相似文献   

Light is a critical factor in the proximate basis of diel vertical migration (DVM) in zooplankton. A photobehavioral approach was used to examine the spectral sensitivity of four coastal species of calanoid copepod, representing a diversity of DVM patterns, to test whether species that migrate (nocturnal or reverse DVM) have response spectra that differ from non-migratory surface dwellers. The following species were given light stimuli at wavelengths from 350 to 740 nm, and their photoresponses were measured: Centropages typicus (nocturnal migrator), Calanopia americana (nocturnal migrator), Anomalocera ornata (reverse migrator), and Labidocera aestiva (non-migrator). Centropages typicus and A. ornata had peak responses at 500 and 520 nm, respectively, while Calanopia americana had maximum responses at 480 and 520 nm. Thus, the species that undergo DVM have peak photobehavioral responses at wavelengths corresponding to those available during twilight in coastal water, although the range of wavelengths to which they respond is variable. Non-migratory surface-dwelling L. aestiva had numerous response peaks over a broad spectral range, which may serve to maximize photon capture for vision in their broad-spectrum shallow-water habitat.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings are obtained from photoreceptors in the retina of winged (alate) pea aphids Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris). The responses to monochromatic light, applied in 10‐nm steps over the range 320–650 nm, reveal that all recordings are from green receptors and the spectral sensitivity function of these photoreceptors peaks at 518 nm. A comparison between the spectral sensitivity of the green receptors and extracellular electroretinogram recordings suggests that additional sensitivity to the short‐wavelength light (ultraviolet and/or blue) is also likely to be present in the compound eye of pea aphids. An analysis of the pea aphid genome, comparing its translated nucleotide sequences with the those of the opsin genes of other insect species, supports this electrophysiological finding, although it could not be established whether A. pisum, in addition to the green receptor, has both blue and ultraviolet receptors in the compound eye. The implications of these results for the visual ecology of herbivorous insects are discussed.  相似文献   

Three types of receptor with different max of 360, 430, and 530 nm were found in the locust retina by extracellular recording. Their spectral sensitivity curves were considerably broader than the absorption curves of the corresponding pigments. Possible coefficients of electrical coupling between different receptor types in ommatidia were calculated on the basis of the spectral sensitivity curves obtained for photoreceptors, assuming that each receptor contains only one light-sensitive pigment. The resulting values resembled coefficients measured in the locust by Shaw and Lillywhite. The way in which spectral sensitivity curves spread in comparison with pigment absorption curves may thus be caused by electrical coupling between cells.Institute of Problems in Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 69–76, January–February, 1986.  相似文献   

Summary Spectral sensitivity of the cichlid fishHaplochromis burtoni was measured under both scotopic and photopic conditions using a two-choice, food reward, operant conditioning paradigm. The highest absolute sensitivity (scotopic) is one quantum for every 5 to 50 rods measured at 475 nm (equivalent to a corneal irradiance of 3.8×106 Q s–1 cm–2). A P5001 photopigment apparently mediates spectral sensitivity over most of the visible spectrum; microspectrophotometric studies of rods had previously shown them to contain this photopigment. However, the scotopic behavioral action spectrum shows a sensitivity to short wavelength light higher than is consistent with a P5001 photopigment alone mediating the scotopic visual process. Determinations made under photopic conditions reveal a behavioral action spectrum broader than that found under scotopic conditions and consistent with mediation by interaction of the three known cone types in an opponent processing manner. The calculated photopic threshold value of approximately 104 Q s–1 (receptor)–1 is in agreement with results from other species and corresponds to a corneal irradiance of about 7×1010Q s–1cm–2.  相似文献   

The spectral sensitivity of the cod was determined under both dark adapted and light adapted conditions in the laboratory. Cod were trained by cardiac conditioning to detect a difference in radiance between an image of spots and the background radiance of a screen. Thresholds for this response were measured for a range of different wavelengths, and expressed as quantum adjusted values. Electroretino‐graphic studies were also performed on the eyes of cod, and spectral sensitivity curves prepared. Under dark adapted conditions both the behavioural and e.r.g. derived curves showed greatest sensitivity in the blue/green at 490 nm, matching the absorption curve for rhodopsin. A secondary peak in the behaviourally derived curve in the green/yellow at 550 nm indicated that a population of yellow cones may be implicated with the rods in scotopic vision. Under light adapted conditions the behavioural curves showed a shift to the blue, perhaps indicating an adaption to the high red content of the illuminating source. The e.r.g. curve showed greatest sensitivity to blue/green, as in the scotopic experiments but with an enhanced response at 550 nm, indicating greater cone activity. It is suggested that there is complex interaction between rods and cones in the cod retina, both types of receptor being active over a wide range of light intensities.  相似文献   

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