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F S Hing  P R Maulik  G G Shipley 《Biochemistry》1991,30(37):9007-9015
The ether-linked phospholipid 1,2-dihexadecylphosphatidylethanolamine (DHPE) was studied as a function of hydration and in fully hydrated mixed phospholipid systems with its ester-linked analogue 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE). A combination of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction was used to examine the phase behavior of these lipids. By DSC, from 0 to 10 wt % H2O, DHPE displayed a single reversible transition that decreased from 95.2 to 78.8 degrees C and which was shown by X-ray diffraction data to be a direct bilayer gel to inverted hexagonal conversion, L beta----HII. Above 15% H2O, two reversible transitions were observed which stabilized at 67.1 and 92.3 degrees C above 19% H2O. X-ray diffraction data of fully hydrated DHPE confirmed the lower temperature transition to be a bilayer gel to bilayer liquid-crystalline (L beta----L alpha) phase transition and the higher temperature transition to be a bilayer liquid-crystalline to inverted hexagonal (L alpha----HII) phase transition. The lamellar repeat distance of gel-state DHPE increased as a function of hydration to a limiting value of 62.5 A at 19% H2O (8.6 mol of water/mol of DHPE), which corresponds to the hydration at which the transition temperatures are seen to stabilize by DSC. Electron density profiles of DHPE, in addition to calculations of the lipid layer thickness, confirmed that DHPE in the gel state forms a noninterdigitated bilayer at all hydrations. Fully hydrated mixed phospholipid systems of DHPE and DPPE exhibited two reversible transitions by DSC.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) on the metabolism of ester- and ether derivatives of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) were studied in HeLa and HEL-37 cells. TPA stimulated the incorporation of [3H]choline into diacyl-, alkylacyl- and alkenylacy/PC in HeLa cells, but inhibited the incorporation of [3H]ethanolamine into the corresponding derivatives of PE. TPA also stimulated the incorporation of [3H]ethanolamine into lysoPE and the release of labelled ethanolamine and phosphoethanolamine from HeLa cells prelabelled with [3H]ethanolamine. All responses to TPA were abolished in HeLa cells preincubated with the phorbol ester and which were deficient in protein kinase C. In HEL-37 cells TPA stimulated label incorporation into both ester- and ether-forms of PE. The marked effects of TPA on ether-lipid metabolism raises the possibility that hydrolysis products of this class of lipid are important in transmembrane signalling pathways.  相似文献   

Deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance (2H NMR) spectra of specifically head-group- and chain-deuterated ester- and ether-linked phosphatidylcholine bilayers were studied as a function of temperature over the range -33 to 50 degrees C. Head-group-deuterated dihexadecylphosphatidylcholine ([alpha-2H2]DHPC) bilayers yield line shapes and spin-lattice relaxation times similar to those observed for its ester-linked counterpart, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine ([alpha-2H2]DPPC), in the high-temperature ripple and L alpha bilayer phases. These results indicate the ether linkage has no effect on the dynamics or the orientational order at the alpha-C2H2 segment of the phosphocholine head group. At all temperatures, the 2H NMR spectra of chain-deuterated 1,2[1',1'-2H2]DHPC bilayers exhibit a reduced spectral width compared to 1,2[2',2'-2H2]DPPC bilayers. The most significant feature of the deuterated alkyl chain spectrum of DHPC at 45 degrees C is the observation of four separate quadrupolar splittings from the alpha-methylene segments of the alkyl chains, in comparison to the three quadrupolar splittings reported previously from the alpha-methylene segments of the acyl chains of DPPC. Spin-lattice relaxation experiments performed on DHPC suggest an assignment of the two smaller and the two larger quadrupolar splittings to separate alkyl chains, respectively. Low-temperature (T less than or equal to -20 degrees C) gel-phase spectra of deuterated head-group [alpha-2H2]DHPC remain an order of magnitude narrower than those observed for [alpha-2H2]DPPC.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Infrared spectra of aqueous dispersions of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC), and its ether-linked analogue, 1,2-dihexadecyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DHPC), were measured in a diamond anvil cell at 28 degrees C as a function of pressure up to 20 kbar. Although these two lipids differ only in the linkages to the saturated hydrocarbon chains, significant differences were observed in their barotropic behavior. Most notable were the magnitudes of the pressure-induced correlation field splittings of the methylene scissoring and rocking modes, and the relative intensities of the corresponding component bands. In the case of the scissoring mode, not only can the correlation field component band be resolved at a lower pressure in DHPC (1.2 kbar, as compared with 2.2 kbar in DPPC), but the initial magnitude of the correlation field splitting in DHPC, particularly less than 9 kbar, is significantly greater than that observed in DPPC. These differences are attributed to the presence of an interdigitated lamellar gel phase in DHPC. At all pressures where the correlation field component band delta'CH2 can be resolved, the relative peak height/intensity ratio R = I delta'/I delta is greater in DPPC than in DHPC, suggesting that this parameter may be useful as a test of interdigitation.  相似文献   

Calorimetric, X-ray diffraction, and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies of aqueous dispersions of 1,2-dihexadecyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DHPC) gel phases at low temperatures (-60 to 22 degrees C) show thermal, structural, and dynamic differences when compared to aqueous dispersions of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) gel phases at corresponding temperatures. Differential scanning calorimetry of DHPC dispersions demonstrates a reversible, low-enthalpy "subtransition" at 4 degrees C in contrast to the conditionally reversible, high-enthalpy subtransition observed at 17 degrees C for annealed DPPC bilayers. X-ray diffraction studies indicate that DHPC dispersions form a lamellar gel phase with dav congruent to 46 A both above and below the "subtransition". It is suggested that the reduced dav observed for DHPC (46 A as compared to 64 A in DPPC) is due to an interdigitated lamellar gel phase which exists at all temperatures below the pretransition at 35 degrees C. 31P NMR spectra of DHPC gel-phase bilayers show an axially symmetric chemical shift anisotropy powder pattern which remains sharp down to -20 degrees C, suggesting the presence of fast axial diffusion. In contrast, 31P spectra of DPPC bilayers indicate this type of motion is frozen out at approximately 0 degrees C.  相似文献   

1. Data presented here demonstrate that polyunsaturated fatty acids in the phospholipids of rainbow trout tissues are compartmentalized differently than in mammalian tissues. 2. We have determined the distribution of omega-3 (n-3) and omega-6 (n-6) fatty acids in the alkyl-, alk-1-enyl-, and diacyl- subclasses of phosphatidylcholines (PC), phosphatidyl-ethanolamines (PE), phosphatidylinositols (PI), and phosphatidylserines (PS) from gill, kidney and spleen of rainbow trout. 3. Alkyl-linked PC and alk-1-enyl-linked PE were the most abundant ether-containing phospholipids, amounting to 10-15% of each class; no ether-linked PI or PS was detected. 4. C20:4 n-6 was found in high concentrations only in PI; the n-3 fatty acids were found in highest concentration in the ether-linked phospholipids as compared with the diacyl subclasses and C20:5 n-3 was especially prevalent in 1-O-alk-1'-enyl-2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine and C22:6 n-3 was prevalent in PS.  相似文献   

Previous work of del Castillo and co-workers has shown that bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) can be used as transducers for detection of antigen-antibody reactions. The present experiments extend the previous work by incorporating complement into the BLM system. The results indicate that the antigen-antibody complex or the complement has no ability to affect the BLM system separately, but when carefully combined they will destabilize the BLM even at a much reduced concentration. Further development using the BLM as a tool for investigating immunological reactions is suggested.  相似文献   

Reversible interactions were demonstrated between some phospholipids and some polypeptides related to angiotensin and bradykinin. The extent of the interaction was dependent on the structures of the lipid and peptide. The naturally occurring compounds that interacted most avidly were cardiolipin and (des-Asp1)-angiotensins. The apparent dissociation constant of this complex in chloroform was 10?5 M. The complex contained more than one cardiolipin molecule/molecule of peptide. Kinins interacted most strongly with lecithin. The phospholipids altered the chromatographic behavior of radioiodinated derivatives of the polypeptides, and solubilized radioactive and unlabeled polypeptides in chloroform. In aqueous media, cardiolipin suspensions preferentially bound (des-Asp1)-angiotensin II, and inhibited its binding by antibody. The interactions were sensitive to pH and cations in the aqueous phase, and were reversed by some reagents added to the organic phase. These interactions have direct implications for binding reactions of peptides in vitro, and may bear upon the actions of the hormones in vivo.  相似文献   

Reversible interactions were demonstrated between some phospholipids and some polypeptides related to angiotensin and bradykinin. The extent of the interaction was dependent on the structures of the lipid and peptide. The naturally occurring compounds that interacted most avidly were cardiolipin and (des-Asp1)-angiotensins. The apparent dissociation constant of this complex in chloroform was 10(-5) M. The complex contained more than one cardiolipin molecule/molecule of peptide. Kinins interacted most strongly with lecithin. The phospholipids altered the chromatographic behavior of radioiodinated derivatives of the polypeptides, and solubilized radioactive and unlabeled polypeptides in chloroform. In aqueous media, cardiolipin suspensions preferentially bound (des-Asp1)-angiotensin II, and inhibited its binding by antibody. The interactions were sensitive to pH and cations in the aqueous phase, and were reversed by some reagents added to the organic phase. These interactions have direct implications for binding reactions of peptides in vitro, and may bear upon the actions of the hormones in vivo.  相似文献   

Physical association of calcineurin with phosphatidylserine (PS) or phosphatidylglycerol (PG) was observed by molecular exclusion chromatography; the enzyme did not associate with phosphatidylethanolamine or phosphatidylcholine. The interactions with PS and PG were enhanced by Ca2+ which implicates a regulatory role for the Ca2+-binding subunit in this process. Addition of PG or PS to standard calcineurin assays elicited profound changes in enzymatic activity; phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were without effect. Up to 23-fold stimulation of the calmodulin-independent activity was observed with phosphorylated histone H1 or synapsin I as the substrates. In contrast, the activity toward p-nitrophenyl phosphate and tyrosine phosphate was found to be inhibited. A characterization and comparison of the two opposite responses showed that: the phospholipids had insignificant effects on the Km for substrates, the phospholipid specificity for activation and inhibition was nearly indistinguishable, half-maximal activation and inhibition were obtained at similar concentrations of PG (K0.5 = 0.21 and 0.14 mg/ml, respectively), and calmodulin enhanced the responses to PG (K0.5 = 0.064 and 0.033 mg/ml for activation and inhibition, respectively) to similar extents. Together, these observations demonstrate that the two substrate-dependent responses of calcineurin are due to the association of the phosphatase with phospholipids and not a result of substrate-phospholipid interactions. This suggests that Ca2+- and calmodulin-stimulated interactions of calcineurin with acidic phospholipids may play a role in regulating the substrate specificity of this multifunctional phosphatase.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and quantum calculation based on molecular modeling were applied to investigate the interaction between pirarubicin (THP), an anthracycline antibiotic frequently used in chemotherapy, and zwitterionic distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC) or anionic distearoylphosphatidylglycerol (DSPG). DSC and FTIR studies suggested that DSPG bilayers were less perturbed by THP than those of DSPC, and this might be due to the strong interactions between NH3+ of THP and the phosphate (PO2) group in the polar head of DSPG, which limit the further access of THP into its bilayers. Quantum calculation results based on molecular modeling could further confirm the DSC and FTIR conclusions. Meanwhile, it could well translate the calorimetric and spectroscopic phenomena into the underlying physical knowledge. Interactions between THP and phospholipids can play a critical role in the liposomal drug delivery system, especially in the safety mechanism elucidation and rational formulation design.  相似文献   

A 15-ns molecular dynamics simulation of the fully hydrated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine-cholesterol (DMPC-Chol) bilayer containing approximately 22 mol% Chol was carried out. An 8-ns trajectory was analysed to investigate the effect of Chol on the chain packing in the bilayer core. While the packing of DMPC chains on the smooth alpha-face side of the Chol ring is similar to that in the pure DMPC bilayer, the packing on the rough beta-face side is less regular and less tight. Two methyl groups located on the Chol beta-face disturb the packing; in effect, van der Waals (vdW) interactions between Chol rings and DMPC chains are weaker than the ones between sole DMPC chains. VdW interactions between an alkyl chain of DMPC and an isooctyl tail of Chol are similarly strong as those between two DMPC chains.  相似文献   

The interaction of spermine with acidic phospholipids was investigated for its possible relevance to membrane fusion. Equilibrium dialysis was used to measure the binding of spermine and calcium to large unilamellar vesicles (liposomes) of phosphatidate (PA) or phosphatidylserine (PS). Spermine bound to isolated PA and PS liposomes with intrinsic association constants of approximately 2 and 0.2 M-1, respectively. Above the aggregation threshold of the liposomes, the binding of spermine increased dramatically, especially for PA. The increased binding upon aggregation of PA liposomes was interpreted as evidence for the formation of a new binding complex after aggregation. Spermine enhanced calcium binding to PA, while it inhibited calcium binding to PS, under the same conditions. This difference explained the small effect of spermine on the overall rate of calcium-induced fusion of PS liposomes as opposed to the large effect on PA liposomes. The rate increase could be modeled by a spermine-induced increase in the liposome aggregation rate. The preference for binding of spermine to PA over PS suggested a preference for accessible monoesterified phosphate groups by spermine. This preference was confirmed by the large effects of spermine on aggregation and overall fusion rates of liposomes containing phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate. The large spermine effects on these liposomes compared with phosphatidate- or phosphatidylinositol-containing liposomes suggested that spermine has a strong specific interaction with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate. Clearly, phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol can lead to a large change in the spermine sensitivity of membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins (TeNT and BoNT) bind strongly and specifically to the nervous tissue, as it can be inferred from their potency and from their effects restricted to the nervous system. The molecular basis of these properties are presently unknown. As a first approach, we have investigated the interaction of TeNT and BoNT with model membranes by photolabelling with phospholipid analogues carrying the photoreceptor group at different positions of the lipid molecule in order to probe different membrane regions. We found that at neutral pH TeNT and BoNTs (type A, B and E) adsorb onto the surface of negatively charged liposomes. Polysialogangliosides increase this interaction only slightly thus suggesting that they provide a minor contribution to toxin lipid binding. On this basis we propose that clostridial neurotoxins bind to lipids via both a predominant unspecific interaction with negatively charged lipids (including gangliosides) and a specific, but weaker, interaction with polysialogangliosides. At acidic pH values both chains of these neurotoxins are labelled strongly by photogroups located in the hydrophobic milieu of the membrane with a pH dependence that overlaps the range of pH values reached in the endosomal lumen. This result is consistent with their insertion into the lipid bilayer in agreement with the idea that clostridial neurotoxins may penetrate into cells via intracellular low pH compartments.  相似文献   

P L Yeagle  D Kelsey 《Biochemistry》1989,28(5):2210-2215
Human erythrocyte glycophorin containing four molecules of phospholipid tightly bound to the protein was isolated from human red cell ghosts. This protein preparation was reconstituted into a digalactosyl diglyceride bilayer. The 31P NMR spectrum of this reconstituted membrane produced an axially symmetric powder pattern arising exclusively from the phospholipids bound to glycophorin. The width of the powder pattern, about 90 ppm, is about twice as broad as that normally exhibited by a phospholipid bilayer. The chemical shift tensor is perturbed relative to phospholipids in a bilayer. The spin-lattice relaxation rate of these protein-bound phospholipids is found to be nearly an order of magnitude faster than phospholipids in a bilayer. The results are consistent with phospholipids tightly bound to the membrane protein and undergoing rotational diffusion, perhaps as a complex of phospholipid and protein.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a ligand for members of the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) family. Lipid-free apoE is not recognized by LDLR, yet interaction with lipid confers receptor recognition properties. Although lipid interaction is known to induce a conformational change in apoE, it is not known if the lipid composition of the resulting complex influences binding. Using reconstituted lipoprotein particles of apoE3 N-terminal (NT) domain and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), maximal LDLR binding was observed at DMPC:apoE3-NT ratios >2.5:1 (w/w). ApoE3-NT lipid particles prepared with egg sphingomyelin were functional as LDLR ligands while complexes formed with the anionic phospholipids dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol or dimyristoylphosphatidylserine (DMPS) were not. In the case of apoE3-NT, lipid particles comprised of a mixture of DMPC and DMPS, a DMPS concentration dependent inhibition of LDLR binding activity was observed. Thus, in addition to affecting apoE conformational status, the lipid composition of ligand particles can modulate LDLR binding activity.  相似文献   

The pH-dependent insertion of pHLIP across membranes is proving to be a useful property for targeting acidic tissues or tumors and delivering drugs attached to its C-terminus. It also serves as a model peptide for studies of protein insertion into membranes, so further elucidation of the insertion mechanism of pHLIP and its features is desirable. We examine how the peptide perturbs a model phosphatidylcholine membrane and how it associates with the lipid bilayer using an array of fluorescence techniques, including fluorescence anisotropy measurements of TMA-DPH anchored in bilayers, quenching of pHLIP fluorescence by brominated lipids and acrylamide, and measurements of energy transfer between aromatic residues of pHLIP and TMA-DPH. When pHLIP is bound to the surface of bilayers near neutral pH, the membrane integrity is preserved whereas the elastic properties of bilayers are changed as reported by an increase of membrane viscosity. When it is inserted, there is little perturbation of the lipids. The results also suggest that pHLIP can bind to the membrane surface in a shallow or a deep mode depending on the phase state of the lipids. Using parallax analysis, the change of the penetration depth of pHLIP was estimated to be 0.4 Å from the bilayer center and 2.8 Å from the membrane surface after the liquid-to-gel phase transition.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive and stable scanning microcalorimeter is employed in a reinvestigation of the effect of cholesterol on multilamellar suspensions of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). Below 20 mol % cholesterol the DPPC mixtures give heat-capacity curves each of which can be resolved into a narrow and a broad peak, suggesting the coexistence of two immiscible solid phases; above 20 mol % only the broad peak is observed and this disappears at about 50 mol %. The DMPC mixtures show a more complicated behavior; from about 13.5 to 20 mol % cholesterol the observed curves appear to be the sum of three component peaks. As with the DPPC mixtures, only a single broad peak is observed above 20 mol % cholesterol, and this broad peak becomes undetectable above about 50 mol %. These results are discussed.  相似文献   

Fluorimetric studies of protein kinase C interactions with phospholipids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dansyl-phosphatidylserine (D-PS) was used as a fluorescence probe to study interactions between protein kinase C (PKC) with phospholipid vesicles. It was found that D-PS fluorescence (520 nm) was enhanced by PKC (excited at 285 nm). The fluorescence energy transfer, indicative of a close association of PKC with D-PS vesicles, was differentially modulated by various phospholipids, depending upon their effects on PKC activation state and the manners in which they were present. PKC inhibitors (e.g. polymyxin B and ether lipids) potently inhibited the PKC-enhanced D-PS fluorescence. It is suggested that certain spatial arrangements between PKC and its phospholipid cofactor are essential for the enzyme activation and that D-PS would be a useful probe to study fluorimetrically such interactions.  相似文献   

Nahar L  Turner AB 《Steroids》2003,68(14):1157-1161
Four lithocholic acid dimers were synthesised via esterification. The ester-linked dimer, 3-oxo-5beta-cholan-24-oic acid (cholan-24-oic acid methyl ester)-3-yl ester, (3alpha,5beta), was obtained by condensation of methyl lithocholate with 3-oxo-5beta-cholan-24-oic acid. Borohydride reduction of this ester-linked dimer gave 3alpha-hydroxy-5beta-cholan-24-oic acid (cholan-24-oic acid methyl ester)-3-yl ester, (3alpha,5beta), which was acetylated to 3alpha-acetoxy-5beta-cholan-24-oic acid (cholan-24-oic acid methyl ester)-3-yl ester, (3alpha,5beta). Reaction of methyl lithocholate with oxalyl chloride yielded the oxalate dimer, bis(5beta-cholan-24-oic acid methyl ester)-3alpha-yl oxalate.  相似文献   

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