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Abstract — Gondwanan biogeography, particularly the relationships between southern South America, New Zealand, Australia, New Guinea and New Caledonia, has been much studied. Nothofagus is often used as the "test taxon", and many papers have been directed at using Nothofagus to explain Gondwanan biogeography. Cladistic biogeographers, working on plant material, have generally failed to find congruence among taxa expected from the southern Pacific disjunctions. New morphological and molecular data on the phytogeny of Nothofagus have re-opened the issue, and we analysed these data to construct a new hypothesis of the biogeography of the genus. We assembled all plant taxa for which we could find reasonably robust phylogenetic hypotheses, and sought a parsimonious biogeographical pattern common to all. Two analyses, based on different assumptions, produced the same general areacladogram. We use the general area-cladogram, in conjunction with the fossil record of Nothofagus to construct a historical scenario for the evolution of the genus. This scenario indicates extensive extinction, but also suggests that Australia has a more recent relationship to New Zealand than to southern South America. This is not congruent with the current geological theories, nor with the patterns evident from insect biogeography. We suggest that concordant dispersal is an unlikely explanation for this pattern, and propose that the solution might be found in alternative geological hypotheses.  相似文献   

Although temporal calibration is widely recognized as critical for obtaining accurate divergence-time estimates using molecular dating methods, few studies have evaluated the variation resulting from different calibration strategies. Depending on the information available, researchers have often used primary calibrations from the fossil record or secondary calibrations from previous molecular dating studies. In analyses of flowering plants, primary calibration data can be obtained from macro- and mesofossils (e.g., leaves, flowers, and fruits) or microfossils (e.g., pollen). Fossil data can vary substantially in accuracy and precision, presenting a difficult choice when selecting appropriate calibrations. Here, we test the impact of eight plausible calibration scenarios for Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae, Fagales), a plant genus with a particularly rich and well-studied fossil record. To do so, we reviewed the phylogenetic placement and geochronology of 38 fossil taxa of Nothofagus and other Fagales, and we identified minimum age constraints for up to 18 nodes of the phylogeny of Fagales. Molecular dating analyses were conducted for each scenario using maximum likelihood (RAxML + r8s) and Bayesian (BEAST) approaches on sequence data from six regions of the chloroplast and nuclear genomes. Using either ingroup or outgroup constraints, or both, led to similar age estimates, except near strongly influential calibration nodes. Using "early but risky" fossil constraints in addition to "safe but late" constraints, or using assumptions of vicariance instead of fossil constraints, led to older age estimates. In contrast, using secondary calibration points yielded drastically younger age estimates. This empirical study highlights the critical influence of calibration on molecular dating analyses. Even in a best-case situation, with many thoroughly vetted fossils available, substantial uncertainties can remain in the estimates of divergence times. For example, our estimates for the crown group age of Nothofagus varied from 13 to 113 Ma across our full range of calibration scenarios. We suggest that increased background research should be made at all stages of the calibration process to reduce errors wherever possible, from verifying the geochronological data on the fossils to critical reassessment of their phylogenetic position.  相似文献   

The amount and distribution of genetic variation is compared using starch gel electrophoresis among populations of the three evergreen species of South American Nothofagus : the geographically restricted Nothofagus nitida (Phil.) Krasser and the widespread Nothofagus betuloides (Mirb.) Oerst. and Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Oerst. Ten enzyme systems were resolved coding for fifteen putative genetic loci. N. betuloides and N. dombeyi were more genetically variable than N. nitida ; they had higher total number of alleles, mean number of alleles per locus, percent of polymorphic loci, mean expected heterozygosity, and mean total genetic diversity. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that widespread species are often associated with historically large and more continuously distributed populations which in turn can maintain higher levels of genetic variation. Conversely, the genetic structure of N. nitida including its low genetic identity with the other two species and the presence of four unique alleles support the hypothesis that N. nitida has been isolated from the other two species for a considerable period of time. Genetic data in concert with the fossil record indicate that these taxa may be members of a pre-Pleistocene flora and consequently their genetic structures reflect a more ancient evolutionary history than previously hypothesized.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic placements of leaf fossils of Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae) were determined using parsimony analyses of molecular and morphological data for extant species combined with morphological data for fossils. Placement was possible for only seven of the 30 or so described fossil species of Nothofagus because only these had sufficiently good preservation of both cuticular and leaf architectural characters. In combined analyses of morphology and molecular data, leaf cuticular characters showed little homoplasy. In contrast, many architectural characters, including some leaf margin and venation characters, showed high homoplasy, making it difficult or impossible to accurately determine the phylogenetic affinities of impression fossils of this genus.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships were examined within the southern beech family Nothofagaceae using 22 species representing the four currently recognized subgenera and related outgroups. Nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences encoding the 5.8s rRNA and two flanking internal transcribed spacers (ITS) provided 95 phylogenetically informative nucleotide sites from a single alignment of ~588 bases per species. Parsimony analysis of this variation produced two equally parsimonious trees supporting four monophyletic groups, which correspond to groups designated by pollen type. These topologies were compared to trees from reanalyses of previously reported rbcL sequences and a modified morphological data set. Results from parsimony analysis of the three data sets were highly congruent, with topological differences restricted to the placement of a few terminal taxa. Combined analysis of molecular and morphological data produced six equally parsimonious trees. The consensus of these trees suggests two basal clades within Nothofagus. Within the larger of the two clades, tropical Nothofagus (subgenus Brassospora) of New Guinea and New Caledonia are strongly supported as sister to cool-temperate species of South America (subgenus Nothofagus). Most of the morphological apomorphies of the cupule, fruit, and pollen of Nothofagus are distributed within this larger clade. An area cladogram based on the consensus of combined data supports three trans-Antarctic relationships, two within pollen groups and one between pollen groups. Fossil data support continuous ancestral distributions for all four pollen groups prior to continental drift; therefore, vicariance adequately explains two of these disjunctions. Extinction of trans-Antarctic sister taxa within formerly widespread pollen groups explains the third disjunction; this results in a biogeographic pattern indicative of phylogenetic relationship not vicariance. For the biogeographically informative vicariant clades, area relationships based on total evidence support the recently advanced hypothesis that New Zealand and Australia share a unique common ancestry. Contrary to previous thought, the distribution of extant Nothofagus is informative on the area relationships of the Southern Hemisphere, once precise phylogenetic relationships are placed in the context of fossil data.  相似文献   

Dispersals versus vicariance events and the presence of subgenus Brassospora in New Caledonia are two riddles of Nothofagus biogeography, a genus also distributed in New Guinea, New Zealand, South America, Southeast Australia, and Tasmania. Within a cladistic framework using the software COMPONENT 2.0, we demonstrate that most parsimonious area cladograms (areagrams) sensu cladistic biogeography need not always be the most plausible explanation nor reflect alternative geological hypotheses. The most parsimonious Nothofagus history sensu historical biogeography is reconstructed where a minimum of dispersed taxa is hypothesized and vicariance events are identified. A fully resolved well-established Nothofagus phylogeny was reconciled with three geological hypotheses (geograms) of East Gondwana break-up: (a) the conventional view, (b) an Australian—New Caledonian relationship, and (c) a biotic interchange between New Guinea and New Caledonia. Fossils determined to subgenus were optimized to the predicted lineages in the reconciled tree. Due to extensive extinctions, a maximum of three vicariance events are inferred, all being basal in the subgenera, an indication of subgeneric diversification prior to the break-up of Gondwana. Two taxa, N. gunnii and N. menziesii, are hypothesized as being long-distance dispersed. The most parsimonious solution suggests a close relationship between New Guinea and New Caledonia, supporting a Brassospora colonization route, but this hypothesis fails to predict numerous extinct lineages observed in the fossil record and thus must be rejected. The traditional break-up sequence of Gondwana is not the most parsimonious solution, indicating one incongruent node, but causes no overall incongruence with the fossil record. Considering all parameters, the occurrence of Brassospora in New Caledonia is most parsimoniously explained as a single colonization event from New Zealand where the subgenus subsequently went extinct in the Pliocene.  相似文献   

By comparison with the major modern plant communities of southern Patagonia, the changing post-glacial vegetation of the region is reconstructed from macrofossils derived from deposits in the Cueva del Mylodon, Ultima Esperanza, S. Chile. The oldest deposits, carbon-dated as c. 12,400 B.P., comprise dung of the extinct ground sloth Mylodon darwinii and show the animal to have fed entirely on Cyperaceae, Gramineae and species associated with these in the modern cool, wet sedge-grasslands of western Patagonia, communities which would be expected after the retreat of the ice. Overlying deposits of well-preserved, wind-blown leaf-litter permitted some quantitative analyses which show a rise of evergreen forest dominated by Nothofagus betuloides that reached its maximum c. 7000 B.P. and then declined as it was replaced by deciduous N. pumilio forest. A break in the fossil plant record, covering the human occupation about 5643 B.P. and the subsequent final appearance of Mylodon remains, is followed by evidence of mixed evergreen/deciduous forest in which Nothofagus pumilio gradually increases in importance to give deciduous forest some 2500 years ago similar to that found in the environs of the cave in historical times. Comparison with pollen diagrams shows that the modern climatic and vegetation difference between E. Fudgia and Ultima Eeperanza has persisted throughout the post-glacial period.  相似文献   

A revised infrageneric classification of Nothofagus (Fagaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HILL, R. S. & READ, J., 1991. A revised infrageneric classification of Nothofagus (Fagaceae). An examination of cupule morphology, leaf architecture and cuticular morphology of Nothofagus species demonstrates that the existing infrageneric classifications are inaccurate. Four subgenera are proposed, based on these characteristics as well as other morphological information. This analysis indicates that the traditional pollen groupings of Nothofagus closely reflect the infrageneric taxonomy. It is hypothesized that deciduousness is primitive in Nothofagus , and the evergreen habit has arisen more than once, and therefore the deciduous or evergreen habit is invalid as a primary taxonomic character.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships were examined within the "higher" Hamamelididae using 21 species representing eight families and related outgroups. Chloroplast DNA sequences encoding the matK gene (/1 kilobase) provided 258 informative nucleotide sites. Phylogenetic analysis of this variation produced one most parsimonious tree supporting three monophyletic groups. In this tree, Nothofagus was basal to a well supported clade of remaining "higher" hamamelids, in which Fagaceae, including Fagus, were sister to a clade of core "higher" hamamelids that share wind-pollination, bicarpellate flowers, granular pollen walls, and reduced pollen apertures. Within the core "higher" hamamelids three subclades were resolved, Myricaceae, (Casuarina-(Ticodendron-(Betulaceae))), and (Rhoiptelea-Juglandaceae). Each subclade was well supported but relationships among them were not. The basal position of Nothofagus within the matK tree is consistent with the fossil record of "higher" hamamelids in which Nothofagus pollen appears earlier than microfossils with affinities to other modern "higher" hamamelids. This placement supports the exclusion of Nothofagus from Fagaceae and suggests two hypotheses for the origin of the cupule. The cupule may be ancestral within "higher" hamamelids and subsequently lost in core members of the clade or there may have been two independent origins. It is suggested that the three clades (1) Nothofagaceae, (2) Fagaceae, and (3) Juglandaceae, Rhoiptelea, Myricaceae, Casuarina, Ticodendron, and Betulaceae be considered at the ordinal level and that traditional orders, such as Fagales sensu Cronquist (Fagaceae, Nothofagaceae, and Betulaceae) be abandoned. Comparative analyses of matK sequences with previously published rbcL sequences demonstrate that for the taxa considered here matK sequences produced trees with greater phylogenetic resolution and a higher consistency index.  相似文献   

The development of protocols for the conservation of fungi requires knowledge of the factors controlling their distribution, diversity, and community composition. Here we compare patterns of variation in fungal communities across New Zealand's Nothofagus forests, reportedly the most myco-diverse in New Zealand and hence potentially key to effective conservation of fungi in New Zealand. Diversity of leaf endophytic fungi, as assessed by culturing on agar plates, is assessed for three Nothofagus sp. growing in mixed stands from four sites. Host species was found to have a greater influence on fungal community assemblage than site. The leaf endophyte communities associated with Nothofagus solandri and Nothofagus fusca (both Nothofagus subgenus Fuscopora), were more similar to each other than either were to the community associated with Nothofagus menziesii (Nothofagus subgenus Lophozonia). The broad taxonomic groups isolated, identified on the basis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences, were similar to those found in similar studies from other parts of the world, and from an earlier study on the endophyte diversity in four podocarp species from New Zealand, but there were few matches at species level. Average levels of endophyte species diversity associated with single Nothofagus species and single podocarp species were similar, despite historical literature and collection data recording more than twice as many fungal species on average from the Nothofagus species. The significance of these findings to fungal conservation is discussed.  相似文献   

Three leaf and two cupule forms of Nothofagus from the Early Oligocene deposit at Lea River are assigned to the previously described species Nothofagus tasmanica, N. lobata, N. gunnii, N glandularis and N. bulbosa. A single leaf specimen is possibly referable to Nothofagus subgenus Brassospora. Nothofagus microphylla , previously described from Monpeelyata, is separated into two species. These two species are N. microphylla and a new deciduous species named Nothojagus martinii. N. murophylla is transferred from the Nothofagus subgenus Lophozonia to subgenus Nothofagus , based upon cuticular characteristics. Nothw bulbosa and Nothojiis gunnii are also present at Monpeelyata. It is proposed that both N. lobata and N. microphylla have heterophyllous shoots and thus two leaf morphologies. Evolutionary and environmental relationships between Nothofagus species at Lea River, Monpeelyata and Little Rapid River are discussed. Large scale disturbance and increased seasonality are predicted to have caused the extinction of Nothofqus subgenus Nothofagus in Australia.  相似文献   

Three powdery mildew species present on Nothofagus (viz. Erysiphe magellanica, E. nothofagi and E. patagoniaca) are endemic to South America and have unique ascomatal appendages that are not found in powdery mildews of the northern hemisphere. We determined the nucleotide sequences of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer regions and D1/D2 domains of the 28S rDNA of these three powdery mildew species to reveal their phylogenetic relationships with powdery mildews of the northern hemisphere. Although the molecular phylogenetic analyses indicated that the three Nothofagus powdery mildews are closely related to each other they did not group into one clade in either the ITS or 28S trees. Kishino-Hasegawa, Shimodaira-Hasegawa and Templeton tests could not significantly reject the constrained trees that were constructed based on the assumption that the Nothofagus powdery mildews would form a single clade. Based on this result and the evidence that all Nothofagus powdery mildews are endemic to South America and have similar morphological characteristics, it is likely that these three species diverged from a single ancestor present on Nothofagus. Calibration of evolutionary events with molecular clocks suggested that the Nothofagus powdery mildews split from the northern hemisphere relatives 22-16 million y ago (Ma) in the middle Miocene, and divergence among the Nothofagus powdery mildews occurred 17-13 Ma. These results do not support a southern hemisphere base of the Nothofagus powdery mildews.  相似文献   

A review of methods used in the taxonomy of the Fagaceae is presented, with a critical focus made on the nomenclature of extant and fossil taxa, notablyNothofagus. The most recent classifications of the family and the problems of character weighting are considered, and an argument is made to reduce the subfamilies to tribes. The origin of the cupule is then discussed. Interpretations of the cupule as a series of reduced dichasial axes are criticized for their essentialistic approach, lack of evolutionary evidence and failure of application to the family as a whole. With the postulating of an ancestral form, the origin of the cupule involving a combination of characters from an outer tripartite perianth whorl and the pericarp is proposed. The theory provides for the evolution of the thin-walled dry pericarp and all the cupule forms found in the family today.  相似文献   

This article documents the addition of 411 microsatellite marker loci and 15 pairs of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) sequencing primers to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Acanthopagrus schlegeli, Anopheles lesteri, Aspergillus clavatus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus terreus, Branchiostoma japonicum, Branchiostoma belcheri, Colias behrii, Coryphopterus personatus, Cynogolssus semilaevis, Cynoglossus semilaevis, Dendrobium officinale, Dendrobium officinale, Dysoxylum malabaricum, Metrioptera roeselii, Myrmeciza exsul, Ochotona thibetana, Neosartorya fischeri, Nothofagus pumilio, Onychodactylus fischeri, Phoenicopterus roseus, Salvia officinalis L., Scylla paramamosain, Silene latifo, Sula sula, and Vulpes vulpes. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Aspergillus giganteus, Colias pelidne, Colias interior, Colias meadii, Colias eurytheme, Coryphopterus lipernes, Coryphopterus glaucofrenum, Coryphopterus eidolon, Gnatholepis thompsoni, Elacatinus evelynae, Dendrobium loddigesii Dendrobium devonianum, Dysoxylum binectariferum, Nothofagus antarctica, Nothofagus dombeyii, Nothofagus nervosa, Nothofagus obliqua, Sula nebouxii, and Sula variegata. This article also documents the addition of 39 sequencing primer pairs and 15 allele specific primers or probes for Paralithodes camtschaticus.  相似文献   

The genus Nothofagus is mainly distributed in South America and New Zealand. The present paper describes its pollen exine ultrastructure and compares the exine ultrastructure with that of the other genera of Fagaceae. The pollen grains were examined using ultrathin sectioning technique under transmission electron microscope. The study shows that the pollen exine ultrastructure of Nothofagus differs from that of the other genera of Fagaceae by its exine structure and thickness, type of aperture, and ornamentation. The pollen exine of Nothofagus is thin and possesses granular bacules, regular foot layer and tectum, spinulate ornamentation, and the endexine is usually visible at poral area, and 5~8 colpate. The pollen exine of the other genera of Fagaceae possesses entire bacules, irregular foot layer and tectum, granulate and tuberculate ornamentation, thicker endexine, and is 3-colporate ( 3-colpate or 3-colporoidate). The pollen exine ultrastructure of Nothofagus may belong to primitive type. The pollen exine ultrastructure data support Kuprianova’s opinion that Nothofagus should be separated from Fagaceae and established as a monogenetic family, i.e. Nothofa-gaceae.  相似文献   

Peterson KR  Pfister DH  Bell CD 《Mycologia》2010,102(6):1417-1425
The obligate, biotrophic association among species of the fungal genus Cyttaria and their hosts in the plant genus Nothofagus often is cited as a classic example of cophylogeny and is one of the few cases in which the biogeography of a fungus is commonly mentioned or included in biogeographic analyses. In this study molecular and morphological data are used to examine hypotheses regarding the cophylogeny and biogeography of the 12 species of Cyttaria and their hosts, the 11 species of Nothofagus subgenera Lophozonia and Nothofagus. Our results indicate highly significant overall cophylogenetic structure, despite the fact that the associations between species of Cyttaria and Nothofagus usually do not correspond in a simple one to one relationship. Two major lineages of Cyttaria are confined to a single Nothofagus subgenus, a specificity that might account for a minimum of two codivergences. We hypothesize other major codivergences. Numerous extinction also are assumed, as are an independent parasite divergence followed by host switching to account for C. berteroi. Considering the historical association of Cyttaria and Nothofagus, our hypothesis may support the vicariance hypothesis for the trans-Antarctic distribution between Australasian and South American species of Cyttaria species hosted by subgenus Lophozonia. It also supports the hypothesis of transoceanic long distance dispersal to account for the relatively recent relationship between Australian and New Zealand Cyttaria species, which we estimate to have occurred 44.6-28.5 mya. Thus the history of these organisms is not only a reflection of the breakup of Gondwana but also of other events that have contributed to the distributions of many other southern hemisphere plants and fungi.  相似文献   

The present study is the first report of fingerprinting on three Chilean Nothofagus species using ISSR and RAPD markers; 61 Nothofagus nervosa, 32 Nothofagus obliqua and 32 Nothafagus dombeyi individual trees, sampled from collection and natural sites, were analyzed. Among 45 primers tested, the 6 ISSR and 6 RAPD primers selected for the analysis generated a total of 63 ISSR and 42 RAPD fragments. A high proportion of polymorphic bands, ranging from 97% and 80%, was found using both markers. A similar number of private and marker bands was generated by both markers in all the species examined and one discriminant ISSR fragment was obtained for N. dombeyi. Jaccard and Dice similarity indices were used to evaluate pairwise genetic divergence; cluster analysis of the similarity matrices was performed to estimate the intra- and inter-specific genetic diversity, and PCA analysis was employed to evaluate the resolving power of the markers to differentiate between the species. These analyses, carried out for both markers, allowed us to identify three main groups corresponding to the three Nothofagus species. The results of the present study can be seen as a starting point for future researches on the population and evolutionary genetics of these species.  相似文献   

We quantified brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) diet in a mixed Nothofagus fusca-N. menziesii forest in north Westland. Diet comprised 49 food items of which four (Aristotelia serrata, Muehlenbeckia australis and Weinmannia racemosa foliage, and W. racemosa flowers) contributed 68%. The canopy dominant Nothofagus species were a minor diet component (<1%), while wood, fungi and bark were a small but consistent part of diet (10.1%). Our results are similar to previous possum diet studies in Nothofagus forests and suggest that possums are very selective in their feeding, both spatially and temporally, focusing on key preferred species in particular parts of the forest and taking advantage of different food types that become available at different times of the year.  相似文献   

We analysed pollen in short-tailed bat guano samples from Rangataua Forest and from guano and pollen found in bat holding bags used in the Kaimanawa Range, central North Island. Fifty seven percent of the pollen from Rangataua was from a previously unrecorded source and was tentatively identified as Trachycarpus fortunei (Chinese windmill palm). The significant remaining pollen was identified as Collospermum (15%) and Nothofagus (14%) from Rangataua, and Collospermum (90%) and Nothofagus (6%) from Kaimanawa. While the presence of Collospermum from both sites is consistent with previous work, pollen from T. fortunei, an exotic palm growing near Rangataua Forest, has not previously been found in association with short-tailed bats. Despite nocturnal surveillance with automated bat detectors and infra-red video cameras, we failed to confirm bat visitation to these palms. Nothofagus is wind-pollinated and pollen extracted from samples taken from both sites is probably wind-borne contamination. A collation of data from all available studies on the pollen found associated with short-tailed bats throughout New Zealand reveals that flowers from just four plant groups appear to be regularly used by bats: Collospermum spp., Knightia excelsa, Metrosideros spp. and, apparently, T. fortunei.  相似文献   

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