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The influence of abscisic acid (ABA) on the process of polysome formation and synthesis of newly-formed proteins by different polysome populations was studied. Triticale caryopses were germinated in water or various ABA concentrations for 48 hrs, and afterwards they were transferred to a solution of 14C-amino acids and germinated for an additional 30 min. Embryos were separated from caryopses, and four polysome populations were isolated: the FP (free polysomes), MBP (membrane-bound polysomes), CBP (cytoskeleton-bound polysomes) and CMBP (cytoskeleton-membrane-bound polysomes). ABA retarded both the process of polysome formation and their activity in forming new proteins in vivo in all studied fractions. Participation of polysomes in total ribosomal materials (sub-units, monosomes and polysomes) of each polysome population in the control sample was as follows: FP — 77; MBP — 72; CBP — 70 and CMBP — 66 %, whereas in sample treated by ABA (100 μM) it was accordingly: 17; 23; 27 and 28%. The largest population made up FP (in control sample 69%), participation of MBP was always lower and ranged from about 19 to 30 %. Participation of polysome populations bound with the cytoskeleton CBP and CMBP, both in control sample as well as in samples treated with 1 and 10 μM ABA solution, was only a few per cent. It should be noted that when the ABA concentration was higher (100 μM) (process of germination was strongly inhibited), participation of those two populations (CBP and CMBP) was much increased in embryos, respectively to about 18 and 20 %. In both the control group and in embryonal tissue treated with ABA increasing incorporation of radioactive precursors to newly-formed proteins in vivo in fractions of polysomes isolated by following buffers: C (FP), C + PTE (MBP), C + Tris (CBP) and buf. U (CMBP) was observed. It should be noted, that the biggest incorporation of 14C-amino acids into nascent polypeptide chains was found in the last polysome population (CMBP). In the sample treated with ABA (100 μM) the activity of this fraction (CMBP) in forming new proteins is several times, and in the case of FP dozens of times, more intense. Increased participation of CBP and CMBP in embryos of triticale caryopses treated with ABA (100 μM) and the largest incorporation of 14C-amino acids into nascent polypeptide chains synthesised by CMBP, may indicate the important role of proteins formed by polysomes associated with cytoskeleton in inhibition of germination and seedling growth by ABA.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of water-deficit stress on the process of formation of different polysomal populations, their abundance and stability in embryonic tissue during triticale caryopsis germination. Osmotic stress retarded the ability of seeds to germinate and decreased the content of the total ribosomal fraction in embryos. In control samples, the fraction of free polysomes was the most abundant and this population of polysomes decreased sharply in osmotic stress conditions. Water-deficit stress applied during germination profoundly changed the proportions between different polysome populations in the total ribosomal fraction of embryonic tissue. The predominant population in these conditions was the cytoskeleton-bound fraction. This may indicate an important role for cytoskeleton-bound polysomes in the synthesis of stress-induced proteins. We hypothesize that there must be an active mechanism of translational control that permits specific proteins to be synthesized despite a reduction in total protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The influence of abscisic acid (ABA) on the processes of formation of different polysomal populations, their structures and stability in embryonal tissue during pea seeds germination was studied. The contents of total ribosomal fraction increased in all samples up to 72 h of germination and then decreased. The contents of polysomal population (FP, MBP, CBP and CMBP) extracted from the embryonal tissue after 72 hrs of germination of pea seeds were then quantified. It turned out that in examined tissue of control sample, fraction of free polysomes (FP) was the most abounded. This population of polysomes in sprouts decreased after ABA treatment. FP content decreased even more when the higher ABA concentration was applied during germination. Similar changes were observed in the fraction of membrane-bound polysomes (MBP). Quite different tendencies were found, however, in forming population of the cytoskeleton-membrane-bound polysomes (CMBP). The CMBP population content in embryonal tissue increased in a dosage dependent manner with increasing concentration of ABA applied during seed germination. This indicates the important role of CMBP fraction in synthesis of specific proteins in embryos in the time when processes of seeds germination are retarded by ABA. In the final part we examined the stability of polysomes isolated from sprouts of germinating seeds in water and sprouts isolated from seeds treated with ABA (100 μM) during germination. Total polysomes isolated from embryonal tissue of germinating seeds treated with ABA showed much higher resistance to exogenous ribonuclease digestion than total polysomes of control sample. The obtained results suggest that ABA influence on different polysomal population formation also controls their stability.  相似文献   

During germination of barley grains, DNA fragmentation was observed in the aleurone. The appearance of DNA fragmentation in the aleurone layer, observed by TUNEL staining in aleurone sections, started near the embryo and extended to the aleurone cells far from the embryo in a time dependent manner. The same spatial temporal activities of hydrolytic enzymes such as -amylase were observed in aleurone. DNA fragmentation could also be seen in vitro under osmotic stress, in isolated aleurone. During aleurone protoplast isolation, a very enhanced and strong DNA fragmentation occurred which was not seen in protoplast preparations of tobacco leaves. ABA was found to inhibit DNA fragmentation occurring in barley aleurone under osmotic stress condition and during protoplast isolation, while the plant growth regulator gibberellic acid counteracted the effect of ABA. Addition of auxin or cytokinin had no significant effect on DNA fragmentation in these cells. To study the role of phosphorylation in ABA signal transduction leading to control of DNA fragmentation (apoptosis), the effects of the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid and of phenylarisine oxide on apoptosis were studied. We hypothesize that the regulation of DNA fragmentation in aleurone plays a very important role in spatial and temporal control of aleurone activities during germination. The possible signal transduction pathway of ABA leading to the regulation of DNA fragmentation is discussed.  相似文献   

Over the past decades many studies have aimed at elucidating the regulation of seed dormancy and germination. Many hypotheses have been proposed and rejected but the regulatory principle behind changes in dormancy and induction of germination is still a black box. The majority of proposed mechanisms have a role for certain plant hormones in common. Abscisic acid and the gibberellins are the hormones most frequently suggested to control these processes. The development of hormone-deficient mutants made it possible to provide direct evidence for the involvement of hormones in germination and dormancy related processes.In the present paper an attempt is made to assess the role of abscisic acid and gibberellins in the transitions between dormant and non-dormant states and germination. First a conceptual framework is presented in which the different states of dormancy and germination are defined in order to contribute to a solution of the semantic confusion about these terms that has existed since the beginning of seed physiology.It is concluded that abscisic acid plays a pivotal role during the development of primary dormancy and gibberellins are involved in the induction of germination. Changes in sensitivity to these hormones occur during changes in dormancy. Both synthesis of and responsiveness to the hormones are controlled by natural environmental factors such as light, temperature and nitrate.  相似文献   

This study was conducted on barley cv. Ars. caryopses collected at full ripeness and divided into two batches. From one batch (dormant caryopses) polysomes were isolated from embryos immediately after harvesting and after two days of germination. From the other batch (non-dormant caryopses) the same was done after eight months storage in a dry state. A low ionic strength cytoskeleton-stabilizing buffer was used for the isolation of polysomes. Four different fractions of polysomes were examined: free polysomes (FP), membrane-bound polysomes (MBP), cytoskeleton-bound polysomes (CBP) and cytoskeleton-membrane-bound polysomes (CMBP). In germs grown from non-dormant caryopses, the first two fractions (FP + MBP) made up about 78 % of the total ribosomal material, whereas in embryos of dormant, imbibed caryopses, two last fractions (CBP + CMBP) made up about 71 %. The percentage of polysomes after 48 hours of imbibition of dormant caryopses in the FP, MBP and CBP was only about 13 % (i.e., 87 % monosomes), whereas a greater proportion (19.4 %) was found in the CMBP. The highest incorporation of 3H-uridine and 14C-amino acids (after 48 hours of germination and 0.5, 3 and 6 hrs incubation with precursors) took place in trhc CMBP both in dormant and non-dormant caryopses The major amount of the two polysome fractions associated with the cytoskeleton (CBP and CMBP) and the higher activity of CMBP in protein synthesis in embryos of dormant, imbibed triticale caryopses may indicate a significant role for polysomes associated with the cytoskeleton in the control of protein synthesis in dormant and germinating caryopses.  相似文献   

Levels of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) in immature wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Timmo) and barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Golden Promise) embryos have been determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Embryos of both cereal species showed an increase in ABA content during development on the parent plant. Immature embryos were excised and cultured in vitro on nutrient media that led to precocious germination or on media containing 9% (w/v) mannitol that maintained their developmental arrest. Barley and wheat embryos responded to these culture conditions in an identical manner with respect to changes in morphology, fresh weight, protein and lectin content. However, in complete contrast, the ABA content of barley embryos increased by an order of magnitude during culture on mannitol, whereas that of wheat embryos showed no significant change. The results are discussed within the context of the role of ABA in the regulation of embryo development.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BGA barley-germ agglutinin - dpa days post anthesis - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - WGA wheat-germ agglutinin  相似文献   

Seed dormancy develops latein embryogenesis after a period of potential prematuregermination and has been associated with levels ofabscisic acid (ABA) in, and sensitivity to, ABA ofembryos. In wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)embryos, there are two peaks in levels of ABA duringdevelopment: the first occurs 25 days afterpollination (DAP) and the second from 35 to 40 DAP. The first peak of ABA appears to be associated withthe development of the embryo's sensitivity to ABAsince such sensitivity was altered in seeds on earsthat were incubated in a solution of ABA from 15 and20 DAP. In the embryos of Kitakei wheat, a line thatexhibits dormancy, the second peak, at around 35 DAP,was more prolonged in comparison to Chihoku, anon-dormant line. The results support the proposedinvolvement of ABA in the formation and maintenance ofseed dormancy during middle and late embryogenesis. When developing embryos were incubated in water,embryonic ABA leaked out from the embryos, inparticular between 30 and 40 DAP. Prematuregermination observed between 30 and 40 DAP might berelated to such leakage of ABA from embryos.  相似文献   

In a wide range of plant species, seed germination is regulated antagonistically by two plant hormones, abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellin (GA). In the present study, we have revealed that ABA metabolism (both biosynthesis and inactivation) was phytochrome-regulated in an opposite fashion to GA metabolism during photoreversible seed germination in Arabidopsis. Endogenous ABA levels were decreased by irradiation with a red (R) light pulse in dark-imbibed seeds pre-treated with a far-red (FR) light pulse, and the reduction in ABA levels in response to R light was inhibited in a phytochrome B (PHYB)-deficient mutant. Expression of an ABA biosynthesis gene, AtNCED6, and the inactivation gene, CYP707A2, was regulated in a photoreversible manner, suggesting a key role for the genes in PHYB-mediated regulation of ABA metabolism. Abscisic acid-deficient mutants such as nced6-1, aba2-2 and aao3-4 exhibited an enhanced ability to germinate relative to wild type when imbibed in the dark after irradiation with an FR light pulse. In addition, the ability to synthesize GA was improved in the aba2-2 mutant compared with wild type during dark-imbibition after an FR light pulse. Activation of GA biosynthesis in the aba2-2 mutant was also observed during seed development. These data indicate that ABA is involved in the suppression of GA biosynthesis in both imbibed and developing seeds. Spatial expression patterns of the AtABA2 and AAO3 genes, responsible for last two steps of ABA biosynthesis, were distinct from that of the GA biosynthesis gene, AtGA3ox2, in both imbibed and developing seeds, suggesting that biosynthesis of ABA and GA in seeds occurs in different cell types.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The smoke-derived compound karrikinolide (KAR1) shows significant potential as a trigger for the synchronous germination of seeds in a variety of plant-management contexts, from weed seeds in paddocks, to native seeds when restoring degraded lands. Understanding how KAR1 interacts with seed physiology is a necessary precursor to the development of the compound as an efficient and effective management tool. This study tested the ability of KAR1 to stimulate germination of seeds of the global agronomic weed Brassica tournefortii, at different hydration states, to gain insight into how the timing of KAR1 applications in the field should be managed relative to rain events.


Seeds of B. tournefortii were brought to five different hydration states [equilibrated at 15 % relative humidity (RH), 47 % RH, 96 % RH, fully imbibed, or re-dried to 15 % RH following maximum imbibition] then exposed to 1 nm or 1 µm KAR1 for one of five durations (3 min, 1 h, 24 h, 14 d or no exposure).

Key Results

Dry seeds with no history of imbibition were the most sensitive to KAR1; sensitivity was lower in seeds that were fully imbibed or fully imbibed then re-dried. In addition, reduced sensitivity to KAR1 was associated with an increased sensitivity to exogenously applied abscisic acid (ABA).


Seed water content and history of imbibition were found to significantly influence whether seeds germinate in response to KAR1. To optimize the germination response of seeds, KAR1 should be applied to dry seeds, when sensitivity to ABA is minimized.  相似文献   

The effect of exogenous abscisic acid and cAMP on synthesis of soluble proteins in wheat caryopses in drought has been studied. Both compounds affected the formation of the polypeptides whose synthesis was stimulated by dehydration: they increased the incorporation of the label into polypeptides of 13, 15, and 26 kD and decreased the incorporation of the label into polypeptides of 14, 64, and 77 kD. Abscisic acid and cAMP increased the level of the incorporation of [14C]leucine into the low-molecular-weight polypeptides of 12, 17, and 19 kD whose synthesis was suppressed by drought. These data suggest that the cyclic adenylate signal system is probably involved in the effect of abscisic acid on protein synthesis in drought.  相似文献   

Addition of liquid medium, conditioned by an embryogenic suspension, to MH1 solid medium (3,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 9 M, 6-benzyladenine 9 M) permitted the frequent induction of highly embryogenic calli from slices of internal integument of immature seeds of Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg. The proliferation of embryogenic cell clusters was achieved in MH1 liquid medium. Abscisic acid (ABA), cytokinins and adenine were tested for their ability to affect development of somatic embryos to plantlets. The transfer of embryogenic cell clusters on auxin-free solid medium with 10-5M ABA for 2 months stimulated embryo development. When torpedo-shaped embryos were transferred to medium with adenine or cytokinins they turned green in 1 month. Green embryos produced secondary embryos when they were collected and placed on medium without growth regulators.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BA 6-benzyladenine - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - NOA -naphthoxyacetic acid - 2iP 2-iso-pentenyladenine - 3,4-D 3,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

The antagonism between abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellin (GA) plays a key role in controlling seed germination,1,2 but the mechanism of antagonism during this process is not known. In the associated study,3 we investigated the relationship among ABA, reactive oxygen species (ROS), ascorbic acid (ASC) and GA during rice seed germination. ROS production is reduced by ABA, which hence results in decreasing ASC accumulation during imbibition. GA accumulation was also suppressed by a reduced ROS and ASC level, whereas application of exogenous ASC can partially rescue seed germination from ABA treatment. Further results show that production of ASC, which acts as a substrate in GA biosynthesis, was significantly inhibited by lycorine which thus suppressed the accumulation of GA. Consequently, expression of GA biosynthesis genes was suppressed by the low levels of ROS and ASC in ABA-treated seeds. These studies reveal a new role for ASC in mediating the antagonism between ABA and GA during seed germination in rice.  相似文献   

1′-Deoxyabscisic acid (1′-deoxy-ABA) has been isolated from cultures of Cercospora rosicola which are actively synthesizing abscisic acid (ABA)  相似文献   

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) zygotic embryos were successfully cryopreserved, without the addition of exogenous cryoprotectants, using only an abscisic acid (ABA) pretreatment. Optimum survival was obtained when embryos were cultured in vitro for 10 days on semisolid Murashige and Skoog (MS) nutrient medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L (±) ABA prior to cryopreservation. The embryos resumed growth within three days when returned to MS medium devoid of ABA but containing 2mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The embryogenic calli produced from these embryos exhibited normal plant regeneration on auxin-free media. Changes in dw/fw ratio, as well as the esterified fatty acid and sucrose concentrations correlated positively with the development of tolerance to cryopreservation.NRCC Publication No. 33519  相似文献   

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