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Maitotoxin (MTX), a potent marine toxin involved in ciguatera poisoning, inhibited sea urchin egg fertilization in a dose-dependent manner with an IC50 of 7.5 x 10(-3) MU (mouse-unit)/ml. It did not affect male gametes fertilizing capabilities but provoked exocytosis in female gametes. It induced a K+ loss simultaneously with a Na+ entry into unfertilized eggs and increased the Ca2+ influx at higher concentrations. On isolated cortex preparations, high concentrations of MTX reduced the rate of ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation into reticulum compartments and caused a leakage of Ca2+ from a preparation pre-loaded with 45Ca2+. Verapamil (10(-4) M) similarly blocked the increase of egg permeability to Ca2+ and the effect on Ca2+ sequestering into intracellular compartment, induced by MTX. Ion transport perturbations which evolved relatively slowly are probably not the direct cause of fertilization inhibition which could be related to a modification of the plasma membrane of the female gametes by this hydrophilic toxin.  相似文献   

Interphylum crossing was examined between sea urchin eggs (Temnopleurus hardwicki) and oyster sperm (Crassostrea gigas). The eggs could receive the spermatozoa with or without cortical change. The fertilized eggs that elevated the fertilization envelope began their embryogenesis. Electron microscopy revealed that oyster spermatozoa underwent acrosome reaction on the sea urchin vitelline coat, and their acrosomal membrane fused with the egg plasma membrane after the appearance of an intricate membranous structure in the boundary between the acrosomal process and the egg cytoplasm. Oyster spermatozoa penetrated sometimes into sea urchin eggs without stimulating cortical granule discharge and consequently without fertilization envelope formation. The organelles derived from oyster spermatozoa seemed to be functionally inactive in the eggs whose cortex remained unchanged.  相似文献   

The sea urchin egg receptor for sperm is a 350 kDa glycoprotein containing a large extracellular domain that contains the sperm binding site, a transmembrane domain and a short COOH- terminal intracellular domain. During oogenesis, the receptor protein is first detected in Golgi-associated vesicles and cortical granules. Not until the egg is mature does the receptor appear on the cell surface; at this stage the intact receptor is found in approximately equal quantities on the egg cell surface and in cortical granules. As a potentially unique type of receptor, we were interested in its fate following fertilization. Several techniques have revealed that, following sperm binding, the amount of receptor markedly decreases. Using western blot analysis as well as direct measurement of the receptor protein, it was found that the membrane-bound form of the receptor rapidly disappeared following sperm binding to the egg, with only 3% of the receptor remaining after 30 s. Analysis by immupoelectron microscopy revealed that 30 s after sperm binding, 30% of the initial level of receptor was present. This remaining 30% was found mostly within the perivitelline space formed by the raised fertilization envelope. The disparity between these two sets of results (i.e. 3 vs 30%) is most likely accounted for by the exocytosis of receptor molecules from cortical granules; this fraction of the receptor would have been lost during isolation of the membrane-bound form of the receptor. Thus, unlike other cell surface receptors, the sea urchin egg receptor for sperm is not endocytosed and recycled following ligand binding. Rather, it disappears, presumably as a result of proteolysis. Transiently, the cortical granule form of the receptor is found released into the perivitelline space where it may bind to sperm and thereby prevent polyspermy. Despite the apparent secretion of this form of the receptor, experiments with antibodies to the extracellular and intracellular domains indicate that the receptors in cortical granules and in the plasmic membrane are similar, if not identical.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from sea urchin embryos in early development show almost the same activities of cytochrome c oxidase and flavin-linked complex enzymes, which are estimated by cytochrome c reductases as in those isolated from unfertilized eggs. The activities of these cytochrome c reductases are inhibited by Ca2+ at above 10-5 M more strongly than cytochrome c oxidase. To investigate the changes in intramitochondrial Ca2+ concentration at fertilization, the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase, another mitochondrial enzyme, was measured. The activity of this enzyme was controlled by phosphorylation and Ca2+-dependent dephosphorylation of the catalytic unit. The enzyme activity increased for 30 min after fertilization, decreased and became close to zero within ~60 min. Then, the activity appreciably increased again after hatching. This seems to reflect changes in the intramitochondrial Ca2+ concentration. The enzyme activity was enhanced by pre-incubation with Ca2+ at concentrations up to 10-5 M but was made quite low at above 10-4 M Ca2+ and 10-3 M adenosine triphosphate. Although the changes in pyruvate dehydrogenase activity observed at fertilization will reflect the changes in the intramitochondrial calcium concentration, the intramitochondrial Ca2+ concentration of unfertilized eggs cannot be estimated from these results because high (> 10-4 M) or low (10-6 M) Ca2+ can inhibit the enzyme. Measurement of respiration of a single egg showed that injection of ethyleneglycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid released the mitochondrial electron transport in the unfertilized egg. The possibility that changes in intramitochondrial calcium concentration occur at fertilization is discussed in relation to activation of both mitochondrial respiration and pyruvate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

In sea urchin eggs, 10 μg/mL melittin was found to induce fertilization envelope formation without any increase in [Ca2+]i (the intracellular free Ca2+ level). On the other hand, 10 μmol/L Br-A23187 and 100 μg/mL SDS induced fertilization envelope formation associated with [Ca2+]i increase. If EGTA was injected into eggs to make an intracellular concentration of 2 mmol/L, [Ca2+]i became quite low and was not altered by melittin, or by Br-A23187 and SDS. In eggs containing EGTA, fertilization envelope formation was induced by melittin even in Ca2+-free artificial sea water, but not by Br-A23187 or SDS. Thus [Ca2+]i is essential for induction of a fertilization envelope in sea urchin eggs by Br-A23187 or SDS but not by melittin. Melittin probably activates some Ca2+-independent reaction downstream of Ca2+-dependent reactions in a sequential reaction system that finally results in fertilization envelope formation.  相似文献   

In sea urchin eggs, the activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) [ E C] is detectable only in the particulate fraction yielded by centrifuging egg homogenates at 10,000g for 30 minutes. ODC activity in the particulate fraction isolated from fertilized eggs is higher than that from unferti-lized eggs. ODC activity in the particulate fraction isolated from either unfertilized or fertilized eggs is enhanced by adding the supernatant fraction obtained by centrifugation at 105,000g for two hours. Heating this supernatant at 70°C for 15 minutes results In complete loss of the stimulating capacity for ODC activity. Sea urchin eggs seem to contain heat labile activating substance(s) for ODC activity. The substance does not pass through the ultrafiltration membrane Diafro UM–10. Only eggs and unhatched embryos, in which mitosis occurs frequently, contain the activating substance. In the presence of the activating substance, Ca2+enhanced ODC activity.  相似文献   

Chromatin within swollen or lysed isolated sperm nuclei of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, was examined by electron microscopy. Spread preparations of lysed sperm nuclei demonstrated dense aggregates of nondispersed material and beaded filaments radiating from these aggregates. These beaded fibers are similar in size and appearance to the “beads-on-a-string” seen as characteristic of chromatin spreads from numerous interphase nuclei. The beads are nucleosomes that have an average diameter of 130 Å. The interconnecting string is 40 Å indiameter and corresponds to the spacer DNA. In thin sections of swollen nuclei the sperm chromatin appears to be composed of 400 Å superbeads that are closely apposed to form 400 Å fibers. As the chromatin disperses, the superbeads are seen to be attached to one another by chromatin fibers of 110 Å diameter. In thin sections, the 400 Å superbeads appear to disperse directly into the 110 Å fibers with no intervening structures. This work demonstrates that the heterochromatin in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sperm nuclei is composed of nucleosomes that form 100 Å filaments that are compacted into 400 Å superbeads. The superbeads coalesce to give the morphological appearance of 400 Å fibers.  相似文献   

Studies examining cytoplasmic and sperm nuclear transformations in sea urchin (Arbacia punctulata) eggs inseminated at different periods after ammonia activation have been caried out at the light- and electron-microscopic levels of observation. Arbaca eggs treated with ammonia-seawater demonstrated chromosome condensation after DNA synthesis and underwent a chromosome cycle similar to that described for Lytechinus [Mazia, 1947]. Cortical granule reaction, fertilization cone formation, and sperm aster development in eggs fertilized at 20 (interphase), 50 (prometaphase), and 180 (interphase) min after ammonia activation were structurally simialr to processes in untreated zygotes. Cyclical changes in the formation of fertilization cones and sperm asters, as reported for eggs fertilized after activation by agents that induce a cortical granule reaction, were not observed. Although sperm nuclear transformations were prolonged (14 vs 18 min), male pronuclei that developed in eggs fertilized 20 min after ammonia activation were morphologically similar to those observed in fertilized, untreated ova and incorporated 3H-thymidine. Sperm incorporated into eggs at 50 min after ammonia activation underwent nuclear envelope breakdown and chromatin despersion; however, 3H-thymidine incorporation was not observed, and male pronuclei rarely developed (less than 5% of all specimens examined). Subsequent to dispersion, the paternal chromatin condensed into chromosomes which were associated with an aster. These results demonstrate that although ammonia-activated eggs inseminated at interphase or prometaphase undergo similar cytoplasmic alterations, sperm nuclear transformations vary with the chromosome cycle of the egg.  相似文献   

A high-resolution sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system has been used to show the presence, in both whole sperm and isolated flagellar axonemes, of eight polypeptides migrating in the 300,000–350,000 molecular weight range characteristic of the heavy chains of dynein ATPase. Previously, only five such chains have been discernible. Extraction of isolated axonemes for 10 min at 4°C with a solution containing 0.6 M NaCl, pH 7, releases a mixture of particles that separate, in sucrose density gradient centrifugation, into a major peak, dynein 1 ATPase, sedimenting at 21 S and a minor peak at 12–14S. The polypeptide compositions of these two peaks are different. The dynein 1 peak, which contains most of the protein on the gradient, contains approximately equal quantities of two closely migrating heavy chains, with a small amount of a third, more slowly migrating chain; no other heavy chains appear in this peak. Two groups of smaller polypeptides (three intermediate chains, within the apparent molecular weight range 76,000–122,000 and four newly discovered light chains, within the apparent molecular weight range 14,000–24,000) cosediment with the 21 S peak. The heavy chain composition of the 12–14S peak is more complex, all eight heavy chains occurring in approximately the same ratios as occur in intact axonemes.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation on tyrosine and turnover of polyphosphoinositide metabolism are rapidly stimulated after fertilization. However, the interconnection between these pathways remains to be determined. In the present paper it is demonstrated that eggs of two different sea urchin species contain tyrosine phosphorylated proteins with calcium-sensitive phospholipase C activity. We have investigated whether phospholipase Cγ (PLCγ), characteristic of tyrosine kinase receptors, could be responsible for this activity. Western blot and immunocytochemistry performed with antibodies directed against PLCγ revealed the presence of this protein in cortical regions. It was also observed that PLCγ displayed calcium-sensitive activity. The present results suggest that PLCγ may be part of the cascade of events leading to the calcium signal responsible for egg activation at fertilization.  相似文献   

Summary We study exocytosis in the planar isolated cortex of the egg of the sea urchinLytechinus pictus. Solutins bathing the exocytotic apparatus need not contain appreciable amounts of ions: fusion follows addition of submicromolar calcium to solutions containing only nonelectrolyte. We examine the effects of altering the granule membrane permeability to small molecules with ionophores and digitonin. Introducing holes in the secretory granule membrane to the extent of allowing free passage of small molecules does not cause seretion in vitro. We add the amphipathic compound digitonin at 12 to 15 M concentrations and demonstrate that the granule membrane can become permeable to lucifer yellow, yet that granules remain intact. Granules still undergo exocytosis after digitonin treatment at such concentrations upon subsequent addition of calcium. Higher concentrations of digitonin lead to granule content swelling and vesicle bursting. We conclude that cortical granule hydration during exocytosis is not mediated by small ionic channels.  相似文献   

A factor which dissolves the vitelline layer was extracted from sperm of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Turbidity of the suspension was reduced when isolated vitelline layers were mixed with this sperm factor. When the mixture was subjected to SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, some of the protein bands of the vitelline layer were seen to be missing. The lytic activity of the factor was heat labile, completely inhibited by L-1-tosyl-amide-2-phenyl-ethylchloromethyl ketone and partially inhibited by soybean trypsin inhibitor. Chymotrypsin activity was detected, but not trypsin, arylsulfatase, or glycosidase. These results suggest that a chymotrypsin-like enzyme participates in lysis of the vitelline layer by the fertilizing spermatozoon.  相似文献   

Novel sulfated and nonsulfated oligosialyglycosphingolipids were isolated from sperm of the sea urchin,Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, and their structures were established as follows: ±HSO3Neu5Ac2(8Neu5Ac2)n6G1c11´Cer, wheren=0, 1, 2, 3. This provides the first evidence for the natural occurrence of a tetrasialic acid structure in glycosphingolipids. The finding of sulfated oligosialyl chains is especially noteworthy in that the sulfate group exclusively resides on the C-8 of the nonreducing terminal residues of oligo/polysialyl chains and that sulfation appears to be a termination signal for elongation of oligosialyl chains. Sulfation at the nonreducing terminal Neu5Ac residues of oligosialyl chains was also found to facilitate the formation of an inter-residue lactone between the carboxyl group at the nonreducing terminal sulfated Neu5Ac and the hydroxyl group at C-9 of the penultimate Neu5Ac residue. The long chain base was 4-hydroxysphinganine (t18:0) and the major fatty acid species were identified as C20:1, C21:1, and C22:1.Abbreviations C:M chloroform:methanol - FAB-MS fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry - GLC gas-liquid chromatography - GSL glycosphingolipid - HPTLC high performance thin-layer chromatography - Neu5Ac8HSO3 or HSO3 Neu5Ac 5-N-acetyl-8-O-sulforylneuraminic acid - Neu5Gc9HSO3 5-N-glycolyl-9-O-sulforylneuraminic acid - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - PB sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.2 - Sia sialic acid - HSO3 Sia sulfated sialic acid - polySia polysialic acid - TFA trifluoroacetic acid Since the dividing line between oligo- and polysialic acids is not rigidly defined, we propose here that those containing more than penta-sialic acid chains can be referred to as the polysialic acid group. The rationale for this is that 2 8-linked pentasialic acid is the minimum chain length to exhibit the conformational property of polysialic acid [of Michon, F, Brisson, J-R, Jennings, H (1987)Biochemistry 26: 8399–405] and to act as a substrate for the endosialidase, Endo-N [Hallenbeck, PC, Vimr, ER, Yu, F, Bassler, B, Troy, FA (1987)J Biol Chem 262: 3553–61].  相似文献   

Sea urchin sperm plasma membranes isolated from heads and flagella were used to examine the presence of Gs (stimulatory guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein) and small G-proteins. Flagellar plasma membranes incubated with [32P]NAD and cholera toxin (CTX) displayed radiolabeling in a protein of 48 kDa, which was reactive by immunoblotting with a specific antibody against mammalian Gs. CTX-catalyzed [32P]ADP-ribosylation in conjunction with immunoprecipitation with anti-Gs, followed by electrophoresis and autoradiography, revealed one band of 48 kDa. Head plasma membranes, in contrast, did not show substrates for ADP-ribosylation by CTX. In flagellar and head plasma membranes pertussis toxin (PTX) ADP-ribosylated the same protein described previously in membranes from whole sperm; the extent of ADP-ribosylation by PTX was higher in flagellar than in head membranes. Small G-proteins were investigated by [32P]GTP-blotting. Both head and flagellar plasma membranes showed three radiolabeled bands of 28, 25 and 24 kDa. Unlabeled GTP and GDP, but not other nucleotides, interfered with the [α-32P]GTP-binding in a concentration-dependent manner. A monoclonal antibody against human Ras p21 recognized a single protein of 21 kDa only in flagellar membranes. Thus, sea urchin sperm contain a membrane protein that shares characteristics with mammalian Gs and four small G-proteins, including Ras . Gs, Gi and Ras are enriched in flagellar membranes while the other small G-proteins do not display a preferential distribution along the sea urchin sperm plasma membrane. The role of these G-proteins in sea urchin sperm is presently under investigation.  相似文献   

Summary Hyperosmolality is known to inhibit membrane fusion during exocytosis. In this study cortical granule exocytosis in sea urchin eggs is used as a model system to determine at what step this inhibition occurs.Strongylocentrotus purpuratus eggs were incubated in hyperosmotic seawater (Na2SO4, sucrose or sodium HEPES used as osmoticants), the eggs activated with 20 m A23187 to trigger exocytosis, and then quick frozen or chemically fixed for electron microscopy. Thin sections and freeze-fracture replicas show that at high osmolality (2.31 osmol/kg), there is a decrease in cortical granule size, a 90% reduction in granule-plasma membrane fusion, and formation of a granulefree zone between the plasma membrane and cortical granules. This zone averages 0.64 m in thickness and prevents the majority of granules from docking at the plasma membrane. The remaining granules (10%) exhibit early stages of fusion which appear to have been stabilized; the matrix of these granules remains intact. We conclude that exocytosis is blocked by two separate mechanisms. First, the granule-free zone prevents granule-plasma membrane contact required for fusion. Second, in cases where fusion does occur, opening of the pocket and dispersal of the granule contents are slowed in hyperosmotic media.  相似文献   

Unfertilized sea urchin eggs exposed to the sulfhydryl reagents Ag+ or N-ethylmaleimide either elevated fertilizationlike membranes, formed surface protrusions, developed a clear cortical layer devoid of organelles, or cytolysed. The relative fraction of each modification varied from batch to batch and was also dose and time dependent. With Ag+ and higher doses of N-EMI (10?3 M), the most common effect was the elevation of a membrane indicating cortical exocytosis, while at lower doses of N-EMI protrusions were predominant. Glutathione (GSH) protected eggs against these reagents also in a dose-dependent manner. Eggs exposed to equimolar amounts of N-EMI and GSH, which otherwise formed membranes, produced protrusions, while increasing GSH tenfold afforded complete protection. We suggest there are two targets for the sulfhydryl reagents–the first, SH groups on proteins that regulate the release of Ca2+ from the intracellular sequestering mechanism which subsequently triggers cortical exocytosis; the second, SH groups on the egg surface that may regulate cortical organization.  相似文献   

In unfertilized eggs, the mechanism of valine uptake can be summarized as follows. It is saturable over the external concentration of valine and insensitive to the presence of external sodium, depletion of cellular energy supplies and intracellular acidosis. The activation energy for the transport reaction (16.3 kcal/mol) is within the range of values reported for active transport of small molecules. In fertilized eggs, the total rate of valine uptake can be divided into two components: (i) a Na+-insensitive uptake which accounts for about 7% of total absorption as shown by studies in Na+-free medium seems to possess the same characteristics as in unfertilized eggs, (ii) a Na+-dependent transport of valine which constitutes the main entry is formed about 5 min after fertilization. It follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics characterized by 15-fold increase in Vmax with no change in Km. These two mechanisms have characteristics in common, such as their insensitivity to metabolic energy supply, their energy of activation and their ability to concentrate valine. The relationship between the establishment of the Na+-dependent valine uptake and the ionic events triggered by fertilization is discussed.  相似文献   

The efflux of K+ and Na+ from sea urchin eggs during Ca2+ ionophore A23187-induced parthenogenesis was studied in a K+ and Na+-free artificial seawater using extracellular ion-specific electrodes. We have probed this model system with monovalent cation-specific ionophores to determine if they affect K+ efflux in the unfertilized egg and whether any changes in ionophore sensitivity are observed during egg activation. In 500 mM choline chloride, 10 mM CaCl2, 50 mM MgCl2, 10 mM Tris-Cl pH 8.0, A23187 induced a rapid efflux of K+ and Na+ from the eggs after a short lag time (10–15 seconds). After the burst, the rate of K+ efflux remained higher than the pre-activation rate, but was lower than during the burst phase, while the rate of Na+ efflux became nearly zero. Monovalent cation-specific ionophores (valinomycin, gramicidin and nigericin) had no effect on K+ efflux from the unfertilized eggs in our model system. However, once the egg was activated by A23187, each of the above ionophores caused a prolongation of the burst phase for many minutes. These results show that the unfertilized egg plasma membrane (using our artificial conditions) is not susceptible to the monovalent cation-specific antibiotics and suggest that either the inserted cortical granule membrane or the developing fertilization envelope interacts with these ionophores to cause the change in rate-limiting step for K+ efflux observed egg activation.  相似文献   

Activation state of sperm motility named “hyperactivation” enables mammalian sperm to progress through the oviductal matrix, although a similar state of sperm motility is unknown in non‐mammalian vertebrates at fertilization. Here, we found a high motility state of the sperm in the newt Cynops pyrrhogaster. It was predominantly caused in egg jelly extract (JE) and characterized by a high wave velocity of the undulating membrane (UM) that was significantly higher at the posterior midpiece. An insemination assay suggested that the high motility state might be needed for sperm to penetrate the egg jelly, which is the accumulated oviductal matrix. Specific characteristics of the high motility state were completely abrogated by a high concentration of verapamil, which blocks the L‐type and T‐type voltage‐dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs). Mibefradil, a dominant blocker of T‐type VDCCs, suppressed the wave of the UM at the posterior midpiece with separate wave propagation from both the anterior midpiece and the posterior principal piece. In addition, nitrendipine, a dominant L‐type VDCC blocker, weakened the wave of the UM, especially in the anterior midpiece. Live Ca2+ imaging showed that, compared with the intact sperm in the JE, the relative intracellular Ca2+ level changed especially in the anterior and posterior ends of the midpiece of the blocker‐treated sperm. These suggest that different types of Ca2+ channels mediate the intracellular Ca2+ level predominantly in the anterior and posterior ends of the midpiece to maintain the high motility state of the newt sperm.  相似文献   

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