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生态红线划分的理论和技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
林勇  樊景凤  温泉  刘述锡  李滨勇 《生态学报》2016,36(5):1244-1252
在重要生态功能区、生态环境敏感区/脆弱区等区域划定生态红线,控制人类活动强度,对于维护区域生态完整性和生态服务功能的可持续性,解决生态环境退化和资源枯竭问题,减轻异常自然灾害不利影响具有重要意义.虽然不少省市已开展生态红线划分和管理试点工作,但生态红线划分的理论和技术尚不完善。生态红线区划和管理急需理论指导和技术支持。对生态红线的内涵进行了分析,指出了空间红线、面积红线和管理红线之间的有机联系,强调了生态安全空间格局和区域生态服务需求在生态红线划分中的重要性;在生态红线划分技术研究综述基础上剖析了生态红线的研究中存在的问题,如划分方法简单粗放、对景观和区域尺度上的空间过程和空间联系考虑不足以及由于部门和学科分割带来的(海)水陆缺乏统筹等;论述了生态适宜性评价、景观/区域安全格局理论、海陆统筹理论、干扰生态学理论、生态系统管理和适应性理论以及驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应(DPSIR)模型框架等技术方法和理论以及它们在在生态红线划分中的潜在应用;最后提出了基于生态安全格局和区域生态服务需求的生态红线划分的技术路线,并对今后生态红线划分研究进行了展望。提出的生态红线划分技术和理论方法可为今后生态红线的研究提供有益参考。  相似文献   

生态学研究中的分析与能值分析理论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
付晓  吴钢  刘阳 《生态学报》2004,24(11):2621-2626
与能值是研究生态系统自组织过程的两个重要的目标函数。分析与能值分析理论在 2 0世纪 70年代开始应用于生态学研究 ,它们有各自的理论起点 ,在应用上从不同的角度表现生态系统功能 ,两者的互补关系受到了生态学家的关注 ,并在实际应用中取得了有益的研究成果。从与能值各自的理论基础与研究成果出发 ,概述了两者在描述生态系统功能上的互补关系 ,并分析了其在生态学理论研究及实际应用上的重要意义  相似文献   

From a theoretical viewpoint, nature management basically has two options to prolong metapopulation persistence: decreasing local extinction probabilities and increasing colonization probabilities. This article focuses on those options with a stochastic, single-species metapopulation model. We found that for most combinations of local extinction probabilities and colonization probabilities, decreasing the former increases metapopulation extinction time more than does increasing the latter by the same amount. Only for relatively low colonization probabilities is an effort to increase these probabilities more beneficial, but even then, decreasing extinction probabilities does not seem much less effective. Furthermore, we found the following rules of thumb. First, if one focuses on extinction, one should preferably decrease the lowest local extinction probability. Only if the extinction probabilities are (almost) equal should one prioritize decreases in the local extinction probability of the patch with the best direct connections to and from other patches. Second, if one focuses on colonization, one should preferably increase the colonization probability between the patches with the lowest local extinction probability. Only if the local extinction probabilities are (almost) equal should one instead prioritize increases in the highest colonization probability (unless extinction probabilities and colonization probabilities are very low). The rules of thumb have an important common denominator: the local extinction process has a greater bearing on metapopulation extinction time than colonization.  相似文献   

生态资产、生态补偿及生态文明科技贡献核算理论与技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
项目拟将国家生态文明制度建设科技需求与国际生态领域研究前沿结合,综合应用生态评估、社会调查、政策分析、系统模拟方法,重点研究:生态资产核算理论、技术方法与应用,生态系统生产总值与生态效益核算理论、技术方法与应用,生态保护与生态建设工程效益评估技术方法与应用,国家与地方生态补偿政策绩效评价,生态补偿模式、标准核算与政策措施,生态补偿融资机制与政策措施,科技创新对生态文明建设贡献的评估方法体系与应用示范,构建生态资产与生态效益、生态补偿、科技支撑生态文明贡献度的核算理论、方法和技术体系,为国家生态文明制度与机制建设提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

Abstract Palaeontological evidence raises several questions that relate to current explanations of ecological communities, to the classification of communities and to interpretations of species richness. The first question relates to the stability of species detected in the fossil record. Coupled with that is the issue of incidental association of species on the same trophic level through differential effects of climatic change on the different species. Such observations are seen to support the ‘individualistic’ concept of communities. Recent statements about this concept leave unresolved questions about the acquisition of adaptation, and about the place of adaptation theory in theories of ecological communities and interpretations of ‘regional species richness’. At issue is whether there is justification for continuing to classify communities as a basis for understanding them. There is good reason to reject this approach for one in which questions about communities and ‘local’ and ‘regional’ species richness are replaced by more specific and basic questions about the relationship between adaptation, distribution and abundance, and ecological interactions. Some recent efforts to incorporate species theory into community theory fail because their basis remains the flawed concept of ‘local community’.  相似文献   

L. J. McCook 《Plant Ecology》1994,110(2):115-147
Critical review of explanations for patterns of natural succession suggests a strong, common basis for theoretical understanding, but also suggests that several well known models are incomplete as explanations of succession. A universal, general cause for succession is unlikely, since numerous aspects of historical and environmental circumstances will impinge on the process in a unique manner. However, after disturbance, occupation of a site by any species causes changes in the conditions at the site. Sorting of species may result, since different species are adapted to different regions of environmental gradients. Such sorting can generate several patterns of species abundance in time, but commonly results in sequential replacements of species adapted to the varying conditions. This may be due to constraints on species' strategies, or life history traits, placed by the limited resources available to the organism. These constraints often result in inverse correlation between traits which confer success during early and late stages of succession. Facilitatory or inhibitory effects of species on each other are best understood in terms of these life history interactions, perhaps as restrictions on, or as moderation of, these processes.Strong support for the importance of correlations in life history traits stems from comparisons of simulated succession with and without these correlations. These simulations are reviewed in some detail, and followed by brief reviews of other prominent models for succession. Several aspects of the confusion and controversies in the successional literature are then discussed, with a view to a more optimistic synthesis and direction for successional ecology.  相似文献   

Although plant strategies for acquiring nutrients have been widely studied from a functional point of view, their evolution is still not well understood. In this study, we investigate the evolutionary dynamics of these strategies and determine how they influence ecosystem properties. To do so, we use a simple nutrient-limited ecosystem model in which plant ability to take up nutrients is subject to adaptive dynamics. We postulate the existence of a trade-off between this ability and mortality. We show that contrasting strategies are possible as evolutionary outcomes, depending on the shape of the trade-off and, when nitrogen is considered as the limiting nutrient, on the intensity of symbiotic fixation. Our model enables us to bridge these evolutionary outcomes to classical ecological theories such as Hardin''s tragedy of the commons and Tilman''s rule of R*. Evolution does not systematically maximize plant biomass or primary productivity. On the other hand, each evolutionary outcome leads to a decrease in the availability of the limiting mineral nutrient, supporting the work of Tilman on competition between plants for a single resource. Our model shows that evolution can be used to link different classical ecological results and that adaptation may influence ecosystem properties in contrasted ways.  相似文献   

天然草地合理利用的判别模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天然草地具有资源和生境的双重功能 ,合理利用与否直接关系着资源的可持续性及生态环境的优劣。在短花针茅荒漠草原群落 ,实地观测研究了建群种短花针茅、优势种无芒隐子草和碱韭的枝条密度、单枝重及株丛枝条数目对不同放牧制度的响应 ,初步建立了草地合理利用的判别模型。不同放牧制度下植物的枝条密度、单枝重存在差异 ,轮牧区植物的单枝重高于自由放牧区 ,枝条生长也较优越。株丛单枝重与枝条数目之间负相关 ,单枝重随枝条数目的增加最终出现负增长。绝对不利用会造成草地资源的浪费 ,并且对植物的生长不利。轮牧实现了草地资源的合理利用 ,同时加强了草地的生态功能  相似文献   

This study develops the basis for video-computer quantitative evaluation method for measuring degree of thumb impairment. The system evaluates the three-dimensional space (workspace) within which the thumb-tip moves and computes its surface area. This study is intended to be the basis of a subsequent study which will compute the percentage of actual use compared to the "ideal" value for the given thumb length. Based on this quantitative measurement, the movement function of the impaired thumb can be identified objectively. Repeatability testing confirms that the video motion analysis system is a reliable tool for measuring the workspace of thumb-tip motion. It is also shown experimentally that there is a linear correlation between the surface area of thumb-tip motion workspace and the square of the thumb length. Accordingly, this method may be used to evaluate the functional abnormalities and deformities of the thumb.  相似文献   

Reaching out to grasp an object (prehension) is a deceptively elegant and skilled behavior. The movement prior to object contact can be described as having two components, the movement of the hand to an appropriate location for gripping the object, the "transport" component, and the opening and closing of the aperture between the fingers as they prepare to grip the target, the "grasp" component. The grasp component is sensitive to the size of the object, so that a larger grasp aperture is formed for wider objects; the maximum grasp aperture (MGA) is a little wider than the width of the target object and occurs later in the movement for larger objects. We present a simple model that can account for the temporal relationship between the transport and grasp components. We report the results of an experiment providing empirical support for our "rule of thumb." The model provides a simple, but plausible, account of a neural control strategy that has been the center of debate over the last two decades.  相似文献   

Species abundance distributions (SADs) follow one of ecology's oldest and most universal laws – every community shows a hollow curve or hyperbolic shape on a histogram with many rare species and just a few common species. Here, we review theoretical, empirical and statistical developments in the study of SADs. Several key points emerge. (i) Literally dozens of models have been proposed to explain the hollow curve. Unfortunately, very few models are ever rejected, primarily because few theories make any predictions beyond the hollow-curve SAD itself. (ii) Interesting work has been performed both empirically and theoretically, which goes beyond the hollow-curve prediction to provide a rich variety of information about how SADs behave. These include the study of SADs along environmental gradients and theories that integrate SADs with other biodiversity patterns. Central to this body of work is an effort to move beyond treating the SAD in isolation and to integrate the SAD into its ecological context to enable making many predictions. (iii) Moving forward will entail understanding how sampling and scale affect SADs and developing statistical tools for describing and comparing SADs. We are optimistic that SADs can provide significant insights into basic and applied ecological science.  相似文献   

One-stage repair for distal amputation of the thumb   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

'A method for judging all contrasts in the analysis of variance'   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SCHEFF?  HENRY 《Biometrika》1969,56(1):229

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