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Many environmental factors may influence the activity of scorpions in arid ecosystems. In this study, we examined the effects of such factors on scorpion activity at a mature and a secondary forest site in the Chancaní Reserve (Arid Chaco ecoregion in Córdoba, Argentina). Scorpions were collected using pitfall traps, and their nocturnal activity was observed by means of UV light during 14 nights. Temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, and wind velocity were measured, and the percentage of visible moon was estimated. A total of 440 scorpions, representing seven species belonging to two families (Bothriuridae and Buthidae), were observed in the study area. Brachistosternus ferrugineus was the species most commonly observed using both methods. Mature and secondary forest shared slightly more than 50% of species. Surface activity of scorpions observed with the two methods differed significantly between the two areas. Surface activity of all scorpions and of B. ferrugineus were negatively related to the phase of the moon and positively related to air temperature. Physical factors thus have important effects on scorpion activity.  相似文献   

Twenty two species of Trichoptera were collected at 21 sampling stations in the Suquía river basin. Known ranges of 12 were enlarged by more than 300 km and constitute new records for a semiarid region. The different environmental conditions where their larvae live are listed.  相似文献   

Abstract The survival of Aspidosperma quebracho‐blanco juveniles in the Arid Chaco is facilitated under the canopy of nurse plants. The possible effects of nurse plants were studied at intra‐ and interspecific levels by analysing the spatial distribution of juveniles and adults of A. quebracho‐blanco, of the main shrubs Larrea divaricata and Mimozyganthus carinatus, and of the group of deciduous and evergreen shrub species, and their pair associations. Data were analysed using the SADIE (Spatial Analysis by Distance Indices) software. A. quebracho‐blanco seedling abundance followed the distribution pattern of the main shade‐providing species: an aggregated spatial distribution pattern in most of the categories studied. The seedling bank of A. quebracho‐blanco also showed an aggregated pattern and was spatially associated with shrubs and adults of its own species. The intensity of the association depended on the functional types: deciduous Fabaceae, deciduous non‐Fabaceae, evergreen and conspecific adults, each of which provides a different canopy structure and therefore different amounts of shade. The spatial association was significant with the evergreen group, and less significant with the deciduous Fabaceae group. There was no positive association with deciduous non‐Fabaceae, or with gaps (open sky). The differences generated by canopy cover may influence the nurse effect, as observed in the intensity of association of A. quebracho‐blanco with shrubs and conspecific adults.  相似文献   

This study examined the natural diversity and distributions of sulfate-reducing bacteria along a natural carbon gradient extending down the shelf-slope transition zone of the eastern Pacific continental margin. Dissimilatory (bi)sulfite reductase gene sequences (dsrAB) were PCR amplified and cloned from five different sampling sites, each at a discrete depth, from two different margin systems, one off the Pacific coast of Mexico and another off the coast of Washington State. A total of 1,762 clones were recovered and evaluated by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. The majority of the gene sequences recovered showed site and depth restricted distributions; however, a limited number of gene sequences were widely distributed within and between the margin systems. Cluster analysis identified 175 unique RFLP patterns, and nucleotide sequences were determined for corresponding clones. Several different continental margin DsrA sequences clustered with those from formally characterized taxa belonging to the delta subdivision of the class Proteobacteria (Desulfobulbus propionicus, Desulfosarcina variabilis) and the Bacillus-Clostridium (Desulfotomaculum putei) divisions, although the majority of the recovered sequences were phylogenetically divergent relative to all of the other DsrA sequences available for comparison. This study revealed extensive new genetic diversity among sulfate-reducing bacteria in continental margin sedimentary habitats, which appears to be tightly coupled to slope depth, specifically carbon bioavailability.  相似文献   

牛山湖两种不同生境小型鱼类的种类组成、多样性和密度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了2003年春季浅水草型湖泊牛山湖小型鱼类空间分布(种类组成、多样性和密度等)与生境异质性之间的关系.根据水生植被状况、离岸距离和水深,选择了两种差异较大且有代表性的生境类型,即近岸沉水植物茂密的生境A和远岸沉水植物稀疏的生境B.使用围网(180 m2)在这两种生境中进行小型鱼类的采样,采用多次标志回捕法和Zippin去除法估算了围网内小型鱼类的密度.结果表明,两种不同生境中小型鱼类的种类组成、多样性度量值和密度估算值均存在一定程度的差异:1)生境A中的渔获物由5科14种小型鱼类组成,优势种类为生活在中、下水层的高体鳑鲏、彩副鱊和麦穗鱼;生境B中的渔获物由3科9种小型鱼类组成,优势种类为生活在湖底的子陵吻鰕虎鱼和小黄黝鱼.2)生境A和生境B小型鱼类群落间的Bray-Curtis指数为0.222,结构相似性较低;但二者的物种等级丰度分布则无显著差异,均属于对数级数分布.3)生境A中高体鳑鲏、彩副鱊、麦穗鱼等9种小型鱼类的总密度值为8.71 ind·m-2,生境B中子陵吻鰕虎鱼、小黄黝鱼等5种小型鱼类的总密度值只有3.54 ind·m-2.小型鱼类在这两种不同生境中的空间分布差异可能与其逃避捕食、觅食和繁殖等生态习性的生境需求有关,因此,水生植被生境对小型鱼类资源合理开发和多样性保护具有重要意义.  相似文献   

随着农业用地需求增加, 生物多样性受到严重威胁并急剧下降。为探讨农业化对鸟类多样性的影响, 本文在2020年10月至2021年10月期间, 对广西大瑶山、大明山、十万大山3个国家级自然保护区以及周边农田区域内鸟类进行了调查。研究选取森林、近地农田(距离森林较近的农田)、远地农田(距离森林较远的农田) 3种生境, 布设样点共计180个, 并在不同季节(春、夏、秋、冬)对鸟类多样性进行了调查。结果如下: (1) 3种生境物种累积曲线呈先快速上升, 后变为渐近线或增速放缓趋势, 各生境实际调查鸟类物种数与预测值比例均大于60%, 表明鸟类调查充分; (2)共记录到鸟类196种, 隶属于14目54科, 其中雀形目鸟类占比最高(71.4%)。不同生境记录到鸟类种数从多到少依次为: 森林(103)、近地(101)、远地(94); (3)相似性分析结果表明, 森林与近地农田和远地农田间鸟类相似性差异都较大, 近地与远地间鸟类群落更为相似; (4) 3种生境鸟类群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数在不同季节里均表现为: 远地 > 近地 > 森林; (5)广义线性混合模型结果显示, 两种农田生境鸟类多样性显著高于森林, 而近地和远地农田生境间鸟类多样性无显著差异。研究结果表明, 虽然森林鸟类多样性较低, 但对其特有种具有较高的保护作用; 尽管鸟类对农田生境表现出更高的喜好, 但农田内人为干扰较为频繁, 缺乏相关的保护措施, 应加强对农田鸟类的保护。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper analyses the floristic variation in the southern segment of the Oriental Chaco, known as the Santa Fe Forest Wedge. Floristical variation in Chaco forests is described at three levels of scale. On the coarsest scale there is a gradient of increasing floristic richness towards the north, related to a geographic temperature gradient. At an intermediate scale different types of forests are arranged according to environmental gradients correlated with topographic elevation. At a fine scale many microsites can be discerned with different micro-environments colonized differentially by species. Microsites arise as the result of site-physiographic history, development of vegetation and the interaction of both and with animals. Several dimensions of regenerationniche variation are distinguished, including canopy and soil characteristics, and propagule dispersal.  相似文献   

The Chorote Indians are hunter-gatherers and fishermen from north-west Argentina and south-west Paraguay who belong to the Mataco-Maká linguistic family. Their edible plants are identified by botanical and vernacular names, the parts employed and modes of preparation and consumption. The Chorote people use 57 plant species as a source of food, which they consume in 118 different ways. Five new edible species, that yield seven plant foods, are reported here for the first time for Chaquenian ethnic groups. However, only a few wild plant foods are in frequent use today, with most being used occasionally, infrequently or not at all. A cross-cultural comparison with four neighbouring ethnic groups reveals that one third of their plant foods are exclusive to the Chorote people, despite the fact that they share most of their edible plants with the other groups. This article is the first contribution to an understanding of the Chorote's ethnobotany and to a comparison of interethnic relationships concerning their edible plant resources.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 73–85.  相似文献   

广州不同生境类型区域昆虫多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2005—2006年,对广州全域4个不同生境类型区域(中心城市区、农田区、沿海湿地区和森林区)的昆虫群落进行6次调查,共获得昆虫标本10595号,分属于22个目、216个科。多样性分析结果表明,森林区昆虫群落的丰富度指数、多样性指数、复杂性指数最高,其次为农田区、中心城市区,最低为沿海湿地区;沿海湿地区昆虫群落的优势度最高,其他依次为中心城市区、农田区和森林区。不同生境类型昆虫群落多样性指数的时间动态不同,森林区、农田区和沿海湿地区的丰富度指数及Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均为6—7月最高,中心城市区以9—10月最高;农田区昆虫群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数及均匀度指数随时间波动最大,森林区的丰富度指数时间波动最大,中心城市区的优势度时间波动最大。相似性分析结果表明,森林区和农田区昆虫群落具有的相同科数最多,相似性系数最高,沿海湿地区和森林区、农田区、城市区具有的相同科数都较少,相似性系数也较低。广州不同生境类型区域昆虫多样性存在差异,森林区受城市化进程影响较小,生境得到较好保护,昆虫多样性丰富,沿海湿地区由于城市化发展改变了原生生境,昆虫多样性遭到较大破坏,因此在城市化进程中,要加强...  相似文献   

湖南永州地区不同生境条件下钙质土土壤动物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对湖南永州5种不同生境条件的钙质土土壤动物多样性进行了调查。共获得土壤动物2 024只,隶属于4门10纲30目,其中线虫类、蜱螨类、弹尾类为优势类群,占总捕量的66.10%;常见类群9类,占总捕量的27.17%。从水平分布上看,5种生境相似程度较大,其中尤以苗圃和杉木林、苗圃和柏树林、苗圃和荒地之间的相似程度较高。从垂直分布上看,5种生境中只有苗圃地较为明显,而各种生境中土壤动物具有明显的表聚性。苗圃、杉木林、柏树林3种生境土壤动物群落的多样性及均匀度呈基本一致趋势,且各生境间差别不大。  相似文献   

We studied a population of Tropidurus spinulosus, an arboreal lizard species from the dry chaco of Salta, Argentina. This species is reproducing seasonally. Females are reproductively active from November to January, whereas males are October through December. More than a clutch per cycle could be laid. Clutch size was 5.0 and is positively correlated to snout-vent length. Reproductive characteristics are similar to other Tropidurus species. Arboreality and environmental adaptations are proximal interpretations of the species-specific reproductive biology in this lizard.  相似文献   

不同生境下莼菜群落的物种多样性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用Braun Blanquet多盖度等级法研究了苏州东山镇和杭州转塘镇莼菜群落的物种多样性.结果表明:两地半自然莼菜群落的种类组成均较为简单,其物种多样性指数均较低;随着从池塘中央向岸边生境过渡,莼菜群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数和群落均匀度指数均有显著提高;经聚类分析,同一生境类型中的样地较为相似,且池塘中央的样地比岸边的样地更为相似;线性回归和聚类分析发现,与转塘镇相比,东山镇两类生境莼菜群落间的差异性更大.  相似文献   

Parasitism is an important factor in conservation worldwide, especially for endangered species, as it can affect host populations by reducing growth rates, fecundity and affecting nutritional status. The maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus, a near-threatened species, is distributed across different habitats from the south Amazonian forest in Brazil to northern Argentina, Paraguay and eastern Bolivia. Most studies on gastrointestinal parasites in wild maned wolves are based on coprological findings, and there is little information about adult parasites and parasite species richness. Therefore, this study aims to expand the knowledge about the helminth infracommunity of a maned wolf, describe adult parasites, and explore parasitic coinfections. We performed a necropsy of an adult individual found road killed in Chaco province, Argentina. We collected adult worms from subcutaneous tissues, from the right ventricle, kidneys, and intestine. The parasites were morphologically identified as Dirofilaria immitis, Dioctophyma renale and Spirometra sp. respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first record for adults of Dirofilaria immitis in maned wolves. Filarioids were located within the heart as well as in subcutaneous tissues with mature females containing uterine microfilariae; this study also adds C. brachyurus as a new host for Spirometra sp. in Argentina. Considering that the three helminths found herein are zoonotic and that the maned wolf is an endangered canid, it is essential provide baseline information to determine the risk factors involved in the transmission and extend the studies to sympatric wild and domestic canids in the area.  相似文献   

Coleoptera diversity at the family level was investigated along the Kihansi gorge near a 700 m high waterfall system which will be taken to hydropower use, and the current river flow will be diverted due to dam construction. The coleopteran communities of three micro-habitats: spray zone, forest site and riverine site were compared by sweepnetting and pitfall trap methods. The highest Coleopteran family level diversity was found in the spray zone where the Shannon–Weaver index of diversity was 0.71 (forest site 0.31; riverine site 0.50). Coleopterans were most abundant in the forest site where 44% of all sampled individuals were found (spray zone 31%; riverine site 23%). Most of less frequently recorded families were found in the spray zone. Coleoptera families were found to be unequally partitioned in all three micro-habitats. The highest percentage similarity index (85%) was found between forest and riverine sites (spray/forest 76%; spray/riverine 79%). Distributions of abundances of coleopteran families were significantly different between all studied habitats. The study revealed that the spray generated by the waterfall provide a special micro-habitat for Coleoptera. It is suggested that conservation efforts and monitoring in the study area using selected taxonomic indicator Coleopteran groups should be carried out in order to help to adjust mitigation measures.  相似文献   

刘慧  廉振民  常罡  孔光耀 《昆虫知识》2007,44(2):214-218
应用种-多度分布模型、多样性指数、相似性分析、主成分(PCA)分析及多元逐步回归等方法比较了洛河流域不同生境的蝗虫群落结构。结果显示:洛河流域各生境的蝗虫分布基本上服从Preston对数正态分布,其中以森林拟合的最好。各多样性指数的变化趋势均为森林>森林草原>河滩和农田>典型草原。在相似性分析中,典型草原、森林草原和森林这3种生境相似性很高,而河滩和农田则是完全不同的另一种生境。对各生境植被因素和蝗虫群落所进行的主成分分析,结果非常理想,两维主成分的累计方差贡献率分别达到了92.558%和78.566%。通过多元逐步回归发现,影响蝗虫种类和数量变化的植被因有草本植物高度多样性、树木盖度、豆科优势度、禾本科优势度和其他科优势度等。  相似文献   

齿蛉科昆虫隶属于昆虫纲广翅目,是重要的环境指示生物.本研究调查了湘西地区的齿蛉科幼虫的分布情况,并分析了齿蛉科幼虫在不同生境类型中的多样性特征.共采集到东方齿蛉Neoneuromus orientalis、炎黄星齿蛉Protohermes xanthodes、花边星齿蛉Protohermes costalis和中华斑鱼Neochauliodes sinensis4种齿蛉科幼虫.东方齿蛉仅在自然保护区和自然河流分布,炎黄星齿蛉和花边星齿蛉广泛分布于各种流水生境类型,中华斑鱼蛉除在各种流水生境类型中分布外,在静水的小型水库也有分布.自然河流的齿蛉科幼虫多样性指数H'最高,其余由高到低依次为自然保护区、旅游景区、自然溪沟和农业区;丰富度指数R趋势与H'指数相似,但农业区R指数高于旅游景区.本研究表明,不同种类齿蛉科幼虫在湘西地区的分布情况存在差异,自然条件优越的生境类型中齿蛉幼虫多样性指数较高.  相似文献   

四川黄龙沟优势兰科植物菌根真菌多样性及其季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯天文  金辉  刘红霞  安德军  罗毅波 《生态学报》2010,30(13):3424-3432
在自然条件下,兰科菌根真菌对兰花的种子萌发和植株生长都是必不可少的。为了解高原兰科植物菌根真菌的多样性状况及其季节性变化规律,选取了四川黄龙沟的两种生境中生长的8种优势兰科植物,分别于植株的萌芽期(4月份)、生长期(7月份)和果期(9月份)采集营养根进行菌根真菌的多样性研究。其中,黄花杓兰(Cypripedium flavum)、少花鹤顶兰(Phaiusdelavayi)、二叶匍茎兰(Galearis diantha)和广布小蝶兰(Ponerorchis chusua)分布在开阔生境;筒距兰(Tipularia szechuanica)、小花舌唇兰(Platanthera minutiflora)、珊瑚兰(Corallorhiza trifida)和尖唇鸟巢兰(Neottia acuminate)则分布在密林生境。通过对分离所得的50个菌株进行形态观察和ITS序列测定相结合的鉴定,共获得菌根真菌41种。对担子菌和子囊菌分别进行的系统发育树构建结果显示,子囊菌为优势种类(35种),以柔膜菌目(Helotiales)、炭角菌目(Xylariales)和肉座菌目(Hypocreales)内的种类为主,担子菌则以胶膜菌(Tulasnellaceaesp.)为主。在8种兰科植物中,二叶匐茎兰表现出极高的专一性,其菌根真菌均属于Hypocrea。其余兰科植物的菌根真菌分别属于不同的科,专一性相对较低。物种丰富度和Simpson多样性指数分析结果表明,密林生境的兰科植物的菌根真菌多样性在各生长季节基本高于开阔生境。此外,两种生境的优势兰科植物的菌根真菌物种多样性随生长季节转变所呈现的变化规律是相似的:萌发期和生长期的多样性均较高,峰值出现在生长期,到果期时则大幅下降。这与高原兰科植物的生长特性及营养供求规律基本相符。  相似文献   

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