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Transgenic pakchoi (Brassica rapa L. ssp. chinensis) plants were obtained in the progeny of plants infiltrated by an Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain carrying a gene for resistance to the herbicide phosphinotricin (Basta). Genetic analysis demonstrates the transmission of the herbicide resistant trait to the progeny. Molecular analyses show that the transgene was inserted in the plant genome and expressed. This work demonstrates that the infiltration transformation method originally devised for Arabidopsis thaliana can be adapted for other crucifer species and opens up the possibility of genetic engineering of pakchoi, an important vegetable plant.  相似文献   

The promoter of Brassica campestris Male Fertile 5 (BcMF5), a pollen coat protein member, class A (PCP-A) gene family, was isolated from Brassica rapa L. ssp. chinensis Makino (Chinese cabbage-pak-choi) by Thermal Asymmetric Interlaced Polymerase Chain Reaction (TAIL-PCR). Sequence analysis suggested that the 605-bp promoter of BcMF5 appears to be a pollen promoter. In an attempt to confirm the promoter activity of BcMF5 promoter, −609 to +3 bp and −377 to +3 bp fragments of the upstream sequence of BcMF5 were inserted at the site upstream of the coding region of the uidA gene in the sense orientation to construct two deletion expression vectors. Transient expression analysis in onion epidermal cells by particle bombardment showed that both −609 to +3 bp and −377 to +3 bp fragments of BcMF5 promoter were capable of driving β-glucuronidase gene expression. Furthermore, by Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation method, Arabidopsis transgenic KanR plants were obtained. GUS assay analysis revealed that the promoter of BcMF5 induced gene expression at the early stage of anther development and drove high levels of GUS expression in anther walls, upper regions of petals, pollen, and pollen tubes in the middle and late stage of anther development, but did not drive any expression in sepals and pistils.  相似文献   

Summary A light and electron microscopic investigation revealed that ogu cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in cybrids of Brassica napus is primarily a deficiency of the tapetum and clearly time and site specific. Three patterns of ogu CMS were found, and specific conclusions drawn. First, the partially male fertile cybrid 23 was highly variable. It sometimes produced heterogeneous stamens with an endothecium formed exclusively around the fertile locules, thus delineating each microsporangium as a functional unit. The second type, including cybrids 27, 58 and 85, on the contrary, was stable and completely male sterile. In the four locules of normal length, microspores were observed to die at the vacuolate polarized stage while the tapetum disappeared prematurely through excessive vacuolization by the end of meiosis followed by a rapid autolysis during the tetrad or early free microspore stage. The subepidermal layer of the locule wall failed to form characteristic thickenings. The male-sterile stamens were completely indehiscent. At the time of anthesis they contained only collapsed empty exines adhering to each other. These cybrids, 27, 58 and 85, were closest to the ogu CMS trait of radish and seemed to be the best suited for further use in plant breeding. The third pattern was found in cybrids 77 and 118, which besides showing abortion of the microsporangia also showed a feminization of the stamens. We suggest that this feminization might be due to an alloplasmic situation associating Brassica napus nuclear genes with the mitochondrial DNA of radish.  相似文献   

Xu H  Wang X  Zhao H  Liu F 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(8):1369-1376
Pakchoi (Brassica rapa L. ssp. chinensis), a kind of Chinese cabbage, is an important vegetable in Asian countries. Agrobacterium mediated in planta vacuum infiltration transformation has been performed in pakchoi since 1998, but a detailed study on this technique was lacking. Pakchoi plants 40-50 days old with inflorescences were vacuum infiltrated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58C1 harboring the binary vector pBBBast-gus-intron. The transformation frequency in the harvested seeds mainly varied from 1 x 10(-4) to 3 x 10(-4) over several years, and it was lower than the frequency in Arabidopsis thaliana. Transformants were obtained from both the upper and the lower parts of the infiltrated plants with or without an elongated inflorescence. Stained ovules and pollen grains were found in the unopened flower 13 days post-infiltration, which was about 0.5-1 mm in diameter at infiltration time with an open ovary as revealed by paraffin sections. Histochemical assays revealed that Agrobacteria were more abundant in the flower tissue than in stem and leaf tissues at all times after infiltration despite the sharp decrease of live Agrobacteria in plant 14 days post infiltration as revealed by the colony forming units on the Agrobacteria culture medium. The results of vacuum infiltration transformation of pakchoi and Arabidopsis thaliana were compared and a strategy to optimize the transformation conditions to increase the transformation frequency in pakchoi was discussed.  相似文献   

The petunia fused gene (pcf), which is associated with cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), is composed of sequences derived from atp9, coxII, and an unidentified reading frame termed urfS. To determine whether the pcf gene is expressed at the protein level, we produced antibodies to synthetic peptides specified by the coxII and urfS portions of the pcf gene. Anti-COXII peptide antibodies recognized petunia COXII but no other mitochondrial proteins. Anti-URF-S peptide antibodies recognized a 20-kilodalton protein present in both cytoplasmic male sterile and fertile lines and a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 25 kilodaltons present only in cytoplasmic male sterile lines. The 25-kilodalton protein was found to be synthesized by isolated mitochondria and to fractionate into both the soluble and membrane portions of disrupted mitochondria, whereas the 20-kilodalton protein was found only in the membrane fraction. The abundance of the 25-kilodalton protein was much lower in fertile plants carrying the cytoplasmic male sterile cytoplasm and a single dominant nuclear fertility restorer gene, Rf. Thus, the pcf gene is correlated with cytoplasmic male sterility not only by its co-segregation with the phenotype in somatic hybrids, but also by the modification of its expression at the protein level through the action of a nuclear gene that confers fertility.  相似文献   

Huang  Feiyi  Liu  Tongkun  Tang  Jun  Duan  Weike  Hou  Xilin 《Plant molecular biology》2019,100(1-2):19-32
Key message

BcMAF2 plays a key role in flowering regulation by controlling BcTEM1, BcSOC1 and BCSPL15 in Pak-choi.


Flowering is a key event in the life cycle of plants. Flowering time shows an extensive variation from different Pak-choi (Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis) cultivars. However, the regulation mechanism of flowering in Pak-choi remains rarely known. In this study, a systematic identification and functional analysis of a Pak-choi MADS Affecting Flowering (MAF) gene, BcMAF2, was carried out. BcMAF2 encoded a protein containing a conserved MADS-box domain, which was localized in the nucleus. QPCR analysis indicated that the expression of BcMAF2 was higher in the leaves and flowers. Overexpression of BcMAF2 in Arabidopsis showed that BcMAF2 repressed flowering, which was further confirmed by silencing endogenous BcMAF2 in Pak-choi. In addition, Tempranillo 1 (TEM1) expression was up-regulated and MAF2 expression was down-regulated in the BcMAF2-overexpressing Arabidopsis. The expression of BcMAF2 and BcTEM1 was down-regulated in BcMAF2-silencing Pak-choi plants. The yeast one-hybrid, dual luciferase and qPCR results revealed that BcMAF2 protein could directly bind to BcTEM1 promoter and activate its expression, which was not reported in Arabidopsis. Meanwhile, a self-inhibition was found in BcMAF2. Taken together, this work suggested that BcMAF2 could repress flowering by directly activating BcTEM1.


Greenhouse-grown plants of turnip rape Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera (syn. B. campestris) cv. Valtti and Sisu were transformed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection. Of the three A. tumefaciens strains tested (C58C1, EHA105 and LBA4404), LBA4404 gave the best results. Segments excised from one to two upper internodes of an inflorescence-carrying stem served as explants for the Agrobacterium infection. Cultivation of the explants horizontally during the first 3 days of co-cultivation with A. tumefaciens following immediate selection of transformed tissue of the stem segments placed vertically basal side down were critical. Use of silver nitrate (5–10 mg/l) in the culture medium and Micropore (3 M) paper tape for sealing plates was also beneficial. Transgenic shoots were recovered using either hygromycin or kanamycin (20–25 mg/l) selection. Hygromycin was preferable, as the proportion of `escapes' was 90% under kanamycin and 10% under hygromycin selection. Regeneration was achieved by culturing the explants for 3–6 days on 0.5 mg/l of 2,4-di-chlorophenoxyacetic acid and 1–2 weeks on 2–3 mg/l of 6-benzyl aminopurine with/without 0.05 mg/l α-naphthaleneacetic acid. Recovered shoots were then cultured on hormone-free MS medium. This culture program gave 60–80% shoot regeneration. Regenerants were tested by histological β-glucuronidase staining and Southern blotting. The recovery rate of transgenic shoots was 4–9% of the number of explants used in the experiments. Received: 28 November 1997 / Revision received: 25 March 1998 / Accepted: 22 November 1998  相似文献   

利用RAPD技术从大白菜细胞质雄性不育系CMS3411-7的DNA中得到1个特异扩增片段CMSO-PL01670,进一步以该片段为探针进行Dot和Southern杂交证实了该片段为不育系所特有。回收该特异扩增片段并将其克隆到pGEM-T Easy载体上进行序列测定。测序结果表明该片段全长673bp,其碱基组成为A T=67.16%。通过与GenBank EMBL DDBJ PDB中的455 972个序列进行比较,同源性均小于30%,表明该片段为一新发现序列。并且该序列的 4 - 216的区域内含有1个可编码70个氨基酸的开放阅读框架。上述结果为今后从分子水平进一步研究大白菜细胞质雄性不育打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Isolated microspores of various populations of three varieties of the Chinese cabbage pakchoi (Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis) were cultivated in vitro on NLN82 medium (Lichter 1982) and embryos and plantlets obtained with nine cultivars. The best embryo yield per bud was 57.4. A 33°C one day heat treatment was generally necessary to induce embryogenesis. Analysis of ploidy level through flow cytometry for two cultivars indicated that haploids were present.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindol - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - DH doubled haploid  相似文献   

不结球白菜分子遗传图谱的构建及分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以不结球白菜'常州乌塌菜'和'二青'杂交产生的181株F2代分离材料为作图群体,利用ISSR、RAPD、SSR、SRAP等分子标记来构建不结球白菜分子遗传连锁图谱.结果表明,构建的连锁图谱包含11个连锁群,由139个标记组成,其中包括4个ISSR标记、19个RAPD标记、22个SSR标记和94个SRAP标记.其中偏分离标记37个,占26.6%;每条连锁群上的标记数在4~33个之间,连锁群长度在61~164 cM的范围,覆盖基因组950 cM,总平均图距6.8 cM.  相似文献   

Changes in carbon isotope composition(13C) and leaf morphology associated withvegetative phase change were monitored in Metrosiderosexcelsa Sol. ex Gaertn. (family Myrtaceae). Plants of threeontogenetic states were used: juvenile seedlings, micropropagated plants in arejuvenated state, and reproductively mature plants bearing leaves with adultcharacteristics. The effects of temperature regime (32/24 °C,24/16 °C, and 16/8 °C day/night) and plantarchitecture (branched and single-stemmed plants) were studied in two separateexperiments. Although both juvenile and rejuvenated plants exhibited juvenileleaf morphology at the start of the experiments, there was no differencebetweenleaf 13C in these plants and that in adultplantsat this time (mean ca. –27%). Vegetative phase change occurred injuvenileand rejuvenated plants grown at 24/16 °C, and there was acorresponding increase in leaf 13C (from ca.–27% to –23%) in these two groups of plants. Leaf13C in adult plants remained relatively constant(ca. –26%) at 24/16 °C. There was little change in leaf13C in all plant states maintained at 32/24°C or 16/8 °C, and vegetative phase change didnot occur in juvenile and rejuvenated plants grown under these two temperatureregimes. Rejuvenated plants grown in a greenhouse also exhibited a progressivedevelopment of adult leaf morphology, accompanied by an increase in leaf13C, an effect that was more pronounced insingle-stemmed (from –26.4% to ca. –24%) than in branched plants. Itis suggested that increasing 13C in juvenile andrejuvenated plants undergoing phase change is a result of reduced sink strengthin single-stemmed plants, and to a lesser extent within each branch of branchedplants, causing reduced stomatal conductance and photosynthesis.  相似文献   

F2 progeny segregating for linolenic acid content were used to identify genes and develop markers for linolenic acid in spring turnip rape (Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera). A candidate gene approach applying the rapeseed fad3 gene and bulked segregant analysis with RAPD markers was used. A total of 27 markers were distributed in three linkage groups which each exhibited a QTL for linolenic acid. Jointly the three QTLs accounted for 73.5% of the variation in linolenic acid level in this population. The fad3 gene was mapped near one QTL controlling 23.5% of the variation. Allele-specific markers were developed for fad3 and can be used for marker-assisted selection in future spring turnip rape breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Non-redundant expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were generated from six different organs at various developmental stages of Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis. Of the 1,295 ESTs, 915 (71%) showed significantly high homology in nucleotide or deduced amino acid sequences with other sequences deposited in databases, while 380 did not show similarity to any sequences. Briefly, 598 ESTs matched with proteins of identified biological function, 177 with hypothetical proteins or non-annotated Arabidopsis genome sequences, and 140 with other ESTs. About 82% of the top-scored matching sequences were from Arabidopsis or Brassica, but overall 558 (43%) ESTs matched with Arabidopsis ESTs at the nucleotide sequence level. This observation strongly supports the idea that gene-expression profiles of Chinese cabbage differ from that of Arabidopsis, despite their genome structures being similar to each other. Moreover, sequence analyses of 21 Brassica ESTs revealed that their primary structure is different from those of corresponding annotated sequences of Arabidopsis genes. Our data suggest that direct prediction of Brassica gene expression pattern based on the information from Arabidopsis genome research has some limitations. Thus, information obtained from the Brassica EST study is useful not only for understanding of unique developmental processes of the plant, but also for the study of Arabidopsis genome structure.  相似文献   

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