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A Cabrera  B Friebe  J Jiang  B S Gill 《Génome》1995,38(3):435-442
C-banding patterns of Hordeum chilense and of Triticum aestivum 'Chinese Spring' - H. chilense disomic addition lines were analyzed and compared with in situ hybridization patterns using a biotin-labeled highly repetitive Triticum tauschii DNA sequence, pAs1, and a wheat 18S-26S rDNA probe. All seven H. chilense chromosomes pairs and the added H. chilense chromosomes present in the addition lines were identified by their characteristic C-banding pattern. Chromosome morphology and banding patterns were similar to those of the corresponding chromosomes present in the parent H. chilense accession. A C-banded karyotype of the added H. chilense chromosomes was constructed and chromosome lengths, arm ratios, and relative length, as compared with chromosome 3B, were determined. The probe pAs1 was found to hybridize to specific areas on telomeres and interstitial sites along the chromosomes, allowing the identification of all seven pairs of the H. chilense chromosomes. Comparison of the patterns of distribution of the hybridization sites of clone pAs1 in the T. tauschii and H. chilense chromosomes was carried out by in situ hybridization on somatic metaphase chromosomes of the HchHchDD amphiploid. In situ hybridization using the 18S-26S rDNA probe confirmed that the H. chilense chromosomes 5Hch and 6Hch were carrying nucleolus organizer regions. The results are discussed on the basis of phylogenetic relationships between D and Hch genomes.  相似文献   

Summary C-banded karyotypes of Agropyron intermedium (2n=6x=42, E1E2X), a partial amphiploid Triticum aestivumAg. intermedium (2n=8x=56, TAF46), and six derived chromosome addition lines, were analyzed. In Ag. intermedium, diagnostic C-bands were present on 14 pairs of chromosomes, designated from A to N, while the remaining seven pairs, designated O to U, either lacked, or had only faint, C-bands and were not always identified unambiguously. All seven Ag. intermedium chromosome pairs of the partial amphiploid TAF46, and the added Ag. intermedium chromosomes present in the six derived addition lines, were identified by their characteristic C-banding patterns. Chromosome morphology and banding patterns were similar to those of the corresponding chromosomes present in the parent Ag. intermedium accession, suggesting that these chromosomes were not structurally rearranged. In-situ hybridization, using a 18s.265s rDNA probe, showed that the Ag. intermedium chromosomes 1Ai-1 and 5Ai-l present in the addition lines L3 and L5 were carrying actively transcribed nucleolus organizer regions. The results are discussed with respect to the genomic relationships of these chromosomes.Contribution no. 91-561-J from the Wheat Genetics Resource Center and Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhatten, USA  相似文献   

Genomic in situhybridization (GISH) to root-tip cells at mitotic metaphase, using genomic DNA probes from Thinopyrum intermedium and Pseudoroegneria strigosa, was used to examine the genomic constitution of Th. intermedium, the 56-chromosome partial amphiploid to wheat called Zhong 5 and disease-resistant derivatives of Zhong 5, in a wheat background. Evidence from GISH indicated that Th. intermedium contained seven pairs of St, seven JS and 21 J chromosomes; three pairs of Th. intermedium chromosomes with satellites in their short arms belonging to the St, J, J genomes and homoeologous groups 1, 1, and 5 respectively. GISH results using different materials and different probes showed that seven pairs of added Th. intermedium chromosomes in Zhong 5 included three pairs of St chromosomes, two pairs of JS chromosomes and two pairs of St-JS reciprocal tanslocation chromosomes. A pair of chromosomes, which substituted a pair of wheat chromosomes in Yi 4212 and in HG 295 and was added to 21 pairs of wheat chromosomes in the disomic additions Z1, Z2 and Z6, conferred BYDV-resistance and was identical to a pair of St-JS tanslocation chromosomes (StJS) in Zhong 5. The StJS chromosome had a special GISH signal pattern and could be easily distinguished from other added chromosomes in Zhong 5; it has not yet been possible to locate the BYDV-resistant gene(s) of this translocated chromosome either in the St chromosome portion belonging to homoeologous group 2 or in the JS chromosome portion whose homoeologous group relationship is still uncertain. Among 22 chromosome pairs in disomic addition line Z3, the added chromosome pair had satellites and belonged to the St genome and homoeologous group 1. Disomic addition line Z4 carried a pair of added chromosomes which was composed of a group-7 JS chromosome translocated with a wheat chromosome; this chromosome was different to 7 Ai-1, but was identical to 7 Ai-2. The leaf rust and stem rust resistance genes were located in the distal region of the long arm, whereas the stripe rust resistance gene(s) was located in the short arm or in the proximal region of the long arm of 7 Ai-2. A pair of JS-wheat translocation chromosomes, which originated from the WJS chromosomes in Z4, was added to the disomic addition line Z5; the added chromosomes of Z5 carried leaf and stem rust resistance but not stripe rust resistance; Z5 is a potentially useful source for rust resistance genes in wheat breeding and for cloning these novel rust-resistant genes. GISH analysis using the St genome as a probe has proved advantageous in identifying alien Th. intermedium in wheat. Received: 17 May 1999 / Accepted: 22 June 1999  相似文献   

The C-banding pattern and the size and location of the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) are described for the first time in Brazilian populations of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis sensu lato. C-banding revealed variation in the size of the centromeric heterochromatic blocks in autosomal chromosomes and in the acrocentric (X) and puntiform (Y) sex chromosomes. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that the NORs were located in the pericentromeric region of the sex (XX/XY) chromosomes and that this coincided with the number and location of centromeric constitutive heterochromatin blocks previously revealed by C-banding. The NORs varied in size among the homologues of the three populations. These findings of the populations studied support the hypothesis that the stability of NORs in the A. albitarsis complex is characterized by the presence of clustered and conserved sites in a unique pair of chromosomes.  相似文献   

J Xu  R L Conner  A Laroche 《Génome》1994,37(3):477-481
'Agrotana', a wheat-alien hybrid (2n = 56), is a potential source of resistance to common root rot, stem rust, wheat streak mosaic virus, and the wheat curl mite. However, the origin of 'Agrotana', reported to be durum wheat x Agropyron trichophorum (pubescent wheatgrass), is uncertain. The objective of this investigation was to determine the chromosome constitution of 'Agrotana' using C-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques. The F1 hybrid of 'Agrotana' x 'Chinese Spring' wheat showed 7 I + 21 II in 14.9% of the pollen mother cells, evidence of the presence of the A, B, and D genomes in 'Agrotana'. The hybrid had 16 heavily C-banded chromosomes, namely 4A, and 1-7B of wheat, and a translocation that probably involved wheat chromosomes 2A and 2D. In situ hybridization using biotinylated genomic DNA of Ag. trichophorum cv. Greenleaf blocked with CS DNA failed to identify the alien chromosomes in 'Agrotana', indicating that the alien chromosomes were not likely derived from pubescent wheatgrass. In situ hybridization using labelled wheat genomic DNA blocked with 'Agrotana' DNA revealed that 'Agrotana' had 40 wheat, 14 alien, and 2 (a pair) wheat-alien translocated chromosomes. There was no homology between wheat and the alien chromosomes or chromosome segments involved in the wheat-alien recombinant. Two of the seven pairs of alien chromosomes were homoeologous to each other. The ability to identify alien chromatin in wheat using labelled wheat DNA instead of labelled alien DNA will be particularly useful in chromosome engineering of wheat germplasms having alien chromatin of unknown origin.  相似文献   

An X;X chromosomal translocation was ascertained by conventional cytogenetic analysis in a phenotypically normal woman with secondary amenorrhea. In situ hybridization was performed with previously mapped X-specific DNA sequences to study the rearrangement at the molecular level. The results allowed us to demonstrate that the subject is monosomic for the distal region of the short arm of the X and trisomic for the distal region of the long arm.  相似文献   

A combination of genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) and meiotic pairing analysis of wheat-Thinopyrum partial amphiploids was employed to identify the genomic constitution and relationships between partial amphiploids derived from wheat and wheatgrass crosses. On the basis of similarities in the meiotic behavior and GISH patterns, the alien chromosomes of two of eight partial amphiploids, TAF46 and 'Otrastayuskaya 38', were judged to originate from Th. intermedium, whereas Th. ponticum was one of the parents of the other six partial amphiploids; PWM706, PWM206, PWM209, PWMIII, OK7211542, and Ag-wheat hybrid. Each of these partial amphiploids was found to contain a synthetic alien genome composed of different combinations of St-, J-, or Js-genome chromosomes. For relatedness of partial amphiploid lines, meiotic analysis of F1 hybrids and GISH results were generally complementary, but the latter offered greater precision in identifying constituent genomes.  相似文献   

Diagnostic markers for eight Thinopyrum distichum addition chromosomes in Triticum turgidum were established using C-banding, in situ hybridization, and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. The C-band karyotype conclusively identified individual Th. distichum chromosomes and distinguished them from chromosomes of T. turgidum. Also, TaqI and BamHI restriction fragments containing 5S and 18S-5.8S-26S rRNA sequences were identified as positive markers specific to Th. distichum chromosomes. Simultaneous fluorescence in situ hybridization showed both 5S and 18S-5.8S-26S ribosomal RNA genes to be located on chromosome IV. Thinopyrum distichum chromosome VII carried only a 18S-5.8S-26S rRNA locus and chromosome pair II carried only a 5S rRNA locus. The arrangement of these loci on Th. distichum chromosome IV was different from that on wheat chromosome pair 1B. Two other unidentified Th. distichum chromosome pairs also carried 5S rRNA loci. The homoeologous relationship between Th. distichum chromosomes IV and VII and chromosomes of other members of the Triticeae was discussed by comparing results obtained using these physical and molecular markers.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and multicolor genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) are useful tools to precisely characterize genetic stocks derived from crosses of wheat (Triticum aestivum) with Thinopyrum intermedium and Thinopyrum elongatum. The wheat x Th. intermedium derived stocks designated Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, and Z6 were initially screened by multicolor GISH using Aegilops speltoides genomic DNA for blocking and various combinations of genomic DNA from Th. intermedium, Triticum urartu, and Aegilops tauschii for probes. The probing (GISH) results indicated that lines Z1 and Z3 were alien disomic addition lines with chromosome numbers of 2n = 44. Z2 was a substitution line in which chromosome 2D was substituted by a pair of Th. intermedium chromosomes; this was confirmed by RFLP and muticolour GISH. Z4 (2n = 44) contained two pairs of wheat--Th. intermedium translocated chromosomes; one pair involved A-genome chromosomes, the other involved D- and A- genome chromosomes. Z5 (2n = 44) contained one pair of wheat--Th. intermedium translocated chromosomes involving the D- and A-genome chromosomes of wheat. Z6 (2n = 44) contained one pair of chromosomes derived from Th. intermedium plus another pair of translocated chromosomes involving B-genome chromosomes of wheat Line Z2 was of special interest because it has some resistance to infection by Fusarium graminearum.  相似文献   

Infection of young adult BALB/cByJ mice with mouse parvovirus-1, a newly recognized, lymphocytotropic, nonpathogenic parvovirus, was examined by in situ hybridization. Virus appeared to enter through the small intestine and was disseminated to the liver and lymphoid tissues. Strand-specific probes detected virion DNA in a consistently larger number of cells than replicative forms of viral DNA and/or viral mRNA. The number of signal-positive cells in the intestinal mucosa, lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus increased through day 10 after oral inoculation but decreased after seroconversion. Positive cells were still detected, however, in peripheral lymphoid tissues of mice examined at 9 weeks postinoculation. The results underscore the need to assess potential effects of persistent mouse parvovirus-1 infection on immune function in mice.  相似文献   

Using molecular cytogenetic DNA markers, C-banding, pachytene analysis, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), a high-resolution karyotype was established in the cucumber. C-banding showed distinct hetero chromatic bands on the pericentromeric, telomeric, and intercalary regions of the chromosomes. The C-banding patterns were also consistent with the morphology of 4'-6-diamino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride (DAPI)-stained pachytene chromosomes. Two repetitive DNA fragments, CsRP1 and CsRP2, were obtained by PCR and localized on the mitotic metaphase and meiotic pachytene chromosomes. CsRP1 was detected on the pericentromeric heterochromatic regions of all chromosomes, except chromosome 1. CsRP2 was detected on 5 (chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7) of 7 chromosomes. All homologous chromosome pairs could be distinguished by FISH using 2 RAPD markers. This is the first report on molecular karyotyping of mitotic and meiotic spreads of cucumber.  相似文献   

Summary The electrophoretic mobilities of isozymes from 16 enzyme systems were determined for nine fish cell lines. The relative migration of the malate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphoglucose dehydrogenase isozymes could be used together to distinguish between seven of the fish cell lines. Two cyprinid cell lines could not be distinguished from each other but were readily separated from the six noncyprinid lines and the one other line of cyprinid origin.  相似文献   

Micromorphology, cytogenetic analysis, isozyme assays, and in situ hybridization were used in order to analyse the diversity of Avenella in the norm-west Iberian Peninsula. Among the taxa analysed, somatic chromosome numbers 2 n = 4x = 28 and 2 n = 8x = 56 were found. Differences in habit, micromorphology and MDH patterns were also detected. Chromosome C-banding pattern and results obtained from total genomic DNA in situ hybridization indicate that die different taxa analysed are closely related. The systematic position of the different taxa is analysed.  相似文献   

RFLP analyses were performed on wheat-Aegilops uniaristata Vis. addition and translocation lines to confirm the identity of added N-genome chromosomes. Complete 1N, 3N, 4N, 5N and 7N chromosome additions were identified, while the complete long arm and only part of the short arm was identified for chromosome 2N. There were no wheat-like 4/5 and 4/7 translocations in the Ae. uniaristata chromosomes. Chromosome 3N carried an asymmetric pericentric inversion, and the translocation line was a product of centric fusion between the long arms of chromosomes 3B and 3N. Chromosome-specific RAPD and microsatellite markers were also identified for all the added Ae. uniaristata chromosomes available in this set of addition lines. A new genomic in situ hybridization protocol combining pre-annealing of probe and blocking DNA and prehybridization with blocking DNA was developed to differentiate the very closely related genomes of Ae. uniaristata and wheat. Hybridization sites for the repetitive DNA sequences pAs1, pSc119.2 and pTa71 were identified on the N-genome chromosomes of Ae. uniaristata using the fluorescent in situ hybridization technique. Results showed deviation from the previously published ideogram of this species. A new ideogram, which shows the hybridization sites for the above sequences, was produced in which the chromosomes are arranged according to their homoeologous group. Received: 23 April 1999 / Accepted: 6 August 1999  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization with five biotin-labeled probes (three alphoid probes, a probe specific for beta-satellite sequences in all acrocentric chromosomes, and an rDNA probe) was used to characterize 30 different Robertsonian translocations, including three t(13;13); one t(15;15), four t(21;21), three t(13;14), two t(13;15), two (13;21), two t(13;22), one t(14;15), eight t(14;21), two t(14;22), and two t(21;22). Of 8 de novo homologous translocations, only one t(13;13) chromosome was interpreted as dicentric, while 19 of 22 nonhomologous Robertsonian translocations were dicentric. The three monocentric nonhomologous translocations included both of the t(13;21) and one t(21;22). Two of 26 translocations studied using the beta-satellite probe showed a positive signal, while rDNA was undetectable in 10 cases studied. These results indicate that most homologous Robertsonian translocations appear monocentric, while the bulk of nonhomologous translocations show two alphoid signals. A majority of the breakpoints localized using this analysis seem to be distal to the centromere and just proximal to the beta-satellite and nuclear-organizing regions.  相似文献   

Biotinylated DNA from two satellite-related, repetitive DNA clones, pHuR 98 and pHuR 195 (specific for chromosomes 9 and 16, respectively), and from a Y-specific clone, pY-3.4A, were hybridized to human metaphase chromosomes using fluoresceinated avidin to detect binding. The chromosomes were simultaneously counterstained with distamycin-DAPI to identify the AT-rich heterochromatin of chromosomes 1, 9, 15, 16, and the Y chromosome. With this method, clear results were obtained under both normal and low stringency conditions, allowing hybridization between molecules sharing 80-85% and 60-65% identity, respectively. Thus, additional sites related to the probes could be identified. A close relationship was shown between the heterochromatin of chromosomes 1 and 16, both hybridizing with clone pHuR 195 under low stringency. Hybridization with clone pHuR 98 was highly specific for chromosome 9, even under low stringency. A relationship between chromosomes 9, 15, and the Y chromosome, however, was shown by hybridization with clone pY-3.4A. The chromosomal distribution of the three repetitive DNA clones used in this study, and data from the literature, are in accordance with the distribution of the heterochromatin types characterized by staining with different fluorescent dyes and dye combinations. Furthermore, our sequence data for clones pHuR 98 and pHuR 195 may explain the fluorescent properties on which the cytogenetic classification of the heterochromatin is based.  相似文献   

Summary The chromosome constitutions of eight wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV)-resistant lines, three of which are also greenbug resistant, derived from wheat/ Agropyron intermedium/Aegilops speltoides crosses were analyzed by C-banding and in situ hybridization. All lines could be traced back to CI15092 in which chromosome 4A is substituted for by an Ag. intermedium chromosome designated 4Ai-2, and the derived lines carry either 4Ai-2 or a part of it. Two (CI17881, CI17886) were 4Ai-2 addition lines. CI17882 and CI17885 were 4Ai-2-(4D) substitution lines. CI17883 was a translocation substitution line with a pair of 6AL.4Ai-2S and a pair of 6AS.4Ai-2L chromosomes substituting for chromosome pairs 4D and 6A of wheat. CI17884 carried a 4DL.4Ai-2S translocation which substituted for chromosome 4D. CI17766 carried a 4AL.4Ai-2S translocation substituting for chromosome 4A. The results show that the 4Ai-2 chromosome is related to homoeologous group 4 and that the resistance gene(s) against WSMV is located on the short arm of 4Ai-2. In addition, CI17882, CI17884, and CI17885 contained Ae. speltoides chromosome 7S substituting for chromosome 7A of wheat. The greenbug resistance gene Gb5 was located on chromosome 7S.Contribution No. 90-515-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan., USA  相似文献   

Determination of telomere length is traditionally performed by Southern blotting and densitometry, giving a mean telomere restriction fragment (TRF) value for the total cell population studied. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of telomere repeats has been used to calculate telomere length, a method called quantitative (Q)-FISH. We here present a quantitative flow cytometric approach, Q-FISHFCM, for evaluation of telomere length distribution in individual cells based on in situ hybridization using a fluorescein-labeled peptide nucleic acid (PNA) (CCCTAA)3probe and DNA staining with propidium iodide. A simple and rapid protocol with results within 30 h was developed giving high reproducibility. One important feature of the protocol was the use of an internal cell line control, giving an automatic compensation for potential differences in the hybridization steps. This protocol was tested successfully on cell lines and clinical samples from bone marrow, blood, lymph nodes and tonsils. A significant correlation was found between Southern blotting and Q-FISHFCMtelomere length values ( P = 0.002). The mean sub-telomeric DNA length of the tested cell lines and clinical samples was estimated to be 3.2 kbp. With the Q-FISHFCMmethod the fluorescence signal could be determined in different cell cycle phases, indicating that in human cells the vast majority of telomeric DNA is replicated early in S phase.  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) offers a convenient and effective method for cytological detection, but can not determine the identity of the chromosomes involved. We integrated C-banding with GISH to identify Haynaldia villosa chromosomes in a wheat background. All chromosomes of H. villosa showed C-bands, either in telomeric regions or in both telomeric and centromeric regions, which allowed unequivocal identification of each H. villosa chromosome. The seven pairs of H. villosa chromosomes were differentiated as 1–7 according to their characteristic C-bands. Using a sequential C-banding and GISH technique, we have analyzed somatic cells of F3 plants from the amphiploid Triticum aestivum-H. villosa x Yangmai 158 hybrids. Three plants (94009/5-4,94009/5-8 and 94009/5-9) were shown to contain H. villosa chromosome(s). 94009/5-4 (2n = 45) had three H. villosa chromosomes (2, 3 and 4); 94009/5-8 (2n = 45) possessed one chromosome 4 and a pair of chromosome 5, and 94009/5-9 (2n = 43) was found to have one chromosome 6 of H. villosa. The combination of GISH with C-banding described here provides a direct comparison of the cytological and molecular landmarks. Such a technique is particularly useful for identifying and localizing alien chromatin and DNA sequences in plants.  相似文献   

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