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The rate of oxygen consumption (OC) of 9 species of freshwater mussels was measured under declining dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. The effects of temperature for some species also was investigated. The pattern of the OC vs. DO curve for each species was used in a hyperbolic model to compare abilities to regulate OC under low oxygen conditions. At 24.5 °C, Pyganodon grandis (from lakes), Amblema plicata and Quadrula pustulosa (from mud or sand in large rivers), Elliptio complanata (from pool areas in rivers), and Elliptio fisheriana and Elliptio lanceolata (from bank margins of rivers) were better able to maintain OC under low DO than were Villosa iris and Villosa constricta (which inhabit riffles) and Pleurobema cordatum (found in rivers with moderate flow). Villosa iris was especially sensitive to low oxygen conditions. The ability to maintain normal OC at low DO was improved considerably at 16.5 °C for V. iris, P. grandis and E. complanata. It is concluded that oxygen regulation ability appears to be related to the degree of hypoxia a species normally experiences in its habitat type, and it is enhanced at low temperature. The measurement of OC vs. DO may be a useful technique for estimating DO water quality criteria for endangered species because it is noninvasive.  相似文献   

We report here properties of isolated brain microvessels such as the rate of oxygen consumption with different substrates; the permeabilizing effect of added ATP is studied. With the isolation procedure presented the cerebral endothelium has a metabolic activity comparable to that reported in the literature. The respiratory rate of the microvessels is not affected by the addition of ATP, whereas it is significantly increased by addition of succinate and -chetoglutarate. The exposure of the isolated brain capillaries to ATP, in a Ca2+-free medium, increases the uptake of 6-carboxyfluorescein. This may be due to pores opened by ATP in the endothelial cell membrane in the absence of divalent cations.  相似文献   

To determine whether there is a direct correlation between endurance capacity and cold tolerance, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), and cold-induced vasodilatation (CIVD), we measured these factors in 14 young female athletes born in Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island. We determined the VO2max by a standard incremental test on a cycle ergometer and measured the oxygen consumption (VO2) by means of the Douglas-bag method. We determined the CIVD reaction by measuring the skin temperature of the left middle finger during immersion in cold water at 0°C for 20 min. The athletes showed significant positive correlations between VO2max, expressed as l/min, and CIVD as well as other peripheral cold tolerance indexes (resistance index against frostbite and CIVD index). The body weight VO2max (VO2max/kg body weight) failed to correlate significantly with either the CIVD or with other cold tolerance indexes. These results suggest that CIVD in females may depend on factors other than those determined in this study, in addition to the functional spread of the vascular beds in peripheral tissues, including striated muscle; it is known that the size and the vascular bed in this tissue are affected by exercise training and that this results in the elevation of VO2max and VO2max/kg body weight.  相似文献   

Individual variation in the rate of oxygen consumption by zebrafish embryos   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A sensitive microsensor‐based method was used to measure oxygen consumption of individual zebrafish Danio rerio embryos at 6 h intervals from 24 to 75 h post‐fertilization. An increase in oxygen consumption rates from 4·54 to 8·29 nmol O2 h−1 was found during this period. At the individual level the differences in oxygen consumption rates caused the total oxygen consumption from 24 to 75 h post‐fertilization to vary between 0·261 and 0·462 μmol O2 per individual with a mean of 0·379 μmol O2 per individual. A separate carbon mass balance study corroborated the mean total oxygen consumption obtained by yielding a respiratory quotient of 0·80 for this period. These results suggest that there is significant intraspecific variation in the metabolic rate of developing zebrafish embryos, which may influence other early life‐history traits such as growth and starvation resistance.  相似文献   

蚯蚓在我国南方土壤修复中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蚯蚓作为生物量最大的土壤动物, 对土壤生态系统和环境质量影响深远。本研究介绍了华南地区主要应用的皮质远盲蚓(Amynthas corticis)、毛利远盲蚓(A. morrisi)、壮伟远盲蚓(A. robustus)、参状远盲蚓(A. aspergillum)、南美岸蚓(Pontoscolex corethrurus)和赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)的生态特征, 阐述了它们与土壤pH值、酶活性、金属富集和有效性改变、孔道和微团聚体形成之间的紧密关系: (1)蚯蚓生存的土壤酸碱性范围较广(pH为3.8-7.9), 其存活率与土壤类型、有机质含量和成分、土壤污染程度和蚯蚓种类相关; (2)肠道内、蚓粪和蚓触圈的酶活性分别表征了蚯蚓取食喜好、土壤养分循环及微生物种群特征; (3)蚯蚓能够富集不同种类的金属并改变其有效性, 这些变化具有蚓种间、金属种类间和土壤类型之间的差异; (4)蚯蚓活动及其生产的蚓粪能改变土体结构、产生孔道、影响土壤团聚体数量、大小和分布。蚯蚓的上述作用使其在解决中国南方红壤酸化、土壤金属污染、茶园土壤养分不平衡、高速公路建设临时用地土壤损毁等方面具有广阔的应用前景。目前, 由于华南远盲蚓的生理特征差异研究较少, 远盲蚓繁育技术的缺乏一定程度上限制了这些蚯蚓在中型和大型尺度下应用技术的研究和推广。有必要进一步挖掘蚯蚓在土壤修复中的潜力, 进行蚯蚓主导的相关技术研发, 深入探讨其影响机制。  相似文献   

We describe a simple protocol for determining the oxygen consumption of cells in static culture. The protocol is based on a noninvasive oxygen-sensing microplate and a simple mathematical model derived from Fick's Law. The applicability of the model is confirmed by showing the correlation of computed oxygen consumption rate (OCR) values to actual cell densities ascertained by direct cell counting and/or MTT for HL60 and U937 cells cultured in suspension. Correlation between computed OCR and these other indications of cell number was quite good, as long as the cultures were not diffusion-limited for oxygen. The impact of the geometric factors of media depth and well size were confirmed to be consistent with the model. Based on this demonstrated correlation, we also developed a simple, completely noninvasive algorithm for ascertaining the per-cell oxygen utilization rate (OUR), which is the ratio of OCR to cell number, and a fundamental cell characteristic. This is accomplished by correlating the known seed densities to extrapolated determinations of OCR at time zero. Such determinations were performed for numerous cell types, in varying well sizes. Resulting OUR values are consistent with literature values acquired by far more painstaking methods, and ranged from <0.01 fmol.min(-1).cell(-1) for bacteria to 0.1-10 fmol.min(-1).cell(-1) for immortalized mammalian and insect cell lines to >10 fmol.min(-1).cell(-1) for primary hepatocytes. This protocol for determining OCR and OUR is extremely simple and broadly applicable and can afford rapid, informative, and noninvasive insight into the state of the culture.  相似文献   

Different species of earthworms show distinct patterns of oxygen consumption pattern. Amynthas gracilis has a diurnal rhythm of oxygen consumption, consuming more oxygen at night, whether being incubated at 20, 25, or 30 degrees C. The higher oxygen consumption of A. gracilis is directly related to its behavior, as it shows higher activity at night. In contrast, Pontoscolex corethrurus showed no obvious diurnal rhythms of oxygen consumption or behavior. In addition, its oxygen demand is not related to temperature. A. gracilis has higher oxygen consumption than P. corethrurus at 20 and 30 degrees C. The difference in temperature adaptation of oxygen consumption between these two species may be a strategy by which earthworms adapt to different temperatures. This might explain why A. gracilis disperses on the soil surface at night after a rain, in contrast to P. corethrurus for which such behavior was not been observed.  相似文献   

Routine oxygen consumption rates of bonnethead sharks, Sphyrna tiburo , increased from 141·3±29·7 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 during autumn to 218·6±64·2 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 during spring, and 329·7±38·3 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 during summer. The rate of routine oxygen consumption increased over the entire seasonal temperature range (20–30° C) at a Q 10=2·34.  相似文献   

Routine oxygen consumption ( M o 2) was 35% higher in 1 day starved and 21% higher in 4 day starved adult transgenic coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch relative to end of migration ocean-ranched coho salmon. Critical swimming speed ( U crit) and M o 2 at U crit ( M o 2max) were significantly lower in 4 day starved transgenic coho salmon (1·25 BL s−1; 8·79 mg O2 kg−1 min−1) compared to ocean-ranched coho salmon (1·60 BL s−1; 9·87 mg O2 kg−1 min−1). Transgenic fish swam energetically less efficiently than ocean-ranched fish, as indicated by a poorer swimming economy at U crit ( M o 2max     ). Although M o 2max was lower in transgenic coho salmon, the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) measured during the first 20 min of recovery was significantly larger in transgenic coho salmon (44·1 mg O2 kg−1) compared with ocean-ranched coho salmon (34·2 mg O2 kg−1), which had a faster rate of recovery.  相似文献   

Sequential addition of vanadyl sulfate to a phosphate-buffered solution of H2O2 released oxygen only after the second batch of vanadyl. Ethanol added to such reaction mixtures progressively decreased oxygen release and increased oxygen consumption during oxidation of vanadyl by H2O2. Inclusion of ethanol after any of the three batches of vanadyl resulted in varying amounts of oxygen consumption, a property also shared by other alcohols (methanol, propanol and octanol). On increasing the concentration of ethanol, vanadyl sulfate or H2O2, both oxygen consumption and acetaldehyde formation increased progressively. Formation of acetaldehyde decreased with increase in the ratio of vanadyl:H2O2 above 2:1 and was undetectable with ethanol at 0.1 mM. The reaction mixture which was acidic in the absence of phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), released oxygen immediately after the first addition of vanadyl and also in presence of ethanol soon after initial rapid consumption of oxygen, with no accompanying acetaldehyde formation. The results underscore the importance of some vanadium complexes formed during vanadyl oxidation in the accompanying oxygen-transfer reactions.  相似文献   

Ventilation was measured directly in the hagfish, Myxine glutinosa L., by means of an electro-magnetic blood flowmeter. Ventilatory flow and frequency increased from 0.86 ± 0.27 ml·min?, and 18.2 ± 5.1·min?, respectively, at 7°C to 1.70 ± 0.20 ml·min?, and 70.1 ± 9.5·min? at 15 ·C.Standard oxygen consumption,V?O2, was measured in non-buried hagfish. V?O2 was 0.57 ± 0.17μl O2·g?1·min?1 at 7°C, and 0.85 ± 0.12μl O2·g?1·min?1 at 15°C.  相似文献   

Dark O2 consumption by the green alga Selenastrum minutum was sensitive to inhibition by the cytochrome pathway respiration inhibitor cyanide in the absence of an alternative oxidase inhibitor, consistent with previous work that suggested that this alga lacks alternative oxidase capacity. In contrast, addition of low concentrations of the cytochrome pathway inhibitor azide (50–750 μ M ) resulted in a stimulation of dark O2 consumption, while higher concentrations of azide (1–2 m M ) partially inhibited O2 consumption. Measurements of changes in cellular levels of pyruvate, malate and pyridine nucleotides upon cyanide addition were consistent with the absence of alternative oxidase capacity, and suggested that cyanide inhibition of O2 consumption was not due to nonspecific effects of cyanide. Addition of salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) also resulted in an increase in the rate of O2 consumption. Both azide- and SHAM-stimulated O2 consumption were sensitive to inhibition by 50 m M ascorbate or by cyanide. However, the ubiquinone analogs chloroquine and quinacrine specifically inhibited azide-stimulated O2 consumption, with only minor effects on SHAM-stimulated O2 consumption. These results suggest that azide-stimulated O2 consumption was not mediated by the previously characterized SHAM-stimulated oxidase, and are consistent with the possibility that azide-stimulated O2 consumption is mediated by a plasma membrane redox system.  相似文献   

The routine oxygen consumption of redbreast tilapia, Tilapia rendalli exposed to silt from the Phalaborwa Barrage was investigated under controlled laboratory conditions. Exposure of adult fish to sublethal concentrations of silt did alter routine oxygen consumption by causing increased rates (53–77% from initial) of oxygen consumption. This indicates that sublethal levels of suspended silt concentrations results in an increase in oxygen consumption by the fish due to an increase in metabolic rate associated with increased activity and stress. From the laboratory experiments, it can therefore be predicted that sublethal releases from the Phalaborwa Barrage will stress the resident fish populations. However, the extent of the impact on the fish population will depend on factors such as frequency, duration and severity of exposure as well as the species in question. Long term monitoring of the fish population below the Phalaborwa Barrage is therefore essential.  相似文献   

A method for measuring oxygen consumption in isolated perfused gills   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is described for measuring respiration in isolated perfused flounder gills experiencing pressures and flows similar to those seen in vivo . Mean oxygen consumption of 13 preparations bathed and perfused in identical saline was 5·00 ± 0·75 (s.e.) μ mol h−1 g wet−1, whilst that of five preparations perfused with saline but bathed in sea water (32 mg l−1) was 12·06±2·39 (s.e.) μmol h−1 g wet−1. The oxygen consumption of the seawater bathed gills was significantly higher (P<0·05) than that in saline bathed gills. These results provide direct evidence both of the high metabolic activity of the gill under normal perfusion conditions and of the increased energy expenditure of the giil in hyperosmotic, compared to isosmotic, environments.  相似文献   

Effect of salinity on oxygen consumption in fishes: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of salinity on resting oxygen uptake was measured in the perch Perca fluviatilis and available information on oxygen uptake in teleost species at a variety of salinities was reviewed. Trans‐epithelial ion transport against a concentration gradient requires energy and exposure to salinities osmotically different from the body fluids therefore imposes an energetic demand that is expected to be lowest in brackish water compared to fresh and sea water. Across species, there is no clear trend between oxygen uptake and salinity, and estimates of cost of osmotic and ionic regulation vary from a few per cent to >30% of standard metabolism.  相似文献   

1. Denitrification, net oxygen consumption and net nitrous oxide flux to the atmosphere were measured in three small rivers (discharge approximately 2–27 m3 s?1) at the whole reach scale during Spring and Summer, 2002. Two of these rivers (Iroquois River and Sugar Creek in north‐west Indiana – north‐east Illinois, U.S.A.) drained agricultural catchments and the other (Millstone River in central New Jersey, U.S.A.) drained a mixed suburban–agricultural catchment. 2. Denitrification, oxygen consumption and N2O flux were measured based on net changes in dissolved gas concentrations (N2, O2, and N2O) during riverine transport, correcting for atmospheric exchange. On each date, measurements were made during both light and dark periods. 3. Denitrification rates in these rivers ranged from 0.31 to 15.91 mmol N m?2 h?1, and rates within each river reach were consistently higher during the day than during the night. This diurnal pattern could be related to cyclic patterns of nitrification driven by diurnal variations in water column pH and temperature. 4. Oxygen consumption ranged from 2.56 to 241 mmol O2 m?2 h?1. In contrast to denitrification, net oxygen consumption was generally higher during the night than during the day. 5. River water was consistently supersaturated with N2O, ranging from 102 to 209% saturated. Net flux of N2O to the atmosphere ranged from 0.4 to 60 μmol N m?2 h?1. Net flux of N2O was generally higher at night than during the day. The high flux of N2O from these rivers strengthens the argument that rivers are an important contributor to anthropogenic emissions of this greenhouse gas.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption for bioenergetic purposes has long been thought to be the prerogative of mitochondria. Nevertheless, mitochondrial gene knockout (ρ0) cells that are defective in mitochondrial respiration require oxygen for growth and consume oxygen at the cell surface via trans-plasma membrane electron transport (tPMET). This raises the possibility that cell surface oxygen consumption may support glycolytic energy metabolism by reoxidising cytosolic NADH to facilitate continued glycolysis. In this paper we determined the extent of cell surface oxygen consumption in a panel of 19 cancer cell lines. Non-mitochondrial (myxothiazol-resistant) oxygen consumption was demonstrated to consist of at least two components, cell surface oxygen consumption (inhibited by extracellular NADH) and basal oxygen consumption (insensitive to both myxothiazol and NADH). The extent of cell surface oxygen consumption varied considerably between parental cell lines from 1% to 80% of total oxygen consumption rates. In addition, cell surface oxygen consumption was found to be associated with low levels of superoxide production and to contribute significantly (up to 25%) to extracellular acidification in HL60ρ0 cells. In summary, cell surface oxygen consumption contributes significantly to total cellular oxygen consumption, not only in ρ0 cells but also in mitochondrially competent tumour cell lines with glycolytic metabolism.  相似文献   

通过30d室内培养试验,分别研究了接种蚯蚓(E)、细菌(B)以及同时接种细菌和蚯蚓(BE)对土壤中菲降解的影响.结果表明: 在土壤中菲的初始污染浓度为50 mg*kg-1的条件下,各处理间菲的降解率差异显著,其降解率的大小顺序依次为:BE》B》E》CK(对照); 在150 mg*kg-1菲的初始污染浓度下,BE处理中菲的降解率高达98.86%,显著高于CK和E处理.B处理中细菌的双加氧酶活性在3种菲初始污染浓度下没有显著差异,而BE处理中双加氧酶的活性随着土壤中菲的初始污染浓度的升高而增加.在相同菲污染浓度下BE处理中蚯蚓体内的菲含量明显高于E处理.表明蚯蚓能够通过生物富集作用降低土壤中菲的浓度,而蚯蚓与细菌的相互作用能够进一步促进土壤中菲的降解.  相似文献   

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