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T-cell help for B cells is essential for high-affinity antibody responses and B-cell memory. Recently, the identity of a discrete follicular population of T cells that has a crucial role in this process has become clearer. Similar to primed CD4(+) T cells in the tonsils and memory CD4(+) T cells in the peripheral blood, this follicular population of T cells expresses CXC-chemokine receptor 5 (CXCR5). Owing to their distinct homing preferences and helper function, these T cells differ from T helper 1 and T helper 2 cells and have been denoted follicular B helper T cells. Here, we outline the central role of this subset in normal and pathological immune responses.  相似文献   

The contact-sensitizing haptens dinitrophenyl (DNP) and oxazalone (Ox) act as helper determinants for antibody responses to Thy-1 when conjugated to donor thymus cells. The helper effect is transferrable from primed to naive mice with spleen cells, producing specific augmentation of in vivo PFC responses to Thy-1. The helper cells are hapten-specific and require associative recognition of hapten and Thy-1, excluding a role for nonspecific B cell activation. The phenotype of the helper cells is Thy-1+ and Lyt-1+2-. Antigen-specific suppression could be readily generated by using an inoculum of DNP-modified syngeneic RBC. T cells from these suppressed donors (Ts) were shown to abolish the helper effects of TH in adoptive transfer experiments in vivo. These Ts were characterized as Thy-1+ and Lyt-1-2+. A requirement for MHC compatibility at the I-J subregion was necessary between the Ts and the recipient to obtain a transfer of suppression.  相似文献   

The activation of small, resting B cells for antibody synthesis by helper T cells has been proposed to require an MHC-restricted interaction between the T and B cells. Large, activated B lymphocytes were, in contrast, thought to be activated by an unrestricted pathway. We re-examined this issue and found that both large and small size fractionated murine B lymphocytes required an MHC-restricted interaction with helper T cells to be activated for specific antibody synthesis. Polyspecific antibody synthesis in the same cultures was not dependent upon an MHC-restricted T-B interaction for any size category of B cell. These results are interpreted as reflecting the ability of antigen-specific B cells to focus and present antigen to T cells, in contrast to B cells of random specificity, which have no effective focusing mechanism for a given experimental antigen. We found that the polyspecific response required much higher antigen concentrations than the antigen-specific response, a result consistent with the antigen-focusing hypothesis.  相似文献   

In earlier studies we showed that hapten-specific inducer T cell clones specifically induce B cells from immunized donors to secrete IgM antibodies. However, IgG responses were not observed, suggesting that an additional signal(s) was required. In this report, we show that an autoreactive T cell clone produces a factor(s) that collaborates with antigen-specific inducer T cells to promote specific IgG responses. This factor is not restricted by antigen or MHC determinants and promotes IgG production both in vivo and in vitro. These findings suggest that autoreactive cells may play an important role in the regulation of isotype expression.  相似文献   

We previously established monoclonal antibodies (mAb) that are putatively directed to the I region of H-2k but are reactive only with T cells. Because of their specificity to the unique epitopes different from class II antigens, they are designated as anti-Iat reagents. The present study demonstrated that these anti-Iat inhibit the H-2k-restricted helper T (Th) cell function by acting on the very H-2 restriction site of both H-2k and H-2kxb F1 T cells. This was determined by both the cytotoxic treatment and blocking of antigen-primed Th cells. In the F1 Th population, only those restricted to H-2k were eliminated, leaving the H-2b-restricted Th cells uninhibited. The inhibition of the response was not due to the induction of suppressor T cells, but to the elimination of the function of radioresistant Lyt-1+,2- Th cells. Iatk epitopes were also found on an H-2k-restricted but not on H-2b-restricted Th cell clone established from the same H-2kxb F1 animal. None of the anti-Iatk were reactive with class II antigens on B cells. These results indicate that Iat epitopes are not directly encoded by the I region genes, but are associated with the H-2 restriction site of T cells, which see the self class II polymorphism. Thus, Iat epitopes are expressed clonally in high frequency on H-2k-restricted Th cells of F1, being excluded from the H-2b-restricted Th population. The relationship between Iat and T cell receptor molecules is unknown.  相似文献   

《Cellular immunology》1986,99(1):182-195
We evaluated the role of molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) involved in the cellular interactions of two T-cell clones by testing the effect of monoclonal antibodies on the responses of the clones in vitro. The two T-cell clones used in the study are specific for minor histocompatibility antigens and restricted to the H-2Kk. In the absence of exogenous IL-2 the clones require the presence of Ia+, Thy-1 accessory cells and of Thy-1+, Lyt-1+2 cells in the irradiated spleen cell suspension used as stimulator. It is also necessary that both the accessory cells and the T cells in the stimulator cell populations are recognized specifically by the clones. Monoclonal antibodies specific for the H-2K product inhibited the lytic effector function of the cytolytic clone. These antibodies when added to cultures of stimulator cells and clones inhibited also the proliferation of this clone and of a nonlytic clone. When antigen recognition was measured by the increase in sensitivity of the clones to IL-2 while confronted with uv-irradiated stimulator cells, both clones were blocked efficiently by anti-H-2K antibodies. Thus, these results suggest that the interaction of monoclonal antibodies with the restricting H-2K molecule is sufficient to block the recognition signal, a prerequisite for proliferation. In contrast, monoclonal antibodies specific for AαAβ and/or EαEβ had no effect on cytolysis or on restricted recognition. However, they inhibited the proliferative responses as efficiently as the H-2K specific antibodies. Inhibition by class II-specific antibodies was not abolished when stimulator cell populations were depleted of Lyt-2+ cells. The blocking effect, however, was reversed by the addition of IL-2. No inhibition was obtained with antibody specific for EαEβ when B10.A(4R) spleen cells, which do not express EαEβ, or when B10.A(4R) accessory cells, which were reconstituted with (BALB/c X B10.A(4R)) F1 T cells, were used as stimulators. Stimulator cells heterozygous for H-2 could be inhibited by antibodies to the parental haplotype not encoded in the clones (H-2Kd). These and previous results suggest that H-2K-restricted minor histocompatibility antigen-specific recognition transmits an activating signal to the clones and to the stimulator cells. The clones probably are induced to express more IL-2 receptors. The stimulator T cells seem to interact through AαAβ and EαEβ molecules with syngeneic accessory cells. This interaction results in IL-2 production by the stimulator T cells and thus in the proliferation of the clones.  相似文献   

A recently developed in vitro system for antigen-stimulated primary and secondary murine IgE antibody responses has been used to define (a) the relative participation of the Th1 and Th2 cell-derived lymphokines IFN-gamma and IL-4, respectively, in such responses, and (b) the role of antigen concentration in determining functional helper T cell activity. These studies confirm that IL-4 and IFN-gamma exert regulatory effects on IgE synthesis, but the nature and extent of their respective effects on primary and secondary IgE responses differ. Thus, primary IgE responses are considerably more sensitive to and dependent on IL-4 than are secondary IgE responses since (1) anti-IL-4 monoclonal antibody totally inhibited primary IgE responses, but only partially affected secondary responses; and (2) exogenously added IL-4 could stimulate primary IgE responses to optimal antigen concentrations, but had no effect on secondary IgE production. Likewise, antigen-stimulated primary IgE responses are about eightfold more sensitive than are secondary responses to the inhibitory effects of IFN-gamma. Studying the effect of antigen dose on the quantity of IgE antibody produced revealed that although IFN-gamma could be detected by ELISA in cultures exhibiting high-dose antigen-dependent diminution of IgE production, anti-IFN-gamma monoclonal antibody could not reverse this phenomenon. Thus, IFN-gamma is not solely responsible for decreased IgE synthesis associated with high-dose antigen exposure. IL-4 activity was detected in the fluid from cultures stimulated with low, but not high, levels of antigen. Moreover, addition of exogenous IL-4 restored IgE production to normal levels in cultures exposed to high antigen concentrations. Therefore, it appears that high levels of antigen result in selective stimulation of Th1 cells which produce IFN-gamma, and diminished activation of IL-4-producing Th2 cells. These results help explain observations regarding the influence of antigen dose on the generation of experimental and clinical IgE antibody responses in vivo.  相似文献   

The in vivo immunosuppressive effects of Concanavalin A (Con A) on the thymus (T) helper dependent response to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) and the T helper independent response to E. coli lipopolysaccharide 055: B5 have been investigated. Maximum suppression was observed in BALB/c mice treated with 3 successive ip injections of 100 μg each of Con A administered on Days ?1, 0, and +1 relative to the day of immunization (Day 0) with SRBC (splenic PFC on Day 4 reduced from 74,000 down to 1400). As little as 10 μg × 3 of Con A was capable of depressing both the PFC and serologic response while 2.5 μg × 3 was ineffective. A single ip injection of 300 μg of Con A administered simultaneously at the time of immunization with SRBC reduced splenic PFC from 74,000 down to 9990 and serum antibody titers by 3–4 log2 units. Significant depression was noted if mice were treated 1, 2, or 3 days prior to but not following immunization. Immunosuppression was noted in mice which had been treated and immunized ip or iv or treated iv and immunized ip. Heat inactivation reduced if not abolished the immunosuppressive properties of Con A.Mice immunized with varying doses of a bacterial vaccine of E. coli 055: B5 (15–1500 × 106 killed organisms) and treated with Con A on days ?1, 0, and +1 had no significant depression of splenic PFC when compared to nontreated controls. Mice treated with Con A and simultaneously immunized with both SRBC and E. coli had a 37-fold reduction in the PFC response to SRBC but only a 2-fold reduction in the response to E. coli. This differential immunosuppressive effect on T helper dependent and independent responses is consistent with the recently reported in vitro specificity which Con A has for theta antigen bearing lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The effect of irradiation on the antibody enhancing helper T cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Helper T cells specific for sheep erythrocytes were generated in lethally irradiated mice. The helper effect exerted by these cells was determined in vitro in spleen cell cultures. Irradiation of the helper cells in vivo or in vitro with 1-9 Gy resulted in a bimodal relation between radiation dose and helper effect when measured either immediately or 6 hours after irradiation. The dose-effect curve became nearly linear when tested 20 hours after irradiation. These results indicated that the helper population consisted of about 80 per cent of cells inactivated shortly after irradiation, possibly due to interphase death, and a second type showing a more retarded cell death. The latter cells were able to exert a helper function during the interval between irradiation and cell death.  相似文献   

This study establishes assay systems for helper T cell activities assisting cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) and antibody responses to tumor-associated antigens (TAA) and demonstrates the existence of TAA that induce preferentially anti-TAA CTL helper and B cell helper T cell activities in two syngeneic tumor models. C3H/HeN mice were immunized to the syngeneic X5563 plasmacytoma or MH134 hepatoma. Spleen cells from these mice were tested for anti-TAA helper T cell activity capable of augmenting anti-trinitrophenyl(TNP) CTL and anti-TNP antibody responses from anti-TNP CTL and B cell precursors (responding cells) by stimulation with TNP-modified X5563 or MH134 tumor cells. The results demonstrate that cultures of responding cells plus 85OR X-irradiated tumor-immunized spleen cells (helper cells) failed to enhance anti-TNP CTL or antibody responses when in vitro stimulation was provided by either unmodified tumor cells or TNP-modified syngeneic spleen cells (TNP-self). In contrast, these cultures resulted in appreciable augmentation of anti-TNP CTL or antibody response when stimulated by TNP-modified tumor cells. Such anti-TAA helper activities were revealed to be Lyt-1+2- T cell mediated and TAA specific. Most interestingly, immunization with X5563 tumor cells resulted in anti-TAA helper T cell activity involved in CTL, but not in antibody responses. Conversely, TAA of MH134 tumor cells induced selective generation of anti-TAA helper T cell activity responsible for antibody response. These results indicate that there exists the qualitative TAA-heterogeneity as evidenced by the preferential induction of anti-TAA CTL- and B cell-helper T cell activities. The results are discussed in the light of cellular mechanisms underlying the preferential anti-TAA immune responses, and the interrelationship between various types of cell functions including CTL- and B cell-help.  相似文献   

This report provides new insights into the role of the T cell growth factor interleukin 2 (IL 2) for the regulation of antibody responses. Evidence is presented that IL 2 down-regulates T helper cell (Thc) activation but not Thc effector function, i.e., Thc-B cooperation. Thus, reagents which block the IL 2 pathway, e.g., cyclosporin A (CsA) or IL 2 receptor monoclonal antibodies (IL 2R Mab) enhanced Thc activation although T cell proliferation was blocked. In contrast, CsA or IL 2R Mab blocked Thc-B cooperation, suggesting that IL 2 is required for this step. The regulatory role of IL 2 was reconfirmed by the addition of exogenous IL 2 into the cultures which reversed the enhancing or blocking effect of CsA.  相似文献   

Mice infected with the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of human Chagas' disease, develop immunosuppressed responses to heterologous antigens. Experiments were performed using infected mice in the acute stage of infection to assess immunoregulatory activities during induction of direct plaque-forming cells (DPFC) to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC), hapten-conjugated SRBC (TNP-SRBC), and horse erythrocytes (TNP-HRBC). Studies in vivo demonstrated that anti-SRBC responses were best enhanced when T. cruzi-infected mice were injected with primed T cells derived from normal or infected mice immunized four days previously. The presence of enhancing capacities for DPFC responses by T cells from T. cruzi-infected mice were also supported by experiments examining the hapten-carrier effect. Preimmunization of infected mice with SRBC or HRBC four days before injection of hapten-homologous (TNP-SRBC or TNP-HRBC) carrier resulted in markedly augmented anti-hapten antibody responses. These results show that functional help provided by T cells activated during priming and exposed to a challenge dose of antigen (SRBC) in a time-dependent mode can overcome the effect of immunosuppression in T. cruzi-infected mice.  相似文献   

The helper T cell clone 3H.25 is specific for hen egg white lysozyme and the class II MHC molecule I-Ab. This TH cell has three rearrangements in the beta-chain gene family-a V beta-D beta-J beta 1 and a D beta 2-J beta 2 rearrangement on one homolog and a D beta 1-J beta 2 rearrangement on the other. These observations demonstrate that this functional T lymphocyte expresses only a single V beta gene segment and, accordingly, exhibits allelic exclusion of beta-chain gene expression. The rearranged 3H.25 V beta gene segment is the same as that expressed in a T helper cell specific for cytochrome c and an I-Ek MHC molecule. Thus, there is no simple correlation between the V beta gene segment and antigen specificity or MHC restriction.  相似文献   

Following activation, naive CD4+ Th cells can differentiate to selectively produce either the Th1 lineage-specific cytokine IFN-gamma or the Th2 cytokine IL-4 and, in so doing, lose the capacity to produce cytokines of the alternative lineage. Lineage commitment of murine CD4+ T cells has largely been considered to be absolute with little flexibility to produce cytokines of the opposing lineage. In this study, we demonstrate that cells within Th2 memory populations can produce IFN-gamma if reactivated in vivo in the context of an innate response that favors Th1 cell development. Likewise, cells within Th1 memory populations produce IL-4 when challenged under conditions that promote Th2 responses. Both effector and unpolarized central memory cells retain the potential to produce cytokines that were not made during the primary response. These findings reveal that both effector and central memory Th1 and Th2 cells possess the capacity to respond to environmental cues to produce pathogen-appropriate cytokines of the opposing lineage.  相似文献   

Subtypes of helper cells. Non-inflammatory type 1 helper T cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Class II MHC-restricted T cells recently have been characterized as being either type 1 (Th1) or type 2 (Th2) based on their ability to both secrete different lymphokines and perform different functions. Characterization of these subtypes to date have indicated that Th1 cells secrete IL-2, IFN-gamma, lymphotoxin, and IL-3, whereas Th2 cells secrete IL-4, IL-5, and IL-3. Functionally, Th1 cells mediated cytotoxicity and delayed-type hypersensitivity, and have been termed "inflammatory cells," whereas Th2 cells mediate helper function for Ig secretion and have been termed, "regulatory cells." We now present evidence that not all Th1 clones are inflammatory and capable of mediating cutaneous delayed-type hypersensitivity. We have generated a number of myelin basic protein-specific Th1 clones that do not mediate swelling when injected together with myelin basic protein directly into the footpads of syngeneic mice. These results suggest that Th1 cells can be further subdivided based on their ability to mediate delayed-type hypersensitivity, and that the Th1/Th2 characterization of Th cells may be insufficient to adequately characterize all functional subtypes of class II MHC-restricted T cells.  相似文献   

In bone marrow cell (BMC) cultures supplemented with colony-stimulating factor (CSF), accessory cells develop that are capable of inducing specific helper T cells. These accessory cells become effective after 4 days in culture and can be found not only in the adherent but also in the nonadherent cell population. On the other hand, very few accessory cells with helper cell-inducing capacity are obtained in BMC cultures without CSF. The active BMC-derived cell type has been shown to carry Ia surface antigen, since pretreatment with anti-Ia serum and complement abolished the capacity of these cells to function like macrophages in helper T cell induction. Moreover, the appearance of functional accessory cells in these cultures coincided with the presence of Ia-bearing cells.  相似文献   

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