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Protein tyrosine kinases participate in the transduction and modulation of signals that regulate proliferation and differentiation of cells. Excessive or deregulated protein tyrosine kinase activity can cause malignant transformation. The catalytic activity of the T cell protein tyrosine kinase p56lck is normally suppressed by phosphorylation of a carboxyl-terminal tyrosine, Tyr-505, by another cellular protein tyrosine kinase. Here we characterize a human cytosolic 50 kDa protein tyrosine kinase, p50csk, which specifically phosphorylates Tyr-505 of p56lck and a synthetic peptide containing this site. Phosphorylation of Tyr-505 suppressed the catalytic activity of p56lck. We suggest that p50csk negatively regulates p56lck, and perhaps other cellular src family kinases.  相似文献   

A newly isolated T-cell line (CB1) derived from a T-acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL) patient contained cells (40% of total) which did not express the CD45 phosphotyrosine phosphatase. The cells were sorted into CD45- and CD45+ populations and shown to be clonal in origin. T-cell receptor (TCR) cross-linking or coligation of the TCR with its CD4/CD8 co-receptors induced tyrosine phosphorylation and calcium signals in CD45+ but not in CD45- cells. Unexpectedly, whole cell p56lck and p59fyn tyrosine kinase activities were not reduced in CD45- compared to CD45+ cells. A novel technique was therefore developed to isolated specific pools of aggregated receptors expressed at the cell surface, together with their associated tyrosine kinases. Using this technique it was shown that cell surface CD4-p56lck kinase activity was 78% lower in CD45- than in CD45+ cells. Phosphorylation of TCR zeta- and gamma-chains occurred in TCR immunocomplexes from CD45+ but not CD45- cells, despite comparable levels of p59fyn and TCR proteins. Furthermore, TCR-associated tyrosine kinase activity towards an exogenous substrate was 84% lower in CD45- than in CD45+ cells. Addition of recombinant p59fyn to TCR immunocomplexes isolated from CD45-cells restored the phosphorylation of the TCR zeta- and gamma-chains. Our results demonstrate that CD45 selectively regulates the pools of p59fyn and p56lck kinases which are associated with the TCR and CD4 at the cell surface. Activation by CD45 of these receptor-associated kinase pools correlates with the ability of the TCR and its coreceptors to couple to intracellular signalling pathways.  相似文献   

Inhibition of p56(lck) tyrosine kinase by isothiazolones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lck encodes a 56-kDa protein-tyrosine kinase, predominantly expressed in T lymphocytes, crucial for initiating T cell antigen receptor (TCR) signal transduction pathways, culminating in T cell cytokine gene expression and effector functions. As a consequence of a high-throughput screen for selective, novel inhibitors of p56(lck), an isothiazolone compound was identified, methyl-3-(N-isothiazolone)-2-thiophenecarboxylate(A-125800), which inhibits p56(lck) kinase activity with IC50 = 1-7 microM. Under similar assay conditions, the isothiazolone compound was equipotent in blocking the ZAP-70 tyrosine kinase activity but was 50 to 100 times less potent against the catalytic activities of p38 MAP kinase and c-Jun N-terminal kinase 2alpha. A-125800 blocked activation-dependent TCR tyrosine phosphorylation and intracellular calcium mobilization in Jurkat T cells (IC50 = 35 microM) and blocked T cell proliferation in response to alloantigen (IC50 = 14 microM) and CD3/CD28-induced IL-2 secretion (IC50 = 2.2 microM) in primary T cell cultures. Inhibition of p56(lck )by A-125800 was dose- and time-dependent and was irreversible. A substitution of methylene for the sulfur atom in the isothiazolone ring of the compound completely abrogated the ability to inhibit p56(lck) kinase activity and TCR-dependent signal transduction. Incubation with thiols such as beta-ME or DTT also blocked the ability of the isothiazolone to inhibit p56(lck) kinase activity. LC/MS analysis established the covalent modification of p56(lck) at cysteine residues 378, 465, and 476. Together these data support an inhibitory mechanism, whereby cysteine -SH groups within the p56(lck) catalytic domain react with the isothiazolone ring, leading to ring opening and disulfide bond formation with the p56(lck) enzyme. Loss of p56(lck) activity due to -SH oxidation has been suggested to play a role in the pathology of AIDS. Consequently, a similar mechanism of sulfhydryl oxidation leading to p56(lck) inhibition, described in this report, may occur in the intact T cell and may underlie certain T cell pathologies.  相似文献   

R M Perlmutter 《Enzyme》1990,44(1-4):214-224

The p56lck and p59fyn protein tyrosine kinases are important signal transmission elements in the activation of mature T lymphocytes by ligands to the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)/CD3 complex. The lack of either kinase results in deficient early signaling events, and pharmacological agents that block tyrosine phosphorylation prevent T-cell activation altogether. After triggering of the TCR/CD3 complex, both kinases are moderately activated and begin to phosphorylate cellular substrates, but the molecular mechanisms responsible for these changes have remained unclear. We recently found that the p72syk protein tyrosine kinase is physically associated with the TCR/CD3 complex and is rapidly tyrosine phosphorylated and activated by receptor triggering also in T cells lacking p56lck. Here we examine the regulation of p72syk and its interaction with p56lck in transfected COS-1 cells. p72syk was catalytically active and heavily phosphorylated on its putative autophosphorylation site, Tyr-518/519. Mutation of these residues to phenylalanines abolished its activity in vitro and toward cellular substrates in vivo and reduced its tyrosine phosphorylation in intact cells by approximately 90%. Coexpression of lck did not alter the catalytic activity of p72syk, but the expressed p56lck was much more active in the presence of p72syk than when expressed alone. This activation was also seen as increased phosphorylation of cellular proteins. Concomitantly, p56lck was phosphorylated at Tyr-192 in its SH2 domain, and a Phe-192 mutant p56lck was no longer phosphorylated by p72syk. Phosphate was also detected in p56lck at Tyr-192 in lymphoid cells. These findings suggest that p56lck is positively regulated by the p72syk kinase.  相似文献   

The protein-tyrosine kinase p56lck exhibits a restricted substrate specificity in vitro but can efficiently phosphorylate bovine myelin basic protein (MBP). Results obtained from both peptide mapping and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry indicate that tyrosine 67 in the sequence -Thr-Thr-His-Tyr67-Gly-Ser-Leu-Pro-Gln-Lys- in bovine MBP is the specific phosphorylation site. p56lck does not phosphorylate the acidic, cytoplasmic domain of erythrocyte band 3. In contrast, p40, another protein-tyrosine kinase purified from bovine thymus that readily phosphorylates band 3, does not phosphorylate MBP. Therefore, MBP and band 3 may prove to be useful substrates for distinguishing between various tyrosine kinases on the basis of substrate specificity. In addition, identification of the recognition sequence in MBP for p56lck may contribute to an understanding of the structural features of physiological substrates for this kinase.  相似文献   

p50csk is a tyrosine protein kinase (TPK) that represses the activity of Src family TPKs. We previously showed that Csk is a potent negative regulator of antigen receptor signaling in T lymphocytes and that its Src homology (SH) 3 and SH2 domains are required to inhibit these signals. To test the idea that the Csk SH3 and SH2 domains mediate interactions with other cellular proteins, we attempted to identify Csk-associated polypeptides using the yeast two-hybrid system. The results of our experiments demonstrated that Csk physically associates with PEP, a protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) expressed in hemopoietic cells. Further analyses revealed that this interaction was mediated by the Csk SH3 domain and by a proline-rich region (PPPLPERTP) in the non-catalytic C-terminal portion of PEP. The association between Csk and PEP was documented in transiently transfected Cos-1 cells and in a variety of cells of hemopoietic lineages, including T cells. Additional analyses demonstrated that the association between Csk and PEP is highly specific. Together, these data indicated that PEP may be an effector and/or a regulator of p50csk in T cells and other hemopoietic cells. Moreover, they allowed the identification of PEP as the first known ligand for the Csk SH3 domain.  相似文献   

p56lck, a member of the src family of non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs), is expressed predominantly in T-lymphocytes. Association of p56lck with CD4 and CD8 T-cell receptor (TcR) accessory molecules suggests that p56lck may play a specialized role in antigen-induced T-cell activation. CD4 and CD8 molecules are known to stabilize the interaction between TcR and the major histocompatibility complex during T-cell activation. To examine the role of p56lck in the dynamics of the CD4 molecule, p56lck-expressing transfectant cell clones were prepared by the transfection of an lck-gene plasmid containing an inducible promoter into a CD4+lck- human monocytoid cell line. When these transfectant cells were stimulated with phorbol ester, CD4 internalization on these p56lck-expressing cell lines was selectively and markedly retarded, as compared to p56lck-negative control cell lines. When cell-surface CD4 and intracellular CD4 were selectively precipitated after stimulation, the intracellular CD4 molecules were dissociated from p56lck whereas the surface-retained CD4 molecules were still associated with p56lck. Moreover, the dissociation of p56lck from CD4 appeared to occur prior to the PMA-induced internalization of CD4. These data indicate that p56lck regulates the PMA-induced internalization of CD4 possibly via its association with CD4. Treatment with genistein, a PTK inhibitor, revealed that the PTK activity of p56lck might not be involved in this regulatory effect of p56lck on CD4 internalization.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanism(s) by which p56lck participates in T-cell receptor (TCR) signalling, we have examined the effects of mutations in known regulatory domains of p56lck on the ability of F505 p56lck to enhance the responsiveness of an antigen-specific murine T-cell hybridoma. A mutation of the amino-terminal site of myristylation (glycine 2), which prevents stable association of p56lck with the plasma membrane, completely abolished the ability of F505 p56lck to enhance TCR-induced tyrosine protein phosphorylation. Alteration of the major site of in vitro autophosphorylation, tyrosine 394, to phenylalanine diminished the enhancement of TCR-induced tyrosine protein phosphorylation by F505 p56lck. Such a finding is consistent with the previous demonstration that this site is required for full activation of p56lck by mutation of tyrosine 505. Strikingly, deletion of the noncatalytic Src homology domain 2, but not of the Src homology domain 3, markedly reduced the improvement of TCR-induced tyrosine protein phosphorylation by F505 Lck. Additional studies revealed that all the mutations tested, including deletion of the Src homology 3 region, abrogated the enhancement of antigen-triggered interleukin-2 production by F505 p56lck, thus implying more stringent requirements for augmentation of antigen responsiveness by F505 Lck. Finally, it was also observed that expression of F505 p56lck greatly increased TCR-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase C-gamma 1, raising the possibility that phospholipase C-gamma 1 may be a substrate for p56lck in T lymphocytes. Our results indicate that p56lck regulates T-cell antigen receptor signalling through a complex process requiring multiple distinct structural domains of the protein.  相似文献   

Several styryl-based compounds were evaluated for their capacity to act as inhibitors of the non-receptor tyrosine protein kinase p56lck. Our results demonstrate that alpha-cyanocinnamamide compounds can inhibit both the in vitro tyrosine autophosphorylation of p56lck as well as p56lck phosphorylation of exogenous substrates. Compound 67B-83-A was found to inhibit p56lck protein kinase activity with a calculated IC50 of 7 to 10 microM. This compound did not significantly inhibit the tyrosine protein kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor and was found to be a less effective tyrosine protein kinase inhibitor for other members of the src family of protein kinases.  相似文献   

Paxillin, a focal-adhesion-associated protein, becomes phosphorylated in response to a number of stimuli which also induce the tyrosine phosphorylation of the focal-adhesion-associated protein tyrosine kinase pp125FAK. On the basis of their colocalization and coordinate phosphorylation, paxillin is a candidate for a substrate of pp125FAK. We describe here conditions under which the phosphorylation of paxillin on tyrosine is pp125FAK dependent, supporting the hypothesis that paxillin phosphorylation is regulated by pp125FAK. pp125FAK must localize to focal adhesions and become autophosphorylated to induce paxillin phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of paxillin on tyrosine creates binding sites for the SH2 domains of Crk, Csk, and Src. We identify two sites of phosphorylation as tyrosine residues 31 and 118, each of which conforms to the Crk SH2 domain binding motif, (P)YXXP. These observations suggest that paxillin serves as an adapter protein, similar to insulin receptor substrate 1, and that pp125FAK may regulate the formation of signaling complexes by directing the phosphorylation of paxillin on tyrosine.  相似文献   

The lymphocyte glycoprotein CD4 is constitutively internalized and recycled in nonlymphoid cells, but is excluded from the endocytic pathway in lymphocytic cells (Pelchen-Matthews, A., J. E. Armes, G. Griffiths, and M. Marsh. 1991. J. Exp. Med. 173: 575-587). Inhibition of CD4 endocytosis is dependent on CD4 expressing an intact cytoplasmic domain and is only observed in cells where CD4 can interact with the protein tyrosine kinase p56lck, a member of the src gene family. We have expressed p56lck, p60c-src, or chimeras of the two proteins in CD4-transfected NIH-3T3 or HeLa cells. Immunoprecipitation of CD4 and in vitro kinase assays showed that p56lck and the lck/src chimera, which contains the NH2 terminus of p56lck, can associate with CD4. In contrast, p60c-src and the src/lck chimera, which has the NH2 terminus of p60c-src, do not associate with CD4. Endocytosis assays using radioiodinated anti-CD4 monoclonal antibodies demonstrated that coexpression of CD4 with p56lck, but not with p60c-src, inhibited CD4 endocytosis, and that the extent of the inhibition depended directly on the relative levels of CD4 and p56lck expressed. The uptake of mutant CD4 molecules which cannot interact with p56lck was not affected. Measurement of the fluid-phase endocytosis of HRP or the internalization of transferrin indicated that the effect of p56lck was specific for CD4, and did not extend to other receptor-mediated or fluid-phase endocytic processes. Immunogold labeling of CD4 at the cell surface and observation by electron microscopy demonstrated directly that p56lck inhibits CD4 endocytosis by preventing its entry into coated pits.  相似文献   

Expression of the CD45 tyrosine protein phosphatase is required for the response of functional lymphocytes to stimulation through the antigen receptor. One or more of its substrates may therefore be essential for signal transduction during lymphocyte activation. We have studied the phosphorylation of the closely related lck, fyn, and c-src tyrosine protein kinases in leukemic murine T-cell lines that have lost the expression of CD45. The phosphorylation of the lck kinase at an inhibitory site of tyrosine phosphorylation, Tyr-505, was increased by two-, six-, and eightfold in three different cell lines. Phosphorylation of the fyn kinase at the homologous site, Tyr-531, was unaltered in one of these cell lines, but increased by 2.5-fold in the two others. The phosphorylation of p60c-src at the homologous tyrosine was essentially unchanged in the one CD45-negative cell line in which it was examined. The expression of CD45 therefore regulates the phosphorylation and potentially the activity of the lck and fyn tyrosine protein kinases, but the effect on the lck kinase is much greater than on the fyn kinase. This finding and the observation that CD45 had no effect on the phosphorylation of p60c-src suggest that CD45 exhibits polypeptide substrate specificity in vivo. Additionally, these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the unresponsiveness of CD45-negative lymphoid cells to antigenic stimulation is due largely to hyperphosphorylation of the lck kinase.  相似文献   

The catalytic function of Src-related tyrosine protein kinases is repressed by phosphorylation of a conserved carboxy-terminal tyrosine residue. Recent studies suggest that this inhibitory event is not the result of autophosphorylation but that it is mediated by another cytoplasmic tyrosine protein kinase, termed p50csk. In this report, we have evaluated the processes regulating the extent of phosphorylation of the inhibitory carboxy-terminal tyrosine residue of p56lck, a lymphocyte-specific member of the Src family. By analyzing kinase-defective variants of p56lck expressed in mouse NIH 3T3 cells, we have found that the noncatalytic Src homology 2 (SH2) domain, but not the SH3 sequence or the sites of Lck myristylation and autophosphorylation, is necessary for stable phosphorylation at the carboxy-terminal tyrosine 505. Further studies in which Lck and Csk were coexpressed in S. cerevisiae indicated that the absence of the SH2 domain did not affect the ability of Csk to phosphorylate p56lck at tyrosine 505. However, we observed that incubation of cells with the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor pervanadate restored the tyrosine 505 phosphorylation of Lck polypeptides devoid of the SH2 motif. Additionally, the presence of the SH2 sequence protected tyrosine 505 from in vitro dephosphorylation by the hemopoietic tyrosine protein phosphatase CD45. Taken together, these findings raised the possibility that the SH2 motif contributes to the physiological suppression of the catalytic function of p56lck at least in part through its ability to stabilize phosphorylation at the inhibitory site.  相似文献   

Incubation of the human T cells, Jurkat, with two sets of activating anti-CD2 mAb (T11(2) + T11(3), D66 + T11(1)) induced delocalization of p56lck and CD2 receptors from the plasma membrane and increased the tyrosine kinase activity of p56lck. The anti-CD2 mAb combination (T11(2) + T11(3)) that produced the most rapid increase in p56lck kinase activity also induced the most rapid delocalization of the kinase. In stimulated cells, both p56lck and CD2 receptors are detected in cytoplasmic vesicles. The internalization of p56lck in endocytic vesicles was established by confocal microscopy. By double staining it was shown that only part of the p56lck colocalized with the internalized CD2 receptor suggesting distinct sorting processes. Internalization of p56lck appeared to be specific of CD2 stimulation as: 1) in Jurkat cells triggered with an anti-CD3 mAb, p56lck was not internalized whereas CD3 receptors were completely endocytosed; 2) when cells were stimulated via CD4, the kinase and CD4 receptors remained associated with the plasma membrane. In addition, internalization of p56lck upon stimulation of CD2 receptors was not modified in CD2+/CD3-Jurkat cells indicating that CD3 is not involved in this process. The identification of different subcellular localizations of p56lck in resting and stimulated T cells should represent an important step in the definition of its functional activity.  相似文献   

We report that the cytoplasmic domains of the T-lymphocyte glycoproteins CD4 and CD8 alpha contain short related amino acid sequences that are involved in binding the amino-terminal domain of the intracellular tyrosine protein kinase, p56lck. Transfer of as few as six amino acid residues from the cytoplasmic domain of the CD8 alpha protein to the cytoplasmic domain of an unrelated protein conferred p56lck binding to the hybrid protein in HeLa cells. The common sequence motif shared by CD4 and CD8 alpha contains two cysteines, and mutation of either cysteine in the CD4 sequence eliminated binding of p56lck.p56lck also contains two cysteine residues within its CD4-CD8 alpha-binding domain, and both are critical to the interaction with CD4 or CD8 alpha. Because the interaction does not involve disulfide bond formation, a metal ion could stabilize the complex.  相似文献   

The CD4 receptor subserves both adhesion and signal transduction functions on CD4+ T-lymphocytes. CD4 is physically associated with the src-related protein tyrosine kinase p56lck. Cell surface engagement of CD4 leads to enzymatic activation of the associated p56lck and the phosphorylation of T-cell proteins on tyrosine residues. We have identified a 72-74kD protein phosphorylated on tyrosine residues following activation of CD4-associated p56lck as the serine-threonine kinase Raf-1. The demonstration that Raf-1 is a substrate for the CD4/p56lck receptor system in normal cells suggests that receptor and nonreceptor classes of protein tyrosine kinases can independently engage functionally overlapping signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

p56lck, a lymphocyte-specific tyrosine protein kinase, binds to the cytoplasmic tails of the T-cell surface molecules CD4 and CD8. Cross-linking of CD4 expressed on the surface of murine thymocytes, splenocytes, and CD4+ T-cell lines induced tyrosine phosphorylation of p56lck dramatically. Cross-linking of CD8 stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of p56lck strongly in murine L3 and GA4 cells, slightly in splenocytes, but not detectably in thymocytes. Differing effects of cross-linking on in vitro tyrosine kinase activity of p56lck were observed. An increase in the in vitro kinase activity of p56lck, when assayed with [Val5]-angiotensin II as an exogenous substrate, was found to accompany cross-linking of CD4 in three cell lines. No stimulation of the in vitro kinase activity, however, was observed after cross-linking of CD8 in L3 cells. The phosphorylation of p56lck at Tyr-394, the autophosphorylation site, was stimulated by cross-linking in all cell lines examined. Tyr-394 was the predominant site of increased tyrosine phosphorylation in two leukemic cell lines. In the other two cell lines, the phosphorylation of both Tyr-394 and an inhibitory site, Tyr-505, was found to increase. In contrast to cross-linking with antibodies, no striking increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of p56lck was stimulated by antigenic stimulation. Therefore, the effect of antibody-induced aggregation of CD4 and CD8 on the tyrosine phosphorylation of p56lck differs, at least quantitatively, from what occurs during antigen-induced T-cell activation.  相似文献   

With v-yes DNA as the probe, a human cDNA library made from placental RNA was screened under relaxed conditions, and DNA clones derived from a novel genetic locus, termed lyn, were obtained. Nucleotide sequencing revealed that lyn could encode a novel tyrosine kinase that was very similar to mouse T-lymphocyte-specific tyrosine kinase p56lck and the v-yes protein as well as to the gene products of v-fgr and v-src. Northern hybridization analysis revealed that a 3.2-kilobase lyn mRNA was expressed in a variety of tissues of the human fetus. The pattern of lyn mRNA expression was different from those of related genes, such as yes and syn. Hybridization analysis of DNA from sorted chromosomes showed that the lyn gene is located on human chromosome 8 q13-qter.  相似文献   

An investigation into the role of CD45 isoforms in T cell antigen receptor signal transduction was carried out by transfecting CD45-negative CD4(+)CD8(+) HPB-ALL T cells with the CD45R0, CD45RBC, and CD45RABC isoforms. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis showed that the CD45R0 isoform, but not the CD45RBC or CD45RABC isoforms, was found as homodimers and also preferentially associated with CD4 and CD8 at the cell-surface. A comparison was therefore made of T cell antigen receptor signaling between sub-clones expressing either CD45R0 or CD45RBC. Under basal conditions CD4-associated p56(lck) tyrosine kinase activity and cellular protein tyrosine phosphorylation levels were higher in the CD45R0(+) than in the CD45RBC(+) sub-clones. Upon CD3-CD4 ligation, TCR-zeta phosphorylation, ZAP-70 recruitment to the p21/p23 TCR-zeta phosphoisomers, ZAP-70 phosphorylation, as well as p56(lck), c-Cbl and Slp-76 phosphorylation, were all markedly increased in CD45R0(+) compared with CD45RBC(+) cells. T cell antigen receptor (TCR) stimulation alone also promoted c-Cbl phosphorylation in CD45R0(+) but not in CD45RBC(+) cells. Our results are consistent with a model in which association of CD45R0 with CD4 generates a more active pool of CD4-associated p56(lck) kinase molecules. Upon CD3-CD4 co-ligation, the active p56(lck) increases the intensity of T cell antigen receptor signal transduction coupling by promoting TCR-zeta chain phosphorylation and ZAP-70 recruitment.  相似文献   

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