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We have performed molecular dynamics simulations of multiple copies of the lung-surfactant peptide SP-B1-25 in a palmitic acid (PA) monolayer. SP-B1-25 is a shorter version of lung-surfactant protein B, an important component of lung surfactant. Up to 30 ns simulations of 20 wt % SP-B1-25 in the PA monolayers were performed with different surface areas of PA, extents of PA ionization, and various initial configurations of the peptides. Starting with initial peptide orientation perpendicular to the monolayer, the predicted final tilt angles average 54 degrees approximately 62 degrees with respect to the monolayer normal, similar to those measured experimentally by Lee et al. (Biophysical Journal. 2001. Synchrotron x-ray study of lung surfactant-specific protein SP-B in lipid monolayers. 81:572-585). In their final conformations, hydrogen-bond analysis and amino acid mutation studies show that the peptides are anchored by hydrogen bond interactions between the cationic residues Arg-12 and Arg-17 and the hydrogen bond acceptors of the ionized PA headgroup, and the tilt angle is affected by the interactions of Tyr-7 and Gln-19 with the PA headgroup. Our work indicates that the factors controlling orientation of small peptides in lipid layers can now be uncovered through molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

Kurutz JW  Lee KY 《Biochemistry》2002,41(30):9627-9636
Surfactant protein B (SP-B) is a 79-residue essential component of lung surfactant, the film of lipid and protein lining the alveoli, and is the subject of great interest for its role in lung surfactant replacement therapies. Here we report circular dichroism results and the solution NMR structure of SP-B(11-25) (CRALIKRIQAMIPKG) dissolved in CD(3)OH at 5 degrees C. This is the first report of NMR data related to the protein SP-B, whose structure promises to help elucidate the mechanism of its function. Sequence-specific resonance assignments were made for all observable (1)H NMR signals on the basis of standard 2D NMR methods. Structures were determined by the simulated annealing method using restraints derived from 2D NOESY data. The calculations yielded 17 energy-minimized structures, three of which were subjected to 0.95 ns of restrained dynamics to assess the relevance of the static structures to more realistic dynamic behavior. Our CD and NMR data confirm that this segment is an amphiphilic alpha helix from approximately residue L14 through M21. The backbone heavy-atom RMSD for residues L14 through M21 is 0.09 +/- 0.12 A, and the backbone heavy-atom RMSD for the whole peptide is 0.96 +/- 2.45 A, the difference reflecting fraying at the termini. Aside from the disordered termini, the minimized structures represent dynamic structures well. Structural similarity to the homologous regions of related saposin-like proteins and the importance of the distribution of polar residues about the helix axis are discussed.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy was used to determine the conformation of the disulfide linkage between cysteine residues in the homodimeric construct of the N-terminal alpha helical domain of surfactant protein B (dSP-B(1-25)). The conformation of the disulfide bond between cysteine residues in position 8 of the homodimer of dSP-B(1-25) was compared with that of a truncated homodimer (dSP-B(8-25)) of the peptide having a disulfide linkage at the same position in the alpha helix. Temperature-dependent Raman spectra of the S-S stretching region centered at approximately 500 cm(-1) indicated a stable, although highly strained disulfide conformation with a chi(CS-SC) dihedral angle of +/-10 degrees for the dSP-B(1-25) dimer. In contrast, the truncated dimer dSP-B(8-25) exhibited a series of disulfide conformations with the chi(CS-SC) dihedral angle taking on values of either +/-30 degrees or 85+/-20 degrees . For conformations with chi(CS-SC) close to the +/-90 degrees value, the Raman spectra of the 8-25 truncated dimers exhibited chi(SS-CC) dihedral angles of 90/180 degrees and 20-30 degrees . In the presence of a lipid mixture, both constructs showed a nu(S-S) band at approximately 488 cm(-1), corresponding to a chi(CS-SC) dihedral angle of +/-10 degrees . Polarized infrared spectroscopy was also used to determine the orientation of the helix and beta-sheet portion of both synthetic peptides. These calculations indicated that the helix was oriented primarily in the plane of the surface, at an angle of approximately 60-70 degrees to the surface normal, while the beta structure had approximately 40 degrees tilt. This orientation direction did not change in the presence of a lipid mixture or with temperature. These observations suggest that: (i) the conformational flexibility of the disulfide linkage is dependent on the amino acid residues that flank the cysteine disulfide bond, and (ii) in both constructs, the presence of a lipid matrix locks the disulfide bond into a preferred conformation.  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant provides for a lipid rich film at the lung air-water interface, which prevents alveolar collapse at the end of expiration. The films are likely enriched in the major surfactant component dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), which, due to its saturated fatty acid chains, can withstand high surface pressures up to 70 mN/m, thereby reducing surface tension in that interface to very low values (close to 1 mN/m). Despite many experimental measurements in situ, as well as in vitro for native lung surfactant films, the exact mechanism by which other fluid lipid components of surfactant, in combination with surfactant proteins, allow for such low surface tension values to be reached is not well understood. We have performed molecular dynamics simulation of films composed of DPPC alone and in mixtures with other fluid and acidic lipid components of surfactant at the high densities relevant to the low surface tension regime. 10-50 ns simulations were performed with the software GROMACS, with 40-64 lipids molecules plus water, using 5 different lipid compositions and 7 different areas per lipid. The primary focus was to learn how differences in lipid composition affect the response of the monolayer to compression, such as the development of curvature or the loss of lipids to the exterior of the monolayer. The systems studied exhibit features of two of the major schools of thought of lung surfactant mechanisms, in that although unsaturated lipids did not appear to prevent the monolayers from achieving high surface pressure, POPG did appear to be selectively squeezed out of the DPPC/POPG monolayers at high lipid densities.  相似文献   

The lung surfactant proteins SP-B and SP-C are pivotal for fast and reversible lipid insertion at the air/liquid interface, a prerequisite for functional lung activity. We used a model system consisting of a preformed monolayer at the air/liquid interface supplemented with surfactant protein SP-B or SP-C and unilamellar vesicles injected into the subphase of a film balance. The content of SP-B or SP-C was similar to that found in lung lavage. In order to elucidate distinct steps of lipid insertion, we measured the time-dependent pressure increase as a function of the initial surface pressure, the temperature and the phosphatidylglycerol content by means of surface tension measurements and scanning force microscopy (SFM). The results of the film balance study are indicative of a two-step mechanism in which initial adsorption of vesicles to the protein-containing monolayer is followed by rupture and integration of lipid material. Furthermore, we found that vesicle adsorption on a preformed monolayer supplemented with SP-B or SP-C is strongly enhanced by negatively charged lipids as provided by DPPG and the presence of Ca2+ ions in the subphase. Hence, long-range electrostatic interactions are thought to play an important role in attracting vesicles to the surface, being the initial step in replenishment of lipid material. While insertion into the monolayer is independent of the type of protein SP-B or SP-C, initial adsorption is faster in the presence of SP-B than SP-C. We propose that the preferential interaction between SP-B and negatively charged DPPG leads to accumulation of negative charges in particular regions, causing strong adhesion between DPPG-containing vesicles and the monolayer mediated by Ca2+ ions, which eventually causes flattening and rupture of attached liposomes as observed by in situ SFM.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)/phosphatidylglycerol (PG) multilayers, reconstituted with various synthetic peptides for modeling human lung surfactant, was monitored by vibrational Raman spectroscopy. The synthetic peptides consisted, respectively, of residues 59-81 of the human surfactant protein SP-B and 21 amino acid residue peptides containing repeating units of arginine separated by either four or eight leucines (RL4 or RL8). Each peptide demonstrated the ability to reduce significantly the surface tension of analogues of the phospholipid mixture used in the Raman studies. Raman spectroscopic integrated band intensities and relative peak height intensity ratios, two spectral parameters used to determine bilayer disorder, provided sensitive probes for characterizing multilayer perturbations in the reconstituted liposomes. Temperature profiles derived from the various Raman intensity parameters for the 3100-2800-cm-1 carbon-hydrogen (C-H) stretching mode region, a spectral interval representative of acyl chain vibrations, reflected lipid reorganizations due to the bilayer interactions of these peptides. For the three reconstituted multilamellar surfactant systems, the gel-to-liquid-crystalline phase-transition temperatures Tm, defined by acyl chain C-H stretching mode order/disorder parameters, increased from 35 degrees C in the peptide free system to 37-38 degrees C, indicating increased lipid headgroup constraints for the model liposomes. Although the values of Tm were similar for the three recombinant lipid/peptide assemblies, individual phase-transition cooperativities varied significantly between systems and between spectroscopically derived order/disorder parameters.  相似文献   

Sarker M  Jackman D  Booth V 《Biochemistry》2011,50(22):4867-4876
Surfactant protein A (SP-A) is the most abundant protein component of lung surfactant, a complex mixture of proteins and lipids. SP-A performs host defense activities and modulates the biophysical properties of surfactant in concerted action with surfactant protein B (SP-B). Current models of lung surfactant mechanism generally assume SP-A functions in its octadecameric form. However, one of the findings of this study is that when SP-A is bound to detergent and lipid micelles that mimic lung surfactant phospholipids, it exists predominantly as smaller oligomers, in sharp contrast to the much larger forms observed when alone in water. These investigations were carried out in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), dodecylphosphocholine (DPC), lysomyristoylphosphatidylcholine (LMPC), lysomyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (LMPG), and mixed LMPC + LMPG micelles, using solution and diffusion nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. We have also probed SP-A's interaction with Mini-B, a biologically active synthetic fragment of SP-B, in the presence of micelles. Despite variations in Mini-B's own interactions with micelles of different compositions, SP-A is found to interact with Mini-B in all micelle systems and perhaps to undergo a further structural rearrangement upon interacting with Mini-B. The degree of SP-A-Mini-B interaction appears to be dependent on the type of lipid headgroup and is likely mediated through the micelles, rather than direct binding.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Rao KM  Demchuk E 《Biochemistry》2003,42(14):4015-4027
The location and depth of each residue of lung pulmonary surfactant protein B (SP-B(1-25)) in a phospholipid bilayer (PB) was determined by fluorescence quenching using synthesized single-residue-substituted peptides that were reconstituted into 1,2-dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC)-enriched liposomes. The single-residue substitutions in peptides were either aspartate or tryptophan. The aspartate was subsequently labeled with the N-cyclohexyl-N'-(4-(dimethylamino)naphthyl)carbodiimide (NCD-4) fluorophore, whereas tryptophan is autofluorescent. Spin-labeled compounds, 5-doxylstearic acid (5-DSA), 7-doxylstearic acid (7-DSA), 12-doxylstearic acid (12-DSA), 4-(N,N-dimethyl-N-hexadecyl)ammonium-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl iodide (CAT-16), and 4-trimethylammonium-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxy iodide (CAT-1), were used in the quenching experiments. The effective quenching order is determined by the accessibility of the quencher to a fluorescent group on the peptide. The order of quenching efficiency provides information about the relative locations of individual residues in the PB. Our data indicate that residues Phe1-Pro6 are located at the surface of PB, residues Tyr7-Trp9 are embedded in PB, and residues Leu10-Ile22 are involved in an amphipathic alpha-helix with its axis parallel to the surface of PB; residues Pro23-Gly25 reside at the surface. The effects of intermolecular disulfide bond formation in the SP-B(1-25) dimer were also investigated. The experiments suggest that the SP-B helix A has to rotate at an angle to form a disulfide bond with the neighboring cysteine, which makes the hydrophobic sides of the amphipathic helices face each other, thus forming a hydrophobic domain. The detailed topographical mapping of SP-B(1-25) and its dimer in PB provides new insights into the conformational organization of the lung pulmonary surfactant proteins in the environment that mimics the native state. The environment-specific conformational flexibility of the hydrophobic domain created by SP-B folding may explain the key functional properties of SP-B including their impact on phospholipid transport between the lipid phases and in modulating the cell inflammatory response during respiratory distress syndrome.  相似文献   

Spread binary monolayers of surfactant-associated proteins SP-B and SP-C were formed at the air-water interface. Surface pressure measurements showed no interactions between the hydrophobic proteins. The effects of a mixture of SP-B plus SP-C (2:1, w/w) on the properties of monolayers of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG), and DPPC:DPPG (7:3, mol:mol) were studied. During compression of ternary and quaternary films, containing less than 0.4 mol% or 5 weight% total protein, the proteins were not squeezed out and appeared to remain associated with the film until collapse at surface pressures of about 65-70 mN.m-1. At initial concentrations of total protein of about 0.9 mol% or 10 weight%, exclusion of protein-lipid complexes was observed at 40-50 mN.m-1. Larger amounts of phospholipid were removed by proteins from (SP-B:SP-C)/DPPG films than from (SP-B:SP-C)/DPPC ones. Separate squeeze-out of SP-B (or SP-B plus DPPC) at about 40 mN.m-1, followed by exclusion of SP-C (or SP-C plus DPPC) at about 50 mN.m-1, was observed in (SP-B:SP-C)/DPPC films. This led to a conclusion that there was independent behavior of SP-B and SP-C in (SP-B:SP-C)/DPPC monolayers. The quaternary (SP-B:SP-C)/(DPPC:DPPG) films showed qualitatively similar process of squeeze-out of the proteins. In the ternary mixtures of SP-B plus SP-C with DPPG separate exclusion of SP-B was not detected; rather, the data was consistent with exclusion of a (SP-B:SP-C)/DPPG complex at about 50 mN.m-1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of pulmonary surfactant protein SP-B on the properties of monolayers of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG), and a mixture of DPPC:DPPG (7:3, mol:mol) were studied using spread films at the air-water interface. The addition of SP-B to the phospholipid monolayers gave positive deviations from additivity of the mean areas in the films. At low protein concentrations (less than 45% amino acid residues which corresponds to 0.5 mol% or 10 weight% SP-B) monolayers of SP-B/DPPC, SP-B/DPPG and SP-B/(DPPC:DPPG) collapsed at surface pressures of about 70 mN.m-1, comparable to those of the lipids alone. At higher concentrations of SP-B in the protein-lipid monolayers, kink points appeared in the isotherms at about 40-45 mN.m-1, implying possible exclusion of material from the films, hence, changes in the original monolayer compositions. Calculated analyses of the monolayer compositions as a function of surface pressure indicated that nearly pure SP-B, associated with small amounts of phospholipid (2-3 lipid molecules per SP-B dimer), was lost from SP-B/DPPC, SP-B/DPPG, and SP-B/(DPPC:DPPG) films at surface pressures higher than 40-45 mN.m-1. The results are consistent with a low effectiveness of SP-B in removing saturated phospholipids, DPPC or DPPG, from the spread SP-B/phospholipid films.  相似文献   

SP-C, a pulmonary surfactant-specific protein, aids the spreading of the main surfactant phospholipid L-alpha-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) across air/water interfaces, a process that has possible implications for in vivo function. To understand the molecular mechanism of this process, we have used external infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) to determine DPPC acyl chain conformation and orientation as well as SP-C secondary structure and helix tilt angle in mixed DPPC/SP-C monolayers in situ at the air/water interface. The SP-C helix tilt angle changed from approximately 24 degrees to the interface normal in lipid bilayers to approximately 70 degrees in the mixed monolayer films, whereas the acyl chain tilt angle of DPPC decreased from approximately 26 degrees in pure lipid monolayers (comparable to bilayers) to approximately 10 degrees in the mixed monolayer films. The protein acts as a "hydrophobic lever" by maximizing its interactions with the lipid acyl chains while simultaneously permitting the lipids to remain conformationally ordered. In addition to providing a reasonable molecular mechanism for protein-aided spreading of ordered lipids, these measurements constitute the first quantitative determination of SP-C orientation in Langmuir films, a paradigm widely used to simulate processes at the air/alveolar interface.  相似文献   

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The interactions of the hydrophobic pulmonary surfactant proteins SP-B and SP-C with 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine in mixed, spread monolayer films have been studied in situ at the air/water interface with the technique of external reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy (IRRAS). SP-C has a mostly alpha-helical secondary structure both in the pure state and in the presence of lipids, whereas SP-B secondary structure is a mixture of alpha-helical and disordered forms. When films of SP-B/1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine are compressed to surface pressures (pi) greater than approximately 40-43 mN/m, the protein is partially (15-35%) excluded from the surface, as measured by intensity ratios of the peptide bond amide l/lipid C==O stretching vibrations. The extent of exclusion increases as the protein/lipid ratio in the film increases. In contrast, SP-C either remains at the surface at high pressures or leaves accompanied by lipids. The amide l peak of SP-C becomes asymmetric as a result of the formation of intermolecular sheet structures (1615-1630 cm-1) suggestive of peptide aggregation. The power of the IRRAS experiment for determination of film composition and molecular structure, i.e., as a direct test of the squeeze-out hypothesis of pulmonary surfactant function, is evident from this work.  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant proteins, SP-B and SP-C, if present in preformed monolayers can induce lipid insertion from lipid vesicles into the monolayer after the addition of (divalent) cations [Oosterlaken-Dijksterhuis, M. A., Haagsman, H. P., van Golde, L. M. G., & Demel, R. A. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 8276-8287]. This model system was used to study the mechanisms by which SP-B and SP-C induce monolayer formation from vesicles. Lipid insertion proceeds irrespectively of the molecular class, and PG is not required for this process. In addition to lipids that are immediately inserted from vesicles into the monolayer, large amounts of vesicles are bound to the monolayer and their lipids eventually inserted when the surface area is expanded. SP-B and SP-C are directly responsible for the binding of vesicles to the monolayer. By weight, the vesicle binding capacity of SP-B is approximately 4 times that of SP-C. For vesicle binding and insertion, the formation of close contacts between monolayer and vesicles is essential. SP-B and SP-C show very similar surface properties. Both proteins form extremely stable monolayers (collapse pressures 36-37 mN/m) of alpha-helical structures oriented parallel to the interface. In monolayers consisting of DPPC and SP-B or SP-C, an increase in mean molecular area is observed, which is mainly attributed to the phospholipid. This will greatly enhance the insertion of new lipid material into the monolayer. The results of this study suggest that the surface properties and the hydrophobic nature of SP-B and SP-C are important for the protein-mediated monolayer formation.  相似文献   

Lung surfactant protein B (SP-B) is a lipophilic protein critical to lung function at ambient pressure. KL4 is a 21-residue peptide which has successfully replaced SP-B in clinical trials of synthetic lung surfactants. CD and FTIR measurements indicate KL4 is helical in a lipid bilayer environment, but its exact secondary structure and orientation within the bilayer remain controversial. To investigate the partitioning and dynamics of KL4 in phospholipid bilayers, we introduced CD3-enriched leucines at four positions along the peptide to serve as probes of side chain dynamics via 2H solid-state NMR. The chosen labels allow distinction between models of helical secondary structure as well as between a transmembrane orientation or partitioning in the plane of the lipid leaflets. Leucine side chains are also sensitive to helix packing interactions in peptides that oligomerize. The partitioning and orientation of KL4 in DPPC/POPG and POPC/POPG phospholipid bilayers, as inferred from the leucine side chain dynamics, is consistent with monomeric KL4 lying in the plane of the bilayers and adopting an unusual helical structure which confers amphipathicity and allows partitioning into the lipid hydrophobic interior. At physiologic temperatures, the partitioning depth and dynamics of the peptide are dependent on the degree of saturation present in the lipids. The deeper partitioning of KL4 relative to antimicrobial amphipathic α-helices leads to negative membrane curvature strain as evidenced by the formation of hexagonal phase structures in a POPE/POPG phospholipid mixture on addition of KL4. The unusual secondary structure of KL4 and its ability to differentially partition into lipid lamellae containing varying levels of saturation suggest a mechanism for its role in restoring lung compliance.  相似文献   

SP-B8–25 is a synthetic peptide comprising the N-terminal helix of the essential lung surfactant protein SP-B. Rat lung oxygenation studies have shown that SP-B8–25 retains some of the function of full-length SP-B. We have used deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance (2H-NMR) to examine the influence of SP-B8–25 on the mixing properties of saturated PC and unsaturated PG lipids in model mixed lipid bilayers containing dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (POPG), in a molar ratio of 7:3. In the absence of the peptide, 2H-NMR spectra of DPPC/POPG mixtures, with one or the other lipid component deuterated, indicate coexistence of large liquid crystal and gel domains over a range of about 10°C through the liquid crystal to gel transition of the bilayer. Addition of SP-B8–25 has little effect on the width of the transition but the spectra through the transition range cannot be resolved into distinct liquid crystal and gel spectral components suggesting that the peptide interferes with the tendency of the DPPC and POPG lipid components in this mixture to phase separate near the bilayer transition temperature. Quadrupole echo decay observations suggest that the peptide may also reduce differences in the correlation times for local reorientation of the two lipids. These observations suggest that SP-B8–25 promotes a more thorough mixing of saturated PC and unsaturated PG components and may be relevant to understanding the behaviour of lung surfactant material under conditions of lateral compression which might be expected to enhance the propensity for saturated and unsaturated surfactant lipid components to segregate.  相似文献   

Ligand recognition in purine riboswitches is a complex process requiring different levels of conformational changes. Recent efforts in the area of purine riboswitch research have focused on ligand analogue binding studies. In the case of the guanine xanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (xpt) riboswitch, synthetic analogues that resemble guanine have the potential to tightly bind and subsequently influence the genetic expression of xpt mRNA in prokaryotes. We have carried out 25 ns Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation studies of the aptamer domain of the xpt G-riboswitch in four different states: guanine riboswitch in free form, riboswitch bound with its cognate ligand guanine, and with two guanine analogues SJ1 and SJ2. Our work reveals novel interactions of SJ1 and SJ2 ligands with the binding core residues of the riboswitch. The ligands proposed in this work bind to the riboswitch with greater overall stability and lower root mean square deviations and fluctuations compared to guanine ligand. Reporter gene assay data demonstrate that the ligand analogues, upon binding to the RNA, lower the genetic expression of the guanine riboswitch. Our work has important implications for future ligand design and binding studies in the exciting field of riboswitches.  相似文献   

The conformation and orientation of synthetic monomeric human sequence SP-B(1-25) (mSP-B(1-25)) was studied in films with phospholipids at the air-water (A/W) interface by polarization modulation infrared reflectance absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS). Modified two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) correlation analysis was applied to PM-IRRAS spectra to define changes in the secondary structure and rates of reorientation of mSP-B(1-25) in the monolayer during compression. PM-IRRAS spectra and 2D IR correlation analysis showed that, in pure films, mSP-B(1-25) had a major alpha-helical conformation plus regions of beta-sheet structure. These alpha-helical regions reoriented later during film compression than beta structural regions, and became oriented normal to the A/W interface as surface pressure increased. In mixed films with 4:1 mol:mol acyl chain perdeuterated 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine/1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-[phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)] (sodium salt) (DPPC-d(62):DOPG), the IR spectra of mSP-B(1-25) showed that a significant, concentration-dependent conformational change occurred when mSP-B(1-25) was incorporated into a DPPC-d(62):DOPG monolayer. At an mSP-B(1-25) concentration of 10 wt.%, the peptide assumed a predominantly beta-sheet conformation with no contribution from alpha-helical structures. At lower, more physiological peptide concentrations, 2D IR correlation analysis showed that the propensity of mSP-B(1-25) to form alpha-helical structures was increased. In phospholipid films containing 5 wt.% mSP-B(1-25), a substantial alpha-helical peptide structural component was observed, but regions of alpha and beta structure reoriented together rather than independently during compression. In films containing 1 wt.% mSP-B(1-25), peptide conformation was predominantly alpha-helical and the helical regions reoriented later during compression than the remaining beta structural components. The increased alpha-helical structure of mSP-B(1-25) demonstrated here by PM-IRRAS and 2D IR correlation analysis in monolayers of 4:1 DPPC:DOPG containing 1 wt.% (and, to a lesser extent, 5 wt.%) peptide may be relevant for the formation of the intermediate order 'dendritic' surface phase observed in similar surface films by epi-fluorescence.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein B (SP-B) is a 17-kDa dimeric protein produced by alveolar type II cells. Its main function is to lower the surface tension by inserting lipids into the air/liquid interface of the lung. SP-B's function can be mimicked by a 25-amino acid peptide, SP-B(1-25), which is based on the N-terminal sequence of SP-B. We synthesized a dimeric version of this peptide, dSP-B(1-25), and the two peptides were tested for their surface activity. Both SP-B(1-25) and dSP-B(1-25) showed good lipid mixing and adsorption activities. The dimeric peptide showed activity comparable to that of native SP-B in the pressure-driven captive bubble surfactometer. Spread surface films led to stable near-zero minimum surface tensions during cycling while protein free, and films containing SP-B(1-25) lost material from the interface during compression. We propose that dimerization of the peptide is required to create a lipid reservoir attached to the monolayer from which new material can enter the surface film upon expansion of the air/liquid interface. The dimeric state of SP-B can fulfill the same function in vivo.  相似文献   

Using synchrotron grazing-incidence x-ray diffraction (GIXD) and reflectivity, the in-plane and out-of-plane structures of mixed-ganglioside GT1b-phospholipid monolayers were investigated at the air-liquid interface and compared with monolayers of the pure components. The receptor GT1b is involved in the binding of lectins and toxins, including botulinum neurotoxin, to cell membranes. Monolayers composed of 20 mol % ganglioside GT1b, the phospholipid dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE), and the phospholipid dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) were studied in the gel phase at 23°C and at surface pressures of 20 and 40 mN/m, and at pH 7.4 and 5. Under these conditions, the two components did not phase-separate, and no evidence of domain formation was observed. The x-ray scattering measurements revealed that GT1b was intercalated within the host DPPE/DPPC monolayers, and slightly expanded DPPE but condensed the DPPC matrix. The oligosaccharide headgroups extended normally from the monolayer surfaces into the subphase. This study demonstrated that these monolayers can serve as platforms for investigating toxin membrane binding and penetration.  相似文献   

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