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Dickerson and his colleagues have described the structure of the DNA dodecamer C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G in the B form at a level that shows clearly several aspects of some base sequence-dependent departures from the ideal, regular helical structure of B-DNA. I argue that the detailed conformation is a consequence of simple steric repulsive forces between purine bases in consecutive base-pairs but on opposite backbones. These repulsions are a consequence of the “propeller twist” of the base-pairs, together with the larger size of the purine bases, and they may occur in either the major or the minor groove. The argument is conducted in terms of the structural mechanics of a deformable elastic system. These repulsive forces between the base-pairs are resisted by stresses in the helical backbones, which may be studied quantitatively via the variation in torsion angles δ along the backbones, at the points where the sugar rings are connected. There is also a correlation between the cross-chain purine repulsions and the perturbations in helical twist angle between successive base-pairs. The work suggests some comments on the proposed “alternating B” form, the Z form and the A form of DNA.  相似文献   

G Wagner  D Brühwiler 《Biochemistry》1986,25(20):5839-5843
A total of 54 of the 58 alpha-carbon resonances and numerous side-chain carbon signals were individually assigned in the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor by using two-dimensional heteronuclear correlated and relayed coherence transfer spectroscopy with proton detection. No isotope enrichment was used, and the spectra were recorded in 5-mm sample tubes. The pulse sequences were optimized to eliminate, prior to phase cycling, the signals of protons attached to 12C. We have concentrated on assignments of carbons bearing a single hydrogen in view of a relatively easy interpretation of carbon relaxation times, and most of these carbon resonances could be assigned. Furthermore, we demonstrate that two-dimensional heteronuclear correlated and relayed coherence transfer spectra can be used to elucidate connectivities between degenerate resonances within proton spin systems that often occur in threonines and aromatic side chains.  相似文献   

Structural perturbations due to a series of mutations at the 30-51 disulfide bond of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor have been explored using NMR. The mutants replaced cysteines at positions 30 and 51 by alanine at position 51 and alanine, threonine, or valine at position 30. Chemical shift changes occur in residues proximate to the site of mutation. NOE assignments were made using an automated procedure, NASIGN, which used information from the wild-type crystal structure. Intensity information was utilized by a distance geometry algorithm, VEMBED, to generate a series of structures for each protein. Statistical analyses of these structures indicated larger averaged structural perturbations than would be expected from crystallographic and other information. Constrained molecular dynamics refinement using AMBER at 900 K was useful in eliminating structural movements that were not a necessary consequence of the NMR data. In most cases, statistically significant movements are shown to be those greater than approximately 1 A. Such movements do not appear to occur between wild type and A30A51, a result confirmed by crystallography (Eigenbrot, C., Randal, M., & Kossiakoff, A.A., 1990, Protein Eng. 3, 591-598). Structural alterations in the T30A51 or V30A51 mutant proteins near the limits of detection occur in the beta-loop (residues 25-28) or C-terminal alpha-helix, respectively.  相似文献   

In earlier work the resonances of the 20 methyl groups in the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) had been identified in the 360-MHz 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra and most of the methyl lines had from spin-decoupling experiments been assigned to the different types of amino acid residues. The assignments to the different amino acid types were now completed by studies of the saturation transfer between the denatured and the globular forms of the inhibitor and by spin-decoupling experiments in nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) difference spectra. These distinguished between the methyl resonances of Ala and Thr. Furthermore, for most of the methyl resonances, individual assignments to specific residues in the amino acid sequence were obtained from measurements of intramolecular proton-proton NOE's, use of lanthanide NMR shift and relaxation probes, and comparative studies of various chemically modified forms of BPTI. These data provide the basis for individual assignments of the methyl 13C NMR lines in BPTI and for detailed investigations of the relations between the spatial structure of the protein and the chemical shifts of the methyl groups. The methyl groups in BPTI are of particular interest since they are located almost exclusively on the surface of the protein and thus represent potential natural NMR probes for studies of the protein-protein interactions in the complexes formed between BPTI and a variety of proteases.  相似文献   

The assignment of the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor with the use of two-dimensional 1H nuclear magnetic resonance techniques at 500 MHz is described. The assignments are based entirely on the known amino acid sequence and the nuclear magnetic resonance data. Individual resonance assignments were obtained for all backbone and Cβ protons, with the exception of those of Arg1, Pro2, Pro13 and the amide proton of Gly37. The side-chain resonance assignments are complete, with the exception of Pro2 and Pro13, the Nδ protons of Asn44 and the peripheral protons of the lysine residues and all but two of the arginine residues.  相似文献   

Fourier transform 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments at 360 MHz using convolution difference techniques to improve the spectral resolution were employed to investigate the resonances of the lysyl residues in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. The observations in both native protein and in chemically modified protein containing Nepsilon-dimethyllsysine show that three of the four lysines extend predominantly freely into the solvent, whereas lysine-41 is involved in an intramolecular interaction with tyrosine-10. Since in the single crystal structure tyrosine-10 is involved in an intermolecular interaction with arginine-42 of the neighboring protein molecule, the NMR data thus reveal a local conformation difference for bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor in solution and in the crystalline form which appears to result primarily from intermolecular interaction in the crystal lattice.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of ascidian trypsin inhibitor (ATI), a 55 amino acid residue protein with four disulfide bridges, was determined by means of two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2D NMR) spectroscopy. The resulting structure of ATI was characterized by an alpha-helical conformation in residues 35-42 and a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet in residues 22-26, 29-32, and 48-50. The presence of an alpha-helical conformation was predicted from the consensus sequences of the cystine-stabilized alpha-helical (CSH) motif, which is characterized by an alpha-helix structure in the Cys-X(1)-X(2)-X(3)-Cys portion (corresponding to residues 37-41), linking to the Cys-X-Cys portion (corresponding to residues 12-14) folded in an extended structure. The secondary structure and the overall folding of the main chain of ATI were very similar to those of the Kazal-type inhibitors, such as Japanese quail ovomucoid third domain (OMJPQ3) and leech-derived tryptase inhibitor form C (LDTI-C), although ATI does not show extensive sequence homology to these inhibitors except for a few amino acid residues and six of eight half-cystines. On the basis of these findings, we realign the amino acid sequences of representative Kazal-type inhibitors including ATI and discuss the unique structure of ATI with four disulfide bridges.  相似文献   

The interactions of Pr(III) and Eu(III) with specifically nitrated derivatives of the basic bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor have been studied using optical spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) at 250 and 270 MHz. Stability constants for proton and metal binding to nitrotyrosines 10 and 21 determined optically are in good agreement with those from NMR. Observations of the Eu(III)-induced NMR shifts of the ring protons of nitrotyrosine 21 allowed calibration of the magnetic interactions for this binding site. The Pr(III)-induced shifts for several resolved nonexchangeable backbone proton resonances were compared with calculated shifts using the known x-ray structure. With several simplifying assumptions, the Pr(III)-induced shifts were used to assign one alpha-CH and five NH protons to compatible sets of backbone positions which are consistent with the known pH dependence and resistance to exchange with solvent D2O. Some of the more general aspects of lanthanide-induced shifts are discussed with reference to their use in proteins. Due to the complexities of the analysis of the shift data, the most straightforward use of this technique is in conjunction with the relaxation probe Gd(III) for measurement of intramolecular distances.  相似文献   

A previously characterized modification of the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI), with the carbonyl carbon atom of Lys-15 selectively enriched in 13C, the peptide bond Arg-39--Ala-40 cleaved, and Arg-39 removed, was used for 13C NMR studies of the reactive site peptide bond Lys-15--Ala-16 in the complexes with trypsin, trypsinogen, and anhydrotrypsin. The chemical shift of [1-13C]Lys-15 was 175.7 ppm in the free inhibitor, 176.4 ppm in the complexes with trypsin and anhydrotrypsin and the ternary complex with trypsinogen and H-Ile-Val-OH, and 175.7 ppm in a neutral solution containing the inhibitor and trypsinogen. These data show that the trypsin--BPTI complex does not contain a covalent tetrahedral carbon atom in the position of the reactive site peptide carbonyl of the inhibitor. They would be consistent with the formation of a noncovalent complex but cannot at present be used to further characterize the degree of a possible pyramidalization of the carbonyl carbon of Lys-15 in such a complex. The identical chemical shifts in the complexes with trypsin and anhydrotrypsin indicate that the gamma-hydroxyl group of Ser-195 of trypsin does not have an important role in the binding of the inhibitor. The previously described [Perkins, S. J. & Wüthrich, K. (1980) J. Mol. Biol. 138, 43--64] stepwise transition from the trypsinogen conformation to an intermediate conformational state in the trypsinogen--BPTI complex and a trypsin-like conformation in the ternary complex trypsinogen--BPTI--H-Ile-Val-OH appears to be manifested also in the chemical shift of [1-13C]Lys-15 of labeled BPTI.  相似文献   

G H Snyder  R Rowan  S Karplus  B D Sykes 《Biochemistry》1975,14(17):3765-3777
The low-field portions of the 250-MHz 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) specra of native and chemically modified bovine basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) have been studied as a function of pH over the range pH 5-13. Resonances associated with the 16 protons of the aromatic rings of the four BPTI tyrosines have been located and assigned to specific tyrosyl residues. Titrations of pH yielded pK's for tyrosines-10, -21, -23, and -35 of 10.4, 11.0, 11.7, and 11.1, respectively. The resonances associated with the nitrotyrosine-10 protons of mononitrated BPTI and the nitrotyrosine-10 and -21 protons of dinitrated BPTI have been similarly located, assigned and titrated yielding pK's for nitrotyrosine-10 and -21 of 6.6 and 6.4, respectively. The high-field NMR spectrum indicates that the aromatic ring of tyrosine-35 rotates less than 160 times per second at 25 degrees for pH's in the range 5-9.  相似文献   

With the use of an enzymatic replacement method, 90%-enriched [1-13C]lysine was introduced into the reactive site of the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Characterization of the labelled inhibitor with 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 1H NMR and chemical methods showed that while the reactive-site peptide bond Lys-15--Ala-16 was properly resynthesized, the polypeptide chain was cleaved at the peptide bond Arg-39--Ala-40 and Arg-39 was removed. Detailed 1H NMR studies showed further that, with the exception of the immediate environment of the modification site, the average spatial structure of the native inhibitor was preserved in the modified protein. Compared to the native inhibitor, the thermal stability of the globular conformation was found to be reduced, interior amide protons exchanged at a faster rate and the internal mobility of aromatic rings located outside the immediate environment of the cleaved peptide bond was essentially unchanged. These observations coincide closely with previous reports on different modifications of the inhibitor and can be explained by a recently proposed dynamic multi-state model for globular proteins. Since the fundamental structural properties of the native inhibitor and full inhibitory activity are preserved after resynthesis, the [1-13C]lys-15-labelled inhibitor with the peptide bond Arg-39--Ala-40 cleaved and Arg-39 removed should be suitable for 13C NMR studies of mechanistic aspects of proteinase-inhibitor interactions.  相似文献   

Low-energy conformations of a set of tetrapeptides derived from the small protein bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) were generated by a build-up procedure from the low-energy conformations of single amino acid residues. At each stage, various-size fragments were built up from all combinations of smaller ones, the total energies were then minimized, and the low-energy conformations were retained for the next stage. The energies of the tetrapeptides were re-ordered by including the effects of hydration. No information other than the amino acid sequence was used to obtain the low-energy conformations of the hydrated tetrapeptides. The latter were then supplemented with a limited set of simulated NMR distance information, derived from the X-ray structure of BPTI, to provide a basis for building the rest of the whole protein molecule by the same procedure. A total of 189 upper bounds, plus 12 pairs of upper and lower bounds pertaining to the location of the three disulfide bonds in this molecule, were used. Four sets of conformations of the entire molecule were generated by utilizing different combinations of smaller fragments. It was possible to obtain low-energy conformations with small rms deviations, 1.1 to 1.4 A for the alpha-carbons, from the structure derived by X-ray diffraction. The average deviations of the backbone dihedral angles were also low, viz. 23 degrees to 26 degrees.  相似文献   

The effects of 30-min intravenous infusions of ethanol (about 50 mm blood concentration), acetaldehyde (about 100 μm blood concentration), and acetate (equimolar dose to acetaldehyde) were studied in normal and adrenalectomized rats. Blood glucose, plasma free fatty acids (FFA), plasma immunoreactive insulin, and glucagon and hepatic glycogen concentrations were measured. Ethanol itself in the presence of 4-methylpyrazole (4-MP) produced no marked changes in the parameters measured. Its infusion without 4-MP reduced plasma insulin by 35% in the normal rats, but not in the adrenalectomized rats, with no simultaneous changes in blood glucose. Acetaldehyde infusion produced hyperglycemia and relatively slight hyperinsulinemia in the normal rats, but not in the adrenalectomized rats. Equimolar acetate was not as potent a stimulator of glycogenolysis as acetaldehyde. Plasma FFA concentrations were markedly reduced by ethanol (without 4-MP), acetaldehyde and acetate both in the normal and adrenalectomized rats, but in the presence of 4-MP ethanol was without effect. The results indicate that metabolites of ethanol (mostly acetaldehyde) produced during ethanol oxidation in vivo are responsible for the stimulation of glycogenolysis through the release of catecholamines from the adrenal glands. The ethanol-induced decrease in plasma FFA is also attributable to the metabolites of ethanol, acetaldehyde having a more potent depressing action than acetate. The mode of inhibition of lipolysis is not related to hormonal factors.  相似文献   

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