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All organisms rely on integrated networks to repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in order to preserve the integrity of the genetic information, to re-establish replication, and to ensure proper chromosomal segregation. Genetic, cytological, biochemical and structural approaches have been used to analyze how Bacillus subtilis senses DNA damage and responds to DSBs. RecN, which is among the first responders to DNA DSBs, promotes the ordered recruitment of repair proteins to the site of a lesion. Cells have evolved different mechanisms for efficient end processing to create a 3′-tailed duplex DNA, the substrate for RecA binding, in the repair of one- and two-ended DSBs. Strand continuity is re-established via homologous recombination (HR), utilizing an intact homologous DNA molecule as a template. In the absence of transient diploidy or of HR, however, two-ended DSBs can be directly re-ligated via error-prone non-homologous end-joining. Here we review recent findings that shed light on the early stages of DSB repair in Firmicutes.  相似文献   

Primosome assembly site in Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
C Bruand  S D Ehrlich    L Jannière 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(11):2642-2650
A single-strand initiation site was detected on the Enterococcus faecalis plasmid pAM beta 1 by its ability to prevent accumulation of single stranded DNA of a rolling circle plasmid, both in Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus. This site, designated ssiA, is located on the lagging strand template, approximately 150 bp downstream from the replication origin. ssiA priming activity requires the DnaE primase, the DnaC replication fork helicase, as well as the products of the dnaB, dnaD and dnaI genes of B.subtilis, but not the RNA polymerase. The primase and the replication fork helicase requirements indicate that ssiA is a primosome assembly site. Interestingly, the pAM beta 1 lagging strand synthesis is inefficient when any of the proteins involved in ssiA activity is mutated, but occurs efficiently in the absence of ssiA. This suggests that normal plasmid replication requires primosome assembly and that the primosome can assemble not only at ssiA but also elsewhere on the plasmid. This work for the first time describes a primosome in a Gram-positive bacterium. Involvement of the B.subtilis proteins DnaB, DnaD and DnaI, which do not have any known analogue in Escherichia coli, raises the possibility that primosome assembly and/or function in B.subtilis differs from that in E.coli.  相似文献   

Phenotypes of Bacillus subtilis priA mutants suggest that they are deficient in the restart of stalled chromosomal replication forks. The presumed activity of PriA in the restart process is to promote the assembly of a multiprotein complex, the primosome, which functions to recruit the replication fork helicase onto the DNA. We have proposed previously that three proteins involved in the initiation of replication at oriC in B. subtilis, DnaB, DnaD and DnaI, are components of the PriA primosome in this bacterium. However, the involvement of these proteins in replication restart has not yet been studied. Here, we describe dnaB mutations that suppress the phenotypes of B. subtilis priA mutants. In a representative mutant, the DnaC helicase is loaded onto single-stranded DNA in a PriA-independent, DnaD- and DnaI-dependent manner. These observations confirm that DnaB, DnaD and DnaI are primosomal proteins in B. subtilis. Moreover, their involvement in the suppression of priA phenotypes shows that they participate in replication fork restart in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

A direct quantitative analysis of the initial steps in primosome assembly, involving PriA and PriB proteins and the minimal primosome assembly site (PAS) of phage ?X174, has been performed using fluorescence intensity, fluorescence anisotropy titration, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer techniques. We show that two PriA molecules bind to the PAS at both strong and weak binding sites on the DNA, respectively, without detectable cooperative interactions. Binding of the PriB dimer to the PriA-PAS complex dramatically increases PriA's affinity for the strong site, but only slightly affects its affinity for the weak site. Associations with the strong and weak sites are driven by apparent entropy changes, with binding to the strong site accompanied by a large unfavorable enthalpy change. The PriA-PriB complex, formed independently of the DNA, is able to directly recognize the PAS without the preceding the binding of PriA to the PAS. Thus, the high-affinity state of PriA for PAS is generated through PriA-PriB interactions. The effect of PriB is specific for PriA-PAS association, but not for PriA-double-stranded DNA or PriA-single-stranded DNA interactions. Only complexes containing two PriA molecules can generate a profound change in the PAS structure in the presence of ATP. The obtained results provide a quantitative framework for the elucidation of further steps in primosome assembly and for quantitative analyses of other molecular machines of cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

We established a protocol to construct complete recombinant genomes from their small contiguous DNA pieces and obtained the genomes of mouse mitochondrion and rice chloroplast using a B. subtilis genome (BGM) vector. This method allows the design of any recombinant genomes, valuable not only for fundamental research in systems biology and synthetic biology but also for various applications in the life sciences.  相似文献   

We report evidence that CotC and CotU, two previously identified components of the Bacillus subtilis spore coat, are produced concurrently in the mother cell chamber of the sporulating cell under the control of σK and GerE and immediately assembled around the forming spore. In the coat, the two proteins interact to form a coat component of 23 kDa. The CotU-CotC interaction was not detected in two heterologous hosts, suggesting that it occurs only in B. subtilis. Monomeric forms of both CotU and CotC failed to be assembled at the surface of the developing spore and accumulated in the mother cell compartment of cells mutant for cotE. In contrast, neither CotU nor CotC accumulated in the mother cell compartment of cells mutant for cotH. These results suggest that CotH is required to protect both CotU and CotC in the mother cell compartment of the sporangium and that CotE is needed to allow their assembly and subsequent interaction at the spore surface.  相似文献   

The ribosome biogenesis GTPase A protein RbgA is involved in the assembly of the large ribosomal subunit in Bacillus subtilis, and homologs of RbgA are implicated in the biogenesis of mitochondrial, chloroplast, and cytoplasmic ribosomes in archaea and eukaryotes. The precise function of how RbgA contributes to ribosome assembly is not understood. Defects in RbgA give rise to a large ribosomal subunit that is immature and migrates at 45 S in sucrose density gradients. Here, we report a detailed biochemical analysis of RbgA and its interaction with the ribosome. We found that RbgA, like most other GTPases, exhibits a very slow k(cat) (14 h(-1)) and has a high K(m) (90 μM). Homology modeling of the RbgA switch I region using the K-loop GTPase MnmE as a template suggested that RbgA requires K(+) ions for GTPase activity, which was confirmed experimentally. Interaction with 50 S subunits, but not 45 S intermediates, increased GTPase activity by ~55-fold. Stable association with 50 S subunits and 45 S intermediates was nucleotide-dependent, and GDP did not support strong interaction with either of the subunits. GTP and guanosine 5'-(β,γ-imido)triphosphate (GMPPNP) were sufficient to promote association with the 45 S intermediate, whereas only GMPPNP was able to support binding to the 50 S subunit, presumably due to the stimulation of GTP hydrolysis. These results support a model in which RbgA promotes a late step in ribosome biogenesis and that one role of GTP hydrolysis is to stimulate dissociation of RbgA from the ribosome.  相似文献   

Endospores of Bacillus subtilis are encased in a protein shell, known as the spore coat, composed of a lamella-like inner layer and an electron-dense outer layer. We report the identification and characterization of a gene, herein called cotH, located at 300 degrees on the B. subtilis genetic map between two divergent cot genes, cotB and cotG. The cotH open reading frame extended for 1,086 bp and corresponded to a polypeptide of 42.8 kDa. Spores of a cotH null mutant were normally heat, lysozyme, and chloroform resistant but were impaired in germination. The mutant spores were also pleiotropically deficient in several coat proteins, including the products of the previously cloned cotB, -C, and -G genes. On the basis of the analysis of a cotE cotH double mutant, we infer that CotH is probably localized in the inner coat and is involved in the assembly of several proteins in the outer layer of the coat.  相似文献   

Virus assembly mutants of asporogenous Bacillus subtilis defective in bacteriophage phi 29 head assembly were detected by the use of antibodies that reacted strongly with the free dodecameric phi 29 portal vertex composed of gene product 10 (gp10) but weakly with the portal vertex assembled into proheads or phage. Phage adsorption and the synthesis of phage proteins, DNA-gene product 3, and prohead RNA were normal in these mutants, but prohead and phage production was greatly reduced. The assembly defect was transferred to competent B. subtilis by transformation and transduction. PBS1 transduction showed that the vam locus was linked to Tn917 located at 317 degrees on the B. subtilis chromosome.  相似文献   

A hand-off mechanism for primosome assembly in replication restart   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Collapsed DNA replication forks must be reactivated through origin-independent reloading of the replication machinery (replisome) to ensure complete duplication of cellular genomes. In E. coli, the PriA-dependent pathway is the major replication restart mechanism and requires primosome proteins PriA, PriB, and DnaT for replisome reloading. However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate origin-independent replisome loading are not fully understood. Here, we demonstrate that assembly of primosome protein complexes represents a key regulatory mechanism, as inherently weak PriA-PriB and PriB-DnaT interactions are strongly stimulated by single-stranded DNA. Furthermore, the binding site on PriB for single-stranded DNA partially overlaps the binding sites for PriA and DnaT, suggesting a dynamic primosome assembly process in which single-stranded DNA is handed off from one primosome protein to another as a repaired replication fork is reactivated. This model helps explain how origin-independent initiation of DNA replication is restricted to repaired replication forks, preventing overreplication of the genome.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strains carrying null mutations in priA are chronically induced for the SOS response and are defective in homologous recombination, repair of UV damaged DNA, double-strand break repair, and both induced and constitutive stable DNA replication. This led to the proposal that PriA directed replication fork assembly at D loops formed by the homologous recombination machinery. The demonstration that PriA specifically recognized and bound D loop DNA supported this hypothesis. Using DNA footprinting as an assay, we show here that PriA also directs the assembly of a varphiX174-type primosome on D loop DNA. The ability to load a complete primosome on D loop DNA is a step necessary for replication fork assembly.  相似文献   

Vacuolar proton-translocating ATPases are composed of a complex of integral membrane proteins, the Vo sector, attached to a complex of peripheral membrane proteins, the V1 sector. We have examined the early steps in biosynthesis of the yeast vacuolar ATPase by biosynthetically labeling wild-type and mutant cells for varied pulse and chase times and immunoprecipitating fully and partially assembled complexes under nondenaturing conditions. In wild-type cells, several V1 subunits and the 100-kDa Vo subunit associate within 3-5 min, followed by addition of other Vo subunits with time. Deletion mutants lacking single subunits of the enzyme show a variety of partial complexes, including both complexes that resemble intermediates in the assembly pathway of wild-type cells and independent V1 and Vo sectors that form without any apparent V1Vo subunit interaction. Two yeast sec mutants that show a temperature-conditional block in export from the endoplasmic reticulum accumulate a complex containing several V1 subunits and the 100-kDa Vo subunit during incubation at elevated temperature. This complex can assemble with the 17-kDa Vo subunit when the temperature block is reversed. We propose that assembly of the yeast V-ATPase can occur by two different pathways: a concerted assembly pathway involving early interactions between V1 and Vo subunits and an independent assembly pathway requiring full assembly of V1 and Vo sectors before combination of the two sectors. The data suggest that in wild-type cells, assembly occurs predominantly by the concerted assembly pathway, and V-ATPase complexes acquire the full complement of Vo subunits during or after exit from the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

In the companion paper we reported that Bacillus subtilis requires three proteins for lipoic acid metabolism, all of which are members of the lipoate protein ligase family. Two of the proteins, LipM and LplJ, have been shown to be an octanoyltransferase and a lipoate : protein ligase respectively. The third protein, LipL, is essential for lipoic acid synthesis, but had no detectable octanoyltransferase or ligase activity either in vitro or in vivo. We report that LipM specifically modifies the glycine cleavage system protein, GcvH, and therefore another mechanism must exist for modification of other lipoic acid requiring enzymes (e.g. pyruvate dehydrogenase). We show that this function is provided by LipL, which catalyses the amidotransfer (transamidation) of the octanoyl moiety from octanoyl‐GcvH to the E2 subunit of pyruvate dehydrogenase. LipL activity was demonstrated in vitro with purified components and proceeds via a thioester‐linked acyl‐enzyme intermediate. As predicted, ΔgcvH strains are lipoate auxotrophs. LipL represents a new enzyme activity. It is a GcvH:[lipoyl domain] amidotransferase that probably uses a Cys‐Lys catalytic dyad. Although the active site cysteine residues of LipL and LipB are located in different positions within the polypeptide chains, alignment of their structures show these residues occupy similar positions. Thus, these two homologous enzymes have convergent architectures.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis spore coat consists of three morphological layers: a diffuse undercoat, a striated inner coat and a densely staining outer coat. These layers are comprised of at least 15 polypeptides and the absence of one in particular, CotE, had extensive pleiotropic effects. Only a partial inner coat was present on the spores which were lysozyme-sensitive. The initial rate of germination of these spores was the same as for the wild type but the overall optical density decrease was greater apparently due to the loss of the incomplete spore coat from germinated spores. Suppressors of the lysozyme-sensitive phenotype had some outer coat proteins restored as well as some novel minor polypeptides. These spores still lacked an undercoat and germinated as did those produced by the cotE deletion strain. The CotE protein was synthesized starting at stage II-III of sporulation, long before the appearance of the coat on spores at stage IV-V. Despite its apparent hydrophilic properties, this protein was present in the crude insoluble fraction from sporulating cells. CotE was not solubilized by high or low ionic strength buffers not by detergents used for the solubilization of membrane proteins. Either 8 M urea or 6 M guanidine HC1 was required and dialysis against a low ionic strength buffer resulted in aggregation into long, sticky filaments. Both the CotE and CotT spore coat proteins appeared to be necessary for the formation of these filaments. Each of these proteins contains sequences related to a bovine intermediate filament protein so their interaction could result in an analogous structure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Although the bacterial cell wall has been the subject of decades of investigation, recent studies continue to generate novel and controversial models of its synthesis and assembly. Here we compare and contrast the transcompartmental biosyntheses of peptidoglycan and teichoic acid in Bacillus subtilis. In addition, the current paradigms of B. subtilis wall assembly and structure are distinguished from emerging models of murein insertion and organization. We discuss evidence for the directed, cytoskeleton-dependent insertion of nascent peptidoglycan and the existence of a periplasmic compartment. Furthermore, we summarize the challenges these findings represent to the existing paradigm of murein insertion. Finally, motivated by these new developments, we discuss outstanding issues that remain to be addressed and suggest research directions that may contribute to a better understanding of cell wall assembly in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

Recent work with bacteria and eukaryotes has shown that GTPases play important roles in ribosome assembly. Here we show that the essential GTPase YqeH is required for proper 70S ribosome formation and 30S subunit assembly/stability in Bacillus subtilis.  相似文献   

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