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d-[1-14C]Galactosamine appears to be utilized mainly by the pathway of galactose metabolism in rat liver, as evidenced by the products isolated from the acid-soluble fraction of perfused rat liver. These products were eluted in the following order from a Dowex 1 (formate form) column and were characterized as galactosamine 1-phosphate, sialic acid, UDP-glucosamine, UDP-galactosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine 1-phosphate, N-acetylglucosamine 6-phosphate, UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine and an unidentified galactosamine-containing compound. In addition, [1-14C]glucosamine was found in the glycogen, an incorporation previously shown to result from the substitution of UDP-glucosamine for UDP-glucose in the glycogen synthetase reaction. Analysis of the [1-14C]glucosamine-containing disaccharides released from glycogen by β-amylase provided additional evidence that they consist of a mixture of glucose and glucosamine in a 1:1 ratio, but with glucose predominating on the reducing end. UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine was shown to result from the reaction of UTP with N-acetylgalactosamine 1-phosphate in the presence of a rat liver extract.  相似文献   

Effect of repeated (20 days) exposure to picrotoxin (PTX) on rat liver lysosomal function was evaluated by measuring the free and total activities of acid phosphatase, cathepsin D, ribonuclease II (RNAse II) and deoxyribonuclease II (DNAse II). The free activities of the nucleases (both RNAse II and DNAse II) were increased following PTX exposure. The total DNAse II activity was increased by 2.2-fold whereas the total acid phosphatase activity was decreased by 28%. Consequently, the ratios of total activity / free activity were low in the PTX exposed groups, implying loss of membrane integrity. Cathepsin D activity was completely abolished. The results show that repeated exposure to PTX can lead to lysosomal dysfunction in liver.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes were isolated at specified times from livers of diabetic and insulin-treated diabetic rats during the course of a 48-h refeeding of a fat-free diet to previously fasted rats. The rates of synthesis of fatty acid synthetase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase in the isolated cells were determined as a function of time of refeeding by a 2-h incubation with l-[U-14C]leucine. Immunochemical methods were employed to determine the amount of radioactivity in the fatty acid synthetase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase proteins. The amount of radioactivity in the fatty acid synthetase synthesized by the isolated cells was also determined following enzyme purification of the enzyme to homogeneity. Enzyme activities of the fatty acid synthetase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase in the cells were measured by standard procedures. The results show that isolated liver cells obtained from insulintreated diabetic rats retain the capacity to synthesize fatty acid synthetase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase. The rate of synthesis of the fatty acid synthetase in the isolated cells was similar to the rate found in normal refed animals in in vivo experiments [Craig et al. (1972) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 152, 619–630; Lakshmanan et al. (1972) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA69, 3516–3519]. In addition the relative rate of synthesis of fatty acid synthetase was stimulated greater than 20-fold in the diabetic animals treated with insulin. Immunochemical assays, when compared with enzyme activities, indicated the presence of an immunologically reactive, but enzymatically inactive, form or “apoenzyme” for both the fatty acid synthetase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase. The synthesis of these immunoreactive and enzymatically inactive species of protein, as well as the synthesis of the “holoenzyme” forms of both enzymes, requires insulin.  相似文献   

To clarify the mechanisms leading to the development of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in some recipients of pituitary-derived human growth hormone (hGH), we investigated the effects of repeated injections of low prion doses in mice. The injections were performed, as in hGH-treated children, by a peripheral route at short intervals and for an extended period. Twelve groups of 24 mice were intraperitoneally inoculated one, two, or five times per week for 200 days with 2 x 10(-5) to 2 x 10(-8) dilutions of brain homogenate containing the mouse-adapted C506M3 scrapie strain. Sixteen control mice were injected once a week for 200 days with a 2 x 10(-4) dilution of normal brain homogenate. Of mice injected in a single challenge with a scrapie inoculum of a 2 x 10(-4), 2 x 10(-5), or 2 x 10(-6) dilution, 2/10, 1/10, and 0/10 animals developed scrapie, respectively. Control mice remained healthy. One hundred thirty-five of 135 mice injected with repeated prion doses of a 2 x 10(-5) or 2 x 10(-6) dilution succumbed to scrapie. Of mice injected with repeated scrapie doses of a 2 x 10(-7) or 2 x 10(-8) dilution, 52/59 and 38/67 animals died of scrapie, respectively. A high incidence of scrapie was observed in mice receiving repeated doses at low infectivity, whereas there was no disease in mice that were injected once with the same doses. Repeated injections of low prion doses thus constitute a risk for development of prion disease even if the same total dose inoculated in a single challenge does not induce the disease.  相似文献   

Physiochemical changes in the state of chromatin shortly following glucocorticoid stimulation of target cells are predicted by the proposed mechanism of steroid action. These changes had not been previously demonstrated in situ. The present experiments demonstrate that in the intact rat, or in one which has been adrenalectomized but given a moderate dose of dexamethasone, the thermal stability of liver cell chromatin is significantly reduced over the level observed in the adrenalectomized untreated animal. This alteration was rated by measuring nuclear acridine orange metachromasia following chromatin denaturation. These data also show an enhanced binding of the dye by the liver cell nuclei under the same conditions. Feulgen dye binding was also found to be enhanced by dexamethasone stimulation but to a level indicative of configurational changes in the chromatin rather than an increase in the amount of DNA in the cells.  相似文献   

Addition of cholestatic doses of chlorpromazine-HC1 to the perfusate of isolated rat livers produces widespread changes in hepatocyte membrane structure. These findings include a marked increase in intrasinusoidal cytoplasmic bullae, appearance of intracellular vacuoles within hepatocytes at both sinusoidal and biliary poles, dilation of bile canaliculi and evagination of canalicular diverticuli, and the formation of myeloid bodies within hepatocytes. These findings obtained in the bile acid depleted perfused liver may result from physiochemical interactions between chlorpromazine or its metabolites and lipid-protein components of cell membranes, consistent with chlorpromazine's properties as a cationic detergent. They occur independently of the vasoconstrictive effects of chlorpromazine and suggest that chlorpromazine may produce cholestasis by altering hepatocyte membrane function.  相似文献   

Kim YH  Won JS  Won MH  Lee JK  Suh HW 《Life sciences》2002,70(24):2915-2929
We have studied the effect of repeated systemic administrations of nicotine (3 mg/kg) at 30 min intervals on proenkephalin (proENK) mRNA level in rat adrenal gland. Northern blot analysis has shown that proENK mRNA expression was enhanced by repeated nicotine administrations. Additionally, repeated administrations of nicotine transiently induced the c-fos and c-jun mRNA levels after the first-third nicotine administration, and the c-fos and c-jun mRNA levels were returned to the basal level after the seventh administration of nicotine. c-Fos, c-Jun and Fra-2 protein levels were persistently increased until the seventh administration. The repeated nicotine administrations also elevated phospho-CREB without altering total CREB level in all tested groups. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the increase of c-Fos and c-Jun proteins by repeated nicotine administrations is mostly medulla specific, while Fra-2 immuno reactivity was shown both in medulla and cortex. The repeated nicotine administrations enhanced the AP-1 and ENKCRE-2 DNA binding activities. Furthermore, the cross-competition studies revealed that the AP-1 proteins, rather than CREB, actively bind to ENKCRE-2 DNA domain. These results suggest that proENK mRNA expression induced by repeated nicotine administrations may be mediated by AP-1 proteins, such as c-Fos, c-Jun and Fra-2 rather than CREB via interacting to the ENKCRE-2 DNA binding domain in rat adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

The nucleoti-e contents of isolated rat Kupffer cells were found to be smaller than those of hepatocytes. The rate of UDPGal formation from D-galactose was much lower in Kupffer cells than in hepatocytes. The viability of the former was checked by measuring the leakage of enzymes and the formation of UTP from uridine. Addition of GalN to isolated Kupffer cells did not decrease their UTP and UDPG contents as much as those of hepatocytes. The same results were obtained when cells were isolated from GalN-pretreated animals. The incorporation of labeled amino acids into protein after GalN addition was much less reduced in Kupffer cells than in hepatocytes. The data suggest that Kupffer cells do not contribute to GalN-induced liver injury as a result of uridylate trapping.  相似文献   

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