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After growth for 26 d in water, rice seedlings were transferredto a medium containing 1 mM NH4Cl. The mRNA for NADH-glutamatesynthase was markedly increased in the roots within 3 h. Methioninesulfoximine completely inhibited this accumulation, suggestingthat NH4+ is not a direct inducer of this process. (Received July 11, 1997; Accepted September 10, 1997)  相似文献   

When rice seedlings, after the growth for 26 days in water alone,were transferred to nutrient medium contained 1 mM NH4Cl, thelevel of NADH-dependent glutamate synthase (GOGAT) protein andthe activity of the enzyme increased more than 10-fold in root,but not in shoots. Both the level of the protein and the activityreached a maximum within 24 h. NH4Cl was effective at concentrationsas low as 50 µM. A supply of either 1 mM NaNO3 or 0.5mM NH4NO3 also caused such increases, but NHa4Cl was most effective.A supply of glutamine or glutamate was less effective. The increasewas specific to NADH-GOGAT and little change was observed inthe levels of ferredoxin-GOGAT and glutamine synthetase isoproteinsin roots. These inducible increases in the levels of NADH-GOGATprotein and in its activity were greater in the root-tip regionthan at the base of the root. Both 6-methylpurine and cycloheximidecompletely inhibited the effects of NH4Cl. Moreover, the mRNAfor NADH-GOGAT in rice roots accumulated markedly within 12h of the start of a supply of NH4Cl. A possible role for therapid response of NADH-GOGAT to a supply of NH4C1 is discussed. (Received May 18, 1995; Accepted July 10, 1995)  相似文献   

As a model system with no photorespiration and no long distancetransport, rice cell cultures (Oryza saliva L. cv Sasanishiki)were used to investigate the effect of nitrogen sources on thelevels of isoforms of glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamatesynthase (GOGAT). Isoforms of GS and GOGAT were analyzed byimmunoblotting methods and their activities in early growthphase of the cells. Cytosolic type GS (41 kDa subunit) and NADH-GOGATwere the major isoforms in the rice cells grown in normal R-2medium. However, contents of plastid type GS (44 kDa subunit)and Fd-GOGAT increased in response to NO3 supply. NADH-GOGATactivity also increased following the supply of NO3.In vitro translated products from poly(A)+RNA prepared fromthe cells showed that the precursor of plastid type GS (49 kDa)was detected at 48 h after the inoculation. Supply of NH+4 resultedin an increase in NADH-GOGAT activity but had no effect on thelevels of Fd-GOGAT, of polypeptides of the plastid type GS orof the corresponding mRNAs. (Received May 30, 1990; Accepted August 23, 1990)  相似文献   

To obtain a monospecific antibody against NADH-dependent glutamate synthase (NADH-GOGAT; EC, the enzyme was purified to homogeneity from cultured rice cells (Oryza sativa) with column chromatography using Butyl Toyopearl 650M, Sephacryl S-300, Blue Sepharose CL-6B, and Butyl Toyopearl 650S. The specific activity at the final stage of the purification was 9.8 micromoles of glutamate formed per minute per milligram of protein. The yield was 6.1% and purification was 815-fold. Analysis by denaturing gel electrophoresis revealed a single polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 196,000, similar to the value of 194,000 estimated for the native protein. Apparent Km values for l-glutamine, 2-oxoglutarate, and NADH were 811, 76, and 3.0 micromolar, respectively. Neither NADPH nor l-asparagine substituted for NADH and l-glutamine, respectively. The enzyme had its absorption maxima at 273, 373, and 440 nanometers with a shoulder at 475 nanometers, suggesting that the rice NADH-GOGAT is a flavoprotein. Monospecific antibody raised against NADH-GOGAT purified from the rice cells was obtained as the first instance for the enzyme in higher plants. Immunological analyses showed that the antibody for rice cell NADH-GOGAT reacted with only the enzyme in extracts from the cells. The anti-NADH-GOGAT antibody did not recognize the ferredoxin-GOGAT purified from rice leaves, and likewise the anti-rice leaf ferredoxin-GOGAT antibody did not react with the NADH-GOGAT purified from the cultured rice cells.  相似文献   

To further explore the function of NADH-dependent glutamate synthase (GOGAT), the tissue distribution of NADH-GOGAT protein and activity was investigated in rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaves. The distributions of ferredoxin (Fd)-dependent GOGAT, plastidic glutamine synthetase, and cytosolic glutamine synthetase proteins were also determined in the same tissues. High levels of NADH-GOGAT protein (33.1 μg protein/g fresh weight) and activity were detected in the 10th leaf blade before emergence. The unexpanded, nongreen portion of the 9th leaf blade contained more than 50% of the NADH-GOGAT protein and activity per gram fresh weight when compared with the 10th leaf. The expanding, green portion of the 9th leaf blade outside of the sheath contained a slightly lower abundance of NADH-GOGAT protein than the nongreen portion of the 9th blade on a fresh weight basis. The fully expanded leaf blades at positions lower than the 9th leaf had decreased NADH-GOGAT levels as a function of increasing age, and the oldest, 5th blade contained only 4% of the NADH-GOGAT protein compared with the youngest 10th leaf blade. Fd-GOGAT protein, on the other hand, was the major form of GOGAT in the green tissues, and the highest amount of Fd-GOGAT protein (111 μg protein/g fresh weight) was detected in the 7th leaf blade. In the nongreen 10th leaf blade, the content of Fd-GOGAT protein was approximately 7% of that found in the 7th leaf blade. In addition, the content of NADH-GOGAT protein in the 10th leaf blade was about 4 times higher than that of Fd-GOGAT protein. The content of plastidic glutamine synthetase polypeptide was also the highest in the 7th leaf blade (429 μg/g fresh weight) and lowest in nongreen blades and sheaths. On the other hand, the relative abundance of the cytosolic glutamine synthetase polypeptide was the highest in the oldest leaf blade, decreasing to 10 to 20% of that value in young, nongreen leaves. These results suggest that NADH-GOGAT is important for the synthesis of glutamate from the glutamine that is transported from senescing source tissues through the phloem in the nongreen sink tissues in rice leaves.  相似文献   

Freeze-Preservation of Rice Cells Grown in Suspension Culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple procedure has been worked out for the freeze-preservation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cells grown in suspension culture. The protocol differs in some interesting aspects from those established for other organisms. A peculiar feature of this procedure is that growth of freeze-recovered rice cells resumes after an extremely short lag period of 2–8 days and proceeds with a growth rate identical to that of untreated cells. This, together with data obtained with viability tests, rules out the possibility that selection of freeze-resistant mutant cells may occur, as postulated with other plant cells where growth resumption was considerably delayed in time. The viability of freeze-recovered rice cells, when assessed at time zero after thawing by measuring the mitochondrial respiratory efficiency, was 60–65% of that of untreated cells. However, the limits of this and other viability tests in determining the efficiency of the freeze preservation methods and the percentage of surviving cells were shown by experiments in which cell viability and cell growth were followed in cultures initiated with freeze-recovered rice cells.  相似文献   

15N labelling was used to investigate the pathway of nitrogenassimilation in photorespiratory mutants of barley (Hordeumvulgare cv. Maris Mink), in which the leaves have low levelsof glutamine synthetase (GS) or glutamate synthase, key enzymesof ammonia assimilation. These plants grew normally when maintainedin high CO2, but the deletions were lethal when photorespirationwas initiated by transfer to air. Enzyme levels in roots weremuch less affected, compared to leaves, and assimilation oflabelled nitrate into amino acids of the root showed very littledifference between wild type and mutants. Organic nitrogen wasexported from roots in the xylem sap mainly as glutamine, levelsof which were somewhat reduced in the GS-deficient mutant andenhanced in the glutamate synthase deficient mutant. In theleaf, the major effect was seen in the glutamatesynthase mutant,which had an extremely limited capacity to utilize the importedglutamine and amino acid synthesis was greatlyrestricted. Thiswas confirmed by the supply of [15N]-glutamine directly to leaves.Leaves of the GS-deficient mutant assimilatedammonia at about75% the rate found for the wild type, and this was almost completelyeliminated by addition of the inhibitormethionine sulphoximine.Root enzymes, together with residual levels of the deleted enzymesin the leaves, have sufficient capacityfor ammonia assimilation,through the glutamate synthase cycle, to provide adequate inputof nitrogen for normal growth of themutants, if photorespiratoryammonia production is suppressed. Key words: Hordeum vulgare, 15N, glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthase, ammonia assimilation  相似文献   

从水稻根部悬浮培养细胞分离原生质体及植株再生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以长香稻(Oryza sativa L.)(糯稻)的幼嫩种子根为材料,在Ms和N6培养基上诱导产生结构松软而分散的愈伤组织,经过AA液体培养基振荡悬浮培养,悬浮培养细胞经酶解后得到了活性较高的原生质体,试验结果表明这是分离原生质体较理想的材料。在附加2,4-D lmg/L(以下单位同)、KT(激动素)0.2、各氨酰胺876、天门冬酰胺266的Ms琼脂糖培养基中,诱导出了大量愈伤组织,在含KT2、NAA(α-萘乙酸)0.2、zT(玉米素)0.2、cH(水解酪蛋白)1000和4%椰子汁的N6培养基中成功地诱导出了由原生质体再生的植株。当代原生质体再生植株能正常开花、结实、产生种子;染色体数均为二倍性(2n=24),最显著的特点是结实率低,穗粒数减步、生育期延迟。  相似文献   

When specifically labeled glutamate-1-14C was provided to 4-day-old rose cells, 87.6% of the 14C in glutamate recovered from protein was in the number 1 carbon atom of the glutamate molecule. It was concluded that newly absorbed glutamate was incorporated directly into protein without any prior metabolism.  相似文献   

Two isozymes of 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase are partitioned into plastid (DS-Mn) and cytosolic (DS-Co) compartments of at least several higher plants (RA Jensen 1986 Rec Adv Phytochem 20: 257-258). Differential variation of isozyme levels and in the timing of their expression was observed during growth of Nicotiana silvestris in suspension culture. The ratio of DS-Co to DS-Mn varied about fivefold in comparison of the different physiological stages of growth. Cultures maintained in exponential phase for >10 generations (EE cells) possessed balanced-growth properties and did not exhibit the considerable variation of isozyme levels found during the initial 2 to 3 generations of exponential growth (E cells) that followed subculture of stationary-phase cultures. The plastid isozyme level declined substantially in stationary phase, responded immediately to subculture, and reached a peak in early exponential growth similar to the steady-state level of DS-Mn in EE cells. In contrast, the cytosolic isozyme level peaked in late exponential growth. A recent history of stationary-phase physiology appeared to foster elevated synthesis of DS-Co since the steady-state level of DS-Co in EE cells was much lower than in E cells.  相似文献   

合成、克隆了水稻条纹病毒中国株的外壳蛋白基因并进行了序列分析,由Indica水稻成熟胚的愈伤组织形成胚性运浮细胞。用含有CP基因的pROK2表达载体的DNA包被1.09μm直径钨粉颗粒轰击培养细胞。被轰击的培养物在含有G418(40mg/mL,)的培养基中进行选择培养,由对G418抵抗的愈伤组织中获得10株再生株。用32P-dCTP标记的CP基因作为探针,以Southernblot测定其转化特性。由抗病的和对照的植株抽提基因组DNA用EcoRI和BamHI进行酶切,其中两个植株显示出0.6kh和0.7kb两条条交带.其大小与CP基因相对应。Westernblot和ELISA测定进步证明CP(32kDa)在转基因水稻中表达。16株转基因植株和100株对照植株用带毒的叶蝉接种,接种病毒后24d只有37.5%的CP转基因植株产生病毒症状,而对照植株为96%。进一步证明转基因水稻植株具有对RSV的抗病性。转基因植株T1代CP的表达分离比例为3.6:1。  相似文献   

在大田不施氮素及高氮两个处理下,以叶片的SPAD值作为评价水稻氮素利用能力的参数,对146个不同基因型水稻进行了叶色深浅及对氮素敏感性不同的种质资源鉴定。通过测定抽穗前不同生育时期不同基因型水稻叶片的SPAD值,筛选出对氮素反应迟钝且叶色较浅的基因型19个、对氮素反应迟钝且叶色较深的基因型20个和对氮素敏感且叶色较浅的基因型20个、对氮素敏感且叶色较深的基因型11个。  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments were conducted in two years (1993–1994) with eggplants supplied with 1, 2 or 4 mM NH4NO3 as the N source in order to determine its influence on molybdenum (Mo) and nitrate (NO3 ) content in leaf blades, petioles, and fruits as well as leaf nitrate reductase (NR) activity. The results reveal that 2 and 4 mM NH4NO3 altered shoot Mo distribution and thus affecting the NR activity.  相似文献   

To study the influence of cultural conditions on higher plant cells in suspension culture, the effects of nutritional conditions on the growth of suspended cells were investigated. Calluses were induced from 39 species of Nicotiana plants and 6 species of Populus plants on agar slant media, then these were transferred to suspension cultures. Concentrations of 2,4-D and kinetin suitable for incubation of callus from each plant were investigated and species having high growth rates in the appropriate medium were selected.

The effects of concentrations of auxins and kinetin, a variety of carbon and nitrogen sources, thiamin and myo-inositol on growth of the selected calluses were also studied. Of these calluses studied, N. glutinosa, N. tabacum var. Xanthi ova and P. hybrids were selected as calluses having high growth rates. Myo-inositol had no effect on any callus growth, and thiamin gave a distinct effect on Populus callus only. Nitrate as a nitrogen and sucrose as a carbon sources, and 2,4-D as an auxin were most effective in all calluses studied. Kinetin was essential for N. glutinosa among the calluses studied. Although high sugar concentrations tended to lengthen the lag period in the growth curve, there was no difference in the growth rates of the logarithmic phase among the concentrations.  相似文献   

This paper has investigated the regulation of the activitiesof glutamine synthetase (GS) and NADH-dependent glutamate synthase(NADH-GOGAT) of Phaseolus vulgaris in relation to the nitrogensupply. The activity of NADH-GOGAT II, which is the most abundantisoenzyme of glutamate synthase in root nodules of P. vulgaris,was either absent or barely detectable in other organs of thisspecies. Moreover, its activity in roots could not be inducedby ammonium. In nodules NADH-GOGAT II activity was detectedin nodules grown under an atmosphere of 80% argon: 20% oxygenand in nodules formed with a Fix- Rhizobium mutant. However,in these non-fixing nodules the activity of this isoenzyme attainedless than 15% of the activity in fixing nodules and switchingargon/oxygen grown nodules to nitrogen/oxygen led to an increasein this isoenzyme within 24 h. This effect could not be mimickedby the addition of exogenous ammonium. Ammonium addition, however,promoted nodule senescence and also led to a decrease in theactivities of nitrogenase and plant GS. In particular, the nodule-enhancedGS isoenzyme but not the GSß isoenzyme was affectedby these changes and in a manner similar to the changes in NADH-GOGATII. The activity of the NADH-GOGAT I isoenzyme was detectablein other organs of P. vulgaris and in nodules its activity alsoshowed some changes in response to the rate of dinitrogen fixation. Key words: Glutamate synthase, glutamine synthetase, nitrogen fixation, nodule metabolism, Phaseolus vulgaris  相似文献   

The activity of the first enzyme of the shikimate pathway, 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase, varies during the growth cycle of Solanum tuberosum L. cv superior cells in suspension culture. Maximum specific enzyme activity was observed midway through the linear phase of growth. When mid-log phase cells are exposed to glyphosate, the specific activity of the enzyme increases severalfold within 24 hours. The glyphosate-induced increase in enzyme activity is due to an increase in the amount of enzyme as determined by immunoblotting. Glyphosate (up to 2 millimolar) has no effect on the enzyme activity in vitro. Dehydroquinate synthase, the second enzyme of the shikimate pathway, is not induced by glyphosate.  相似文献   

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