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Rat embryos have been cultured in vitro from 9.5 days of gestation for different times in serum containing mannose, and the embryos have been observed by scanning electron microscopy. Embryos cultured in 3 mg/ml (1.7 X 10(-2) M) or 6 mg/ml (3.3 X 10(-2) M) mannose for 48 h showed inhibition of the expansion of the yolk sac and were smaller than the control embryos. Mannose-treated embryos also showed delayed development according to morphological criteria, and a range of abnormalities including abnormalities of the neural tube. Embryos cultured in 6 mg/ml mannose for 24 h also showed significant inhibition of yolk-sac expansion and were smaller and less advanced than the control embryos. Abnormalities were seen, including a delay in the closure of the neural folds. Abnormalities were also observed in embryos cultured in mannose for 10 h; embryos at the neural groove stage showed irregularities in the neural groove. Mannose did not inhibit the re-elevation of neural folds which had been caused to collapse by exposure to medium containing low calcium. These results are compatible with the idea that mannose retards development and thereby perturbs the morphogenesis of the neural tube.  相似文献   

The male-specific H-Y antigen is present on mammalian cell membranes and has been identified by various methods, including antiserum cytotoxicity. The objective of the present study was to determine the sex of in vitro produced (IVP) bovine embryos, at varying stages of development, by culturing in the presence of rat monoclonal H-Y antibodies. Embryos derived from IVM/IVF were classified according to the interval after IVF (48, 96 or 120 h) as Category 1, 2 or 3 if they had 4 to 8, <32, and >32 cells, respectively. Embryos of each category were cultured for 24h in TCM-199 supplemented with bovine oviductal epithelial cells, fetal calf serum (FCS), and antibiotics (Control group), to which the following had been added: guinea pig serum (GPS; C' group); H-Y antiserum (HY group); or GPS and H-Y antiserum (C' + HY group). After culture, embryos were designated as "affected" when development was arrested or one or more blastomeres was degenerate; embryos lacking these changes were designated "unaffected." The sex of each embryo was subsequently determined by chromosome analysis. After 48h of IVF (Category 1), within each of the four treatments, the proportion of unaffected embryos was higher than the proportion of unaffected embryos (81% versus 19%, P < 0.05). Similarly, the Control, C' and HY groups of Categories 2 and 3 embryos had different proportions of unaffected versus affected embryos (75% versus 25%, P < 0.05). In all these groups, the male:female ratio did not significantly differ from 1:1. In contrast, in the C' + HY group of Categories 2 and 3 embryos, the ratio of unaffected versus affected embryos was 41% versus 59% (P < 0.05) and the male:female ratio differed (P < 0.05) from the expected 1:1 ratio (approximately 0.3:1 and 4.5:1 for unaffected versus affected, respectively). In conclusion, when bovine embryos were cultured in the presence of rat monoclonal H-Y antibodies and compliment, alterations occurred in embryos that were beyond the 8-cell stage; we inferred that the antibodies cross-reacted with H-Y antigens.  相似文献   

We compared in rat whole-embryo culture the morphological changes elicited by valproic acid (VPA) with those elicited by trans-retinoic acid (RA). Rat embryos explanted on day 9.5 of gestation were treated on day 10 with RA or VPA at concentrations producing equivalent reductions in embryonic protein. The concentrations selected for morphological assessment by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, 2.3 and 800 microM, respectively, for RA and VPA, produced approximately a 50% incidence of abnormally open anterior neuropores in initial range-finding experiments in the culture system. Protein and DNA analyses were also performed on corresponding groups of embryos at three different doses. With concurrent control groups used as reference standards, the two treatment groups were compared for differences in external and internal morphology, protein and DNA contents, and growth indices. While certain variables responded similarly in the two treatment groups, e.g., the growth variables, protein and DNA contents, each drug produced selective morphological effects. Whereas treatment with RA produced underdeveloped branchial arches, symmetrically cleft cranial defects resulting in openings in rhombencephalic and prosencephalic regions, and exteriorized neural tissue in the caudal neuropore region, VPA produced irregular clefts with wavy margins along the entire length of the neural tube, and an open caudal neuropore without eversion of the neuroepithelium, while producing no detectable effect on the branchial arches. The similar effects of these two drugs on protein and DNA contents suggest comparable degrees of overall toxicity; however, the dissimilar effects on neural tube and branchial arches, coupled with the large difference in concentration of the drug required to produce the effects, add to the evidence that their mechanisms for elicitation of abnormal development are qualitatively different.  相似文献   

The dormancy status ofFraxinus excelsior embryos at different developmental stages under environmental conditions was examined over a period of 2 years. For each sampling date the length of the fruit, of the seed, and of the embryo were measured, and the embryological stage determined. The depth of dormancy was assayed by the germination behaviour of isolated embryos under aseptic conditions on an agar medium without nutrients. As an approach towards a quantitative estimate of the dormancy status, the degree of inhibiton of germinative growth in the embryonic organs was evaluated on the basis of four categories from none to full germinative growth. From these ratings a dormancy index was calculated, expressing the mean dormancy status of the embryos at a given date. Embryo dormancy already became apparent during embryogenesis and reached its highest level during the later phase of reserve deposition in the seed. A marked loss of embryo dormancy occurred during the phase of maturation drying in autumn, followed by a moderate increase in winter. In hydrated seeds in spring the embryo was gradually released from dormancy and enlarged further. In maintaining the embryo ofF. excelsior in a developmental but not germinative mode, dormancy mechanisms within the embryo and the endosperm, combined with environmental factors, may be involved.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to assess the in vitro viability of ovine embryos at different stages of development after combining cell sampling and vitrification. Precompacted morulae, compacted morulae and blastocysts were obtained from superovulated Sarda ewes at 4, 5 or 6 d following insemination. Embryo cell biopsy was carried out in a 100-microl drop of PBS + 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) with 10 micromol nocodazole and 7.5 microg/ml cytochalasin-b by aspiration (3-5 cells). Embryos were cryopreserved at room temperature after exposure of 2 solutions for 5 min, transferred into a vitrification solution, loaded into the center of 0.25-ml straws separated by air bubbles from 2 columns of sucrose 0.5 M and plunged immediately into liquid nitrogen. In Experiment 1, the in vitro viability of manipulated or vitrified embryos after in vitro co-culture in TCM 199 medium with 10% FCS and sheep oviductal epithelial cells (SOEC) in 5% CO2 humidified atmosphere in air at 39 degrees C was significantly lower (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively) at precompacted morula (60 and 30%) and compacted morula (62 and 39%) stages than intact embryos at the same stages (87 and 88%). No differences were found at the blastocyst stage. In Experiment 2, the in vitro survival rate of precompacted morulae which were manipulated and immediately vitrified was lower (P < 0.05) than in those manipulated and, after a temporary period of culture, vitrified at blastocyst stage (21 vs 48%); while no differences were found at compacted morula and blastocyst stages. The results show that 1) the stage of development influences the subsequent in vitro viability of manipulated and vitrified ovine embryos, 2) temporary culture after manipulation and before vitrification improves the in vitro viability of embryos, and 3) the hole in the zona pellucida resulting from biopsy does not affect blastocyst survival after subsequent vitrification.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to test the effectiveness of a method of vitrifying rat embryos at different stages of development (from early morula to expanding blastocyst) in a double vitrification procedure. Wistar rat embryos were vitrified and warmed in super-fine open-pulled straws (SOPS). Before being plunged into liquid nitrogen, the embryos were exposed to 40% ethylene glycol+0.75 M sucrose in TCM-199+20% fetal calf serum (FCS) for 20s at 38 degrees C. Subsequent warming and direct rehydration of the embryos was conducted in culture medium (TCM-199+20% FCS) at 38 degrees C. Early morula stage (7-10 blastomeres) embryos (n=358) were vitrified, warmed and cultured in vitro (EM group). Batches of these embryos were then cryopreserved again (revitrified) at the early blastocyst (EB group, n=87), blastocyst (B group, n=93) or expanding blastocyst stage (ExpB group, n=73). After the first (EM group) and repeated (EB, B, and ExpB groups) vitrification procedures, developmental rates of 81, 83, 34 and 76%, respectively were achieved (for EM-EB-ExpB P>0.1; for EM, EB, ExpB-B P<0.005). Our data demonstrate the possibility of using the described identical protocol for the SOPS vitrification of rat early morulae, early blastocysts and expanding blastocysts. The low survival rate of blastocysts subjected to double vitrification requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Vitrification of rat embryos at various developmental stages   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Han MS  Niwa K  Kasai M 《Theriogenology》2003,59(8):1851-1863
The effect of developmental stage on the survival of cryopreserved rat embryos was examined. Wistar rat embryos at various developmental stages were vitrified by a 1-step method with EFS40, an ethylene glycol-based solution, or by a 2-step method with EFS20 and EFS40. After warming, the survival of the embryos was assessed by their morphology, their ability to develop to blastocysts (or expanded blastocysts for blastocysts) in culture, or their ability to develop to term after transfer. Most (91-100%) of the embryos recovered after vitrification were morphologically normal in all developmental stages. However, the developmental ability of 1-cell embryos was quite low; exposing them to EFS40 for just 0.5 min decreased the in vitro survival rate from 76 to 9%. The survival rates of 2-cell embryos and blastocysts, both in vitro and in vivo, were significantly higher with a 2-step vitrification process than with a 1-step vitrification process. Very high in vitro survival rates (94-100%) were obtained in 4- to 8-cell embryos and morulae in the 1-step method. Although survival rates in vivo of 4-cell (40%) and 8-cell (4%) embryos vitrified by the 1-step method were comparatively low, the values were similar to those obtained in non-vitrified fresh embryos. When morulae vitrified by the 1-step method were transferred to recipients, the in vivo survival rate (61%) was high, and not significantly different from that of fresh embryos (70%). These results show that rat embryos at the 2-cell to blastocyst stages can be vitrified with EFS40, and that the morula stage is the most feasible stage for embryo cryopreservation in this species.  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe the distribution of a membrane protein called Gz-1-Ag in embryonal rat tissues using monoclonal antibodies. Three monoclonal antibodies recognizing different antigenic determinants of Gz-1-Ag were tested on different stages of rat embryos-fertilized oocytes, two-cell stages, morulae, blastocysts and embryos up to 17.5 days old. The embryos were fixed by different methods; the Tokuyasu method was the most convenient. It yielded very good morphological conservation, good preservation of antigenicity and weak background fluorescence. Gz-1-Ag was detected in practically all early epithelial structures, but the intensity of fluorescence varied. Fluorescence was not associated with the germ layer from which the epithelium derived. The uninterrupted presence of Gz-1-Ag from the fertilized oocyte to all subsequently arising epithelial structures suggests a role of Gz-1-Ag in cell adhesion, secretory processes or the intercellular exchange of information or substances.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted in which 2-cell bovine embryos were prepared from oocytes, obtained from abattoir ovaries, by in-vitro maturation for 22 to 24 hours, followed by exposure to spermatozoa for 8 hours and culture for 40 hours within the cumulus. The cumulus cells were then removed, and the cleaved embryos were cultured for a further 120 hours or longer, in the presence or absence of glucose, pyruvate and lactate. Very few embryos developed in the complete absence of energy substrates. Lactate and pyruvate, alone or combined, supported development to the 8-cell stage, but pyruvate was required to support development to the morula stage (Experiment 1). When present throughout culture or when added at 48 or 96 hours postinsemination, 5.56 mM glucose was detrimental to development (Experiments 1 and 2). However, when added at 120 hours postinsemination, 5.56 mM glucose improved development to the blastocyst and expanded blastocyst stages, compared with no glucose or 11.12 mM glucose (Experiment 3).  相似文献   

17 beta-Hydroxy-11 beta(4-dimethylaminophenyl)-17 alpha-(1-propynyl)estra-4, 9-dien-3-one (RU486) inhibited the in vitro development of different stages of mouse preimplantation embryos under study. Two-celled embryos, morulae, and early blastocysts were obtained from B6D2F1 mice. The embryos were grown in Ham F-10 nutrient mixture (with glutamine) supplemented with sodium bicarbonate (2.1 g/L), calcium lactate (282 mg/L), and bovine serum albumin (fraction V, 3 mg/mL) at 37 degrees C in a humidified incubator supplied with 5% CO2 in air. RU486 was added to the culture medium at concentrations of 1, 5, 10, and 20 micrograms/mL. Culture medium with 0.05% ethanol served as the control. In vitro growth of embryos was assessed by the following criteria: (i) two-celled stage embryo development to blastocyst stage after 72 h, (ii) morula stage grown to blastocyst stage after 24 h, and (iii) early blastocyst stage development to hatching blastocyst after 12 h, in culture. RU486 inhibited the in vitro development of two-celled embryos, morulae, and early blastocysts at concentrations of 5, 10, and 20 micrograms/mL culture medium (p less than 0.001). The inhibitory effect of RU486 at these concentrations on the development of all the stages of embryos under study was irreversible. However, RU486 did not affect embryo development at 1 microgram/mL culture medium. The study indicates the direct adverse effect of RU486 at 5 micrograms/mL and higher concentrations in culture medium on the development of mouse preimplantation embryos in vitro, and it encourages its further investigation as a postcoital contraceptive in animal models and humans.  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to determine the effect of conditioning media with homologous porcine uterine cells on the developmental rate of porcine embryos. Cell monolayers were prepared by selective dissection and digestion of sections from the uterus of prepuberal gilts that were primed with PMSG and hCG. Conditioned media were used with 2 type of embryos: 4-cell stage (Experiment 1) or blastocyst stage (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, embryos were collected surgically by flushing the oviducts, 36 to 48 h following the first of 2 inseminations. Embryos were cultured in Whitten's medium containing 1.5% BSA as a protein source until they attained the 4-cell stage. Embryos at the 4-cell stage were cultured randomly in either Whitten's medium with 1.5% BSA or Whitten's medium with 1.5% BSA that was previously conditioned for 24 h with an endometrial epithelial cell monolayer. Embryos were cultured in 50-microl drops covered with oil in a 38.5 degrees C, 5% CO(2) in air incubator. There was no advantage to using the conditioned media with the 4-cell stage embryos. The embryos were less developed than those cultured in nonconditioned Whitten's medium (P <0.001). In Experiment 2, embryos were cultured at the blastocyst stage. They were recovered the same way as in Experiment 1 and then cultured in Whitten's medium containing 1.5% BSA until they reached the blastocyst stage. At the blastocyst stage (Day 6), embryos were randomly assigned to 1 of the 6 following treatments: Whitten's with 1.5% BSA or Whitten's plus 1.5% BSA that was previously conditioned with endometrial epithelial cell monolayer, TCM-199 containing 0.4% BSA or TCM-199 plus 0.4% BSA that was previously conditioned with endometrial epithelial cell monolayer, finally, TCM-199 containing 10% serum or TCM-199 plus 10% serum that was previously conditioned with endometrial epithelial cell monolayer. Results show that initiation of hatching was significantly enhanced by conditioning the Whitten's media.  相似文献   

Numerous genetically engineered rat strains have been produced via genome editing. Although freezing of embryos is helpful for the production and storage of these valuable strains, the tolerance to freezing of embryos varies at each developmental stage of the embryo. This study examined the tolerance to freezing of rat embryos at various developmental stages, particularly at the pronuclear stage. Embryos that had developed to the pronuclear, 2-cell, and morula stages were frozen via vitrification using ethylene glycol- and propylene glycol-based solutions. More than 90% of the embryos at all developmental stages survived after warming. The developmental rates to offspring of thawed embryos at the pronuclear, 2-cell, and morula stages were 19%, 41%, and 52%, respectively. Pronuclear stage embryos between the early and late developmental stages were then vitrified. The developmental rates to offspring of the thawed pronuclear stage embryos collected at 24, 28, and 31 h after the induction of ovulation were 17%, 21%, and 23%, respectively. These results indicated that the tolerance to vitrification of rat embryos increased with the development of embryos. The establishment of vitrification method of rat embryos at various developmental stages is helpful for improving the production and storage of valuable rat strains used for biomedical science.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the effect of a quick-freezing protocol on morphological survival and in vitro development of mouse embryos cryopreserved in ethylene glycol (EG) at different preimplantation stages. One-cell embryos were harvested from 6-to 8-wk-old CB6F1 superovulated mice, 20 to 23 h after pairing with males of the same strain and hCG injection. The embryos were cultured in human tubal fluid (HTF) containing 4 mg/ml BSA under mineral oil at 37 degrees C in 5% CO(2) plus 95% room air at maximal humidity. Twenty-four to 96 h after collection, the embryos were removed from culture and frozen at the 2 cell, 4 to 8-cell, compact morula, early blastocyst, expanding blastocyst and expanded blastocyst stages. To perform the quick-freeze procedure, embryos were equilibrated in Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (DPBS) + 10 % fetal bovine serum (FBS) + 0.25 M sucrose + 3 M ethylene glycol (freeze medium) for 20 min at room temperature (22 to 26 degrees C) and loaded in a single column of freeze medium into 0.25-ml straws (4 to 5 embryos per straw). The straws were held in liquid nitrogen vapor for 2 min and immersed in liquid nitrogen. Embryos were thawed by gentle agitation in a 37 degrees C water bath for 20 sec and transferred to DPBS + 10 % FBS + 0.5 M sucrose (re-hydration medium) for 10 min at room temperature, rinsed 2 times in HTF plus 4 mg/ml BSA and then cultured for 24 to 96 h. Survival of embryos was based on their general morphological appearance after thawing and their ability to continue development upon subsequent culture in vitro. Survival of blastocysts after thawing also required expansion or reexpansion of the blastocoel after several hours in culture. Significant differences were found in the survival and development of mouse embryos at different developmental stages quick-frozen in ethylene glycol and sucrose: 2-cell embryos 43/84 (51%), 4 to 8-cell embryos 44/94 (47%), morulae and early blastocysts 56/70 (80%; P相似文献   

Survival of zebrafish Danio rerio embryos subjected to yolk redistribution during early development (cleavage to segmentation) was found to be dependent on the stage of manipulation and the quantity of redistributed yolk. The findings point to the presence and importance of yolk intrinsic organization during early development.  相似文献   

Pesticides can significantly harm reproduction in animals and people. Pyrethroids are often used as insecticides, and their toxicity for mammals is considered to be low. However, cypermethrin, deltamethrin and fenvalerate – as potent specific inhibitors of protein phosphatase calcineurin – can influence the meiosis of mammalian oocytes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of these pyrethroids on the in vitro maturation of pig oocytes at different levels of meiotic competence. Under the tested concentrations, cypermethrin, deltamethrin and fenvalerate neither had a significant effect on the viability of oocytes nor did they induce significant degeneration of oocytes. However, these pyrethroids significantly affected meiotic maturation. The effects depended on the stage of meiotic competence of the oocytes. Maturation of growing pig oocytes with partial meiotic competence was induced. On the other hand, in fully grown pig oocytes with full meiotic competence, maturation in vitro was delayed. The specificity of these effects was further supported by the same effect of non-pyrethroidal inhibitors of calcineurin – cyclosporin A or hymenistatin I – on the maturation of oocytes with different levels of meiotic competence. However, pyrethroids, which do not inhibit calcineurin – allethrin or permethrin – had no effect on pig oocyte maturation. We demonstrated a significant effect of pyrethroids on the maturation of mammalian oocytes under in vitro conditions. This indicates that exposure to these substances could affect the fertility of people or animals.  相似文献   

Day 10 rat embryos were exposed in vitro to a monofunctional analog of phosphoramide mustard (MPM) at concentrations of 25 to 200 micrograms/ml (144 to 1,156 X 10(-6) M). After a 24-hour exposure, embryos exhibited a dose-dependent decrease in growth parameters (crown-rump length, number of somites, and protein content) as well as incidence of malformations. Abnormal embryos were characterized by hypoplasia of the prosencephalon as well as hypoplasia of the mandibular arches, tail, and limb buds. Histological analysis revealed abnormal levels of necrotic cells, particularly in the neuroepithelium and surrounding mesenchyme. In all respects embryos exposed to MPM could not be distinguished from embryos exposed to phosphoramide mustard. We also determined using mouse L1210 cells that at the maximum nonlethal concentration used in our embryo exposure experiments, MPM did not cause DNA cross-linking but did cause single-strand DNA breaks. Phosphoramide mustard, at concentrations teratogenic to embryos in vitro, did produce DNA cross-linking. Taken together, our results indicate that although cyclophosphamide (CP)-induced DNA cross-linking may play a role in CP teratogenesis, DNA cross-linking is not an absolute requirement.  相似文献   

The effects of various concentrations of ammonia in the media during in vitro fertilization (IVF), culture (IVC), and throughout maturation (IVM), IVF, and IVC were evaluated using a randomized complete block design. Ammonia was added to the media at various concentrations during IVF (experiment 1), during IVC (experiment 2), and throughout IVM, IVF, and IVC (experiment 3). In the first experiment, there was a significant (P<0.05) increase in embryos developed to blastocyst, and to expanding and hatching blastocyst, in IVF media containing moderate concentrations of ammonia compared with that in the IVF control media. In the second experiment, ammonia in the IVC media increased (P<0.05) the proportion of degenerate ova and decreased (P<0.05) the proportion of ova that developed to blastocysts. In experiment 3, cleavage rates tended (P=0.06) to be greater for control groups than for treatment groups. The proportion of ova developing to morula was greater (P<0.05) in media containing moderate concentrations of ammonia than that in the control groups. These results indicate that the effect of ammonia on development of preimplantation bovine embryos depends on the concentration of ammonia and the stage of development when exposure to ammonia occurs.  相似文献   

The developmental rate to the blastocyst stage of frozen-thawed bovine in vitro produced embryos at stages earlier than Day 6 morula is not sufficiently high for practical utilization. The present study was undertaken to determine the effect of polarization of lipid droplets in the cytoplasm of bovine in vitro produced embryos from zygotes to the 8-cell stage, by centrifugation without following micromanipulation, on the survival rate of Day 4 16-cell embryos. After centrifugation at 15,500 x g in medium containing cytochalasin D, embryos were cultured to the 16-cell stage, classified as either mostly or partially delipidated by degree of lipid droplet removal, and then frozen. Embryos centrifuged at the 2-cell stage developed to the 16-cell stage similarly to those centrifuged at the 8-cell stage. The developmental rate to blastocysts after freezing of the mostly delipidated 16-cell embryos centrifuged at the 2-cell stage was higher than that of those centrifuged at the zygote stage, those that were partially delipidated at the 2-cell stage, and those that were not centrifuged. The results demonstrate that polarization of lipid droplets at the 2-cell stage by centrifugation without micromanipulation improved the survival rate of mostly delipidated 16-cell embryos after freezing.  相似文献   

Protein expression during the early development of Xenopus has been followed by 2D-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The analysis of two-dimensional maps of eggs and embryos at different stages of development has allowed the separation of more than 2000 spots. Identification of numerous polypeptides was obtained in four different ways: (1) immuno-blotting; (2) amino terminal sequence after blotting on to PVDF membranes; (3) comigration; and (4) assignment in comparison with proteins separated by 2D techniques on reference maps such as human liver, red blood cells, plasma and cerebrospinal fluid reported in the Swiss 2D-PAGE Data Base. The maps presented in this report are a step toward the study of the protein expression in Xenopus eggs and embryos and may be a powerful working tool since Xenopus embryos are popular models for the study of development.  相似文献   

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