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The binding of [3H]histamine to H2 receptors in homogenates of rat cerebral cortex is inhibited by 11 H2 agonists in a characteristic and unique manner. At low concentrations of the radioligand (less than 1.5 nM), the inhibitory profiles of individual agonists (A) are distinctly biphasic; specific binding is well described in most cases by the empirical expression Y = F1K1/(K1 + [A]) + F2K2/(K2 + [A]), in which F1 and F2 sum to 1. Maximal inhibition is the same for all agonists. Since values of F2 vary from 0.42 to 0.90, the agonist appears to determine the equilibrium distribution of receptors between two states of affinity. Ratios of apparent affinity (K2/K1) vary from 204 to 3 090 000, and there is no correlation between values of K1 and K2. Compounds lacking H2 activity, including structural analogues of histamine and dimaprit, reveal a Hill coefficient of 1 and inhibit the radioligand only weakly. For six agonists, values of K2 agree and correlate well (P = 0.00047) with H2 pharmacological potency (EC50) in the guinea pig right atrium; for the others, K2 is less than EC50 by 15-61-fold. Four observations suggest that the inhibition corresponding to F1 is allosteric and cooperative: the dissociation constant of the radioligand appears to vary in the presence of an unlabeled agonist, absolute levels of binding corresponding to F1, as defined by dimaprit, decrease at higher concentrations of [3H]histamine, F1 for dimaprit is reduced from 0.48 to 0.32 by 2-methylhistamine (F1 = 0.27) at a concentration of 20 nM (approximately K1(0.5) K2(0.5) for 2-methylhistamine), but the increase in K1 for dimprit is at least 100-fold less than expected from competitive effects, and 1 equiv of some agonists appears to preclude access of [3H]histamine to more than 1 equiv of receptors, with no evidence that an appreciable fraction of the unlabeled drug is bound. Noncompetitive effects also may account in part for the inhibition corresponding to F2.  相似文献   

Sites labeled by [3H]histamine in homogenates of rat cerebral cortex reveal a pharmacological specificity typical of H2 receptors. Fourteen H2 antagonists inhibit the specific binding of the radioligand to the same level; Hill coefficients are near or equal to one for five compounds and markedly lower for nine. The binding patterns of individual antagonists (A) are well described by the empirical expression Y = F1K1/(K1 + [A]) + F2K2/(K2 + [A]), in which F1 and F2 sum to 1; F2 is 0 for those drugs that reveal a Hill coefficient of 1. Concentrations of A that reduce specific binding by 50% (IC50) correlate well (r = 0.991; P less than 0.00001) and show good numerical agreement with potencies reported for inhibition of the response to histamine in H2-mediated systems. The correlation is poorer when IC50 is replaced by either K1 (r = 0.973) or K2 (r = 0.921) for those antagonists that reveal both; the antihistaminic activity of the drug thus appears not to be associated preferentially with one or other class of sites. Since F2 varies from 0.16 to 0.60 among those antagonists that discern heterogeneity, the antagonist appears to determine the distribution of sites between the two classes. Moreover, a correlation among antagonists between values of K1 and K2 (r = 0.975; P = 0.00001) suggests that the apparent heterogeneity reflects different conformers within an otherwise homogeneous population. H2 antagonists appear to be noncompetitive with respect to each other and to the radioligand: one antagonist has relatively little effect on the values of K1, K2, and F2 revealed by another; also, estimates of K1 and K2 are independent of the concentration of [3H]histamine between 1.3 and 10 nM, although the radioligand exhibits an apparent dissociation constant of 3.9 nM [Steinberg, G. H., Eppel, J. G., Kandel, M., Kandel, S. I., & Wells, J. W. (1985) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)].  相似文献   

Specific β1-adrenoreceptors antagonist [3H]CGP 26505 binding was characterized in rat cerebral cortex and heart sinus atrial node. In both tissues [3H]CGP 26505 binding was maximal at 25°C, it was specific, saturable and protein concentration dependent. Scatchard analysis of saturation isotherms of specific [3H]CGP 26505 binding in cerebral cortex showed that [3H]CGP 26505 binds a single class of high affinity sites with a dissociation constant (KD) of 1±0.3 nM and a maximal number of binding sites (Bmax) of 40±2 fmol/mg of protein. In sinus atrial node, [3H]-CGP 26505 binds a single class of high affinity sites (KD=1.9±0.4 nM, Bmax=28±2 fmol/mg of protein).  相似文献   

Several laboratories have reported ligand binding studies using radioactive histamine H1 antagonists to label the H1 receptors in mammalian brain. We have extended these studies to a detailed examination of the binding of [3H]mepyramine to monkey brain and have shown that the distribution is similar to that in man, with specific binding sites being concentrated in the frontal cortex with relatively low binding to the pons and basal ganglia. The binding shows a single saturable component with a KD of about 1 nM and a Hill plot slope close to unity. These observations are the same for all structures tested. Comparison with data from other laboratories suggests that in this species, the histamine receptor is the same as that in peripheral tissues. From Ki values for various ligands and comparison of KD estimates in other species, the receptor seems to be essentially identical to the H1 receptor in central and peripheral tissues of the guinea pig and also to that in human brain. The rat and possibly the dog have minor differences from the monkey in terms of KD values for [3H]mepyramine binding.  相似文献   

The specific binding of [3H] pirenzepine was investigated in homogenates of rat cerebral cortex, cerebellar cortex, and heart. Specific binding of [3H] pirenzepine in the cerebral cortex as defined by displacement with atropine sulfate (1μM) was of high affinity (Kd = 4–10 nM, receptor density = 1.06 pmoles/mg protein), stereoselective, and competitive with drugs specific for the muscarinic receptor. In contrast, few [3H] pirenzepine binding sites were demonstrated in cerebellar and heart homogenates.  相似文献   

The effects of iontophoretically applied histamine H2-receptor antagonists and their antagonism of various amines, acetylcholine (ACh), and adenosine 5'-monophosphate (5'-AMP) were studied on spontaneously active rat cerebral cortical neurons. Metiamide selectively blocked the depressant actions of histamine. Burimamide, in amounts necessary for histamine antagonism, also antagonized the depressant effects of noradrenaline, dopamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine. Neither antagonist affected 5'-AMP-induced depressions, but both reduced or blocked the excitatory actions of ACh. It is concluded that metiamide may be useful as a reliable antagonist of H2 receptors on cerebral cortical neurons.  相似文献   

The binding of tritiated 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propyl-amino)tetralin, or [3H]8-OH-DPAT, to membranes from rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus could be inhibited by serotonin (5-HT) and buspirone, and by the 5-HT antagonists propranolol, NAN-190, pindolol, pindobind-5-HT1A, WAY100135, spiperone and ritanserin. All competition curves, except for ritanserin, best fitted a two-site model. In vitro treatment of the membranes withN-ethylmaleimide (NEM), to alkylate sulfhydryl groups, caused dose-dependent decreases of binding; the inhibition curves were biphasic, and the effects irreversible. Reduction of disulfide bonds withl-dithiothreitol (L-DTT) also decreased binding, but in a monophasic way; these effects were fully reversible in cortex, but only partially reversible in hippocampus. In the latter region, but not in cerebral cortex, previous occupancy by [3H]8-OH-DPAT partially protected binding from the effects of bothL-DTT and NEM, suggesting that the thiol groups in the receptor recognition site(s) of this brain region are readily accessible. The binding characteristics were examined with the aid of saturation curves, carried out with increasing concentrations, up to 140 nM, of [3H]8-OH-DPAT. The saturation data were suggestive of a two-site receptor model incorporating a high-affinity site (Kh of 0.3–0.5 nM) corresponding to the 5-HT1A receptor, and a low-affinity site (Kl ofca 25 nM). After in vivo alkylations, carried out by treating rats withN-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydro-quinoline (EEDQ), the saturation curves from both control and EEDQ-treated rats were again best fitted to a two-site model. For EEDQ-treated animals, a drastic decrease of 5-HT1A receptor activity was noted; this loss was greater in hippocampus than in cerebral cortex. Since the decrease in 5-HT1A receptors was not associated with changes in low-affinity binding, the results suggest independent regulations of the two [3H]8-OH-DPAT binding proteins. Altogether, the present data further supports the notion that [3H]8-OH-DPAT, besides labelling 5-HT1A receptors, also binds to other structures in rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Kinya Kuriyama  相似文献   

T H Chiu  O F Yu  H C Rosenberg 《Life sciences》1989,45(11):1021-1028
Irreversible incorporation of [3H]flunitrazepam and [3H]Ro15-4513 into GABA/benzodiazepine receptor subunits was studied by UV irradiation using ligand-bound membrane pellets from rat cerebral cortical and cerebellar synaptic membranes. Specific incorporation for [3H]flunitrazepam was greater in the pellet than in the suspension. The incorporation was identical for [3H]Ro15-4513 in both pellet and suspension. With the ligand-bound pellets, 50% of the available binding sites were photolabeled by both ligands in cortex and cerebellum. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography of [3H]flunitrazepam photo-labeled receptor revealed the same number of major sites in both brain regions. In contrast, [3H]Ro15-4513 appears to label fewer sites in cortex and cerebellum. Photoaffinity labeling with [3H]flunitrazepam in ligand-bound membrane pellet provides a more selective and reliable method for studying the subunit structure of GABA/benzodiazepine receptor complex.  相似文献   

The promethazine-sensitive [3H]mepyramine binding was used to determine the presence of histamine H1 receptors in membranes from bovine retina. Specific mepyramine binding to retinal membranes was reversible, saturable and of high affinity. The apparent dissociation constant (KD = 2.2 +/- 0.4 nM) and the density of binding sites (Bmax = 60.9 +/- 5.1 fmol/mg protein), obtained in equilibrium studies, were similar to those found in bovine brain cortex. Binding was stereospecific and the inhibitory potencies of H1 and H2 antagonists indicated that [3H] mepyramine binding sites in the retina have characteristics of H1 receptors.  相似文献   

To study the effect of agents interfering with the biosynthesis and/or the K+-evoked Ca2+-dependent release of neurotransmitter glutamate, rat cerebral slices were preincubated with Krebs-Ringer-HEPES-glucose-glutamine buffer (KRH buffer), loaded withd-[3H]aspartate and superfused with the preincubation medium in the presence or in the absence of Ca2+. The difference in radioactivity release divided by the basal release per min under the two conditions represented the K+-evoked Ca2+-dependent release. The agents used were: 1) Aminooxyacetic acid (AOAA), the inhibitor of transaminases, 2) Leucine (Leu), the inhibitor of phosphate activated glutaminase (PAG), 3) NH4 +, the inhibitor of PAG, 4) Phenylsuccinic acid (Phs), the inhibitor of the mitochondrial ketodicarboxylate carrier, 5) ketone bodies, the inhibitors of glycolysis, 6) the absence of glutamine, the substrate of PAG. The results show that Leu, NH4 +, Phs and the absence of Gln significantly increase the K+-evoked Ca2+-dependent release of radioactivity by 64%, 200%, 95% and 147% respectively, indicating that these agents are inhibitors of the K+-evoked Ca2+-dependent release of glutamate. Ketone bodies and AOAA had no effect. These results indicate that the major if not the exclusive biosynthetic pathway of neurotransmitter glutamate in rat cerebral cortex is through the PAG reaction and support a model for the pathway followed by neurotransmitter glutamate i.e. glutamate formed outside the inner mitochondrial membrane has to enter the mitochondrial matrix or is formed within it from where it can be extruded to supply the transmitter pool in exchange of GABA.  相似文献   

The release of previously accumulated [3H]taurine and [14C]GABA from crude synaptosomal (P2) fractions isolated from rat cerebral cortex was studied using a superfusion system. The spontaneous efflux of [3H]taurine and [14C]GABA was stimulated by elevated concentrations of K+ (15–133 mM) in a concentration-dependent manner. This K+-stimulated release of [14C]GABA but not of [3H]taurine was enhanced in the presence of Ca2+. However, addition of 3 mM Ca2+ to the superfusion medium in the presence of the ionophore A 23187 resulted in a stimulation of the release of both [3H]taurine and [14C]GABA. These results are discussed in connection with the cellular localization of tourine in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Microvessels were isolated from a bovine cortex and the transport of glucose was investigated by using 2-deoxy-d-[3H]glucose (2-DG). The apparentK m for 2-DG transport was 118 M and therefore indicates a significant high affinity for the substrate. The inhibition of 2-DG uptake byd-glucose showed an apparentK i of 222 M. Other sugars, e.g., 3-methyl-d-glucose andd-fructose, also inhibited the 2-DG uptake by 60.6 and 36.0%, respectively. Phloretin (1×10–3 M) inhibited the 2-DG transport more than phlorizin (83.7 vs. 53.8%). Ouabain (1 and 5×10–4 M) did not inhibit the uptake of 2-DG but 2,4-dinitrophenol (1×10–4 M) did (78.0%). The uptake of 2-DG could not be demonstrated in homogenized microvessels. Adenine nucleotides (conc. 2 mM) had various effects on the 2-DG uptake by microvessels. ATP inhibited the uptake by 20.7%, ADP was virtually without effect, and AMP stimulated the uptake of 2-DG by 8.5%. It was also found that the decrease of adenylate energy charge favors the uptake of 2-DG. All these findings suggest that in cerebral microvessels of a bovine cortex, 2-DG is apparently transported by a specific, carrier-mediated transport system.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. R. Sammet on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

Binding and uptake of [3H]adrenaline by perfused rat liver.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The binding and uptake of [3H]adrenaline by the intact perfused rat liver was investigated. We showed that the administration of [3H]adrenaline to liver resulted in the rapid uptake of the radioligand, and that such uptake was independent of any Ca2+ redistributions induced by the hormone. At low adrenaline concentrations (less than 50 nM) uptake was inhibited by prazosin, whereas at higher hormone concentrations a significant proportion of total [3H]adrenaline uptake could not be inhibited by this antagonist. [3H]Adrenaline uptake could be directly correlated with adrenaline-induced responses such as an increased rate of respiration and glycogenolysis. The partial inhibition (approx. 25%) of [3H]adrenaline uptake by antagonists was sufficient for the total inhibition of hormone-induced responses. The effect of various pharmacological agents on [3H]adrenaline uptake was investigated, and the contribution of tissue-related factors to alpha-adrenergic agonist-antagonist interactions in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

Evidences indicate the relationship between neurotensinergic and dopaminergic systems. Neurotensin inhibits synaptosomal membrane Na+, K+-ATPase activity, an effect blocked by SR 48692, antagonist for high affinity neurotensin receptor (NTS1) type. Assays of high affinity [3H]-ouabain binding (to analyze K+ site of Na+, K+-ATPase) show that in vitro addition of neurotensin decreases binding. Herein potential interaction between NTS1 receptor, dopaminergic D2 receptor and Na+, K+-ATPase was studied. To test the involvement of dopaminergic D2 receptors in [3H]-ouabain binding inhibition by neurotensin, Wistar rats were administered i.p.with antipsychotic drugs haloperidol (2 mg/kg) and clozapine (3, 10 and 30 mg/kg). Animals were sacrificed 18 h later, cerebral cortices harvested, membrane fractions prepared and high affinity [3H]-ouabain binding assayed in the absence or presence of neurotensin at a 10 micromolar concentration. No differences versus controls for basal binding or for binding inhibition by neurotensin were recorded, except after 10 mg/kg clozapine. Rats were administered with neurotensin (3, 10 y 30 μg, i.c.v.) and 60 min later, animals were sacrificed, cerebral cortices harvested and processed to obtain membrane fractions for high affinity [3H]-ouabain binding assays. Results showed a slight but statistically significant decrease in binding with the 30 μg neurotensin dose. To analyze the interaction between dopaminergic D2 and NTS1 receptors, [3H]-neurotensin binding to cortical membranes from rats injected with haloperidol (2 mg/kg, i.p.) or clozapine (10 mg/kg) was assayed. Saturation curves and Scatchard transformation showed that the only statistically significant change occurred in Bmax after haloperidol administration. Hill number was close to the unit in all cases. Results indicated that typical and atypical antipsychotic drugs differentially modulate the interaction between neurotensin and Na+, K+-ATPase. At the same time, support the notion of an interaction among dopaminergic and neurotensinergic systems and Na+, K+-ATPase at central synapses.  相似文献   

The synthetic androgen methyltrienolone is superior to testosterone and androstenedione for the measurement of androgen receptor in tissues where the native ligands are metabolized into inactive derivatives. [3H]Methyltrienolone binds with a high affinity to androgen receptor in cytosol prepared from male rat livers, as the Scatchard analysis revealed that the Kd value was 3.3 X 10(-8) M and the number of binding sites was 35.5 fmol/mg protein. Since methyltrienolone also binds glucocorticoid receptor which exists in rat liver, the apparent binding of androgen receptor is faulty when measured in the presence of glucocorticoid receptor. The binding of methyltrienolone to glucocorticoid receptor can be blocked by the presence of a 100-fold molar excess of unlabeled synthetic glucocorticoid, triamcinolone acetonide, without interfering in its binding to androgen receptor, because triamcinolone does not bind to androgen receptor. Triamcinolone-blocked cytosol exhibited that the Kd value was 2.5 X 10(-8) M and the number of binding sites was 26.3 fmol/mg protein, indicating a reduction to 3/4 of that in the untreated cytosol. The profile of glycerol gradient centrifugation indicated that [3H]methyltrienolone-bound receptor migrated in the 8-9 S region in both untreated and triamcinolone-blocked cytosols, but the 8-9 S peak in triamcinolone-blocked cytosol was reduced to about 3/4 of that of untreated cytosol.  相似文献   

The potency of a series of opioid and non-opioid psychotomimetic drugs to inhibit the specific binding of [3H]PCP and ( + )-[3H]SKF-10,047 to rat cerebral cortical membranes was examined. ( + )-PCMP, the 3-methylpiperidino analog of PCP, was a potent inhibitor of the specific binding of both ligands. All of the other 12 compounds examined, however, displayed a 3-277-fold selectivity for either [3H]PCP or (+)-[3H]SKF-10,047 binding. These results suggest that although these opioid and non-opioid psychotomimetics bind to both sites, most have significantly different affinities. The binding sites for [3H]PCP appear to be distinct from the ‘sigma’ binding sites labeled with (+)-[3H]SKF-10,047.

SKF-10,047 Sigma receptor Phencyclidine Phencyclidine receptor Psychotomimetic activity  相似文献   

Using concentrations of [3H] dihydroergokryptine between 0.1 and 5 nM, saturable binding can be demonstrated in rat cerebral cortical membranes with a dissociation constant (KD) of about 0.8 nM. α-Noradrenergic agonists and antagonists compete for the sites labeled by these low concentrations of [3H] dihydroergokryptine with relative potencies characteristics of classical α-noradrenergic receptors. The very low potency of serotonin in competing for these binding sites indicates that, in contrast to findings with higher concentrations of [3H] DHE, low concentrations do not label serotonin receptors. Moreover, the low potency of dopamine in competing for [3H] dihydroergokryptine binding in both striatal and cortical membranes indicates that no detectable portion of binding is associated with postsynaptic dopamine receptors.  相似文献   

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