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The effect of molybdate on adenylate cyclase (EC in rat liver plasma membranes has been examined. The apparent K alpha for molybdate activation of the enzyme is 4.5 mM, and maximal, 7-fold stimulation is achieved at 50 mM. The observed increase in cAMP formation in the adenylate cyclase assay is not due to: (a) an inhibition of ATP hydrolysis; (b) a molybdate-catalyzed conversion of ATP to cAMP; (c) an inhibition of cAMP hydrolysis; or (d) an artifact in the isolation of cAMP formed in the reaction. Molybdate activation of adenylate cyclase is a general phenomenon exhibited by the enzyme in brain, cardiac, and renal tissue homogenates and in erythrocyte ghosts. However, like fluoride and guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p), molybdate does not activate the soluble rat testicular adenylate cyclase. Molybdate is a reversible activator of adenylate cyclase. Activation is not due to an increase in ionic strength and is independent of the salt used to introduce molybdate. Molybdate does not activate adenylate cyclase previously stimulated with Gpp(NH)p or fluoride. At concentration greater than 20 mM, molybdate inhibits fluoride-stimulated adenylate cyclase, and at concentrations greater than 100 mM, molybdate stimulation of basal adenylate cyclase activity is diminished.  相似文献   

Liposomes prepared with cholesterol and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine were incubated with a clone of normal rat kidney fibroblast of cells in culture. The cells took up [14C]cholesterol in proportion to the concentration of liposomes in the incubation medium, and the uptake increased with time over the four hours of study. Two cell membrane enzymes, adenylate cyclase and (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, exhibited decreased activity after treatment with cholesterol-containing liposomes. The decrease in adenylate cyclase activity was directly proportional to the uptake of [14C]cholesterol. When a variety of subclones of NRK 5W were examined some were found to respond to cholesterol treatment and some did not. These data are consistent with the view that membrane cholesterol content plays a role in controlling the activity of some plasma membrane enzymes.  相似文献   

Activation of adenylate cyclase in Acanthamoeba palestinensis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Preincubation of Acanthamoeba palestinensis homogenates in 0.25M sucrose-TM (2mM MgSO4 and 5mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4) at 0 degree C for increasing periods of time up to 3 h, leads to a progressive increase in the activity of adenylated cyclase. In contrast, preincubation of isolated membrane fractions enriched in enzyme activity in the same medium results in no activation. However, preincubation of membrane fractions in medium containing a high density of sugars (sucrose, glucose or fructose) mimics the activation obtained with homogenates. The high density sugar activation is time and temperature dependent, and reversible upon return to a low density medium. The high osmotic pressure of the sugars utilized may be a factor, since high concentrations of the sucrose polymer, Ficoll, which has low osmotic activity, causes not activation. Soluble activators, protein synthesis and changes in cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity were all eliminated as possible effectors of the apparent activation of adenylate cyclase. In contrast to mammalian adenylate cyclase, the endoplasmic reticulum localized enzyme of Acanthamoeba is inhibited by NaF and is unaffected by GTP, adenosine, epinephrine, prostaglandin E1, propranolol, and meclofenamic acid. These data indicate that the adenylate cyclase of Acanthamoeba is structurally different from that of most mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Activation of adipocyte adenylate cyclase by protein kinase C   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Adenylate cyclase activity in purified rat adipocyte membranes is stimulated by the calcium- and phospholipid-dependent enzyme protein kinase C. Over the concentration range of 100-1000 milliunits/ml, both highly purified (approximately 3000 units/mg of protein) protein kinase C from rat brain and partially purified (14 units/mg of protein) protein kinase C from guinea pig pancreas stimulate cyclase activity. The actions of both protein kinase C preparations on adenylate cyclase activity are dependent on added calcium, which is effective at concentrations less than 10 microM. Exogenous phospholipids are not required for stimulation of adenylate cyclase by protein kinase C; but, under typical cyclase assay conditions, the adipocyte membranes satisfy the lipid requirement for protein kinase C phosphorylation of histone. The tumor-promoting phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate enhances the kinase action on cyclase, and the phorbol ester is effective at concentrations equimolar with the kinase (less than 10 nM). With the brain protein kinase C, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate effects are especially evident at limiting calcium concentrations. Inhibitors of protein kinase C activity, such as chlorpromazine, palmitoylcarnitine, and polymyxin B, inhibit selectively that adenylate cyclase activity which is stimulated by protein kinase C plus calcium. It is concluded that protein kinase C acts directly on the adipocyte adenylate cyclase system.  相似文献   

Liver plasma membranes isolated from hypophysectomized rats were treated with 0.1 M Lubrol-PX, a nonionic detergent, and centrifuged at 165,000 × g for 1 hour. Adenylate cyclase activity remaining in the supernate had a specific activity that was at least equal to that of the particulate enzyme. The activity of the solubilized, non-sedimentable adenylate cyclase, as well as the membrane bound enzyme, was increased by GTP, ITP, and GMP-PCP at 10?4 M. The activity of the solubilized, non-sedimentable enzyme increased linearly with GTP from 10?6 to 10?4 M but there was no further increase in the activity of the solubilized enzyme with 10?3 M GTP. In contrast, the particulate liver membrane enzyme activity increased exponentially with GTP from 10?6 to 10?4 M and was further increased by 10?3 M GTP. These data indicate that GTP, ITP or GMP-PCP have direct effects on solubilized adenylate cyclase. This effect is in addition to a role of nucleotides in modifying membrane structure (16).  相似文献   

Liposomes prepared with cholesterol and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine were incubated with a clone of normal rat kidney fibroblast of cells in culture. The cells took up [14C]cholesterol in proportion to the concentration of liposomes in the incubation medium, and the uptake increased with time over the four hours of study. Two cell membrane enzymes, adenylate cyclase and (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, exhibited decreased activity after treatment with cholesterol-containing liposomes. The decrease in adenylate cyclase activity was directly proportional to the uptake of [14C]cholesterol. When a variety of subclones of NRK 5W were examined some were found to respond to cholesterol treatment and some did not. These data are consistent with the view that membrane cholesterol content plays a role in controlling the activity of some plasma membrane enzymes.  相似文献   

Activation of adenylate cyclase by forskolin in rat brain and testis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Detergent-dispersed adenylate cyclase from rat cerebrum was detected in two components, one sensitive to Ca2+ and calmodulin and another sensitive to fluoride or guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p). The enzyme activity of both components was markedly augmented by forskolin assayed in the presence or absence of other enzyme activators (e.g., NaF, Gpp(NH)p, calmodulin). The catalytic subunit fraction in which G/F protein was totally lacking was also activated by forskolin. During 1-35 days of postnatal development, the basal adenylate cyclase activities in either cerebrum and cerebellum particulate preparations progressively increased. While the fluoride sensitivity of the cerebrum and cerebellum enzyme increased during postnatal development, the responsiveness to forskolin remained unaltered. There was no enhancement of soluble adenylate cyclase (from rat testis) by forskolin under the assay conditions in which there was a marked stimulatory action on the particulate enzyme. The results seen with the solubilized enzyme, with either Lubrol PX or cholate, indicate that the effects of forskolin on the cyclase do not require either G/F protein or calmodulin and the results of our study of brain enzymes support this view. Data on soluble testis cyclase (a poor or absent response to forskolin by this enzyme) imply that it lacks a protein (other than the catalytic unit) which could confer greater stimulation. The present results do not rule out an alternative explanation that forskolin stimulates adenylate cyclase by a direct interaction with the catalytic subunit, if the catalytic proteins do differ widely in various species of cells and their response to this diterpene.  相似文献   

The soluble form of adenylate cyclase was extracted and purified from wild-type Neurospora crassa mycelia. Brain or N. crassa calmodulin significantly enhanced this enzyme activity in assay mixtures containing Mg2+-ATP as substrate. EGTA reverses this calmodulin activation.  相似文献   

A model for the regulation of the activity of Escherichia coli adenylate cyclase is presented. It is proposed that Enzyme I of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) interacts in a regulatory sense with the catalytic unit of adenylate cyclase. The phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent phosphorylation of Enzyme I is assumed to be associated with a high activity state of adenylate cyclase. The pyruvate or sugar-dependent dephosphorylation of Enzyme I is correlated with a low activity state of adenylate cyclase. Evidence in support of the proposed model involves the observation that Enzyme I mutants have low cAMP levels and that PEP increases cellular cAMP levels and, under certain conditions, activates adenylate cyclase, Kinetic studies indicate that various ligands have opposing effects on adenylate cyclase. While PEP activates the enzyme, either glucose or pyruvate inhibit it. The unique relationships of PEP and Enzyme I to adenylate cyclase activity are discussed.  相似文献   

The latent cysteine proteinase present in ascitic fluid of patients with neoplasia and released from ascites cells in culture has been partially purified and the enzyme after pepsin activation was shown to be immunologically related to the lysosomal proteinase, cathepsin B. The latent form was characterized as a single chain of Mr 40 000 as determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions followed by Western blotting and immune staining with an antiserum to human cathepsin B. Using the same techniques the enzyme after pepsin activation gave a single band of Mr 33 000. Analysis by isoelectric focusing showed that the latent enzyme before and after pepsin treatment is composed of several acidic isoenzymes. These findings suggest that this latent proteinase represents a precursor form of cathepsin B which is released extracellularly rather than being processed and directed to the lysosome.  相似文献   

Liver plasma membranes of hypophysectomized rats were purified, treated with 0.1 m Lubrol-PX and centrifuged at 165,000g for 1 h. The detergent solubilized 50% of the membrane protein; adenylate cyclase activity was present in the supernatant fraction. Optimal substrate concentration of the soluble enzyme was 0.32 mm ATP. Basal activity of 25 preparations of the solubilized enzyme ranged from 124 to 39 pmol cyclic AMP/mg protein/10 min. The solubilized enzyme retained the same sensitivity to activation by guanyl nucleotides as was present in the membrane preparation from which it was derived. Relative sensitivity of the solubilized enzyme with 0.1 mm nucleotides or -side was GDP > GTP > GMP > guanosine; GMP-PNP = GMP-PCP > ITP > GTP. GTP, GMP-PCP, GMP-PNP and other nucleotides were hydrolyzed by phosphohydrolases present in liver membranes that were solubilized with Lubrol-PX along with adenylate cyclase. The presence of the ATP regenerating system in the adenylate cyclase assay also aided in maintaining guanyl nucleotide concentrations. The degree of adenylate cyclase activation by guanyl nucleotides was not related to the sparing effects of nucleotides on substrate ATP hydrolysis. These findings demonstrate that activation of adenylate cyclase by nucleotides is a consequence of a nucleotide-enzyme interaction that is independent of membrane integrity.  相似文献   

The adenylate cyclase of rat adipocyte plasma membrane is stimulated by sodium azide with a half maximal activation of 100–150% occuring at 50 mM NaN3. Studies of the effects of azide and fluoride indicate different mechanisms of stimulation of the enzyme by these ions. Comparable stimulation of the activity is obtained by 100 mM NaN3 or 10 mM NaF but unlike azide, higher concentrations of fluoride cause inhibition of the enzyme. Fluoride activated adenylate cyclase is further stimulated by azide. Epinephrine stimulation of the enzyme is absent in the presence of fluoride but the hormone enhances the activity in the presence of azide. Reversal of the inhibitory action of GTP on adenylate cyclase by epinephrine is demonstrated even in the presence of azide but not in the presence of fluoride.  相似文献   

Isoproterenol or forskolin induce a 10-15-fold increase in concentration of cyclic AMP in rat reticulocytes as compared with the basal level of 2.3 +/- 0.3 microM. Glycolysis is stimulated by both compounds transiently more than 2-fold with a peak after 7.5 min followed by an exponential decline. The glycolytic rate in the presence of 10 microM isoproterenol or 10 microM forskolin did not return to basal levels within 60 min of incubation, but was depressed by as much as 50% under the influence of 100 microM forskolin. This phenomenon is designated as metabolic desensitization. The stimulation of glycolysis is probably due to activation of phosphofructokinase as well as to stimulation of Na+,K+-ATPase. The diminished glycolytic flux during the period of metabolic desensitization is accompanied by a decline of glucose 6-phosphate and in the presence of high concentrations of forskolin also by a decrease in glucose 1,6-bisphosphate. A lower rate of influx of glucose is postulated.  相似文献   

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