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The crystal structures of three proteins of diverse function and low sequence similarity were analyzed to evaluate structural and evolutionary relationships. The proteins include a bacterial bleomycin resistance protein, a bacterial extradiol dioxygenase, and human glyoxalase I. Structural comparisons, as well as phylogenetic analyses, strongly indicate that the modern family of proteins represented by these structures arose through a rich evolutionary history that includes multiple gene duplication and fusion events. These events appear to be historically shared in some cases, but parallel and historically independent in others. A significant early event is proposed to be the establishment of metal-binding in an oligomeric ancestor prior to the first gene fusion. Variations in the spatial arrangements of homologous modules are observed that are consistent with the structural principles of three-dimensional domain swapping, but in the unusual context of the formation of larger monomers from smaller dimers or tetramers. The comparisons support a general mechanism for metalloprotein evolution that exploits the symmetry of a homooligomeric protein to originate a metal binding site and relies upon the relaxation of symmetry, as enabled by gene duplication, to establish and refine specific functions.  相似文献   

同源框基因是指一类含有同源序列的基因,它编码的蛋白质作为转录调节因子调节细胞的发育和分化,控制基因的表达形式。LIM同源框基因不仅含有同源框基因也含有编码LIM结构域的保守序列。  相似文献   

Evolutionary change of the numbers of homeobox genes in bilateral animals   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
It has been known that the conservation or diversity of homeobox genes is responsible for the similarity and variability of some of the morphological or physiological characters among different organisms. To gain some insights into the evolutionary pattern of homeobox genes in bilateral animals, we studied the change of the numbers of these genes during the evolution of bilateral animals. We analyzed 2,031 homeodomain sequences compiled from 11 species of bilateral animals ranging from Caenorhabditis elegans to humans. Our phylogenetic analysis using a modified reconciled-tree method suggested that there were at least about 88 homeobox genes in the common ancestor of bilateral animals. About 50-60 genes of them have left at least one descendant gene in each of the 11 species studied, suggesting that about 30-40 genes were lost in a lineage-specific manner. Although similar numbers of ancestral genes have survived in each species, vertebrate lineages gained many more genes by duplication than invertebrate lineages, resulting in more than 200 homeobox genes in vertebrates and about 100 in invertebrates. After these gene duplications, a substantial number of old duplicate genes have also been lost in each lineage. Because many old duplicate genes were lost, it is likely that lost genes had already been differentiated from other groups of genes at the time of gene loss. We conclude that both gain and loss of homeobox genes were important for the evolutionary change of phenotypic characters in bilateral animals.  相似文献   

Boldrin F  Santovito G  Negrisolo E  Piccinni E 《Protist》2003,154(3-4):431-442
The structure of four new MT (metallothionein) genes of Tetrahymena thermophila and T. pigmentosa were characterized. The MT-2 genes from the two species are very similar, differing by 10 out of 2259 sequenced nucleotides, and the deduced amino acid sequences are identical. The MT-1 genes from T. pigmentosa and T. thermophila are also very similar, differing only by 3 nucleotides in the 5′-UT region. The promoter regions contain a TATA box and many stretches partially matching some regulatory elements such as metal-responsive (MREs), antioxidant-responsive (AREs), a CAAT box, a G-box, and AP1 and ACE-1 binding sites. The related coding and amino acid sequences were compared with those previously sequenced in Tetrahymena. This analysis revealed two independent events of duplication occurring in Cd- (MT-1 and MTT1) and Cu- (MT-2) induced MTs. This evolutionary pathway also explains the unusual length of these proteins, which are much longer than many MTs studied so far. Additionally, the orthology and paralogy relationships of the various MTs are presented. Finally, on the basis of phylogenetic analyses of Tetrahymena MTs, two evolutionary hypotheses are proposed.  相似文献   

The evolutionary demography of duplicate genes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Although gene duplication has generally been viewed as a necessary source of material for the origin of evolutionary novelties, the rates of origin, loss, and preservation of gene duplicates are not well understood. Applying steady-state demographic techniques to the age distributions of duplicate genes censused in seven completely sequenced genomes, we estimate the average rate of duplication of a eukaryotic gene to be on the order of 0.01/gene/million years, which is of the same order of magnitude as the mutation rate per nucleotide site. However, the average half-life of duplicate genes is relatively small, on the order of 4.0 million years. Significant interspecific variation in these rates appears to be responsible for differences in species-specific genome sizes that arise as a consequence of a quasi-equilibrium birth-death process. Most duplicated genes experience a brief period of relaxed selection early in their history and a minority exhibit the signature of directional selection, but those that survive more than a few million years eventually experience strong purifying selection. Thus, although most theoretical work on the gene-duplication process has focused on issues related to adaptive evolution, the origin of a new function appears to be a very rare fate for a duplicate gene. A more significant role of the duplication process may be the generation of microchromosomal rearrangements through reciprocal silencing of alternative copies, which can lead to the passive origin of post-zygotic reproductive barriers in descendant lineages of incipient species.  相似文献   

Eutherian Totipotent Cell Homeobox (ETCHbox) genes are mammalian-specific PRD-class homeobox genes with conserved expression in the preimplantation embryo but fast-evolving and highly divergent sequences. Here, we exploit an ectopic expression approach to examine the role of bovine ETCHbox genes and show that ARGFX and LEUTX homeodomain proteins upregulate genes normally expressed in the blastocyst; the identities of the regulated genes suggest that, in vivo, the ETCHbox genes play a role in coordinating the physical formation of the blastocyst structure. Both genes also downregulate genes expressed earlier during development and genes associated with an undifferentiated cell state, possibly via the JAK/STAT pathway. We find evidence that bovine ARGFX and LEUTX have overlapping functions, in contrast to their antagonistic roles in humans. Finally, we characterize a mutant bovine ARGFX allele which eliminates the homeodomain and show that homozygous mutants are viable. These data support the hypothesis of functional overlap between ETCHbox genes within a species, roles for ETCHbox genes in blastocyst formation and the change of their functions over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

We have characterized several Vicia faba genes encoding methionine residue-free group B subunits of the 11S or legumin storage proteins. The respective gene subfamily consists of 10 to 15 members, six of them having been studied by DNA sequence analysis. Four functional genes (LeB2, LeB4, LeB6, LeB7) are highly homologous in their coding region and 0.3 kb of their 3 flanking sequences. On the other hand, two pseudogenes (LeB1, LeB5) have accumulated a large number of mutations including an identical 0.7 kb internal deletion; they are both flanked by a repetitive element. Analysis of sequence changes show that transitions are nearly double as frequent as transversions. CpG is the most infrequent dinucleotide whereas TpA is significantly underrepresented in exon sequences. End points of deletions are correlated with short direct repeats and preferentially found in the two introns. Our studies indicate that the Vicia faba legumin B gene subfamily contains a group of expressed, highly homologous genes as well as more diverged pseudogenes.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Mao B 《遗传学报》2010,37(9):637-645
The secreted Wnt signaling inhibitor Dickkopf1(Dkk1)plays key role in vertebrate head induction.Its receptor Kremen synergizes with Dkkl in Wnt inhibition.Here we have carried out expression and functional studies of the Dkk and Kremen genes in amphioxus(Branchiostoma belcheri).During embryonic and larval development,BbDkk1/2/4 is expressed in the posterior mesoendoderm,anterior somatic mesoderm and the pharyngeal regions.Its expression becomes restricted to the pharyngeal region on the left side at larval stages.In 45 h larvae,BbDkk1/2/4 is expressed specifically in the cerebral vesicle.BbDkk3 was only detected at larval stages in the mid-intestine region.Seven Kremen related genes were identified in the genome of the Florida amphioxus(Branchiostoma floridae),clustered in 4scaffolds,and are designated Kremen1-4 and Kremen-like 1-3,respectively.In B.belcheri,Kremenl is strongly expressed in the mesoendoderm during early development and Kremen3 is expressed asymmetrically in spots in the larval pharyngeal region.In luciferase reporter assays,BbDkk1/2/4 can strongly inhibit Writ signaling,while BbDkk3,BbKremen1 and BbKremen3 can not.No co-operative effect was observed between amphioxus Dkk1/2/4 and Kremens,suggesting that the interaction between Dkk and Kremen likely originated later during evolution.  相似文献   

The eightfold (betaalpha) barrel structure, first observed in triose-phosphate isomerase, occurs ubiquitously in nature. It is nearly always an enzyme and most often involved in molecular or energy metabolism within the cell. In this review we bring together data on the sequence, structure and function of the proteins known to adopt this fold. We highlight the sequence and functional diversity in the 21 homologous superfamilies, which include 76 different sequence families. In many structures, the barrels are "mixed and matched" with other domains generating additional variety. Global and local structure-based alignments are used to explore the distribution of the associated functional residues on this common structural scaffold. Many of the substrates/co-factors include a phosphate moiety, which is usually but not always bound towards the C-terminal end of the sequence. Some, but not all, of these structures, exhibit a structurally conserved "phosphate binding motif". In contrast metal-ligating residues and catalytic residues are distributed along the sequence. However, we also found striking structural superposition of some of these residues. Lastly we consider the possible evolutionary relationships between these proteins, whose sequences are so diverse that even the most powerful approaches find few relationships, yet whose active sites all cluster at one end of the barrel. This extreme example of the "one fold-many functions" paradigm illustrates the difficulty of assigning function through a structural genomics approach for some folds.  相似文献   

To correlate structural features with glucoamylase properties, a structure-based multisequence alignment was constructed using information from catalytic and starch-binding domain models. The catalytic domain is composed of three hydrophobic folding units, the most labile and least hydrophobic of them being missing in the most stable glucoamylase. The role of O-glycosylation in stabilizing the most hydrophobic folding unit, the only one where thermostabilizing mutations with unchanged activity have been made, is described. Differences in both length and composition of interhelical loops are correlated with stability and selectivity characteristics. Two new glucoamylase subfamilies are defined by using homology criteria. Protein parsimony analysis suggests an ancient bacterial origin for the glucoamylase gene. Increases in length of the belt surrounding the active site, degree of O-glycosylation, and length of the linker probably correspond to evolutionary steps that increase stability and secretion levels of Aspergillus-related glucoamylases. Proteins 29:334–347, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The diversity of axon guidance (AG) receptors reflects gains in complexity of the animal nervous system during evolution. Members of the Roundabout (Robo) family of receptors interact with Slit proteins and play important roles in many developmental processes, including AG and neural crest cell migration. There are four members of the Robo gene family. However, the evolutionary history of Robo family genes remain obscure. We analyzed the distribution of Robo family members in metazoan species ranging in complexity from hydras to humans. We undertook a phylogenetic analysis in metazoans, synteny analysis, and ancestral chromosome mapping in vertebrates, and detected selection pressure and functional divergence among four mammalian Robo paralogs. Based on our analysis, we proposed that the ancestral Robo gene could have undergone a tandem duplication in the vertebrate ancestor; then one round of whole genome duplication events occurred before the divergence of ancestral lamprey and gnathostome, generating four paralogs in early vertebrates. Robo4 paralog underwent segmental loss in the following evolutionary process. Our results showed that Robo3 paralog is under more powerful purifying selection pressure compared with other three paralogs, which could correlate with its unique expression pattern and function. Furthermore, we found four sites under positive selection pressure on the Ig1‐2 domains of Robo4 that might interfere with its binding to Slits ligand. Diverge analysis at the amino acid level showed that Robo4 paralog have relatively greater functional diversifications than other Robo paralogs. This coincides with the fact that Robo4 predominantly functions in vascular endothelial cells but not the nervous system.  相似文献   

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