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Exceptionally big individual perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and their growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Lake Windermere (U.K.) where there was a dense, slow-growing population of perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.) which had an l x of about 180 mm, there co-existed a few individuals with an l x of 463 mm. Data from 137 of these big perch, mostly caught in gillnets fishing for Esox lucius L., were examined. Their early growth was identical to that of normal perch, but, at an age, varying between individuals, from 1 to 8 and averaging 4 years, their growth accelerated for about 4 years and then followed a von Bertalanffy model with an l x of 463 mm. They thus had a 'double' growth-curve that is revealed only if individual growth is examined. Acceleration tended to occur in certain calendar years and was correlated with strong year-classes of young perch. Growth was greater in years with warm summer water temperatures. There were no changes in the growth of big perch, after they had achieved 290 mm, during a period of great changes in the population density and an increase in the growth of normal perch < 290 mm. No more big perch were caught in Windermere between 1967 and 1990. Net selection, length-weight relationships, seasonal cycle in gonad weight, and opercular-body length relationship were the same as those of normal perch. The few available data suggest that big perch were piscivorous, feeding largely on small perch. The distribution of sites in the lake where big perch were caught is contagious, catches follow the negative binomial; but within fishings that caught big perch at the same site and time, catches were more evenly distributed than random. It is postulated that most adults would have accelerated their growth if they had sustained piscivory. Similar big perch have been found in other lakes.  相似文献   

The timing of spawning of perch was examined in four acidified lakes (pH 4.4–4.8) and in one circum-neutral lake (pH 6.3) in southern Finland in spring 1987. In three of the lakes, perch started to spawn soon after the ice melt (4–14 degree days > 5° C) and had spawned by the end of May at about 100 degree days > 5° C. In the two most acidified lakes, fish started to spawn later, at 35 and 60 degree days > 5° C, and had spawned in early June, at about 200 degree days > 5° C. The maturing of gonad products was delayed in both males and females.  相似文献   

Sperm densities in perch Perca fluviatilis males showed a positive correlation with the amount of stripped milt. Sperm flagellum length did not correlate with body mass, but a significant correlation between flagellum length and the total number of sperm produced was found.  相似文献   

Significant shrinkage and increase in weight followed fixation of 0+ freshwater Perca fluviatilis in formalin. Conversion values to obtain live values should take account of formalin concentration, fish size and holding time of preserved fish prior to measurement.  相似文献   

A bioenergetics model was developed for Eurasian perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.) by revising an existing model for yellow perch and walleye. Data were gathered from field studies and the literature. Besides adjusting the original parameters of the model, effects of season on consumption and metabolic rates were added. The predictive capability of the revised model was high both concerning the levels of growth and its seasonal development in the Baltic coastal waters to which the model was applied. Perch young-of-the-year attained almost maximum consumption and growth except in the highest temperatures experienced. In larger fish, the model estimated consumption to be about 50 per cent of the maximum possible rate.  相似文献   

Growth and long-term trends of oxygen consumption were monitored at 15 and 20° C in spontaneously swimming juvenile perch fed a fixed daily submaximal ration. The average rate as well as the efficiency of assimilation were the same at the two temperatures but a much higher proportion of food energy was allocated to activity and maintenance, and a correspondingly lower proportion to growth, at 20 than at 15° C. By computing average specific rates of oxygen consumption separately for all light and dark periods, it was found that at 20, but not at 15° C, the' scope for spontaneous activity' of two consecutive (dark and light) phases of a diurnal cycle was indirectly proportional to the average rate of oxygen consumption in the dark phase. This indicates that at 20° C the perch displayed partial compensation for a high metabolic rate in the dark by reducing swimming activity in the following light phase. However, the overall effect of this behaviour was probably too small to make a noticeable impact on the low conversion efficiency in the juvenile perch at 20 as compared to 15° C.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine how the presence of a predator and an interspecific competitor influence the habitat use of adult perch (Perca fluviatilis; size: 15.1 ± 0.5 cm) when given the choice between two adjacent habitats. By conducting aquarium experiments, the habitat occupancy of P. fluviatilis was documented in the presence and absence of a predator (pike Esox lucius; size: 25.4 ± 2.1 cm) and a potential competitor (ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus; size: 14.1 ± 0.3 cm) fish species. Two P. fluviatilis individuals generally shared the same habitat. In the presence of a conspecific, P. fluviatilis favoured the structurally more-complex, artificial macrophyte habitat over the less-structured rock and sand habitat, which in turn were used equally. In the predator- and competitor treatments, P. fluviatilis seemed to adapt their habitat use to the habitat occupancy of E. lucius and G. cernuus in the Macrophyte vs. Rock and, in the predator treatment, also in the Macrophyte vs. Sand habitat combination, by increasingly occupying a habitat that was used less by the predator or competitor species, respectively. This behaviour suggests that P. fluviatilis tried to avoid the other fish species by choosing a, in some cases less preferred, predator- or competitor-free habitat. This study emphasizes the importance of biological interactions illustrated by the potential of predation risk and competition to structure fish communities by influencing habitat use at small spatial scales.  相似文献   

河鲈胚胎及卵黄囊期仔鱼发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究河鲈(Perca fluviatilis)早期生活史和发育生物学,采用体视解剖镜、显微镜仔细观察、测量、描述、绘图的方法,连续观察了6个批次河鲈胚胎及卵黄囊期仔鱼发育状况,进行比较分析。结果显示:(1)在水温8~13℃时,胚胎期约需265h,有效积温2540~2880℃.h;水温11~13℃时,卵黄囊期约需6d,有效积温1750~2120℃.h;(2)辐射状次级卵膜将受精卵连成长带形单层网片状,每个胚胎周围有6个胚胎,排列很有规则。胚胎卵黄囊表面有一个大圆形油球。出膜前期可见眼球色素、胸鳍突起;(3)胚胎出膜的不同步主要是由于出膜前期长短不一和孵化水温较低所致。  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the vertical and horizontal distribution of young (I +–II +) perch in Rostherne Mere, a deep (max. depth 31.0 m) eutrophic lake are described using sonar. During the summer (June–August), perch were present within the thermocline (9–14° C) between 7 and 10 m. There was no significant difference between samples during this period, nor was there any evidence of shoaling. From September onwards perch moved into deeper waters. By late winter fish had become patchy in their distribution. Total numbers, during the summer, were estimated to be 988 ha 1 with 95% confidence limits of ±115 (biomass 98.8 kg ha −1). Densities (no. m−3) fell by over 90% after the autumn overturn. The implications for predators are discussed. Acoustic sampling provides a useful, non-destructive method of sampling eutrophic lakes on a routine basis. Information obtained is of ecological, behavioural and physiological interest.  相似文献   

The effects of water temperature on the timing of spawning of perch Perca fluviatilis in Lake Geneva were assessed in a 20 year survey (1984–2003). Spawning started at the end of April or at the beginning of May, when the water temperature rose to >10° C, but most of the spawns were laid when water temperature exceeded 12° C. This led to a positive correlation between the date of the mid-spawning period and the date when the water temperature rose to >12° C. Large perch had a tendency to spawn later than the small ones, which led to a positive correlation between the date of mid-spawning period and the yearly mean width of perch egg-ribbons. The coefficient of multiple determination between the date of mid-spawning period and the mean width of the ribbon of spawn, combined with the date when the water temperature rose to >12° C was r 2= 0·77. The perch generally chose deeper spawning places (12 m) at the end of the spawning period than at the beginning (4 m), which was related to water temperature.  相似文献   

Achtheres percarum infection on the gills of perch Perca fluviatilis was studied from four lakes in central Finland in monthly or bimonthly samples of fish during a 3-year period. The highest prevalence and intensity of infection (30%, 0.7 copepods/fish) were found in the oligotrophic, unpolluted Lake Peurunka and the lowest (6%, 0.1 copepods/fish) in the eutrophic and polluted Lake Vatia. According to hierarchical loglinear models the prevalence of A. percarum infection was related to the lake, but not to the year. However, when logit models were constructed such that two 'seasons' ('cold' and 'warm' periods) were included, it was apparent that the year also influenced the prevalence of A. percarum , but only during the 'warm' period of the year. Achtheres percarum had an age dependent relationship only in Lake Peurunka, where the infection increased with increasing age of the fish. Some developmental stages of A. percarum parasitizing the gills of perch are described. Data on the seasonal occurrence of A. percarum developmental stages are given and it is suggested that at least two generations are produced annually.  相似文献   

Juvenile (0+ year) perch Perca fluviatilis , held in tanks (1 m3) for 8 months under constant temperature (17° C) and light (12L : 12D) conditions, were weighed monthly. Individually marked fish from the tanks were placed in aquaria in groups of four and tested for feeding success, assessed as individual share of a group meal in three identical short‐term aquarium experiments separated in time (January, May and June). The groups consisted of the same individuals in each of the three experiments. In tanks, growth (thermal growth coefficient, G T) was used as a measurement of feeding success. Individual G T in tanks was consistent over time, and individual share of a group meal in aquaria was consistent between consecutive months. There was no connection between individual feeding success in aquaria and G T in tanks in May and June, and in January the factors were negatively correlated. The condition factor at the start of aquarium experiments and feeding success in aquaria were negatively correlated in June and tended to be so also in May. Boldness in aquaria was negatively correlated with growth in tanks. Thus, individuals that were successful in one environment seemed to be less successful in the other. There was a seasonal change in G T, with an increase from March to April and from April to June despite constant day length and temperature.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on seasonal growth and year class strength of perch Perca fluviatilis were studied in a subarctic lake in northern Finland. Two growth models, power and von Bertalanffy, were used to estimate the growth of perch during the growing season from 1988 to 1990. Air temperature, estimated as degree-days >10° C, significantly improved both model fits. The sum of degree-days also correlated positively with the year class strength of perch. The strongest year class was born in a warm summer 1988, while the 1987 year class was totally absent, which was due to the very cold summer of that year. The backcalculation of lengths of fish caught in 1990 showed that the overall growth of perch was slow in the cold summer of 1987 and relatively rapid in the warm summer of 1988. The subsequent growth of the abundant 1988 year class was rapid, even though the summers of 1991 and 1992 were relatively cool. The improved growth could be due to the lack of competition with previous weak year classes of 1986 and 1987. This observation suggests that density-dependent factors might affect growth even near the northern limits of the distribution range of perch.  相似文献   

Long-term measurements of the diurnal pattern of oxygen consumption were conducted in fasting juvenile perch at 15 and at 20° C. In addition, dry body mass, protein and glycogen concentrations and the activity of two key enzymes of energy metabolism, phosphofructokinase and glutamate pyruvate transaminase, were monitored during the period of food deprivation. The average rate of oxygen consumption decreased during the starvation period, but the regular diurnal pattern of low rates in the dark and high rates in the light was upset by a break around days 7 to 8 at both temperatures. This break coincided with the exhaustion of the glycogen reserves in the muscles and in the liver, indicating that switching to a new energetic fuel was accompanied by a change in the pattern of swimming activity. Choice of the major energy source after exhaustion of the carbohydrate store was substantially influenced by water temperature. A negative correlation was found between the scope for spontaneous activity and the specific rate of oxygen consumption in the dark phase suggesting that the resting rate of metabolism responded more strongly to food deprivation than the rate of spontaneous activity in the light phase.  相似文献   

Feed intake, growth and feed efficiency of juvenile perch Perca fluviatilis were significantly affected by group size, with fish in groups of 12 having lower feed intake, higher growth and higher feed efficiency than solitary individuals. The same trend was seen for fish in groups of 12 compared to fish in groups of four, and for fish in groups of four compared to solitary individuals, although the differences were not always significant. The high growth and low feed efficiency for fish in groups may be caused by benefits obtained from shoaling such as reduced levels of stress.  相似文献   

Previous microsatellite analysis showed that two subpopulations of perch (Perca fluviatilis L) exist in Lake Constance. This raises questions of whether (i). Lake Constance was colonized by two populations that diverged in allopatry, or (ii). the two subpopulations diverged in sympatry. Sequence analysis of a 365 bp mtDNA fragment (5'-end of the D-loop) of perch from Lake Constance and adjacent waters revealed 10 haplotypes. We suggest colonization via the Danube river, based on the frequency and dispersion of haplotypes, and knowledge of the lake's palaeohydrological development. Pairwise FST-values using mitochondrial DNA sequences showed no significant population subdivision. Our study provides strong evidence that subpopulations of perch in Lake Constance have diverged in sympatry.  相似文献   

Perca fluviatilis L. were caught by gill nets every 3 h over a 24 h period monthly from February 1975 until January 1976. The numbers caught increased with rise in temperature (correlation coefficient r = 0.86 P < 0.001). During the winter months perch migrated into deeper water although some fish were still caught in shallow water (1–6 m). Perch were active at very low light intensities. However changes in visual surface irradiance (400–700 nm) and water clarity caused inverse changes in activity. Only June did not conform to this pattern and it was presumed that spawning behaviour was of primary importance. It is suggested that increase in eutrophication with its effect on water clarity enables fish to become more active during the day in the summer months. They are thus able to utilise food sources to a maximum at an optimum period for feeding and growth.  相似文献   

In this study of 18 small boreal forest lakes, the effects of abiotic and biotic factors (roach Rutilus rutilus and pike Esox lucius) on various population variables of perch Perca fluviatilis were examined. As a single variable, the gillnet catch per unit effort (CPUE) of R. rutilus was negatively related to the mean mass of small (< 200 mm) and the growth rate of young (1–2 years) P. fluviatilis. The mean mass of large (≥ 200 mm) P. fluviatilis was the highest at intermediate CPUE of R. rutilus. Redundancy analysis including environmental factors and P. fluviatilis population variables suggested that ‘predation–productivity–humus' gradient affected P. fluviatilis populations by decreasing the CPUE and mean mass of small individuals but increasing these variables of large individuals. The CPUE of R. rutilus and lake area had a negative effect on small and a positive effect on large P. fluviatilis growth rate. In small boreal forest lakes, P. fluviatilis populations are affected by the partially opposite forces of competition by R. rutilus and predation by E. lucius, and the intensity of these interactions is regulated by several environmental factors.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in some blood parameters in perch, Perca fluviatilis L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clinical blood tests on fish exposed to contaminants are used extensively both in laboratory and field studies. Seasonal variability is examined in some of the parameters commonly used in health assessments. Hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration and inorganic ion concentration were studied in perch, Perca fluviatilis, from a Baltic brackish water area. Seasonal cycles were demonstrated in hematocrit and in chloride, magnesium and potassium ion concentrations. Other parameters studied reacted irregularly or only slightly to the shift of seasons.  相似文献   

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