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Abstract Microtermes aethiopicus , a new species of fungus-growing termite (Macrotermitinae), is described from Ethiopia, where it is widespread in the central, southern and western provinces. It is distinguished from other Microtermes spp. by the soldiers' possession of distinct mandibular teeth.  相似文献   

Jenő Kontschán 《Biologia》2013,68(1):150-154
A new Uropodina genus (Sinharaja gen. n.) is described on the basis of two new species (S. ceylonensis sp. n. and S. sinhala sp. n.) from Sri Lanka. The new genus differs by the strongly sclerotised dorsal lines, pentagonal pygidial shield, the shape and length of dorsal setae and the shape of first and fourth hypstomal setae, internal malae and epistome from the other known Uropodina genera.  相似文献   

In social insect colonies, queen-produced pheromones have important functions in social regulation. These substances influence the behavior and physiology of colony members. A queen-produced volatile that inhibits differentiation of new neotenic reproductives was recently identified in the lower termite Reticulitermes speratus. However, there are no known queen-specific volatiles of this type in any other termite species. Here, we report volatile compounds emitted by live queens of the higher termite Nasutitermes takasagoensis. We used headspace gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (HS GC-MS) to analyze volatiles emitted by live primary queens, workers, soldiers, alates, and eggs collected in a Japanese subtropical forest. Among 14 detected compounds, 7 were soldier-specific, 1 was alate-specific, 1 was egg-specific, and 1 was queen-specific. The queen-specific volatile was phenylethanol, which is different than the compound identified in R. speratus. The identification of this queen-specific volatile is the first step in determining its functions in higher termite social regulation. Comparisons of queen pheromone substances regulating caste differentiation among various termite taxa will contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of social systems in termites.  相似文献   

The evolution of fungus-growing termites is supposed to have started in the African rain forests with multiple invasions of semi-arid habitats as well as multiple invasions of the Oriental region. We used sequences of the mitochondrial COII gene and Bayesian dating to investigate the time frame of the evolution of Macrotermes, an important genus of fungus-growing termites. We found that the genus Macrotermes consists of at least 6 distantly related clades. Furthermore, the COII sequences suggested some cryptic diversity within the analysed African Macrotermes species. The dates calculated with the COII data using a fossilized termite mound to calibrate the clock were in good agreement with dates calculated with COI sequences using the split between Locusta and Chortippus as calibration point which supports the consistency of the calibration points. The clades from the Oriental region dated back to the early Tertiary. These estimates of divergence times suggested that Macrotermes invaded Asia during periods with humid climates. For Africa, many speciation events predated the Pleistocene and fall in range of 6-23 million years ago. These estimates suggest that savannah-adapted African clades radiated with the spread of the semi-arid ecosystems during the Miocene. Apparently, events during the Pleistocene were of little importance for speciation within the genus Macrotermes. However, further investigations are necessary to increase the number of taxa for phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

We developed eight highly variable microsatellite markers for the termite Nasutitermes corniger. Allele number per locus ranged from nine to 34, and expected heterozygosity from 0.45 to 0.94, in samples from seven sites in the former canal zone of Panama. The utility of these markers was assessed for five congeners varying in phylogenetic distance to N. corniger. The markers will be useful for fine‐scale examination of population and colony genetic structure in N. corniger and other closely related species.  相似文献   

Termites are hemimetabolous insects that commonly exhibit a bifurcation in post‐embryonic development, with the presence of two lines: (i) the nymphal–imaginal line; and (ii) the apterous line. The former comprises the reproductive imagoes of the colonies and their preceding immature stages, whereas the latter is composed of workers, soldiers and their precursors. In this study, we analyzed the developmental pathways of caste differentiation in the Neotropical termite Silvestritermes euamignathus and compared it to the known sibling species, Silvestritermes holmgreni. Our results show that the apterous line is composed of male and female workers without sexual dimorphism and that soldiers are exclusively females. The imaginal line comprises five instars of nymphs, which may develop into either nymphoid neotenics or alates. Similarities found in our study between caste patterns of S. euamignathus and of S. holmgreni suggest a shared evolutionary history in these termite species. Some biological differences between the species are also discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Population and individual colony characteristics of Nasutitermes acajutlae on St John, U.S. Virgin Islands were studied over a 5-year period.
2. Four habitat types (dry forests, moist forests, sparse vegetation, and woodlands) were sampled for N. acajutlae , using quadrat-based methods. Lying dead wood was also quantified in the same sites.
3. Habitats differed significantly in the volume of lying dead wood, and total termite nest volume within quadrats was positively related to wood volume. It was hypothesised that the volume of dead wood affected growth, reproduction, and yearly survival of individual colonies.
4. In a sample of > 100 colonies assessed in 1998, 2000, 2001, and 2002, no significant differences in the growth rate of colonies (= increase in nest volume) could be found between habitat types; however, colonies in sparse vegetation were smaller, less likely to survive, and reproduced at a smaller size compared with those in the other three habitats.
5. Overall nest volume in sparse vegetation was high, compared with dry and moist forest, but colonies showed, on average, poorer survival (interpreted as lower fitness), and produced alates at an early stage of development. Optimum habitat characteristics for N. acajutlae may include not only favourable microclimate but also the reliable acquisition of new dead wood after storms.  相似文献   

Abstract. The genus Sinocapritermes is briefly reviewed, and a new species described. A key is also provided to the twelve species of Sinocapritermes recorded from China to date.  相似文献   

The subterranean termite Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki is an important pest of agronomic crops, plantations, and forestry, and it endangers earthen dikes and dams in China. A fipronil bait consisting of straw pulp and white sugar was evaluated against field colonies of O. formosanus. Triple mark-capture with Nile blue dye was used to delineate foraging territories and to estimate foraging populations of four O. formosanus colonies locating in the campus of Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China. Termite activity was monitored by number of termite workers and straw board consumption in underground monitoring stations. Consumption of bait matrix and fipronil was estimated for each testing site. The results showed that approximately 3-5 mg of fipronil could suppress foraging populations of O. formosanus containing 0.4-0.7 million foragers per colony. Baits containing fipronil seem to be a feasible alternative for controlling O. formosanus.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to investigate the intra- and interspecific agonistic behaviors exhibited by the worker and soldier castes of the subterranean termite Microcerotermes crassus Snyder (Isoptera: Termitidae). Aggression between M. crassus colonies from different field locations and also against three termite species--Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann), Globitermnes sulphureus Haviland, and Odontotermes sp.--were observed in the laboratory. Termite responses were tested in paired combination of castes (soldiers versus soldiers, soldiers versus workers, and workers versus workers) consisting of 10 individuals each. Significant agonistic behaviors were observed only in encounters between pairings of different termite species. M. crassus was aggressive toward individuals from different species but not toward individuals from different M. crassus colonies. Mortality of M. crassus reached 100% in most of the interspecific encounters. However, no or low mortality was recorded in the intraspecific pairings.  相似文献   

A new species of pseudoscorpion of the genus Calocheiridius Beier &; Turk, Calocheiridius iranicus n. sp., is described from Markazi province, Iran. Illustrations and measurements of the species are given. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:06332B5C-D43A-4955-AB6C- 5847D10C2BAC  相似文献   

The efficacy of Xterm, which contains 1% bistrifluron, in the form of cellulose bait pellets was evaluated for its efficacy in eradicating field colonies of the mound-building termite Globitermes sulphureus (Haviland) (Isoptera: Termitidae). The termite mounds were dissected at the end of the experiment to determine whether the colonies were eliminated. By approximately 2 mo postbaiting, the body of termite workers appeared marble white, and mites were present on the body. The soldier-worker ratio increased drastically in the colonies, and the wall surface of the mounds started to erode. Colony elimination required at least a 4-mo baiting period. Mound dissection revealed wet carton materials (food store) that were greatly consumed and overgrown by fast-growing fungi. Decaying cadavers were scattered all over the nests. On average, 84.1 +/- 16.4 g of bait matrix (68.9 +/- 13.4%, an equivalent of 841 +/- 164 mg of bistrifluron) was consumed in each colony. Moreover, we found that a mere 143 mg of bistrifluron was sufficient to eliminate a colony of C. sulphureus.  相似文献   

Rocha MM  Cancello EM  Cuezzo C 《ZooKeys》2011,(148):125-134
Acangaobitermes krishnaigen. et sp. n., is described here, based on soldiers and workers collected in Brazil. Some characteristics suggest a close kinship with Noirotitermes Cancello & Myles, and both genera share the following traits absent in all other Syntermitinae: the microsculpturing on the soldier head capsule surface with internal granulations; the piercing mandibles with a single very reduced marginal tooth and the worker very similar in both genera. The most conspicuous differences between Acangaobitermes and Noirotitermes are the shape of the soldier head, the frontal tube and pronotum. The shape of the soldier head in Noirotitermes is unusual, with a very broad and short frontal tube, four conspicuous protuberances like sharp corners at the rear, while in the new genus the posterior contour of the head is devoid of these protuberances. The frontal tube of Acangaobitermes is elongate and conical, while in Noirotitermes it is short and very broad. The pronotum of Acangaobitermes is saddle-shaped as is usual in other Syntermitinae, while it is aberrant in Noirotitermes.  相似文献   

Michael  Costa 《Journal of Zoology》1966,148(2):191-200
All the stages of Hypoaspis ( Pneumolaelaps ) hyatti Evans & Till are described and figured. The mites seem to feed on Tyrophagus laevis (Dujardin, 1849). The leg chaetotaxy and the development of the dorsal chaetotaxy are summarized. Egg lengths and female body lengths of several gamasids are compared.  相似文献   

The well-known theory that termitophilous staphylinid beetles mimic their termite hosts has led to a reassessment of relationships between two termites, Fulleritermes contractus and Nasutitermes kaudernianus. The latter species was found to belong to a new monotypic genus, Kaudernitermes, of the constricted-headed group of Nasutitermitinae. This Malagasy genus is most closely related to Leptomyxotermes and Fulleritermes of the Ethiopian fauna and Bulbitermes of the Indomalayan. It is diagnosed and a lectotype designated for Kaudernitermes kaudernianus comb.n. New measurements of its associated termitophile Spirachthodes madecassus and of the young stages of many Nasutitermitinae have led to more exact comparisons between supposed beetle mimics and their putative models among different instars of host species. These, with new observations of structural details, give rise to a theory that modes of mimicry and colony integration in the beetles may have followed diverging pathways.  相似文献   

The elongated mounds of the ‘magnetic termite’, Amitermes meridionalis are a prominent feature of the Northern Territory in Australia. They are restricted to habitat patches of seasonally flooded plains which are largely isolated from each other. To investigate the population structure of A. meridionalis, we developed 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci. We tested the variability of the markers on at least 20 individuals from two populations. We found three to 12 alleles per locus with a level of heterozygosity at each locus ranging from 0.05 to 0.74.  相似文献   

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