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何志利  王慧 《生物工程学报》2018,34(8):1270-1278
毒素-抗毒素(Toxin-Antitoxin,TA)系统广泛存在于原核生物和古细菌的染色体和质粒中。此系统由2个共表达的基因组成,分别编码稳定的毒素蛋白和易降解的抗毒素,毒素通常发挥毒性作用抑制细菌生长,而抗毒素则可中和毒性,二者相互作用对细菌生长状态起精密调节作用。根据TA的组成和抗毒素的性质,目前已经发现有6型TA,这些TA系统在细菌中发挥的作用一直是近年来学者们研究的热点,文中对细菌TA的功能研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

毒素-抗毒素(toxin-antitoxin,TA)系统是广泛存在细菌基因组上的由两个基因组成的操纵子,分别编码稳定的毒素蛋白和不稳定的抗毒素,其中毒素蛋白具有多种生物学功能。持留菌是指能够耐受高浓度抗生素或不利环境的一类细菌,它们同样具有TA系统。现就毒素-抗毒素系统介导持留菌形成机制的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

孙瑞  宁德刚 《微生物学通报》2016,43(12):2714-2719
细菌毒素-抗毒素系统(Toxin-antitoxin system,TA)由稳定的毒素和不稳定的抗毒素构成,几乎存在于所有细菌中。已证明染色体编码的II型TA系统作为胁迫反应因子,通过毒素作用于不同的细胞靶点来调控重要的细胞活动过程,使细菌适应不同的环境胁迫。因此,毒素活性的调控是II型TA系统介导细菌适应性胁迫反应的关键。本文总结了II型TA系统毒素活性调控机制的研究进展,并介绍了作者近年来对模式蓝藻Synechocystis sp.PCC6803中II型TA毒素活性调控的研究结果。  相似文献   

毒素-抗毒素系统(toxin-antitoxin system,TAS)广泛存在于细菌染色体及质粒上,是细菌中含量丰富的小型遗传元件。TAS通常由两个紧密相连的基因组成,分别编码毒素(toxin)和抗毒素(antitoxin),稳定的毒素能够损伤宿主细胞,不稳定的抗毒素能够保护宿主细胞免于毒素的损伤作用。依据其性质和作用方式,目前已经发现三种型别的TAS。TAS具有多种生物学作用,如诱导程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death,PCD),应激条件下介导持留菌形成(persistence),稳定基因大片段等。本文就近几年TAS在应激条件下的生物学作用的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

叶露  韦艳霞 《中国微生态学杂志》2012,24(10):948-950,954
大部分细菌的遗传物质中含有毒素-抗毒素系统(TA)的遗传基因.mazEF是大肠埃希菌染色体上的一对毒素抗毒素基因,由毒素基因mazF和抗毒素基因mazE组成.其在细菌的生长调控和细胞程序性死亡中发挥了重要的作用.环境压力激活mazEF后,MazF可以通过对mRNA的剪切作用造成翻译停止.mazEF的存在可以增加细菌对环境压力的耐受性、保持细菌遗传物质的稳定、参与抗生素引起的细胞死亡、也在细菌的耐药性中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

【背景】副溶血弧菌是一种重要的食源性病原菌,给公众健康带来严重危害。毒素-抗毒素系统广泛存在于细菌和古生菌基因组中,具有重要的生物学功能。【目的】在副溶血弧菌中鉴定新的毒素-抗毒素系统,为从毒素-抗毒素系统角度探讨该菌致病性和耐药性的分子机制奠定基础。【方法】通过在线工具预测副溶血弧菌染色体上的假定II型毒素-抗毒素系统;通过生长曲线分析和稀释点板实验检测假定毒素对大肠杆菌的毒性作用及相应抗毒素的抗毒性作用;通过反转录PCR确定毒素和抗毒素基因是否共转录;通过生物信息学分析确定新鉴定毒素-抗毒素系统的同源蛋白;通过LacZ报告实验确定抗毒素及毒素-抗毒素复合物对自身启动子的调控作用。【结果】副溶血弧菌染色体中编码6个假定II型毒素-抗毒素系统;基因vp1820的表达产物(VP1820)对大肠杆菌具有杀菌活性,vp1821的表达产物(VP1821)能中和VP1820的毒性;基因vp1821和vp1820共转录;vp1821-vp1820编码YefM-YoeB毒素-抗毒素系统;抗毒素YefM正调控启动子,YefM-YoeB复合物负调控启动子。【结论】在副溶血弧菌中鉴定了一个新的II型毒素-抗毒素系统,即YefM-YoeB,为进一步研究该系统对副溶血弧菌致病性和耐药性的影响奠定了基础。  相似文献   

毒素-抗毒素系统(Toxin-antitoxin system,TA系统)存在于大部分细菌中。mazEF是大肠杆菌中一种毒素-抗毒素系统。毒素基因mazF编码的MazF毒素蛋白可以特异性地剪切自由mRNA的ACA序列,从而抑制蛋白合成、引起细胞生长停滞;近些年,许多学者利用mazF基因作为反向筛选标记对不同种微生物建立了无标记或无痕的基因修饰系统,并实现了不同菌株的基因组修饰。主要综述了大肠杆菌mazF基因作为反向筛选基因的应用原理及其在不同种类微生物的基因修饰系统中的应用进展,然后对mazF基因及其他毒素基因在基因修饰系统中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌染色体上毒素-抗毒素系统(TA,toxin-antitoxin system)mazEF介导多种胁迫诱导的细胞死亡或生长抑制。鱼腥藻PCC7120染色体上的基因对asl3212/all3211具有TA系统保守的遗传结构,其编码产物与大肠杆菌mazEF系统的毒素MazE和抗毒素MazE同源,可能构成mazEF家族的TA系统。利用构建的选择性表达系统分析asl3212和all3211表达产物对大肠杆菌细胞生长活性的影响,结果显示诱导all3211表达显著抑制细胞生长,同时诱导asl3212表达使all3211编码产物抑制的细胞恢复生长。提示all3211为毒素基因,asl3212为抗毒素基因,二者组成一个功能性的mazEF家族的TA系统。  相似文献   

毒素-抗毒素系统是广泛存在于细菌和真菌细胞内的一对小型遗传控制元件,毒素基因编码稳定的蛋白质分子,抗毒素基因编码的则是稳定性较差的蛋白质或者是具有调控功能的RNA.人们对于毒素分子在细胞内的生物靶标、分子结构与功能、体内调节机制等进行了大量的研究,不仅揭示了毒素-抗毒素的生理功能,而且为多种生物技术中的应用提供了新的素材.目前发现共有5大类型的毒素-抗毒素系统,其中Ⅰ型毒素-抗毒素系统的抗毒素分子为调节型RNA,可以通过多种不同途径与毒素蛋白质的mRNAs结合从而中和毒素的细胞毒性.Ⅰ型毒素-抗毒素系统以其独特的调节性RNA的调控方式,成为目前毒素-抗毒素研究中的重要热点.本文将对目前Ⅰ型毒素-抗毒素系统的研究进展进行综述,并对其可能的应用前景进行展望.  相似文献   

【背景】毒素-抗毒素系统在微生物体内广泛存在,在微生物对抗外界不良环境方面发挥重要作用。【目的】以模式细菌假结核耶尔森氏菌(Yersinia pseudotuberculosis,Yptb)为材料,探究其编码的Phd-Doc毒素-抗毒素系统的作用机制和生物学功能。【方法】通过生物信息学方法预测Yptb中编码的Phd-Doc毒素-抗毒素系统,通过毒性分析、基因表达分析及蛋白相互作用对其进行鉴定;通过抗生素胁迫、氧胁迫、生物被膜形成等实验研究Phd-Doc在体内发挥的生物学功能。【结果】生物信息学分析鉴定出一对Phd-Doc毒素-抗毒素系统,发现二者共转录且相互作用;毒素蛋白Doc能够引起大肠杆菌形态发生变化并抑制其生长,抗毒素蛋白Phd能中和Doc的毒性;Phd-Doc毒素-抗毒素系统具有自调控抑制效应;phd-doc的缺失对Yptb自身的生长无影响,而且毒素蛋白Doc在野生型Yptb内过表达并未显示毒性;phd-doc在转录水平上响应了抗生素胁迫和氧胁迫,其中,对氯霉素胁迫最为敏感,但并不影响Yptb的生长;同时,Phd-Doc能够影响Yptb的生物被膜形成能力。【结论】Yptb中Phd-Doc毒素-抗毒素系统的功能鉴定对于更好地了解在多变的外部环境下微生物的定殖和响应机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Proteic toxin-antitoxin (TA) loci were first identified in bacterial plasmids, and they were regarded as involved in stable plasmid maintenance by a so-called 'addiction' mechanism. Later, chromosomally encoded TA loci were identified and their function ascribed to survival mechanisms when bacteria were subjected to stress. In the search for chromosomally encoded TA loci in Gram-positive bacteria, we identified various in the pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae. Two of these cassettes, sharing homology with the Escherichia coli relBE locus were cloned and tested for their activity. The relBE2Spn locus resulted to be a bona fide TA locus. The toxin exhibited high toxicity towards E. coli and S. pneumoniae, although in the latter, the chromosomal copy of the antitoxin relB2Spn gene had to be inactivated to detect full toxicity. Cell growth arrest caused by expression of the relE2Spn toxin gene could be reverted by expression of the cognate antitoxin, relB2Spn, although prolonged exposition to the toxin led to cell death. The pneumococcal relBE2Spn locus is the first instance of a chromosomally encoded TA system from Gram-positive bacteria characterized in its own host. We have developed a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) assay to detect the interactions between the RelB2Spn antitoxin and the RelE2Spn toxin in vivo. This technique has shown to be amenable to a high-throughput screening (HTS), opening new avenues in the search of molecules with potential antibacterial activity able to inhibit TA interactions.  相似文献   

Bacterial toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems encode two proteins, a potent inhibitor of cell proliferation (toxin) and its specific antidote (antitoxin). Structural data has revealed striking similarities between the two model TA toxins CcdB, a DNA gyrase inhibitor encoded by the ccd system of plasmid F, and Kid, a site-specific endoribonuclease encoded by the parD system of plasmid R1. While a common structural fold seemed at odds with the two clearly different modes of action of these toxins, the possibility of functional crosstalk between the parD and ccd systems, which would further point to their common evolutionary origin, has not been documented. Here, we show that the cleavage of RNA and the inhibition of protein synthesis by the Kid toxin, two activities that are specifically counteracted by its cognate Kis antitoxin, are altered, but not inhibited, by the CcdA antitoxin. In addition, Kis was able to inhibit the stimulation of DNA gyrase-mediated cleavage of DNA by CcdB, albeit less efficiently than CcdA. We further show that physical interactions between the toxins and antitoxins of the different systems do occur and define the stoichiometry of the complexes formed. We found that CcdB did not degrade RNA nor did Kid have any reproducible effect on the tested DNA gyrase activities, suggesting that these toxins evolved to reach different, rather than common, cellular targets.  相似文献   

Genes for toxin-antitoxin (TA) complexes are widespread in prokaryote genomes, and species frequently possess tens of plasmid and chromosomal TA loci. The complexes are categorized into three types based on genetic organization and mode of action. The toxins universally are proteins directed against specific intracellular targets, whereas the antitoxins are either proteins or small RNAs that neutralize the toxin or inhibit toxin synthesis. Within the three types of complex, there has been extensive evolutionary shuffling of toxin and antitoxin genes leading to considerable diversity in TA combinations. The intracellular targets of the protein toxins similarly are varied. Numerous toxins, many of which are sequence-specific endoribonucleases, dampen protein synthesis levels in response to a range of stress and nutritional stimuli. Key resources are conserved as a result ensuring the survival of individual cells and therefore the bacterial population. The toxin effects generally are transient and reversible permitting a set of dynamic, tunable responses that reflect environmental conditions. Moreover, by harboring multiple toxins that intercede in protein synthesis in response to different physiological cues, bacteria potentially sense an assortment of metabolic perturbations that are channeled through different TA complexes. Other toxins interfere with the action of topoisomersases, cell wall assembly, or cytoskeletal structures. TAs also play important roles in bacterial persistence, biofilm formation and multidrug tolerance, and have considerable potential both as new components of the genetic toolbox and as targets for novel antibacterial drugs.  相似文献   

Genes for toxin-antitoxin (TA) complexes are widespread in prokaryote genomes, and species frequently possess tens of plasmid and chromosomal TA loci. The complexes are categorized into three types based on genetic organization and mode of action. The toxins universally are proteins directed against specific intracellular targets, whereas the antitoxins are either proteins or small RNAs that neutralize the toxin or inhibit toxin synthesis. Within the three types of complex, there has been extensive evolutionary shuffling of toxin and antitoxin genes leading to considerable diversity in TA combinations. The intracellular targets of the protein toxins similarly are varied. Numerous toxins, many of which are sequence-specific endoribonucleases, dampen protein synthesis levels in response to a range of stress and nutritional stimuli. Key resources are conserved as a result ensuring the survival of individual cells and therefore the bacterial population. The toxin effects generally are transient and reversible permitting a set of dynamic, tunable responses that reflect environmental conditions. Moreover, by harboring multiple toxins that intercede in protein synthesis in response to different physiological cues, bacteria potentially sense an assortment of metabolic perturbations that are channeled through different TA complexes. Other toxins interfere with the action of topoisomersases, cell wall assembly, or cytoskeletal structures. TAs also play important roles in bacterial persistence, biofilm formation and multidrug tolerance, and have considerable potential both as new components of the genetic toolbox and as targets for novel antibacterial drugs.  相似文献   

The chromosomal ntrPR operon of Sinorhizobium meliloti encodes a protein pair that forms a toxin-antitoxin (TA) module, the first characterized functional TA system in Rhizobiaceae. Similarly to other bacterial TA systems, the toxin gene ntrR is preceded by and partially overlaps with the antitoxin gene ntrP. Based on protein homologies, the ntrPR operon belongs to the vapBC family of TA systems. The operon is negatively autoregulated by the NtrPNtrR complex. Promoter binding by NtrP is weak; stable complex formation also requires the presence of NtrR. The N-terminal part of NtrP is responsible for the interaction with promoter DNA, whereas the C-terminal part is required for protein-protein interactions. In the promoter region, a direct repeat sequence was identified as the binding site of the NtrPNtrR complex. NtrR expression resulted in the inhibition of cell growth and colony formation; this effect was counteracted by the presence of the antitoxin NtrP. These results and our earlier observations demonstrating a less effective downregulation of a wide range of symbiotic and metabolic functions in the ntrR mutant under microoxic conditions and an increased symbiotic efficiency with the host plant alfalfa suggest that the ntrPR module contributes to adjusting metabolic levels under symbiosis and other stressful conditions.  相似文献   

The bacterial parD toxin-antitoxin system of plasmid R1 encodes two proteins, the Kid toxin and its cognate antitoxin, Kis. Kid cleaves RNA and inhibits protein synthesis and cell growth in Escherichia coli. Here, we show that Kid promotes RNA degradation and inhibition of protein synthesis in rabbit reticulocyte lysates. These new activities of the Kid toxin were counteracted by the Kis antitoxin and were not displayed by the KidR85W variant, which is nontoxic in E. coli. Moreover, while Kid cleaved single- and double-stranded RNA with a preference for UAA or UAC triplets, KidR85W maintained this sequence preference but hardly cleaved double-stranded RNA. Kid was formerly shown to inhibit DNA replication of the ColE1 plasmid. Here we provide in vitro evidence that Kid cleaves the ColE1 RNA II primer, which is required for the initiation of ColE1 replication. In contrast, KidR85W did not affect the stability of RNA II, nor did it inhibit the in vitro replication of ColE1. Thus, the endoribonuclease and the cytotoxic and DNA replication-inhibitory activities of Kid seem tightly correlated. We propose that the spectrum of action of this toxin extends beyond the sole inhibition of protein synthesis to control a broad range of RNA-regulated cellular processes.  相似文献   

Cheng L  Lin H  Fan X  Qiu S  Sun T  Li TY  Zhang Y 《FEBS letters》2008,582(21-22):3211-3216
Here we report a toxin-antitoxin (TA) operon talAB identified from the Gram-positive bacterium Leifsonia xyli subsp. cynodontis. It is shown that talB encodes a broad-host cytotoxin functioning in different Gram-positive bacteria, while talA encodes its antidote. TalA and TalB form different hetero-oligomers in vitro; these hetero-oligomers, but not the antitoxin TalA, strongly bind to the talAB promoter region containing two inverted repeats. This represents a new mechanism of binding the promoter of a TA operon by the toxin and antitoxin complexes.  相似文献   

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