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Excitation of a circularly polarized slow wave by external sources and its subsequent propagation in a weakly inhomogeneous plasma with a positive density gradient are described in terms of the adiabatic approach. It is shown that the wave dispersion is mainly determined by the ratio between the contributions of trapped and nonresonant untrapped electrons to the total wave current. The relationship between the wave amplitude and its phase velocity and the limiting phase velocity above which the wave is strongly damped are found using the energy balance equation and the dispersion relation.  相似文献   

The structure and stability of a transverse electromagnetic wave propagating with a velocity lower than the speed of light in an unmagnetized plasma are considered. The stationary finite-amplitude wave is described by exact solutions to the Vlasov-Maxwell equations. However, unlike the well-known electrostatic analog, the Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal wave, the wave structure is determined to a large extent by the presence of trapped particles with a shear of transverse velocities, without which the existence of waves with a refraction index larger than unity is impossible. It is shown that the main origin of the wave instability is the longitudinal motion of trapped particles relative to the background plasma. Expressions for the growth rates in the main instability regimes are found under definite restrictions on the wave parameters.  相似文献   

The retrograde motion of an arc in a transverse magnetic field is attributed to the onset of a tangential flow of gas or vapor. The physics of a polarized plasma jet conducting the current between the cathode and anode is discussed.  相似文献   

Stochastic heating of plasma electrons by a large-amplitude electromagnetic wave propagating across a strong external magnetic field is studied theoretically and numerically. An analytic estimate of the threshold wave amplitude at which heating begins is obtained. The dependence of the average electron energy on the magnetic field and plasma density is investigated using particle-in-cell simulations.  相似文献   

The propagation of periodic ion-acoustic waves in plasma with two-temperature electrons and cold ions is analyzed. The equations for the wave potential are derived in the first- and second-orders of the perturbation theory, and their nonsecular periodic solutions are obtained. The average nonlinear ion flux is determined, and its properties are studied as functions of the ratios between the densities and temperatures of the cold and hot electron components. The conditions are analyzed under which the ion flux is co- or counter-directed to the wave propagation direction. For the case in which, depending on the plasma parameters, the ion flux at a given wave amplitude can be either positive or negative, the domains of existence of positive and negative ion fluxes in the “temperature ratio-density ratio” plane are determined.  相似文献   

The distributions of the electron density in a plasma produced by helicon waves and the correspond-ing wave amplitudes and phases are studied experimentally. The measurements were carried out in an argon plasma at a pressure of 3 mtorr and at an input RF power of up to 600 W. The magnetic field was caried in the range from 0 to 200 G. The efficiency of plasma production in both uniform and nonuniform fields is investigated. It is shown that, in a nonuniform magnetic field, the electron density can be substantially increased (up to 5×1012 cm?3) by placing an antenna in the region in which the magnetic field is weaker than in the main plasma.  相似文献   

The breaking ability of a vacuum arc interrupter with a uniform transverse magnetic field formed by a system of permanent magnets was investigated experimentally. The vacuum interrupter with a 0.5-μF shunting capacitor switched off a dc current of up to 150 A at magnetic fields of 100–180 mT. At magnetic fields of 120–160 mT, the breaking ability of the vacuum interrupter was increased to 300 A by introducing a nonuniformity in the magnetic field distribution near the contact surface.  相似文献   

A study is made of nonquasineutral vortex structures in a plasma with a magnetic field B z in which the charges separate on a spatial scale equal to the magnetic Debye radius r B=B z/4πen e. The electric field arising due to charge separation leads to radial expansion of the ions, thereby destroying the initial electron vortex. It is shown that the ion pressure gradient stops ion expansion in a nonquasineutral electron vortex and gives rise to a steady structure with a characteristic scale on the order of r B. With the electron inertia taken into account in the hydrodynamic approximation, the magnetic vortex structure in a hot plas mamanifests itself in the appearance of a “hole” in the plasma density.  相似文献   

The problem of the expansion of a magnetic field in a complex (e.g., dusty) plasma is considered, with a focus on the effects produced by the independent transport of charged components that does not break plasma quasineutrality. Solutions to a set of nonlinear equations are obtained for different initial and boundary conditions. In particular, it is shown that the field rapidly penetrates into the plasma when the dust is charged negatively and does not penetrate at all when the dust charge is positive.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is developed to describe the performance of a three-phase fluidized bed reactor utilizing a transverse magnetic field. The model is based on the axially dispersed plug flow model for the bulk of liquid phase and on the Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The model equations are solved by the explicit finite difference method from transient to steady state conditions. The results of the numerical simulation indicate that the magnetic field increases the degree of bioconversion. The mathematical model is experimentally verified in a three-phase fluidized bed reactor with Penicillium chrysogenum immobilized on magnetic beads. The experimental results are well described by the developed model when the reactor operates in the stabilized regime. At low and relatively high magnetic field intensities certain discrepancy in the model solution is observed when the model over estimates the product concentration.  相似文献   

The propagation of MHD plasma waves in a sheared magnetic field is investigated. The problem is solved using a simplified model: a cold plasma is inhomogeneous in one direction, and the magnetic field lines are straight. The waves are assumed to travel in the plane perpendicular to the radial coordinate (i.e., the coordinate along which the plasma and magnetic field are inhomogeneous). It is shown that the character of the singularity at the resonance surface is the same as that in a homogeneous magnetic field. It is found that the shear gives rise to the transverse dispersion of Alfvén waves, i.e., the dependence of the radial component of the wave vector on the wave frequency. In the presence of shear, Alfvén waves are found to propagate across magnetic surfaces. In this case, the transparent region is bounded by two turning points, at one of which, the radial component of the wave vector approaches infinity and, at the other one, it vanishes. At the turning point for magnetosonic waves, the electric and magnetic fields are finite; however, the radial component of the wave vector approaches infinity, rather than vanishes as in the case with a homogeneous field.  相似文献   

The motion of a nonquasineutral plasma in a strong magnetic field such that is analyzed. It is shown in simple examples that, when the plasma pressure and dissipation are neglected, the only dynamic process in a magnetized plasma is the evolution of the charge-separation electric field and the related magnetic field flux. The equations derived to describe this evolution are essentially the wave Grad-Shafranov equations. The solution to these equations implies that, in a turbulent Z-pinch, a steady state can exist in which the current at a supercritical level is concentrated near the pinch axis.  相似文献   

The influence of magnetic configurations with magnetic hills or wells on the parameters of a plasma column and turbulence characteristics were studied in experiments in which the plasma was created and heated by a microwave beam at the second harmonic of the electron cyclotron frequency. Calculations show that, for 〈β〉=(1.5?2)×10?, a configuration with a magnetic well takes place and the Mercier criterion for stability of the ideal MHD modes is satisfied. It is shown that the compensation of the Shafranov shift of the plasma column by a transverse (vertical) field (B v /B 0 =5×10?3) leads to a configuration with a magnetic hill in which the Mercier stability criterion is violated in the central region of the plasma column. It is experimentally shown that the stored plasma energy in the magnetic-hill configuration is reduced by one-half in comparison with the magnetic-well configuration. In the case of a magnetic hill, the energy of fluctuations increases both in the plasma core and near the separatrix, and the quasi-regular components of the wavelet spectra grow. When the Shafranov shift is compensated only partially (B v/B 0~3×10?3) and the system is near the instability threshold, the stored plasma energy and the central electron temperature are somewhat higher, and the radiation power of fast electrons from non-Maxwellian tails at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency decreases. It is found that the wavelet spectra of fluctuations change, the coherence coefficient for spectral components increases, and the radial electric field near the separatrix decreases.  相似文献   

The electrons trapped in single crystals of rhamnose X-irradiated at low temperature were studied by ENDOR spectroscopy. Hyperfine couplings of protons in the environs of the electron have been determined from ENDOR measurements, including those of some of the more remote carbon-bound hydrogen atoms. The likely site of electron trapping in the crystal structure of rhamnose was inferred from calculations of the electric potential generated by the dipoles of hydroxy groups about preexisting void spaces. Electron-proton distances for nonexchangeable hydrogen atoms from points within the void were calculated from the crystal structure and compared with distances obtained from hyperfine couplings. Good agreement was obtained between experimental and calculated values.  相似文献   

The influence of a transverse magnetic field on the characteristics of the positive column of a planar low-pressure discharge is studied theoretically. The motion of magnetized electrons is described in the framework of a continuous-medium model, while the ion motion in the ambipolar electric field is described by means of a kinetic equation. Using mathematical transformations, the problem is reduced to a secondorder ordinary differential equation, from which the spatial distribution of the potential is found in an analytic form. The spatial distributions of the plasma density, mean plasma velocity, and electric potential are calculated, the ion velocity distribution function at the plasma boundary is found, and the electron energy as a function of the magnetic field is determined. It is shown that, as the magnetic field rises, the electron energy increases, the distributions of the plasma density and mean plasma velocity become asymmetric, the maximum of the plasma density is displaced in the direction of the Ampère force, and the ion flux in this direction becomes substantially larger than the counter-directed ion flux.  相似文献   

Plasma flows caused by the interaction of the discharge current with the azimuthal magnetic self-field in coaxial channels (nozzles) of plasma accelerators are strongly affected by the longitudinal field produced by external conductors. A two-dimensional MHD model of flows in channels in the presence of a longitudinal magnetic field is proposed. Depending on the ratio between the characteristic values of the longitudinal and azimuthal field components, one of three types of flow is established in the channel: super-Alfvén, sub-Alfvén, or combined. The properties of different types of flows are analyzed. The acceleration process in sub-Alfvén flows differs qualitatively from that in regimes without a longitudinal field in transitions between the kinetic, thermal, and magnetic energy components.  相似文献   

Results are presented from numerical simulations of axisymmetric plasma flows that occur in a coaxial accelerator with a longitudinal magnetic field. The simulations were carried out based on a two-dimensional MHD plasma dynamic model for the general case of a three-component magnetic field. The steady plasma flows are calculated in solving the time-dependent MHD problem by the relaxation method. The results of simulations of steady transonic flows are compared with the solutions that were obtained in the smooth accelerator channel approximation. The main regular features of plasmodynamic processes are revealed. It is found that current sheets arise in the plasma flow in a comparatively strong longitudinal magnetic field.  相似文献   

The exposure ofTaraxacum officinale L. at flowering time to a weak magnetic field resulted in (1) retarded opening and the closing of the inflorescence, (2) wilting and death after prolonged exposure. Controls were unchanged. Plants exposed to the effect of magnetic fields were degenerated in subsequent year.  相似文献   

The influence of a transverse magnetic field and the working-gas pressure on the rotation frequency of the current channel, as well as on the electric field in the positive column and the cathode voltage drop in a dc gas discharge, was studied experimentally. The working gases were pure hydrogen and hydrogen-methane, hydrogen-argon, and hydrogen-argon-methane mixtures. It is shown that a transverse (with respect to the discharge current) magnetic field stabilizes a normal glow discharge against a transition to an arc discharge at specific absorbed powers above 300 W/cm3. The cathode voltage drop and the electric field in the positive column are measured. It is shown that the electric field does not depend on the magnetic field strength, whereas the cathode voltage drop increases with increasing magnetic field. It is found that the rotation frequency of the current channel is a complicated function of the discharge parameters and attains 400 Hz.  相似文献   

It is shown that a curved magnetic field can be used to separate ions in a multicomponent plasma. Without selective ion preheating, the separation over one cycle is inefficient: the separated ion fractions will only be enriched with ions of the corresponding isotopes. Selective ion cyclotron resonance heating makes it possible to achieve essentially a complete separation of the ions.  相似文献   

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