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The mode of replication of the L double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) present in virus-like particles in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was examined by density transfer experiments. After transfer to light medium, significant amounts of fully heavy dsRNA persisted over a number of cell doublings. In addition, very little material of hybrid density was ever formed, and the accumulation of fully light material began as early as 0.5 doubling after transfer to light medium. Our results are compatible with a conservative mode of replication or with a semiconservative mode of replication carried out by a small portion of the total dsRNA population. In additional experiments the synthesis of dsRNA relative to the cell cycle was studied. This was done by determining the ratio of short-term to long-term radioactive label in size-separated cell fractions of a prelabeled exponential culture. The ratio of short-term to long-term label remained constant for all fractions, implying that dsRNA is synthesized throughout the cell cycle, increasing through the cell cycle at an exponential rate.  相似文献   

T H Tzeng  C L Tu    J A Bruenn 《Journal of virology》1992,66(2):999-1006
The large double-stranded RNA of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) virus has two large overlapping open reading frames on the plus strand, one of which is translated via a -1 ribosomal frameshift. Sequences including the overlapping region, placed in novel contexts, can direct ribosomes to make a -1 frameshift in wheat germ extract, Escherichia coli and S. cerevisiae. This sequence includes a consensus slippery sequence, GGGUUUA, and has the potential to form a pseudoknot 3' to the putative frameshift site. Based on deletion analysis, a region of 71 nucleotides including the potential pseudoknot and the putative slippery sequence is sufficient for frameshifting. Site-directed mutagenesis demonstrates that the pseudoknot is essential for frameshifting.  相似文献   

The L double-stranded (ds) RNA component of Saccharomyces cerevisiae may contain up to three dsRNA species, each with a distinct sequence but with identical molecular weights. These dsRNAs have been separated from each other by denaturation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The 3' terminal sequences of the major species, LA dsRNA, were determined. Secondary structural analysis supported the presence of two stem and loop structures at the 3' terminus of the LA positive strand. In strain T132B NK-3, both the LA and LC species are virion encapsidated. Two distinct classes of virions were purified from this strain, each with a different RNA polymerase activity and with distinct protein components. The heavy virions harbored LA dsRNA, whereas the LC dsRNA species co purified with the light virion peak. Thus, LA and LC dsRNAs, when present in the same cell, may be separately encapsidated.  相似文献   

Certain strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were found to have a complex nuclear defect (designated clo-) that makes cells unable to maintain some L-B and some L-C double-stranded RNAs at 25 degrees C. The clo- strains were not defective in maintenance of L-A, M1, or M2 double-stranded RNAs. Most clo-strains lacking L and M carry small amounts of two double-stranded RNA species intermediate in size between L and M and denoted T (2.7 kilobase pairs) and W (2.25 kilobase pairs). Some strains carry both T and W, some carry neither, and some carry only W; no strains carrying only T have been found. Both T and W show 4+:0 segregation in meiosis and efficient transmission by cytoplasmic mixing (cytoduction), indicating that they are non-Mendelian genetic elements. T and W do not cross-hybridize with each other or with L-A, L-B, L-C, M1, M2, or chromosomal DNA. T and W are apparently distinct from other known non-Mendelian genetic elements (2mu DNA, [rho], [psi], 20S RNA, [URE3]). In most strains the copy number of both T and W is increased about 10-fold by the growth of cells at 37 degrees C. This heat inducibility of T and W is under control of a cytoplasmic gene. T and W double-stranded RNAs are not found in a purified L-containing virus-like particle preparation from a strain containing L-B, T, and W double-stranded RNAs. The role, if any, of T or W in the killer systems is not known.  相似文献   

The sizes of M1 and M2 (but not L) change rapidly with growth, varying by perhaps as much as 33%. Size variation is seen within 76 generations. In addition, the exclusion of M2 by M1 or L-A-E [( EXL]) is mediated by inhibition of replication or segregation, not by enhanced degradation of preexisting molecules.  相似文献   

The thermal denaturation method for studying the structural organization of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) from virus-like particles of killer yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used. High resolution derivative denaturation profiles of total dsRNA and its L- and M-types were obtained. Comparative analysis of these data with those on phage DNA denaturation demonstrated that the processes of denaturation of dsRNA and phage DNA were identical in quality. Increase of thermostability, interval of thermal denaturation and width of local helix-to-coil transitions in dsRNA as compared with phage DNA are caused by the differences of corresponding thermodynamic parameters. Derivative denaturation profiles of L- and M-types of yeasts dsRNA were shown to have certain identical local transitions. Low melting transition, consisting of three local thermalites, is due to the denaturation of AU-rich region (about 200 n.b.p.) in M-dsRNA.  相似文献   

5-Bromo-UTP was found to replace UTP efficiently as a substrate for the virion-associated double-stranded RNA replicase of Penicilliumstoloniferum virus PsV-S. The double-stranded RNA product of the replication reaction with 5-bromo-UTP as a substrate gave in equilibrium caesium sulphate density gradient centrifugation a single band with a buoyant density of 1.647 g/ml, consistent with that of a hybrid double-stranded RNA consisting of one brominated and one unbrominated strand. After the reaction none of the original unbrominated double-stranded RNA (buoyant density 1.606 g/ml) could be detected. It is concluded that replication of double-stranded RNA in virions of PsV-S takes place by a semi-conservative mechanism.  相似文献   

Previously, we found that log-phase cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contain a new type of viruslike particles containing only plus- strand L-A single-stranded RNA (ssRNA). These particles synthesize minus-strand RNA in an in vitro RNA polymerase reaction to produce L-A double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). The major class of particles contains L-A dsRNA and synthesizes plus-strand L-A ssRNA by a conservative mechanism. In this paper, we show that mutations in mak10 or the pet18 locus, which result in temperature-dependent replication of L-A dsRNA in vivo, also result in instability of the L-A dsRNA-containing (major class) viruslike particles in vitro. The L-A dsRNA (minus-strand)-synthesizing particles isolated by CsCl density gradient centrifugation synthesize plus-strand L-A ssRNA after completion of dsRNA (minus-strand) synthesis and have the same major coat protein as that of the major-class particles. Furthermore, the density of the dsRNA-synthesizing particles from wild-type cells shifts to that of the major-class dsRNA-containing particles as a result of the in vitro RNA polymerase reaction. Thus, L-A dsRNA-synthesizing particles undergo functional and structural maturation in vitro.  相似文献   

Double-stranded RNAs (M and L molecules) of two strains of the killer system Saccharomyces cerevisiae M437 (wild type) and ski-5 (superkiller mutant) were studied by means of electron microscopy and high resolution thermal melting. The M molecules of the ski-5 mutant were by 100 b.p. shorter than those of M437. L molecules were of the same length for both strains. Analysis of the differential melting curves of L molecules showed that L molecules differ significantly in their nucleotide sequences, whereas M molecules were practically identical. It was found that M molecules contained a long AU region: that of M molecules of M 437 was 170-180 b.p. long and contained almost no GC pairs, whereas the AU region of M molecules of the ski-5 mutant was three times shorter and contained GC pairs.  相似文献   

The 20-nucleotide SL1 VBS RNA, 5'-GGAGACGC[GAUUC]GCGCUCC (bulged A underlined and loop bases in brackets), plays a crucial role in viral particle binding to the plus strand and packaging of the RNA. Its structure was determined by NMR spectroscopy. Structure calculations gave a precisely defined structure, with an average pairwise root mean square deviation (RMSD) of 1.28 A for the entire molecule, 0.57 A for the loop region (C8-G14), and 0.46 A for the bulge region (G4-G7, C15-C17). Base stacking continues for three nucleotides on the 5' side of the loop. The final structure contains a single hydrogen bond involving the guanine imino proton and the carbonyl O(2) of the cytosine between the nucleotides on the 5' and 3' ends of the loop, although they do not form a Watson-Crick base pair. All three pyrimidine bases in the loop point toward the major groove, which implies that Cap-Pol protein may recognize the major groove of the SL1 loop region. The bulged A5 residue is stacked in the stem, but nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOEs) suggest that A5 spends part of the time in the bulged-out conformation. The rigid conformation of the upper stem and loop regions may allow the SL1 VBS RNA to interact with Cap-Pol protein without drastically changing its own conformation.  相似文献   

Double-stranded RNA viruses of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文

Cell wall replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

M1 and M2 double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) code for the K1R1 and K2R2 killer toxin and resistance functions, respectively. Natural variants of a larger dsRNA (L-A) carry various combinations of the [EXL], [HOK], and [NEX] genes, which affect the K1 and K2 killer systems. Other dsRNAs, the same size as L-A, called L-B and L-C, are often present with L-A. We show that K1 killer strains have [HOK] and [NEX] but not [EXL] on their L-A (in disagreement with Field et al., Cell 31:193-200, 1982). These strains also carry other L-size molecules detectable after heat-curing has eliminated L-A. The exclusion of M2 dsRNA observed on mating K2 strains with K1 strains is due to the M1 dsRNA (not the L-A dsRNA as claimed by Field et al.) in the K1 strains. Four independent mutants of a [KIL-k2] [NEX-o] [HOK-o] strain were selected for resistance to [EXL] exclusion of M2 ([EXLR] phenotype). The [EXLR] phenotype showed non-Mendelian inheritance in each case, and these mutants had simultaneously each acquired [HOK]. The mutations were located on L-A and not on M2, and did not confer resistance to M1 exclusion of M2.  相似文献   

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