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The incidence of community-acquired pneumonia increases with age and is associated with an elevated morbidity and mortality due to the physiological changes associated with aging and a greater presence of chronic disease. Taking into account the importance of this disease from an epidemiological and prognostic point of view, and the enormous heterogeneity described in the clinical management of the elderly, we believe a specific consensus document regarding this patient profile is necessary. The purpose of the present work was to perform a review of the evidence related to the risk factors for the etiology, the clinical presentation, the management and the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in elderly patients with the aim of producing a series of specific recommendations based on critical analysis of the literature. This document is the result of the collaboration of different specialists representing the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine and Emergency Care (SEMES), the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (SEGG), the Spanish Society of Chemotherapy (SEQ), the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI), the Spanish Society of Respiratory Medicine and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), Spanish Society of Home Hospitalization (SEHAD) and the Spanish Society of Infectious Disease and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC).  相似文献   



To determine the prevalence of dysphagia in a population of institutionalised elderly people, and the effectiveness of a clinical method for its detection.


A prospective study was conducted on a random sample of elderly residents. A clinical evaluation along with an assessment with different volumes and viscosities (MECVV) were used. Specific care and follow up was arranged following this assessment.


Forty residents were studied. The prevalence of unrecognised dysphagia was 42.5%. Following assessment by the MECVV, the prevalence rose from 22.5% to 65% (P=.012). Dysphagia detected by MECVV was related to nutritional risk, as measured by the Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA) (P=.007), and to the diagnosis of dementia (P=.028).


The diagnosis of dysphagia in this sample of institutionalised elderly people increases when applying a clinical method for detection, reaching a prevalence similar to other studies.  相似文献   



Although depressive disorders prevalence among older adults usually is less than in the younger population, the presence of significant symptoms of depression is common in elderly people. Studies show that taking part in social, educational and pleasure activities is associated with a reduction in depressive symptoms in this population. The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of depressive symptoms above the elderly participants of a Third Age Open University, taking the time taking part as a reference.

Material and methods

A cross-sectional design was implemented, with a participation of 95.2% (n = 140) of the total enrolled in the first trimester of 2009 in the activities of the Third Age Open University of the Schools of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo. They all answered a socio-demographic questionnaire and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15).


The prevalence of depressive symptoms found was 3.57%. The statistical analysis showed a relationship between participation formore than one semester in the Third Age Open University and a lower index of depressive symptoms (p < .05).


Participating for longer than one academic semester is associated with less depressive symptoms, possibly being a protector factor against depression.  相似文献   



Several risk scores regarding the probability of death/complications in the acute setting and during the follow-up of patients admitted with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) have been published, such as the GRACE, TIMI and ZWOLLE risk score. Our objective was to assess the prognosis of nonagenarians admitted to a coronary care unit with an ACS, as well as the usefulness of each of these scores.

Material and methods

A retrospective analysis was performed on nonagenarians with an ACS admitted between 2003 and 2011. Vital status was determined at 14, 30 days, and 6 months after the ACS, and later during the follow-up. The risk scores were evaluated by area under the curve ROC (AUC).


A total of 45 patients with an ACS, 26 (57.8%) with ST-segment elevation and 19 (42.2%) with non-ST elevation. The GRACE- AUC for in-hospital mortality was excellent, 0.91, (95% CI: 0.82-1; P<.001), and for the combined event (in-hospital mortality and re-infarction) was 0.83 (95% CI: 0.66-1.0; P<.01). However, the GRACE-AUC at 6 months for mortality was 0.34 (95% CI: 0.09-0.58; P=.45), and for the combined event it was 0.51 (95% CI: 0.26-0.77; P=.95). The TIMI-AUC and ZWOLLE-AUC did not reach statistical significance.


It is useful calculate the GRACE risk score in order to estimate risk and survival in the acute phase of ACS in nonagenarians. This can help appropriate in making invasive or conservative treatment decisions.  相似文献   



The aim was to estimate the prevalence and severity of neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with dementia in nursing homes, assessing their association with certain factors that may influence their occurrence.

Material and methods

A cross-sectional study was carried out, and included all elderly patients diagnosed with degenerative, vascular, or mixed dementia, stage 4 to 7 on the Global Deterioration Scale of Reisberg (GDS), and residents in 6 nursing homes in the province of Ourense (Spain). A sample size of 120 individuals was determined to be necessary. The assessment of symptoms was performed using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Nursing Home test. The influence of the determined factors was investigated using logistic and linear regression analysis, and subsequently corrected for possible confounding factors.


A total of 212 cases were included, with a mean age of 85.7 (SD = 6.7) years. The prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms was 84.4%. The most common symptom was apathy, followed by agitation and delirium, and the least frequent were euphoria and hallucinations. The symptom that produced most occupational disruption was agitation. Multivariate analysis showed that a higher score on the NPI-NH was associated with a higher score on the Global Deterioration Scale of Reisberg, the use of neuroleptics, cholinesterase inhibitors, and memantine.


In nursing home patients, prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms was high, and associated with the severity of dementia (GDS), the use of neuroleptics, cholinesterase inhibitors, and memantine.  相似文献   

Dementia is a syndrome characterized by a progressive deterioration of cognitive functions, accompanied by psychiatric symptoms and behavioral disturbances that produce a progressive and irreversible disability. The way it should communicate the diagnosis of dementia is a key discussion point on which there is no unanimous agreement so far. The communicating of the diagnosis of dementia is a complex issue that affects not only, the patient but also to caregivers and health professionals who care and must conform to the ethical principles governing medical practice (autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justice). Therefore, from the Dementia Working Group of the Catalan Geriatric Society (Grupo de Trabajo de Demencia de la Sociedad Catalana de Geriatría) arises the need to review the issue and propose a course of action for the disclosure of diagnosis.  相似文献   



Forty-five per cent of stoke patients have a surgically accessible stenosis. The objective of our study is to describe the response to carotid endarterectomy (EA) in patients of advanced age compared to younger ones.

Material and method

Retrospective evaluation of the clinical history of all patients who underwent an endarterectomy in a tertiary hospital between January 1995 and December 2006. The patients were grouped into those 75 years or older and those less than this age. The incidence of peri-operative complications in the first month after surgery, and the long-term mortality was evaluated using a survival analysis.


Data were collected on 147 EA in 134 patients of 75 years or more, and on 201 EA in 177 patients less than 75 years-old. The incidence of peri-operative complications was similar in both groups, with a mortality of 2% in the older age group and a stroke incidence of 2.6% (half transient ischaemic accidents). The older patients had a mean follow-up of 4.1 years, with a survival of 86% at one year and 54% at 5 years and with the main cause of death being heart disease.


Carotid EA is a safe and effective technique for the treatment of extracranial carotid stenosis in the elderly, having the same peri-operative morbidity and mortality as younger ones. Age must not affect our therapeutic attitude, although an exhaustive cardiology study must be made in the elderly prior to the operation.  相似文献   

Quality of life (QoL) is one of the most important outcome variables in the study of the efficacy of interventions with people with dementia. However, its assessment is difficult 1) because it is a complex construct for which there is no unified theoretical or conceptual approach, and 2) because of the inherent difficulties in the cognitive impairments of the people under study. In this work different methods and instruments to this end are reviewed, and related findings are discussed. It is important to take into account the subjective view of the assessed person, as assessments done by proxies tend to underestimate QoL. In spite of the need for further development in this field, it is concluded that the instrument of choice is the QOL-AD, as it is change-sensitive, it correlates with health measurements, it is translated into several languages and it can be administered to people with low MMSE scores.  相似文献   



Pain in elderly people is considered a major concern in nursing home facilities affecting between 49% and 83% of the residents. Progression of Alzheimer's Disease causes more communication difficulties in patients with advanced dementia and therefore more problems to understand even the most simple pain evaluation scales. Identification and implementation of appropriate pain management strategies depends on an adequate pain assessment.

Material and methods

The main objective of the study was to validate the Spanish version of the PAINAD Scale (PAINAD-Sp) and to assess its applicability in Spanish Geriatric Nursing Homes. The 20 patients diagnosed with severe dementia from a Geriatric Centre in Spain were observed by five observers with different professional profiles for 5 minutes to each participant, and PAINAD-Sp Scale was administered simultaneously to a Visual Analogical Scale-VAS. Three different observational conditions were established: resting condition, during presumably pleasant activity and during presumable painful activity.


Cronbach's alpha ranged between 0.467 and 0.827 (average 0.692), and rose if Breathing item was deleted. Inter-rater reliability ranged between 0.587 and 0.956. Correlation between PAINAD-Sp Scale total measures and VAS was statistically significant (P<.05) in all measures and ranged from 0.517 to 0.868.


Findings in the study showed that the scale is useful to measure pain in non communicative patients suffering from dementia. The scale maintains good levels of reliability for different healthcare professionals even when they have little training.  相似文献   

The clinical use of mirror visual feedback was initially introduced to alleviate phantom pain by restoring motor function through plastic changes in the human primary motor cortex. It is a promising novel technique that gives a new perspective to neurological rehabilitation. Using this therapy, the mirror neuron system is activated and decrease the activity of those systems that perceive protopathic pain, making somatosensory cortex reorganization possible. This paper reports the results of the mirror therapy in three patients with phantom limb pain after recent lower limb amputation, showing its analgesic effects and its benefits as a comprehensive rehabilitation instrument for lower limb amputee geriatric patients.  相似文献   

An in-depth review is presented the possible benefits of music therapy in relation to the cognitive and/or behavioural level of elderly patients with dementia. We have carried out a systematic review of randomized controlled trials, case-control and pilot studies published from January 2000 to January 2012 using the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, MEDLINE, Dialnet and CSIC. We focused on comparison of music therapy as non-pharmacological therapy, in patients over 65 years of age with moderate dementia, with regular therapeutic and occupational treatment. Ten articles were selected based on the inclusion criteria. The analysis of the results suggest that music Therapy influences the elderly people with dementia in a positive way by improving levels of behavioural and cognitive functioning and social participation.  相似文献   

Age-related biological deterioration also includes immune system deterioration and, in consequence, a rise in the incidence and prevalence of infections and cancers, as well as low responses to vaccination strategies. Out of all immune cell subsets, T-lymphocytes seem to be involved in most of the age-related defects. Since T-lymphocytes mature during their passage through the thymus, and the thymus shows an age-related process of atrophy, thymic regression has been proposed as the triggering event of this immune deterioration in elderly people. Historically, it has been accepted that the young thymus sets the T-lymphocyte repertoire during the childhood, whereupon atrophy begins until the elderly thymus is a non-functional evolutionary trace. However, a rising body of knowledge points toward the thymus functioning during adulthood. In the elderly, higher thymic function is associated with a younger immune system, while thymic function failure is associated with all-cause mortality. Therefore, any new strategy focused on the improvement of the elderly quality of life, especially those trying to influence the immune system, should take into account, together with peripheral homeostasis, thymus function as a key element in slowing down age-related decline.  相似文献   

Capgras syndrome is the most prevalent of the delusional misidentification syndromes. It appears in both psychiatric illness and organic brain damage. Cognitive and neuropsychiatric models (lateralization and disconnection) have been proposed to explain the syndrome. From a neuropsychological point of view Capgras syndrome seems to be due to damage of bifrontal and right limbic and temporal regions. Memory, feeling of familiarity, monitoring of self and reality would be altered. All of these cause a failure to adequately integrate the information about emotions and facial recognition. Relative preservation of the left frontal lobe may be necessary for the development of delusional response. There does not seem to be a differential pattern as regards the aetiology, but there is a common underlying neuropsychiatric mechanism. Based on theoretic models, and clinics features, we propose a neuropsychological battery to assess the Capgras syndrome, that should be sensitive to the main expected deficits.  相似文献   



The cognitive assessment of patients with advanced dementia needs proper screening instruments that allow obtain information about the cognitive state and resources that these individuals still have. The present work conducts a Spanish validation study of the Severe Mini Mental State Examination (SMMSE).

Material and methods

Forty-seven patients with advanced dementia (Mini-Cognitive Examination [MEC]<11) were evaluated with the Reisberg's Global Deterioration Scale, MEC, SMMSE and Severe Cognitive Impairment Profile scales.


All test items were discriminative. The test showed high internal ( α = 0.88), test-retest (0.64 to 1.00, P < .01) and between observers reliabilities (0.69-1.00, p < 0.01), both for scores total and for each item separately. Construct validity was tested through correlations between the instrument and MEC scores (r = 0.59, P < 0.01). Further information on the construct validity was obtained by dividing the sample into groups that scored above or below 5 points in the MEC and recalculating their correlations with SMMSE. The correlation between the scores in the SMMSE and MEC was significant in the MEC 0-5 group (r = 0.55, P < .05), but not in the MEC>5 group. Additionally, differences in scores were found in the SMMSE, but not in the MEC, between the three GDS groups (5, 6 and 7) (H = 11.1, P < .05).


The SMMSE is an instrument for the assessment of advanced cognitive impairment which prevents the floor effect through an extension of lower measurement range relative to that of the MEC.From our results, this rapid screening tool and easy to administer, can be considered valid and reliable.  相似文献   

A literature review was performed on the laws passed, and adopted in accordance with international regulations, in Colombia and which currently benefit or affect the quality of life of the elderly. Public policies in Colombia are inclined towards the well-being of the elderly, but this documental analysis concludes that the elderly Colombian is unprotected and defenceless against the obstacles and difficult situations due to the biological, political, social, economic and environmental conditions. This makes them vulnerable as it is a scheme that only benefits in cases of poverty and by being a member of the General Social Security in Health system, with transfer of obligations to the family, society and likewise the elderly.  相似文献   

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