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Altered motor control of the shoulder muscles during performance of a specific motor task in patients with shoulder disorders (SDs) has been an interesting subject to researchers. This study compared shoulder muscle activation patterns by surface electromyography (sEMG), including the upper trapezius (UT), lower trapezius (LT), and serratus anterior (SA) muscles, during four functional tasks in 25 patients with SDs and controls. A voluntary response index (VRI) was calculated, including magnitude and similarity index (SI), to quantify sEMG patterns during four functional tasks. Responsiveness and clinically meaningful levels of discrimination between patients and control for EMG magnitude and SI were determined. An altered pattern of motor control during four functional tasks was evident in the patients, in which greater EMG amplitude and abnormal EMG patterns were found. For SI among four functional tasks, normal subjects ranged from 0.80 to 1.00 while patients ranged from 0.70 to 0.99. High probabilities (97%) of discrimination between patients and normal subjects were found by SI method during an overhead height task (patients: 0.85-0.96, normal subjects: 0.95-1.00). Our results also suggest that an individual can be estimated to be abnormal when lower SI values are observed during the four functional tasks.  相似文献   

A new stochastic model of the surface EMG is suggested and the spectral density of the surface EMG is studied theoretically and experimentally to confirm the validity of this model. Theoretical results show that while the contraction level is not so high, the shape of the spectral density (distribution) does not change and its amplitude is directly proportional to the motor unit firing frequency and recruitment. To illustrate the theoretical results, experiments were carried out for rectus femoris and biceps brachii. The surface EMG was lead off by bipolar surface electrodes. And the spectral density of the surface EMG was calculated using FFT algorithm. From these experimental results, it was confirmed that our theoretical results were almost valid.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of inter-electrode spacing on the degree of crosstalk contamination in surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals in the tibialis anterior (target muscle), generated by the triceps surae (crosstalk muscle), using bar and disk electrode arrays. The degree of crosstalk contamination was assessed for voluntary constant-force isometric contractions and for dynamic contractions during walking. Single-differential signals were acquired with inter-electrode spacing ranging from 5 mm to 40 mm. Additionally, double differential signals were acquired at 10 mm spacing using the bar electrode array. Crosstalk contamination at the target muscle was expressed as the ratio of the detected crosstalk signal to that of the target muscle signal. The crosstalk contamination ratio approached a mean of 50% for the 40 mm spacing for triceps surae muscle contractions at 80% MVC and tibialis anterior muscle contractions at 10% MVC. For single differential recordings, the minimum crosstalk contamination was obtained from the 10 mm spacing. The results showed no significant differences between the bar and disk electrode arrays. During walking, the crosstalk contamination on the tibialis anterior muscle reached levels of 23% for a commonly used 22 mm spacing single-differential disk sensor, 17% for a 10 mm spacing single-differential bar sensor, and 8% for a 10 mm double-differential bar sensor. For both studies the effect of electrode spacing on crosstalk contamination was statistically significant. Crosstalk contamination and inter-electrode spacing should therefore be a serious concern in gait studies when the sEMG signal is collected with single differential sensors. The contamination can distort the target muscle signal and mislead the interpretation of its activation timing and force magnitude.  相似文献   

The surface stress theory was proposed more than twenty years ago to explain morphogenesis of walled organisms. This theory makes simple assumptions on the force that drives microbial growth and how a cell's response to this force generates shape. This classic formulation may now be explained in more detailed molecular terms due to recent advances in the study of yeast morphogenesis with respect to the mechanism of cell polarization, the fine tuning of polarized growth to allocate necessary components to proper locations, and the local and global responses to turgor that provide control over the location and duration of growth.  相似文献   

The repeatability of initial values and rate of change of EMG signal mean spectral frequency (MNF), average rectified values (ARV), muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) and maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) was investigated in the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles of both legs of nine healthy male subjects during voluntary, isometric contractions sustained for 50 s at 50% MVC. The values of MVC were recorded for both legs three times on each day and for three subsequent days, while the EMG signals have been recorded twice a day for three subsequent days. The degree of repeatability was investigated using the Fisher test based upon the ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA), the Standard Error of the Mean (SEM) and the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC).

Data collected showed a high level of repeatability of MVC measurement (normalized SEM from 1.1% to 6.4% of the mean). MNF and ARV initial values also showed a high level of repeatability (ICC>70% for all muscles and legs except right VMO). At 50% MVC level no relevant pattern of fatigue was observed for the VMO and VL muscles, suggesting that other portions of the quadriceps might have contributed to the generated effort. These observations seem to suggest that in the investigation of muscles belonging to a multi-muscular group at submaximal level, the more selective electrically elicited contractions should be preferred to voluntary contractions.  相似文献   

Intramuscular pressure (IMP) is of major importance in blood flow and is often taken as a good estimate of muscular tension. However, its measurement remains invasive. The aims of the present work were: (1) to re-examine the possibility of evaluating IMP and muscular tension changes by means of surface electromyographic recordings, and (2) to clarify the influence of elastic compressive stockings (ECS). Surface EMG of muscles tibialis anterior (TA), soleus, gastrocnemius, and IMP from the anterior tibial compartment (ATC), deep posterior compartment (DPC), superficial posterior compartment (SPC) of the right leg, were simultaneously recorded in nine healthy subjects. Subjects performed series of voluntary concentric TA contractions (right ankle dorsal flexions) and TA isometric contractions, with or without elastic ECS, in a decubitus posture. Rest IMP mean values, measured over 60 s, ranged between 12.3 and 26.6 mmHg, i.e. in the range or slightly higher than those reported in the literature. When ECS were applied, mean IMP increase was 6.4 mmHg in ATC, 8.7 mmHg in DPC and 21.0 mmHg in SPC, while the corresponding EMG amplitude decreased. In ankle dorsal flexion movements, instantaneous values of TA-EMG amplitudes were linearly correlated to ATC-IMP instantaneous values, over the whole of the EMG rising part of every movement. When ECS were applied, the relationships between TA-EMG amplitude and ATC-IMP amplitude remained linear but where shifted towards higher IMP, in agreement with the increase in rest IMP. Because of antagonist co-contractions, IMP from DPC and SPC were also linearly correlated with ATC-IMP but with low coefficients of proportionality. As in TA concentric contractions, TA-EMG amplitudes were linearly correlated to ATC-IMP instantaneous values in isometric contractions, but the slopes of the latter were always greater. This result is explained by the relationship between muscle tension and shortening velocity. Al the results showed that: (1) instantaneous changes in surface EMG amplitude may provide a good estimate of IMP changes during the rising part of isometric, but also of concentric voluntary contractions; (2) elastic compressive stockings do not impair subjects relaxation capacity but actually increase the ratio IMP/muscle activation. As a consequence, ECS may actually increase the venous return during voluntary contractions.  相似文献   

The repeatability of initial value and rate of change of mean spectral frequency (MNF), average rectified values (ARV) and muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) was investigated in the dominant biceps brachii of ten normal subjects during sustained isometric voluntary contractions. Four levels of contraction were studied: 10%, 30%, 50% and 70% of the maximal voluntary contraction level (MVC). Each contraction was repeated three times in each of three different days for a total of nine contractions/level/subject and 90 contractions per level across the ten subjects. Repeatability was investigated using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and the standard error of the mean (SEM) of the estimates for each subject. Contrary to observations in other muscles, CV estimates appeared to be very repeatable both within and between subjects. CV showed a small but significant increase when contraction force increased from 10% to 50% MVC but no change for further increase of force. As force increased, MNF showed a slight decrease possibly related to a wider spreading of the CV values. The rate of time decrement of MNF and CV increased with the level of contraction. The normalized decrement (% of initial value per second) was in general higher for MNF than for CV and was more repeatable between subjects at 10% MVC than at 70% MVC. A final observation is that a resting time of 5 minutes may not be sufficient after a contraction at 50% or 70% MVC.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis carinii gp120 can elicit a specific T-cell proliferative response in mice after immunization with a gp120 preparation or with a crude P. carinii homogenate. It can also elicit a proliferative response from SCID mice after recovery from natural infection with P. carinii, implicating this glycoprotein as an important antigen in the host's response to P. carinii infection.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of EMG biofeedback training for tension headache has been well established. Previous studies evaluating changes in an average EMG activity score from pre- to posttreatment have not consistently found a relationship between a reduction in average EMG activity and headache improvement at posttreatment. The current study is a preliminary analysis of the utility of EMG variance as another possible mechanism of change. Frontalis EMG average activity and variances from 6 chronic tension-type headache sufferers who demonstrated significant improvement in headache activity at posttreatment (at least 70%) and 6 chronic tension-type headache sufferers who did not demonstrate improvement (less than 30%) were examined across 6 sessions of biofeedback treatment. The improved group demonstrated larger time-specific EMG variance in relation to mean EMG amplitudes during all treatment sessions. A dramatic decline in time-specific variance was observed during the later treatment sessions for improved participants; this pattern was not observed in the group who demonstrated little or no improvement. Results from the current study suggest that the inclusion of both average EMG activity and EMG variance may provide a more comprehensive measure to evaluate possible physiological changes responsible for improvement in headache activity following EMG biofeedback training.  相似文献   

Electromyographic (EMG) muscle scanning measures 2-second samples of integrated muscle action potentials from individual neck and back muscles using a hand-held scanner with post-style surface electrodes separated by a fixed distance. This scanning technique is widely used to expeditiously assess muscle activity in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders. In order to determine if the 2-second sample is sufficiently representative of electrical activity at a specific muscle site, the stability of the signal received by the hand-held scanner was measured bilaterally at six neck and back muscle sites over 40 seconds (20 2-second integration periods) in five seated subjects. Taking the overall average EMG activity as the true value, the mean number of 2-second integration periods required to achieve <5% standard error was calculated to be 1.47 for the 60 muscles tested. Only three sites required more than five integration periods. The validity of EMG scanning as a diagnostic tool is enhanced by longer integration periods  相似文献   

Electromyographic (EMG) muscle scanning measures 2-second samples of integrated muscle action potentials from individual neck and back muscles using a hand-held scanner with post-style surface electrodes separated by a fixed distance. This "scanning" technique is widely used to expeditiously assess muscle activity in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders. In order to determine if the 2-second sample is sufficiently representative of electrical activity at a specific muscle site, the stability of the signal received by the hand-held scanner was measured bilaterally at six neck and back muscle sites over 40 seconds (20 2-second integration periods) in five seated subjects. Taking the overall average EMG activity as the "true" value, the mean number of 2-second integration periods required to achieve less than 5% standard error was calculated to be 1.47 for the 60 muscles tested. Only three sites required more than five integration periods. The validity of EMG scanning as a diagnostic tool is enhanced by longer integration periods.  相似文献   

The correlation dimension D2 yields good results in several biomedical fields. Nonetheless, no clinical application to electromyography has been developed yet. One reason is the high electromagnetic noise typical of clinical environments. This noise is characterized by sharp spectral lines of variable intensity and frequency. The filtering techniques commonly implemented in electromyographs can efficiently deal with this kind of noise. They allow a safe estimate of linear quantities like the root mean square (r.m.s.) or the median frequency (MF). Their performance is not as good for nonlinear purposes. The filters may modify the nonlinear properties of the signal, leading to unacceptable estimates of D2. We consider a simple procedure based on a modified Wiener filter. Its performance is compared with that from a bandpass followed by multiple notch filters. Our procedure leads to a gain in precision and accuracy when estimating D2. The two filtering approaches are also compared with respect to a biomedical application proposed by others. Using data from 12 healthy subjects, the modified Wiener procedure raises the percentage of successes in that application from 17% to 83%. New experimental data suggest D2 carries information not carried by r.m.s. or MF.  相似文献   

Electromyographic (EMG) studies into gluteus medius (GMed) typically involve surface EMG electrodes. Previous comparisons of surface and fine wire electrode recordings in other muscles during high load isometric tasks suggest that recordings between electrodes are comparable when the muscle is contracting at a high intensity, however, surface electrodes record additional activity when the muscle is contracting at a low intensity. The purpose of this study was to compare surface and fine wire recordings of GMed at high and low intensities of muscle contractions, under high load conditions (maximum voluntary isometric contractions, MVICs). Mann–Whitney U tests compared median electrode recordings during three MVIC hip actions; abduction, internal rotation and external rotation, in nine healthy adults. There were no significant differences between electrode recordings in positions that evoked a high intensity contraction (internal rotation and abduction, fine wire activity >77% MVIC; effect size, ES < 0.42; p > 0.277). During external rotation, the intensity of muscle activity was low (4.2% MVIC), and surface electrodes recorded additional myoelectric activity (ES = 0.67, p = 0.002). At low levels of muscle activity during high load isometric tasks, the use of surface electrodes may result in additional myoelectric recordings of GMed, potentially reflective of cross-talk from surrounding muscles.  相似文献   

Normalization of the electromyography (EMG) signal is often performed relatively to maximal voluntary activations (MVA) obtained during maximum isometric voluntary contraction (MVIC). The first aim was to provide an inter-session reproducible protocol to normalize the signal of eight shoulder muscles. The protocol should also lead to a level of activation >90% of MVA for >90% of the volunteers. The second aim was to evaluate the influence of the method used to extract the MVA from the EMG envelope on the normalized EMG signal. Thirteen volunteers performed 12 MVICs twice (one week interval). Several time constants (100 ms to 2 s) were compared when extracting the MVA from the EMG envelope. The EMG activity was also acquired during an arm elevation. Our results show that a combination of nine MVIC tests was required to meet our requirements including reproducibility. Both the number of MVIC tests and the size of the time constant influence the normalized EMG signal during the dynamic activity (variations up to 15%). A time constant of 1 s was a good compromise to extract the MVA. These findings are valuable to improve the reproducibility of EMG signal normalization.  相似文献   

Research in plant hydraulics has provided important insights into plant responses to drought and species absolute drought tolerance. However, our ability to predict when plants will die from hydraulic failure under extreme drought is limited by a lack of knowledge with regards to the dynamics of plant desiccation following stomatal closure. Thus, we develop a simple hydraulics model based on branch‐level traits that incorporates key aspects of allometry, rates of water loss and resistance to embolism thresholds in order to define species differences in the time it takes plants to desiccate from stomatal closure to lethal levels of drought stress.  相似文献   

High density-surface EMG (HD-sEMG) is a non-invasive technique to measure electrical muscle activity with multiple (more than two) closely spaced electrodes overlying a restricted area of the skin. Besides temporal activity HD-sEMG also allows spatial EMG activity to be recorded, thus expanding the possibilities to detect new muscle characteristics. Especially muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) measurements and the evaluation of single motor unit (MU) characteristics come into view. This systematic review of the literature evaluates the clinical applications of HD-sEMG. Although beyond the scope of the present review, the search yielded a large number of “non-clinical” papers demonstrating that a considarable amount of work has been done and that significant technical progress has been made concerning the feasibility and optimization of HD-sEMG techniques. Twenty-nine clinical studies and four reviews of clinical applications of HD-sEMG were considered. The clinical studies concerned muscle fatigue, motor neuron diseases (MND), neuropathies, myopathies (mainly in patients with channelopathies), spontaneous muscle activity and MU firing rates. In principle, HD-sEMG allows pathological changes at the MU level to be detected, especially changes in neurogenic disorders and channelopathies. We additionally discuss several bioengineering aspects and future clinical applications of the technique and provide recommendations for further development and implementation of HD-sEMG as a clinical diagnostic tool.  相似文献   

The Garamantian civilization flourished in modern Fezzan, Libya, between 900 BC and 500 AD, during which the aridification of the Sahara was well established. Study of the archaeological remains suggests a population successful at coping with a harsh environment of high and fluctuating temperatures and reduced water and food resources. This study explores the activity patterns of the Garamantes by means of cross-sectional geometric properties. Long bone diaphyseal shape and rigidity are compared between the Garamantes and populations from Egypt and Sudan, namely from the sites of Kerma, el-Badari, and Jebel Moya, to determine whether the Garamantian daily activities were more strenuous than those of other North African populations. Moreover, sexual dimorphism and bilateral asymmetry are assessed at an intra- and inter-population level. The inter-population comparisons showed the Garamantes not to be more robust than the comparative populations, suggesting that the daily Garamantian activities necessary for survival in the Sahara Desert did not generally impose greater loads than those of other North African populations. Sexual dimorphism and bilateral asymmetry in almost all geometric properties of the long limbs were comparatively low among the Garamantes. Only the lower limbs were significantly stronger among males than females, possibly due to higher levels of mobility associated with herding. The lack of systematic bilateral asymmetry in cross-sectional geometric properties may relate to the involvement of the population in bilaterally intensive activities or the lack of regular repetition of unilateral activities.  相似文献   

M A Beck  S M Tracy 《Journal of virology》1989,63(10):4148-4156
Splenocytes taken from mice inoculated with coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) (Nancy) developed an in vitro proliferative response against CVB3 antigen. This response could not be detected earlier than 8 days postinoculation but could be detected up to 28 days after exposure to CB3. CVB3-sensitized splenocytes responded not only to the CVB3 antigen but to other enteroviruses as well. This response was found to be enterovirus specific in that no response was detected to a non-enteroviral picornavirus, encephalomyocarditis virus, or to an unrelated influenza virus. The generation of a splenocyte population capable of responding to an enterovirus group antigen(s) was not limited to inoculation of mice with CVB3, as similar responses were generated when mice were inoculated with CVB2. Cell subset depletions revealed that the major cell type responding to the enterovirus group antigen(s) was the CD4+ T cell. Current evidence suggests that the group antigen(s) resides in the structural proteins of the virus, since spleen cells from mice inoculated with a UV-inactivated, highly purified preparation of CVB3 virions also responded in vitro against enteroviral antigens.  相似文献   

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