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We examined the regulation of alpha4beta1 integrin function in melanoma cells and T cells by ligands of CD47. A CD47 antibody (B6H12) that inhibited alphavbeta3-mediated adhesion of melanoma cells induced by CD47-binding peptides from thrombospondin-1 directly stimulated alpha4beta1-mediated adhesion of the same cells to vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and N-terminal regions of thrombospondin-1 or thrombospondin-2. B6H12 also stimulated alpha4beta1- as well as alpha2beta1- and alpha5beta1-mediated adhesion of CD47-expressing T cells but not of CD47-deficient T cells. alpha4beta1 and CD47 co-purified as a detergent-stable complex on a CD47 antibody affinity column. CD47-binding peptides based on C-terminal sequences of thrombospondin-1 also specifically enhanced adhesion of melanoma cells and T cells to alpha4beta1 ligands. Unexpectedly, activation of alpha4beta1 function by the thrombospondin-1 CD47-binding peptides also occurred in CD47-deficient T cells. CD47-independent activation of alpha4beta1 required the Val-Val-Met (VVM) motif of the peptides and was sensitive to inhibition by pertussis toxin. These results indicate that activation of alpha4beta1 by the CD47 antibody B6H12 and by VVM peptides occurs by different mechanisms. The antibody directly activates a CD47-alpha4beta1 complex, whereas VVM peptides may target an unidentified Gi-linked receptor that regulates alpha4beta1.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin (TSP)-1 has been reported to modulate T cell behavior both positively and negatively. We found that these opposing responses arise from interactions of TSP1 with two different T cell receptors. The integrin alpha4beta1 recognizes an LDVP sequence in the NH2-terminal domain of TSP1 and was required for stimulation of T cell adhesion, chemotaxis, and matrix metalloproteinase gene expression by TSP1. Recognition of TSP1 by T cells depended on the activation state of alpha4beta1 integrin, and TSP1 inhibited interaction of activated alpha4beta1 integrin on T cells with its counter receptor vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. The alpha4beta1 integrin recognition site is conserved in TSP2. A recombinant piece of TSP2 containing this sequence replicated the alpha4beta1 integrin-dependent activities of TSP1. The beta1 integrin recognition sites in TSP1, however, were neither necessary nor sufficient for inhibition of T cell proliferation and T cell antigen receptor signaling by TSP1. A second TSP1 receptor, CD47, was not required for some stimulatory responses to TSP1 but played a significant role in its T cell antigen receptor antagonist and antiproliferative activities. Modulating the relative expression or function of these two TSP receptors could therefore alter the direction or magnitude of T cell responses to TSPs.  相似文献   

Integrin adhesion receptors have been implicated in bidirectional signal transduction. The dynamic regulation of integrin affinity and avidity as well as post-ligand effects involved in outside-in signaling depends on the interaction of integrins with cytoskeletal and signaling proteins. In this study, we attempted to identify cytoplasmic binding partners of alpha(1)beta(1) integrin. We were able to show that cell adhesion to alpha(1)beta(1)-specific substrates results in the association of phospholipase Cgamma (PLCgamma) with the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin independent of PLCgamma tyrosine phosphorylation. Using peptide-binding assays, the membrane proximal sequences within the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin subunits were identified as binding sites for PLCgamma. In particular, the conserved sequence of beta(1) subunit binds the enzyme very efficiently. Because purified PLCgamma also binds the integrin peptides, binding seems to be direct. Inhibition of PLC by leads to reduced cell adhesion on alpha(1)beta(1)-specific substrates. Cells lacking the conserved domain of the alpha(1) subunit fail to respond to the PLC inhibition, indicating that this domain is necessary for PLC-dependent adhesion modulation of alpha(1)beta(1) integrin.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion mediated by the integrin alpha4beta1 plays a key role in many biological processes reflecting both the number and functional significance of alpha4beta1 ligands. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) receptor, CD14, is a GPI-linked cell surface glycoprotein with a wide range of reported functions and associations, some of which overlap with that of alpha4beta1. This overlap led us to test the specific hypothesis that alpha4beta1 and CD14 interact directly. Jurkat T cells (alpha4beta1(+)) were found to adhere to a recombinant CD14-Fc protein via alpha4beta1, whilst K562 cells (alpha4beta1(-)) did not. However, stable reexpression of the alpha4-subunit conferred this ability. The adhesion of both cell types to CD14 displayed activation state-dependent binding very similar to the interaction of alpha4beta1 with its prototypic ligand, VCAM-1. In solid-phase assays, CD14-Fc bound to affinity-purified alpha4beta1 in a dose-dependent manner that was induced by activating anti-beta1 mAbs. Finally, in related experiments, JY cells (alpha4beta7(+)) were also found to attach to CD14-Fc in an alpha4-dependent manner. In summary, CD14 is a novel ligand for alpha4beta1, exhibiting similar activation-state dependent binding characteristics as other alpha4beta1 ligands. The biological relevance of this interaction will be the subject of further studies.  相似文献   

Rapid activation of integrins in response to chemokine-induced signaling serves as a basis for leukocyte arrest on inflamed endothelium. Current models of integrin activation include increased affinity for ligand, molecular extension, and others. In this study, using real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer to assess alpha(4)beta(1) integrin conformational unbending and fluorescent ligand binding to assess affinity, we report at least four receptor states with independent regulation of affinity and unbending. Moreover, kinetic analysis of chemokine-induced integrin conformational unbending and ligand-binding affinity revealed conditions under which the affinity change was transient whereas the unbending was sustained. In a VLA-4/VCAM-1-specific myeloid cell adhesion model system, changes in the affinity of the VLA-4-binding pocket were reflected in rapid cell aggregation and disaggregation. However, the initial rate of cell aggregation increased 9-fold upon activation, of which only 2.5-fold was attributable to the increased affinity of the binding pocket. These data show that independent regulation of affinity and conformational unbending represents a novel and fundamental mechanism for regulation of integrin-dependent adhesion in which the increased affinity appears to account primarily for the increasing lifetime of the alpha(4)beta(1) integrin/VCAM-1 bond, whereas the unbending accounts for the increased capture efficiency.  相似文献   

Transglutaminases (TGases) are enzymes which catalyze cross-link formation between glutamine residues and lysine residues in substrate proteins. We have previously reported that one of the TGases, blood coagulation factor XIIIa (FXIIIa), is capable of mediating adhesion of various cells. In this paper, we report for the first time that tissue-type transglutaminase (TGc) also has cell adhesion activity. TGc-coated plastic surface promoted adhesion and spreading of cells in a TGc concentration-dependent manner. However, there are some obvious differences between cell adhesion mediated by TGc and FXIIIa. As was reported previously, the adhesion to FXIIIa is dependent on its TGase activity. In contrast, the TGc-mediated cell adhesion is independent of its TGase activity: 1) The modification of the active center cysteine with iodoacetamide blocked the enzyme activity without any effect on cell adhesion; 2) the addition of Mg2+ did not induce the enzyme activity, but it was as effective as Ca2+ for cell adhesion; 3) the addition of NH4+ inhibited the enzyme activity but did not affect the cell adhesion significantly. The integrins involved in these cell adhesions are quite different. In the case of FXIIIa, alpha vbeta3 and alpha5beta1 integrins are involved and consequently the RGD peptide substantially inhibited the adhesion. On the other hand, the cell adhesion to TGc is mediated by alpha4beta1 integrin but not alpha5beta1; a CS-1 peptide, which represents the binding site of fibronectin to alpha4beta1 integrin, completely inhibited the cell adhesion to TGc. It is possible that TGc and FXIIIa may mediate cell adhesion under different physiological and pathological situations.  相似文献   

The chemokine CXCL12 promotes T lymphocyte adhesion mediated by the integrin alpha4beta1. CXCL12 activates the GTPase Rac, as well as Vav1, a guanine-nucleotide exchange factor for Rac, concomitant with up-regulation of alpha4beta1-dependent adhesion. Inhibition of CXCL12-promoted Rac and Vav1 activation by transfection of dominant negative Rac or Vav1 forms, or by transfection of their siRNA, remarkably impaired the increase in T lymphocyte attachment to alpha4beta1 ligands in response to this chemokine. Importantly, inhibition of Vav1 expression by RNA interference resulted in a blockade of Rac activation in response to CXCL12. Adhesions in flow chambers and soluble binding assays using these transfectants indicated that initial ligand binding and adhesion strengthening mediated by alpha4beta1 were dependent on Vav1 and Rac activation by CXCL12. Finally, CXCL12-promoted T-cell transendothelial migration involving alpha4beta1-mediated adhesion was notably inhibited by expression of dominant negative Vav1 and Rac. These results indicate that activation of Vav1-Rac signaling pathway by CXCL12 represents an important inside-out event controlling efficient up-regulation of alpha4beta1-dependent T lymphocyte adhesion.  相似文献   

Laminin-5 is an important constituent of the basal lamina. The receptors for laminin-5, the integrins alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4, have been associated with epithelial wound migration and carcinoma invasion. The signal transduction mechanisms that regulate these integrins are not well understood. We report here that the small GTPase Rap1 regulates the adhesion of a number of cell lines to various extracellular matrix proteins including laminin-5. cAMP also mediates cell adhesion and spreading on laminin-5, a process that is independent of protein kinase A but rather dependent on Epac1, a cAMP-dependent exchange factor for Rap. Interestingly, although both alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4 mediate adhesion to laminin-5, only alpha3beta1-dependent adhesion is dependent on Rap1. These results provide evidence for a function of the cAMP-Epac-Rap1 pathway in cell adhesion and spreading on different extracellular matrix proteins. They also define different roles for the laminin-binding integrins in regulated cell adhesion and subsequent cell spreading.  相似文献   

Integrins are adhesion molecules that convey signals both to and from the cytoplasm across the plasma membrane. In resting cells, integrins in a low affinity state can be activated by 'inside-out signaling', in which signals affecting integrin heterodimer cytoplasmic domains cause a conformational change in the integrin ligand-binding headpiece connected to the membrane by two long, approximately 16 nm stalks. Here we demonstrate a mechanism for conveying a conformational change over the long distance from the plasma membrane to the headpiece. We prepared soluble, alpha5beta1 integrin heterodimer extracellular fragments in which interactions between alpha- and beta-subunit cytoplasmic domains were replaced with an artificial clasp. Release of this C-terminal clasp by specific protease cleavage resulted in an approximately 14 nm separation of the stalks coupled to increased binding to fibronectin. This activation did not require any associated molecules or clustering and was observed with physiological concentrations of divalent cations. These findings suggest that the overall mechanism for integrin inside-out activation involves the spatial separation of the cytoplasmic and/or transmembrane domains.  相似文献   

Alpha4beta1 integrin affinity changes govern cell adhesion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Integrin alpha4beta1 is a receptor for vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and fibronectin. It is important in lymphopoiesis, inflammatory recruitment of leukocytes, and other situations that require cell adhesion to the vascular endothelium. The avidity of the cells expressing alpha4beta1 integrin can be rapidly changed by chemokines and chemoattractants. Different mechanisms, including changes in the number of interacting molecules due to the alteration of the receptor topology or changes in the affinity of the individual bonds, have been proposed to explain the nature of these fast changes in avidity. Recently, we described a fluorescent LDV-containing small molecule, which we used to monitor the affinity changes on live cells in real time (Chigaev, A., Blenc, A. M., Braaten, J. V., Kumaraswamy, N., Kepley, C. L., Andrews, R. P., Oliver, J. M., Edwards, B. S., Prossnitz, E. R., Larson, R. S. et al. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 48670-48678). Here we show that the affinity of the small molecule probe as well as the native ligand vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 varies in parallel when the integrin is modulated with divalent cations and that the affinity modulation leads to the changes in cell avidity. Using formyl peptide receptor-transfected U937 cells, we further show that the time course of avidity changes in response to the receptor activation coincides with the time course of the affinity changes. Taken together, these data are consistent with the idea that affinity regulation is a major factor that governs the avidity of cell adhesion mediated by the alpha4 integrin.  相似文献   

Integrin alpha4beta1 is a major leukocyte adhesion receptor that is a key target for the development of anti-inflammatory therapeutics. With the dual long-term goals of developing a reagent for use in high-throughput inhibitor screening assays and for crystallisation trials and subsequent structure determination, we have generated a recombinant soluble alpha4beta1 receptor. Both subunits were truncated prior to the transmembrane domains by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed using baculovirus infection of insect cells. The molecular weights of the recombinant subunits were as expected for post-translationally unmodified protein. In addition, as observed for the native subunit, a proportion of the alpha4 subunit was proteolytically processed into two fragments. ELISA and solid phase ligand-binding assays were performed to investigate the folding and functionality of the soluble integrin. The data suggest that the receptor was correctly folded and that it bound recombinant ligands with similar kinetics to the native molecule.  相似文献   

Modulation of integrin affinity and/or avidity provides a regulatory mechanism by which leukocyte adhesion to endothelium is strengthened or weakened at different stages of emigration. In this study, we demonstrate that binding of high-affinity alpha 4 beta 1 integrins to VCAM-1 strengthens alpha L beta 2 integrin-mediated adhesion. The strength of adhesion of Jurkat cells, a human leukemia T cell line, or MnCl2-treated peripheral blood T cells to immobilized chimeric human VCAM-1/Fc, ICAM-1/Fc, or both was quantified using parallel plate flow chamber leukocyte detachment assays in which shear stress was increased incrementally (0.5-30 dynes/cm2). The strength of adhesion to VCAM-1 plus ICAM-1, or to a 40-kDa fragment of fibronectin containing the CS-1 exon plus ICAM-1, was greater than the sum of adhesion to each molecule alone. Treatment of Jurkat or blood T cells with soluble cross-linked VCAM-1/Fc or HP2/1, a mAb to alpha 4, significantly increased adhesion to ICAM-1. These treatments induced clustering of alpha L beta 2 integrins, but not the high-affinity beta 2 integrin epitope recognized by mAb 24. Up-regulated adhesion to ICAM-1 was abolished by cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of cytoskeletal rearrangement. Taken together, our data suggest that the binding of VCAM-1 or fibronectin to alpha 4 beta 1 integrins initiates a signaling pathway that increases beta 2 integrin avidity but not affinity. A role for the cytoskeleton is implicated in this process.  相似文献   

A series of N-carboxy, N-alkyl, and N-carboxamido azabicyclo[2.2.2]octane carboxamides were prepared and assayed for inhibition of alpha4beta1-VCAM-1 and alpha4beta7-MAdCAM-1 interactions. Potency and alpha4beta1/alpha4beta7 selectivity were sensitive to the substituent R1-R3 in the structures 6, 7, and 8. Several compounds demonstrated low nanomolar balanced alpha4beta1/alpha4beta7 in vitro activity. Two compounds were selected for in vivo leukocytosis studies and demonstrated increases in circulating lymphocytes up to 250% over control.  相似文献   

Integrin-mediated leukocyte adhesion is a critical aspect of leukocyte function that is tightly regulated by diverse stimuli, including chemokines, antigen receptors, and adhesion receptors. How cellular signals from CD31 and other adhesion amplifiers are integrated with those from classical mitogenic stimuli to regulate leukocyte function remains poorly understood. Here, we show that the cytoplasmic tail of CD31, an important integrin adhesion amplifier, propagates signals that induce T cell adhesion via beta1 (VLA-4) and beta2 (LFA-1) integrins. We identify the small GTPase, Rap1, as a critical mediator of this effect. Importantly, CD31 selectively activated the small Ras-related GTPase, Rap1, but not Ras, R-Ras, or Rap2. An activated Rap1 mutant stimulated T lymphocyte adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM) and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM), as did the Rap1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor C3G and a catalytically inactive mutant of RapGAP. Conversely, negative regulators of Rap1 signaling blocked CD31-dependent adhesion. These findings identify a novel important role for Rap1 in regulating ligand-induced cell adhesion and suggest that Rap1 may play a more general role in coordinating adhesion-dependent signals during leukocyte migration and extravasation. Our findings also suggest an alternative mechanism, distinct from interference with Ras-proximal signaling, by which Rap1 might mediate transformation reversion.  相似文献   

The fibronectin binding integrins alpha5beta1 and alpha4beta1 generate signals pivotal for cell migration through distinct yet undefined mechanisms. For alpha5beta1, beta1-mediated activation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) promotes c-Src recruitment to FAK and the formation of a FAK-Src signaling complex. Herein, we show that FAK expression is essential for alpha5beta1-stimulated cell motility and that exogenous expression of human alpha4 in FAK-null fibroblasts forms a functional alpha4beta1 receptor that promotes robust cell motility equal to the alpha5beta1 stimulation of wild-type and FAK-reconstituted fibroblasts. alpha4beta1-stimulated FAK-null cell spreading and motility were dependent on the integrity of the alpha4 cytoplasmic domain, independent of direct paxillin binding to alpha4, and were not affected by PRNK expression, a dominant-negative inhibitor of Pyk2. alpha4 cytoplasmic domain-initiated signaling led to a approximately 4-fold activation of c-Src which did not require paxillin binding to alpha4. Notably, alpha4-stimulated cell motility was inhibited by catalytically inactive receptor protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha overexpression and blocked by the p50Csk phosphorylation of c-Src at Tyr-529. alpha4beta1-stimulated cell motility of triple-null Src(-/-), c-Yes(-/-), and Fyn(-/-) fibroblasts was dependent on c-Src reexpression that resulted in p130Cas tyrosine phosphorylation and Rac GTPase loading. As p130Cas phosphorylation and Rac activation are common downstream targets for alpha5beta1-stimulated FAK activation, our results support the existence of a novel alpha4 cytoplasmic domain connection leading to c-Src activation which functions as a FAK-independent linkage to a common motility-promoting signaling pathway.  相似文献   

A microtiter plate assay measuring the binding of cells expressing integrins alpha4beta1 or alpha4beta7 to VCAM-1 and MAdCAM-1, expressed as Ig fusion proteins, was used to explore the interplay between the variables of integrin beta-chain, identity and density of ligand, and identity and concentration of activating cations. Both Mn2+ and Mg2+ supported binding of either integrin to either ligand. Ca2+ supported only the binding of alpha4beta1 to VCAM-Ig. Cation concentrations required for half-maximal binding (EC50) ranged from 0.8-280 microM for Mn2+ and 0.8-30 mM for Mg2+, being thus 2-3 logs lower for Mn2+ compared to Mg2+ independent of ligand. EC50 values for binding of alpha4beta1 to VCAM-Ig were 30-45-fold lower compared to MAdCAM-Ig, while alpha4beta7 showed an opposite 3-15-fold selectivity for MAdCAM-Ig over VCAM-Ig. The density of ligand required for adhesion via alpha4beta1 was markedly lower with Mn2+ versus Mg2+, and with VCAM-Ig versus MAdCAM-Ig. These results were interpreted in terms of a coupled equilibrium model, in which binding of activating metal ions and of integrin ligands each stabilizes activated integrin. We conclude that Mn2+ and Mg2+ bind to common regulatory sites with different affinities, producing similar activated states of the integrin. The resulting activated alpha4beta1 binds more strongly to VCAM-Ig versus MAdCAM-Ig by 30-45-fold, while similarly activated alpha4beta7 binds more strongly to MAdCAM-Ig versus VCAM-Ig by 3-15-fold. Inhibition studies showed that Ca2+ also binds to regulatory sites on both integrins. However, the Ca2+-activated state of alpha4beta1 is distinct from that achieved by Mn2+ and Mg2+, possessing increased selectivity for binding to VCAM-1 versus MAdCAM-1.  相似文献   

To investigate the possible roles of the Ras/Rho family members in the inside-out signals to activate integrins, we examined the ability of Ras/Rho small GTPases to stimulate avidity of alpha(5)beta(1) (VLA-5) to fibronectin in bone marrow-derived mast cells. We found that both Ha-Ras(Val-12) and R-Ras(Val-38) had strong stimulatory effects on adhesion and ligand binding activity of VLA-5 to fibronectin. However, only Ha-Ras(Val-12)-, but not R-Ras(Val-38)-induced adhesion was inhibited by wortmannin, which suggests that Ha-Ras(Val-12) is dependent on phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase on adhesion whereas R-Ras(Val-38) has another PI 3-kinase independent pathway to induce adhesion. The effector loop mutant Ha-Ras(Val-12)E37G, but not Y40C retained the ability to stimulate adhesion of mast cells to fibronectin. Consistently, PI 3-kinase p110delta, predominantly expressed in mast cells, interacted with Ha-Ras(Val-12) E37G, but not Y40C, which was also correlated with the levels of Akt phosphorylation in mast cells. Furthermore, marked adhesion was induced by a membrane-targeted version of p110delta. These results indicate that Ha-Ras(Val-12) activated VLA-5 through PI 3-kinase p110delta. The mutational effects of the R-Ras effector loop region on adhesion were not correlated with PI 3-kinase activities, consistent with our contention that R-Ras has a distinct pathway to modulate avidity of VLA-5.  相似文献   

Macrophages require activation with either PMA (Mercurio, A. M., and L. M. Shaw. 1988. J. Cell Biol. 107:1873-1880) or interferon-gamma (Shaw, L. M., and A. M. Mercurio. 1989. J. Exp. Med. 169:303-308) to adhere to a laminin substratum. In the present study, we identified an integrin laminin receptor on macrophages and characterized cellular changes that occur in response to PMA activation that facilitate laminin adhesion. A monoclonal antibody (GoH3) that recognizes the integrin alpha 6 subunit (Sonnenberg, A., H. Janssen, F. Hogervorst, J. Calafat, and J. Hilgers. 1987. J. Biol. Chem. 262:10376-10383) specifically inhibited adhesion to laminin-coated surfaces. This antibody precipitated an alpha 6 beta 1 heterodimer (Mr 130/110 kD) from 125I surface-labeled macrophages. The amount of radiolabeled receptor on the cell surface did not increase after PMA activation. Thus, the induction of laminin adhesion cannot be attributed to de novo or increased surface expression of alpha 6 beta 1. By initially removing the Triton X-100-soluble fraction of macrophages and then disrupting the remaining cytoskeletal framework, we observed that 75% of the alpha 6 beta 1 heterodimer on the cell surface is anchored to the cytoskeleton in macrophages that had adhered to a laminin substratum in response to PMA. Significant cytoskeletal anchoring of this receptor was not observed in macrophages that had adhered to fibronectin or tissue culture plastic, nor was it seen in nonadherent cells. PMA also induced phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of the alpha 6 subunit, but not the beta 1 subunit. Phosphorylated alpha 6 was localized to the cytoskeletal fraction only in macrophages plated on a laminin substratum. In summary, our results support a mechanism for the regulation of macrophage adhesion to laminin that involves specific and dynamic matrix integrin-cytoskeletal interactions that may be facilitated by integrin phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Galectins are a taxonomically widespread family of galactose-binding proteins of which galectin-3 is known to modulate cell adhesion. Using single cell force spectroscopy, the contribution of galectin-3 to the adhesion of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells to different extracellular matrix proteins was investigated. When adhering to collagen-I or -IV, some cells rapidly entered an enhanced adhesion state, marked by a significant increase in the force required for cell detachment. Galectin-3-depleted cells had an increased probability of entering the enhanced adhesion state. Adhesion enhancement was specific to integrin alpha(2)beta(1), as it was not observed when cells adhered to extracellular matrix substrates by other integrins. The adhesion phenotype of galectin-3-depleted cells was mimicked in a galactoside-deficient MDCK cell line and could be complemented by the addition of recombinant galectin-3. We propose that galectin-3 influences integrin alpha(2)beta(1)-mediated adhesion complex formation by altering receptor clustering.  相似文献   

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