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苯胺、苯酚对淡水藻类生长的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用生物检验法研究了苯胺、苯酚对蛋白核小球藻、斜生栅藻生长的影响,测定了两种藻类在5 d内对不同浓度苯胺、苯酚的降解或在藻细胞内的富集情况.结果表明,苯胺、苯酚对两种淡水藻类的致毒作用有所不同,对于同一种藻类,苯胺毒性大于苯酚;在同一毒物浓度下,栅藻表现更为敏感.在较低浓度下,两种淡水藻类均能降解或吸收一部分有机毒物,其中对苯酚的降解能力较强.  相似文献   

Effects of irradiance and temperature on the Mediterranean red algae Eupogodon spinellus and Eupogodon planus were tested. Growth of both species was saturated at an irradiance of 10–20?μmol?m?2?s?1, which is in accordance with their sublittoral habitat. Eupogodon spinellus and E. planus survived permanently at temperatures between 8 and 30?°C. The temperature optimum for growth was 25?°C with suboptimal growth occurring at (10?)15 and 30?°C in both species. At their collection locality (Corsica), potential monthly growth yields would be highest in summer and in winter would be only about 20% of the maximum. Reproductive requirements could be determined only in E. planus. Gametophytes reproduced both in long and in short days but only at 20?°C. Tetrasporophytes reproduced at 15–20?°C but only in short days. Geographic distribution boundaries are not set by growth or survival limits. However, the reproductive requirements of E. planus did account for its restricted distribution in the Mediterranean and on the Canary Islands.  相似文献   

The agarophyte Gracilaria cornea, collected over 2.5 y in the Florida Keys, shows adaptations to oceanic salinities and subtropical to tropical water temperatures in its photosynthetic and respiratory responses as measured with a respirometer. No seasonal pattern in responses to irradiance, temperature, and salinity were evident between five collections over a 20-month period, indicating the tropical nature of the populations from Bahia Honda and Pigeon Keys. Concentrations of chlorophyll a (0.09 to 0.41 mg g d wt-1) and phycoerythrin (0.06 to 0.36 mg g d wt- 1) were low and reflect the low nutrient regime of the habitats, especially when compared to laboratory cultured plants. Compensation and saturation irradiances were also low (11–38 and 90–127 μmol photon m-2 s-1), indicating acclimation to lower irradiances in their shallow (1–2 m depth) habitats where turbidity can be high. In comparison with other subtropical and warm temperate species of Gracilaria, G. cornea had lower levels of pigment, but similarly high photosynthetic efficiency, demonstrating shade adaptation; it had only limited tolerance to salinities below 20‰ and temperatures below 15 °C. Thus, G. cornea from the Florida Keys in mariculture would require subtropical to tropical temperatures and stable oceanic salinities. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The influence of irradiance, photoperiod and temperature was determined for the growth kinetics of the diatoms Aulacoseira subarctica, Stephanodiscus astraea and Stephanodiscus hantzschii and the results compared with those of cyanobacteria. Irradiance and photoperiod relationships were qualitatively similar to those for cyanobacteria in that: (1) growth rate (K) was proportionally greater under short photoperiods, with ratios of K under continuous light to K under 3:21 light:dark (LD) cycles of 1·50, 1·80 and 2·96 for A. subarctica, S. astraea and S. hantzschii respectively; (2) at subsaturating irradiances, K was proportional to irradiance and independent of temperature with a negligible predicted maintenance growth rate requirement. Apparent growth efficiencies (GE) at subsaturating irradiances were 0·26±0·03, 0·42±0·03 and 0·50±0·03 divisions mol-1m2 for A. subarctica, S. astraea and S. hantzschii with the values for Stephanodiscus species comparable to values for Oscillatoria species. Under a 3:21 LD cycle at 4 °C, light-saturated growth rates were 0·066±0·004, 0·197±0·033 and 0·285±0·018 divisions day-1 for A. subarctica, S. astraea and S. hantzschii. S. hantzschii growth rate at 4 °C exceeded maximum Oscillatoria growth rates at 23 °C and the S. astraea growth rate at 4 °C was equivalent to O. agardhii growth rate at 20 °C. Temperature increases above 4 °C gave Q10 values between 4 °C and 12 °C of 3·68, 2·39 and 1·92 for A. subarctica, S. astraea and S. hantzschii, but higher temperatures resulted in minor increases in K. S. astraea growth rate peaked at 16 °C, declining sharply at higher temperatures. February to March in situ growth rates in Lough Neagh, mean temperature 4·3 °C, showed that the A. subarctica in situ K of 0·058 divisions day-1 was close to the laboratory K at 4 °C, but that S. astraea in situ K of 0·101 divisions day-1 was lower than the laboratory K at 4 °C.  相似文献   

山西省的淡水红藻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道山西省的淡水红藻植物,共计有15种,隶属于6目,7科,9属,即紫球藻Porphyridium purpureum (Bory) Drew et Ross,暗紫红毛菜Bangia atropurpurea (Roth) Agardh,细弱弯枝藻Compsopogon tenellus Ling et Xie,弯枝藻C.coeruleus (Balbis ex C.Agardh)Momagne,灌木状拟弯枝藻Copsopogonopsis fruticosa (Jao) Seto,异孢奥杜藻Audouinella heterospora Xie et Ling,硬枝奥杜藻A.chalybea (Roth) Bory,矮小奥杜藻A.pygmaea (Ktitzing) Weber-van Bosse,棘刺红索藻Thorea hispida (Thore) Desvaux,鸭形串珠藻Batrachospermum anatinum Sirodot,胶串珠藻B.gelatinosum (Linnaeus) De Candolle,弧形串珠藻B.arcuatum Kylin,绞扭串珠藻B.intortum Jao,细连珠藻Sirodotia tenuissima (Collins) Skuja ex Flint和胭脂藻Hildenbrandia rivularis (Leibmann)Agardh.  相似文献   

Phenology, irradiance and temperature characteristics of a freshwater benthic red alga, Nemalionopsis tortuosa Yoneda et Yagi (Thoreales), were examined from Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan for the conservation of this endemic and endangered species. Field surveys confirmed that algae occurred in shaded habitats from winter to early summer, and disappeared during August through November. A net photosynthesis–irradiance (PE) model revealed that net photosynthetic rate quickly increased and saturated at low irradiances, where the saturating irradiance (Ek) and compensation irradiance (Ec) were 10 (8–12, 95% credible interval (CRI)) and 8 (6–10, 95% CRI) μmol photon m?2 s?1, respectively. Gross photosynthesis and dark respiration was determined over a range of temperatures (8–36°C) by dissolved oxygen measurements, and revealed that the maximum gross photosynthetic rate was highest at 29.5 (27.4–32.0, 95%CRI) °C. Dark respiration also increased linearly when temperature increased from 8°C to 36°C, indicating that the increase in dark respiration at higher temperature most likely caused decreases in net photosynthesis. The maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) that was determined using a pulse amplitude modulated‐chlorophyll fluorometer (Imaging‐PAM) was estimated to be 0.51 (0.50–0.52, 95%CRI) and occurred at an optimal temperature of 21.7 (20.1–23.4, 95%CRI) °C. This species can be considered well‐adapted to the relatively low natural irradiance and temperature conditions of the shaded habitat examined in this study. Our findings can be applied to aid in the creation of a nature‐reserve to protect this species.  相似文献   

报道中国产的淡水红藻一个新记录属--巴尔比亚藻属(Balbiania Sirodot).  相似文献   

Responses of net photosynthetic rates to temperature, irradiance, pH/inorganic carbon and diurnal rhythm were analyzed in 15 populations of eight freshwater red algal species in culture and natural conditions. Photosynthetic rates were determined by oxygen concentration using the light and dark bottles technique. Parameters derived from the photosynthesis–irradiance curves indicated adaptation to low irradiance for all freshwater red algae tested, confirming that they tend to occur under low light regimes. Some degree of photo‐inhibition (β= ‐0.33–0.01 mg O2 g?1 DW h?1 (μmol photons m?2 s?1)?1) was found for all species/populations analyzed, whereas light compensation points (Ic) were very low (≤ 2 μmol photons m‐ photons s?1) for most algae tested. Saturation points were low for all algae tested (Ik = 6–54 μmol photons m?2 s?1; Is = 20–170 umol photons m?2 s?1). Rates of net photosynthesis and dark respiration responded to the variation in temperature. Optimum temperature values for net photosynthesis were variable among species and populations so that best performances were observed under distinct temperature conditions (10, 15, 20 or 25°C). Rates of dark respiration exhibited an increasing trend with temperature, with highest values under 20–25°C. Results from pH experiments showed best photosynthetic performances under pH 8.5 or 6.5 for all but one species, indicating higher affinity for inorganic carbon as bicarbonate or indistinct use of bicarbonate and free carbon dioxide. Diurnal changes in photosynthetic rates revealed a general pattern for all algae tested, which was characterized by two relatively clear peaks, with some variations around it: a first (higher) during the morning (07.00–11.00 hours.) and a second (lower) in the afternoon (14.00–18.00 hours). Comparative data between the ‘Chantransia’ stage and the respective gametophyte for one Batrachospermum population revealed higher values (ca 2‐times) in the latter, much lower than previously reported. The physiological role of the ‘Chantransia’ stage needs to be better analyzed.  相似文献   

1. Growth rates of seven species of planktonic algae were determined in culture over a range of temperature from 2 to 35 °C. Additional observations on growth and viability were made for 13 species in the temperature range 20–35 °C. 2. There was a wide range of growth rates between species at their optimal temperatures, from 1.7 divisions day?1 (Asterionella formosa) to 0.3 divisions day?1 (Ceratium furcoides). 3. There were considerable differences between species for growth at low and high temperature. Certain algae, including the diatom A. formosa and the flagellates Cryptomonas marssonii, Dinobryon divergens and Eudorina unicocca var. unicocca, had growth rates of 0.4 divisions day?1 or more at 5 °C. The cyanophyte Tychonema (formerly Oscillatoria) bourrellyi, the xanthophyte Tribonema sp., the desmid Staurastrum cingulum and the large dinoflagellate C. furcoides grew poorly or not at all at this temperature. All 21 species tested could grow at 25 °C, but many – including most of the diatoms, some cyanophytes, and all the flagellates – failed to grow persistently at 30 °C. Only Aphanizomenon flosaquae survived with moderate increase at 35 °C, a lethal temperature for the other species. 4. The applicability was considered of proposed quantitative formulations of the rate‐temperature relationship. Simple exponential relationships applied only to very limited lower ranges of temperature. The relationship proposed by B?lehrádek was a better fit over a wider temperature range, but still excluded rate‐decline at high temperature. 5. The interspecific differences found are of potential significance for restrictions in natural distributions associated with season, altitude (especially above 500 m) and latitude.  相似文献   

Photoperiod has no effect on the growth of embryonic dogfish. Conversely, developmental rates are highly susceptible to temperature variation. Embryos maintained at 16°C grew faster and ecloded earlier than those maintained at 10°C. Increased temperature had no effect on size at eclosion.  相似文献   

Rueness  J.  Tananger  T. 《Hydrobiologia》1984,116(1):303-307

Data are presented on temperature responses, based onin vitro growth performance, of eight species of colloid-producing red algae; these include the five most important commercial species of agarophytes in South America. The temperature optima do not conform strictly to geographic distribution, and intolerance to high temperature is not the factor that controls the spreading of temperate species ofGracilaria to warmer areas. WithinPterocladia capillacea (Gmelin) Bornet et Thuret, populations from two distinct localities had different responses to temperature optima. Data suggest that the disjunct distribution of this species in the American Atlantic is due to its poor performance at temperatures above 26 °C. The fastest maximum growth rate was observed inHypnea cornuta (Lamouroux) J. Agardh (doubling time 2.8 d), and the slowest inP. capillacea from Cabo Frio (doubling time 50.0 d). All the species studied, including the valuable Chilean and Argentinean species ofGracilaria, could tolerate the temperature regimes of the Brazilian waters.  相似文献   

Effects of light and temperature, on the growth of three freshwater green algae isolated from an eutrophic lake and identified as Selenastrum minutum, Coelastrum microporum f. astroidea and Cosmarium subprotumidumwere studied in batch cultures under non-nutrient limited conditions. Experiments were performed to determine the growth rate over a wide range of light intensities (30–456 mol m–2 s–1) and temperature (15–35°C), using a 15/9 (light/dark) photoperiod cycle. The maximum growth rates and the optimum light intensities at a temperature of 35°C were 1.73 d–1 and 420 mol m–2 s–1for Selenastrum minutum, 1.64 d–1 and 400 mol m–2 s–1 for Coelastrum microporum and 1.00 d–1 and 400 mol m–2 s1 for Cosmarium subprotumidum. The results were fitted with the mathematical models of Steele (1965), Platt & Jassby (1976) and Peeters & Eilers (1978). Steele's function and equation of Platt & Jassby don't describe correctly the relationship between the growth and light intensity. In the opposite, the equation of Peeters & Eilers provides the best fit for the three species.  相似文献   

The structure of microbial communities of brown algae, red algae, and of the red alga Gracilaria verrucosa, healthy and affected with thallus rot, were comparatively investigated; 61 strains of heterotrophic bacteria were isolated and characterized. Most of them were identified to the genus level, some Vibrio spp., to the species level according to their phenotypic properties and the fatty acid composition of cellular lipids. The composition of the microflora of two species of brown algae was different. In Chordaria flagelliphormis, Pseudomonas spp. prevailed, and in Desmarestia viridis, Bacillus spp. The composition of the microflora of two red algae, G. verrucosa and Camphylaephora hyphaeoides, differed mainly in the ratio of prevailing groups of bacteria. The most abundant were bacteria of the CFB cluster and pseudoalteromonads. In addition, the following bacteria were found on the surface of the algae: Sulfitobacter spp., Halomonas spp., Acinetobacter sp., Planococcus sp., Arthrobacter sp., and Agromyces sp. From tissues of the affected G. verrucosa, only vibrios were isolated, both agarolytic and nonagarolytic. The existence of specific bacterial communities characteristic of different species of algae is suggested and the relation of Vibrio sp. to the pathological process in the tissues of G. verrucosa is supposed.  相似文献   

Callus induction and thallus regeneration in some species of red algae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Callus induction was obtained from axenic explants of 14 species of red algae. ASP12NTA solid medium (1.5% agar) supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) was used for callus induction. In most of the species, addition of IAA or BAP at 0.1 mg/L or 1.0 mg/L enhanced callus induction rate or callus size. The combination of IAA (0.1 mg/L) and BAP (0.1 mg/L) was more effective among eight species, while high concentrations of IAA (10 mg/L) showed an inhibitory effect. Great variation in callus form, source tissue, and color of the induced callus were observed. The callus mainly originated from medullary and cortical tissue of the explant. Callus with filamentous, oval and spherical cell chains or disorganized cell mass was observed. The excised calluses from the explants of six species showed sustained growth on subculture. On transfer of the subdivided callus mass of seven species to PES liquid medium, shoot formation and thallus regeneration were observed.  相似文献   

The object of this work was to determine, using a full-factorial experiment, the influence of temperature, irradiance and salinity on growth and hepatotoxin production by Nodularia spumigena, isolated from Lake Alexandrina in the south-east of South Australia. Higher levels of biomass (determined as particulate organic carbon, POC), toxin production and intracellular toxin concentration per mg POC were produced under light limited conditions (30 mol m–2 s–1) and at salinities equal to or greater than those experienced in Lake Alexandrina. Both highest biomass and total toxin production rates were recorded at temperatures equal to or greater than those of the lake (20 and 30°C). The temperature at which maximum biomass and toxin production was recorded decreased from 30°C for cultures grown at 30 mol m–2 s–1 to 20°C when grown at 80 mol m–2 s–1. In contrast, intracellular toxin per mg POC was highest at the lowest growth temperature, 10°C, at both 30 and 80 mol m–2 s–1. It appears that the optimum temperature for biosynthetic pathways used in the production of toxin is lower than the optimum temperature for those pathways associated with growth. Intracellular toxin levels were higher in cells cultured at 10°C/30 mol m–2 s–1 whereas the majority of the toxin was extracellular in cells grown at 30°C/30 mol m–2 s–1. This implies that the highest concentration of toxin in lake water would occur under high temperature and high irradiance conditions. Individual environmental parameters of salinity, irradiance and temperature were all shown to influence growth and toxin production. Notwithstanding, the overall influence of these three parameters on toxin production was mediated through their effect upon growth rate.  相似文献   

Lithophyllum yessoense Foslie is a markedly dominant subtidal, crustose coralline alga in south–western Hokkaido, Japan. In this study, the effects of irradiance, water temperature and nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) on the growth of sporelings of the alga were examined. The relative growth rate (RGR) was saturated at 17.6% d?1 at a high irradiance (240 umol photon m2s?1). Even at a low irradiance (10.7–49.9 umol photon m?2s?1), RGR was 7.1–12.7% d?1 The survival rate of sporelings was greater than 80% at irradiance above 10.7 μmol photon m?2s?1 throughout the culture period. The growth of L. yessoense sporelings was promoted at 15°C and 20°C, but inhibited at 5°C. The half‐saturation constants (Ks) for growth were about 0.5 umol L?1 and 0.14 umol L?1 for nitrate and phosphate, respectively. Saturated nitrate and phosphate concentrations for the growth were about 4.0 μmol L?1 and 0.4 μmol L?1, respectively, suggesting that L. yessoense is adaptable to a relatively high water temperature, a wide range of irradiance, and low ambient nitrate and phosphate concentrations. The results provide a possible explanation of why L. yessoense is dominant in the environments of south‐western Hokkaido.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to find the optimal photon irradiance for the growth of green cells of Haematococcus pluvialis and to study the interrelations between changes in photochemical parameters and pigment composition in cells exposed to photon irradiances between 50 and 600?µmol?m?2?s?1 and a light:dark cycle of 12:12?h. Productivity of cultures increased with irradiance. However, the rate of increase was higher in the range 50–200?µmol??2?s?1. The carotenoid content increased with increasing irradiance, while the chlorophyll content decreased. The maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) gradually declined from 0.76 at the lowest irradiance of 50?µmol??2?s?1 to 0.66 at 600?µmol??2?s?1. Photosynthetic activity showed a drop at the end of the light period, but recovered fully during the following dark phase. A steep increase in non-photochemical quenching was observed when cultures were grown at irradiances above 200?µmol??2?s?1. A sharp increase in the content of secondary carotenoids also occurred above 200?µmol?m?2?s?1. According to our results, with H. pluvialis green cells grown in a 5-cm light path device, 200?µmol??2?s?1 was optimal for growth, and represented a threshold above which important changes in both photochemical parameters and pigment composition occurred.  相似文献   

Few tropical species have been tested for their flowering response under controlled conditions. Hyptis brevipes Poit, is an annual herb, commonly found in wet margins of streams and ponds, being considered a weed for some perennial plantations in Brazil. Under experimental glasshouse conditions, this species proved to be an obligate short-day plant. Flowering was delayed when photoperiods longer than 8 h were given, the critical photoperiod being between 12 and 13 h. When both temperature and photoperiod were controlled, at 20°C a longer protoperiod (by almost 1 h) is still inductive compared to 25 and 30°C. The number of short-day cycles required for full induction is relatively high and dependent upon temperature; at 20°C or above, 10 cycles are adequate, but at 15°C, more short-day cycles are needed. The number of inflorescences formed as well as the floral index vary according to daylength × temperature × inductive cycle number, allowing flowering to be assessed quantitatively. Long days are inhibitory to flowering, either suppressing it completely (when symmetrically intercalated among 24 inductive cycles) or preventing the floral index from increasing.  相似文献   

秸秆覆盖量对红壤旱地棉花生长及土壤温度的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探索红壤旱地较适宜的秸秆覆盖量,采取随机区组大田试验,设置4个秸秆覆盖水平:S1为0 kg/hm~2、S2为4375 kg/hm~2,S3为8750 kg/hm~2和S4为13125 kg/hm~2,研究秸秆覆盖量对红壤旱地棉花产量、出苗率、株高、叶绿素含量和土壤温度的影响。结果表明:秸秆覆盖处理(S2—S4)较不覆盖处理(S1),一是提高棉花出苗率,差异极显著(P0.01);二是影响棉花生育后期的主茎生长速度,以S4效果最好;三是可明显促进棉花叶绿素含量的增加,且以S3和S4的效果较好;四是调节土壤温度,在8:00和20:00提高土壤温度,在14:00降低土壤温度,且日均地温变化幅度小,但随着土层的加深,调温作用逐渐减弱,整个覆盖期内日均温的差值与土壤深度具有高度的相关性;五是显著增加棉花产量,S2、S3和S4分别比S1高11.4%、35.9%和37.7%,差异极显著(P0.01),且随着覆盖量的增加,增产效果逐渐提高。综合来看,秸秆覆盖在改善红壤旱地棉花产量、出苗率、株高、叶绿素含量、调节土壤温度方面发挥着重要作用,且以8750—13125 kg/hm~2效果显著,是红壤旱地值得推广的栽培模式。  相似文献   

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