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We studied the effect of forest tree species on a community of decomposers that colonize cellulose strips. Both fungal and bacterial communities were targeted in a native forest dominated by beech and oak and 30-year-old beech and spruce plantations, growing in similar ecological conditions in the Breuil-Chenue experimental forest site in Morvan (France). Microbial ingrowths from the 3rd to 10th month of strip decomposition (May to December 2004) were studied. Community composition was assessed using temperature gradient gel electrophoresis with universal fungal (ITS1F, ITS2) and bacterial (1401r, 968f) primers. Soil temperature and moisture as well as fungal biomass were also measured to give additional information on decomposition processes. Changing the dominant tree species had no significant influence in the number of decomposer species. However, decomposer community composition was clearly different. If compared to the native forest, where community composition highly differed, young monocultures displayed similar species structure for fungi and bacteria. Both species numbers and community composition evolved during the decay process. Time effect was found to be more important than tree species. Nevertheless, the actual environmental conditions and seasonal effect seemed to be even more determining factors for the development of microbial communities. The course and correlations of the explored variables often differed between tree species, although certain general trends were identified. Fungal biomass was high in summer, despite that species richness (SR) decreased and conversely, that high SR did not necessarily mean high biomass values. It can be concluded that the growth and development of the microbiological communities that colonized a model material in situ depended on the combination of physical and biological factors acting collectively and interdependently at the forest soil microsite.  相似文献   

Grey alder (Alnus incana) and black alder (Alnus glutinosa) stands on forest land, abandoned agricultural, and reclaimed oil-shale mining areas were investigated with the aim of analysing the functional diversity and activity of microbial communities in the soil–root interface and in the bulk soil in relation to fine-root parameters, alder species, and soil type. Biolog Ecoplates were used to determine community-level physiological profiles (CLPP) of culturable bacteria in soil–root interface and bulk soil samples. CLPP were summarized as AWCD (average well color development, OD 48 h−1) and by Shannon diversity index, which varied between 4.3 and 4.6 for soil–root interface. The soil–root interface/bulk soil ratio of AWCD was estimated. Substrate-induced respiration (SIR) and basal respiration (BAS) of bulk soil samples were measured and metabolic quotient (Q = BAS/SIR) was calculated. SIR and Q varied from 0.24 to 2.89 mg C g−1 and from 0.12 to 0.51, respectively. Short-root morphological studies were carried out by WinRHIZOTM Pro 2003b; mean specific root area (SRA) varied for grey alder and black alder from 69 to 103 and from 54 to 155 m2 kg−1, respectively. The greatest differences between AWCD values of culturable bacterial communities in soil–root interface and bulk soil were found for the young alder stands on oil-shale mining spoil and on abandoned agricultural land. Soil–root interface/bulk soil AWCD ratio, ratio for Shannon diversity indices, and SRA were positively correlated. Foliar assimilation efficiency (FOE) was negatively correlated with soil–root interface/bulk soil AWCD ratio. The impact of soil and alder species on short-root morphology was significant; short-root tip volume and mass were greater for black alder than grey alder. For the investigated microbiological characteristics, no alder-species-related differences were revealed.  相似文献   

A high biomasses of Cladophora, a filamentous green alga, is found mainly during the summer along the shores of Lake Michigan. In this study, the abundance and persistence of the fecal indicator bacterium Escherichia coli and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) on Cladophora mats collected at Lake Michigan beaches were evaluated using both culture-based and molecular analyses. Additionally, 16S rRNA gene cloning and sequencing were used to examine the bacterial community composition. Overall, E. coli was detected in all 63 samples obtained from 11 sites, and the average levels at most beaches ranged from 2,700 CFU/100 g (wet weight) of Cladophora to 7,500 CFU/100 g of Cladophora. However, three beaches were found to have site average E. coli densities of 12,800, 21,130, and 27,950 CFU/100 g of Cladophora. The E. coli levels in the lake water collected at the same time from these three sites were less than the recommended U.S. Environmental Protection Agency limit, 235 CFU/100 ml. E. coli also persisted on Cladophora mats in microcosms at room temperature for more than 7 days, and in some experiments it persisted for as long as 28 days. The SRB densities on Cladophora mats were relatively high, ranging from 4.4 × 106 cells/g (6.64 log CFU/g) to 5.73 × 106 cells/g (6.76 log CFU/g) and accounting for between 20% and 27% of the total bacterial counts. Partial sequences of the 16S rRNA gene clones revealed a phylogenetically diverse community, in which the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides cluster and the low-G+C-content gram-positive bacteria were the dominant organisms, accounting for 40% and 12.8%, respectively, of the total clone library. These results further reveal the potential public health and ecological significance of Cladophora mats that are commonly found along the shoreline of Lake Michigan, especially with regard to the potential to harbor microorganisms associated with fecal pollution and odor-causing bacteria.  相似文献   

We investigated the species identity of mat-forming ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi associated with old- and second-growth Douglas-fir stands. Using molecular analyses of rhizomorphs and EM root tips, we characterized 28 unique internal transcribed spacer sequences and considered them proxies for mat-forming EM species. In both stand age classes, one Athelioid species in the genus Piloderma dominated our sample of the mat-forming fungal community. In second-growth stands, the second most frequently encountered mat-forming EM species belonged to the genus Hysterangium. In old-growth stands, several Ramaria species were associated with a frequently encountered mat morphology but no species dominated the community. After using rarefaction analysis to standardize sampling effort, the total species richness did not differ statistically between old- and second-growth habitats. Both an abundance of infrequently encountered species and incomplete sampling of the mat-forming EM community may have limited our ability to detect potential differences in species richness. Several frequently encountered Piloderma species appear to have broad (holarctic) distributions and diverse host associations and their potential importance in forest ecosystems warrants further study.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2, singly and In combination with other environmental changes,on plant-soil interactions is incomplete. Elevated CO2 effects on C4 plants, though smaller than on C3 species, are mediated mostly via decreased stomatal conductance and thus water loss. Therefore, we characterized the interactive effect of elevated CO2 and drought on soil microbial communities associated with a dominant C4 prairie grass, Andropogon gerardii Vitman. Elevated CO2 and drought both affected resources available to the soil microbial community. For example, elevated CO2 increased the soil C:N ratio and water content during drought, whereas drought alone decreased both. Drought significantly decreased soil microbial biomass. In contrast, elevated COz increased biomass while ameliorating biomass decreases that were induced under drought. Total and active direct bacterial counts and carbon substrate use (overall use and number of used sources) increased significantly under elevated CO2. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that drought and elevated CO2, singly and combined, did not affect the soil bacteria community structure.We conclude that elevated CO2 alone increased bacterial abundance and microbial activity and carbon use, probably in response to increased root exudation. Elevated CO2 also limited drought-related impacts on microbial activity and biomass,which likely resulted from decreased plant water use under elevated CO2. These are among the first results showing that elevated CO2 and drought work in opposition to modulate plant-associated soil-bacteria responses,which should then Influence soil resources and plant and ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Downed woody debris (DWD) creates heterogeneous microsites that are beneficial to enhancing biodiversity and that represent persistent nutrient and carbon pools. Windthrow events...  相似文献   

Elevated nitrogen (N) deposition in humid tropical regions may exacerbate phosphorus (P) deficiency in forests on highly weathered soils. However, it is not clear how P availability affects soil microbes and soil carbon (C), or how P processes interact with N deposition in tropical forests. We examined the effects of N and P additions on soil microbes and soil C pools in a N-saturated old-growth tropical forest in southern China to test the hypotheses that (1) N and P addition will have opposing effects on soil microbial biomass and activity, (2) N and P addition will alter the composition of the microbial community, (3) the addition of N and P will have interactive effects on soil microbes and (4) addition-mediated changes in microbial communities would feed back on soil C pools. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis was used to quantify the soil microbial community following four treatments: Control, N addition (15 g N m−2 yr−1), P addition (15 g P m−2 yr−1), and N&P addition (15 g N m−2 yr−1 plus 15 g P m−2 yr−1). These were applied from 2007 to 2011. Whereas additions of P increased soil microbial biomass, additions of N reduced soil microbial biomass. These effects, however, were transient, disappearing over longer periods. Moreover, N additions significantly increased relative abundance of fungal PLFAs and P additions significantly increased relative abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi PLFAs. Nitrogen addition had a negative effect on light fraction C, but no effect on heavy fraction C and total soil C. In contrast, P addition significantly decreased both light fraction C and total soil C. However, there were no interactions between N addition and P addition on soil microbes. Our results suggest that these nutrients are not co-limiting, and that P rather than N is limiting in this tropical forest.  相似文献   

粤北六地森林群落的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用植被样方法和重要值计算,对地处广东北部山区的南雄青嶂山、始兴南山、曲江沙溪、翁源青云山、新丰云髻山、河源大桂山的森林群落乔木层优势科、优势种及各地共优种的径级结构进行了比较分析。结果表明,各地共有优势科为壳斗科、樟科、山茶科、金缕梅科、冬青科、杜鹃花科等13科,与他们所处的中亚热带地理位置相适应;6地共有优势种9个,优势度存在明显差异。群落的相似性系数以沙溪与南山之间的75.88%为最大;青云山与大桂山之间的45.64%为最低;南山与其他各地的群落相似性系数均大于60%。共有优势种的种群径级结构中,甜锥(Castanopsis eyrei)、罗浮柿(Diospyros morrisiana)、酸枣(Choerospondias axillaris)种群在粤北6地的个体数量分布,与各地的纬度差异有较明显的相关性。云髻山和沙溪的黧蒴(Castanopsis fissa)种群呈增长趋势,而南山和大桂山的趋于衰退。青云山的木荷(Schima superba)种群呈增长趋势,而其他地区的更新不良。黄樟(Cinnamomum porrectum)在各地分布为散生,种群规模小,径级结构不完整。各地枫香(Liquidambar formosana)种群的径级结构不完整,缺乏Ⅰ级幼苗。杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)种群在粤北6地均呈现衰退趋势。研究结果提示,整体上粤北6地森林的非地带性植被趋于衰退,常绿阔叶林的恢复进展顺利。  相似文献   

Microbial community composition associated with benzene oxidation under in situ Fe(III)-reducing conditions in a petroleum-contaminated aquifer located in Bemidji, Minn., was investigated. Community structure associated with benzene degradation was compared to sediment communities that did not anaerobically oxidize benzene which were obtained from two adjacent Fe(III)-reducing sites and from methanogenic and uncontaminated zones. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rDNA sequences amplified with bacterial or Geobacteraceae-specific primers indicated significant differences in the composition of the microbial communities at the different sites. Most notable was a selective enrichment of microorganisms in the Geobacter cluster seen in the benzene-degrading sediments. This finding was in accordance with phospholipid fatty acid analysis and most-probable-number–PCR enumeration, which indicated that members of the family Geobacteraceae were more numerous in these sediments. A benzene-oxidizing Fe(III)-reducing enrichment culture was established from benzene-degrading sediments and contained an organism closely related to the uncultivated Geobacter spp. This genus contains the only known organisms that can oxidize aromatic compounds with the reduction of Fe(III). Sequences closely related to the Fe(III) reducer Geothrix fermentans and the aerobe Variovorax paradoxus were also amplified from the benzene-degrading enrichment and were present in the benzene-degrading sediments. However, neither G. fermentans nor V. paradoxus is known to oxidize aromatic compounds with the reduction of Fe(III), and there was no apparent enrichment of these organisms in the benzene-degrading sediments. These results suggest that Geobacter spp. play an important role in the anaerobic oxidation of benzene in the Bemidji aquifer and that molecular community analysis may be a powerful tool for predicting a site’s capacity for anaerobic benzene degradation.  相似文献   

Global atmospheric CO2 levels are expected to double within the next 50 years. To assess the effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on soil ecosystems, cloned trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) seedlings were grown individually in 1 m3 open bottom root boxes under either elevated (720 ppm, ELEV) or ambient CO2 (360 ppm, AMB). After 5 years, soil cores (40 cm depth) were collected from the root boxes and divided into 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm fractions. ELEV treatment resulted in significant decreases in both soil nitrate and total soil nitrogen in both the 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm soil fractions, with a 47% decrease in soil nitrate and a 50% decrease in total soil nitrogen occurring in the 0–20 cm fraction. ELEV treatment did not result in a significant change in the amount of soil microbial biomass. However, analysis of indicator phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) indicated that ELEV treatment did result in significant increases in PLFA indicators for fungi and Gram-negative bacteria in the 0–20 cm fraction. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis was used to analyze the composition of the soil bacterial communities (using primers targeting the 16SrRNA gene) and the soil fungal communities (using primers targeting the intergenic transcribed spacer region). T-RFLP analysis revealed shifts in both bacterial and fungal community structure, as well as increases in both bacterial and fungal species richness with ELEV treatment. These results indicated that increased atmospheric CO2 had significant effects on both soil nutrient availability and the community composition of soil microbes associated with aspen roots.  相似文献   

Soil fungal communities involved in the biodegradation of polyester polyurethane (PU) were investigated. PU coupons were buried in two sandy loam soils with different levels of organic carbon: one was acidic (pH 5.5), and the other was more neutral (pH 6.7). After 5 months of burial, the fungal communities on the surface of the PU were compared with the native soil communities using culture-based and molecular techniques. Putative PU-degrading fungi were common in both soils, as <45% of the fungal colonies cleared the colloidal PU dispersion Impranil on solid medium. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis showed that fungal communities on the PU were less diverse than in the soil, and only a few species in the PU communities were detectable in the soil, indicating that only a small subset of the soil fungal communities colonized the PU. Soil type influenced the composition of the PU fungal communities. Geomyces pannorum and a Phoma sp. were the dominant species recovered by culturing from the PU buried in the acidic and neutral soils, respectively. Both fungi degraded Impranil and represented >80% of cultivable colonies from each plastic. However, PU was highly susceptible to degradation in both soils, losing up to 95% of its tensile strength. Therefore, different fungi are associated with PU degradation in different soils but the physical process is independent of soil type.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that magnetic susceptibility (MS) measurements can play an important role in identifying zones where microbial-mediated iron mineral transformations are occurring. Here we investigated the microbial community variations within zones of elevated MS in a petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated aquifer near Bemidji, Minnesota, USA. Our main objective was to 1) identify the key microbial populations that may play a role in hydrocarbon degradation, 2) analyze which microbial populations could be connected to the elevated MS and 3) explore the use of non-destructive geophysical techniques as a tool to guide microbial sampling. Clone libraries based on the 16S rRNA gene revealed the presence of iron-reducing β-Proteobacteria in the vadose zone, whereas the free petroleum phase on the water table was characterized by a methanogenic consortium, in which the syntrophic δ-proteobacterium Smithella and the hydrogenotrophic Methanoregula predominated. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) found a close relationship between elevated MS values and the methanogenic hydrocarbon-degrading consortium. Our results suggest that magnetic susceptibility measurements can guide microbiologists to zones of active microbial biodegradation in aged petroleum spills.  相似文献   

Degradation of soil properties following deforestation and long-term soil cultivation may lead to decreases in soil microbial diversity and functional stability. In this study, we investigated the differences in the stability (resistance and resilience) of microbial community composition and enzyme activities in adjacent soils under either native tropical forest (FST) or in agricultural cropping use for 14 years (AGR). Mineral soil samples (0 to 5 cm) from both areas were incubated at 40°C, 50°C, 60°C, or 70°C for 15 min in order to successively reduce the microbial biomass. Three and 30 days after the heat shocks, fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis, cellulase and laccase activities, and phospholipid-derived fatty acids-based microbial community composition were measured. Microbial biomass was reduced up to 25% in both soils 3 days after the heat shocks. The higher initial values of microbial biomass, enzyme activity, total and particulate soil organic carbon, and aggregate stability in the FST soil coincided with higher enzymatic stability after heat shocks. FDA hydrolysis activity was less affected (more resistance) and cellulase and laccase activities recovered more rapidly (more resilience) in the FST soil relative to the AGR counterpart. In the AGR soil, laccase activity did not show resilience to any heat shock level up to 30 days after the disturbance. Within each soil type, the microbial community composition did not differ between heat shock and control samples at day 3. However, at day 30, FST soil samples treated at 60°C and 70°C contained a microbial community significantly different from the control and with lower biomass regardless of high enzyme resilience. Results of this study show that deforestation followed by long-term cultivation changed microbial community composition and had differential effects on microbial functional stability. Both soils displayed similar resilience to FDA hydrolysis, a composite measure of a broad range of hydrolases, supporting the concept of high functional redundancy in soil microbial communities. In contrast, the resilience of the substrate-specific activities of laccase and cellulase were lower in AGR soils, indicating a less diverse community of microorganisms capable of producing these enzymes and confirming that specific microbial functions are more sensitive measurements for evaluating change in the ecological stability of soils.  相似文献   

To understand how microbial communities and functional genes respond to arsenic contamination in the rhizosphere of Pteris vittata, five soil samples with different arsenic contamination levels were collected from the rhizosphere of P. vittata and nonrhizosphere areas and investigated by Biolog, geochemical, and functional gene microarray (GeoChip 3.0) analyses. Biolog analysis revealed that the uncontaminated soil harbored the greatest diversity of sole-carbon utilization abilities and that arsenic contamination decreased the metabolic diversity, while rhizosphere soils had higher metabolic diversities than did the nonrhizosphere soils. GeoChip 3.0 analysis showed low proportions of overlapping genes across the five soil samples (16.52% to 45.75%). The uncontaminated soil had a higher heterogeneity and more unique genes (48.09%) than did the arsenic-contaminated soils. Arsenic resistance, sulfur reduction, phosphorus utilization, and denitrification genes were remarkably distinct between P. vittata rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere soils, which provides evidence for a strong linkage among the level of arsenic contamination, the rhizosphere, and the functional gene distribution. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that arsenic is the main driver in reducing the soil functional gene diversity; however, organic matter and phosphorus also have significant effects on the soil microbial community structure. The results implied that rhizobacteria play an important role during soil arsenic uptake and hyperaccumulation processes of P. vittata.Arsenic (As) is an abundant and widespread trace metalloid element present in virtually all environmental media and is well known to be carcinogenic even at low levels (24). Arsenic contaminations in soil and groundwater have been reported in many parts of the world (2, 29, 34). Recently, in parts of Asia, including China, chronic drinking of arsenic-contaminated groundwater has caused endemic arsenicosis, which has become a major threat to public health (36). Soil arsenic contamination also affects the physiology, growth, and grain quality of crops. For example, high arsenic concentrations were found in rice seeds from Chenzhou, Hunan province, which exceeded the maximal permissible limit of 0.5 mg/kg (dry weight) (21). Hence, remediation of arsenic-contaminated soil and water is one of the major challenges in environmental science and public health. Low-cost, efficient, and environmentally friendly remediation technologies to remove arsenic from contaminated soil and water are urgently needed.Phytoremediation, the use of plants to restore contaminated soil, has attracted great attention recently. A pivotal step toward the phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated soils is the discovery of the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. (Chinese brake fern), which possesses high arsenic tolerance and produces a large biomass. This plant species holds great promise for the phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated soils. It was shown previously that the leaflets of P. vittata were able to accumulate about 100-fold of arsenic from soils (22). Plant arsenic uptake depends mainly on the arsenic source and bioavailability (25). P. vittata remediates arsenic contamination mainly by taking up arsenate [As(V)] via phosphate transport systems, whereas arsenite [As(III)] is very slowly taken up by P. vittata, at 1/10 of the rate of that for arsenate in the absence of phosphate (41). However, the uptake mechanisms still remain largely unknown.Microorganisms play a crucial role in arsenic geochemical cycling through microbial transformation processes, including reduction, oxidation, and methylation (2, 11, 31, 33, 40). Although the impacts of microbial metabolisms were previously reported to be associated with arsenic cycling of soil and water (7, 29), little is known about how rhizobacterial communities of P. vittata respond to arsenic. Recently, we found that inoculating arsenic resistance bacteria increased the arsenic accumulation efficiency of P. vittata by 13 to 110% (46). Therefore, rhizobacteria may play an important role during arsenic uptake and accumulation processes by P. vittata. Thus, it is important to elucidate the microbially diverse populations and functional genes associated with arsenic mobility and transport in the P. vittata rhizosphere. However, to fully understand the ecology of such complex rhizosphere-contaminated soils, it is necessary to analyze different microbial populations simultaneously.Our hypothesis is that the arsenic-hyperaccumulating ability of P. vittata is due to the interactions among plants, rhizobacteria, and arsenic. A study of microbial communities present in the plant rhizosphere is important to illustrate the mechanisms of arsenic hyperaccumulation in P. vittata. Thus, the objectives of this research were to understand how microbial metabolic diversities, communities, and functional genes/relative abundances were affected by soil arsenic contamination and the P. vittata rhizosphere environment. To determine the soil microbial metabolic diversity, the Biolog system (Biolog, Carlsbad, CA) was used to analyze the sole-carbon-source-utilizing capabilities of the soil microbial communities. For functional gene analysis, a high-density, sensitive, oligonucleotide-based microarray (GeoChip 3.0) was used. GeoChip-based technologies have revealed the structure, metabolic activity, and dynamics of microbial communities from complex environments, such as soil, sediments, and groundwater (10, 38, 39, 45, 48). Our results provide evidence that changes of microbial community structure, functional gene distribution, and microbial metabolic diversity are associated with the soil arsenic level and the rhizosphere effect of P. vittata and suggest that plant phytoremediation is an interactive process among plants, microorganisms, and soil contaminants.  相似文献   

Various agriculture management practices may have distinct influences on soil microbial communities and their ecological functions. In this study, we utilized GeoChip, a high-throughput microarray-based technique containing approximately 28,000 probes for genes involved in nitrogen (N)/carbon (C)/sulfur (S)/phosphorus (P) cycles and other processes, to evaluate the potential functions of soil microbial communities under conventional (CT), low-input (LI), and organic (ORG) management systems at an agricultural research site in Michigan. Compared to CT, a high diversity of functional genes was observed in LI. The functional gene diversity in ORG did not differ significantly from that of either CT or LI. Abundances of genes encoding enzymes involved in C/N/P/S cycles were generally lower in CT than in LI or ORG, with the exceptions of genes in pathways for lignin degradation, methane generation/oxidation, and assimilatory N reduction, which all remained unchanged. Canonical correlation analysis showed that selected soil (bulk density, pH, cation exchange capacity, total C, C/N ratio, NO3, NH4+, available phosphorus content, and available potassium content) and crop (seed and whole biomass) variables could explain 69.5% of the variation of soil microbial community composition. Also, significant correlations were observed between NO3 concentration and denitrification genes, NH4+ concentration and ammonification genes, and N2O flux and denitrification genes, indicating a close linkage between soil N availability or process and associated functional genes.  相似文献   

Abstract In this study, two different agricultural soils were investigated: one organic soil and one sandy soil, from Stend (south of Bergen), Norway. The sandy soil was a field frequently tilled and subjected to crop rotations. The organic soil was permanent grazing land, infrequently tilled. Our objective was to compare the diversity of the cultivable bacteria with the diversity of the total bacterial population in soil. About 200 bacteria, randomly isolated by standard procedures, were investigated. The diversity of the cultivable bacteria was described at phenotypic, phylogenetic, and genetic levels by applying phenotypical testing (Biolog) and molecular methods, such as amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA); hybridization to oligonucleotide probes; and REP-PCR. The total bacterial diversity was determined by reassociation analysis of DNA isolated from the bacterial fraction of environmental samples, combined with ARDRA and DGGE analysis. The relationship between the diversity of cultivated bacteria and the total bacteria was elucidated. Organic soil exhibited a higher diversity for all analyses performed than the sandy soil. Analysis of cultivable bacteria resulted in different resolution levels and revealed a high biodiversity within the population of cultured isolates. The difference between the two agricultural soils was significantly higher when the total bacterial population was analyzed than when the cultivable population was. Thus, analysis of microbial diversity must ultimately embrace the entire microbial community DNA, rather than DNA from cultivable bacteria.  相似文献   



The western corn rootworm (WCR) is one of the economically most important pests of maize. A better understanding of microbial communities associated with guts and eggs of the WCR is required in order to develop new pest control strategies, and to assess the potential role of the WCR in the dissemination of microorganisms, e.g., mycotoxin-producing fungi.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Total community (TC) DNA was extracted from maize rhizosphere, WCR eggs, and guts of larvae feeding on maize roots grown in three different soil types. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequencing of 16S rRNA gene and ITS fragments, PCR-amplified from TC DNA, were used to investigate the fungal and bacterial communities, respectively. Microorganisms in the WCR gut were not influenced by the soil type. Dominant fungal populations in the gut were affiliated to Fusarium spp., while Wolbachia was the most abundant bacterial genus. Identical ribosomal sequences from gut and egg samples confirmed a transovarial transmission of Wolbachia sp. Betaproteobacterial DGGE indicated a stable association of Herbaspirillum sp. with the WCR gut. Dominant egg-associated microorganisms were the bacterium Wolbachia sp. and the fungus Mortierella gamsii.


The soil type-independent composition of the microbial communities in the WCR gut and the dominance of only a few microbial populations suggested either a highly selective environment in the gut lumen or a high abundance of intracellular microorganisms in the gut epithelium. The dominance of Fusarium species in the guts indicated WCR larvae as vectors of mycotoxin-producing fungi. The stable association of Herbaspirillum sp. with WCR gut systems and the absence of corresponding sequences in WCR eggs suggested that this bacterium was postnatally acquired from the environment. The present study provided new insights into the microbial communities associated with larval guts and eggs of the WCR. However, their biological role remains to be explored.  相似文献   

Effects of arbuscular mycorrhzal (AM) fungi on plant growth and nutrition are well-known, but their effects on the wider soil biota are less clear. This is in part due to difficulties with establishing appropriate non-mycorrhizal controls in the field. Here we present results of a field experiment using a new approach to overcome this problem. A previously well-characterized mycorrhizal defective tomato mutant (rmc) and its mycorrhizal wildtype progenitor (76R MYC+) were grown at an organic fresh market tomato farm (Yolo County, CA). At the time of planting, root in-growth cores amended with different levels of N and P, were installed between experimental plants to study localized effects of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal tomato roots on soil ecology. Whilst fruit yield and vegetative production of the two genotypes were very similar at harvest, there were large positive effects of colonization of roots by AM fungi on plant nutrient contents, especially P and Zn. The presence of roots colonized by AM fungi also resulted in improved aggregate stability by increasing the fraction of small macroaggregates, but only when N was added. Effects on the wider soil community including nematodes, fungal biomass as indicated by ergosterol, microbial biomass C, and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles were less pronounced. Taken together, these data show that AM fungi provide important ecosystem functions in terms of plant nutrition and aggregate stability, but that a change in this one functional group had only a small effect on the wider soil biota. This indicates a high degree of stability in soil communities of this organic farm.  相似文献   

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