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UGA-specific nonsense suppressors from Escherichia coli K-12 were isolated and characterized. One of them (Su+UGA-11) was identified as a mutant of the prfB gene for the peptide releasing factor RF2. It appears that in this strain, while peptide release at sites of UGA mutations is retarded, the UGA stop codon is read through even in the absence of a tRNA suppressor, exhibiting a novel type of passive nonsense suppression. Three suppressors (Su+UGA-12, -16 and -34) were capable of restoring the streptomycin sensitive phenotype in resistant bacteria (strAr). Because of their drug-related phenotype, these are possibly mutations in the components of the ribosomal machinery, particularly those concerned with peptide release at UGA nonsense codons. A tRNA suppressor was also obtained which was derived from the tRNA(Trp) gene. In this strain, a long region between rrnC (84.5 min) and rrnB (89.5 min) was duplicated and one of the duplicated genes of tRNA(Trp) was mutated to the suppressor. The mechanism of UGA-suppression is discussed in terms of translation termination at the nonsense codon in both active and passive fashions.  相似文献   

In bacteria, mechanisms that incorporate DNA into a genome without strand-transfer proteins such as RecA play a major role in generating novelty by horizontal gene transfer. We describe a new illegitimate recombination event in Escherichia coli K-12: RecA-independent homologous replacements, with very large (megabase-length) donor patches replacing recipient DNA. A previously uncharacterized gene (yjiP) increases the frequency of RecA-independent replacement recombination. To show this, we used conjugal DNA transfer, combining a classical conjugation donor, HfrH, with modern genome engineering methods and whole genome sequencing analysis to enable interrogation of genetic dependence of integration mechanisms and characterization of recombination products. As in classical experiments, genomic DNA transfer begins at a unique position in the donor, entering the recipient via conjugation; antibiotic resistance markers are then used to select recombinant progeny. Different configurations of this system were used to compare known mechanisms for stable DNA incorporation, including homologous recombination, F’-plasmid formation, and genome duplication. A genome island of interest known as the immigration control region was specifically replaced in a minority of recombinants, at a frequency of 3 X 10-12 CFU/recipient per hour.  相似文献   

S-Adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) plays a myriad of roles in cellular metabolism. One of the many roles of AdoMet in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium is as a corepressor of genes encoding enzymes of methionine biosynthesis. To investigate the metabolic effects of large reductions in intracellular AdoMet concentrations in growing cells, we constructed and examined mutants of E. coli which are conditionally defective in AdoMet synthesis. Temperature-sensitive mutants in metK, the structural gene for the S-adenosylmethionine synthetase (AdoMet synthetase) expressed in minimal medium, were constructed by in vitro mutagenesis of a plasmid-borne copy of metK. By homologous recombination, the chromosomal copy was replaced with the mutated metK gene. Both heat- and cold-sensitive mutants were examined. At the nonpermissive temperature, two such mutants had 200-fold-reduced intracellular AdoMet levels and required either methionine or vitamin B12 for growth. In the presence of methionine or vitamin B12, the mutants grew at normal rates even though the AdoMet levels remained 0.5% of wild type. A third mutant when placed at nonpermissive temperature had less than 0.2% of the normal AdoMet level and did not grow on minimal medium even in the presence of methionine or vitamin B12. All of these mutants grew normally on yeast-extract-based medium in which an alternate form of S-adenosylmethionine synthetase was expressed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 cells contain two dehydrogenases which in sequence catalyze the net conversion of L-threonine to the D-isomer of 1-amino-2-propanol. These two enzymes are L-threonine dehydrogenase (L-threonine + NAD+ → aminoacetone + CO2 + NADH + H+) and D-1-amino-2-propanol dehydrogenase (aminoacetone + NADH + H+D-1-amino-2-propanol + NAD+). Each enzyme has been obtained in purified form free of the other; the nature of the reaction catalyzed by the latter dehydrogenase alone and in a coupled system with the former enzyme has been studied. The results provide an explanation on the enzymological level for the utilization of L-threonine by cell suspensions of certain microorganisms for the biosynthesis of the D-1-amino-2-propanol moiety of Vitamin B12.  相似文献   

Iron transport in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The study of iron uptake promoted by 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate (DHB) into Escherichia coli K-12 aroB mutants allowed some dissection of outer and cytoplasmic membrane functions. These strains are unable to produce the iron-transporting chelate enterochelin, unless fed with a precursor such as DHB. When added to the medium, enterochelin and its natural breakdown products, the linear dimer and trimer of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoylserine (DBS), efficiently transported iron via the feuB, tonB and fep gene products. Thus mutants in these genes were defective in transport of the above chelates. However, feuB and tonB mutants were able to take up iron when DHB was added to the medium. Thus DHB-promoted iron uptake bypassed two functions required for the transport of ferric-enterochelin from the medium. One of these functions, feuB, has been shown to be an outer membrane protein. In contrast to three other iron transport systems including ferric-enterochelin uptake, DHB-promoted iron uptake was little affected by the uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol. Dissipation of the energized state of the cytoplasmic membrane apparently only affects those iron transport systems which require an outer membrane protein. Since DHB-promoted iron uptake bypasses the feuB outer membrane protein and the tonB function, it is concluded that, in ferricenterochelin transport, the tonB gene may function in coupling the energized state of the cytoplasmic membrane to the protein-dependent outer membrane permeability. DHB-promoted iron uptake required the synthesis and enzymatic breakdown of enterochelin as judged by the effects of the entF and fesB mutations. A fep mutant was not only deficient in the transport of the ferric chelates of enterochelin and its breakdown products, but was also deficient in DHB-promoted iron uptake. A scheme is presented in which iron diffuses as DHB-complex through the outer membrane, and is subsequently captured by enterochelin or DBS dimer or trimer and translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane.List of Abbreviations DHB 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate - DBS 2,3-dihydroxybenzoylserine - NTA nitrilotriacetate - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol  相似文献   

After screening 900 E. coli strains of the Clarke and Carbon collection for by lysophospholipase L1 activities, we isolated a clone bearing the plasmid pLC6-34, which showed an increased level of lysophospholipase L1 activity. Strains bearing the plasmid pC124, a subclone of pLC6-34 in plasmid vector pUC8, showed approximately 11.4 times higher lysophospholipase L1 activity than that of the parental strain. Starting from those overproducing strains, the lysophospholipase L1 was purified to near homogeneity by sequential use of ammonium sulfate fractionation, Sephacryl S-300, DEAE-cellulose, hydroxyapatite and Sephacryl S-200 column chromatographies. The apparent molecular weight of the purified lysophospholipase L1 was estimated to be 20,500-22,000 both by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by gel permeation chromatography. The specific activity of the homogeneous lysophospholipase L1 was 10,400 nmol/min/mg protein when 1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine was used as the substrate. The amino acid sequence of the amino-terminal portion of purified lysophospholipase L1 was determined and was different from that of lysophospholipase L2, which had previously been purified from the envelope fraction of E. coli strains bearing its cloned structural gene, pldB [Karasawa, K., Kudo, I., Kobayashi, T., Sa-eki, T., Inoue, K., & Nojima, S. (1985) J. Biochem, 98, 1117-1125]. The gene responsible for overproduction of lysophospholipase L1 activity was designated as pldC (phospholipid degradation C). Its restriction enzyme map was also different from that of cloned pldB. These results further confirmed that, in E. coli, there are two lysophospholipases with distinct characteristics.  相似文献   

L-Serine-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
While attempting to isolate d-serine-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli K-12, we found a class of mutants sensitive to low concentrations of l-serine (10 to 25 mug/ml).  相似文献   

Two proline porters in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Escherichia coli mutants defective at putP and putA lack proline transport via proline porter I and proline dehydrogenase activity, respectively. They retain a proline uptake system (proline porter II) that is induced during tryptophan-limited growth and are sensitive to the toxic L-proline analog, 3,4-dehydroproline. 3,4-Dehydroproline-resistant mutants derived from a putP putA mutant lack proline porter II. Auxotrophic derivatives derived from putP+ or putP bacteria can grow if provided with proline at low concentration (25 microM); those derived from the 3,4-dehydroproline-resistant mutants require high proline for growth (2.5 mM). We conclude that E. coli, like Salmonella typhimurium, possesses a second proline porter that is inactivated by mutations at the proP locus.  相似文献   

Malate Dehydrogenase Mutants in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Mutants devoid of malate dehydrogenase activity have been isolated in Escherichia coli K-12. They do not possess detectable malate dehydrogenase when grown aerobically or anaerobically on glucose as sole carbon source. All mutants revert spontaneously; a few partial revertants have been found with a malate dehydrogenase exhibiting altered electrophoretic mobility. Therefore, only one such enzyme appears to exist in the strains examined. No evidence could be obtained for the presence of a malate dehydrogenase not linked to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. Mutants deficient in both malate dehydrogenase and phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase activities will grow anaerobically on minimal glucose plus succinate medium; also, malate dehydrogenase mutants do not require succinate for anaerobic growth on glucose. The anaerobic pathway oxaloacetate to succinate or succinate to aspartate appears to be accomplished by aspartase. Malate dehydrogenase is coded for by a locus somewhere relatively near the histidine operon, i.e., a different chromosomal location than that known for other citric acid cycle enzymes.  相似文献   

Phosphoglucomutase Mutants of Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Bacteria with strongly depressed phosphoglucomutase (EC activity are found among the mutants of Escherichia coli which, when grown on maltose, accumulate sufficient amylose to be detectable by iodine staining. These pgm mutants grow poorly on galactose but also accumulate amylose on this carbon source. Growth on lactose does not produce high amylose but, instead, results in the induction of the enzymes of maltose metabolism, presumably by accumulation of maltose. These facts suggest that the catabolism of glucose-1-phosphate is strongly depressed in pgm mutants, although not completely abolished. Anabolism of glucose-1-phosphate is also strongly depressed, since amino acid- or glucose-grown pgm mutants are sensitive to phage C21, indicating a deficiency in the biosynthesis of uridine diphosphoglucose or uridine diphosphogalactose, or both. All pgm mutations isolated map at about 16 min on the genetic map, between purE and the gal operon.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 transformed with pACYC184 plasmid DNA was exposed to ozone (O3) in aqueous solution. The damage to the membrane, protein, plasmid DNA, and cell survival were investigated. Cell viability was unaffected by short-term O3 exposure (1–5 min) but membrane permeability was compromised as indicated by protein and nucleic acid leakage and lipid oxidation. The intracellular components, protein and DNA, remained intact. With longer durations of O3 exposure (up to 30 min) cell viability decreased with a more significant increase in lipid oxidation and protein and nucleic acid leakage. The proteins leaking out were further oxidized by O3. The total intracellular proteins run on sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and plasmid DNA run on agarose gel, showed progressive degradation corresponding to the decrease in cell viability. The data indicate that membrane components are the primary targets of O3 damage with subsequent reactions involving the intracellular components, protein and DNA. Received: 18 Apirl 1996 / Received revision: 26 July 1996 / Accepted: 5 August 1996  相似文献   

Potassium-dependant mutants of Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:28,自引:14,他引:14  
Mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 that grow more slowly in media containing low concentrations of K have been isolated. All independent mutants of this type which have been studied carry a mutation in a small region of the bacterial chromosome between the supE and gal loci. The growth rate of the mutants is the same as that of the parental strains in medium containing more than 1 mm K, but is only 50% that of the parent when the K concentration is reduced to 0.1 mm. The mutants do not appear to have a primary alteration in K transport, and are therefore referred to as K-dependent. The abbreviation kdp is proposed for this class of mutant.  相似文献   

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